#there's never any mention of people who questions where tf MC disappeared to for a year then multiple other periods after that
sunofthestar · 2 years
MC returning to the human world for the first time and explaining to everyone where they've been
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mysmelizabeth-blog · 7 years
Hi! Could you do hcs (or scenarios, whichever you prefer) for Zen, Saeyoung, V & Saeran (I don't know if you do Vanderwood, if you do then it'd be nice for him too, but if you don't then just forget it XD), as to how would they react to a poor innocent & naive MC, like, so gullible that she got herself in trouble because someone told her to go with them and she listened because... because she's so gullible?;; Hope you have a nice day...!
I had the time of my LIFE writing this omg. I came up with a few different instances where our MC could get herself into trouble, so only one of them is specifically like the one in your ask, but I do hope you like them!
The two of them were out on a date,getting some ice cream and just walking through the streets
It was the weekend, so there were plentyof people about, and Zen was just getting… a bad feeling about somethingpossibly happening to MC
Like his dreams, he always trusts hisintuition, so he was keeping a really close eye on her the entire time, enoughfor her to mention it
“Zen, you ok? You’ve been watching melike a hawk this whole date!” she joked
Feeling a little guilty, he laughed itoff and decided to let it go. He was pretty sure he wasn’t going to lose her,but that hunch kept scratching at the back of his mind:
She’s so cute, anyone would just want totake her!
And so naïve she’d probably just thinkthey were being nice and follow right along…
Little did Zen know he hit the nailright on the head. He had gone to the bathroom and asked MC to wait outside andliterally in the five minutes it took him to be gone, she had disappeared
d e a t h
He freaks out, asking people all overthe street if they’ve seen what they think sounds like a really genericdescription of a girl but to him it’s his princess, the love of his life, he can’t lose her so where is she
He wouldn’t have even found her if hehadn’t accidentally dropped his phone with all the frantic running around thathe was doing
When he bends down to retrieve it, outof the corner of his eye he sees her standing by the back of a white van ina secluded area, talking to some random creepy guy, and Zen can see two other guyssneaking around the other side
Now I don’t know if Zen has some kind ofwrestler or MMA fighter blood in him but he decimatesthose guys. No questions asked, he jumps into the fray and beats them tfdown
Takes MC home immediately and gives herlike a three-hour long lecture on stranger danger and did she never learn thiswhen she was a kid wtf MC
From then on he vows to always use thebathroom before they leave the houseor when they get home, plus The Buddy System™ is foolproof
As we all know, Saeyoung is the type ofperson to use the same type of joke on different people until he gets thereaction he’s looking for
And from the moment he met her, Saeyoungcould tell MC was exactly the kind of gullible person his jokes would have theperfect effect on
He knew the perfect one to use
It had never worked on a single personup until now, but he felt confident that MC would be the one
They were hanging out, playing videogames and just generally goofing around like two idiots… but Saeyoung was everplotting out his move, the perfect moment to strike
MC offhandedly mentioned something andSaeyoung knew. The time was now.
He sighed deeply and said, “Man, thatreminds me so much of updog.”
MC was almost positive she had heardincorrectly, so not wanting to look like an idiot, she just didn’t reply andnodded quietly
Saeyoung was shook, and for just a moment his confidence faltered. He waspositive MC hadn’t heard the joke before… So why didn’t she fall for the line?No… there was no way MC knew.
Composing himself, he waited until theyhad reached a different topic of conversation and tried again, this timespeaking very clearly
“Oh, you mean kind of like updog?”
He was practically sweating with anticipation as he watched the telltale face-scrunchof confusion take over MC’s expression. The world moved as though inslow-motion as she opened her mouth, breathed in, and asked:
“Um, what’s up dog?”
Saeyoung died twice that day… once, fromthe onslaught of uncontrollable laughter that erupted from his body, and thesecond time, from the Bitch Slap of Rage issued to him by an extremely unamusedMC
Now, V knew that MC was an incrediblytrusting and sometimes naïve girl
But he had never witnessed her in theact of doing something majorly gullible, so he felt like he must have justassumed or that was just what her personality seemed like
He felt uncomfortable leaving her alonein the house sometimes when he left for long periods of time on trips, so hefelt like it would be a good idea to try leaving for short periods of time atleast once a week just to convince himself that she’d be safe
On one such day, he decided to make avisit to Jumin’s place and told MC that he’d return later that evening, so sheshould just order pizza around 7 and he’d be back by 7:30
He figured nothing could possibly happen
But oh lord was he wrong
V came back at 7:30, as promised, andopened the front door to hear a movie playing in the other room
He smiled to himself, thinking that hewould join MC and they’d have a nice, relaxing movie night where they couldjust cuddle on the couch
Walked through the kitchen, grabbed aslice of pizza on the way in (which was already halfway gone, to his confusion…MC didn’t usually eat that much or that fast), and walked into the TV room,opening his mouth to say: “I’m h—“
V’s plate fell on the floor as he tookin the scene before him:
MC, sitting on the couch, watching amovie with the pizza guy
“Hey, V! Jason here noticed I was bymyself and asked if I wanted some company till you came home!”
The guy is out within a matter ofseconds, so fast that MC barely has the opportunity to explain that nothinghappened and that she’s fine
As soon as the door shuts behind Jason,V e x p l o d e s with “He could have been a murderer or a burglar or a rapistor any other number of terrible things and you could have died or had somethingterrible happen to you and ANYTHING can happen in a half hour and”
This is a RARE side of V and he doesn’tstop talking for a good hour or so until MC finally gets him to calm down,promising she’ll never talk to or be involved with strangers in any way fromnow on
He actually has to pry himself from herside when he has to go on work trips though
MC gets a lot of emails since she worksfor the RFA
99% of the emails are valid, from gueststhat the RFA members suggest or close connections
But some emails are… Not so much
Saeran takes good care of MC and makessure she’s always protected, and looking scary helps when they’re in public tooand anyone thinks of getting too close
But he never expected her to be sogullible because that’s sort of the one thing he can’t protect her from. Plus,being so protective all the time doesn’t allow for many instances where she cando something gullible
But he learned a harsh lesson when oneday MC came swaggering into the room saying, “Saeran, we’re gonna be rich!”
There was a pause
Saeran’s eyes narrowed dangerously as heassumed there was a story behind this, and probably not a good one. “Explain.”
MC’s eyes light up as she tells thestory of how she received an email from a Nigerian prince who became aware thata distant relative of his was wrongly arrested and in need of help. The princeis fabulously rich, but can’t spend money at the moment and fervently asks MCfor her help
She continues, “He must know that theRFA is filled with important and sometimes rich people who would be willing togive him a hand!”
By the end of the story, Saeran’s handsare balled into fists and he’s struggling not to start screaming and yellingright off the bat
“So… did you… give this guy… any money?”
“Not yet, no! I figured I would let youknow before I did anything.”
Saeran practically melts into his chairfrom the pure relief washing over him like a tidal wave
He gets angry like a minute later ofcourse, because that was a really close call, and gives MC a long long longlong lecture on never paying attention to an email like that ever again, EVER.
Then tightens up the computer’s securitysystem because you can never be too careful with gullible MC
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