#the narrative is kayne
uncannycanyon · 12 days
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arthur lester
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skayafair · 2 months
The fact that Kayne critically misjudged John's true feelings and how much their relationship with Arthur have progressed, brings me so much joy.
Not that all-knowing and all-powerful anymore, are we?
It'd do him good to be brought down a peg or two.
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dearmarigold · 1 year
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Every time I see John being described as Hastur's heart I can feel something moving in the 'Howl's Moving Castle Malevolent AU' part of my brain
less to none eldritch horrors but hey, you got a case to solve of who started the war and why tha fuck it is still going on, while getting tricked into being the delivery man for a part of something otherworldly!
i can feel the potential but to harness it it is still beyond me
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bells-of-black-sunday · 6 months
Something innately tragic about the darkin is that ultimately their existence is aa never ending body horror filled suffering and an eternal hunger rivaling the things that fractured their minds in the first place. Tarhos is no exception to this though he is given space by Haru to heal and try to come to terms with what he used to be vs what he is now. This makes him appreciate a lot of smaller things in life that most would ignore or not notice in the firstplace.
Tarhos is four-thousand years old and who even really knows how long he's been trapped in his own fragmented blade for and most of that was spent underwater after being tossed off a merchant ship by someone who knew what he was. He couldn't see much of anything, felt like he was drowning, couldn't feel anything and all he was left with was his thoughts that desperately clung to the idea of the Shuriman empire instead of how he and the other god warriors were actually treated after the void war.
So when Haru picks him up and he can't fully make him his vessel, he's rightfully pissed, but he does calm over time by just having someone to talk to. He honestly can't stand the sound of his own voice alone still, he hates listening to his own thoughts. Still at least out of the water he could feel the warmth of the sunlight and the pressure of fingers dancing across his blade. His senses were very dulled though they existed and he was just happy to finally feel something. Though as his feelings grew so did his longing.
And when he was finally allowed to touch the vastayan's skin he weeped. Just being able to feel the grass, hear the birds, see clearly. It was overwhelming, but also held a joy he can never fully describe. He loves the sun on his scales, digging his claws into the Earth, smelling everything nature has to give, even just how pretty things as simple as rocks can be and he'd probably look foolish rambling about it especially to his kin, but it's just how he is. It's why usually when Haru's around he's close by or putting his claws on him, it's something so simple he was deprived of and longed for for so long he doesn't want to lose it again.
And due to being in the blade: he doesn't remember being human at all. He knows he was a slave who was celebrated and worshipped for his bravery which earned him his freedom and ascension, but... He doesn't remember any of it. His mind clung so hard to how he was when he was a giant bull God he's completely forgotten what it's like to be human which combined with how due to how hemomancy corrupted the darkin, makes him not value human life at all. He sees their struggles as pointless, they'll all die in a blink of his eye in his life time, they don't matter. Tarhos of course still enjoys being around humans, but he will trivialize their struggles unintentionally.
He just... doesn't see the point in what most people do at all. He doesn't get the worry or strife. And that's eventually going to be a big lesson for him in humility.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 6 months
let's spend an hour and a half enjoying the Heartsteel himbos | PARANOIA animation analysis
I have decidedly mixed feelings on the Heartsteel band splash art, which are intensified by the degree to which their 3 minute music video was able to near-instantly endear me to every one of these idiot himboyband doofuses.
Heartsteel is a project that suffers a lot in being compared to True Damage and K/DA, which are the most obvious points of comparison to draw, especially since Riot seems (at least to me) to have committed rather fewer resources to their virtual band project this go around. Wisely, thus, the Hearsteel project decided to attempt a very different narrative and emotional vibe with its characters from previous efforts. Where K/DA and True Damage both presented their characters as untouchable pop-gods at the top of their game, bragging about their accomplishments, Heartsteel comes from almost exactly the opposite place.
PARANOIA is a fearful, defensive, defiant song composed and performed like a triumphal power-anthem, coming from the perspective of a group of industry outsiders who have all been devalued or burned by the mainstream.
Ezreal is a one-hit-wonder whose image got run into the ground by controlling management, Yone a legendary producer burned out on industry conformity. Kayn is a pop music bad boy whose spiteful arrogance broke up his last band, K'Sante an ambitious vocal powerhouse who could never find creative partners, and Sett a disgraced rapper who lost his contract for punching a paparazzo.
These, then, are not pop-gods gracing the mortal realm with images of their brilliance, but a bunch of down-and-out losers and untapped talents trying to claw back their careers with nothing but found-family dynamics, the power of friendship, and Jackass-style promotional stunts in their arsenal. The music video depicts them running a night-time raid on a film studio, stealing props and causing god knows how much property damage trying to film their own comeback music video.
It doesn't.... quite nail the grunge independent vibe that it seems to want to go for, it has a rather inconsistent diegesis, and trying to cram character moments for six characters into a three minute song compresses the pace of the video to an almost manic emotional experience. I found that most of its setpieces and ideas did not land with me at all until a third or fourth re-watch, and going through the video frame-by-frame so I could actually take in what the video was trying to say.
Once I did, I enjoyed it a LOT. The character animation is expressive, dynamic and immensely charming. There's a ton of great texture work going on, interesting lighting, extremely creative effects, and the emotional heart of the video - the genuine affection between the band members as expressed through boyish shenanigans - hits brilliantly... once you slow the video down enough to really see it. There is also a truly astonishing amount of work put into flash frames and scribbly visual effects, and an absolute embarrassment of screenshots that could be wallpapers.
Anyway, I spent an hour and a half talking about a three-minute music video because I am the world's easiest sucker for charming character animation. Care to join me?
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kayne malevolent might be the first true example of the narrative coming to life to fuck over the protagonists personally.
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samglyph · 2 months
Good morning. Season 4 finale.
Holy smokes gang. What an episode. I absolutely loved it. I think it took a little bit for me to become really invested despite the in medias res thing we had going on, but once that action started I was in it. The visuals this episode were great, I especially liked the description of the mollusk mask on the viziers face. I also was quite pleased about the little reference to hastur being the peacock king that’s fun.
I know a lot of people are sad about the butcher. I am not because as soon as he showed up again I figured he would be one of the casualties of the episode, and narratively I like that it was Kayne who did it as opposed to Larson or an unnamed cultist or alien, especially considering I had a theory that Kayne was connected to the music in his head and the powers he had. I did love the twist of him being on our side though I actually audibly reacted to that. It surprised me but made sense in the perfect way. It also makes perfect sense to not include that scene, but I am excited to see some of the fan work that comes out of that missing piece. I’m AMAZED that Charlie managed to make it out alive, but then again he might be bleeding out on a street in Spain right now. Oh well. No body no death so I’m counting him as still kicking.
Speaking of Charlie, I loved the scene where John was forced to come clean. I liked how it twisted the previous scene of Arthur speaking for John and John finally being heard by someone else and feeling so so happy, to now be forced into a position where that newfound relationship is potentially going to be destroyed because he no longer has the option of privacy. Wild.
Of all the scenes with yellow, predictably Arthur’s confrontation and apology was my favorite. He’d already admitted fault in a previous episode but this I think is where it really hit home. And in other lines, while Yellow remained adamant that he didn’t care, you could tell that he genuinely did want to understand the connection between Arthur and John, and wanted to understand why he couldn’t experience the same thing. Most tragic fragment of a nightmare king. I hope you have fun flaying Larson alive for the next couple thousand years. Also why was Larson so flirty this episode dude he killed your son stop whispering in his ear like that.
And then of course, we get to Kayne. Kayne Kayne Kayne Kayne. Glad we got confirmation that Kayne isn’t/it doesn’t matter if he’s nyarlthotep because while have a fondness for the crawling chaos and Call of Cthulhu mythos, I actually like when things are separate from that. Plus I think it makes him scarier if he can’t quantify his existence. Holding out his bloody hand for Arthur to take and Arthur choosing to go with him willingly obviously paralleling his denial of Larson earlier in the episode. I also liked his takedown of Larson a lot. Fuck that guy.
Anyway @everyone who questioned why I draw Kayne covered in blood in every scene even when he’s not fresh off a carcosan murder spree how does it feel to be wrong.
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aro-geo-turtle · 13 days
Relistening to the first Malevolent episode is fun because a lot of the exposition John gives Arthur is blatantly wrong.
Of course there's the "Arthur was the one to kill Parker" thing, which was a malicious lie meant to manipulate him into trusting him.
But then we've got the bit where John explains where he came from. He certainly got the multiverse thing spot on. But he claims that he started out in this or some similar timeline, then died and wound up in the Dark World. Then, in the Dark World, he was bound to the book and somehow the book made its way back to Earth and to Arthur.
But obviously we later learn that what really happened was the King getting split in two and John winding up on Earth in that basement, where he was bound into the book/the Dark World (perhaps the book just sends people to the Dark World? we still don't really know how it works).
I think the best explanation for this is that John was just trying to patch together his splintered impressions and memory pieces into a cohesive narrative and getting some bits in the wrong order, considering he was still trying to hide his amnesia from Arthur.
But it still brings into question how much we can believe what John says about the Dark World. In part 1 he's very clear about it being the only afterlife out there, saying "all of these worlds have one, singular, exit." But later on (I don't remember when but it definitely happened) he says that he doesn't know if everyone goes there when they die or just a certain kind of being (like him).
We know that he was there when he was trapped in the book, and that the King had the power to casually toss him back there, and then (presumably) Kayne tossed the King in there himself to produce a terrified and amnesiac Yellow. We know that it's horrible and chaotic and really really sucks and time doesn't exist there.
But it could be one of many afterlives, we have no idea if Parker, Faroe, Bella, ect. are actually there. Hell, how do we know it's an afterlife at all??? Maybe its just the place a lot of bound, imprisoned, and discarded beings wind up in. I'll bet getting chopped in half felt a hell of a lot like dying.
anyways its an absolute power move to start your lore-heavy cosmic horror podcast with a bunch of exposition only to prove that the character giving it is amnesiac and has no clue what he's talking about
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drowningparty · 29 days
I have some thoughts re: Kayne / godhood (spoilers for intermezzo)
I don't think Kayne respects any of the other gods. He definitely doesn't respect the King in Yellow, he knocked him over the head w/ an oversized mallet to give him amnesia and stuck him in Arthur's head and reduced the Dreamlands to "a lawless waste" for a laugh. He also destroyed his city for the hell of it. He doesn't fucking care. He's rude to John, ignores him, says 'Arthur' when referring to both of them. I thought I noticed this undercurrent of quiet animosity, but felt vindicated during 40 + Intermezzo b/c he was suddenly soooooo loud! Ignoring & talking over John? Check. Telling him he's not special like Arthur? Check. Saying he'll torture him worse than Arthur just because he can? Check. My theory is it's b/c John's still a god, technically. Like the whole, choosing your own name + path... you'd think would be something Kayne could sympathize with (as much as Kayne can feel sympathy), but...........no. He knows John is easier to manipulate w/ fear (he can send him back to the Dark World w/ a snap of his fingers), and saves his faux sympathy for Arthur.
I think this is b/c he likes humans. Sure, he also likes killing them, but I don't think those impulses are mutually exclusive. Kayne's the most "human" of the gods we've met. He talks like a human, makes pop culture references, looks passingly human, etc. I think he envies them, in a way? They have a freedom I think he lacks as a god, even though they are confined to one timeline. We still don't fully understand how gods work, but from his description alone it sounds like he thinks of them as limited. They have incredible power compared to mortals, they exist outside the piano... but are confined to a single key. Which sounds to me like their path is predetermined and they're not intended to develop free will. Kayne's an anomaly b/c he does, or tries to.
He wants to put humans in an antfarm, perhaps as a demonstration of his free will. That's all Carcosa was, right? An antfarm. He wanted to play godzilla, smash the ants. Arthur's another ant in a different farm, and he watched his entire life play out across several verses to try to figure him out. What makes him unique is he dies in every other verse. Kayne can't figure out what makes this Arthur so special that he survives when all the others don't, but it implies he did something right with his free will, that this version is an "anomaly" like Kayne. He respects that, b/c it means this version of Arthur has done the same thing he has: taken control of their narrative. Even Kayne choosing his own name is an example of that. Becoming Kayne, rejecting the title Nyarlathotep and all the baggage that comes with it, the expectation to be what his father wants, a messenger for the outer gods (although he may still want that, I expect whatever his intentions are re: the Black Stone, they're his, not Azathoth's).
Arthur is usually a mirror for character's to see their humanity reflected, but instead of seeing his humanity (b/c he has none), Kayne looks at Arthur and sees himself. Which... surprised me? He seems so confident in his godhood, I thought he just viewed Arthur as his fave toy or human, like even in the S4 finale I found it hilarious how he kept going: "why can't you all just be more like Arthur???" apropo of.....nothing, but he didn't treat him like someone he identified with, so it caught me off-guard when he compared himself to Arthur, but that's big for a god! and I think it supports my thesis he envies humans for their freedom. Their roles aren't as "established" as a god's. Humans have free will, something he had to kill every other version of himself to gain. Even then, I think absorbing his alts (???) or whatever he did after killing them to become more powerful fucked him up, may have driven him mad if he wasn't already when he started this exercise in defending-himself-from-ever-getting-deleted, like he doesn't sound okay when he's talking to himself.
TLDR: Kayne thinks Arthur's special b/c he lived, when all the other Arthur's in Kayne's Arthur-Killing-Experiment died! (: Kayne can't figure out why, but he likes not knowing why. He likes humanity b/c of their freedom, b/c he's a chaos god who wants as much freedom as possible. And he's aware gods are fallible, they can be deleted, which takes all the romance out of godhood. Kayne's the most powerful god we've met b/c he's taken steps to emulate humanity's free will, the thing that makes Arthur "special," but what makes Arthur "hard to see" is probably his humanity. As much as Kayne likes humanity, I don't think it's something he can truly understand, which is why he enjoys sticking humans full of pins and trying.
I think it's neat Malevolent prizes humanity over godhood. Even gods seem to value humanity over godhood. John wants to become human. Yellow wants acceptance from a human. I think Kayne holds humans in higher esteem than gods. Those who look down on humans or try to 'ascend' and leave behind their humanity, like Larson, are clearly in the wrong. It's not seen as a weakness to be human, and even the parts of humanity that are usually written off as a weakness (our rage, grief, violence, desperation, etc...) are viewed as strengths in Malevolent, and I fucking love that about this show.
Anyway, I'll, uhh, shut up now.
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foreoqque · 2 months
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another one for the malevolent discord kayne's never a third wheel (or a fifth, for that matter), he's the steering wheel. and he's driving the narrative off a cliff for fun. off we go!
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snakeunderyourboot · 1 month
Some sketches from Malevolent!
I am obsessed with this podcast to the point of drawing so much about the ✨boys✨ I love when the media focuses on the relationship between characters, which is not love but not not love, they just care about each other and they try so hard to be better versions of themselves, but just doomed by the narrative. Poor guys, lets throw them into a mixer
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My design of King in Yellow, John and Yellow.
The first one is the final design of King in Yellow. I love the idea of giving him pupils because the idea that some eldritch fucked-up thing has pupils really terrifies me. In the second pic, there is an old design of King in Yellow, that I changed a bit because he looked too human-like. There are also designs of John and Yellow, but I will probably change Yellow's design because he looks too human-like.
I really love the idea of a mask, so I decided to incorporate it into my designs. I broke it into upper half and lower half to bring some ✨symbolism✨. John has a lower part of the mask, which symbolizes his inability to talk and communicate with anyone except Arthur. Yellow has an upper half of the mask because from the first second, he was brought into the world, Arthur basically named him King in Yellow. He doesn't know anything besides that and never got a chance to learn about it. Therefore, he now bears the upper half of the mask as a crown of who he supposed to be
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Now to the John design!
I wanted to make John's design different throughout the whole podcast, to symbolize his changes. At first, he literally is some unformed piece that was torn from someone with force(=therefore cracks). At the end of the first season, he gets his cloak and mask, with the truth of his true identity. While he is going through the Dreamlands and accepts his past as the King in Yellow, he gains a halo (which you can see in the design of the KiY. Yellow also has one, but with a different color)
In seasons 3-4, he has a human body and in general looks more human-like, which was made intentionally, to show how he changed. Also, he gets rid of the hood, which is connected with my small headcanon, that it was the King who took it off and saw how much John changed and how he is no longer his piece. At the end of season 4 he gets rid of the mask and his fire now has golden light attached to it. That is connected with Kayne's "You are the only king in this plane of existence now, take it for all I care" or something like that I don't remember correctly now. In short, it means now, that John is his own person, that isn't connected to the King in Yellow anymore. Depending on the Yellow's fate, I maybe will give John another halo
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The boys✨✨
I don't have anything to say here, just wanted to draw them in their full sizes
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Some small sketches about them
I like the idea when John sort of has his own body, but when Arthur turns his head, John automatically does the same. The same goes with their hand and foot
Just a small idea about John having a mouth. Definitely just an idea, but it was fun to think about. Snakey boy
I always forget, that John's hand is left, not right, but anyway, the moment from episode 26, where John calms Arthur during his mental breakdown
The obligatory “John describes in explicit detail some hideous thing and Arthur tells him to shut the fuck up”
Them holding hands!!!!
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That was my first art of them! I just took the general fandom design for John and called it a day. Funnily, I drew that before I got to the season 4 finale
Anyway, thank you for your attention!!
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kkachis · 2 years
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faroe's song and faroe's music box transcriptions (themes from malevolent)
google drive link for the PDFs: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/4/folders/1mxV-rkZCAHuHTNVeMoiOc91PIsW6CEp2
EDIT: i made some errors in the music box theme, they've since been corrected!
EDIT 2022.12.05: i finally got around to adjusting the tempo to be to the quarter note and not the half note 💀
composed by the incredibly talented harlan guthrie, transcribed by me! for the music box theme, i've included instructions for both playing it as the original music box version as well as kayne's solo variation. i used musescore to notate these.
some thoughts below the break!
i agree with harlan in picking b minor as the flagship key for this podcast; it's always struck me as a particularly black and morose key in colour, even if i don't have synesthesia myself. i think it's worth remarking that he chose b minor for both of the themes. it really makes me want to try and meld the song and the music box themes together (and makes me wonder if harlan already has that idea in the wings).
i find the structure of faroe's song to be especially compelling, the way that the first two iterations of the theme's second half meld together in the third and final iteration. it makes me really wonder about the narrative structure of malevolent—if we'll see john and arthur merge and hybridize in similar ways, perhaps...
i really have to commend harlan for communicating something so distinct about arthur's musical voice. these themes are very simple, very repetitive, and yet they carry within themselves this kind of understated melancholic beauty. i want to try my hand at doing a more elaborate and reharmonized arrangement of these, but it'll be difficult to do so without losing sight of the core of the piece, i think.
i also took some stylistic liberties with how i notated some of the expressive directions. i know you're not supposed to add periods to the end of everything, but it felt appropriate? it looks cool. maybe a bit edgy and pretentious, but who gives a shit.
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clefaiiiry · 4 months
Some of my favourite short stories from League's Universe page since Riot doesn't give a flying fuck about their narrative team
This is not a comprehensive list -in fact there's many more that I also really like!- so please share your favourites as well.
The Cage by Odin Austin Shafer Featured champion(s): Aatrox
The Man with the Steel Cane by Odin Austin Shafer Featured champion(s): Jhin, Zed, Shen
The Lure by Dan Abnett Featured champion(s): Kayn, Sona
The Man with the Grinning Shadow by Jared Rosen Featured champion(s): Lucian, Senna, Thresh, Karthus
Art is Life by Graham McNeill Featured champion(s): Vladimir
Paintings Framed in Half-Light by Isa Mari De Leon Featured champion(s): Hwei, Jhin
Child of Zaun by Ian St. Martin Featured champion(s): Vi, Caitlyn, Urgot
Perennial by Dana Luery Shaw Featured champion(s): Ahri
House on Emberflit Alley by Rayla Heide Featured champion(s): Viktor
A Quick Fix by Anthony Burch Featured champion(s): Jayce
The Eye in the Abyss by Anthony Reynolds Featured champion(s): n/a
A Good Death by Matt Dunn and Scott Hawkes Featured champion(s): Kindred
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jicamasticks · 1 month
I keep thinking about Arthur's choice when they entered the Order to either forget feeding the ducks with Faroe, meeting Oscar, or meeting John.
The audience (and Arthur himself!!) would be hard pressed to EVER choose giving up a memory of his daughter. And while we knew he had to give up a good memory, circumstances would have to be pretty dire to willingly lose a memory that precious to him.
Frankly, Oscar was the easy choice, and it made the most sense for Arthur to choose to forget him. Yes, Oscar was important to him, but he'd already chosen to abandon their friendship to appease John (as well as to protect Oscar from any further danger associated with Arthur), so forgetting Oscar had the fewest ramifications.
But forgetting John? Like, don't get me wrong, it would be narratively delicious for John to work with amnesiac Arthur as a direct foil of Coda/s3, but.... it didn't really make sense for Arthur to willingly give that up. If Arthur forgot meeting John, he ran the risk of forgetting why they were at the Order in the first place. And since there was no way to know when the memory would be taken, that was just too big of a risk to take right before they went into a dangerous situation. Plus, Arthur and John were otherwise working well together. If the choice came up in the middle of a divorce arc, Arthur would have been way more motivated to forget John. But as it was.... that just wasn't the case.
I DO think a delicious alternative would have been if Kayne HAD gone through with wiping Arthur's memory and "accidentally" took it too far. 😏 (But that would have conflicted with the patrons' vote, so.... I think this only would have worked if forgetting John had initially been off the table entirely.)
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keykidpilipili · 2 months
HMMMM it was probably a purely narrative choice at first and we will lkely never get a proper flashback of the event.... Still I wonder if Arthur getting the rest of his body back during ep1 but not the eyes ties with how he loses control of his left hand and toes later on.
Could it have gone like this? He opens the book, our favourite Malevolent Entity takes control and Arthur is only left with hearing(based on how it's shared at all times after). Arthur hears Parker gets choked to death and probably after getting slapped with the memory of Faroe starts fighting back. It works but the first thing he sees is his partner's corpse. His brain going through trauma both new and old nopes out refusing to perceive with the situation both physically, his eyes, and mentally, shoving the memory in the closet.
Also questionning again if Kayne was lying about being the reason Arthur had control again of said apendages when Yellow was there. It could be a methaphor for Arthur making a huge choice without patreon input. The confirmation that John has the hand and toes back only comes after Arthur had confirmation it was John and not Yellow in his head during episode 24.
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malevolent when you interpret john and arthur as narrative parallels vs. malevolent when you interpret kayne and arthur as narrative parallels.
i have no reaction images but i'm sure you can correctly interpret the experiences i'm describing
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