#the only one who does not get gossiped about is max & that’s because eddie’s a true feminist
pollenallergie · 1 year
an unofficial requirement for dating Eddie Munson is that you must be willing to talk a lil shit about the freshmen, right in front of them, with him and Jeff
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estrellami-1 · 5 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 50 | Part 51 | Part 52
El decides to help, so Steve gets the ingredients out, measures them into a bowl, and lets her mix them together as he gets out the waffle iron. “Y’want any, Eds?” Steve asks. “Al? Rob?”
“Only if it’s easy,” Eddie says. “I’m good with just your toast if you want waffles instead.”
Robin gasps. “Don’t you dare take the toast from me.”
Eddie blinks. “Waffles are bread too, though-?”
“Not the same,” Steve and Robin say at the same time. Steve chuckles. “Robbie gets the toast, Eddie gets waffles. Alli?”
“Sure, I’ll take a waffle or two,” she agrees, grinning at him.
Steve nods, mentally calculates, sighs, and gets the flour back out. “I think we might need a bigger bowl, Ellie.”
“Oh,” she says, and stops stirring, looking at him with wide eyes. “Where are they?”
He smiles and ruffles her hair. “Nah, I’ve got it. Go ahead and keep mixing for me, ‘kay?”
“M’kay,” she agrees easily.
“Steve,” Eddie says suddenly, teasingly. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Steve looks at the ingredients spread out on the counter and frowns. “What?”
“Chocolate chips.”
Steve sighs, hangs his head, and trudges to the pantry to grab the bag. He opens it and throws one at Eddie. “For being annoying,” he says, winking at Eddie before turning away, snickering when Eddie yelps indignantly.
El giggles, watching them, and Steve wants to bottle the sound so he can always come right back to this moment. This is my memory, he suddenly realizes, then turns to his friends and sisters. “It can help if you have a happy memory to go hide in,” he says quietly. “If Vecna comes after you. He’s pain and wrong and bad. And if none of that exists in your happy memory, then you’ll know the second he’s in your head.”
El looks up at him curiously. “What’s your happy memory?”
“Right now,” he murmurs, pulling her into a hug and ruffling her hair. “I had a different one, before, and you can have more than one, but… yeah. This is it.”
El’s quiet for a moment before she responds. “Me too, I think.”
Steve pulls her into a proper hug and kisses the top of her head. “This is it,” he murmurs. “We’re ending it today. Remember, Ellie, we’ve got you. You’re not alone, you have all of us to help. Okay?”
“Okay,” she says, then buries her face in his chest. “‘M still scared, though.”
“Y’wanna know something?” He whispers, stroking her hair. “Me too. I’m kinda really scared. But I know we can do it.”
“Okay,” she agrees, then pulls back to look at him. “Can I have chocolate chips in my waffles?”
He laughs and ruffles her hair. “‘Course you can, Ellie. I’ll make you an extra-chocolatey one, even.”
Eddie leans forward with a leer. “Do I get an extra chocolatey one?”
Steve look him over for a second, then turns back to the batter. “You’ll get something later.”
It’s silent for a second before Eddie squeaks out, “Oh.”
El looks at him, then looks quizzically at Steve. “What does he get later? Why is he so red?”
Steve chuckles. “If you remember this when I get back to my time, I’ll tell you. Deal?”
“Deal,” she nods, then looks at the chocolate chips. “Do we add those in now?”
Steve looks at the batter and hums. “I’d say so,” he says, turning the waffle iron on. “As many as you want.”
He can’t help but think through their plan as he waits for the waffles to cook. “Max is still in California, right?” He asks Robin quietly. “We’ll have to make sure the boys make friends with her.”
Robin hums. “Won’t they anyways? They find out about her because of her high score at the arcade, right?”
Steve grins at her. “Don’t let them fool you. They were enemies at first.”
Robin gasps and leans forward like it’s important gossip. Steve thinks this is part of the reason she’s his soulmate. “Talk. Now.”
He shrugs. “Not much to tell, I think.” He takes a cooked waffle out of the iron and pours more batter in. “Max kinda hated them at first. Bitchy California attitude, y’know? And they’re weirdos who decided to follow her around.”
Robin snorts. “Definitely your kids.”
He gently pops her leg with a towel. “Shuddup. I’m pretty sure the friendship only happened ‘cause of freaky Upside Down stuff, but now you can’t imagine the Party without her, right?”
Robin chews her lip. “Yeah. Y’know what I think I’m gonna miss a little? Scoops Troop.”
Steve grins crookedly at her. “You’re the only person I’d get back in that uniform for, Robbie.”
“Aww,” she says, pretending to swoon while holding her heart.
“Uniform?” Eddie interjects.
Steve groans. “I should’ve never said anything. In a couple of years there’s a mall built, called Starcourt. I told you about the Russians, right? That’s the mall they were under. And in that mall was a nautical-themed ice cream shop.”
“Complete with costumes,” Robin chimes in. “Absolutely obscene.”
“It was terrible,” Steve agreed. “We measured, right? Your shorts were longer than mine?”
Robin laughs. “I forgot we did that!”
“And, uh.” Eddie pauses. “You wouldn’t happen to have that uniform still, would you?”
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rottenaero · 1 year
And also, the reasons behind each pairing
1.Steve, Max, and Will-
C’mon, have you SEEN the SASS? I guess one could argue Dustin should also be here, but his sass™️ is reserved for his brothers. Also, imagine the gossip sessions, like Will ranting about anything and Max and Steve absolutely cheering him on because he is 100% in the right.
2.Eddie, Robin, and Will-
Queer in a small town, Barb could also probably be in this group. They all bash each-other’s crushes until Robin wants to date Nancy, and Eddie starts liking Steve. Will would absolutely still be trashed for his crush on Mike. Robin would still bash on Eddie like have you seen that man? He’ll watch the same movie on repeat until he has to being it back.
Eddie just sighs and is like, I know, he’s great.
3.Nancy, Chrissy,Barb, and Robin-
Barb and Chrissy absolutely needed more screentime!! They were both so aghhh<33 They all kinda band together to do sleepovers and stuff, sometimes El and Max are invited when they aren’t doing their own thing. I just really like the characters.
4.Steve and Gareth-
Okay guys, have you seen that Steve and Gareth cousin au??(Someone please tell me the creator so I can credit them) Steve having another extravagant handshake for Gareth and Gareth always gushing about his cool older cousin to hellfire who is just like uh-huh sure Gareth.
I know theres the idea that Gareth would despise Steve, but also Gareth inviting Steve to hellfire after he got dethroned because Steve was there for his tough times so why can’t he be there for his?
5.Holly, Erica, and Steve-
Lets take babysitter!Steve to the MAX. All the parent call him when their younger kids need to be watched, he watches Holly for the Wheelers all the time to the point where he’s her brother, and she pretends to forget Mike’s name for like a week.
Erica insists only Steve can watch her, because he’s the only one who lets her watch My Little Pony without judging her or treating her like a baby, also because he starts getting into the show. Sometimes Tina and the rest of Erica’s friends come over and rope him into letting them paint his nails. Random days Steve will show up to Erica’s school with some McDonalds for her.
6.Murray and Alexei-
Self-explanatory because c’mon, really?
7.Steve, Will, and El-
Steve ADORES the Byers siblings, they say thank you when he does stuff for them, they are usually never the source of trouble when they go out.
Sometimes Will will just be so nice that it makes Steve feel bad for what he told Jonathan in s1 before their fight, because nobody in the Byers family is a screw-up except Lonnie, who was just a giant douche and a terrible father.
The only thing Steve dislikes about them is their respective crushes on Mike, because are you serious? He’s well on his way to becoming the next town Keith.
8.El and Max-
Also pretty self explanatory, El needs a better role model than Mike, and Max being overwhelmingly confident in every decision helps. Max also tries to make sure El doesn’t push herself to hard. Oh your head hurts? Lets get you some juice, we have this new flavor you’d like. You don’t feel good? Lets take a break. You scrapped your knee? I have a first aid kit somewhere…
Etc etc, Max just always making sure El feels comfortable.
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marya-blackbone · 2 years
sleepover redux
A/N: max and el do espionage and learn something about steve
One of the first things Eleven does after moving back to Hawkins is to invite Max to a sleepover. Max is really glad – after that first sleepover last summer, she hoped it would become a recurring thing for her and El (minus the uncovering of a horrifying body-snatching conspiracy, of course) but they never got the chance. Now that El’s back, Max is secretly pleased neither of them made any new friends this past year and finds it surprisingly easy for them both to slot back into each other’s lives once the UD dust settles, and accepts the invite with zero hesitation.
Eleven asks if it would be alright if she invited some other people too, to which Max nods, of course, feeling warm and fuzzy about the fact that El asked her first and checked if she would mind – Max hasn’t had a best friend since kindergarten and El’s earnestness has turned her into such a sap. She doesn’t mind, but she is curious as to who else El wants to invite given there are only a handful of people who even know El exists.
The guest list currently includes Nancy, Robin, and Erica. It will be a girls' night, El says. Max hasn’t spent too much time with any of them but it doesn’t sound like a bad idea – El should get to have more friends who are girls, but she can’t exactly meet new people at the moment, so it makes sense that she would want to get closer with the ones already part of their monster-hunting club.
Max comes over early to help El set things up. Hopper and Mrs Byers have been especially indulgent of El this evening, leaving the table laden with plenty of drinks and a mountain of snacks before heading off to Enzo’s. Will helps them gather all the pillows and cushions and blankets they need from around the house, and when he admits Eddie has cancelled D&D for tonight, both Max and El agree that he should stay. And so it becomes girls’ night plus Will – none of the girls even bat an eyelid at his inclusion when they arrive, it’s just smiles and laughter.
It goes really well, despite the spread of ages. Erica is really mature for eleven, and Robin and Nancy seem to enjoy getting to act silly and giggly again. They paint each other’s nails, braid each other’s hair, and make it through one and a half John Hughes movies before they have to press pause because suddenly everyone needs to pee, and then forget to resume because they’re too caught up in gossiping.
It’s Eleven who tentatively proposes the finding game. Max didn’t think she would want to play again given how badly things ended last time, but all that stuff is gone now – and gone for good this time. Eleven says that she can feel so in the Void and going there actually helps her to remember it’s over. She promises she doesn’t mind – she already has a sheet of poster paper and marker pens ready for writing names and everything.
They shuffle into a circle while Max explains how the game works, and they each add a name to the sheet of paper. Max puts Lucas, El puts Hopper, Will puts Mike, Robin puts Steve, Erica puts Suzie (because apparently, she needs to verify the hotter-than-Phoebe-Cates claim), and Nancy goes for Debbie Harry, after which everyone complains that they didn’t know celebrities were an option, so they fill the gaps with an eclectic mix of actors and pop stars, and then they’re ready to spin.
It stops on Steve first. Max reminds her to get out of there if he’s with a girl or doing something gross, and Eleven nods her understanding before putting on the blindfold and filling the air with TV static. It doesn’t take long for her to find Steve.
“I can see him. He is smiling and I think he is talking to someone but I can not see who it is,” says Eleven. “He is holding a black guitar,” she observes.
When Steve starts to play, she pushes the sound through the radio so everyone can hear the soft strumming. It isn’t until he starts singing that Max recognises the song – it’s on the mix-tape Lucas made for her the last time he was trying to win her back; it’s a love song. Steve plays it surprisingly well. If Max didn’t know any better, she might think Steve has fallen in love – real love, reciprocated love; the kind that Steve deserves. But if Steve were in love, they’d all know by now. He’s all grand gestures and public affection and boom-boxing outside bedroom windows, not secret late-night serenading.
The lyrics taper off, and Steve asks, “Why are you looking at me like that? Not metal enough for you? I know it’s no Master of Puppets, but I thought it wasn’t hal-mphh!”
Max hears something over the radio that could be mouth noises and moans at the same time Eleven says, “I think they are kissing.”
That’s their cue to dip, Max realises, and is about to say as much to Eleven just as the radio crackles for a damning and breathy, “Because I loved it, big boy.”
A/N: i have ideas for a part 2 soonish
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Hiya darling (is it okay if I call you that I'm a very nicknames kinda person I using darling for my roomate, close freinds, little brother and cats if it's not I will stop but I want you to understand how appreciated you are)
I am currently anxiously awaiting course registration and in the mean time thinking about will, El and Steve. Because you know what. Will has a crush on Steve. And so does El. Again these are like I know I will never date you but I kinda look up to you in awe because your awesome and also very attractive. Also Max El and Will deserve to have sleepovers. Like Max is over to have a sleepover with El and Will is home so he ends up dragged into it and has a really good time and he ends up helping with make up because he is an artist and will figure this out for them. Ooooh he does nails. He gets good at nails. Listen I need for my heart El and Will to have a strong relationship and max just works. Max pushes both of them. Max pushes their comfort zones and doesn't take shit from anyone especially about her freinds. She even manages to subly help will do things he otherwise wouldn't. She goes on a nail polish practice rampage leading to everyone in the parties nails being painted with different patterns on them. Then if anyone gives them a hassle about it they can say that she dragged everyone into it and there was no stopping her (not that half of them would) Lucas gets to say his girlfriend did his nails for practice doing them when asked. If Steve is asked about his yellow and green nails his little sister needed nail polish practice robin with her yellow and blue nails will say something very similar. If eddie is asked he he eagerly tells about his metal black and silver nails his neighbor did. If he's heckled he will point out that the person who did them was the only person to defeat Billy Hargrove and "you you be able to say no to that". Dustin will just start with a have you met max? Even though he doesn't mind the blue nail polish even if it is gone within a week due to his experiments. If Mike is asked he will scoff and say it's solidarity for all the others who got intimidated by max but he will wear his black nails till they're chipped or until Ted wheeler catches sight of them the ones that are so oppositeto Nancy's neat red nails. And Will byers and Jane hopper have matching soft but deep blue nails
Of course they can't leave max out and will and El work together to give her blue nails with sunflowers on them
I have no clue if this made sense but here it is if it doesn't make sense sorry I was up most of the night
Anon I’ve had such a Day for multiple reason and you calling me darling has warmed my heart up so thank you :( and thank you for sending me this these are such sweet ideas! And I hope the registration went okay? And you’ve managed some relaxing time after the stress?
When it starts out Mike likes to pretend that his friends are getting ‘infected’ by having painted nails, like it’s some sort of zombie disease. He’s really just waiting until he gets asked. He pretends that he’s bullied into it but he goes willingly. When he turns up to hellfire he’s excited to show everyone that he’s matching with Eddie.
Eddie loves his nails being painted, he used to do his own but he’d end up getting distracted half way though before they can even dry when ‘his girls’ do them he has to sit still and they get him to wait until it’s dry. Will distracts him with dnd talk and max with trailer gossip. El sits and smiles between them all as she paints, asking questions when she doesn’t understand.
One day Steve comes in and asks for one black nail on his ring finger. He says he wants it but asks it like he wants their permission. Max rolls her eyes but pushes him down on the seat. Will goes quiet and stares while El does the single black nail. Steve catches will eye and gives him a nod, like a peace offering, a white flag ‘you are not alone’
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lauraramargosian · 5 years
Top 5 Trailers: What’s trending on Netflix?
Top 5 Trailers: What’s trending on Netflix?
If you just wrapped up one of your favorite shows and are looking for another great show, then knowing what’s trending on Netflix will help.
Currently, the top Netflix series trending includes Orange is The New Black, On My Block, Lucifer, FRIENDS and a handful of movies including Wind River, Hell or Highwater, APOLLO 13 and Boyhood.
Gaga: Five Foot Two is at the very top of the most popular documentaries, as well as Abducted In Plain Sight.
Because of this, we wanted to take a deeper dive into what’s trending on Netflix.
On My Block Rating: 4.8/5 Premiered: Mar 16, 2018 Platform: Netflix
On My Block features characters, you will love instantly as you watch them face the harsh realities of life. The characters bring you laughter, tears, and even shock. The emotions put into this popular Netflix series was well planned.
Viewers might think the plot is going to take a particular turn but in our case, all we could do is scream “WHAT?!” each time the show took a new turn.
To be specific, one user on a Reddit discussion about On My Block opened about the series with those who also binge-watched the show.
“That ending was unexpected and completely devastating. I need season two right now.”
The production crew and creators Lauren Iungerich, Jeremy Haft and Eddie Gonzalez did a phenomenal job at writing a series which puts you into the shoes of each character.
Further allowing you to understand and even relate to their trials.
The show not only attracts those who are teens but adults as well. On My Block gives an insight into how difficult it can be navigating the halls of high school can become and truly makes you empathetic for many in the world.
Netflix: Dead to Me is binge-worthy and quite surprising!
When a creator puts an idea on paper, it takes time, time to plan, time to see things from the audience’s perspective. If you can make someone laugh, you can make someone listen and if you can make someone cry (relate) you can also make someone listen.
So, if this is what’s trending on Netflix then we can back it, give it a watch.
Going to school, dating and staying out of trouble isn’t easy for this group of friends. Especially when they attempt to save their friend from gang life.
How do 5 teens navigate their now dangerous life?
Good and bad decisions are made, which lead these characters into some messy situations.
But what happens when things get messy and their friendships are on the line?
Honestly, On My Block a new Netflix series that truly holds up to the realities of high school struggles, love, and how the street life can affect others in their community.
Rings trailer will bring chills this Halloween
The new Netflix series was created by Lauren Iungerich, Jeremy Haft and Eddie Gonzalez.
Well, we won’t spoil that part for you, be sure to add it to your watchlist on Netflix. Most importantly, Netflix and chill with someone, you’ll both be talking when it asks if you’re still watching On My Block.
RIVERDALE Rating: 4.7/5 Premiered: Jan 26, 2017 Platform: Netflix
The next answer to what’s trending on Netflix is Riverdale.
The show packs a punch by starting off with the death of Jason Blossom, his body was never recovered after possibly drowning in the early morning of July 4th.
The hit Netflix show is hauntingly addicting.
In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you live in a small town, there’s always crime but this runs deeper than just your everyday crime. Most importantly, keeping you on the very edge each time the show concludes an episode with each incredible cliff hanger.
Deception, love, crime, and secrets.
It was not hard to finish this series in a couple of days. The only hard part was waiting to see what would happen next on Riverdale.
So, if you’re wondering why it’s on our list of what’s trending on Netflix then let’s take a jump into the plot.
Positive Celebrity cannot wait to see the next well-written script for its next season.
The creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa didn’t miss a beat when putting together a production which was based off the comic “Archie.” Although the truth is comics have never been on the top of our reading list, the CW drama-mystery is jaw-dropping.
Riverdale leaves you with characters like Archie, Veronica, Betty, Jughead (reminds me of The Outsiders), and people of the town. The production found the perfect cast starring Camila Mendes, Cole Sprouse, K.J. Apa, and Lili Reinhart.
What happens when a group of teens attempts to find a murderer who has been haunting the town and watching everyone since the drowning?
This seemingly wholesome town is now facing scandals and secrets.
JAILBIRDS Rating: 7/5 Premiered: Platform: Netflix
Let’s take a look at what’s trending on Netflix in crime on documentaries. I mean, who doesn’t like a little insight on what goes on in jails around the world.
Positive Celebrity has always felt the jail systems are screwy. The production did a great job at giving viewers an inside look into the jail systems and just how hard life can be when you are sentenced to serving time in jail.
Jailbirds is one Netflix series tending that truly makes you feel emotions you would never imagine.
Most importantly, it gives insight on how important human contact is for inmates. Concluding our thought behind our opinion on how our jail system is broken.
Haven’t you ever thought “why does a mother get a much harsher sentence compared to a murderer or someone who was involved in homicide?”
The trending series on Netflix is one that you can pause and resume but instantly get hooked again, great for those weekdays where you know you
At the Sacramento County Jail, incarcerated women fight the power and one another as they try to make the best of life — and love — on the inside.
LUCIFER Rating: 8/5 Released: May 8, 2019 Platform: Netflix
It’s no secret Lucifer is on the what’s trending on Netflix. I mean, the devil comes back from hell to help the LAPD?
This show does not leave you time to go into your personal life. It’s definitely a binge watch. The producers, cast and crew did an excellent job with each episode. Most importantly, it’s great to see the whole “what if the devil was good?”
Many could likely relate to wondering that at some point in their life (not everybody). But it’s a great show and the cinematography is top notch.
Be sure to add this to your list of trending shows on Netflix. You won’t regret it.
What happens when the devil gets bored with life in Hell?
Lucifer takes action and leaves hell to live life in the beautiful city of Los Angeles. He becomes a part of the LAPD looking for suspects.
The creator Tom Kapinos did a great job with this comic adaptation. The series stars some of the best in Hollywood including Tom Ellis, Lina Esco, and Lesley-Ann Brandt.
THE SOCIETY Rating: 9/10 Released: May 10, 2019 Platform: Netflix
The Society is one of those Netflix TV series that keeps you hooked. How would it be to find out you were mysteriously transported to the greener side of New England? Further, your parents are missing.
This definitely belongs to positive celebrities what’s trending list.
Creator Christopher Keyser seriously nailed the writing, twists, and turns. In fact, it’s no surprise because he also worked Sisters, Party of Five, Tyrant, Time of Your Life, and Equal Justice.
The hit series proudly stars Kathryn Newton, Rachel Keller, and Gideon Adlon.
A group of teenagers struggles to survive after they’re mysteriously transported to a replica of their wealthy town with no trace of their parents.
Positive Celebrity Gossip and entertainment news would love to hear what you thought of these shows in the comments below!
Don’t forget you can stay up-to-date on the latest positive celebrity gossip and film news by subscribing to our page or just giving us a thumbs up on our official Facebook below!
Blessed be!
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Laurara Monique is known by various celebrities as the youngest and kindest celebrity blogger. PCG has been described as a "celebrity safe zone."
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