#the unserious way is way more funny im so fucked guys 😭😭😭😭
mainfaggot Β· 7 months
I wanna kill myself
#in both a serious and unserious way#the serious way is bc i feel like i keep massively fucking myself over which affects my parents and sisters too and i cant get myself to be#realistic and healthily optimistic like im so fucking pessimistic it's a major concern#the unserious way is way more funny im so fucked guys 😭😭😭😭#this crush is so pathetic. more dire than last time#i just stopped functioning i couldn't get more than ONE SENTENCE out to her even tho i ended up sitting across from her holy shit she#probably thinks im some moody weirdo bc last time i was malfunctioning but super enthusiastic and this time#i was like . quiet. and just. shy in a way that made me feel uncomfortable so why wouldn't it extend to her#this morning i was like idk what the point of anything is. why am i even trying to befriend her#wont this just end stupidly like last time i had a crush in uni? like the time before that in high school?#i have nothing to offer like lets say by some grand miracle she and i study together we get friendly we become#acquaintances and then it turns out shes also Interested in me#then what???? what do i have that she doesn't already have in her life???#i feel like i cant GIVE anything all i do is impose myself upon people#like deal with [this] -> me and all my baggage#and its like okay if she likes You she'll gladly deal w the rest but thats the thing why would she even LIKE ME#what. do i have but a shell.#an image.#i have nothing but neuroticism and depression underneath#thats what it feels like although realistically that cant be fully true#and also isnt it superficial of me to have a crush on her? all i know is that shes beautiful she speaks spanish so well and that shes quiet#in the way thats charming and im kind of afraid of disturbing her peace#z.post
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dramallamas Β· 4 months
The (unserious) notes of Beyond Evil. Episode Three Edition
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Cant wait to psychoanalyse this episode later with the scriptbook!
Jinmuk je te deteste dont even dare feel sad you monster
that shot of Juwon lazing on his sofa im down bad
He has nice handwriting tho
Honestly when is this man not thinking about Dongsik
The fly jumpscared me bc of my headphones
Dongsik you bastard (affectionately)
He is not ok rn
Juwon eavesdropping was me and my flatmate last night trying to find out the drama
The camerawork in this show is beautiful omg
Dongsik has no right to look this fine rn tho
Oop spotted!
Jihwa knew both of them were at the station lol
And bada bing bada boom we are in the recording room
And theyre off and Jihwa is so done
Juwon is so like WTF with this whole thing.
If looks could kill Dongsik would be dead πŸ’€
why at 5am?! WHY WERE YOU UP AT 5AM?!
Bro Juwon doesnt hold back
Dongsik <3
Juwon could murder im sure of it. He has it ij him.
I like watching the gay men fight… because its fun :)
THE ONLY TIME I WILL AGREE WITH HAN KIHWAN IS RN β€œWhat a nut job. I like him [Dongsik].”
Juwon pissing off Kihwan is just so great at all times.
Theyre gonna find the wrong body and blow this case even bigger
Dongsik again <3 the onlt dilf of my life tbh
My heart breaks for him though. He masks a lot if pain
β€œWhat if I ran into older Yuyeon on the street, but failed to recognise her. That worries me a lot…” πŸ’”
Fellas is it gay to stare at another mans smiling photo for a long time whilst in your room?
Juwon you have always been a crafty bitch and I respect that
YJG is a brilliant actor he is a master at subtle emotions which makes him one of the most expressive characters in the show
YAY you found a phone
Bad news for Juwon its Geumhwas phone that has his number.
Mate ur laughing like a maniac like dongsik does. You two arent as different as you think.
But my god you like to jump to the wrong conclusions
Watching the scene with nam sangbae and dongsik makes me cry but i cant because im in the living room with my flatmates. And the score in the background just 😭
Me 🀝 Dongsik : Laughing to hide pain
Man will stay in work just for Juwon
They back and forth in every scene like its all they do.
Mf going on about the culprit always returning to the scene and here comes JINMUK AHDKFMSP FORESHADOWING WE MISSED
Part of me think that Dongsik is suspicious of Jinmuk atp.
If you told them that they would be so close by the end of the series they would be fucking disgusted.
Oop juwon getting interrogated.
Juwon pausing before adding μš” at the end of his sentence like bro you are forgetting your respect conjugation
oh shit juwon not looking good for you is it.
"Given his nature, there is no way he [Juwon] would get involved in a crime" HYEOK YOU DONT EVEN KNOW-
Hyeok became his tutor in 2010... when JW was 17. does that mean that he helped JW in Korea rather than britain? or the tail end of britain onwards.
Hyeok you are such a kiss-ass
Do Haewon 🀒 she is so fake i hate it (which is the poing ig lmao)
LEE CHANGJIN. hes so funny for a bad guy
Jeongje is so frustrated with his mum (same)
Juwon is this close to slapping Hyeok at times.
aliens? rude much kihwan (what did we expect)
and there goes juwon loosing his cool.
annoyingly kihwan makes some points even if its for self centered gain. still hate kihwan dw
bro standing outside as ppl talk about him like 🧍
And then the eye contact between him and dongsik god having a whole silent conversation
Nice recovery juwon.
Them being nice to each other? NOT THIS EARLY BOIS
And boom personal space who? They dont know it.
Dongsik telling Juwon to go to therapy lmaooo
Juwon grabbing Dongsik probably became a… different thing later on yk? Hehe
This episode is basically Juwon and his terrible no good very bad couple days.
Bro you need to hike/walk more Juwon how are you already sweating.
You make think you have him, but nope he has you.
The tiny bloodstain ofc. He def left it deliberately somewhat
And i am so hyped for episode four because of the incoming moments.
Juwon this isnt the victory you think it is trust me
see you all next episode! bye ^^
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loveyougoodbi Β· 1 month
Unserious China Race Overview
I few days later than usual but it is here. My thoughts on everything that happened in China this weekend under the cut
1. Red Bull
Ferrari will catch them. They will. Then we will see a REAL Max vs Charles battle. It's gonna happen you just wait.
Perez had another good weekend, however he shouldve caught Lando. He should've gotten past Charles faster (but it's Charles). He was decent. And that's all that RBR need. Because they have Max. And oh Max, my sunshine, my lion the apple of my eye. You are the greatest of all time and soon everyone will admit it.
2. Ferrari
I realize the reason I have not done this overview for 2 days is because I have too much to say about Ferrari this weekend and im just too tired. So i wont say everything. Just a part of it.
First of all, the car... it's getting worse folks. They need to fix the quali issue and now they also need to fix the pace on the hards. This is 2 weekends in a row that they have been hindered by a bad quali. They sacrificed quali pace for race pace but... you can not win with a quali THAT bad. It is ruining their weekends. Hoping the Miami floor will save us I am begging on my knees at this point 😭. And on top of this big quali issue we now have the hards issue that wasn't even there on other circuits. And yes, I get it, it's the fault of the sprint weekend and them not testing the hards therefore not having a setup for them but 😭😭😭😭 I am also a simple girl and I am Scared.
I have decided to not speak about the teammate drama aka Carlos fucking Sainz almost fucking up both of the races this weekend because of his stupidity and just being a bad teammate and human being in general. I think I've said enough and if you follow me you know very well how I feel about that whole situation. 229 more days for those of us counting.
3. McLaren
As much as it pains me to say Lando had an amazing race. I am just here as your resident Lando slanderer to remind you to celebrate his ups but not forget his downs because as good as a race he had he managed to fuck up the sprint so. Fucking. Bad. Like it was so bad I actually couldn't believe someone can fuck up like that.
Lando is a good driver but he is yet to convince me that he is wdc material with flops and inconsistencies like that.
Oscar was invisible, but I still think he did well considering he has never driven here before. I had him down as a DNF this race. Plus he hung on there with damage at the end of the race. Plus he's funny. Unlike some peo- nevermind.
4. Mercedes
I feel like every time we get to Mercedes I say the same thing: they are slow... but they are actually slow, just ask Lewis Hamilton.
How he managed to get from p19 to p9 in that car is insane behavior btw if you even care.
5. Aston Martin
How can I sum up everything that happened to Aston Martin this weekend without this becoming a novel about Fernando Alonso and all his incredible adventures and misfortunes?
But let me do a sum up:
First thing Fernando did this weekend was go on an adventure Dora the explorer style in practice. Second thing he did was put it on the front row for the sprint. Then he hung on with the (very fast) beasts for way too long until he became a victim of the Sainz tornado which not only got him to DNF from the sprint but also a random 10s penalty that was the most unnecessary and unaffecting penalty in the world. Then the race started and this guy overtakes in turn 1 only to Then be put on the worst strategy in the history of ever and was one of the only ones to stop 3 times. That caused him to go through half the grid and overtake Lewis Hamilton 2 turns after he almost lost it in the gravel in the same place that Carlos literally lost it the day before (but why would you want a driver who doesn't crash when you can have a driver who crashes in just the right angle.. is the question all of us should be asking rn). Anyway Fernando Fucking Alonso ladies and gentleman.
And then there's lancey strolley..... my guy..... my man..... I have no words for you and that's saying something.
6. Haas
My pookie bears one more point in the bag huh? Would it have happened if Kevin Magnussen didn't sacrifice himself for the one point again? No. Do I think its actually an amazing strategy to have Kevin commit crimes for one singular Hulk point? Yes I abso fcking lutely do.
Anyway that is MY midfield team and everyone else in the midfield can simply go home.
7. Alpine
Would you look at that, Alpine are getting better? Or are the others just getting worse? I think it may be the second one. Ocon apparently had something different on his car? I saw no difference honestly but idk. Well see.
And as if that all wasnt enough Pierre almost ran over a mechanic and now they have to pay the FIA with taylor Swifts boyfriends money. Really they can not catch a break..
8. Williams
Alex Albons helmet was so funny. Everything else was πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
9. Sauber
Zhouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️ that was so cute I died he is so sweet he deserved that so much. So emotional 😒
The Ferrari engine has started falling apart unfortunately tho πŸ˜• every time I think oh Sauber are getting better they prove me wrong. I had so much hope after the sprint. But that point is coming for them I can feel it. Right after they fix the pit stops.
19. RB
They just..... they..... I mean........ what can you say.
They deserve more as a team. The misogynist does not deserve anything at all but the team deserves better. And Yuki DEFFINITELY did not deserve what happened to him and he DEFFINITELY deserved better. Praying for a good race for them in Miami.
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