#the thing with a&o being called usurpers annoys me so much
Is it just me or was it a really dumb move of Rhaenyra to leave Kingslanding? Putting aside the question of the succession, isn't the Crown Princess' place in the capital so she knows what the fuck is going on in the Realm she will inherit one day? Team Black seemed pretty isolated on Dragonstone, they didn't even know Viserys was ill (you'd think they'd have an informant or something) and by the time they found out he was dead, Aegon was already crowned.
I mean, I know Rhaenyra and Daemon (as well as their fans) accused Otto and Alicent of usurping the throne while Viserys was still alive, but like...the Realm couldn't go on autopilot while the King was barely conscious and the Crown Princess was somewhere far away, having completely resigned herself of any state duties.
As bad as it sounds, the last few years/months of Viserys' life would have been the perfect time for her to get accustomed to ruling, but instead, she was just living like an ordinary noble woman with her husband and her kids. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but I just don't get a sense from her that she actually wants to be a Queen, it looks like for her it's something like 'meh, if it happens, it happens' rather than something she takes seriously.
If she was there when Viserys died, there's no chance that Aegon would have been crowned King, especially since we saw most of the Council members were on her side. It would have been easier for her to take control of the whole situation if she had Kingslanding, but instead she had to catch up with the events that had already taken place because she just wasn't there.
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thewolfbit · 5 years
Thoughts on 801
I missed a TON being off Tumblr for almost a week, and I’ve been trying to go through everything in the tag but failing miserably (bc you all ROCK at generating new content, and I am so well fed!!!!). So this is probably really repetitive and jet-laggy, but here are my thoughts (they may be a bit out of order):
Arya Stark!!!! I SHRIEKED
Then my heart broke because she sees some of the most important men in her life again, and none of them see her, and honestly that scene was really painful??? Her reaction! She was so disappointed and it HURT.
D is upset the smallfolk of the North don’t like her, but then her dragons swoop in and TERRIFY everyone and she has SUCH a satisfied smile... like omg HBO is dark!D on main now I guess??
JON AND BRAN REUNION. Jon quickly falls into the “he’s weird but we still love and accept him” group with Sansa and Arya
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JON AND SANSA HUG WAS SHORTENED!!! WTF Y’ALL. I’m mad about this!!! Why did they shorten that amazing reunion 2.0 after hyping it so much?? Idk I know they shoot it from multiple angles, but it just seems really strange to me to edit and prep two different versions to air for no apparent reason. (Also, were they for sure the same footage? For example, D and Jorah start walking, but don’t unclasp their hands like they did in the teaser... idk, I need to watch it again when my brain is done being jet lagged.) 
^ Has GoT done this before with any other alternate footage that’s only used for promo?
D: “JON TOLD ME HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE.” That’s it. That’s my take on this line.
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D finding out about Viserion being turned was... rushed... I felt like this should have been a MUCH bigger moment. But—
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Sansa and Tyrion reunion. Either Tyrion and Jon are both turned into devoted idiots in D’s presence, or they’re playing at something. Sansa sees through that shit with Tyrion!! I drank grape juice (no wine, I’m jet lagged!) to salute her in this scene
ARYA AND JON REUNION. While parts of this were great, I felt so bad for Arya here!! She deserved a real, wonderful, drawn-out reunion like Sansa and Jon got, instead of two seconds of loveliness and then “help me with Sansa and my gf” 🙄 Jon I get that maybe you’re trying to get on Arya’s side and be co-conspirators again like you were as kids but KNOCK IT OFF, you’re annoying me in this episode. #sansadefensesquad (which Arya is totally a part of and DON’T FORGET THAT)
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Oh no the dragons only ate the equivalent of 100 human meals today!! 😢 The dragon flying scene was honestly so cringey I felt like we were watching a completely different TV show. Why TF would D just be like “hey ride my 2nd dragon”??? There wasn’t even any pretext?? Like can’t they just throw in a “hey my dragons weirdly like you, they’ve never liked anyone, maybe they’ll let you ride them”?? Anyway I don’t even have anything more to say about this mess of a DotD2.0-setting-up scene other than: IT’S A MESS
Varys: “if you think J*nerys is endgame you aren’t paying attention”
D threatening Sansa. 
N O P E. 
I want to say “TRY IT” but also... pls don’t try it because you’re scary and have WMDs. LEAVE MY GIRL ALONE, she’s trying to defend her home from a usurper, which seems like something you could understand (tbh Sansa has been perfectly respectful... all she is doing is not being friendly!!! What TREASON)
Theon saved Yara!! Wow, super rushed! But OK! Theon is coming back to WF, probably to die by saving Bran or Sansa or something. Sigh. But at least he’s coming back.
Cersei was amazing in this episode. Everything was just so... great. Lena is perfection. Lena is the anti-dragon flying scene. Grape juice all around
Sidenote: some people are mentioning Daario returning with the Golden Company? I need to look more into this, but DANG. That would be interesting. I would love for this show to tie up some of its loose ends
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SANSA AND JON SCENE. This is a great scene (even though I was mad at Jon). THE ANGST. THE SUBTEXT. The lines: “You know I do.” “She’s much prettier.” (Aka she’s a pretty version of the Mad King, Jon... it’s not a compliment!!!) and of course:
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The Hound’s reunion with Arya... kinda sucked? Idk I know things are Complicated between them and she hated him a lot, but they also had a kind of grudging love for each other after all they went through. I just hated that he called her a bitch. I’m not trying to defend anything the Hound did or said, because it was awful and he wasn’t an amazing role model or anything!! But that’s who he was before, and I sort of thought that after his redemption arc and all that he’d be happier to see Arya. Or at least not call her a bitch, because 
She was a child!!!
He was terrible to her!! She probably would have mercy killed him if he hadn’t been like “I wanted to rape your sister”
If she’d killed him he would be... dead... you’re alive now so calm tf down and don’t call her a bitch!! #aryadefensesquad 
(Also, I’m a bit nervous that they’ll have the Hound and Sansa have a more emotional reunion since they skipped it with him and Arya, and their relationship was even more fraught, so... yikes)
GENDRY AND ARYA REUNION. My Gendrya heart is SOARING!! That shit was cute!!! “You’ve gotten better” omfg Gendry, YOU ADORABLE IDIOT. IMO this was the only good Arya reunion in this episode, sadly
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Sam was obviously upset about his dad and brother being executed. Because duh. Jon was upset too. Because duh. Wait until they find out it was execution by FIRE. (I sort of hope Sam doesn’t, because this scene was so sad and I felt so bad for him.) 
I was also annoyed that they made it somewhat comedic with Sam almost getting run over by a wagon and then tripping down the crypt steps or whatever. Sam is an actual human with feelings who just found out his dad and brother died, not just some comic relief 🙄
Sam and Jon reunion! A short nice moment between Sam learning that his family members were killed and Sam telling Jon who his real family members are (...including, coincidentally, the family member who killed Sam’s family members...)
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Parentage reveal. I felt like this scene could have been slowed down a bit (and Jon could have shown a lot more consideration of Sam’s news about his dad and brother dying!!), but I get that the audience already knows the truth so they don’t have time to have Sam convince Jon that it’s true. Jon’s first response: “it’s treason.” Aka he’s scared of D’s reaction. Not that he’s gonna lose his relationship with her. Not that he doesn’t think he could be a better leader. But that she’ll turn against him—and now he’s led her into his home.
Jaime rolls up and Bran’s like “HEY PAL.” My guess is that everyone will want to kill him (besides Tyrion and Brienne) but Bran will be like “we need him” or something
Overall, I think the episode had some great Jonsa/dark!D/pol!Jon setup and enough corny J*nerys stuff to make shippers and GA think it’s still a True Romance. 
Stuff I can’t wait for in the next episode:
Sansa(!) and Arya’s reactions to the parentage reveal
D’s reaction, if it happens—Jon might not want to rock the boat and risk losing her support before the WWs come
Varys seeing Sansa as the ruler she is
Jaime swearing an oath to Sansa, Arya, and Bran in Catelyn’s honor
Braime reunion!!!!!
Gendrya moments!!
Everyone saying goodbye to their loved ones before the battle (night before the battle love/passion scenes are MY JAM)
Cersei plotting to kidnap Sansa?
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taocastleprincess · 7 years
Inktober for Writers - Day 3 - Warmth / Eijiroctober - Day 3 - Hair
I’ve decided to do inktober for writers!! But also, someone made a prompt list for my firstborn in honor of his birthday month and I couldn’t NOT do that! So, we out here mergin’ prompts! ‘Cause it’s more fun that way! So pls enjoy 31 days of KIRISHIMA EIJIROU from your fave bakusquad stan and writer. (i MIGHT go back and do the days I missed, but that’s a BIG maybe)
Drabble under the cut!
“And you can’t ask Duracell why?”
Kirishima stands at the door of Bakugou’s room with his head wrapped and red hair dye in-hand. The blond looks at him with aggressive disinterest, if there ever were a thing.
“He’s studying with Yaomomo right now. We have a test next Monday; I’d feel bad interrupting.”
“You don’t feel bad interruptin’ me.”
The redhead smiles. Bakugou was such an easy guy to work with. There’s really nothing to it after awhile. You just gotta know what works and what doesn’t. And you wanna know what always works?
“Yeah, I know! ‘Cause we both know you’re gonna blow that test outta the water! It’s hella manly how you don’t even have to really study to get a good grade! Even Todoroki has to study even a little. You can spare an hour or two though, ‘cause you don’t even have to.”
Ego stroking. Flattery. A little bullshit.
Bakugou wears a look of self-admiration. Kirishima smiles to himself. Hook, line, and sinker. “Fine, Shitty Hair. But I ain’t a hairdresser, so don’t expect any fancy shit.”
It always works. Always.
Bakugou walks into his room and leaves his door open, presumably, for Kirishima to follow him. The redhead closes the door behind him and cheerfully walks over to the foot of Bakugou’s bed and sits ‘crisscross-applesauce’ style on the floor. The blond is fishing something out of his drawers with his back facing him.
Kirishima hums quietly while unwrapping the towel that adorns his head and caping it over his shoulders in preparation. Opening the box in his hand, he expertly mixes the red dye and puts it to side and waits.
Soon, Bakugou turns to face him with gloves and a bottle of vaseline in either hand.
“Why the hell would you let your roots grow out that long?” The blond’s face is scrunched up in funny show of emotion. If Kirishima had to guess, he’d say it was one part wonder and two parts disgust.
But Bakugou’s face is usually three parts disgust, so he doesn’t get too offended.
“Don’t look at me like that! It happened overnight!”
“‘Overnight,’ my ass. This is weeks of laziness. How’d you even hide this much growth?”
Kirishima wriggles around self-consciously. He whispers something indecipherable.
“Speak up, Shitty Hair.”
There is a long, uncomfortable pause. “...Jello.”
Bakugou’s face goes blank. Very blank. Kirishima’s stomach wells up with fear thinking that he might have broken his best friend but there is another part of him, a very small part, that thinks this is amazingly hilarious and is sad that Kaminari has missed such a grand affair.
“That is... fuckin’ nasty. I— You— That’s... nasty, Hair-for-Brains. Disgusting.” Bakugou walks over to his bed with the same blank expression on his face and takes a seat. He scoots over to the where Kirishima is sitting on the floor and arranges himself in a way that has Kirishima in between his legs. He hears the ‘POP’ of a container being opened and is confused.
“Whatcha doin’, Blasty? The dye’s right here.”
“I know, dumbass. You gotta coat your hairline in vaseline first.” Kirishima’s mouth opens and forms a dramatic ‘O’ shape. He’s just about to ask why he’s supposed to do such a thing when Bakugou beats him to it. “It’s so the dye washes off easily if it gets on your skin.” There is what sounds like a loud click above his head and he assumes Bakugou is clucking his tongue. “When you or Duracell or Raccoon Eyes dye your hair you end up lookin’ like your forehead’s been cracked open.” Kirishima thinks he’s heard the word ‘dumbass’ being quietly huffed as the irritated blonde lines his hairline in vaseline, but he’s not sure. (He is, but giving the benefit of a doubt to others is pretty manly.)
“Nice! I just started doing this a few months before school started so I’m still learning. Thanks for the pointers, it was getting really frustrating scrubbing my head all crazy every time I have to do my hair...” Kirishima rubs his forehead tenderly, remembering less than pleasant memories of pointlessly scrubbing his face until it was pink and raw trying to pry the faded red pigment off his face. After letting the thought fade after awhile and quietly humming as Bakugou lines his head, Kirishima stumbles upon a very important question. “Why do you know that? Like, I know you know a buncha stuff, but ‘you ain’t a hairdresser,’” the redhead finishes in an impressive imitation of the blond boy above him. He snickers into his elbow as Bakugou gently bops him upside the head.
“Shut up,” he responds. He points to the container of red dye sitting at Kirishima’s feet and waits for the other boy to pass it to him. He takes the dye and places it on the bed while putting on the gloves he fetched from his drawer. Once he finishes, he answers. “The ol’ hag’s been turnin’ gray since I was twelve. Refuses to go to a salon.”
“Because she’s a crazy ol’ hag and thinks it’s cute to force me to do it.” Kirishima can feel him start to expertly separate his hair into neatly parted sections. He tries to picture his spitfire, aggressive best friend doing this at home on his couch with his mom between his legs instead and starts smiling to himself. It was such a strong contrast to the Bakugou he usually presented with everyday and yet it still fits. The boy couldn’t be all blasts and booms and curse words all the time.
“That’s pretty manly, dude. Alotta guys wouldn’t even consider it. Good on you for helping your moms! It’s probably good bonding time too.”
“Mm. There’s food,” Bakugou replies. He tries to brush the subject off casually, but Kirishima can hear the fondness in his voice. He would enjoy it even if there wasn’t any food to have. Kirishima smiles again, content with the silence and the feeling of Bakugou’s hands going to work in his head.
The quiet is comfortable and friendly. Kirishima hums and Bakugou gently swings his feet to the beat. Nothing else is said until Bakugou is done applying the dye to Kirishima’s head and his timer has been set for fifteen minutes as a reminder for Kirishima to go wash his hair of the chemicals after the mixture has finished its job.
“Why do you dye your hair? You look just as shitty with black hair.”
Since Kirishima is fluent in Repressed Asshole, he knows that Bakugou actually means: You look just as good with black hair. So he laughs it off and feels his cheeks start to heat up oh so slightly.
“Thanks, Blasty! I think I’m pretty good lookin’ natural too!” Kirishima turns around and winks at Bakugou who promptly returns this gesture with a roll of his crimson eyes. Kirishima laughs some more and continues. “But...” His head fills with thoughts of middle school. “Red symbolizes good things. Better things. I made a promise to do better, to be better. And so I can’t be my old pathetic old self anymore!” Bakugou stares at Kirishima quietly, face indecipherable. The other boy blushes and wonders why he gave such an annoyingly honest answer. He could’ve just said he liked red, that he got bored of his natural hair color, that he just felt like it! But no, he had to go and mouth off while being weird and overdramatic and annoying.
Ugh. No one wants to hear the introduction of your dredged-up, tragic backstory, Eijirou. Damn.
Bakugou leans back on his elbows in his bed. He still has the gloves on that he used to handle the dye, but he’s careful not to touch the light colored sheets of his bed. His stare is still intense, but there’s a hint of something else. Kirishima can’t place it, sometimes Bakugou is just too good at hiding his emotions. “I’m pretty sure whoever you used to be wasn’t pathetic. Was probably more of a dumbass. Definitely still annoyin’ as fuck. But not pathetic.” Kirishima’s eyes widen slightly. Well, he was not expecting that. “Pathetic ain’t you. Nah.”
Bakugou shakes his head. He sits back up, peels off both his gloves and pitches them into the trash can across the room. He looks back towards Kirishima.
“You didn’t change. Just grew into the person you were always gonna be. The person that you’re still becomin’.” Kirishima thinks about this.
He hasn’t ever thought that he was being too hard on himself before but... could he have been? He means... yeah, his quirk isn’t as flashy or attention grabbing as it could be, but it’s his quirk and he makes it work. And he placed pretty damn good at the Sports Festival... and as a first-year? That’s pretty good for a guy with a ‘boring’ quirk.
In middle school he missed a few times to demonstrate his heroism but... was he not just a kid then? Yes, other kids in his place would’ve moved faster, reacted smarter, done better... But that’s not him. There’s no shame in getting better, in growing into being a hero. He’s always been a good person and that’s what matters. His intentions and ambitions have always been great and pure and manly. Nothing pathetic about it.
Kirishima smiles. A huge, sharp, toothy grin that nearly usurps his whole face and hurts his cheeks a little. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds way better than what I said.”
The blond smirks. “Yeah, I know, dumbass. That’s how it always is. And stop fuckin’ cheesin’ like that. You’re still gonna be shit compared to me, so fix your face.”
Ignoring him, Kirishima continues grinning and lifts himself off the floor. He’s facing Bakugou now. “You’re a real pal, Katsuki.”
Bakugou’s face shades a pretty pink and Kirishima smiles wider. “Don’t call me that, dumbass. Do you want me to kill you?”
Kirishima laughs. “Nah. How much time do I have left?”
Prior embarrassment momentarily forgotten, Bakugou looks over at his phone. “Time for you to start heading to the shower. Got two minutes.”
“Aw. Okay. I guess I’ll see you later then.” Kirishima starts collecting the trash and unused items from the dye box and begins to leave.
Just as he is turning the doorknob, Bakugou calls out to him.
“If you’re not doin’ anything after you’ve finished, you can come back to study. ‘Cause I know your dumbass hasn’t started yet even though we’re coverin’ five chapters. Doesn’t make any sense that you and Duracell wait ‘til the last minute to break out the textbooks every time.” Kirishima quietly laughs at the blond’s obvious attempt at keeping his company.
“Okay! I’ll be back in a few.”
“You better. I’m doin’ your ass a favor, can’t have you flunkin’ out and wastin’ my good dye job.” Kirishima laughs out loud this time and can see the ghost of a smile wearing on Bakugou’s lips.
“No, we really can’t have that, Blasty,” he replies as he enters into the hallway just as Bakugou’s timer starts ringing.
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