onlygenxhere · 4 months
WIPpet (wip snippet) thanks for the tag @floating-in-the-blue
Been pushing hard in Julie and Luke’s book of Dares. It’s been a struggle getting the ‘right’ words out of my head. I probably really need a break but I also need to finish. (that’s how I work so there’s no real reason to fight it) Planning to take a mini break to work on the fanfest gift for the next couple of days. Course now I’m messing with this again.  
I’ve got a piece of a wip I was working on back in October that was inspired by several other’s fics but I need to make this more mine than piggy backing off of theirs before I do more with it.
It’s currently called Fire in my Veins and Blood on Your Lips. It’ll probably be rated M when it’s done.
Basic premise: Luke is a hunter, Julie is a vampire. In this story they’ve had a tentative friendship for a few months now when Julie gets injured helping Luke out of a dangerous situation.
(Snippet under cut)
“Julie…” he gently pulled her hand and the jacket away from the side she was clutching to see the gaping hole in her abdomen. He’d seen worse but it made his stomach roll at the sight of her exposed tendons and muscle.
He had to help her.
He owed her, more than for just tonight.
“What can I do Jules?” he said pressing the towel to her side.
He’d never used the nickname before and somehow it didn’t feel odd to use it now.
She bit her lip and shook her head not looking at him. “I’ll heal.”
“Before you bleed out?” He pressed on the wound with the towel trying to stop the bleeding. He could feel it getting wet and heavy in his hands. Even if the wound wouldn’t kill her he’d read that vampires could go into a sort of shock or cause damage to their brains like a stroke if they lost too much blood.
“I don’t…” She gasped as he applied more pressure and tried to look at him but couldn’t hold his eyes. “I can’t ask…” She shook her head back and forth more times than was necessary.
He sighed already knowing what he had to do if he wanted her to be ok, what she had to do.
He’d thought vampires were just walking corpses with a little more personality than zombies since before he even became a hunter. But after knowing Julie for the last few months he knew she was just as much of a person as he was and deserved to keep the life she had. This much blood loss might change her in irrevocable ways and he was pretty sure she knew it too.  
She needed blood and it’s not like he had a pint of the stuff in his fridge. The only way to help her was to let her bite him.
Julie was running out of time.
tagging @thephantomchronicles and @sovvannight cause I'm nosy what you two have cooking.
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anthonyjlockwood · 1 year
Five Songs I've Been Listening To
I was tagged by Kira @fandomscraziness22, and also Irene @thephantomchronicles! 💕
1) ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine
2) We All Fall Down by Radical Face
3) Astronaut by Damien Rice 
4) October Passed Me By by girl in red
5) Amen by Amber Run
And, honorable mentions because I know Kira was probably expecting these... 😂Together Again and Against the World (both from The Bright Sessions podcast, performed by the cast for their musical episode!)
I’m going to tag @ri-jane, @valiantlyweepingdreamer, @legolasghosty, and @caswellseyes! 
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bookishjules · 1 year
tagged by @thephantomchronicles (this made me smile so wide btw <3)
relationship status: single and too scared of overwhelming people to mingle
song stuck in my head: paul revere by noah kahan
last song i listened to: dancing with out hands tied by taylor swift (i'm at the airport and hella anxious and sometimes the only thing you can do is put your 12hr ts playlist on shuffle yk)
three favorite foods: ummmm blueberry pancakes, vegan sushi.. the black beans and rice we have for noche buena (christmas eve) (this could be so very different tomorrow. favorites and me don't get along lol)
last thing i googled: "kristen stewart zathura" bc i saw a post about women in movies who could turn a person gay and was thinking about how flustered i got when i saw her in her pjs as a kid lol
dream trip: spain. my abuela always made it feel like a pilgramage. like we had to go there at some point. the homeland etc ig. i've been to most of my other grandparent's ancestral homes, but given how much spanish and the food and the culture has influenced my life, it really feels like a necessity. so maybe not a dream per say, but a need. ig if i were to say dream... it would be a world tour lmao
anything i want rn: another gin and tonic lol but alas i must go find my gate for boarding.
tag people you want to know better? okay hehe. no pressure tags: @berylgrace @ninacarstairss @makememakesense
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prialanis · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Capa: Crônicas do Fantasma #4
Cores: Pri Alanis Composição: Oclair Alberto Arte original: Ray Moore Publicação e Design: Mythos Editora
Cover: The Phantom Chronicles #4
Colors: Pri Alanis Composition: Oclair Albert Original art: Ray Moore Design and Publisher: Mythos Editora
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onlygenxhere · 22 days
Wip Wednesday!
tagged by @innytoes (thank you!)
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days.
After you’ve posted, people can send you asks with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
The Wips:
Do Not Disturb
Jukebox texts
Letters from Rose
I’ve been in the new series universe for several weeks now so some of these I haven’t touched in months but I want to finish them all at some point.
Been working on Secrets-Willex the last few days. It takes place just after It’s the End of the World as We Know It. So, hopefully without spoiling anything… the first three sentences under the break.
“Why can’t anything ever just be easy?” Alex grumbled as he peddled. Peddled the neighbor’s bike he’d borrowed to go out to Willie’s place. It’d been three days since he’d last seen him and he was starting to worry.
Tagging @thephantomchronicles, @floating-in-the-blue, @sovvannight, and @bananakarenina
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onlygenxhere · 4 months
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Tagged by @floating-in-the-blue and @jmrothwell Thanks!
Two tags gets two sentences from two different wips.
I “think” I finished the epilogue to Book of Dares yesterday but that needs to sit for a bit before I’m sure. But I finished that 1st. Then I’ve had this fic idea based off the song Do Not Disturb by Hailstorm I wrote a couple hundred words on that yesterday. But it was also not the last thing I wrote. (I was seriously all over the place yesterday, very unlike me.)
So I added a little to the Willex wip I mentioned when @floating-in-the-blue asked about jatp-oneshots on the other wip game and I started a little Valentines one for them since it’ll be Willex Wednesday. Neither have titles yet.
Willie had originally thought they’d take a different kind of advantage of a quiet apartment but he wasn’t about to complain or wake Alex up.
“You’re lucky the 90s are back in style.”
Lots of people already tagged so I’ll add @thedeathdeelers, @thephantomchronicles, @60sec400, and @sovvannight
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onlygenxhere · 4 months
This Featured Fic Friday I'm suggesting You’re the Reason That I’m Still Breathing by Fangirl_in_a_trenchcoat.
It’s the first fic in the First Responders AU and while I love everything @thephantomchronicles writes I’m going to recommend this one today. It’s Juke, it’s got drama and angst and a happy ending. What more could you ask for! (The other fics in the series are Flarrie and Willex centered)
Soon enough he was wrapping her hand with some gauze, giving her a little smile when he was done. “There, good as new,” he said. Julie took a second, willing her mind to work before she said anything stupid. “Thank you.” “Anytime,” Luke said. “But let’s not make it a habit.” “I think it’s too late for that,” she said with a chuckle. Or: Five times Luke treated Julie plus one time Julie saved Luke
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onlygenxhere · 3 months
🕯️, 🥑 & 🥤!
🕯️- I can't get over how many of you want my opinion on editing... cause I'm TERRIBLE at it. Like was this just a hint that I need to do better? 😁 So it's still 4 out of 10. Not a fan and my give a crap meter for stuff being wrong as long as the story makes sense is getting a little lower.
🥑- Which mutual am I texting for help if I kill someone? I don't think anyone lives anywhere near me and there are people in my life I'd most likely call first (like the one I married) But for general "got any ideas" I'm gonna go with @innytoes because I've never known anyone with the imagination she has and honestly she'd probably have IDEAS.
🥤- Fic rec. I'm going the complete opposite of the fic rec in @claire8216's ask and go sad/angst. I really loved @thephantomchronicles fic I'm Talking To A Memory. It's stated at the beginning that it's sad and I loved every tearful moment of it. I cried almost the whole time I was reading, but sometimes you need a good cry. And it's got a "happy-ish" ending. It's so well done and I just really love it.
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onlygenxhere · 4 months
Wip ask! Peterpatterlina plssss
Also got asked about this one from @thephantomchronicles and @sovvannight. I am sad to say I have not touched this since the last time I did this ask. Too busy with Book of Dares but I got 4 asks and 3 of them were this so... guess I should see what I can do with it when I have time.
This is how it currently starts and gives the basic premise of Julie and Luke are "hooking up" secretly or at least they think they are and Reggie seems hurt about it.
They’d just finished unloading the van when Luke came back in the back door looking murderous.
“Julie!” He bellowed. “Where the fuck are the extra guitar strings?”
Alex and Reggie looked up from the equipment they’d started to unpack to see what all the commotion was about.
“In the tool box where they live Stevie Wonder.” She shot right back at him dropping her makeup bag on the floor.
“I’m not blind woman.” He huffed crossing his arms. “They’re not there.”
“Ugh!” She threw her hands up as she stalked toward him pushing his head hard enough to make him stagger as she kept going out the back door. “You would lose your head if it wasn’t attached.”
“They’re not there I swear!” He bellowed as he followed her out the door.
The door slammed behind them with a loud clang.
“Where are they going?” Flynn asked coming up behind Alex and Reggie.
“They’re going to have sex in the empty van… again.” Reggie picked up his bass and one of the amps and headed toward the stage without looking back.
“Again?” Flynn sighed.
Alex rolled his eyes. “How long are we going to pretend we don’t know they’re hooking up?”
Flynn bit her lip and turned back to Alex after watching Reggie walk away. “Is he ok?” she thumbed behind her.
“I’m actually not sure.” Alex shrugged. “He really hates the fighting and the lying but…”
Flynn sighed, “Yeah… might be more than that too.”
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onlygenxhere · 2 months
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Tagged by @floating-in-the-blue
From It's the End of the World as we Know it (of course)
“Again please for the rest of the class.”
Tagging @sovvannight, @thephantomchronicles, @1mnobodywhoareyou and @60sec400
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onlygenxhere · 1 year
tagged by @missjoolee (Thanks! distraction is good)
Relationship status: Married, nineteen years.
Song stuck in my head: Please Notice by Christian Leave (since Charlie posted singing it in a tictoc last month) or one of Kelly Clarkson’s new songs. Digging all the singles from the new album.  
Last song I listened to: Anyone by Demi Lovato in my van on the way home giving the universe a private concert.
Three favorite foods: sushi, double stuff oreos, medium rare ribeye
Last thing I googled:  Sam Jackson’s imdb: A movie came on that the husband and I weren’t sure what it was that he was in so I was googling to figure it out. It was S.W.A.T.
Dream trip: Pretty much Europe would be very cool. Japan would be high on the list too.
Anything I want right now: I’d like to know what the hell is going on with my husband. Doc’s are flummoxed. He’s in the hospital again. He spent six days there at the beginning of the month. We’re way too young to be dealing with this crap.
No pressure tagging @modernvintage, @thephantomchronicles, @sovvannight, and @floating-in-the-blue
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onlygenxhere · 11 months
WIP Tag Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (obviously some of you will have WAY too many wips to tag that many people.)
I'm actually out of town visiting my in-laws but brought my laptop with me so I could post the 4th of July fic.
Tagged by @floating-in-the-blue, Thanks friend!
Dash and Lilly au
In Another Universe you would be mine 2
Jukebox texts
Juke one-shots
No pressure tagging, @missjoolee, @thephantomchronicles @claire8216 @thedeathdeelers @sovvannight @daintyduck99 @story-courty
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onlygenxhere · 1 year
Five Songs I've been Listening to
I was tagged by @missjoolee to post 5 songs I've been listening to. I haven't had anything on repeat lately but here's 5 I never skip and tend to even seek out lately.
Paris (Ooh La La) – Grace Potter & the Nocturnals (someone sang this on the voice this week!)
2. Giants – Neoni (the kid introduced me to this one)
3. Tattoo – That band Honey (Boo Boo’s band)
4. She used to be mine – Sara Bareilles (my go to singing in the car song)
5. Rock Show – Hailstorm (and Amen, The steeple, I get off)
No pressure tag: @jackoneillistheman and @thephantomchronicles
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onlygenxhere · 4 months
WIP game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @innytoes, I'm not sure I've updated any of my wips since the last time I did this because I've been working on Book of Dares which is SO close to being done I can taste it!!!
My wips in no particular order:
Dash&LilyAU23 (epilogue of Book of Dares technically not done)
I'm not tagging 9 people, a bunch of you have already been tagged but I will tag, @missjoolee @thephantomchronicles @thedeathdeelers @sovvannight and anyone else that wants to share.
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onlygenxhere · 1 year
WIP Word Finding Game
Thank you @missjoolee for the tag! (this is what I’m doing rather than actually working on any of these wips).
My words were brush, finger(s), tear, laugh, wide
Brush – From a new fic I hope to post in the next couple of days in the Found Family Fluff series
She felt Luke move closer before his fingers brushed across her knee raising goose bumps in their wake.
Fingers – From a wip (close to being done) that’s from the Falling Toward the Future universe and I actually don’t want to give too much away about it other than to say it’s pure fluff between an unlikely pair.
“Yeah, sorry,” she left her hand in the box her fingers lightly playing across the puppy's fur.
Tear – From the Found Family Fluff fic coming soon – Like Real People Do (There are lots of tears in this)
The ache in her chest for this boy who was so delighted to be able to taste a cinnamon roll for the first time in twenty five years grew until she could feel tears leaking from her eyes. They started to get mixed up in their kiss and still she didn’t let him go the kiss getting even more intense.
Laugh – This is actually from my Big Bang entry that I don’t get to post till August.
Alex swallowed his laugh turning it into a cough. “Ok, ok, you two enough,” He gently pulled Luke back a step catching a pout from Reggie out of the corner of his eye. “We’re not starting our first ever tour off with you two bickering like an old married couple.”
Wide – Couldn’t find wide in anything. Bummer. :( 
No pressure tags @xxprettylittletimebombxx @thephantomchronicles @floating-in-the-blue and @phantomwriter95 (also anyone else who’d like to join in)
Your words are: guilty, nose, focus, wave, fate
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onlygenxhere · 1 year
Writing WIP Game
Go to your current work in progress and share the following:
The first line of the work:
Julie and Flynn pulled up to their home away from home for the next nine months excited to start their senior year of college.
The first line of your current chapter (or if it’s a one-shot, the first line of the tenth paragraph):
Julie looked over at Luke to see if he was ready and he was already looking at her with a grin turning up the corners of his mouth.
The last line you wrote:
Attention party people the bride and groom will be cutting the cake in about ten minutes!
A line for a chapter/part you haven’t written yet:
Luke needed to send Kayla a thank you card for putting Julie in a corset for her wedding.
Tag at least 3 people whose work you wanna see, and if you make a separate post for it, please link back to this one.
@pearlcaddy @pink-flame @sanssssastark @thephantomchronicles
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