#these streamers and their fans can kindly go fuck themselves
eiimxko · 1 month
I simply think that white straight male incels shouldn't be playing genshin/hsr anymore and should just die afterwards
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420pogpills · 3 years
IMAGINE people thinking they know a cc's boundaries and feelings better than their own best friend. truly, imagine that. it's so so frustrating to see all these people criticising george and dream for the dynamics of their friendship. like it's just not your business?? if it really rubs you the wrong way then unfollow and/or block, but you really don't need to make a whole ass post about your opinion on something that has NOTHING to do with you. plsplspls people stop inserting yourselves into cc's friendships and personal lives i beg of you it's so weird.
unrelated but sort of related and also something i would like your opinion on: what do you think of stans trying to force other people into not liking certain cc's? for example, i see a lot of stans on twitter unfollowing moots / telling other people to unfollow moots because they support creators such as minx and techno etc. i don't understand why people can't just block and unfollow people they dont like and leave it at that? like why do you feel the need to convince other people to do the same or publicly shame them if they dont? idk it's just weird to me, it feels so controlling. the only time i can see that being justified is if a cc was being openly bigoted, but i genuinely don't think that's the case for a lot of the cc's twitter are trying to deplatform
it is indeed very very frustrating. it just isn't fair to assume things like that. by all means call george lazy if you want. but calling him a bad friend, or someone who uses his friends, who gives nothing back? that's just disrespectful. if you said that to dream or bad or sapnap or anyone, i have no doubt in my mind they would kindly ask you to shut up. if you think you're being a good dream stan by shitting on one of his best friends, you can think again.
again answer for a little long so putting it under here :)
as for the other thing, i think that's extremely unfair. that scary mob mentality, that alienation. it's so negative and upsetting. i have seen this happen SO many times, where people just reply '@ mutual @ mutual you're following this person' and i do not understand how they think that's okay. they are turning twitter into a school playground filled with bullies who publicly shame you. that's why i hardly ever go on there, and the only people i follow are content creators, and a few artists and few people i followed from tumblr. it's such a nasty environment.
and the funniest thing is how hypocritical it is. for example there's dream fans demanding people to stop supporting techno. so using that logic, you should also stop supporting dream, because dream is friends with techno. stop supporting every person on the smp because they are friends with techno. but no they like to pick and choose, they are so entitled to think they absolutely know what's right and what's wrong, and that they refuse to even discuss it with anyone.
you DON'T have the right to decide for someone else who they can support and who they can't. i'm sorry if something techno said once was offensive to you, i'm sorry if your feelings were hurt. but if mine weren't, if i can't take offence to what he said, if i'm struggling to understand why it's so bad to support him because he made some jokes that were in very poor taste in the past - forgive me for continuing to watch and enjoy that creator's content (of course though this is situation, there are certain things you can stop supporting someone over even if you did not take direct offence). but it's not up to you to decide whether i do so or i stop. forcing people to choose, and shaming them if they choose the option YOU don't like, is awful bully behaviour, and it creates an environment that is hostile enough for some people to just leave the fandom period. and it should never get that far, when people are just trying to enjoy themselves.
i don't watch minecraft streamers/youtubers because i expect them to be some sort of selfless humanitarians who were born to set an example to the rest of the world and be role models, who are perfect and can do absolutely no wrong. they are just people, and they will fuck up. some worse than others. but at the end of the day, if you want to make the world a better place, if you want to be the change - public shaming, alienating, threatening, cyber bullying... is not the way. but twitter isn't ready for that conversation.
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