#the oxyeehaw
transgaypiratesanta · 8 months
so I’ve seen some posts of quotes from the oxventure, and OH BOY. I have full-on NOTES about the oxventure and every piece of canon and fan theories I can get my grubby little paws on, AND I HAVE A LOT OF QUOTES. SO…. HAVE FUN WITH THESE!
“Spicy… like a rat.”
“You asked the whales name?” “I’m just thoughtful like that.”
“Always check your bonfires for hedgehogs.”
“Needless to say Cthulhu is pleased and lunch is ruined”
“Oh no the cube! Not the cube!”
“He looks like dob but somehow evil and sexy”
“Nooooo… my mojo…”
“Oh you totally give the baby a dagger!” “That’s parenting 101”
“I flinch greasily.”
“Guys be real are we murder hobo’s?”
“I just wanna say I’m really proud of the amount of murder we’ve done.”
“Have you heard of the guild of the national trust?”
“Oo man I can’t wait to get redemption let’s kill everyone.”
“Do you have pamphlets?” “Let’s bore them to death!”
“Decisive action: throw that cat.”
“I have a moral objection but I’m going to let it happen because this seems cool.”
“🎵it’s getting hot in here. And they will all explode🎵”
“I lick the book and I am pleased”
“I know a lot of my plans revolve around watching dob sleep”
“Shut your filthy mouth Corazon”
“Let’s have a spooky sleepover.”
“Nature is beautiful.” “It sure was”
“+4! +2! +2! NUMBERS!”
“It’s not on fire or anything!” “Not yet, give me time!”
“We’re gonna have a sleepover in this crypt!”
“It couldn’t have been me-meant? If it wasn’t already… broked. That’s what I’ve always said”
“🎵maaaagic hand! Come out of my real hand!🎵”
“Wear whatever you want! Your bones, probably.”
“Their prudence hat”
“Is it orphans? You gotta tell us if it is.” “Ah. It’s orphans boss.”
“Skeletons… AHHHHHH”
“I love these loophole skeletons!”
“I would like to attempt to cast mend on the orphans”
“We just want less orphan juice”
“I’m imagining you making a snowman out of orphan paste”
“Oooo Skeletons be dexterous”
“We’re all team skeleton just some of us have flesh on top”
“I never liked you Kevin”
“Guys I’m not not in trouble”
“And then I turn the internal heat dial to cremation”
“Do you want a vomit hug?”
“I’m putting my foot down on the husks.” “But then they’d just burst!”
“Is it bad that bear me wants to eat the husks? No I won’t I’ll be good”
“And I’m trying desperately to remain eye contact with HER, and not look at you guys swimming around in sandwiches”
“It’s in runes or something what is that?” “That’s a seven.”
“The consequences! They’re here again!”
“Awh. And I’ve got his BOOTS!”
“Dob what did I tell you about necromancy?”
“Let’s put capitalism in the lake!”
“We can always claim it’s the fireworks show!” “NOT IF WE’RE DEAD!”
“Dogs are bound in skin!”
“Have we tried to befriend the footprints?” “Talk to the footprints!”
“Two very impulsive boi’s”
“Grease man from the ocean”
“Respectfully yeet him off the mountain.” “A somber yeet”
“If I was in something for 2 years”
“I saw the holes on the front and thought ‘that must be all the holes’ but then I looked on the back and there was ANOTHER HOLE THERE!”
“What are you dreaming about?” “Salmon.”
“Oh no they’ll take over the world with inexpensive furniture!”
“Break his spirit.” “And his back 😈”
“3 dimensional chess is just chess!”
“What’s in this drawer? Dob? Oh no that’s a paperclip.” 
“Person in charge of the Prudence mech”
“🎵yees I’m the best at thunderwave turns out!🎵”
“My shin!” “My Shin!” “… our Shin.”
“I’m just a chicken walking around with a flameblade”
“🎵Eleanor rigbee, lived in a hive because she was a bee. Whooedy whee!🎵”
“The pirate. Didn’t. Say that.”
“This is the energy in the room we’re all going to regret later” “says that of the orphanage.” “I regretted it later!”
“Though he could discover spoons at any point”
“Phase one: walk to crime. Phase two: do crime”
“I’ll just do it and be a legend”
“In a way we’re already married in a very deep and legal way.” “For tax purposes.”
“Why is there so much tentacle milk here?”
“You just hear anarchy noises from out the window”
“We’re running out of time before he murders us accidentally with an idiom” “with beans”
“I’m buying ecstasy from an owl?”
“The sounds of muffled pirate violence”
“She might just destroy the world, which is where we keep all our stuff!”
“I faint.” “Okay dob’s having a short rest” “OH YEAH!”
“Thick orange hot water”
“She’s got the cutest little forces of darkness 🥰”
“As the Druid, no.” “As the dm, INSPIRATION!”
“I cast shatter on the only planet we have”
“I cast fracking”
“The eldrich being Flannery”
“We’re fracking landlords”
“Now we leave you and see if you go buduhduhduhduh”
“Cattle go missing, we never find out what happens to all the Harris’s” “season over.”
“It’s practically a victimless crime, unless there’s a victim, in which case hopefully it’s a hard to trace crime”
“I grease Merilwen to give her the best chance”
“Because you told me to piss off!” “So you did THIS?” “yeah” “I HAVE MINUTES TO LIVE!” 
“How’s the shat?”
“I cast mending on our friendship 🥺”
“How does a jackle… lift a bunch of cars?” “I don’t know.” “You jack ‘em all.” *weird laughter*
“Yes. No more pain where you’re going friend. No, you’re not very nice actually.”
“Well, solved the Richard problem!” “But what about the Dob problem”
“It’s very demeaning, so okay.”
“Well no Millie or ori that is obviously not okay. Little idiot.”
“Oh I HATE nature”
“Who wants in on my corpse sled idea?”
“Dob.” *quiet laughter* “oh no.”
“I give them an appraising look as if sizing up their corpses”
“I am literally everyone else in the world which means I am the best at sighing crying sad goodbying to my plot, the npc’s, the sanctity of lore…”
“These patrons aren’t gonna lick themselves!”
“Ohhhh it’s a sex thing.”
“Rule 3 no kink shaming.” “Damn right.”
“He drifts out the door… to go find something to kiss.”
“WAIT! I’ve had a thought! I want to kiss the dragon man.”
“Well. You’ve effed this right up Dob.”
“Well, if you’re dreaming about that, it’s probably out to get you.” “Every time you sleep, it gets a little bit closer.”
“It is always agonising Johnny!”
“Let me use my bonus action to slip in my own grease”
“All things must drink. I say wisely, and inaccurately”
“You take 4 points of… becoming soup damage”
“It occurs to all of you, and pardon my infernal, this is a shit idea.”
“Why do i have find steed if it’s not a rodeo?”
“I cough up some hemp and rope.” “Oh perfectly horrifying! Sure, yeah.”
“We never elected a leader!” “How could you talk to your leader like that?”
“I like turning into a cat all the time, the problem is I can’t do it.”
“that horny crew member sticks his head out to watch”
“So it’s slightly uncomfortable… and you outlive all your lovers… sounds like a good thing!”
“I wish to arrest Cthulhu now start screaming”
“Sir we’re in an antique shop.”
“What a great excuse to do some crime, though!”
“Nothing bad has ever happened to me in my entire life, I don’t think it’s going to start now!”
“Is it meant to be on fire? Because it’s on fire.”
“ITS A MASTERCLASS! It’s not a masterclass…”
“Classic squiffy, what a lad.”
“Hey! I need you to do me a favour! Well I say a favour, I’m compelling you.”
“We do a literal hitman, as in you run up, and hit the man.”
“He’ll live, but not well.”
“Spinning tops in places you don’t want them”
“I want a ghost who’s obsessed with me!”
“Everyone’s going out the front door! I’m just gonna set the house on fire!”
“Here’s what happens Barnaby, you glorious liability.”
“Have you heard about this thing called a union?” “… Let’s montage the rest of this conversation”
“Roll me for ‘Dave? Dave!’”
“Barbaby and workers rights are on the opposite end on the political spectrum”
“It’s not apoplectic with rage, it’s apoplectic with being right.”
“Fresh fish!” “Lovely crimes!”
“It’s going terribly here in the present! Maybe it went better in the past!” “Let’s retreat to the safety of the past.”
“I didn’t want to taste the sweat of the poor in the air!”
“So you want to be a nice, clean, sanitised butcher?”
“It’s like riding a bike” “a violent bike” “it’s like punching a bike”
“I came here to study ghosts, not become one!” “Imagine how much study you could do if you became one!” “I can’t hold pens!”
“The gilded idiot”
“Hands in the middle. Aaaaand dead Barnaby!”
“I’m choking a guy out… with my thighs”
“I smile. In a way that  conveys limitless rage”
“I do not want to be traumatised because of archiving!”
“Won’t someone think of the molluscs?”
“Lilly and Zilly on a wedding adventure”
“Generally I judge things, but sometimes I choke them unconscious”
“The tiny urchins really wanted us to do it”
“No one tell him he has NO SOUL”
“Who is this anthropomorphic mouse?” (It was a child)
“Sorry I tried to fix it with fish”
“I’m going to start a clock that the wonderful mechanical man is working on without any of you”
“Are these children going to be okay?” “We’re they okay to begin with?”
“Stop making out with that brick!” “I’m not- do you know what making out is, Edvard?”
“I let my hatred of stairs get the better of me”
“I’m furious at my forearm.”
“It’s a piece of trash! Looks like something Edvard would make!”
“Mechanical man parts”
“Moving on briefly from infanticide, good job, I just asked you for your name”
“A healing cloak is quite hard to fill so I thought stuff that, I’ve acquired 2 giant goats”
“How old are you?” “Old enough. Are you old enough to make good decisions?” 
“No more digging graves for neat, I’m gonna be putting people in graves for money!”
“I had a mule once.”
“That’s adulthood. Being angry all the time, but pushing it down until it’s the right time.”
“Have you ever met someone in your life who doesn’t like jerky?”
“Let’s hope they’re extremely religious”
“Yeah well Andy’s lying, Andy wants us to fail.”
“I like to drink milk after I shoot two men in the throat”
“Very well then, Mr… not free”
“As you pass by the door, it does clip on the brim of your hat and it falls over your eyes and you can’t see anything.”
“Okay, okay.” *silence* “AAAAAAAH”
“I look at the other one, which seems like his spirit it hasn’t been broken yet 😡”
“I’m saying it nicely but in my head im like: I will kill you later.”
“Not trying to be rude, why do you smell so bad? I’m not trying very hard”
“Contracted late-stage tuberculosis. Got better.”
“Animal that’s been jerked”
“Tell me your life story”
“Horses can play, and you’re worried about if they can sit?”
“I’ve got a d8, but it’s now -2, because I’m DEAD”
*stabs someone in the eye* “oh sorry, I simply stopped paying attention!”
“Heck. Furthermore, dang.”
“One of the strangulation ones.” “Oh fun!”
“Is sharp rope a thing? WELL SHARPEN IT.”
“Sticky mc bang bang!”
“It was a terrible crime, I cut my lawn and i cut it too short. Anyway I’m to be hanged.”
“The cell is now swarming with ants.” “Yay!”
“Murder, for example, would be a no no!”
“He’s the same old Nate he’s just soft and cold”
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randomthunk · 10 months
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IT'S TIIIIME FOR OXYEEHAW!!! Kicking it off with our very own murder bunny, Delacy!
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the-last-teabender · 10 months
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Found where the library keeps Ox Deadlands
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stickthisbig · 10 months
Please don't tag things oxyeehaw
I don't have like a drawn-out explanation, it just fuckin sucks as a tag and I die a little more every time I see it, have I not suffered enough having to listen to all these character voices
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transgaypiratesanta · 9 months
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And to think non- oxventure fans will Never understand how heartbreaking this image is.
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randomthunk · 9 months
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Garnet Munro, weird west demon-wielding magical girl.
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randomthunk · 10 months
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Today's my birthday and as is tradition I like to draw something for it, and this year it's Silas from Oxyeehaw. I knew I'd be drawing him very soon, he's a big fan of the arts and LOVES CULTURE after all.
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randomthunk · 7 months
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"Try to protect my innocence if you can."
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randomthunk · 8 months
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I got an act Bison Billie, look what I can do!!!
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randomthunk · 9 months
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I believe Forty Times A Killer ended in the late night/early morning, so Silas and Edie are catching a red eye back to base camp.
They just had GREAT CHEMISTRY, okay?? Don't look at me like that.
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randomthunk · 10 months
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"Did I win?!"
Oh Nate, we're really in this now.
See below the cut for the full piece, which has BIG OL' SPOILERS for Dead Man's Worth part 2.
Also, my very first content warning on a piece. You've been warned of content!
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transgaypiratesanta · 9 months
I love how 50% of the oxventure fandom is just making EVERYONE gay, autistic and trans. It’s beautiful
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randomthunk · 9 months
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Yessss, my first chibis of Oxyeehaw are Edie with a sawed-off shotgun and Silas with his revolver, this is exactly as it should be!!!
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