#the way he went from a solid 5 to a 10 after a single Google search
synintheraven · 6 months
Remember when I joked about turning into a Finan girl with a healthy crush on Ragnar The Younger? Well uhm I found out last night that rl Ragnar aka Tobias is 1.90 cm tall which in my mind is like if you were to tell me he's a norse God reborn so yeah nvm guys I'm a Ragnar girlie now 🤪
Long story short: said I had a crush on Ragnar as a joke but I don't think it's a joke anymore *insert that tiktok audio here* - but also, Kyra (me) sold her soul for a tall man when she's no taller than an oompa loompa
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anthonycrowleymoved · 5 years
i know this was a long time coming. without further ado, i’m going to show you the final scores. then, if you so choose, you can go in and see my ~further analysis and information~ as well as other details and a comparison of lev’s earlier survey.
SO. here’s how it worked. i had a total of 561 people rank 16 of crowley’s hairstyles. i wanted people to rank the hairstyles to see if the results differed from when people were asked what their favorite overall style was. each person who gave a hairstyle a ranking of 1 contributed 16 points towards that style, 2 contributed 15 points, and so on. this means the lowest possible score a Look™ can get is 561, and the highest is 8976 (16 x 561)
1. 2012 BUN - 7965
2. GOLGOTHA - 7108
3. PRESENT DAY - 7060
4. 2007 HAIR - 6988
6. EDEN - 5547
7. 1941 (CHURCH SCENE) - 5406
8. 1967 - 4644
9. 2012 NANNY - 4146
10. BOOK!CROWLEY - 3650
11. 1970s - 3408
12. 33 AD (ROME) - 3040
13. 1601 (SHAKESPEARE) - 2770
14. 541 AD (KNIGHTS) - 2751
15. 1862 - 2708
16. 1793 (FRENCH REVOLUTION) - 2477
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graphic representation of all of the results, in descending order. as you can see, bun was the runaway lead, with the next four highest scoring looks™ pretty close together. similarly, the shakespeare look, knight look, and sideburn look are all similarly hated.
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fig. 2: scores sorted by in-universe order of appearance. i think it’s interesting to look at this and see that there seems to be....sort of a trend. in general people seem to like the very early looks and the very modern looks, with the lowest scoring looks all clumped together.
now, i’d like to discuss the individual breakdown of each look™, to determine how universally it was liked or disliked, or alternately the distribution of votes 
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eden had an average score of 9.89. people seemed pretty middle of the road on this look, with the occasional person either loving it or hating it. it’s a lot more divisive than a lot of his hairstyles for sure. (me, i personally thought it verged a bit into ‘bad wig’ territory, and i did see a couple people thinking the same)
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i was kind of surprised by this one being as low as it was! obviously it was in that grouping of popular hairstyles, but i feel like the general consensus you read on here is that this is the fan favorite. apparently not so. the average score was 12.16, however, which, not bad. people in general did tend to like this look, obviously, with a few holdouts scattered about
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fun fact! this is my personal favorite because, the headscarf. my god. iconic. and apparently y’all agree! it eeked out second place with an average score of 12.67
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so this is the first. not great look. people don’t seem to be crazy about this one. it had an average score of 5.41
knight look
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“oh maggie why is this even here we can’t see his hair” It’s My Survey And I Get To Choose The Looks. but anyway. no one liked this. seriously. this is the first one that didn’t get a single person to give it the top spot. average score was 4.903, which also isn’t great.
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look, i know you’re supposed to be unbiased or whatever, but this is a tumblr survey and none of this matters. i hate this look. i hate it so much i often forget it exists out of self preservation. even now as i type this i know if i scroll up i’ll see that terrible facial hair, and i saw it like a minute ago when i uploaded the picture, but i can’t for the life of me remember what it looks like because my brain has put up a protective barrier. you all seem to agree with me, as the average score of this is just 4.94. excellent taste all around
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LAST PLACE. i don’t completely. GET. the hatred of this one. i found it to be. very middle of the road. fine i suppose. but the people have spoken with an average score of just 4.42. so what do i know
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another one no one said was their favorite. i mean. fair. this one had an average of 4.83, and many people said this was his most heterosexual look, and i agree. bad. 
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this one seemed to be a bit middle of the road for people, which is kind of understandable. it’s a great hat, but i get that people like the more dramatique™ looks better. had an average score of 9.64, so like. not bad
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now this one was ALLLLL over the place. people love it, people hate it, people are indifferent. average score was 8.28, which, again, shows how split this one was. i for one welcome john lennon and joyce byers’ demon lovechild.
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i’m so mad. average score was 6.07. this is my second favorite hairstyle overall. yes, seriously. anyway you all are wrong and that’s all i have to say about that have a good night
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people kept asking me why i included the illustration from the modern cover of the book, and the primary reason was because i thought it would be funny, which is why i do most things. i also was kind of wondering what people would do with it, and the answer is seemingly ‘question why it was there.’ i wish there was a way i could have included ‘your own personal headcanon for what he looked like while reading the book,’ but alas this is as close as i could get. average score was 6.51. the people who gave said this was their favorite are my heroes, and one person described him as looking like an insurance salesman, which like. thank you from the bottom of my heart
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yeah. okay. i nicknamed this one ‘cursed’ in my master list. i don’t get it. i’m so sorry. i am like, the singular holdout who just can’t stand this hair. but i am very much in the minority, everyone else seems to love it. average score was 12.46. good for you, 2007 crowley. i will never understand you
2012 (Nanny)
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this is the last....not great look. again, a bit all over the place. average score was 7.39.
2012 (Bun)
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i LOVE this hairstyle, but i was blown away by how high it was on lev’s poll and i’m blown away again with how high it is here. i just feel like we collectively never talk about how much we love the bun look, and then when we’re asked we go feral. this had an average score of 14.19. how. gender, indeed.
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ahhh, the classic tennant hair. a solid look. no one really seems to dislike it, it’s just. not everyone’s top spot. there’s nothing offensive about it, clearly, but i don’t think it sets anyone off like some of the other top contenders. and i’m slightly surprised how little we talk about this hairstyle considering how popular it is (and i get it, he looks like every lesbian i’ve ever had a crush on who was painfully out of my league), but again, that might be because it’s Tennant Classic™. average score was 12.58.
the main reason i wanted to do this in the first place was to see if the results changed at all from lev’s survey when i asked people to rank their choices rather than just choose their favorite. the answer is actually like, kind of! not majorly, but a bit. the comparison as it stands without the entries that did not appear on both lists:
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if you want to see the changes more easily, i’ve done some color coding here:
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as you can see, there were definitely some shifts, but what i’d like to focus on is the change in rank of the golgotha hair, the two that came in last place, and the sixties and seventies looks. for the golgotha hair, i suspect that because it was so close to the mesopotamia hair, the vote may have been split a bit, whereas here you could have realistically given both a good score. lev also said that in their results, after the 2012 bun look, 2007, present, and mesopotamia were kind of always in a bit of a tie with each other, whereas this was the case with mine with the addition of the golgotha hair. taking that into consideration i think it’s interesting that that one ended up getting second place. 
i also think it’s interesting that france wasn’t in last place on lev’s poll, because there’s such a huge difference in points between the sideburn look and the french revolution look according to my numbers. however, as i said before, no one actually picked sideburns as their favorite on this survey, but there were a couple of people who like, loved the revolution hair. i think that may have ended up giving lev and i slightly different results, as the revolution hair is like ‘you either really love it for some reason (rare) or despise it’ and the 1860s hair is like ‘you either hate it or you’re lukewarm about it’. 
similarly, the shift in rank in both the sixties and seventies looks is also interesting, because they both moved kind of significantly. i think the 60s look changed because, as i said, it seemed to be a pretty divisive look. people don’t seem to be agreed on how much they like it, so there are people really Into It who voted it as their favorite on lev’s, but there are also people who HATE IT. i think something sort of similar happened with the 70s look in the opposite direction. i think not many people LOVE it, but a lot of people kind it not to be like, the worst one. as a result it went up a bit because, while few people consider it their favorite (can’t relate), a few people were like ‘okay it’s fun’ and ranked it semi-high, or at least there was more of a distribution than some of the more hated looks. also it’s almost 2 am i hope this analysis makes sense because words. the english language.
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adolanables · 5 years
The City (Chapter 1)
23. Do people really not like you when you’re 23 or is that just a song lyric? So far, you weren’t sure. You’d never celebrated a birthday this way, but you’d also never turned 23 before.
Three steps up the stoop, ten more steps down the hallway, a turned knob, and there it was. Your brand new (to you) studio apartment. You hadn’t expected to be moving in all on your own, but trying to get help from your friends was basically the same as pulling a tooth. If there wasn’t anything in it for them – they WEREN’T coming. You’d gotten used to it at this point, but damn, it would’ve been nice.
This will be your first time living alone, and you couldn’t be more ready. After 4 years of living in the suburbs with your friends, you were so ready to be on your own. Sharing a space with so many people was not only hard, but it also meant you really didn’t have that much furniture. The only thing you had brought with you was a coffee table, bed, and a night stand. Your new apartment was pretty bare, but you couldn’t have been happier.
It had been your dream since you were a little girl to live in downtown Chicago. Growing up in no-where town Central Illinois was brutal on your free spirit, so the second you could leave – you DID. You knew you had to take a commonly traveled career path if you wanted to make this life for yourself, so you worked hard and got into University of Chicago. Talk about a dream school. It was hard living in the city in old apartments, trying to make rent; so you and a few friends had gathered up the money to make the move to the suburbs. You’d finally be able to make use of your car that was gathering dust in a parking garage.
You lived in that small townhome with Mary, Laura, and Tanya for four of the most important years of your lives. There were fights  - some big ones – but you wouldn’t have traded those years for anything. But things were changing. Laura was moving in with her long-time boyfriend, Mary was still stuck in the party-phase, and Taylor was continuing her education. After graduating college, you took a job that was offered to you because it felt safe; and it was. You made a solid salary and were comfortable; but you didn’t move to Chicago five years ago to be comfortable. So, a month ago you quit that job and started applying to dream jobs of yours in the city. To most people, being a financial analyst is no dream job, but for you it was. You loved numbers, you loved business, and even more – you loved money. No, it wasn’t your whole life; but growing up without any made you appreciate it THAT much more.
To your surprise, you got a call back from one of the companies you never even imagined working for. You were starting in two weeks and knew now was the perfect time to make the move into the city. You found a small studio apartment on the north side of town and moved in immediately. It was fair that your friends weren’t able to help you, you only gave them about a week’s notice.
 To be honest, you had kind of forgotten it was your birthday. With all of the stress of moving and starting a new job, it just hadn’t been on your mind. So when your mom sent a “Happy Birthday Ella” text, you had to physically go check the date to see if she was right. 22 had been one hell of a year, but you couldn’t help but feel like it was kind of wasted – settling. For jobs, men, happiness – everything. A year long relationship ended in a brutal cheating scandal that rocked your world and since then you had sworn off men for good. You weren’t willing to experience that kind of hurt again. You were determined 23 was going to be a good year, there really wasn’t any other option – it was going to be your bitch. Period.
10 hours and boxes later, you were finally moved in. You had managed to unpack pretty much everything – mainly because you didn’t have all that much. To celebrate your birthday, you had made a quick pickup order from Portillos and were now contemplating what to get for dessert. Doing a quick google search of the nearest ice cream shop, you headed out the door – light jacket in hand.
“Hey neighbor.”
A deep voice sounded as you stepped out from your apartment. You turned your head down the hall to see a tall, handsome guy with handfuls of groceries standing in the doorway next to yours.
“Oh, hi. I just moved in!” You grinned at the guy, hopeful to make friends with your new neighbor.
“I figured as much. Give me one second – “ He stepped inside his door to set his groceries down and came back into the hallway. “I’m Ethan.” He extended his hand to me and you shook it quickly.
“I’m Ella.” You smiled back at him. He was cute – so cute – but definitely not your type. He wore a slightly stained white t-shirt and black basketball shorts. “Have you lived here for long?”
“About two years now, I can’t complain. Sometimes the hot water runs out pretty fast, but that may just be because of my brother.” He chuckled.
“Oh, that’s a two bedroom?” You wrinkled my nose, confused.
“Ah, no. I’ve got a one bedroom, not a studio – but pretty sure all the units on this floor on singles.” He explained. “My brother just stays with me a lot.”
“Oh, gotcha, gotcha.” You nodded, making sure to lock the door to your apartment. “Well, I’m going to head out and get some dessert. Have a good night, Ethan!”
He smiled and nodded at you as you slipped past him down the hallway. He seemed nice enough, but you did think it was odd that his brother stayed with him so often in such a small apartment. Perhaps that was normal for siblings – you wouldn’t know since you didn’t have any.
You had taken your time eating your ice cream in solitude and didn’t realize how late it had gotten. It was pitch black outside and if there’s one thing you tried to avoid, it was walking home at night. No matter how much you loved this city, you weren’t that stupid. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. So, you stuffed your hands into your pockets and walked quickly back to your building.
Thankfully, you got home without incident, but as you approached your stoop you noticed someone crouched down in the corner of the porch. Hesitant, but pretty sure it was a homeless person you walked up the stairs. Fully ready to ignore this person, you began typing the code into the keypad to enter the building. Before you could finish the crouched person spoke up.
“Dammit, I always forget the 5.”
“Oh, um, you live here?” You still couldn’t see the man’s face, but the voice sounded eerily familiar and you couldn’t understand how someone who lived here could forget a code you use every time you enter.
Standing up quickly, the shadowed figure came into sight under the porch light – “No, my brother does.” You quickly understood why the voice sounded familiar, but could not understand how two boys – twins at that – could have two completely different effects on you.
“Oh, I th-think I met him today.” You quickly typed the rest of the code in and hurried into the building – eager to get out of the chilly air. Even more eager to get into your warm bed.
“Ethan?” The boy raised an eyebrow at you, waiting on your nod. He looked strikingly identical to Ethan, but it was so confusing how different they were as well. Ethan’s face was friendly – softer almost. As was his demeanor, meeting him in the hallway you felt like he was already a friend. “I’m Grayson.” He spoke softly and sharply – almost as if he did not want to be speaking to you at all.
“Ella.” You breathed out quickly, approaching the door to your apartment. Grayson had made you so nervous, your hands were shaking. Was it the way he looked? Or how he was acting? Maybe just the fact that you had been convinced this gorgeous man was a homeless person on your stoop. Before you could get the key into the lock, the door to Ethan’s apartment opened.
“Jesus, Grayson.” Ethan huffed from behind the doorframe. “I told you the curfew is NINE. It is almost midnight.”
“Sorry.” Grayson shrugged, tucking his hands into the pockets of his dark black jeans. He also wore a white t-shirt like Ethan had, but it hugged his muscles tighter – he looked huge. “I met the new girl.” Ethan glanced over at me, surprised to see you still hadn’t managed to get the key into the door knob.
“Oh, Ella –“ Ethan peered around the corner, still in the same dirty t-shirt as before. He looked concerned for a moment, but his face lifted quickly. “Do you want to come in for a few? I have some wine, we can celebrate your first night here!”
As much as you wanted to say no and hit the hay, you couldn’t turn down the invitation to make two new friends on your first day in the building. So, instead of fumbling with your keys some more, you took the four steps to Ethan’s door and stepped in behind Grayson.
To say this was a boy’s apartment was an understatement. It was relatively clean, but there was no decoration and the center piece of the room was the TV. That being said, it was making for a nice evening of drinking wine and casually watching trash TV with your two new friends.
Grayson had slipped away into the bedroom early into the evening, so most of your night had been spent with Ethan on the couch. The two of you were on opposite ends, but he had made you feel right at home. He was very sweet, you could tell he was trying very hard to make you feel comfortable.
“Sorry for keeping you here so long.” Ethan glanced down at the time on his phone. “You’re welcome to head home whenever – I just know how lonely the first night in a new place can be.”
“No, thank you for inviting me.” You smiled back at him. “I was nervous about meeting new people, so this has really helped ease my nerves.”
“That’s good to hear!” He smiled goofily. “So, what brings you to the city miss Ella …?”
“Fisher – Ella Fisher.” You finished his sentence, realizing you didn’t know his last name either. “I went to school here, but moved back into downtown for a new job, mister Ethan…?”
“Dolan.” He took a big sip of his wine, finishing off his glass. “I know I’m not supposed to ask a lady this, but how old are you? That’s pretty big shot if you got a job good enough for that apartment – that’s not pocket change.”
“Just turned 23 – today actually.” You laughed, you had briefly forgotten again that it was – well had been – your birthday. “Well, yesterday, since it’s approximately 3 am of the next day.”
“What!!” Ethan jumped up from the couch. “You never mentioned a birthday!” He was yelling so loudly, you had to wince.
Not even ten seconds later, heavy footsteps came out of the bedroom and a shirtless – sleepy – Grayson was standing at the entrance of the living room. “For fucks sake Ethan. Could you shut the fuck up? I was asleep.” You couldn’t help but stare at this boy’s chiseled chest – his torso went on for miles. His hair was disheveled and eyes slightly swollen, but god damn he was hot. So was Ethan, but you couldn’t help but feel that ache in your stomach for Grayson. It was almost like Ethan was so playful and polite, you could never see him as attractive.
“Yeah, in MY bed.” Ethan rolled his eyes, but picked up the wine bottle and shoved it into Grayson’s chest. “It was Ella’s birthday and she didn’t tell me!” Ethan was drunk – very drunk – either that or you just completely misread him earlier. He was stumbling over himself and slurring his words, but still wearing a friendly grin. “Come on Gray, drink drink drink.”
“I think I’m going to have to to deal with your annoying ass all night.” Grayson took a giant swig of the red wine. “How old are yo-“
“She’s tweeenty three” Ethan sang, wagging his finger in the air. “We are twenty fiiive, Ella. Older and wiser gentlemen.”
“Ah, wise beyond your years I presume.” You spoke softly, laughing under your breath at the boys in front of me. You felt this was a perfect description of the two of them. Ethan light- heartedly dancing around the room singing the popular Blink 182 song. Grayson, knelt down beside the couch, taking full on chugs of this wine – an annoyed grimace on his face. “So are we getting blacked, is that what’s happening?”
“Hell yeah!” Ethan threw his fist in the air, running over the fridge and pulling out a bottle of whiskey. “Fuck that wine, let’s get serious bitches.”
“Jesus Christ.” Grayson threw his head between his hands and groaned. “Two shots and you’re gonna be knocked out in bed, Ethan.”
“You’re a hater.” Ethan rolled his eyes and began to take shots – handing some out to Grayson and you every now and then. Approximately three shots in for all of you, Ethan was not looking so good. His face had gone pale and his eyes were drooping. “Guuuys…”
Before you could do anything, Grayson had stood up – a little wobbly himself – and wrapped an arm around his brother to guide him into the bedroom. While they were gone, you took a few more swigs of the whiskey. It didn’t taste good, but the burn going down your throat was a nice feeling. You hadn’t fully healed from all of the wounds created over the past year and you’d be lying if you said alcohol didn’t help numb that pain way too often.
“Sorry about him, he’s just a big kid.” Grayson – still shirtless – sauntered back into the room. He had perked up with the introduction of the alcohol, but he still didn’t exude friendliness. “Wanna finish that bottle?” He raised an eyebrow at you and the half empty whiskey bottle in your hand.
“I really shouldn’t…” You muttered, definitely feeling the effects of the wine and whiskey.
“I shouldn’t either, but we already started.” He shrugged, plopping himself down on the couch next to you. You felt his eyes beating into the side of your head as you watched a stupid commercial. “I know an alcoholic when I see one.”
“I’m not an alcoholic” You shot back at him defensively. If you hadn’t been drunk you would’ve gotten up and left, but the spark of curiosity in his eyes and the way his sweatpants hung off his waist made your brain foggy. “I just… sometimes indulge more than I should.” You shrugged, taking another swig.
“No judgement.” He shook his head, taking the bottle from me and throwing a bit back. “I do the same- definitely not an alcoholic either.” He smirked as he took another sip.
You were confused and you weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or if he was actually being confusing. Was he an alcoholic? If he was why would Ethan have given him alcohol? Why is he -?
“Thinking hard over there?” He had placed his hand on your shoulder to shake you out of your trance and you swore you felt your stomach flip. He chuckled at you softly as you turned your eyes back towards him and shrugged. “Okay, Ella – let’s play a game.”
“A game?”
“Our own version of never have I ever – the best drinking game to get to know someone.” He smiled innocently, but you knew better.
“That is NOT what that game was invented for.” You rolled your eyes at him, tugging on the hem of your leggings. You hated what alcohol did to you, but loved it for making you spend more time with this man. He smelled like a fancy cologne and this cheap whiskey, but you couldn’t get enough. Moving closer to him, your knees were touching and you adjusted to face him. “But… I’m down.”
Thirty minutes, the rest of the whiskey bottle, and probably one hundred questions later you were now onto the second game of truth or dare. You had learned entirely too much about Grayson’s sex life and he about yours in never have I ever and you were both starting to get uncomfortable. You were absolutely hammered and so was he – both of you were lying on opposite ends of the couch, legs entangled in the middle.
“Ella Fisherrrr” Grayson huffed. “I dare you toooo – “
“I dare you to suck my dickkk” You giggled, throwing your head back at the joke you thought was absolutely hilarious.
“How about you suck miiine.” Grayson laughed alongside you, joining in on the joke. You weren’t sure if he was serious, but the alcohol in your bloodstream told you he was and all of a sudden it wasn’t a joke anymore.
Before he could react, you had jumped onto your knees to straddle him on the couch. His deep brown eyes widened at the sudden movement before he threw his head back in laughter again – he still thought you were kidding. It had been months since you did this, but what’s the harm? Ugh, okay you knew there was harm but the drinks in your system made you ignore those.
“Can I?” You looked up at him seriously as you wrapped your hands around the waistband of his sweatpants. To your surprise, he looked annoyed with you but nodded his head anyways. You tilted your head in confusion, furrowing your brow at him.
“Go ahead, suck it.” His voice had deepened and all playfulness had left the chat. The harsh lines of his face had returned and the scary demeanor you thought he had on the stoop had returned. You knew you should question it – maybe even be a little scared why he shifted so quickly. But your drunk ass just wanted to see if this man’s penis was as impressive as the rest of him. “Don’t just sit the-“
Before he could finish his sentence, you had pulled his pants down to his knees. A bit upset to see he wasn’t fully hard, but you wrapped your small hand around it anyways. He had a small patch of dark hair right above shaft, leading up to the happy trail on his lower stomach. He was so hot. He started to slowly harden up as you pumped him, but reached down to tug at your sweatshirt collar. “Take your fucking clothes off.”
His voice made you uneasy, but you obeyed. Now kneeling on the floor in front of him in just your underwear and bra, his eyes had glossed over and his cock was now standing fully at attention. He leaned his had back against the couch and shut his eyes, waiting on you. His change in demeanor had lessened your desire somewhat, but you still wanted to do this – wanted to taste him. You knew you would regret this in the morning, but right now you didn’t care.
You wrapped your hand around his shaft and slowly slid his bright pink tip into your mouth – circling your tongue around the head a few times before fully engulfing his member. He let out a low groan as your hand went up to his balls, lightly squeezing. After a few minutes of sucking, Grayson grabbed the sides of your head and started the thrust in and out. Slowly at first, but slowly picking up speed. This was nice at first and the pleasured grunts he was making was making you so wet. But he wasn’t stopping, he was going so hard, for so long, you couldn’t stop gagging and it seemed like he was never going to cum. You hung in there for about ten minutes of this until he took a second to breathe.
Upset, you looked up at him – sure the mascara was completely covering your face at this point. He was looking past you, at the TV – ESPN. You felt anger bubbling up in your stomach, but before you could say anything he tapped you gently with his foot. “You can leave now, you’re not gonna make me cum.”
His words felt like daggers in your chest – not because you had any attachment to this guy, but because the one thing you thought you were good at was just denied. He not only just used you for a sexual favor – that yes you wanted to do – but he also acted like his nut was the only thing that mattered.
You knew you should’ve spoken up, maybe yelled at him, but you couldn’t. You felt hot tears rising in the back of your eyes and you knew you had to get out of there fast. You pushed away from him quickly and started fumbling with your clothes, pulling your leggings back up over your perky butt. You slipped your sweatshirt over your dark brown hair and started patting around for your keys and phone.
“You know, if you’re going to be a slut, it might be helpful to at least be good at it.” Grayson spat at you, disgusted.
With your keys and phone now in hand, you could not help the tears from spilling over your eyes as those evil words came out of his mouth. Drunk you was not only horny, but she was damn emotional. She usually would’ve stayed to argue, but you really didn’t want him to see you ugly sobbing.
“Jesus fuck, now you’re crying?” He shook his head at you, standing up, full frontal on display. “You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here.” He ushered you out of the apartment, slamming the door before you were even fully out.
Somberly, you walked back to your apartment, slid the key in the door, and fell into your soft bed – crying yourself to sleep.
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meganharperr-blog · 3 years
COVID-19 Day 3
Why did I start on day 3 you might ask? Well day 1 was reserved for crying, self pity, deep bouts of depression, restless anxiety, and a shit ton of edibles. Day 2 was consumed by coming up with a plan. So let’s back track to what I can remember about those days and the questions I have been asked:
1.  What made you get tested? Did you have symptoms? I very honestly get routine tests. If I am exposed to larger groups of people than my norm, I get tested. If I have a bunch of makeup gigs, I get tested. I get tested for my clients and customers. It is my moral obligation and civil duty to make sure I am 100% healthy to perform justifiably in all the fields I conduct business…which is a vast amount of service based income. I am a makeup artist, and Esthetician, and a Bartender. I either have my hands physically on someone or I am serving masses of people at a given time. Now doing all of this I have become insanely hyper aware of sanitation. In my studio I have Clorox wipes at arms reach, I sanitize with Barbicide and I am Barbicide certified, all sheets and blankets get washed after every client, and if you have had your makeup done by me before you know I wont use the same brush twice and it must be sanitized in-between clients. This has all been second nature to me for years. So when I had a bunch of photoshoots and clients on the books I knew it was time to get tested for peace of mind. Only a week and 1/2 after my last COVID test. The only thing I can even consider a symptom would be the night before I had a headache. I took Advil and it went away no problem. I was also on my cycle and having cramps…or could they have been “body pains”? Shit idk. All I know is I made a joke about having COVID on my way to my rapid testing…
2. Have you heard that the rapid tests are not as accurate? When I got my results back in 15 min and it was my first ever positive I was shocked. I did not trust it right away and pretty much everyone in my circle said get a second opinion. So I got 2 more. One was another rapid test. The other would get back to me in 3 days. I mentally claimed it was a false positive. 
My brain: “shiiiit. There aint no way. No way in hell girl. You careful as shit. You got all these blessings coming your way. Business is booming. Opportunities are rising. Aint no slowing down for 2 weeks right now.” 
I of course made my partner come with me and get a rapid test as well as the test that would take 3 days to get back to us. While waiting for the results I wanted to get vitamins and snacks and what ever else I may need if this does become my reality. We get to Publix and my heart sinks into my asshole and I’m like…. SHOULD I EVEN GO IN THERE?! The anxiety started building right then and there. I thought to myself “Just keep your mask on, Social distance, you know wtf goin on just be safe” … as we get into the store I wasn’t feeling it. I saw older people around me and I just didn’t feel right and in that moment my phone started to ring. I bursted into tears and couldn’t even stay in the store. I just knew it. It was legit.. 
The lady on the phone was so nice. She asked if it was what I expected to hear and I honestly said “no”. Because I just knew I didn’t have it. I knew how careful I had been.I am not a perfect person by any means but I see y'all reckless ass Mfer’s out there and we are not the sameeeee man shit nawwww this couldn't happen to me. But it did. 
3. How did you get it? OMFG IDK! I have exhausted my brain with this question. How could this happen to me? Shit did I drop my mask at some point? Did I get too close to someone outside at ( insert bar name here ) when I went to have a drink on Saturday night? But it was outside? 
Googles : “Can you catch COVID outside? “
    “Can you catch COVID with a mask on?”
    “Can you catch COVID from  it being on your clothing?”
    “Can you catch COVID from a toilet seat?”
I mean you name it I Googled it. And the unfortunate answer was yes to all of the above. I got tested on the 4th. So I know I got it sometime after that. I of course contacted everyone I came in contact with….which was horrible! I felt freaking terrible!!! I swear it was worse than narrowing down an STD culprit. It’s like shit… you get an STD…you hit up your top 5, or top 10…look idk your life like that…and have everyone get tested. Let’s be real though you got it narrowed down and think you probably know who did you dirty….Get the results back and boom its over with. Take the meds move on with your life no-one has to know. COVID on the other hand can fucking KILL YEW, PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT, GRANDMAS THAT THEY CARE ABOUT, CHILDREN WITH PRE-EXISTING ISSUES, IT CAN KILL PEOPLE. So you gotta back track back track. Make sure all bases are covered especially when you work multiple outlets which is mad important these days. THE MORAL of all this is… idk. Idk how I got it. I am mad careful. I be judging you on social media for being out and reckless without a mask on. I get tested frequently. I have hand sanitizer in every bag I own, in my car, and all over my home. I AM A NEAT FREAK and a GERMY! I am careful. To say the least..but not perfect I am sure after working 10 hours in a mask I have let it fall for a few min! I am sure on my bike I have dropped it out of pure exhaustion. I know I have tried hard, but I am still human and this is all new.  So y’all non-maskers out there think you on to something…in reality you could have it too and not even know. Psh. Anyways. Next question…
4. Does your partner have it too? No. Somehow no. This is where we had to start coming up with a plan. We work together so this puts us both out of work. LUCKILY we have been saving incase of a shut down and we also have back up savings for a home we *hope* to purchase next year so that plan was solid…. But how to keep him healthy? Just because I do not have symptoms does not mean his body will react the same way. I need to make sure he does not get infected as well. We are going to continue to get him tested for the next several days to monitor that. He is quarantining and I am in what is called “isolation”for a minimum of 14 days. We try our best to stay in different rooms. We have a tiny apartment with one bathroom, so I am just constantly sanitizing right now. Everything I touch or may have touched gets a Clorox wipe. We both wear masks 24/7 in the house. Even if he goes outside to walk the dog, I am keeping a mask on. I have learned so much in the past 48 hours about contracting the virus that I do not even want to risk a drop of my saliva in this house. I am doing disposable masks every day. I luckily have plenty of masks and gloves from working on clients. If I cook I wash my hands, sanitize, then put on gloves. We eat in separate rooms or at the edge of the room so it feels like we are eating together. We are really trying our best and that is some shit they do not prepare you for. Your partner has to be careful around you. They cannot touch you or even come near you and sometimes have to remind you of that. Try to do chores in separate rooms. Try to not get your feelings hurt because its not that they don’t want to be around you, but it is dangerous and they cannot be. So my poor lil feelings keep getting hurt, but I’m a tough gal it’ll be alright I just want to make sure he stays healthy. 
5. Can you breathe? So this brings us to day 3. We have a plan. It has been working. I have my little cleaning things I am doing in one room, he has his in another…and I am pretty much in Go Mode. Before all of this I had a Cleaning Babe coming to help me with things so I had a list for her. I just embodied her and did the list myself plus some major decluttering. I have a ton of clothes to donate (that I am letting sit bagged up for 14 days just to be cautious before donating…some shit I read idk…might get anxious and throw it all away…tbd) so while I am going to town cleaning out my abyss I start to get really short of breath and kinda lethargic. I laid down on the bed to catch my breath for several minutes then took a little break from cleaning. This is the first time I have felt any type of crazy. I still have a lot of anxiety about the days to come. Will it get worse? Will I start to feel like actual hell on earth? Will I be able to keep my partner safe? Shit idk but I am trying really hard. They simply do not tell you about the anxiety that you will have. It is normal. You are going to be generally overwhelmed if you are a good person. Just stay good. and Stay aware.... and Stay tuned. I may not write every single day. But I will keep you updated. If you have any helpful stuff for me to read, please send it my way! If you have any questions feel free to ask. If you have been in this situation with a live in positive and negative… what’s your advice? My DM’s and PM’s are open. 
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gimmeyoon · 4 years
Tag Game
tagged by: @ddaenggtan whom I love and is one half of two spider-man’s pointing at each other
:: nickname(s): B, BayB, Sherbert (Based on my real name this is risky), Bob (Because my phone autocorrects BB to Bob and so my best friend and I call each other that).
:: bias: In BTS, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook (Because I am a whore)
:: blood type: I genuinely do not know, I think A+ .....
:: favourite food: Tofu and rice from a very specific Chinese place near my undergrad school OR from Sticky Rice, Asparagus, Pasta of any type, Tofurky sandwich
:: birthday: March 11, 1997
:: zodiac: Pisces Sun, Aries Moon, Sagittarius Rising
:: pronouns: she/her
:: hair length: OKAY right now it is SO LONG I’ve had short hair since I started senior year of High School, and now, 6 years later, my hair is an inch or 2 past my shoulders (I think I should cut it)
:: height: i am 5′3″ and one time I said “tall people should always be afraid” as I stood on a stool because BEING THAT HIGH UP IS SCARY 
:: a crush: I have a new crush every room I walk into I am hopeless also what ever happened to Alex the regular that I blushed around why did he stop coming to my Starbucks Alex I miss you
:: what do you like about yourself: I like my style and my confidence. I took me a really long time to feel good about myself, but I feel like I’m finally as confident as everyone always thought I was. I like my creativity and how empathetic I am. 
:: left or right handed: I am right handed but live in fear that I was supposed to be left handed based on my mom’s haunted memory of taking the marker out of my left hand as a child and putting it into my right and immediately regretting it.
:: list of 3 favourite colours: CURRENTLY: pastel pink, neon green, and pastel purple
:: (right now) eating: nothing, but I have a Mediterranean grain bowl from Panera in front of me  for later so I could use their wifi
:: (right now) drinking: Starbucks venti iced coffee with soy, light ice, and 3 pumps of cinnamon dolce syrup.
:: i’m about to: start planning for Spring semester which starts tomorrow! 
:: listening to: my Korean music playlist, which is named 음악, because Google translate told me that’s how you write music in Korean, if it’s wrong please tell me I don’t want to be embarrassed. It’s my most listened to playlist and more specifically I am listening to Tell Me What To Do by SHINee
:: kids: Does my cat count? I call her my baby and her name is Mochi. Or is this like do I want to have them? Yes, I have wanted to be a mom since I was very little, but that’s also maybe because of child hood trauma that we do not have time to unpack, anyways I always pictured myself as a mom but like not as a wife? So kids even if I’m a single mom. 
:: get married: LMAO according to the above I am not like that invested in it, but also I am down to get married one day. I’m genuinely happy alone and I don’t actively seek out romantic relationships BUT ALSO I WANT TO BE LOVED DAMN IT. Idk one day but no time soon.
:: recent phone call: My mom because she face timed me and I could tell it was a butt dial and I was right. 
:: (have u ever) dated someone twice: No. I am the type of person that is done when I’m done and my mind isn’t going to be changed. Also I never liked anyone I dated that much OOP.
:: been cheated on: Probably, like they swore to the end that they didn’t, but he immediately started dating the girl (my best friend) that I swore he was cheating on me with SO LIKE EMOTIONALLY YES.
:: kissed someone and regretted it: Literally one of my boyfriends, and yet even after regretting the kiss I DATED HIM WHAT THE HELL
:: lost someone special: Yes. No way to make this entertaining or funny sorry.
:: been depressed: We are thicc into the effects of seasonal affective disorder SO YES (I’m sorry that effects my work on this blog and is proof that being depressed TM does not make you a better artist I CANT DO SHIT RIGHT NOW)
:: been drunk and thrown up: OKAY so yes, the first time was my freshman year of college and I WAS WASTED, and then not again until MY SENIOR YEAR where I would be LEGALLY ALLOWED TO DRINK. I learned the hard way that when I am out and my friend says WHO WANTS TO DO SHOTS if my immediate answer is yes, it should be no, because I never want to take a shot unless I am already too drunk. 
:: had glasses or contacts: I have both! I’ve had glasses since the first grade and I got contacts in the 7th grade, which I prefer because I like seeing in my peripheral.
:: had sex on the first date: well as a Virgin TM, no
:: broken someone’s heart: Yes, and I am not sorry OOP
:: turned someone down: Yes, and it is always awkward I hate it
:: cried when someone died: Yes, every time
:: fallen for a friend: Yes, refer back to I have a new crush every room I enter 
:: (in the last year have you) made a new friend: YES, I moved to a whole new state and made friends on this here website
:: laughed until u cried: Yes and its one of my favorite emotions
:: met someone who changed u: I think everyone we truly get to know and meet changes us in some way.
:: found out who your true friends were: Yes and that shit hurted
:: found out someone was talking about you: Probably, I am pretty oblivious to things like that, so I could genuinely never realize. 
:: lips or eyes: Eyes I guess. I’ve never thought about it but I guess I think more about eyes than lips when it comes to a person. 
:: hugs or kisses: Kisses are great but HUGS hit DIFFERENT. You can kiss random people and it means nothing except hey you’re hot, but THE THOUGHT of the person I love hugging me tight EUPHORIC
:: romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous romantic gestures
:: hookup or relationship: Relationship, even though like to think I’m a bad bitch that can’t be locked down, I also need to be comfortable with a person before I can be intimate.
:: first best friend: from birth until the beginning of high school, growing apart from her was worse than any break-up I’ve ever had and I still think about how my mom held me in the car while I cried about the end of our friendship. 
:: surgery: nope
:: sports i joined: I did Softball and basketball until high school, played JV volleyball for one year in the 8th grade, and then after that I was a Cheerleader.
:: do u believe in yourself: Sometimes. Recently when Fall semester ended I thought I did really poorly on my final papers, but when I presented in both classes people were really impressed. I had even started to wonder if trying to get my PhD was unrealistic. I think it was the reminder I needed that I am smart and strong and I can do most things if I set my mind to them, so I’m dedicated to believing in myself in 2020.
:: miracles: I don’t know. Maybe. I hate to take a strong stance and say no, but I’ve also never seen one. 
:: love at first sight: I believe in like at first sight, but not love. Love is a verb and requires work. Love is so much more than just seeing someone, it involves looking into their soul and saying I recognize the light in you and I love it. 
:: heaven: I was raised religious but idk man. It’s crazy because of how strongly I felt about this 6 years ago.
:: do u have any pets: My parents have a dog that I lived with until 6 months ago and I have a cat. I want another cat uwu.
:: do u want to change your name: No, I love my name. But my alias on here, I think about changing it all the time.
:: what did u do for your last birthday: I went out with my friends, and did really cute makeup, and was really feeling myself. 
:: what time did u wake up today: I got to sleep in since I had the day off, so 10:00 am.
:: what were u doing last night at midnight: Sleeping my dude, I passed out at like 10:00 pm
:: something i can’t wait for: my whole life I’ve been waiting to live the life I want to live, and I know this is a sad thing to say, but I still feel that way. It’s hard to change my mentality, but I’m very future focused. 
:: last time u saw your mum: AHHH recently! My parents came up last week and I got to see them for the first time since November, and my mom cried WHEN SHE WALKED INTO MY APARTMENT 
:: what is one thing u wish u could change about your life: I wish I could finally make a solid group of friends where I currently live, but I am very nervous about it and I don’t put myself out there ooof I also would like to stop procrastinating the things I want to do like my YouTube channel and I want to stop being depressed and I want to go to NYC more often
I’d like to tag…. @strawbxxymilk @honiboyyoon @helpitskpop @sketchguk 
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Popping Our Cherry
Hey there :) 
To maintain absolute discretion, every name and location you read on my blog has been changed. But I can assure you.. every story is 100% real.
Before I delve in to the incredibly amazing and sexy experience that my husband and I had our first time at a local sex club, I think it's important that I give a little back story, and how we got in to this lifestyle in the first place.
So hi! I am your very typical suburban Mom. Mid 30's, two kids, golden retriever, we even have a fucking white picket fence. Totally, unabashedly, suburban. But only at the surface. 
You see, I grew up in a very conservative household. Which is odd really, because my parents we're quintessential hippies. I've seen the photographic evidence! Him with this long ponytail and 70's mustache, her in a scantily clad bikini top with bell bottoms. They grew up in a time of free love and promiscuity. So why the fuck didn't they teach me anything about sex. 
Now I don't mean that in a perverted, call CPS kind of way. When I was 9, I asked my Mom where babies came from. She mumbled something imperceptible and told me "We don't talk about those types of things sweetie"  and that was the first and last time we SPOKE about sex. A few days later I found a library book on my bed entitled "The Birds and the Bee's". And that folks.. was my sex education. Fucking pitiful. Fast forward 20 some years and I was an insecure woman who had trouble talking about sex. So fucking pitiful!
So let's head back to present time. I am 36, I have been married to the most incredible guy for 14 years. We have two beautiful children, a gorgeous house, and an amazing life. We are rock. fucking. solid. And I mean it, we've been through some shit in our marriage and we are still standing here on the other side, madly in love. I consciously make the choice to spend my life with him everyday, and he chooses me too. I could not ask for a better partner! 
One night, after a few too many glasses of wine. I confessed a secret I had been holding on to for a very very VERY long time. I was attracted to other females and I wanted to have a threesome. I swear..I thought he was going to fall off the bed! But.. to my utter surprise.. he was receptive to it. Hell, he was on board! And so the hunt began..
So, being in between the millennial and Gen X generations, whenever I have a question, I turn to the one true almighty, all knowing, entity.... Google. I quickly learned that finding a "unicorn" (single female, seeking a couple to play with) truly is a mythical thing! So, I found a few swingers blogs and articles. They all had one thing in common... if you want to get in to the swingers lifestyle.. start with a local swingers club. Now, I live in the midwest, in a red state.. surely there are no clubs like that close to where I live... right? Oh so wrong! I found SO MUCH INFORMATION! It was very overwhelming! 
After a fair amount of research and reading I found a local swingers/sex club and made a profile. To my surprise we generated a good amount of "likes" and "wants to meet" in those first few days. It boosted my confidence like you would not believe. I was still rocking my post baby bod (my baby is 5 years old, by the way!) So I hadn't been feeling particularly sexy or attractive in the last few years. Though my husband is always very complimentary, I ever felt very confident in my body. My once size 2 waist was now a size 8-10. So the validation felt good. We started chatting with couples and made plans to attend our first event at the club. 
Now the juicy stuff...
So what was the club like? So fucking hot! Since it was our first time we got a guided tour of the club. There was a bar, and dance area. An area with a pool table, and an outside patio. Typical club right?  Oh, except for the 10 private play rooms, glory holes, sex swings, and the BDSM room. Holy shit. This was going to be an EPIC night!
So we spent a fair amount of time in the bar area and outside. It was a gorgeous September night. Slight chill in the air. Just enough to make my nipples stand erect under my thin slinky white dress. We spent the evening sipping on our drinks and making conversation with our new friends. Eventually we ventured inside and to the dance floor. Drinks still flowed and we were all dancing and grinding on each other. We had arrived at the club with a couple we met on the site, Jen and Adam. They were so incredibly nice, answered all of our questions, and made us feel very welcome. Jen was gorgeous, small waist, gorgeous hips, and huge tits. Her boyfriend, Adam, super sexy. Shaved head (just like my hubby!) and just the right amount of confidence. We also met Shelly and Micah, a super fun couple! She had a commanding presence and was instantly the center of attention, and he was the strong silent type with a witty sense of humor. So we were all dancing and having a good time, when we saw another couple we had been chatting with standing by the bar. James and Anna. Anna has a gorgeous body and beautiful blonde hair, and James was really attractive and confident. They joined us and we had a blast on the dance floor! Eventually we all needed a break and some fresh air, so we decided to head to the patio. Now, to get to the patio.. you have to walk through the private room area. By now, the party had been going on for several hours.. so the rooms had lots of interesting things going on. 
As we proceeded down the hallway James and Anna stopped outside a room to watch what was happening inside. As I went to pass by, Anna slipped her arm around my waist to stop me. So I paused and turned to face the doorway where the "show" was happening. There were 4 people in the room. The BDSM room. One woman was strapped to giant X, while another woman played with her body.  Her hands were everywhere, on her breasts, on her waist, on her pussy. Then, she slid the thin fabric that could barely qualify as lingerie over to the side and began to lick. Anna's hands began to move over my body. My hips, my stomach, my ass.. It was so fucking hot to watch, and be touched by another woman. Before this point, I had never done anything more than a small kiss (once) with another female (a dare in the 11th grade) So I was in completely new territory!
Eventually we moved on down the hall and came to a stop outside an empty room. We all wanted to go in, but hesitated. We stood in the hallway talking and flirting and laughing for some time, before we all eventually entered the room. This is the first time I felt some nerves kick in. So as we all stood around the room, no one really making the first move. Anna looked at me and said "I guess it's time to sacrifice the virgin." I thought my pussy was going to burst in to flames. I was very ready. Shelly then came over to me and led me over to the bed. I gently laid down. She asked me "are you ok with this" I suppressed the urge to blurt out "fuck yeah!" and instead went for a gentle head nod and seductive smile. Shelly started kissing me. Very gently, with her hands on my face and neck. She then moved her hands and mouth to my chest, to my stomach, and then eventually.. down further. She gently pushed my white lacy thong to the side and licked my pussy from bottom to top. I let out a soft moan. she continued to lick and caress my pussy, so gently. Just then, Adam slid over and gently pulled the top of my dress down. He took my right breast in his hands and and sucked on my nipple. Then, he kissed me and reached down with his hand and slipped a finger in my very wet pussy, while Shelly flicked her tongue back and forth over my clit. I looked up to see Anna standing in front of James against the wall, he was fondling her breasts and they were both watching me. I smiled at her and she made her way over to the bed to attend to my left breast. Sucking, and licking, and squeezing. She moved her face up and kissed me, massaging my tongue with hers. She was a good fucking kisser. I moved my hand though the tangle of bodies to find her breasts. I gently squeezed them and her mouth was back at my chest. She also reached down to fondle my pussy. I was on fire. Anna then moved back to James, and they started making out against the wall. My husband moved in to take over just as Shelly made me come for the second time. It was euphoric. 
Then it was Anna's turn. Shelly went down on her as she sucked James's cock. Once Shelly had made her come, James flipped her around and fucked her doggy style. Adam came over to fondle her breasts. She came again, and James finished inside her. It was the hottest thing I have ever seen. Once we were all done we got dressed said goodbye to our new friends and rode the sex high back home. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and I can't wait to go back and see what happens next time. 
Until next time.
Mrs. Pineapple
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pkmn-fangamer · 5 years
Pokémon Gaia Review
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Hi guys! This is my first Pokemon fan game review. Hopefully there will be many to follow! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. If you want to skip right to the review part, you can scroll past Description and How to Play. If you want any more details on the game that I don’t cover here, feel free to send me an ask! Also, if you have any games you’d like me to review, feel free to send in requests as well.
The storied Orbtus region was once populated by a prosperous civilization. They created several monuments to their gods and guardians. Their untimely demise was brought about by a series of disastrous earthquakes; all that remains of their society are their temples, idols and story, as relics of the past.
In the present day, local archaeologist and Pokémon Professor, Professor Redwood, has noticed an increase in the region’s seismic activity. Propelled by a growing concern for Orbtus’ safety, he seeks the assistance of new Pokémon Trainers with a flair for adventure in the rural Celanto Town, a seaside town near the mysterious totem poles, and your home! Will you, along with the help of the Professor and your rival, be able to prevent the earth from consuming the region once more?
How to Play:
To play Pokemon Gaia, you’ll need to download a few things. They are Visual Boy Advance, Pokemon Gaia (V3.2), Pokemon Fire Red, and NUPS. I highly recommend watching this video, which contains links to all these necessary pieces in the description and teaches you exactly how put them all together.
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From my first few minutes playing, I could tell that the story in this game would be fairly put together. It seemed to have a lot of potential, being based on the Regis and having ancient roots in regional history. However, I feel as though the story didn’t live up to its full potential. It wasn’t horrible by any means; it just could have been better. For the most part, it feels a lot like a standard main series game story.
The overall story is very formulaic. You have your silent protagonist, kind of bland rival, professor named after a tree, an evil team called the New Elders, etc. None of the characters are particularly memorable to me, but none of them are particularly bad either. One particularly interesting surprise was a character from another region in a leadership role- that’s the most I’ll say about that, though.
Overall, this story isn’t the best one you’ll ever see in a Pokemon, but it gets the job done, and serves to be fairly interesting.
Score: 7/10
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I’ll begin with the selection of starters. To my pleasure, the available ones are the Sinnoh starters, which feels right for this game. I’ve also never seen another fan game with solely Sinnoh starters before, and I’m partial to the Sinnoh region, so this was a pleasure for me.
The range of Pokemon available in this game is amazing. There are Pokemon included up to and including Gen 6, with every mega evolution. One person playing this game will never have the same team as another- there are just so many options right from the beginning. Just from the first three routes and towns, you can seriously build a decent team of six Pokemon. Or you can wait like I did and pick up one Pokemon at a time along the way.
One thing of note that I appreciate is the availability of all types of Pokemon, and it’s clear that there are specific areas in the game dedicated to most Pokemon types. Notably, ice type Pokemon are available in a relatively early part of the game. No main series game offers ice types before the fifth badge, whereas ice types are readily available directly after your second gym battle.
Score: 10/10
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The overall difficulty of the game is medium-high. I’d compare it to Gens 1-5; it’s definitely harder than 6 and 7. Trainers frequently have Pokemon about the same level as you, or only a few under. I did have to do some grinding and was actually beaten by my rival a couple of times. However, grinding is easy with the speed up button since this game is played on Virtual Boy Advance. I’d also like to note that I was pleasantly surprised that the grunts of the evil team are actually a bit stronger than the average trainer you’ll battle. This really helps bring the New Elders to life as an actual threat.
Additionally, there are several nice additional touches that really help bring the Orbtus region to life. Almost every NPC you talk to actually has something meaningful to say; they’re packed with optional side quest offers, items to give out, Pokemon to trade, and offer a wealth of information about the history of the region and local towns.
Like a normal main series Pokemon game, Gaia includes a normal eight-gym circuit, and each gym has a simple, yet unique gym puzzle that is fun to solve but not overly difficult.
The biggest deficit to me was the appearance of HMs. Like Gen 6 and earlier, HMs are not only present, but required to get around the game and find hidden places and items. For older fan games I would not count this against the creator but being that this game was finished after the release of Alola, I think this game could have been better without them.
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The art found in Gaia is truly reminiscent of Gen 3 games Fire Red and Leaf Green, with a decent number of maps being mostly made of these tiles. As the game went on, more areas used original tiles. There was a desert area, a farm-based area, a canyon, and so many different environments. However, one thing that I really didn’t like was the lack original design when it came to the evil team. The grunt design was imported directly from BW2, and the overworld sprite for the team leader is the old lady one from FRLG that may be slightly edited.
One of my personal favorite cities is Windmist City, which is a snowy city far north similar to Snowbelle or Snowpoint. The weather there is constantly snowy, and the snow is well animated. It’s neat to see a snowy town in Gen 3 graphics. The NPCs in Windmist are also unique, dressed in coats and drawn distinct from the default NPCs from FRLG. Another interesting city is Telemurk City, which was run by a gang, and reminded me of a more put-together Po Town from Alola.
Overall, the music is passable. There are few original tracks, with most music imported directly from FRLG. My favorite original track is the Elder Nights admin theme. I would have enjoyed more original tracks, but I do prefer this if the alternative could have been badly composed music.
Score: 7.5/10
This isn’t a rated section, but it’s nice to know what kind of community support you’ll get going into a game. Unfortunately, while there is a decent amount of people that enjoy Gaia, there isn’t a big fandom presence. There’s only a partially filled out wiki with some not-so-reliable information, which was disappointing to me. However, there are some google sheets of helpful info that you can find in the discord channel.
I’d also like to say that while the story of this game is finished, a new version is set to come out, which should give Gaia some post game content.
After only visiting a few of the first towns, I noticed something about Gaia that’s hard to find in a lot of fan games: a polished final product that is truly similar to a main series game. I can’t find single grammatical, language, or graphical error in the whole game, which significantly contributes to the feeling that this could be a main series Pokemon game.
All in all, I did enjoy playing this game, and would recommend it- especially to someone that really wants a game that doesn’t deviate from the Pokemon Formula. In terms of where I’d rank it among Pokemon fangames, I’d put it in the upper middle of the pack. I would rank it higher among fan games, but it lacks a sort of wow factor that the very best fangames have. Everything considered, this is a solid game that’s definitely worth a play.
Final Score: 8/10
3 notes · View notes
brundungerelle · 3 years
Organized raw data from reports I read
These are reports found on erowid and from Alexander Shulgin's reports as of 23/07/21. You can find most of them by copy and pasting the quotes with erowid and/or the drug listed in google if the quote doesn't collect the report. Drugs are compared to the hangover/comedown of MDMA.
5-Methyl-MDA had 3 reports I read 2 reports had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report had mention of "So far my afterglow is perfect. Almost a day after mushrooms kind of afterglow for me. Doesn't have a chemical/fake feel to it."
BDB had 2 reports I read 1 report with zolpidem, DPT, and methylone had mention of this "I felt rather spacey the next day, and there seemed to be a lingering anorexic effect I don't recall having from other related substances." "Neither of these day-after effects were all that bothersome though; nothing worse than the day after a solid dose of MDMA or LSD." "In some ways, the first few hours after waking, it felt like a mild continuation of the BDB high, which was enjoyable and not really what I'd classify as a hangover. " 1 report had mention of "It has the special magic of MDA/MDMA but seemed far gentler on the body without the severe depression the next day."
MDEA or MDE had 13 conflicting reports I read with one skipped because it was in German 2 reports had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report with MDMA and 5-MeO-DiPT had mention of "No other problems apart from feeling thoroughly physically and emotionally drained." 1 report in German 1 report had mention of this "The tail end of the experience had some lingering body effects. While this felt a little like the end of an MDMA experience, it was not as bad. Where one normally get a sad 'waving bye-bye to the good friend as they're leaving' feeling when the effects of MDMA subside, this was less sad, seemingly in the same proportion that the MDE effects were less 'Super Happy Lovey Yumm' than MDMA has been." "It seemed like the body and mind effects lingered for a couple more hours." "The next day, the hangover effects were calm for both of us. A mild headache for Zam which is normal for him after virtually all entheogens. He took an additional L-Tryptophan and ate normally. Definitely feeling a little tired, but nowhere near as run down as after MDMA. We both also experienced mild jaw tension the day after.Two days later the hangover from the MDE was mostly non-existent, certainly significantly less than 2 days after MDMA." 1 report had mention of this "Without taking an SSRI, the delicious afterglow persisted strongly into the next day, and even somewhat into the second (particularly when combined with another small dose of 5-HTP). I bathed in the incredible sensations of love and pleasure."(it should be noted that the author did take supplements to alleviate symptoms) 1 report had no mention of aftereffects and it should be noted this report had ambiguous identity to the substance taken 1 report with magic mushrooms had mention of a "wonderful afterglow" 1 report had mention of "I feel pretty good and hangover is minimal. I feel much better on a day after than I would with mda or mdma." 1 report had mention of "the next day wasn't a big deal, I'm sure that I was a lil' fuzzy, but nothing that stands out in my mind." 1 report had mention of this "Throughout the next day I felt low-power flashes of the same energy as the previous night. Coffee helped re-kindle those, as it does with MDMA.I felt throughout the entire experience a tightness in my neck and shoulder muscles. Not sore, but definitely tense. Even at +24 hours or so, they are still tight.The down side is not near as draining as mdma. I feel fairly good, though our discovery of a burglary at our house has dampened my spirits slightly. I feel as if this would be far worse had I been emotionally exposed by MDMA." 1 report with MDMA and MDA had mention of this "T - 6:00 slight headache and back tension.... EmergenC seems to have helped with basic signs of potassium depletion. Over so far very smooth come down, smoother than the same dose of any of the three alone (I.e., 150mg of any one alone)." 1 report with magic mushrooms had mention of "no real hangover"
MDOH had 1 report I read 1 report had mention of "felt unusually tired for several days after the first trial."
MDPR had 2 reports I read 2 reports had no mention of a hangover or comedown
MDPT had 3/4 reports I read mentioning very weak effects implying the subtance is probably MPDT 1 report had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report had mention of "I felt refreshed and relaxed on the following morning." 1 report with etizolam had mention of "Coming down, starting to get drowsy although wide awake, the etizolam is making me feel better." 1 report had mention of "There is mild residual mood uplift."
MMDA had 3 reports I read 2 reports had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report had mention of this "There was also no hangover the next day from MMDA." "no appreciable comedown, no significant after-affects at all." "much easier to handle than MDA, with no comedown at all."
MBDB had 16 conflicting reports I read implying inaccuracy of substance taken 5 reports had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report had mention of "The next morning I awoke feeling refreshed, contented." 1 report had mention of "The drug does have a great after glow however." 1 outlier report had mention of this "The next day, I experienced some very significant hangover effects. This took me by surprise, as MDMA type drugs almost never give me any negative aftereffects (and when they do, they're clearly attributable to insufficient sleep afterwards). Usually, MDMA type drugs leave me feeling a very positive happy glow for several days. Not MBDB!" "Second, I had a drained, dull, chewed-up feeling all day. This was nothing like the tired but pleasant afterglow I get from MDMA. It sucked." "PostScript: I did, in fact, come down with a flu the next day and some of the after effects I experienced were very probably related to just being on the brink of getting sick." 1 report with MDMA and GHB had mention of "the next day went by swimmingly with no particular hangover or crash whatsoever." 1 report had mention of "The next day I had an irritating hangover" 1 report had mention of "The next few days there was a very real drained feeling, with difficulty falling asleep." 1 report had mention of this "As far as aftereffects the next day, they were all positive. I had alot of energy." "There was a slight headache when I woke up but it was easily remedied by drinking a big glass of water." 1 report had mention of this "Very slow come down. Mild headache kicks in. We notice that we are extremely hungry not having eaten all day. We had an afterglow until about 8:00pm (T+10:00)." 1 report had mention of "Wake with no hangover and a pleasant feeling that lasts throughout the day." 1 report had mention of "It is the next day now and there are no noticeable after-effects." 1 report had mention of "T+5h24m: Mild headache (maybe from smoking alot, though) and I still have that annoying jaw clench (much better though) . Feeling emotionally fine."
DMMDA had 2 reports I read 1 had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 had mention of "Eye dilation gone at 8:00 PM (13 hrs) and urination apparatus worked normally. slept well - AM - excellent spirits."
EDMA had 1 report I read 1 report had no mention of a hangover or comedown
6-APDB had 2 reports I read 1 report had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report with alcohol had mention of this "I was still pretty monged out (likely from alcohol and sleep deprivation.)." "There was no mid-week mood dip, but I've never had any post-MDMA or post-BZP+TFMPP mood issues before."
6-MAPB had 1 report I read 1 report had mention of "no aftereffects which is typical for said reporter with experience of "5-apb, 6-apb, 5-apdb, 5-mapb at the time of this experience, 6-apdb a few months after."
6-APB had 14 reports I read (84 total reports as of 21/07/25) 3 reports had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report had multiple other experiences to justify "Generally speaking I did not find any negative hangover effects." 1 report with cannabis had mention of this "The next day I feel strong bodily discomfort and a good bit of fatigue. I feel bloated and have stomach cramps the entire day, and find myself having to urinate very frequently. The week that followed was awful. I was incredibly fatigued every single day, finding myself taking frequent and long naps. Every waking moment felt like I was half asleep. I was stricken with intense anxiety at random times for no discernible reason. Thankfully I didn't feel too many depressive symptoms, just a great deal of anxiety and fatigue." 1 report with etiozlam had mention of "I took a few Etizolam during the plane and drive into Colorado and slept the entire day, feeling beat but not depressed that night." 1 report with alcohol, zolpidem, and citalopram had mention of "For the next two days I felt drained in the same way I do after rolling on any of the entactogens. It wasn’t really any better or worse. That sort of unmotivated low energy that happens after a major serotonin depletion. By three days out I was good as new." 1 report with MXE and cannabis had mention of "I felt fine the next day, just a bit tired. I did not have that “stupid” feeling I have often the day after MDMA or MDA." 1 report had mention of this "The hangover was CLEARLY the least enjoyable part of this experience, though I cannot say for certain that it wasn't at least as much caffeine and fluid deprivation from the prior few days of rather unhealthy low-sleep evenings that I'd spent.... Both lack of caffeine and dehydration give me a headache, ALONG with my normal intensely unpleasant come-down from empathogens." "I was afflicted with the worst serotonin depletion headache, hangover, and feeling of sheer misery I'd ever gotten. I was only feeling mildly better after 5 hours, 2 aspirin, food, caffeine pills, and about a quart of water. I'm telling you this was bad." 1 report had mention of "6:00 ... Come down is very gentile [sic]." and "7:00 -- Back to baseline." 1 report with alcohol had mention of "With difficulty we manage the bare minimum of hours of sleep. The next day I experience significant after glow effects." 1 report had mention of this "T-12:00 : Nearing baseline. I am extremely tired and simply fall asleep. I do not sleep well however, I was constantly awoken by seemingly nothing and was not well rested upon rising." "As with all drugs of this particular type I no real crash the next day, despite feeling muted somewhat and less energetic than normal it was easy enough to re-integrate into the work day." 1 report had mention of this "the following few days I did have a lack of motivation and reduced energy. I also had some soreness, in part due to my activities, and in part due to muscle tension from the substance. A full recovery seemed to take significantly longer than it would with MDMA or amphetamines, say four days to a week perhaps. Though I was still able to function, I was just very lazy." 1 report had mention of "Comedown - Felt really bored with everything, but talking to people really helped, and it wore off towards the evening and once I had some food, so it's not that bad."
βk-MDMA or methylone had 31 reports I read (top rated reports) 7 reports with no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report with zolpidem, DPT, and BDB had mention of this "I felt rather spacey the next day, and there seemed to be a lingering anorexic effect I don't recall having from other related substances." "Neither of these day-after effects were all that bothersome though; nothing worse than the day after a solid dose of MDMA or LSD." "In some ways, the first few hours after waking, it felt like a mild continuation of the BDB high, which was enjoyable and not really what I'd classify as a hangover. " 1 report with kratom, clonazepam, and zolpidem had mention of this "No harsh comedown, however." "T+7:13 – No more noticeable effects from the Methylone. Feeling pretty exhausted physically and emotionally, but nice and relaxed at the same time." 1 report discared due to suspect pill 1 report with piracetam and 4-fluoroamphetamine had mention of this "The rest of the experience is marked by elevated mood, though not euphoria, and significant residual stimulation, along with continued jaw tension." "The next morning I awoke with a glowing heart, my mind still reliving the events of the night before. I was so joyful and grateful that my experience had been so perfect in every way that my after glow lingered for the rest of the day, and no negative effects were felt all day." 1 report with bupropion had mention of this "T +5:00 The essence of the roll is gone. It left and kissed me goodbye and promised there were no monsters under my bed, no monsters in my future. The comedown could hardly be described as “coming down.” It was merely the euphoric rolling waves being replaced by sheer contentment, even, I dare say, confidence." "T +6.53 I have not noticed any psychological comedown so far." 1 report with 2C-E had mention of this "About 2 hours later I was back to mostly normal with a strong feeling that my mind was exhausted." "I found myself rolling around a lot restlessly and drifted in and out of sleep all night. I still feel a little exhausted today however I was able to manage with my daily routine." 1 report had mention of this "Furthermore, Methylone has a way gentler comedown, it takes a shorter time after coming down before I can sleep, and I haven't noticed anything like the antisocial effects Butylone produces the day after on methylone, rather the opposite actually!" 1 report with 2C-I had mention of this "During the next several hours of coming down I felt extremely zoned out. Inside was a feeling of emptiness, I was drained and hollow. I felt depressed and filled with doubt at my actions and myself." "I did not experience an emotional low as sometimes follows my MDMA experiences. If anything my mood felt lifted, as if the methylone has a residual antidepressant effect." 1 report with 2C-E and cannabis had mention of "I imagine my hangover had as much to do with the lack of sleep as the substances" 1 report had mention of "Hour after waking next day, hard at work, doing things, etc. without any noticeable effects, even when stopping and trying to detect, feeling very fine and calm, able to work on things that are often frustrating without getting worked up but that's the only noticeable effect." 1 report had mention of this "Throughout the day I was very lethargic." "Now, it wasn’t the type of feeling of being hung over from alcohol or the zombie like feeling of taking too many over the counter sleep aids. It was a feeling all on its own. It's a feeling of just being 'down and out.' My body seems normal but my mind just isn’t there. I could fall asleep at any time and I really just don’t want to do anything at all." "The next morning began the same way but throughout the day I could feel the depressed type feelings fading. By the end of the day it was pretty much back to normal." 1 report with cannabis had mention of this "After about 3 hours I started to come down and the experience became much more manageable." "Woke up feeling slightly fuzzy the next day, but not unpleasantly so." 1 report with cannabis and blue lotus had mention of "but I still had plenty of mental effects throughout most of the next day." 1 report with 2CB-Fly and cannabis had mention of "Next day I wake up fresh and clear." 1 report had mention of this "the after effects (a subtle but definite serenity) lasted until the afternoon the next day. It was very difficult to get annoyed at anything that next afternoon, even my guide. Everything would just slide down my back. It wasn't apathy, but things just didn't faze me. The positive was amplified while the negative took on an irrelevant quality." 1 report with butylone, cannabis, alcohol, DMT, and alprazolam had mention of "The Butylone hangover was reminiscent of Methylone / Ethylone, some serotonin / chi depletion felt day after, less day after that." 1 report with cannabis had mention of "I have to say the come down left me feeling a little lonely and wierd." 1 report with moclobemide had mention of "I now feel wiped out and mentally slow. Given this finding, I believe that a larger dose of methylone with moclobemide would likely produce large, negative after-effects, including lethargy and loss of motivation." 1 report had mention of this "The come-down was accompanied by an extreme lethargy that was rather pleasurable." "The lethargic come-down ended after half an hour, although a tiredness did remain" "I was a little worried about lingering depression, as MDMA leaves me with an awful depression for the following week, but the opposite seemed to happen. For both Muse and I the following week was very happy, the methylone seemed to have an antidepressant effect for both of us." 1 report had mention of "until at about t+4:30 I got intensely bored." 1 report had mention of "My wife experienced these same stages except she doesn't get hit by the last 'bored' stage as hard as I do. For her, I believe methylone is still 'brand new', although she experiences mood instability for several days afterwards and thus does not take it anymore." 1 report had mention of "There was no nausea, no tight jaw, no hangover, or anything else I could complain about." 1 report had mention of this "Lack of usual social fear... paying more attention to people's faces without feeling the need to look away." "I woke up with no hangover, or other ill effects." 1 report had multiple days reported and had mention of this "03:00 The comedown is slow and pleasant." "April 22 2001 The effects of the Methylone wear off during day. There is some difficulty in the return to reality." (the day after) "04:00 A very slow ramp-down." "6:00 Still feeling this compound. I know it will wear off in a day or so, but I enjoy the feeling while it lasts." "In addition, it does not have the 'crash' that occurs after other MDA-like compounds."
5-methyoxymethylone had 1 report I read 1 report had mention of "As with methylone (at least in my case) there was zero hangover and the return to baseline was silky smooth."
Pentylone had 5 reports I read 3 reports had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report had mention of "and there was never a crash." 1 report had mention of "Even with days of repeated dosing there was no chemical hangover"
βk-MDEA or ethylone had 23 reports I read 6 reports had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report had a mention of "7:15AM - Wake up feeling alright. Not well rested, but not bad either. A bit of an afterglow. Overall, a decent little break from the normal.[Reported Dose: 300mg, total]" 1 report had mention of "The hangover was very similar to that from MDMA, but I also had a headache though it went away with some ibuprofen. I'm not sure if the headache was simply an exhibition of my usual monthly migraines. It could have been." 1 report with ketamine had mention of this "[t+13.30] Day after I didn't feel too terrible, it seemed like an even trade-off. I had a lot of mood swings, much deeper emotional attention than usual to an almost excessive degree. Comedown is light like the come-up. As of now, about 2 weeks later I feel almost recovered. I feel like there is a dullness in my brain that's only now starting to wear off." 1 report with cannabis had mention of this "I have not used any other MDxx drugs before." "-T+12:00- The next day I was rather groggy. I got maybe four hours of sleep and the sleep I got wasn't that great. The headache was gone but I still felt a little off. The next night I slept like a baby!" "the comedown and hangover was pretty bad." 1 report had with cannabis had mention of "My friend reported a much more positive experience. He felt euphoric but did not experience any crash symptoms." 1 report with alcohol and cannabis had mention of "Next day: hangover, similar to MDMA." 1 report was suspected to not be ethylone 1 report had mention of this "4:20) ... my brain feels tired, but nowhere near as 'down' as after an MDMA experience." "The next day gives a 'quiet brain' with a minimum of emotionality like after MDMA, but much less so- I can tell that I'm looking for it, and can still barely find it!" this is open to interpretation 1 report had mention of this "4.00: Not really tired but could probably sleep. Hungry with a slight headache." "No hangover to speak of. No headache, not even really tired. Maybe a bit muted emotion wise but that could just be normal." 1 report with MDMA, methylone, effexor, l-trytophan, and 2C-I had mention of this "My brain felt ... (fried?) as if it had been pushed too far. The day after I ate another 400 mg of l-trytphan and approx. 35 mg of effexor, an SNRI. (Currently not on anti-depressants, I still had it laying around.) Anyway, I don't feel that bad right now."Edit: feeling down very slightly at day+2 midday"Side effects: slight short-term memory impairment on day+0 and day+1. Otherwise fine." 1 report with isobutyl nitrate, methylone, 2C-I, and MDMA had mention of "The hangover was less significant than the one I would get from MDMA alone at a larger dose. I drank tea and ate some fruits just like the day before. It has been over a week now and I have not experienced an MDMA-type crash." 1 report had mention of "I don't really recommend this too much because the comedown is hell." 1 report had mention of "We did drink some beer afterwards, and it seemed cool, no negative effects. Very mellow the next day." 1 report with zopiclone had mention of "I was not completely down until 2 PM that day, when the buzzing was replaced with a general tiredness similar to, but less severe than the day after MDMA. Going to the gym and working out later that afternoon restored my energy, and I slept extremely well Saturday night." 1 report with 2C-I had mention of this "At about 5 hours, the comedown phase was apparent. Let no one deceive you into thinking there is not a crash with this material." "The preceeding [sic] week was somewhat sluggish, though my performance at work shot through the roof, with me working into the #1 statistical position in the company." 1 report with cannabis had mention of this "We both awoke the next day feeling a little tired, but otherwise very very well." "We both had an afterglow that lasted for days."
βk-MBDB or butylone had 11 reports I read (only ones I read) with one excluded due to mixing with piperazine and mCPP (the piperazines are neurotoxic and have a completely different metabolism and shape than MDMA) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15376516.2017.1376024 2 reports had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report had mention of "the come down was a very gradual thing, very gentle, eating food was possible, no nausea or head aches, not over stimulated or uncomfortable, no fiending or moreish feelings." 1 report with 5-HTP, klonopin, and gabapentin mentions two people named A and R had mention of this "T+ 170min. Crashing. Nausea. HR120. Pupils normal. A is crashing too. He feels 'wiped out, sweaty, and yucky.' R feels down but not too bad, almost mad about not still being up.T+ 180min: Definitely crashed. R notes that tactile sensations are almost back to normal."For the record it is the normal pattern for A to have a difficult crash from stimulants and R to have little or no crash." 1 report had mention of "Throughout the day I felt rough, like a hangover from too much alcohol, but with out the headache" 1 report was suspected to not be fully butylone as it was in the form of a pill 1 report had mention of "Furthermore, Methylone has a way gentler comedown, it takes a shorter time after coming down before I can sleep, and I haven't noticed anything like the antisocial effects Butylone produces the day after on methylone, rather the opposite actually!" 1 report had mention of "The day after using butylone, the last thing I'd want to do is to be around other people." 1 report with pregablin, bupropion, clonazepam, alcohol, cannabis, and nitrous oxide had mention of "The next day: I sleep about 4 hours, wake up feeling quite refreshed. No hangover of any sort." 1 report with cannabis, methylone, DMT, alcohol, and alprazolam had mention of "The Butylone hangover was reminiscent of Methylone / Ethylone, some serotonin / chi depletion felt day after, less day after that." 1 report with diazepam and 5-HTP had mention of "23: 45 Some crashing experienced. The main effects of the material are gone." (2 hours 38 minutes after dosing)
βk-MDDMA had 3 reports I read 3 reports had no mention of a hangover or comedown
βk-DMBDB had 2 reports I read 1 report had no mention besides "feel little bit tired maybe because I vacuumed my room." 1 report had a mention of "The comedown, like that of 4-EMC and 5-ME, is gentle, unassuming, and without residual fallout the next day."
βk-EBDP had 2 reports I read 1 report had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report had mention of "the comedown was relatively gentle, while the annoying side effects persisted there wasn’t any noticeable harsh drop off in mood or thought beyond a normal and manageable stimulant burn out. It was a gradual and gentle landing."
βk-EBDB had 4 reports I read 1 report had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report had mention of "stimulated afterglow." 1 report had mention of "Without the details, I'll say it ended horribly. Lack of sleep, paranoia, distrust, delusions, and dare I say borderline psychosis were some if the eventual effects." but he did 7 grams in 48 hours (normal dose ish is 100 mg) 1 report had mention of this "I feel a little 'out'." "AFTER effects: slept with a little of nervousism, the day after some anxiety but nothing relevant (100mg!)."
MDAI had 12 reports I read (45 total reports as of 21/07/25) with 1 skipped due to significant amount of other drugs 2 reports had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report with 4-MEC, 2C-I, and cannabis had mention of "It is the next day, I slept well, woke up refreshed. I don't feel hungover. I attribute that to staying hydrated the whole night." 1 report had mention of this "T=4:15 - 10:00 PM – Feel like I’ve come down somewhat now. It appears the duration of this is perhaps a bit longer than MDMA and methylone. No crappy feelings whatsoever, so that’s great." "I failed to document my experience past this point, but looking back, I don’t remember any significant negative effects." 1 report had mention of this "I have suffered from a slight discomfort following both of my MDAI trips consisting of mild depression, anxiety, and insomnia which has persisted ~4-5 days." "I follow up my MDAI experiences with 5-HTP supplements and valerian root (for already familiar insomnia problems which are worsened after MDAI intake). I take both of these regularly but boost my intake for about a week and a half following MDAI intake (no more than 500mg 5HTP/day) to supplement my serotonin levels (generally only boosting valerian for 1-3 days following with previously recommended dosing provided by my doctor" 1 report with gabapentin had mention of  this"The come-down was fairly linear and I didn’t really feel much in the way of a crack-out. It was simply a sobering-up process with no significant negative effects." "I had gone into this experience feeling quite depressed, and on the following Monday I felt rejuvenated and quite happy. Spending the weekend with good friends probably had as much to do with this as the MDAI, but it is still quite encouraging." "as soon as the drug began to taper off she got VERY cracked out and spent the rest of the night curled up under a blanket looking somewhat haggard, crazy and uncomfortable" 1 report with cannabis, methylone, predose of vitamin C, 5-HTP, and magnesium had mention of this "T+14:00 - Wake up from nap and feel great physically but I have this horrid depressed feeling. Can't quite pick out what it is. Just this feeling of absolute nothing-ness." "But it's now almost 60 hours later and I have never had this depressed of a feeling in my entire life. I am scared to death to be alone. I try to keep myself occupied as much as possible but everything feels wrong. It feels as though my whole world is ending. Completely unmotivated to do anything. I become extremely aggravated and aggressive over nothing. Mood swings left and right. Random spurts of crying. No thoughts of suicide at all, but just a bleak outlook on everything. It's only getting worse as time goes on." 1 report with cannabis had mention of "The next day, I feel GREAT!! No comedown!! No day -after blues! I think I've discovered something WONDERFUL!" 1 report had mention of this "The after effects were intense and lasted days, if not weeks. For about a day, I felt numbed, relaxed, detached, and free of a lot of my usual anxieties, but also scatterbrained. This feeling is a familiar phenethylamine hangover to me, akin to what I've experienced from 2C-B. It's nice but seems to have bad implications for the time period following." 1 report with cannabis had mention of this "there was no 'crash', though we did feel a bit scatter-brained the next day." "even bk-mdma gives me a pretty noticeable crash." 1 report with kratom had mention of this "Normally I don't mind that I am a loner. But at that moment I became keenly aware of my inability to connect with other people. I became profoundly lonely. I was depressed all the way home and when I got home I was so miserable that I wished I did not exist. I moped around feeling self pity, guilt, and despair for about an hour. It was now 4 hours into the experience and it seemed like the drug was quickly wearing off. I was tired of being miserable so I took a stiff dose of Kratom, which seemed to help immensely. I am now back to normal."
MEAI had no reports that I could find but I can attest to it having zero hangover/comedown effect (I get significant depressive hangovers from MDMA)
The cathinones that don't have a methylenedioxy ring but have similar shape (it should be noted that these drugs aren't really empathogenic)
4-MMC or mephedrone had 15 reports I read (152 total reports as of 21/07/25) 1 report had no mention of a hangover or comedown 1 report had mention of "By about 9pm, we were all mostly back to baseline. I felt a little residual stimulation, but not in the uncomfortable way I sometimes feel at the end of a coke, speed, or MDMA high." 1 report with alcohol and codeine had mention of this "T+02:24 The come down is swift! I could actually feel it receding. It left me feeling a bit empty. One minute I'm as open and sociable as I've ever been, and the next I'm not far from my normal self." "Comedown was not painful, just so swift it left a vacuum in its wake." 1 report with GHB, alprazolam, diphenhydramine, cannabis, and dimenhydrinate "Most of all, I liked the fact that there was virtually no crash. I felt crappy the next day, but it just felt like a lack of sleep." 1 report with mention of "The come down has also in no way been unpleasant and more like a transitioning of feelings of back to how they normally are then you losing a sensation." 1 report had mention of "This experience did not change until about 5pm, when I suddenly and profoundly crashed. Physically, I became incredibly tired. I was no longer euphoric, but I was nowhere near as exhausted mentally as I was physically." 1 report had mention of this "The come down was worst thing about this experience. I began to suddenly feel really tired and light headed though I was unable to sleep. My teeth were still grinding and I was definitely having auditory and slight visual hallucinations. It felt a bit like MCCP or 2-cb." "The next day I had a really bad headache, felt really distant and couldn't think clearly. My short term memory was definitely messed up. Over the next two days I noticed I was incredibly emotional and sad for absolutely no reason and my mind still seemed like it was in a fog. I seemed to also have slight hallucination flash backs over the next 2 days." 1 report with alcohol had mention of this "I am not feeling bad, but am feeling normal and in comparison am bad. I am not sure what to do with myself. I have a protein drink and watch a cartoon. I class this as a crash, the crash lasts for about 30 mins - 1 hour. This is not painful or unpleasant, but a necessary part in the return to normality." "There was a gentle return to normality; this feels a bit like a crash, the crash lasts about 1 hour." "12.30 (T 23.15) I wake up, good sleep, no nightmares, feels normal." 1 report had mention of "with the comedown gentle and fairly swift, with waves of clarity giving way to clear-headedness, and eventually, base level." 1 report with cannabis had mention of "17.30 The effects are mostly gone but I still have a full head and a strange feeling. The comedown isn’t really problematic and there is no crankiness." 1 report had mention of "* T+15 hours. There was no real comedown" 1 report had mention of "then suddenly come down, whack. The next day, I'm fine" 1 report with ketamine and St. John's Wort had mention of this "18.17 -- Effects defiantly diminishing now, the comedown doesn't feel bad though, just a little 'spacey'. Perhaps the downing effects of the small amount of ketamine had an adverse effect to the stimulating properties of the compound. " (2 hours and 47 minutes after dosing) "Even in the comedown I still felt clearheaded and alert, unlike its cousin MDMA." 1 report with kratom had mention "I wouldn’t say that there were no after effects, but a lot that could be attributed to lack of food a sleep (I have no appetite)." 1 report with cannabis had mention of "I always just feel so dirty and depressed when the fiending after mephedrone hits but I didn’t experience anything close to that with this stuff."
4-EMC had 1 report I read 1 report had mention of a neutral comedown
4-MEC had 17 reports I read (22 total reports as of 21/07/25) 2 reports had no mention of a comedown or hangover 1 report with MDAI, 2C-I, and cannabis had mention of "It is the next day, I slept well, woke up refreshed. I don't feel hungover. I attribute that to staying hydrated the whole night." 1 report had mention of "However it was a “false bliss” in that it ended awfully and quickly." 1 report with alprazolam and cannabis had mention of this "The next morning I felt rough, but I don’t know to what extent this was the 4-MEC since I usually feel groggy the next day after using Xanax to sleep. I noticed low energy level, a bit of irritability (but not too bad), and some sinus congestion. I started to feel a bit better after coffee, food and vitamins, but realized I will need a small dose of 4-FA or another stimulant to function effectively at work. I attribute this more to the Xanax and lack of sleep than the 4-MEC." 1 report with alcohol had mention of "Little to no hangover after one day of getting high." 1 report with cannabis and MXE had mention of "irritated that I'd overslept, but feeling no hangover whatsoever and feeling rested." 1 report had mention of this "There wasn't much of a comedown other than a slight headache, and as T describes, a feeling of emptiness and wanting more." 1 report had mention of "the come down was gentle." 1 report with 5-HTP and cannabis had mention of "The next morning I took a 5-htp but otherwise felt amazing. Mood elevation persisted through the entire day and a week later there were no noticeable side effects." 1 report had mention of this "+3:00 – Coming down very nicely in comparison with mephedrone." "Today I feel fine, no hangover and I’m not completely drained either." 1 report with pentedrone had mention of "The comedown isn’t very good but could be worse." 1 report with a street "RC vendor" had mention of this "What is noteworthy is how incredibly awful I feel the next day as I am writing this.The hangover is worse than taking a large amount of MDA. It feels like my brain hurts, and I am slightly nauseous. I feel sluggish and unmotivated." "I have used A LOT of drugs in my time, and this is definitely amongst the worst hangover/day after experiences I have had." 1 report had mention of this "As I came down completely from 4-MEC, I felt the typical upper crash. I was grinding my teeth, I was getting tired, and a tad cranky." "A slight hangover feeling was noted." 1 report had mention of "there is simply no crash." 1 report had mention of "The next day had no after effects, but there was no afterglow to speak of either." 1 report had mention of this "The comedown wasn’t too bad." "After I hit baseline, I became very depressed and bored… lonely as well. I am usually pretty depressed; I have a lot of issues to work out. But this was a little more than normal and a little more in your face. I made it through and it wasn’t anything I haven’t faced before." 1 report with cannabis had mention of "I always just feel so dirty and depressed when the fiending after mephedrone hits but I didn’t experience anything close to that with this stuff."
3-MMC had 12 reports I read 5 reports had no mention of a comedown or hangover 1 report had mention of "The comedown of 3-MMC might even be milder than 4-MMC, which says a lot." 1 report with valerian, amphetamine, vitamins/supplements, alcohol, and melatonin had mention of "I'll skip documenting the comedown but the 3MMC comedown is very mild always." 1 report with suspect chemical 1 report with diazepam and an SSRI had mention of "I know the comedown is pretty rough." 1 report had mention of "outlier" psychosis as a mentioned aftereffect 1 report with alcohol had mention of "2:25 - At this point I feel hollow on the inside. Not really like a crash, but more like a dusty after space." 1 self report had mention of a lesser comedown compared to MDMA and no hangover
MDPV I didn't read any of the 112 but generally according to the wiki has aftereffects of "The primary psychological effects have a duration of roughly 3 to 4 hours, with aftereffects such as tachycardia, hypertension, and mild stimulation lasting from 6 to 8 hours."
MDPHP had 3 reports 1 had no mention of a comedown or hangover 1 had mention of no comedown 1 self report had mention of no aftereffects besides staying awake for 24 hours (I'm an outlier as this drug didn't get me high)
So I notice that erowid has differing report totals after searching the same substance through different means (erowid general page for substance, detailed erowid search, and general erowid search) so total amount of reports may not be accurate (not like I read a lot of reports)
There seem to be outliers in almost if not every group but generally with enough reports read there seems to be a pattern that emerges.
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hashtagsmitty · 5 years
Smitty's Thailand Adventure - Day 2
Big day. My phone is saying 27000 steps. The highlights include getting a suit tailored, having a thai woman rub my naked body down for an hour, meeting Keith Urban's green beret brother, and a friendly, spirited discussion about Islam. No spoilerinos though!
I didn't sleep well, the bed was way too hard and the springs jabbed me all night. I'd told Josh 10am but I was up at 6. I read some more of "Growth Mindset" - talking about sports stars and CEOs that had fixed mindsets vs those with growth mindsets.
Josh texted me and said that he was going to meet me at 11 because he didn't sleep well, so I went out exploring. I got turned around a few times trying to find the train station on the main road. Think a giant freeway overpass with four train lines on it, and a huge station connecting them all. This one has two mega shopping centers like the Emporium attached. It didn't open until 10, so I went for a walk in the park instead.
There were heaps of people just doing normal park stuff - walking, exercising. I saw a couple kids practicing punches. There was an old woman cutting a hedge, and most of the park was well maintained - except for a set of steps I found. They were leading to a jetty that jutted out over the lake in the middle of the park, and the steps leading down were covered in bird poo. It was weird seeing the juxtaposition. There's another one in this picture I took yesterday:
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I really liked the architecture of this building, and it was odd to see the rats nest of phone cabling framed in front of it. That wasn't even the worst one. It highlighted something we saw quite a bit of - lowest possible effort to look good.
I walked around the park for a while, then grabbed some food from the White Family Mart on the corner of my street. The name jumped out at me. I grabbed some godawful dried strawberries and a rice and grilled chicken packet that was way better than I expected.
Josh texted me, so I left the hotel and went back to the Emporium and walked around a bit. There was this cool shop called Another Man Story with unique custom men's accessories. Some of the stuff was cool, but it struck me as a desperate attempt at buying individuality through conformity. "Look at these unique expressions of you that anyone with enough money can buy!"
Says the guy with too many stupid expensive leather jackets.
I was looking at my leather bracelet that I made myself for like $5, and compared it to these bracelets that cost hundreds. I like mine better because I made it and it has meaning to me.
I met up with Josh eventually and we got some pad thai in the food court. I'd never had it before, and it was pretty good. I've always been a picky eater, so eating new shit is a bit outside my comfort zone and I'm proud of the small steps I'm taking.
After brunch(?) we went to a tailor Josh knew, in the first of many trips across the city. We took the skytrain - it cost about a dollar per trip. We needed to change train then walk a bit. I was boggled at how well Josh knows the city, and again reminded how screwed I'd be if I wanted to do any of this shit without him.
The tailor was cool - spoke English, very business-oriented. I ordered a 3-piece suit in grey wool, and two white shirts. It'll be ready the day before I leave.
We left the tailor after Josh finished texting one of his friends - something about organizing a business together. Josh had many words to say about this guy, and the tailor, and anyone who walked slowly...
After the tailor Josh wanted to check out a market to get ties and cuff links. I told him I'd look at one market - we went to Cambodia together a few years back, and I got burned out walking from market to market trying to save 3 dollars on some bag. He led us on a crazy whirlwind tour of the backroads and skywalks across Bangkok, until eventually we ended up at the same market we'd gone to last time we were here!
It was a sprawling shopping centre, with as many stalls crammed in as the fire code would allow. Josh described it as "an inside market with air conditioning." We wandered around looking at shirts for a while until we found the ties and cuffs place. I hemmed and hawwed for a while until I picked out a tie and some cuffs. The tie looks awesome - it's skinny and red.
We left the market and took the winding route back to a different mall - we had some meat and rice dish. Josh told me that beef in Thai was "moo". I called bullshit. The menu had "grilled beef/pork/chicken" on it. When we ordered, Josh pointed at that item and said "moo". The waiter nodded. I grabbed Google Translate and typed in moo - it came up as "swine". Sure enough, the waiter brought out pork.
As we ate, Josh told me the plan for tonight - I needed a haircut, so we planned to walk into a place near his AirBNB. We planned on meeting up with his friends for drinks and a meal, right around the corner from his place. And, I'd expressed that I wanted a massage. So the plan was dump my bag at the hotel, find a massage, get a haircut, then meet his friends for dinner.
Another quick train ride. The thing they don't tell you about the skyrail is that you gotta climb stairs to get on and off each time.
I dumped my bag. Josh warned me about the massage girls outside my hotel, and again, they disappointed by not heckling me.
We tried a couple of massage places near my hotel - the two non-dodgy ones near my hotel, anyway, ones that didn't advertise "Vip Room", "4 Hands Massage", or God forbid "Teen Love". If you need to emphasize that your "masseuses" are teenagers, you're not an establishment I'm keen to visit.
The two non-dodgy ones near the hotel were full. We caught the skytrain again, this time to near Josh's house. We found a massage place that looked OK and went inside.
We had to take off our shoes to go inside. I was wearing blundies that slipped off, and Josh had some sneaker things. I waited awkwardly inside after telling the lady that my friend was coming and he spoke Thai. Josh came in and asked for a massage for each of us, in English. Bastard.
We got led into a cubicle each. Shower curtain walls, a very small cot. I sat down and my masseuse walked in. She was a middle-aged Thai woman. She dropped down under the cot and pulled out a basket, then said "leave your underpants on" and left. I took off everything except my underpants and sat cross legged on the cot. I was nervous. What if she touched something I didn't want touched? What if I reacted in a way I wasn't comfortable reacting? I did some deep breathing while I waited.
My masseuse came back. She said "lay down, back first." I lay down on my back. She said "no, back first!" I rolled back over onto my tummy. She covered my back with a towel, then unrolled the towel down to my underpants. She oiled her hands and started rubbing my back. It was nice - Thai massage is firm, more of a deep tissue massage than relaxation. She worked her way across my back, my legs, then my chest. There was a weird one where she raised one of my legs into a bent position, foot flat, and pressed it down into the other leg. It felt like my balls were getting squished in a sandwich press. Clearly, these techniques were designed for Asian men.
She finished with a neck and head massage. She couldn't speak English, but she communicated humour in other ways - she started rubbing my neck and flicked the weird lump on the side that I have. I wondered how to say "misformed conjoined twin" in Thai, which led to a mental rabbit hole about Siamese twins and whether it was a faux pas to talk about that in Siam. She massaged my scalp and flicked my quiff, then spent time straightening my hair when she finished.
I rate the massage a solid 5/7 - staring at a bare stone wall while an Asian woman grinds her elbow into my spine isn't necessarily my thing, but it was an experience and I'm glad I did it. I'm also glad none of the things I was worried about happened.
While we were putting our shoes back on outside, a sketchy white dude walked up to us. He commented on Josh's shoes and stretched his hand out to me to shake. I shook. He asked where we were from. I said Australia. He said his brother came from New Zealand and that we'd know his name. I said I'm sure I don't. He said his brother's name was Keith Urban and that his name was Greg. I said that I knew his brothers name. He said that he used to be a green beret and asked me to rate his handshake. He did his left hand, then without letting go did the right hand. I said his shake was firm. He said the green beret thing again and twisted my thumbs around. Then he wished us a good night and walked off.
We shrugged and walked on down the road towards the barber. We bumped into Greg Urban again - he commented, and asked where we were going. I said we were getting a haircut. He said "you need one!" I said "thank you!" He said "you need one because you look like shit." We kinda just walked off a bit faster. Both me and Josh were getting major sketchy vibes. Josh compared it to a foreign 5 year old who can speak fluent English walking up to you and talking to you - a distraction for something more sinister.
We kept walking. The barber was in Josh's area. He decided that he was going to show me all the street animals he was friends with. We had to cross another skybridge to get there. As we walked across this one, there was a dude laying down covering half the bridge. Josh said we should go single file. As we walked, the dude sat bolt upright. It felt like something out of a zombie movie and I almost sprinted off. Josh later explained that he was likely an opium addict, and likely at rock bottom because of it.
We walked to the barber. They were super full, so we booked in for tomorrow at 3. My fade needs a touch up. We left, and Josh started pointing out his dog and cat friends. He called them all cutesy names in Spanish, like gordo (fatso) or nino (little boy) or chico (little guy). It was weird to see this super intense friend of mine, fiercely competent and ruthless in business and his personal lives, acting like a kid in a candy store with these street animals. It was a weird juxtaposition, but it definitely humanised him a bit more. The animals were really cute too.
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We sat down in W District, an outdoor dining and bar area. Josh ordered us some ribs and chips and we waited for his friend and business partner to arrive. Josh had been texting him all day about their planned business venture. Josh wanted his friend to pick one idea, develop it, and pay Josh to implement it. Josh's friend wanted to develop a whole bunch of ideas at once, and give Josh equity in his company and a place to stay in exchange. His friend was arriving early to negotiate.
Josh had been talking up the ribs all day - he said he should get a commission from the ribs lady for all the business he drove to her. They had a chat, and she agreed to send out 3 things of ribs ASAP.
Bill, Josh's friend, arrived. They negotiated while I listened. I wasn't following everything, but I asked Josh later and he said he got what he wanted. As we talked, more and more people showed up, and Josh introduced me to some of his other friends. His current girlfriend, his Egyptian friend who hates Islam, friends of friends. A Thai girl named Ben - that threw me a bit, let me tell you.
I spent the night mingling. I don't normally hang out in large groups, and definitely not with people I don't know, and rarely around people who are drinking. Further outside the comfort zone, I guess. I put aside my nerves and chatted to people, drawing on my inner extrovert. I played improvisation games with Josh and Bill. I talked about Islam with the Egyptian guy. I did my best to make myself, if not the life and soul of the party, at least a net gain to the gathering.
The ribs arrived after 2 hours of waiting. Bill and I joked about Josh's failed celebrity status. They gave us some plastic gloves to eat the ribs with. The group ordered tower after tower of beer - portable taps with 3 Liters of beer inside. They cost 650 baht, around $25.
I ended up staying way longer than I expected, and headed home around 11. Josh walked me to the station and we talked about expectation and visualization and the universe providing and the great magnet turning. We made plans for the haircut tomorrow, as well as lunch with his current girlfriend and dinner with the same group as tonight. Bill said that he was definitely going because I said I was.
I walked past the"massage parlor" again on the way home, still no harrassment.
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heysnowflake · 6 years
Oh boy...
I do these types of ‘questions blogs’ every once in a blue moon as they’re interesting to read back on and cringe over. Without further ado, let’s embarrass myself further 
1. What was the last thing you googled?
I googled ‘questions tumblr’ to find these questions but if that doesn’t count, I googled ‘snowfall’ in google images 
2. You have to listen to these songs:
Shadowland- The Lion King Broadway OST
and whilst we’re talking about The Lion King
The Circle Of Life- The Lion King OST
As The World Falls Down- Labyrinth OST
Within You- Labyrinth OST
In A Crowd of Thousands- Anastasia Broadway OST
I’m Still Standing- Elton John
For A Moment- The Little Mermaid 2 OST
Be Somebody- Paula Cole
The Handler- Muse
Mambo No.5- Lou Bega
I Like It Heavy- Halestorm
Thunderstruck- AC/DC
A Dream Worth Keeping- Sheena Easton
Sandy’s Song- Crimson Doves
What You Feel- Once More With Feeling OST (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
In The End- Black Veil Brides
and just to add even more to the list, I’m going to add scores as well as I listen to movie and game scores just as much as I do songs, if not more (also piano pieces)
Harry In Winter- Goblet of Fire OST
Paintings On The Wall- Layers of Fear OST
Waterfall- Undertale OST
Transformation (Piano)- Beauty and the Beast OST
One Day- Pirates of the Caribbean OST
The Nightmare’s Beginning (Piano)- Final Fantasy 7 OST
Swan Lake- Tchaikovsky
Now We Are Free- Gladiator OST
Song of the Stream (Piano)- FIrefly
Fairy Dance- Peter Pan (2003) OST
Basically every piece from the Abzu OST
Aslan’s Camp- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe OST
Okay, okay, okay, if I name any more, I’ll bore both you and myself to death. But hey, you can’t say I haven’t given you a solid list to both listen to whilst also completely judging me based on my taste of music 
3. Do you chew on your straws?
Depends on the day
4. Have you ever been awake for 48hours straight?
Pffftttt I’ve been up for 62
5. Will you get married? Do you see yourself getting married in the next 5 years?
Absolutely! As for the next five years, I highly doubt it :P 
6. If you could move somewhere else would you?
Yeah. For sure. Though I would miss being two minutes away from the beach
7. Read on a Kindle or paperback book?
A paperback every time, if I can
8. If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Yo mAM- no. Disneyland. All day. Everyday of my life. 
9. University or life experience, which do you feel best prepares you for life?
LIFE EXPERIENCE, I can’t stress that enough. However, I do find that, if you do particular courses at Uni, it can be highly beneficial also. For example, Business Management
10. What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
General Life Skills. It still baffles me that this isn’t a compulsory subject from day one of secondary school, let alone not being taught at all. 
11. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
1743 to see if I can find Jamie Fraser 
12. When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?
Writing, composing on the piano or reading 
13. What’s the best/worst gift you’ve ever given/received?
Assuming we’re talking about physical gifts, it would have to be either the personalised Harry Potter letter that my best friend made for me who also played Hedwig’s theme as I opened the envelope (quite the magical moment), or it would be the envelope my dad gave to me, inside of which was the confirmation letter to my very own dog business that I’ve been dreaming about for as long as I can remember. It was made even more special as he combined my first two dogs’ names to make the business name. 
14. What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
I imagine it was a Freddo, back when they were the reasonable price of 5p and not the ridiculous 25p that they are now
15. What would your parents be surprised to learn about you?
There really isn’t anything my parents don’t know, to be honest. I’ve always been extremely open with them.Bit of a boring answer, I know, but I literally can’t think of anything my parents don’t know.... well anything I can say on here anyway ;)
16. Apologize or ask permission?
... eh?
17. Beach vacation or European vacation?
18. What is the ideal number of people to have over on a Friday night?
One. My best friend. Don’t need anyone else. 
19. Who is a non-politician you wish would run for office?
20. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Telekinesis, hands down!!!
21. What do you usually think about right before falling asleep?
My fantasy romance scenarios playing over and over in my head, the face changing on whoever I’m ‘crushing on’ at that time
22. Ever been addicted to a iOS/android game? Which one(s)?
Where the fuck do I begin? Disney Magic Kingdom, Dragon City. My Singing Monsters, Pyramid Solitaire, Candy Crush Saga, Piano Tiles 2, Angry Birds, Angry Birds Go, Hearthstone (I’m aware it’s a  Battle.net game and didn’t come onto iOS until much later, I just preferred playing it on my phone ssshhhh)
23. List 5 goals on your life’s to-do list:
1. Go to Disneyland in Florida, 2. Buy my own Newfoundland puppy, 3. Eventually grow my dog business that I have the domain name for, 4. Move in with my best friend, and 5. Publishing my own book would be pretty neat
24. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
I have two in mind that I can’t decide on. Crysta (from FernGully, one of my all time favourite films) or Odette (from Swan Princess/Swan Lake). Fun fact: these are also the names I have picked out for a baby girl, if I were to ever have one 
25. What is one thing you will never do again?
Read Fifty Shades of Grey
26. What words of wisdom would you pass onto your childhood self?
Being ‘cool’ in secondary school literally doesn’t mean anything, the adults weren’t lying about that one. 
I know your temper is out of control now but eventually you’ll see the light and change your ways for the better as you reach your 13th birthday.
Never stop believing in magic, it makes the world more wonderful. 
That girl Ellie? Hold onto that one because she’ll become the bestest friend you could have ever dreamed of. 
Speaking of dreams, write those down. 
Those stories you’re thinking up in your mind, write those down too. 
Most importantly, have courage and be kind. Also, say ‘fuck it’ to decisions most of the time, they make for the best memories. 
27. If you could speak another language, which would it be and why?
French, easily. I can already read and write Ancient Runes though, does that count?
28. If you were head of a major TV station for one day, what would you play?
Spongebob Squarepants 24/7
29. Which one of your friends would make the best U.S. President and why?
I like how you think I have more than one friend 
30. What’s your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas because everyone turns into a little kid again
31. How would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
I wouldn’t 
32. In what ways are you the same as your childhood self?
I watch and irrevocably love Disney. I think Spongebob Squarepants is quality content. I still order my pieces of a chocolate bar by size... honestly the question is ‘in what ways am I different from my childhood self?’
33. If you could master one skill you don’t have right now, what would it be?
34. What was your dream job growing up?
Working with, caring for and training dogs. Spoiler: dreams do come true :) 
35. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity?
36. If you could bring one musician back from the dead, who would it be and why?
Freddie Mercury because good lord, the man had talent and could everything from rock to opera. One of the best voices to have ever graced this earth
37. What was the last picture you took with your phone?
A picture of one of the dogs I look after, his name is Maxwell and I want to steal him 
38. What kind of sickness have you lied about so you wouldn’t go to work?
Not exactly a sickness but menstrual cramps. It’s a great excuse because it makes the men uncomfortable and women are completely and 100% sympathetic of you 
39. What was the last lie you told?
‘I wasn’t watching Tinker Bell, it just flicked onto that channel when you turned the TV on’
40. What is your perfect pizza?
Pepperoni with extra cheese
41. What question do you hate to answer?
Questions that are like ‘if you could one thing about yourself’ or ‘if you could change one thing in your past’ etc. because I just wouldn’t
42. What keys on a keyboard do you not use?
On a computer keyboard, the function key because who uses that? XD 
43. Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?
Russell Howard so that not a single moment would be dull and plus, he’s easy on the eyes
44. Is there anything purple within 10 feet of you? What is it?
A purple candle next to ONE of my series of the Harry Potter books
45. When was the last time you ran/went for a jog?
I don’t like this question because i can’t remember and, even if I did, it probably involved food 
46. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
No :(
47. What after school activities did you do in high school?
I did art club in primary school. Then, in secondary school, I didn’t really join any clubs but I did used to love sneaking into the music room and playing on the piano 
48. What ice-cream flavours do you love/hate?
Love Vanilla and I don’t necessarily hate it but I’m not the biggest fan of chocolate 
49. What is your secret recipe?
For scrambled eggs, I put paprika and other assorted spices in it. For pasta, I cook it with a little bit of chicken stock mixed into the water 
50. What channels do you have subscribed on YouTube?
I CAN’T NAME ALL OF THEM!!! XD to name a few favs (which probably won’t surprise anyone), jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Dan and Phil Games, Dan and Phil’s separate channels, CalikoKat, Glam&Gore, Jenna Marbles, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Matthew Hussey- they’re the main people I watch
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rtrigiy · 4 years
A Tale about Tetris
           It was the summer 2018, I was taking a summer class at my university. It was in Organic Chemistry; the course was long. Class was 4 days a week for 2 hours in the morning. In the afternoon we had lab 3 of those 4 days. Not that I disliked the course or thought it was hard, it was just the same thing from day to day. As a chem major taking a chemistry course, one thing I had on me everyday was my TI-84 plus ce graphing calculator. I had recently figured out how to install a simple version Tetris on it, and though I admit that I was not the best I would play the games in the breaks we had for the class. It was not my first experience with the game, but it was at this point that I started to understand what this game was.
           Soon I after the class ended, I downloaded the app on my phone. The app itself was different from the Tetris I was used to on the calculator. I remember one of my first thoughts was it was easier as it seemed you can rotate blocks indefinitely, but it also had the challenge of the blocks dropping much faster. One of the most notable things at the time was the leader board. I wanted to be at the top. I got better at the game, slowly lasting longer and longer. I learned the basics of how to stack blocks and how to get back-to-back Tetrises. I wasn’t addicted to the game under any terms but there would be times where I would just sit down and play Tetris for a solid hour while listening to music. It took me about 2 months to get to the top of my friend’s leaderboard, and I would constantly keep improving my score, but this was not to last.
           Sometime in the next fall semester I stopped playing Tetris, I felt that I hit a point where I couldn’t get my score to go any higher. In the end I deleted the app from my phone to free up some space. I was not motivated to continue and so I stopped. Now I did not keep track of how long I stopped playing, I was focused on other things like school and anime but looking back I don’t see it as a total lost.
           One day I was on YouTube, it just an average day. I don’t remember anything in particular about that day, but I know that one thing happened. I watched a video by Nick Robinson about Tetris Effect. Most notably was that something about this video made me want to play Tetris again. So, what I did was googled Tetris and I went to freetetris.org as I remember playing it a bit on the school computers in high school. There was no eureka moment of “omg I got to play Tetris,” no I just casually started playing Tetris again. It was a new semester and I had a few long breaks between some of my classes or work. Sometimes I would go back to my dorm, but sometimes I just didn’t feel like taking the 30 minute bike ride there and back so I just headed to the library. There I would either do homework, draw, or most often than not play Tetris. I would find myself playing the game more and more often. Soon after Tetris 99 released and though at the time I didn’t have a switch I would start watching videos about it online. I was seeing these cool tricks that could be done while playing the game. A simple t-spin was too much for my inexperience mind to handle. I would try sometimes but most often than not it would end up killing my game, so I gave up on learning how to t-spin. I thought, “eh, it’s not like it’s even important to the game, I can play without them.”
           I would continue to play, one day I went to GameStop and I bought Tetris Party Deluxe DS for the Nintendo DS for like 5 dollars, this was the first time I actually paid money for Tetris. Party Deluxe became my main method of playing Tetris for a few months. It was summertime so I didn’t really have any reason to just hang out on campus. Party Deluxe DS is not the most revolutionary Tetris games, in fact I don’t think many fans of Tetris have even heard of it, let alone play it, but this was the game the “taught” me how to play Tetris. Party Deluxe DS has many game modes. There is your average sprint and marathon, but then there are a few others. There was a computer battle, and this was my first experience into competitive Tetris. At the time I could only beat levels one and two consistently. One time I beat level three, but that was solely by luck. Beating levels four and five was impossible at the time. Field Climber and Shadow were okay modes, but they didn’t hold my interest in any notable way. Yet there was one mode, Stage Racer which I felt I needed to overcome. Stage Racer was a mode in which you rotate a single falling block though a maze which required the user to understand the SRS system of modern Tetris games. It was a great mode because with it I started to learn the mechanics of the game.
           So as summer continued, I was slowly getting better at Tetris. One of the most notable events of the summer was going on a car ride to visit family in another state. It was about a ten hour drive, and I spent a large part of it playing a single game of Tetris in Party Deluxe DS in the endless marathon mode. After getting there the game lasted 7 hours but I ended it when before we got to the destination as my 3DS was about to die and it would not save the game. In this game, I was not yet used to doing t-spins and it was too valuable of a run to give up to practice, but what I did practice during that game was how to build high and clear lines near the top of the board, a skill which I still value today.
           Another notable even of the summer was I was now living at my Dad’s house, and he owned a Nintendo Switch, along with this I had finally gotten twitch prime and with it a 6 month free online subscription. Events lined up perfectly to allow me to start playing Tetris 99, and I have to say: I WAS BAD. Anyone who has played Tetris 99 knows just how hard that game is, I was scoring mid 50s average and if I was lucky, I might have been able to see a second of the top 10. I started to grinding, as well as watching more YouTube videos on Tetris 99. A YouTuber name Tafo, had some great videos on how to improve as well as just being generally fun to watch. I started to analytically watch other people play Tetris, to see what they do and try to understand how they set up certain things. This was also the point where I discovered the HardDrop wiki and researched specific mechanics of the game. I got better, by the end of the summer I was regularly in the top 10, but never number one.
           A new semester started and this time I had even more time between classes and because I was living off campus that meant more time in the library. I started playing on jtris at this time, and like Tetris 99, I was not the best, and I accepted it. I knew that I was getting good though. I had mastered the art of setting up t-spin doubles and could incorporate it into my game reliably. I improved more and more as the weeks go by.
Over Labor Day Weekend I visited my family and had to sit in another road trip, this time I was prepared. I made sure that my 3DS was fully charged and was cautious of the battery life. My goal for this game, max out the score counter in Party Deluxe DS. By the time we arrived at my relative’s house I had beaten my school in only 3/4th of the time. I would keep the 3DS on the charger and come back to it during the vacation. Also, during this vacation, I finally got my first win in Tetris 99, a moment I still look back at with happiness. On the way back I was still playing the same game of Tetris, it was over 12 hours long when we returned home. I would continue to add to this game in short burst over the next week, but sadly the run never saved in the end as the game crashed after 15 hours.
Not much happened in the following months, I would slowly improve my game, but otherwise nothing. During what I dub the lost Labor Day run, I was updating my friend on how it was going, trying to convert her to the dark side of Tetris, which worked. She was my first pupil. I gave her advice on what I have learned about Tetris, but it was mainly us just talking about Tetris. In November, I did a speech about Tetris in one of my classes which made me start paying more attention to the Tetris subreddit, and it also gave me a new appreciation for “flexing in Tetris” as I did a psychological and philosophical analysis on the topic. In December, Tetris 99 had it’s first major update since launch and I started playing it more at that point. Around the start of the next semester, I finally bought Puyo Puyo Tetris, which was just something I wanted for a while. I would continue to improve throughout the spring semester, while classes were going on.
The final major event at the time of writing this would be the outbreak of the Coronavirus, which is still occurring right moment. Society is stuck inside, and I have decided to improve on my craft of Tetris. Now one may think, what else is there to learn, well a lot. For the pass month I have been improving my speed in building and making more complex set ups. As of last week I finally feel comfortable enough to do t-spin triples in the middle of my run. I have cut off a total of 20 seconds off my sprint 40L. Finally, I got a new pupil which means another person to play and talk about Tetris with, and they only sometimes mind that I destroy them when we compete against each other.
I wanted to write this for some reason, I don’t know what compelled me to. I guess I’ve just been playing so much Tetris lately, I just wanted to look back to where this all began. Sure, I started playing Tetris before I downloaded it to my TI-84 plus ce calculator, but I feel that was point in which Tetris was more than just something to do when you were bored. Yeah, at the time I was playing it because I was bored but there was something else, something indescribable about the game at the time. Over the years there is something that keeps me coming back to this game. I can’t think of what it is.
Tetris is just a stupid game about blocks and yet I have likely put 1000s of hours into that game. This is a mystery to me. I try to come up with a reason why I like Tetris. Lately when people ask me why I play Tetris I say because it makes me think, but maybe that isn’t the reason. Sure, I like the set ups, but the game isn’t really a puzzle, yet at the same time it is a puzzle. Maybe it’s just a sunk cost fallacy, at this point I have put so much time and effort into playing and I do feel confident enough to say that I am good at the game. But at the same times, why would I put those hours in if I didn’t like the game to begin with, so that can’t be the answer.
I don’t want to say that I like Tetris because I think it’s fun. It sounds generic and I can’t even point out why I think it’s fun. It’s just doing the same thing over and over. Slowly getting better, maybe learning a few tricks along the way. People say that Tetris is relaxing, and while in some instances that is true (how I did a 15 hour marathon of the game), I like it when I keep losing and am forced to just get gud, but winning is fun too. I don’t think that’s it’s the competition, while that is an element of Tetris I enjoy, I don’t take any active role in the Tetris community.
I think that maybe I like Tetris because it is something which I can reliably go back to and know, I am good at this. Here is a thing, I suck at video games. I am a fucking casual. The game I have the most time in other than Tetris is Animal Crossing with like 600 hours. Maybe I just want to say that I am good at something. There wasn’t a point in which I didn’t believe that I wasn’t good at Tetris. Sure, every once and a while I will be like “I suck” but at the same time it’s Tetris. I don’t know anyone personally that can beat me in a Tetris battle, and even if I did since the beginning, I knew this, “There is always someone better than me in Tetris.” I like to classify myself as a Lower-High Tier player. At this point I can beat other that also play this game regularly, but I struggle at beating the highest tier players, which I am okay with. I don’t want to be the best Tetris player in the world, that sounds awful. But like that feeling of being good something I am happy about.
Tetris is a game, and it’s a game that I like.
Special mention to Tetris Friends which I played very briefly, it was not significant enough for me acknowledge in my Tetris journey , but I respect what it was and I do have fond memories of the site.
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romancescams · 5 years
SCARS|RSN™ Major Scam & Scamming News: Famous Nigerian Prince Arrested Along With A Total Of 80 Scammers With $46 Million
This Brings The Total Of Scammers Arrested In 2019 To Over 4,000
This Is Part Of The Indictment Of Over 80 Nigerians For Impersonation Scams This Month
Famous Nigerian Prince Arrested with $46 Million: The relationship between a Japanese woman and a U.S. Army captain stationed in Syria started online, through an international social network for digital pen pals. It grew into an internet romance over 10 months of daily emails.
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Federal agents hold a detainee, center, at a downtown Los Angeles parking lot after predawn raids that saw dozens of people arrested in the L.A. area Thursday, Aug. 22, 2019. U.S. authorities have unsealed a 252-count federal grand jury indictment charging 80 people with participating in a conspiracy to steal millions of dollars through a range of fraud schemes and laundering the funds through a Los Angeles-based network. The U.S. Attorney’s Office says Thursday most of the defendants are Nigerian nationals. (AP Photos)
It ended with the woman $200,000 poorer and on the verge of bankruptcy after borrowing money from her sister, ex-husband, and friends to help Capt. Terry Garcia with his plan to smuggle diamonds out of Syria.
In reality, there were no diamonds and there was no Garcia they were part of an elaborate scam hatched by an international ring of cyber thieves operating mainly out of Los Angeles and Nigeria.
Federal authorities cited the case of the Japanese woman, known only as “F.K.” in court papers, on Thursday when they announced an indictment charging 80 people with stealing at least $46 million through various schemes that targeted businesses, the elderly and anyone susceptible to a romance scam. Most of the defendants are Nigerians.
“We believe this is one of the largest cases of its kind in U.S. history,” U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna told a news conference. “We are taking a major step to disrupt these criminal networks.”
The investigation began in 2016 with a single bank account and one victim, said Paul Delacourt, assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles office. It grew to encompass victims who were targeted in the U.S. and around the world, some of whom like the Japanese woman lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
“F.K. was and is extremely depressed and angry about these losses,” the federal complaint states. “She began crying when discussing the way that these losses have affected her.”
Her relationship began innocently in March 2016 with an email but soon “Garcia” made “romantic overtures,” according to federal authorities. He told her they couldn’t talk by phone because he wasn’t allowed to use one in Syria.
So a stream of emails went back and worth, with her using Google to translate his English into her Japanese. A month into the relationship, Garcia told her he’d found a bag of diamonds in Syria and he began introducing her to his associates, starting with a Red Cross representative who told her Garcia had been injured but had given him the box.
F.K. ultimately made 35 to 40 payments, receiving as many as 10 to 15 emails a day directing her to send money to accounts in the U.S., Turkey and the United Kingdom through the captain’s many purported associates.
The fraudsters even threatened her with arrest if she did not continue to pay and at one point she traveled to Los Angeles because she was told a Russian bank manager had embezzled more than $33,000 of her funds.
Authorities arrested 14 defendants Thursday, mostly in the Los Angeles area. FBI agents could be seen processing suspects in a downtown Los Angeles parking lot before they were arraigned in federal court. It was not immediately known if they had attorneys who could speak on their behalf.
80 Indicted In Online Fraud Scheme That Stole Millions
Federal agents are on the hunt for suspected con artists in one of the biggest scams the country has ever seen. Eighty were indicted in the U.S. and overseas.
Cameras caught nearly a dozen arrests near Los Angeles as part of a worldwide operation to take down the alleged email scammers. Most arrested were Nigerian nationals who allegedly preyed primarily on elderly victims, with low tech offers to send money.
According to the indictments, the schemes used online romances and fake business emails to steal at least $6 million and overall attempted to take an additional $40 million from victims in the U.S. and across the globe.
“Those fraud schemes have evolved and become much more sophisticated. Nigerian fraud networks now target individuals and businesses alike,” said U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna.
Federal officials have been sounding the alarm on the increasing fraud, creating public service announcements.
In 2012, the SCARS Advisory Board Member Debby Montgomery Johnson fell victim to an online scam involving a Nigerian scheme. It cost her much of her life savings.
“He broke my heart, and my head went with it,” she said.
Romance scams have become a huge part of online corruption and the crackdown was just a small slice. According to the Federal Trade Commission, victims lost $143 million in romance schemes last year. That’s more than any other type of fraud reported to the federal government. However, per SCARS data, this is a gross underestimation, since only 3-5% of scam victims will report these crimes, so the real amount is at least 20 times larger.
80 indicted in online fraud scheme that stole millions across the U.S.
80 Defendants In U.S. And Nigeria Charged In Cyberfraud Conspiracy To Steal Millions
After search warrants were executed at multiple locations across L.A. County on Thursday morning, federal prosecutors announced a 252-count indictment that accuses 80 people in the U.S. and Nigeria of participating in a “massive conspiracy to steal millions of dollars through a variety of fraud schemes.”
The defendants allegedly laundered the funds through a Los Angeles-based money laundering network. Eleven of them were arrested Thursday in Southern California, while three others were taken into custody elsewhere in the U.S., according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California.
Two were already in federal custody on other charges, and one was arrested earlier this week. The remaining defendants are believed to be abroad, most of them in Nigeria, authorities said.
According to the indictment, the accused used business email compromise frauds, romance scams and schemes targeting the elderly to defraud victims out of millions of dollars.
The co-conspirators allegedly contacted Valentine Iro, 31, of Carson, and Chukwudi Christogunus Igbokwe, 38, of Gardena, both Nigerian citizens, for bank and money-service accounts that could receive funds fraudulently obtained from victims.
“These victims are used primarily as money mules, by allowing their bank accounts to be used to transfer stolen funds,” said FBI Assistant Director in Charge Paul Delacourt.
The criminal complaint says Iro and Igbokwe, who were among the suspects arrested Thursday, conducted schemes that resulted in the transfer of at least $6 million in fraudulently obtained funds.
“The overall conspiracy was responsible for the attempted theft of at least $40 million,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a statement.
OFFICIAL COMMENT FROM NIGERIA: The EFCC To Help FBI Fish Out Nigerians Indicted In $46M Fraud In Us – According To EFCC Director Magu
EFCC Boss, Ibrahim Magu, Said The Commission Will Work With The FBI To Investigate Nigerians Indicted In A $46 Million Fraud Case In The US
EFCC Director Mr. Magu Speaking About U.S. Indictments & Arrests
Magu Said The Local-Based Nigerians Who Collaborated With The Ones In The Us Will Be Made To Face The Full Wrath Of The Law
The EFCC Chief, However, Said The FBI Has Not Yet Reached Out To The Commission Over The Fraud Case
The acting chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibrahim Magu, says the commission will collaborate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to the Nigerians indicted in a $46 million fraud case in the United States. The fraudsters, majority based in Nigeria, were, according to FBI, involved in a series of coordinated internet scam obtained from victims in the United States and other parts of the world.
The American security agency on Thursday, August 22 said 14 of the suspects had been arrested while the remaining defendants were “believed to be abroad with most of them located in Nigeria.”
Following the release of the names of all the Nigerians indicted in the fraud case, ThisDay newspaper, citing anonymous sources on Friday, August 23, said the EFCC boss met with a select team at the headquarters in Abuja, to strategize on how to arrest the Nigeria-based members of the fraud syndicate.
Meanwhile, speaking at the EFCC headquarters in Abuja also on Friday, Magu reportedly confirmed that the agency had commenced an investigation into the matter. He said the commission was investigating to ascertain the involvement of Nigerians who collaborated with the ones indicted in the US.
“We will investigate it and we will leave no stone unturned. We will go after those who collaborated with the ones in the US and they will be made to face the full wrath of the law,” Magu was quoted to have said.
The EFCC boss noted that the commission was collaborating with the FBI in two operations notably Operation “Wire-wire” which commenced in 2018 and Operation “Rewire” presently ongoing, both aimed at containing cybercrime. He said the joint operation involved Malaysia, Canada, Indonesia, and the United States.
“We work with FBI in Lagos. We carried out operation wire-wire and the FBI mentioned in their press statement that we are one of the agencies working with them and it was successful,” he said. “But to come out with the list of these 77 Nigerians is very unfortunate. Meanwhile, it is not that we are not doing anything here; we are working and re-energising to storm their hideouts. We’ll also cooperate with our partners. Last time, we were in Ghana because when the heat was on them, most of them were operating from Ghana. We’ll cooperate with our partners to check the menace of Yahoo Boys because it is a borderless crime because you cannot do it alone. So, I’m happy that the Americans participated in the operation,” Magu added.
The EFCC chief also urged the media to sensitize Nigerians about the menace of internet fraud. He lamented that the situation is worrisome as some parents have now allegedly formed an association soliciting for the release of arrested fraudsters.
He said: “I also want the media people to help us tell Nigerians because some people don’t still believe that the activities of these Yahoo Yahoo Boys are still strong. We have a situation where we have Mothers of Yahoo Yahoo Association, I don’t know whether you’ve heard of that. Whenever we arrest their children, they’ll gather around our offices pleading for the release of their children. So, I want you to help us sensitize Nigerians so that people will frown at the menace of 419. “When you go outside this country, the search exercise they subject you to the moment they realise you are a Nigerian is humiliating. So, if we don’t address this and allow the activities of the 419ers to resume, it will be bad. “For us at the EFCC, we’ll continue to cooperate with both within and outside Nigeria to stop this menace. I want you to give us information and we’ll raid all their hideouts. “We’ll cooperate with other stakeholders and other law enforcement agencies in this country and outside the country like the FBI and the NCA and other law enforcement agencies in the neigbouring countries to make sure we deal with this issue. “We will also deal with any Nigerian who connive with other Nigerians just like this to defraud. We are on the watch-out, we will not leave any stone unturned.” The US government and the FBI, however, have not contacted the EFCC over the fraud. “We have not been contacted but they have acknowledged our participation in their release. I don’t have the details now in respect of the arrest,” Magu said.
Similarly, there are reports that the Nigerian federal government has also called on the Nigerians among the 80 persons indicted by the US for fraud to turn themselves in or risk being extradited. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, the chairman of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission, said she hoped those indicted will be given a fair hearing. Dabiri-Erewa said though such action may have a negative effect on the image of the country, it does not represent the action of all Nigerians.
She said: “We acknowledge the fact that accusation does not mean guilt, and we hope that all the accused will be given a fair and speedy trial. “We also ask those accused in Nigeria to voluntarily turn themselves in, to American authorities to clear their names, without which the Nigerian government would extradite them if relevant international treaties between the two governments are invoked. “While such actions ultimately have a negative effect on the image of the country, the commission, however, reiterates as it has always done, that the actions of a few Nigerians involved in criminal activities are not and can never be what the majority of Nigerians represent.”
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  TAGS: Scam News, News About Scams, News About Scammers, Global Scamming News, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Ibrahim Magu, Major Scam & Scamming News,  Famous Nigerian Prince Arrested, Total Of 80 Scammers, $46 Million, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Government,
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SCARS|RSN™ Major Scam & Scamming News: Famous Nigerian Prince Arrested Along With A Total Of 80 Scammers With $46 Million SCARS|RSN™ Major Scam & Scamming News: Famous Nigerian Prince Arrested Along With A Total Of 80 Scammers With $46 Million…
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Warshaw: Winners and Losers from a Decision Day that did not disappoint
USA Today Sports Images
October 29, 20181:09PM EDT
The Audi 2018 MLS Cup Playoffs may be ahead, but there were already plenty of winners and losers after the regular season concluded on Sunday, the 2018 edition of MLS Decision Day presented by AT&T. Here’s a look at who gained and lost the most 
The Clear Winners
RBNY Duh. The Red Bulls lifted a trophy (props to whoever decided to whip this shield out). New York’s 1-0 win over Orlando paired with Atlanta’s loss to net a third Shield in six years. RBNY also set the record for most points in a single season.
Yo @ChrisEvans, these guys got your shield. pic.twitter.com/Ec5b6lHzgF
— COPA90 US (@COPA90US) October 29, 2018
A question for the super MLS dorky: Does three Shields in six years count as a dynasty? My gut reaction says no. But if they were MLS Cups, the answer would be yes. Should it be a different answer for the Shield? Isn’t the Shield harder to win?
Big Winners
REAL SALT LAKE What a night they must have had. RSL had to watch from home as the Galaxy carve up Houston in the first half en route to a 2-0 lead. Then Houston pulled a goal back, and it was surely just a tease … no way Galaxy could cough this up, right? Then Houston get another to tie … but it’s Zlatan on the other end, and this has storybook LA ending written all over it, right? Then Houston scored a third and Mike Petke must have lost his *&^% as RSL snuck into the six spot in the West.
Lozz Angelez https://t.co/uyvUDfFNmc
— Real Salt Lake (@realsaltlake) October 28, 2018
The folks in Utah gotta send the Dynamo something, right? What’s the proper gift for such an occasion? Nobody actually wants a fruit basket. Flowers could be funny; I’d watch a GIF of Alberth Elis opening a box of roses.
We better see a ‘gram from Houston showing off an arrival from RSL this week.
SPORTING KC The good news: The 2-1 win over LAFC ensures Sporting skip the elimination game. After losing four straight first-round games, they can sleep a little easier this week. They also got the game winner after going down a man.
The bad news: Seth Sinovic got the red card and Sporting have struggled without Sinovic on the field this year. In Sinovic’s 18 starts prior to Sunday, Sporting were 11-3-4; in the remaining games, they were 6-5-4. To make matters worse, their reserve left backs — Cristian Lobato, Jimmy Medranda, and Jaylin Lindsey — are all unavailable right now. Sporting can either call Lindsey back from U-20 national team duty, or move Yohan Croizet to left back for next weekend’s playoff game (or maybe move Matt Besler there?).
SEATTLE With the win over San Jose, the Sounders finish as the No. 2 seed in the West. Yeah, crazy, huh?
Best I can tell, Raul Ruidiaz is the fastest Sounder to 10 goals. Took him 14 games. Dempsey, I think, had the record with 19. Montero took 20 games. Oba was 24.
— Jeremiah Oshan (@JeremiahOshan) October 29, 2018
I stick to my comments that the Sounders weren’t yet good through the early parts of their win streak. But they are good now. They spun the confidence into a reliable playing style revolving around sharp passing, fluid attacking movement, and dominating dangerous space near their box. The No. 2 seed is a fair finish for them. They are one of the top-two teams in the West.
CREW SC They won; they’re in; Gyasi Zardes bagged a hat trick. Once upon a time they would have been bummed to have to travel for the elimination game, but they can’t dwell on that. They get the five-seed and will travel to D.C. for the elimination game.
D.C. UNITED A draw was enough to move into fourth and earn D.C. a home game. They’re 12-2-1 at home since christening Audi Field.
NYCFC They might have gotten their mojo back in the 3-1 win over Philadelphia. Or, at least they got their starters back, who brought the mojo with them. Yangel Herrera, Maxi Moralez, Jesus Medina, and Ismael Tajouri-Shradi all returned to the starting lineup, and we saw what would probably be Dome Torrent’s first-choice group for the first time since the manager took over the team. The win means NYC get the elimination game at Yankee Stadium, where they are 12-1-14 in 2018.
The Clear Losers
LA GALAZY I still can’t believe that happened. Winning 2-0 at half in a home game against a team that’s been eliminated for a month and then … Splat.
Actually, yes I can. The Galaxy had been better recently, but they still weren’t playing like a playoff team, especially defensively. In preparation for our studio shows, our producers asked me to put together film on how the Galaxy had improved defensively. I couldn’t do it. I went back through their last four games and couldn’t find a single clip when they showed solid team shape. They weren’t making the elementary mistakes that they had been making, which elevated their level by default, but they still allowed plenty of gaps between their lines, and someone was bound to exploit them at some point.
Big Losers
ATLUTD Matt came in hard on Atlanta for their disappointing 4-1 defeat to Toronto.
They got drilled 4-1 on the final day of the season w/ a trophy on the line. That’s a collapse. #TFCvATL https://t.co/yrlf0hWzER
— Matthew Doyle (@MattDoyle76) October 28, 2018
I see where he’s coming from, but I disagree; I wouldn’t call it a collapse. Atlanta won 5-of-7, and 9-of-13. The two most recent losses were at the Red Bulls and at Toronto (The Reds have had a bad year, but they still have the ability to be very good). There’s nothing embarrassing about any of that. It just so happens that Red Bulls also won 9-of-13, but happened to draw instead of lose in the other couple.  
That said, this has gotta hurt. Atlanta were the best team for most of the year, and it felt like a matter of time until they would hoist their first trophy. Now everything’s falling apart: Tata’s leaving soon; Miguel Almiron’s hurt; the midfield looks unable to control a game. Atlanta didn’t just lose a game and a trophy on Sunday – they looked far from being a team that could win three straight tough playoff series.
MONTREAL IMPACT So close yet so far. They gave themselves a chance heading into Decision Day, but the 1-0 loss to New England ended their hopes. The Impact held on longer than anyone expected. Mais c’est fini, as they say.
PHILADELPHIA The loss itself wasn’t that bad. The way they lost, though …
The Union looked like the worst version of themselves at Yankee Stadium on Sunday; the tight dimensions of the field hindered their ability to pass. The Union’s entire gameplan, both offensively and defensively, depends upon their ability to move the ball in a controlled manner. Philly have worked hard to build a playing style, but Yankee Stadium might be the toughest place to execute it. Sunday’s loss means they fall to sixth … and will play in Yankee Stadium. Again. On Wednesday.
LAFC It’s harsh to call LAFC “losers” on the night; they lost on the road to the top team in the conference. Unfortunately, though, they also fell out of the top two and must now play an elimination game.
Of note, head coach Bob Bradley reinserted Eduard Atuesta into the lineup. Benny Feilhaber and Lee Nguyen played with Atuesta in the middle and Carlos Vela started on the right. I understand why Bradley wants Atuesta on the field — Atuesta can offer more defensive stability — but LAFC look better to my eyes when Vela plays centrally. The spacing with a triangle of Feilhaber-Nguyen-Vela makes for more fluid ball movement than Atuesta-Feilhaber-Nguyen with Vela tucking central. That’s something to watch during their midweek elimination game against RSL.
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MLSsoccer.com News
Warshaw: Winners and Losers from a Decision Day that did not disappoint was originally published on 365 Football
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topicprinter · 6 years
[TL; DR: Amazon is very strict about ToS. Create a content rich site. Drive traffic. Specifics: search WHAT WORKED further down this post]So ... it's been over a year since I applied for an Amazon affiliate account. Back then,it was easy to get access to the Product Advertising API, which is a must-have if you are using any of the Amazon plug-ins to grab the latest deals and current prices off Amazon. All you had to do was ask, and they'd let you create your PAAPI keys right away.My first affiliate account was deactivated because I didn't bother getting the word out and so had zero sales after 6 months.Right. Lesson learned ... these things expire.Then I threw up a website that used the PAAPI with a plugin, so the store was FULL of products. I focused on a single sub-category (Painting, Drawing, and Art Supplies), because, being an artist myself, I decided that would be a good niche to focus on. Also put up another site in the photography supplies niche.Did some social media posts (FB, Twitter, Pinterest, IG). Got a bit of traction, but not huge. Started talking with someone who has a bunch of Im businesses, and he strongly recommended outsourcing the daily posting, multiple times a day, etc.So off I went to TaskBullet, set up an account and bought their biggest bucket as it was most bang for the buck. Requested they assign a social media manager with experience driving traffic. Watched as the lady assigned to my account fumbled through the posting over 3 months. Results: page likes, post likes, followers, but no sales.Lesson learned: don't outsource what you don't understand. Be very clear what your expectations are, from the get-go. Pull the plug early if the outsourcing isn't getting you the results you expected.I decided my best bet was to handle the Amazon account and all marketing for it myself, so that I could learn and also control my results.Then I got ridiculously stupid back in July. My affiliate account was under my corporate ID (same postal address, different credit card , corporation name on the account, but my own name as the person in charge). I decided it would be okay to purchase for my personal account using the corporation's affiliate ID. Also had a couple of friends purchase items using the same affiliate ID.Result: Amazon, in their wisdom, reviewed the account, noticed the personal purchase and totally disabled the account. No explanations offered, but the cause was pretty obvious.Lesson learned: don't ever try to double-dip. Amazon is not dumb, they'll shut you down as soon as they notice.By this time, Amazon had changed the rules of the game: PAAPI access is now granted only to those who have got those magical 3 initial sales and had their account officially approved by Amazon.That means, if you have a WP plugin throwing new exciting finds from Amazon on your website, that website now has blank pages where the products used to appear. So I now had two websites (the art supplies one and the photography one) sitting around looking really dumb.What to do? I threw up a random blog site, put some "posts" on it: basically, glorified copies of the items on Amazon. Put in a disclosure at the bottom of the page stating that I'm an affiliate. Asked my friends to buy, they did.Result: Amazon shut down the account. No explanations offered.Lesson learned: I had NO idea why they shut it down, although their comment of "not really original content" was a clue. Googled "get approved for Amazon affiliate 2018". Learned that they actually want to see a successful blog site, with actual content, not just copy-paste from the items for sale at Amazon.Also learned three other key details: 1) it's against Amazon's ToS to use their product images on your site (I'd just assumed that was fine, because those were obviously the best images ... bad mistake). 2) they want that affiliate disclaimer to be very prominent, not just in the page footer! 3) they want to see a site with steady traffic!DUH, That last one should have been obvious even to a noob! Created yet another affiliate id using the same credentials as before (Amazon lets you do this, no issues).[What worked] Okay, back to the drawing board. Revamped my blog starting on Oct 7.I added a new page titled Affiliate Disclosure to my blog, and made sure every blog post had a big, bold affiliate disclosure at the bottom and a link to that affiliate disclosure page for additional details.I went through all of my posts and changed out the Amazon images for photos I'd either taken myself of my art and photography supplies, or relevant photos from royalty-free image sites like Pixabay.comWrote new articles in an actual blog post style, telling people what I do, how I use these tools, comparing one against the other, etc. By this time, I had about 10 posts active on the blog, all with links to multiple items, not just one item per post as I'd previously done for my original spammy "blog site".Realized I still had no traffic other than my friends (one friend had clicked through on a blog post and purchased some crayons for me) ... so, on October 9th, I started doing boosted posts on FB and IG with very low ad budgets, no more than $2 to $5 per day.Continued creating new blog posts as I found new discounts on Amazon or rediscovered art supplies I use and love. The blog became a way to journal my love for art! Another friend purchased an eraser off my blog. Again, a very low-priced purchase. My friends aren't dumb, either!1 week in, I realized that my ads were working. My FB page has over a 100 followers now, and I've run enough boosted posts and ads that FB converted my pages to a business account (something I'd intended to do and never got around to doing).Just about the 10-day mark, I noticed a new sale on my Amazon Affiliate report ... and it was NOT anything on my blog! So that means someone actually bought something from Amazon within 24 hours of clicking through from my blog to Amazon (Amazon affiliate links are cookied for 24 hours if no purchase is made after a link click, or for 90 days if your buyer actually buys your advertised item after clicking your link).That was a week ago today. And that was my 3rd sale. I continued with the boosted posts so Amazon's reviewer would continue to see traffic hitting my page.This morning, Amazon sent me an email telling me my account was approved.All told, it took me almost 3 weeks on this latest attempt, including cleaning up my blog and driving traffic to the blog.Lessons learned: 1. Really follow Amazon's ToS. They'll shut you down with no warning and no explanations for any infringement. 2. Create real content, not just spammy copy-paste reviews. 3. Drive consistent traffic. This can be free traffic if you are good at the social media game, or just plain paid traffic. I've spent a total of $94.39 over the three weeks: I was doing a bunch of split tests, so, although each individual ad was only $2 to $5 per day, it adds up!Could you get this done faster? Heck, yes, if you have high quality blog posts, and you can drive more traffic quickly, it may only take a week to ten days. I'm happy enough with my slower pace, as it allowed me to understand better why some things work and some don't. I'm still no paid traffic expert, but I now have a solid understanding of how to tweak things to make my ads work.If you try following these steps, do come back and let me know what your results were!
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Thursday, July 5, 2018
post #178
main points:
- intern outing in SF in japan town
- aquarium
- rent a car and drive down south to fb to meet with kush, will and jwoos for dinner
- hectic returning the car 
- packing
today i:
- woke up around 8:45am. then 9:30am. i decided to just get up and get going. there was an intern outing in SF starting near japan town at 10:30am. i decided to just go at 11:30am when they would start eating lunch at yamadaya ramen (where i got lunch with hugh and jwoos just this past sunday LOL)
- i woke up and tried to catch up on yesterday’s blog post but got a little distracted on youtube and figuring out what to do for the day (renting a car vs ubering). i decided to rent a car for the day since i’d be going down to redwood. i wrote some rough draft of yesterday’s blog and then called an uber around 10:45am
- got to yamadaya ramen at 11:30am, just in time. i went inside and all the interns were already there. there were like 15 of us. i sat on one end with chip, the organizer. he’s really cool. we got karaage, gyoza, and takoyaki for appetizers. then i got the yamada ramen again for lunch. it was really heavy but yummy
then we wandered around the japantown malls (the same exact thing i did with hugh and jwoos LOL). we got taiyaki (the fried fish dough thing) and then went to the book store. i hung out with vishal, gabriel, lillia while we were exploring
after japantown, a lot of the interns dipped to go elsewhere. we called some ubers to head up north to the pier/aquarium. i hopped on chip’s car and we drove to the aquarium. we talked about some random stuff like company perks, his growth in career/plans of maybe moving and my plans of where i wanna live after i graduate, and other stuff
- we got to the aquarium around 1:30pm...? or 2pm? idk. everyone else was already there cause the ubers had dropped them off. then we went into the aquarium and looked around for about an hour and a half. there were two floors and it was kind of confusing initially, cause the elevator’s misleading. it doesn’t go anywhere and then opens on the other side to a different part of the aquarium. highlights were that we saw some sharks, jellyfish, and some sea otters. it was a chill time
- everyone went to pier 39 and i headed south to go pick up a car. got there around 4:40pm ish, then unlocked the car (prius) and drove south to redwood. it took about 30 ish minutes
i got there around 5:30pm and then met up with jwoos. i accidentally parked the farthest possible place from him LOL. i thought it was 1 hacker way so that’s what i put into my google maps. he signed me in, then kush showed up after a few minutes, so we signed him in. jwoos gave us a tour around the campus and it’s just... MASSSIIIIVE. they’re living such a nice life. the building is huge and so nice. the microkitchens are humongous. so much space and so many engineers
around 6pm, will arrived. we signed him in and then biked to classic campus to get dinner. we ate some cajun food which was pretty dope. it was fun catching up with will and kush cause i haven’t seen them in so long (like almost a year). we just talked about stuff related to tech/what we’re working on at our internships. we also bumped into norman who was showing his fam around. after we ate cajun food, we went to the sweets shop, which was awesome. it had like ice cream, cookies, froyo, toppings, all of it for free LOL. then we were shown the arcade and then that was about it
we biked back to the new building to pick up will’s bags cause he checked them in when he got signed in. then kush headed home
jwoos will and i walked back to my car that i parked so far away at LOL. we drove back to jwoos place and i hung out with him and will for a bit to charge my phone. it was at like 35% and i was getting anxious cause i needed it to navigate back up north, return the rental car, and also uber back home. i chilled there from like 9pm to 9:45pm and it got to like 60%, which was pretty solid. jwoos will and i were just hanging out for a bit. they talked about running (will ran a marathon two months ago) and it was interesting to hear about
i peaced out around 9:45pm (will is staying with jwoos for the next few days). drove for about 40 minutes back up to where i got the rental car. as i got closer, i realized i’d need to extend my rental for 15 minutes from 10:30pm to 10:45pm to fill up on gas before returning it. i tried to do this once i had parked at the gas station, but the app bugged out and did it for 1 hour and 15 minutes instead. so i filled up the car’s gas and then called support to ask to be refunded. they assured me that once the car was returned, i’d be refunded the difference.
i drove the car from the gas station to the parking spot around 10:35pm. i called an uber to take me home, and then parked the rental car. i was trying to take some pics of it for liability reasons but only got the left side cause the uber had arrived so quickly. i rushed and took a single pic and then got into the uber. i’m really paranoid i’m gonna get charged for something i didn’t do. the car was in the exact same condition i got it in (no damage at all), and i wish i had a chance to take pictures of all four sides. ugh so stressful
- ubered back home and got back around 11pm. picked up the mail for my upstairs roommate who needed access to the mailbox. now i’m catching up on today and yesterday’s blog posts
now i’m gonna go take a long shower, pack for yosemite, and then sleep
whew the last two hours were really hectic. okay good night
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mineofilms · 6 years
Medical Health Update... The Full Story Part One
I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes in July of 2014. It wasn't that much time later I lost the sight in both my eyes due to Cataract. 6 weeks it started and then took both eyes. The Doctors for Center for Sight; Dr. Kim (yes very Asian, lol) said they had never seen a Cataract this aggressive in someone that was in my age range and the shape I was in. 5'2; 140 lbs, 35 years old @ 8% Body Fat at that time. Mind you professional bodybuilders usually come in, in and around, 3-5% Body Fat. So I was in pretty good shape on the outside. A month later I got surgery on both eyes.
Since then I have lost an additional 10lbs. When I went to the ER in July 2014 to find out what was up with me. I didn't have a dollar in my name. My blood sugar was at around 500 then. I got a DUI in June of 2016 and they tested my blood then. It was High; around 455. I got cellulitis in my right finger in July of 2017, went to Sarasota Memorial, blood test came up at 475.
In the few months to come, I stabilized my blood sugar. However; I was having problems with the insulin I was on (Novolin R, and Novolin N) The N made me very sick and weak. I lose more weight. The R also made me sick an even after eating my Blood Sugar would drop way too low. I'd go to the gym and BOOM. Bottom the hell out in mid-set... I was so goddamn embarrassed.
You have to understand that I am a complete beast in the gym. I go at a hard pace and I don't mess about there. All business... The one place where I can be a complete animal with just about no regard for anything but myself. I love it...
The reason why I am saying all this is to give you some back story about why I am here and why my profile sort of makes no sense on the outside looking in. I am not a typical Type II Diabetic case. My blood sugars are a little high from normal, to the mid 200's. The only time I get spikes is in the AM, Fasted and/or If I eat a late dinner. I might see a 298-303 reading. Those bigger numbers that I talked about above where all situations where my body and my brain were under a lot of stress. Stress. I will come back to that.
So, for the most part, my blood sugars are not that out of control that I need to suffer every day being sick on a poor man's insulin. I have no insurance so I cannot get the Novolog that I need. I have to get the Canadian Version from Wal-Mart.
I was laid off in November, I wasn't feeling good at all. I also have a back issue. Back then it was at its worse. I could barely move around. It got so bad I had to take time off the gym and then another few months not doing LEGS. What real lifter skips Leg Day Yo? So; I was gonna get a shot in the spin but my PCP (Primary Care Physician) was being a real pain about it. Wanted all these tests that cost money I didn't have and I had to pay them. I got upset and just said screw it to both. My back, the shot, my PCP. I fired them both and let them know what I was gonna do. I was gonna eat carbs and squat... They both didn't like that. Get this... After 10 days of treating my back like I had no issues. My pain went from a solid 8 to about a 3. When the pressure drops here in SWFL it does affect it but I can usually fight through it.
So back to my diabetes... Your typical type II diabetic case are bigger people who cannot lose weight. In fact, they gain weight in most cases. Me? I lost 50+lbs in about 8 months and for the life of me, I cannot put weight back on. I literally cannot gain physical mass. No matter how much I eat/train/rest/repeat... I do not gain physical mass... I weighed today at 135... I look good; sure, but I am too small. I need to be 150-155. Then I would feel more me again. Me hopes...
I Googled/WebMD'd the FK out of this and couldn't find much data on "Type II Diabetics trying to gain mass." Almost all the fitness stuff on Diabetes is all big/fat people trying to lose weight. Their disease is what's increasing their weight. Yet mine subtracts and I have only had mild success at putting muscle mass on. It's actually quite maddening.
I truly believe that Stress from 2012-2013 put me into this state. I can actually remember waking up one day feeling like EVERYTHING around me that I knew was "off" or how I was seeing/interpreting it, was, OFF; mentally, physically and emotionally.
This is also why I am single. I do not gain mass because it's likely my T levels are extremely low. I am willing to bet its closer to zero. I am sure you know what low T will do to a guy both mentally and physically. It has literally re-wired how my brain operates now. Especially in the guy/girl department.
Now that I am back to work. I plan to get a GAD Test. A GAD test is a blood test which measures whether the body is producing a type of antibody which destroys its own GAD cells. Apparently, this is related to Diabetes as a whole. Apparently, it's not standard testing down here. How am I not surprised... Anyways... I am going to another Dr. I know from the GYM. He does TRT replacement. So I am going to get tested to see if that might help me be more, ah, more me; you know?
So now I have cut my workouts back to 4 days a week. My job is very physically demanding and I usually drink about a gallon to a gallon and a half of water between work and the gym. I sweat my weight in water so my job is cardio and I do a more powerlifting routine. My body responds better to this but still no mass gain. Will continue this when I see the Doctor and get those blood test results in.
Medical Health Update... The Full Story Part One by David-Angelo Mineo 6/13/2018..
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