#they are fruitier than a bag of fruit bowls
neptunezo · 1 month
I have never seen so much fanfic premise in one movie (this is a lie but let me make my point)
I was watching Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths — Part One. and OH MY GOSH
Further down is spoilers btw
Superman gets hurt and the only thing he can think of before potentially DYING is giving Barry and Ollie, Bruce’s address. THEN JUST PASSING OUT?!?!?
And Bruce is super skeptical at first but then see’s Clark passed out and demands they bring him in.
and Barry is like “he asked see you, so thanks for not being mad about this.” to which Bruce responds “who say I’m not mad?” Oh you’re mad alright, but not because your identity was discovered but because your boyfriend is about to die and he wasn’t careful!!!
and then Alfred just KNOWS what tea Clark likes??? Why do you, as a butler, know what type of tea another man likes???? If not for the fact that the man you work for is dating the tea man????
There were so many other small scenes just between the two that were so superbat coded im not entirely convinced that it’s not real
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squigglywindy · 2 years
Squiggles' Cousin Plays The LU Name Game
So, my cousin. Y'all may know her as the person I referenced in an ask game once as the only person who knows I'm on Tumblr. I am exactly 31 days older than her and we have been inseparable for life, but she knows nothing about LU. She knows that I like "that one comic called something about Zelda" (rip she was not paying attention) but that is it. She hasn't played any games or seen anything about LU. Just know she can be a lil inappropriate and I edited her a little but, y'know. It was funny.
I will call her Gertrude because it's...well, it's what I call her. But it is very much not her name, it's a dumb joke I like to tease her about that no one else uses so I think it's a safe pseudonym to use.
So I messaged her today and was like "hey you're playing the name game I'm sending the pics tell me what you think" and like the good cousin that she is, she played along. I screenshotted some of what I thought were absolute quality frames from the last few updates and ran with it.
It went something like this...
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Gertrude: ✨Alligator Warrior✨
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Gertrude: Frog
Me: You have got to be more creative
Gertrude: Okay. Sir Henry Hop if you're gonna be picky
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Gertrude: Sir Edgar Fair Legs. He looks like a fairy, but it's not fairy legs. It's Fair Legs
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Gertrude: Sir Edgar Fairy Legs Jr. This one is actually a fairy
Me: You can't do two Edgars
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Gertrude: Big eyed fairy boy that has attachment to blanket. His name is um...Sir Lucy. But he is known as The Boy With An Emotional Attachment To A Blue Blanket
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Gertrude: You if you were a cartoon. Idk Edgar I guess
Gertrude: OH! OH I'VE GOT IT! SAD SAM!
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Gertrude: Oh. Oh so they're fruity fruity.
Me: Gertrude please
Gertrude: Squiggs look at them. That's a whole fruit basket I have never seen a fruitier human and I love them
Me: What is his name
Gertrude: Idk he thinks he's all that and a bag of chips though. Um. OH I KNOW! FRUITY FRED!
(And then she sent me a video of her demonstrating what she thinks he walks like and it was hilarious and unfortunately includes her face so y'all just know it was quality and involved a lot of hair flipping)
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Gertrude: Oh that's Mark
Me: That's it?
Gertrude: Yeah he's just Mark
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Gertrude: Wowza. You know what Doja cat said about big noses
Me: Gertrude focus
Gertrude: His name is definitely Samuel. Samuel Elk Boy. He can turn into an elk
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Gertrude: Bowling ball looking eyeballs. He's adorable but my gosh he can see noises. He can see the sound waves. He can find my potential in life. Damn 👁👄👁
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Gertrude: Oooh a girl. I know she could kick anybody's ass. AND cook up a storm. MRS. EDGAR
Gertrude: If she's not married to Sexy Edgar she should be. She deserves it
Me: Let her be her own person. Give her a name
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Gertrude: Sexy Wolf. Mrs. Edgar turns into this wolf
Me: She does not
Gertrude: She should
Me: Thank you for participating you did terrible
Gertrude: Yeah whatever I'm still thinking about those big ass eyes they saw things I didn't know existed
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daisycactus20-blog · 5 years
Xoconostle Salsa
Photo by Hank Shaw
Xoconostle has to be one of the coolest words out there: Pronounced show-co-NOST-lee, it comes from an Aztec word meaning “sour prickly pear fruit.” Which, well, it what it is.
Most of us know that prickly pear is a spiky yet fantastic fruit. (I normally make a syrup out of the fruits, which is great in margaritas.) No matter what the variety, they’re called, oddly, tunas in Spanish. Someday I plan on making tuna with a tuna sauce…
Xoconostle is a cousin of the normal prickly pear; same genus, different species. Officially it’s Opuntia matudae. It is native to Central Mexico, but I’ve seen it here in Northern California as well as Arizona. So far as I know, however, these would have been planted by someone. Xoconostle does not occur naturally in the United States.
For the most part, xoconostle fruits, also called tuna agria, are green. Sometimes they have a pretty peachy glow to them, though. Nothing like the electric magenta of a good prickly pear.
Photo by Hank Shaw
Salsa de xoconostle is the most common way to eat this fruit, which is increasingly available in Mexican markets in the US. I found these at La Esperanza Market in Sacramento.
I commonly see two kinds of xoconostle salsa: A variant on pico de gallo, and this smooth salsa, which I like better.
Other than the xoconostles, which can be hard to find, this salsa is super easy: dried chiles, onion, garlic, salt.
Photo by Hank Shaw
What makes the salsa great is how you deal with all these ingredients. You roast them on a comal or in a cast iron or other heavy pan. Yep, you put the fruits right on the hot iron to char and heat up, then you let them steam in a plastic bag the same way you do when you char chiles to peel them.
Same goes for the chiles, onion and garlic. What chiles to use? I prefer chile morita, which are a smaller, fruitier, slightly less smoky kind of chipotle. Like a chipotle, they are ripe, red jalapenos smoke-dried.
Photo by Hank Shaw
You can, of course, use any of a variety of chiles. Some good alternatives, in order of preference, would be: chipotles; chile mixe, the smoky-spicy Oaxacan pasilla; toasted arbols; cascabels; chile puya; or, barring all else, plain ole’ guajillos. All of these chiles are dried. In a pinch you can use canned chipotles in adobo.
There is no substitute for the xoconostle, however. It’s its own thing.
The resulting salsa de xoconostle is smoky, spicy, smooth, luscious and tart. It is fantastic for tortilla chips, and I loved it spread on a plate alongside seared fish. I like it pourable but thick, but if you want a thinner salsa, just add water.
You can also see xoconostle in Central Mexican mole de olla, as well as sometimes in sorbet and in salads. I like it pureed into a vinaigrette for Mexican salads.
Xoconostle Salsa
This salsa highlights the tart xoconostle fruit, and alas, there is no substitute. Look for them in Mexican markets. 
Course: Condiment
Cuisine: Mexican
Serves: 2 cups
Author: Hank Shaw
6 to 8 xoconostles
6 to 10 chiles morita, or 4 to 6 chipotles in adobo
1 small white or yellow onion, quartered
4 to 6 cloves garlic, unpeeled and whole
Heat a comal or skillet or heavy frying pan over medium-high heat for a few minutes. When it's hot, set the xoconostles on the comal to char a bit. Set the onions down so flat sides are touching the comal. Put the garlic cloves around the edges of the pan. 
If there is any space left on the comal or pan, toast the dried chiles for about 90 seconds, turning them every 15 seconds or so so they do not burn. When the chiles are toasted, set them in a bowl and pour boiling water over them just to cover, about 2 cups. Cover the bowl and set aside.
Keep turning and charring the xoconostles, onions and garlic until you get some nice blackening. Remove from the heat. Put the xoconostles in a plastic bag to steam for 15 minutes. 
Roughly chop the onion and put in a blender. Peel the garlic, roughly chop it and put that in the blender. Remove the chiles from the water, chop and add to the blender. Save the soaking water. 
Slice the xoconostles in half. Scoop out the seeds. Ideally, you set all the seeds in a strainer set over a small bowl to catch any juices. Use a spoon to scoop out the fruit. It helps to slice off the flat top of the xoconostle first. Discard the skin. Add all this to the blender. 
Puree the salsa and add salt to taste. This salsa will keep for at least a week in the fridge. 
Wild Game Sauces
You can find all sorts of salsas and other sauces for fish and game here on Hunter Angler Gardener Cook!
Read More
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Source: https://honest-food.net/xoconostle-salsa-receta/
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
7 Superior Cocktail Recipes to Combine Up This Summer time – LifeSavvy
http://tinyurl.com/y4b72gdk Cabeca de Marmore/Shutterstock Summer time season is cocktail season. Listed below are among the finest cocktail recipes to get you began. There’s nothing like lounging within the solar, drink in your hand, not a care on this planet. However, you have to be ingesting the fitting drink. When you’re going to dwell your finest life, you have to be ingesting the very best drinks. A pleasant chilly cocktail is an ideal companion to your summertime enjoyable. Whereas the avant-garde finish of cocktails can get sophisticated, all these classics are straightforward to make at dwelling. Until in any other case famous, every recipe is for a single drink so scale up as mandatory. Common Cocktail Ideas Earlier than diving in, let’s go over a number of issues. The standard of your cocktails is (up to some extent) immediately in proportion to the standard of your elements. You can also make a margarita with low cost tequila, however your head won’t thanks the subsequent day. Alternatively, you completely shouldn’t make a margarita with a superb sipping mezcal—you’re losing it! For many cocktails, you’ll get the very best end result with an honest premium liquor—the type of factor you see first rate bars making cocktails with. Whereas you can also make cocktails with any gear, a correct shaker makes issues simpler. Equally, a jigger for measuring pours goes a great distance in direction of conserving your cocktails constant. A set like this has just about all the things you want for the cocktails on this checklist, although additionally, you will want a blender if you wish to make frozen cocktails. And, after all, whereas alcohol is authorized and enjoyable nearly in every single place, it’s a drug that’s often abused. Drink responsibly. Cocktails are usually fairly potent (and their sweetness usually masks how sturdy they’re) so be additional cautious to not have one too many. Traditional Daiquiri The traditional daiquiri is certainly one of my all-time favourite drinks. It’s one of many easiest cocktails potential—simply rum, sugar syrup, and lime juice—however owe the way it works with the bitter limes offset by the candy sugar and rum. Components 1.5 ozwhite rum 1 ozfresh lime juice 0.5 ozeasy sugar syrup Lime Instructions Pour the rum, lime juice, and easy syrup right into a cocktail shaker with customary ice cubes. Shake effectively and pressure by way of a bar sieve right into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a wedge of lime. Channel your inner-Hemingway and sip away. Frozen Daiquiri Whereas the frozen daiquiri could be a staple of awful theme bars, a effectively made one remains to be a scrumptious method to calm down on a scorching day. You’ll be able to both go away them purely lime flavored or add strawberries for a fruitier possibility. Components 1.5 ozwhite rum 1 ozfresh lime juice 0.5 ozeasy sugar syrup 0.5 oztriple sec 0.75 cup of crushed ice 1 cup of strawberries (non-compulsory) Instructions When you’re making a strawberry daiquiri, first put the strawberries in a blender and mix right into a puree. Pressure the puree with a sieve to take away a lot of the seeds. Put aside for later and clear for later. Add the rum, lime juice, easy syrup, triple sec, crushed ice and, if you happen to’re utilizing it, strawberry puree, to a blender. Mix till you’ve acquired a slushy-like consistency. Pour right into a glass and drink with a straw. Margarita Mexico has given the world loads of wonderful issues. The 2 most pricey to me? Scrumptious delicacies and tequila. I’ll be having tacos for lunch, however for now, let’s take a look at the classicist tequila cocktail of all of them: the margarita. Components 1.5 oztequila 1 oztriple sec or Cointreau 0.5 ozfresh lime juice 1 lime wedge 1 tsp of salt Instructions Run the lime wedge across the fringe of your cocktail glass then roll it in salt that you simply’ve unfold on a saucer—this provides your glass that traditional margarita salt rim. Add the tequila, triple sec, and lime juice to a shaker with ice cubes. Shake effectively and pressure by way of a bar sieve into the glass. Garnish with the wedge of lime. Frozen Margarita If an everyday margarita isn’t hitting the spot, you’ll be able to flip the temperature one other notch cooler with a frozen margarita. It’s a lot the identical drink however served like a slushy. Components 1.5 oztequila 1 oztriple sec or Cointreau 0.5 ozfresh lime juice 0.75 cup of crushed ice 1 lime wedge (non-compulsory) 1 tsp of salt (non-compulsory) Instructions Rimming a glass with salt is non-compulsory for a frozen margarita because you’re most certainly to drink it by way of a straw however, if you wish to keep conventional, run the lime wedge across the fringe of your cocktail glass and roll it in salt to coat. Add the tequila, triple sec, lime juice, and crushed ice to a blender. Mix till you’ve acquired that slushy-like consistency you’re in search of. Serve, and revel in. Sangria Goskova Tatiana/Shutterstock Sangria is a Spanish traditional for a superb motive. This candy, fruity punch is finest served within the shade with cheese and charcuterie for the total expertise, nevertheless it goes down a deal with any time. Be warned: this recipe is for a bowl of punch. It requires a whole bottle of wine, so don’t plan on ingesting the entire thing your self when you’ve got something to do in the present day (or tomorrow). Components 1 bottle of fruity pink Spanish wine. Suppose one thing like a Rioja or Tempranillo 1 massive orange 1 massive apple. Observe, you’ll be able to substitute the apple with seasonal fruit like pears or melons 1 small lemon or lime 1 cup orange juice three Tbsp of natural cane sugar half cup brandy. Rum will also be used Instructions Chop all of the fruit into small chunks leaving the rinds on. Put in a big pitcher with sugar and muddle or crush with a picket spoon for a couple of minute. Add pink wine, brandy, and orange juice. Combine effectively for about 30 seconds. Style, and add extra orange juice, brandy, or sugar as mandatory. Add ice to sit back. As soon as chilly, serve with a ladle. Alternatively, if you happen to’re in a rush, serve over ice cubes in a glass. Cuba Libre Tasty cocktails can take time to make, so it’s value having one thing fast and scrumptious in your bag of methods. Cuba Libre matches the invoice completely. Not only a rum and Coke, it is a celebration of Cuban revolutionary spirit—and lengthy summer season days. Components 1.5 ozspiced rum three ozCola 1 lime Instructions Add ice cubes to a tall glass. Minimize two wedges from the lime and squeeze into the glass coating the ice with lime juice. Add the rum then the cola. Stir softly to combine. Viva Cuba Libre! Aperol Spritz The Aperol spritz appeared to take over the world final summer season. Whereas the frenzy has light a little bit, it’s nonetheless a traditional summer season drink, and there’s no motive to not make it an enormous a part of your summer season ingesting plans. Components 2 ozAperol 2 ozprosecco Sprint of soda Orange Instructions Fill a wine glass with ice cubes and add the prosecco and Aperol. High off with the sprint of soda and garnish with a slice of orange. Now you’ve made your very personal Aperol spritz! Cocktails are among the tastiest drinks round. These summer season classics are straightforward to take pleasure in on a scorching day—or hiding inside from the rain. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod?n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0;t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script','https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js');fbq('init','267914477473431');fbq('track','PageView'); Source link
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