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Talk to me babylon. Talk to me about the minds you have enslaved. Say something outside of these truths to me that can justify your behaviours against citizens of America and citizens of Earth. Show me how smart you are with your knowledge of THIS COUNTRY and EARTH. That's what I thought. You know only what you tell yourself and what is told to you. You are the problem and are no longer welcome here on Earth. For too long you have taken the innocence from our children and elderly. #IntoThePitYouGo #TheDevilIsNotWelcomeHyah You have all been found wanted by judgment from The Most High JaH. Your crimes against humanity have gone against the laws of God who has inscribed pon stone what it right and what is wrong. You broke the commandments that he gave to you and you dare attempt to lead others? He chose his people and he carries them through this life by HIS will, not yours. Human will is inspired by the creator or by the serpent himself. You have all done wrong under the watchful eye of YaH and you have stepped over boundaries beyond your feeble comprehension. Galactic forces are on route and there is no stopping what is coming for you all. The spiritual war that you have already lost has been won in realms outside and inside of these 3-Dimensions. #TrustTheProcess This mental manipulation you all play with innocent people who have yet to be awakened is tyrannical in its entire essence. The trauma and confusion that you have instilled within the hearts and mind's of the INNOCENT will not be easily cured, therefore your actions have been deemed reprehensible. We see the proof, we know the truth, we have EVIDENCE against you ALL. #CheckMate Your game is over and JaH will rule this Earth again for #HeIsHere #DisgustingFilthNewsMedia #LionofJudahTruth #TruthHurtsWhenLivingALie #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterhoodOfTheRose #AllShallBeHeldAccountable #EmperorSelassieIsKing #YeshuahIsLord #JaHIsCreator #babylonIsNothing #SaveTheChildren https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ1s0xQp3t6/?igshid=1exhhkdf8vru0
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@Instagram @facebook You are the epitome of hypocrisy, filth and peasantry. You give @pornhub a voice and a space to promote their filth while children innocently watch. You justify this behaviour? You deny me my posts of help to guide others to truth because it goes against your narcissistic programmings of self indulgence and pornography? It seems as if you block my words of truth so you can poison the minds of the youths. You are the problem due to your greed and egoical mental lack of overstanding. You will be held accountable for your crimes and you shall not walk away from these atrocities. For years we have been building our case on your forum. You are full of pedophilia and slackness. All in the name of WHAT?! Money? When you are forced to look into the eyes of the victims that you have had a hand in, that will be your burden to bear. Your company disgust me. What level of intelligence is required to work at your company? As of now, it seems as if you are all sick and twisted individuals with an agenda to silence TRUTH and promote peasantry. Your verdicts are in. You are lost and your scale has been weighed, you have been found wanted by The Most High. #SitDownSerpent #TheDevilIsNotWelcomeHyah #LionofJudahTruth #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #AllShallBeRevealedin2020 #AllShallBeHeldAccountable #RasTafariLives (at Hell) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDofOpCpmLK/?igshid=1iy6z3wle5har
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ATTENTION ALL. BEWARE OF THE FAKE RASTA IMPOSTERS! This is NOT a Lion of JudaH Original, and this is NOT endorsed by #LionofJudahTruth nor Official Lion of JudaH, Inc. Originality is something that many believe hard to find, so they must copy another with little to no effort in creating something. We know this as #Peasantry and #Laziness #Mimicry can always be looked at in a positive light from the one being copied but it speaks volume to the LACK of HONOR, men and womb-men carry as they trod through here on Earth. Many have come and spent time with me and have taken the teachings and called it their own. They have even gone as far to attempt to live MY life by sneakily repeating my words, yet missing one extreme finality in the end, the rebuild of what has been torn down and destroyed. What I do on a daily basis is not for the light hearted nor for the weak minded fool. It takes foresight, trust, faith, overstanding and KNOWING of truth that exists within the silenced soul and over exposed minds of the weak. #JaHDohSleep and he reveals all when asked, be watchful of those who seek to clone your essence for their own gain, where malice, ill will, jealousy and envy exist in the depths of their heart. Be mindful of the company one keeps, for the 5 closest people surrounding one, as an individual, one will surely become the 6th. For instance, Narcissists surround themself with foolish people, naive and innocent. Fools surround themself with fools. Lions surround themself with Lions and create a pride. #LionOrder馃 I have given away hundreds of my works for free and expected nothing in return. What I do expect from mankind is honesty, morals, values, integrity, righteousness, truths and HONOR. These are some of the fundamental values of LOVE. If one does not carry these values in their every day life, then one is surely not living in love but rather darkness and in competition with their fellow man. #AllShallBeHeldAccountable #AllShallBeRevealedin2020 #LionofJudahTruth #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterhoodOfTheRose #RasTafariLives #CreateYourOwn #SitDownSerpent #TheDevilIsNotWelcomeHyah https://www.instagram.com/p/CBgNkS0JPon/?igshid=6adnhxz46nkx
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Each one has a story and each one has a purpose. One must always remember, many of these crystals grow themselves within the Earth. Each of these are miniscule pieces of a grander body. A chip of something greater than itself, yet in its own form, it is magikal and shines its own light. For it cannot see itself, yet it knows itself to be what it is. #Truth For crystals house a form of consciousness, not as hu-man consciousness but without any doubt, a form of consciousness that is beyond comprehension of the average man. Since this babylonian plan-demic has taken place, many smaller businesses have had to close their doors. Many of my crystal caves no longer serve the public and it has been a journey thus far sourcing crystals for the loyal clientele that continue to support the cause. When one door closes and is fully let go, many more open and it allows the energy to flow. Trust in the process but make sure one's best foot is always put forward. Always living in truth, speaking truth and being truth. For there are those who have made a fortune with the demise of small business and there are those who have stood strong due to the help of community. The time is coming when all will separate and form their own Tribe and family. Tribal warfare will be inevitable as many walk away from the Babylonian system of confusion. Many would not have learned the truth, yet stick to their own cognitive dissonance and ignorance. Nation will fight against nation, father against son and mother against daughter. Only the true warriors of JaH will succeed in the next coming stages of this New Earth. For those who have eyes shall see and ears shall hear. So it would be wise to know this truth. #LionTribeofJudaH and #SisterhoodOfTheRose stand firm with The Most High YHWH and no form of wicked and evil shall ever prosper. Know that ALL who have been gifted a crystal from the I serves as a bond and connection into the future. Communicate with them when in doubt and one may discover, they are capable of communicating right back. #TogetherWeAspire #TogetherWeAchieve #LionofJudahTruth #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #NoFalseIdols #SatanGoingDown #SitDownSerpent #TheDevilIsNotWelcomeHyah (at Enchanted Spirits Metaphysical Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBWsFMApuvl/?igshid=xvtn87wgw7xn
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If you do not see a problem with this, you ARE the problem. You know exactly who is responsible. #SitDownSerpent #TheDevilIsNotWelcomeHyah #PeasantryInAmerica #Disgusting #CardiB #MeganTheStallion #FyahBunALLJezebels #LionofJudahTruth #NobodyBiggerThanJaH https://www.instagram.com/p/CFAHZVfJbH8/?igshid=4cl51dklvm95
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When people have a vision and a dream, only those who step foot in the direction of their own thoughts prove to be successful in their endeavors. Though many will deny them the help and assistance in bringing the thought into reality. There are those who know the work it takes and a simple gesture of appreciation and encouragement goes a long way. People who are eager and willing to help, already know the work it entails to become self reliant and independent of the system. Help your neighbor and treat them as a brother and sister. In doing so, the world automatically shifts into a better place. Deny another's greatness and put energy into causing road blocks in their way, well JaH shall smite thee down if one decides to do wrong. #SitDownSerpent #TheDevilIsNotWelcomehYah If you are in Tampa, Fl and you love gardening and farming, then it would be wise to take a visit to my favourite garden supply store in Tampa Bay. Check them out on FB and IG @urbanrootstampa or UrbanRootsTampa.com To make things even better, they have started carrying the Official Lion of JudaH Organic Hemp Rolling Papers. For all your gardening and farming needs, there is no better in the city than the personal care you receive from Zach and Bianca. With their help, may we all be growing our own one day. #BlessedLove #LionofJudahTruth #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterhoodOfTheRose #LoJOriginals #LoJRollingPapers #Hemp #Organic #Hydroponics #Clean #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #RasTafariLives #GrownYourOwn #Community #Autonomy #Gardening #Farming #馃鉁婐煆金煉氿煉涒潳 (at Urban Roots Garden Supply) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCH6WztJlBH/?igshid=agd05grafu2y
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For those who asked about the full version. The version is in the book, it would be wise to READ instead of bring spoon fed information. This is for confirmation and illustrative purpose, the truth exists in the past. #LionofJudahTruth #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterhoodOfTheRose #AllShallBeRevealed2020 #WiseUp #RiseUp or #GetOutOfTheWay #SitDownSerpent #TheDevilIsNotWelcomeHyah https://www.instagram.com/p/CAiWBb6ANY1/?igshid=1u80edfomjzaf
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#SitDownSerpent #TheDevilIsNotWelcomeHyah #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #LionofJudahTruth #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterhoodOfTheRose #AllShallBeRevealed2020 (at Bent Mountain, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAhIM3KA1Mh/?igshid=7mydolffy9bq
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#SitDownSerpent #TheDevilIsNotWelcomeHyah #LionofJudahTruth #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterhoodOfTheRose #AllShallBeRevealed2020 #TruthHurtsWhenLivingALie (at Salt Lake Regional Medical Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAhGBiBgNMe/?igshid=1wtzwti9no4ph
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For years they rob us of our money, energy and time. What will you do about it? Did you know the #CUSIP system is owned by the @americanbankersassociation and is opersted by #SandPGlobalMarket Intelligence. #SitDownSerpent #TheDevilIsNotWelcomeHyah #ByeByeBabylon #WeThePeople #FineYouWanted #IntoThePitYouGo #LionofJudahTruth #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterhoodOfTheRose #RasTafariLives https://www.instagram.com/p/CARPHNxgqbU/?igshid=1c4vnx7b5uvti
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Do a Google search for Jacob Wolf Oppenheimer. One will notice that it is not easy to find out much information as one would expect. You see, he was a very influential man to Mayer Amschel Rothschild. The earliest Rothschilds known, 1744. The Queen of England is of the bloodline of Rothschild as well. They have run the Earth since they discovered the hidden secrets. They have manipulated wars with money and brought death to millions with their experiments of famine and disaster. Queen Victoria elevated the British nobility as she herself is of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. #Bauer It is so easy to see their lies but it is almost impossible to find their truth. They are not truly children of Is Ra El, for they are Khazars, from Khazaria a.k.a. Georgia. The Khazars are also known as the Ashkenazi Jews. Many of these people claim to be of Yacob when in reality, they knowingly lie to the world. Every Prime Minister in Is Ra El has been an Ashkenazi Jew. Is Ra El is building a third temple as we speak. Does one think one's knowledge is enough to fight against tyranny and slavery? #EducateThySelf #ThereIsWorkToBeDone (REV 2:9) - I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Dig deep children, for the truth awaits all. You have been lied to and this lie goes deeper than one may be willing to admit. It is easy to live in this ilusion that man has created, it is extremely hard to remove one's self from the system. Plan your escape with this time that JaH has given you and shift over into the natural way of life, to live within the laws of nature and of The Most High. Hold the faith and beg for forgiveness, for only when one admits their faults will JaH bring reprove and resolve. Otherwise, into the pit you go with your master. #SitDownSerpent #TheDevilIsNotWelcomeHYaH #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterHoodoftheRose #AllShallBeRevealed2020 #TruthBeKnown #TruthBeShown #TheTruthWillSetYouFree #RasTafariLives 馃嚬馃嚬 #LionofJudahTruth 馃鉁婐煆金煉氿煉涒潳 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_WfIdKJaYX/?igshid=1er0onbumz82p
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How good and how pleasant it is to be alive in these last days. One can travel the world and discover the beauty that exists from the creator. One will discover people and personalities that resonate highly and one will discover characteristic and traits that may not agree with one's philosophy of life at that moment. No matter what transpires in this lifetime. No matter what #Babylon sends for the #ChildrenofJaH, know that no matter how hard the internal noise and chatter of one's mind may become, it takes a simple plea of help and protection to The Most High. He is always listening when you call on his name. He is always there even when you forget. The mind will always be the gateway for the serpent to slither its way in and one must be stronger than that. Be strong in the LORD and in the power of his might. One must put on the whole #ArmourofJaH. Protect the #ArkOfTheCovenant BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY. Know that #YHWH and only JaH can protect you in these times. Ask for guidance or suffer the fate of one's infiltrated thought processes. "Land of T and T" coming soon to a 5G death device near you. 馃槀馃槀馃槓#RiseUpTT 馃嚬馃嚬馃鉁婐煆金煉氿煉涒潳馃尮馃嚬馃嚬 #WeDontNeed5G #WeGot5D #KeepTobagoClean #FreeFromViolence #FreeFromTheDevil #LandofTandT #EnergyMediaTT #FyahBunIgnorance #LionofJudahTruth #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterHoodoftheRose #SitDownSerpent #TheDevilIsNotWelcomehYaH (at Pigeon Point, Tobago) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_LDohcpEYC/?igshid=1iitc0eh53gg1
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