#the library interview isn’t until later next week and i’m already freaking myself out like ‘what if i get offered multiple jobs’
heartbreakfeelsogood · 7 months
side eyeing the full time jobs i’ve been interviewing for while making full blown heart eyes at the part time position at the library i got an interview for 🥰🥰🥰
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Burned Chapter 13
As always, coffee is appreciated! https://ko-fi.com/fluffykitty12
Edward sat rather sullenly in Roy's office the next day, a frown etched on his face.
"Edward. Quit sulking."
"You don't believe me."
"I didn't say that. I just didn't see it for myself. I've imagined things when I was tired before."
"I'm not tired!" Ed banged both fists on his desk, causing everyone to pause and look up at him. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I know what I saw."
The door to the office burst open, and Hughes stood there, looking out of breath.
"Hughes?" Roy cocked an eyebrow.
"We've got a severed arm found in an alley last night. It was a woman's."
"Just an arm? No body?"
Hughes frowned. "Just an arm. We... we're expecting to find more later. But the marks on the skin- it's our guy. It was about 6 blocks from here- it was right under our noses. We've got a few people nearby who were out late last night to come in to interview, but nobody's said anything that stands out..."
"It was the clown."
All eyes turned to Ed.
"Mustang and I came back to the office late last night to grab some papers. Mustang went in and I stayed in the car and I saw him. Six feet tall, wearing a clown suit, painted face, red balloon. Smoking a cigarette beneath the street light. I was gonna trap him in the cement of the sidewalk and question him, but Mustang came back out and distracted me, so he got away."
Hughes frowned, turning to Mustang. "You saw him too?"
Roy pinched the bridge of his nose. "No, I didn't. I saw a silhouette, maybe, but it might've been the light playing tricks on my mind. There was no sign of anyone when we got there..."
"I saw him."
"I'm not saying you didn't, Ed, but I didn't see him."
"I wanna sit in on the interviews with the people who were out last night." Ed said seriously, turning to Hughes.
Hughes looked uneasy.
"You're only to listen. You don't say a word, nothing to suggest anything to the witnesses. You're to report back to me immediately after." Roy said.
"That's fair. Let's get started. The sooner we get this creep off the streets, the better." Ed turned and strode briskly out of the room, with Hughes looking hesitant.
"You sure you want to let him in on this? It's a murder investigation..."
"I'm not letting him see the case files or the pictures. But he's convinced he saw something... and with how dead set he is on it, I'm not convinced he didn't."
"Alright. But just the interviews. After that he's done with this case."
"I agree."
Most of the people who were outside around midnight were doing pretty mundane things, it turned out. Stumbling home from a night out with friends, stopping to relieve themselves on a brick building. Walking to the corner store for late night cigarettes. The occasional college student walking home from a late night studying in the library.
Ed quickly grew bored, but Hughes never faltered, recording every detail like his life depended on it. Still, no one had seen anything unusual, until they got to the last man. Henry Johnson was unremarkable, about 5' 4", and he had to go to work early as a baker, so his morning was at midnight.
He'd been taking his dog outside to go to the bathroom at the park, and saw the call for people who'd been outside in the area in the newspaper, so he'd come in.
"What time were you out?"
"About quarter after midnight to twelve thirty. I was walking by Meadow and Broad street, taking my girlfriend's dog to the park to pee. I saw a guy on Broad out smoking a cigarette, but he's Frank and he's usually out there at that time so it didn't bother me. It wasn't til I was starting back home I saw the clown."
Hughes stopped taking his notes and looked up. "Clown?"
"Yeah. Big guy, at least six feet, dressed as a clown. Walking down the street with a red balloon."
"He was smoking a cigarette, wasn't he?" Ed spoke up from where he'd been sitting in the back corner.
The man nodded. "Yeah, yeah he was. Freaked me the hell out. Normal people don't do that crap. I just hurried up and went home locked my door. Didn't wanna be out with that."
"What time did you see the clown?"
"Oh, twenty after twelve I'd say..."
Ed had already stood and was heading for the door. Hughes didn't bother following him out.
"Someone else saw him. I was right."
"I never said you were wrong, Ed, it just seemed... Odd."
"Well chopping women up and leaving there body parts around the city isn't exactly normal either." Ed's eyes were stone.
Roy sighed. "You're getting too involved in this case."
"I'm getting too involved!? Without me you wouldn't have known about that creepy clown in the first place!"
"And now we do, and that's good. But Hughes and I both agreed you're getting too involved. I'm not even supposed to be on this case- I'm just helping as a favor to Hughes."
"I find the only damn lead and you tell me to quit it!?"
"Ed. Stop. Go home. Spend the day with Al. You have research to be doing, don't you? On the philosopher's stone?"
Ed's gaze softened slightly at the mention of his brother. "Yeah, I do. I have to finish those reports..." his eyes drifted to his desk.
"You can do them tomorrow. I'm your superior officer, and I'm telling you, go take a break."
"Fine. You coming home for dinner or am I eating by myself?"
"I'll be home by 5. If you wouldn't mind heating the oven up for me we'll have macaroni or something. Now go on."
1 week passed. 1 week of them finding a body part every day, until the entire woman had been assembled. Her name had been Patricia Matthews, a local prostitute.
Ed didn't say much about the case, though Roy caught him reading about it in the papers. Everything seemed fine. Ed's anxiety from his accident was well managed with his journaling and relaxation techniques, and while he was nearly completely healed by this point, he made no mention of moving back to the military dorms, and Mustang didn't bring it up either. Truth be told, he liked having the Elric boys around. He hadn't realized how quiet his residence was until the boys had moved in with him.
Still, Roy was pretty sure the kid was still having nightmares. He'd looked rather tired in the mornings for the past few days. He found himself palming open the door to the boy's room around one in the morning, checking to see if he was sleeping peacefully.
He didn't hear any breathing, and he stepped closer to the lump beneath the blankets, expecting to hear breathing and see pale locks of hair on the pillow... only to find a mass of pillows stuffed underneath the duvet to look like a sleeping form.
The wind blew the curtains to his right, and he realized with sharp alarm the bedroom window was wide open.
Edward was healed now, he'd clearly had no trouble climbing down from the second floor to the sidewalk below.
Roy's heart jumped to his threat, and for a brief moment he found it hard to stem the panic swelling within him.
Where the hell had Edward gone? He'd been a fool, thinking the kid was tired from nightmares, when really he'd been sneaking out...
And then he knew. Dread and certainty settled in his gut like a brick, and he calmly headed down the hall, almost robotically, to knock on the door.
"Alphonse, I'm going out for a little while. I should be back soon."
"Okay, Colonel." Alphonse didn't sleep, and he clearly hadn't noticed Edward was gone, or he'd be panicking too. Al was too sensible to let his brother go running off in the middle of the night alone...
He grabbed his keys and started his car, and ten minutes later his headlights were illuminating a small form in a red cloak sitting on the curb, just outside the office.
He threw the car into park, jumping out and slamming the door with much more force than necessary.
"Edward." He barked.
Ed jumped up from where he'd been sitting on the curb, surprised. "What!?"
"Just how, pray tell, do you explain sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night?"
"I needed fresh air." Ed said simply.
Roy looked down road at the streetlight, frowning. "You're looking for him."
"You're looking for that clown, who may be a murderer, at one in the morning, every night, alone..." Roy pinched the bridge of his nose. "You didn't even tell anyone where you were going! Do you know how stupid that is!?"
"Not as dumb as not looking for him at all! I've seen the papers, they keep finding pieces of that girl! I'm a state alchemist, I don't need you looking out for me all the time, I can handle myself!"
"Of course you can." Roy's vice was dripping with sarcasm. "That's why you moved in with me after you got burned, because you were so capable of changing your bandages and taking your medicine and handling your anxiety attacks..."
"You were the one who burned me."
Roy stopped dead in his tracks. Ed stood perfectly still, a slight breeze catching his cloak and rustling it in the wind.
Roy found himself unable to breathe for a brief moment as the world seemed to stop completely, before he took a breath, acknowledging just how much that hurt. He's right. YOU burned him. That little voice in his head spoke up. His insides were a rolling cocktail of emotions he couldn't deal with right now. Edward was strong, but he was over-confident, and over-tired, and a child. And Roy needed to be the adult here.
Be the adult.
"Ed, get in the car."
"Huh? Why?" Ed looked surprised Roy wasn't shouting back at him, getting into his war of words.
"It's one in the morning, and we should both be in bed. Especially you, considering how often you've been sneaking out. Get in the car. We'll talk about this later. Right now we both need to be at home, asleep."
Ed paused, looking across the road at the empty circle of light beneath the street light.
"Ed. Hughes and I will find the clown. But being exhausted and searching the street every night isn't gonna help anyone."
"There is a clown." even though he was exhausted, Ed looked vindicated, and a slight smile crept onto his face as he said it.
"Yeah, there is. And investigations will find him. Investigations. Not you, and not at one in the morning. Now get in the car."
Ed did as he was told, but he still had that little smirk on his face at being right.
You burned me... Roy's amusement faded as he recalled Ed's words and his steely expression minutes earlier.
Still, he parked the car and led Ed inside. He was the adult. He shut Ed's window and sternly told him to stay in bed, that they'd talk about this in the morning.
He was the adult until he got into his own bedroom and closed the door, and then he laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling and closed his eyes and tried to unhear those words.
You burned me...
Normally, his room smelled like aftershave, but he couldn't shake the scent of burnt flesh. No matter how hard he buried his face in his pillow, he could smell it. It was too hot, and water leaked from his eyes slightly as he struggled to control his breathing...
It'd been awhile since he'd had a night this bad. Normally he'd have a glass or two of whiskey to pass out, but he couldn't bring himself to, not now...
Breathe. Just breathe... he told himself. And slowly, the bedsheets stopped suffocating him and he was able to lay, uncomfortable but not stifling hot, and the scent of burnt flesh faded to unwashed linen and waxy burning candles.
He just laid there, not asleep but not completely awake, tired by his own anxiety and mental ordeal. One hour passed, two... it was nearly three in the morning when the quiet was shattered by a scream.
He was on his feet before he knew it, sprinting down the hall.
"S-Stop, he's my brother! I-it burns! Stop!"
Strangled shouting as Edward struggled in the bedsheets.
"Edward! Ed!" he unraveled the cocoon of blankets the boy had wrapped him in, but Ed was still thrashing.
"Stop, stop, ah god why does it hurt!?"
Edward's eyes were half open and glassy. He hadn't had a night terror like this in weeks. Ed never let Alphonse near him when he was in this state, and by now the suit of armor knew to stay away.
Roy's own ills and fatigue were quickly forgotten, and he slipped back to what he'd done all those weeks ago when Ed had just been learning what nightmares and PTSD was, wrapping his arms around the flailing boy and holding him still, pulling him close to him and wrapping him in a tense hug.
"Fullmetal- Ed- Ed, it's a night terror. Shhh, shhh, it's alright, Ed, it's okay..."
Slowly but surely, the boy's struggles stopped and mellowed to harsh breathing. "R-roy..." his voice was hardly a harsh whisper. "I-it hurt so bad. I could feel it- heating my automail, burning my skin..."
"I know, I know, but it was just a bad dream. Breathe, breathe Edward, it's okay..."
Slowly, the boy's choked sobs evened out into shaky but steady breathing.
"It's alright, Edward..." the boy had sweat clean through his shirt, it'd been that anxiety provoking, and he ran his fingers through the sweaty locks of blond hair, trying to soothe the boy.
"I know, buddy, I know. Breathe for me..." Roy took deep breaths, demonstrating what to do as Edward mirrored him.
"I...I didn't mean it..."
"Didn't mean what?" Roy frowned, looking down at the tear-stained child's face. The moonlight made his golden locks look silver and his face even more pale.
"I...I said you burned me... I-it was an accident... I know that. Y-you took care of me... A-and you w-woke up and stayed with me all those nights I got scared, and you took me to the doctors... A-and I repayed you like a selfish brat. I...I know you didn't mean to... I don't deserve your help... S-sorry, I'm sorry..." Ed dissolved into quiet crying and buried his face in Roy's chest.
For the second time that night, Roy found himself speechless. Out of shock, and... gratitude? Ed's forgiveness seemed to have lifted a weight off his shoulders, his gratitude proved that despite all his mistakes, the accident, burning Edward... He'd done something right in taking the boy in and trying his best to care for him.
"Oh Ed... You're just a kid. It's alright..." He reached up and wove his fingers into the back of Ed's blonde locks, holding him steady and just being solid. His other hand rubbed soothing circles on his shuddering back, and gradually, the boys sobs quieted to cries, and whimpers, before he was finally still.
"A-are you mad?"
"No. How can I be mad? I'm just glad you've calmed down. You were tired, we all say things we don't mean..."
"You gonna kick me out?" Ed's voice was slightly muffled as he was still clinging to Roy for dear life.
Roy laughed. Ed flinched and peeled himself back, looking watery-eyed and exhausted and surprised.
"If I was going to kick you out, I wouldn't have bothered to come find you outside tonight. I'd have told you to pack up when you got home. I'm not sending you anywhere Edward. You are stubborn, and impossible, and headstrong, and I'm not going to make you stay if you don't want to, but you are ALWAYS welcome here. You can stay as long as you like. I... I like having you boys around."
"Really?" Ed sniffled, looking baffled.
Roy chuckled. "Yes, really, you loud-mouthed flea."
"Hey." Ed protested half-heartedly, and Roy ruffled his hair.
"But what you did was dangerous, Ed. Sneaking out without telling anyone where you were going, going after a killer- it was dumb, and stupid. And I'm not letting you off the hook for it. It was reckless, and you're grounded- not allowed to go anywhere without my permission- for a week. You understand? I think that's fair, considering the stunts you've pulled. And you're already a bit punished, your anxiety is thru the roof and you're exhausted... Get some sleep. Alright?"
Roy went to stand, but was held still when a hand grabbed his shirt.
Ed looked up at him with those pitiful golden eyes, looking afraid. "Stay?"
He and Ed hadn't slept in the same bed since the first few days after Edward had been burned, when he'd needed Roy to help talk him through the flashbacks.
But he laid back down anyways, and listened as the boy's breathing evened out beside him. His own breathing was calm and steady, as he watched Ed's sleeping face.
Was this what it was like to be a father, he wondered? Twice in one day, one moment in the worst possible anguish, the next with a heart so full it could burst...
I failed you once, Edward. But I will never give up on you. was his last thought, before he, too succumbed to a well-earned sleep.
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