#the jump scared the shit out of me tho loool
xshyhana · 6 months
My @dokidokistart flag was signed by Carlos Sainz🥹🫶🏻🏎️❤️ (thanks to social media found the girl who was standing next to me and she filmed it!)
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vosebin-blog · 7 years
AAAHHHH *insert my longest yeah boy ever here* HOWDY i’m sophie, the writer for this cute lady here. i haven’t....watched twin peaks cause im lame but i did grow up watching the twilight zone and i think true detective is in the same vein of concept of dark and creepy so!! all about having a good time here my friends🍸✨🍸 
u know the drill: plots and tldr after the jump, app jic, stats.  send me a dm if u wanna brainstorm or give this a like and ill get to u asap! xoxo
26 y.o muhan native that had moved to seoul for college, then work. "day" job was an accountant and its only v recently that she revealed herself 2 be the ~mysterious~ writer thatd been topping the bookseller lists w her rlly icky nasty writing
to make it easy, if u want to get a good idea of her content, think gillian flynn and crank that up by 10. writing is also quite similar: blunt, unapologetic, meant 2 make u uncomfortable. cults. religious mania. murder. unpleasant women for characters galore. wrote 3 books: scratch marks, hunger of the woods, split wide
also y no one would have guessed that a face like hers wouldve written about shit so unnerving + horror / mystery genre dominated by male writers!!
has been accused over the yrs for misogyny and misandry thats apparently “present” in her work. if u bring this up to her she will probably laugh u out of town 
only had 1 press conference, and that was 2 announce a sudden retirement + reveal her identity ( tho its rlly an.....indefinite hiatus but anyway ) and thats really that for seoul
but to those at muhan, shes probably just known as the girl who returned right when her mothers gone missing. coincidence??? i think not
except theyre not entirely wrong lol but with how carefree and relaxed shes been theres been a certain reputation thats been tacked onto her since game start
which she fully embraces, stereotype by stereotype, bcus its funny. creepy writer aesthetics? shes got it buddy, from the rickety rocking chair on the front porch near the mouth of the woods 2 that anne sexton ~flair~ for storytelling. 
keeps a pleasant exterior, but lmao the bitch vibes r thereeeee 200%. nice to talk to, but not a nice person i can promise u that. maybe makes up for it a little for being self aware and not being fake about it???
if u were in highschool wit her or were of acquaintance, then u most likely got a taste of it loool. was that 1 friend ( frenemy?? enemy??? ) who held nothing back, insults or otherwise
real reason y shes back here is only to pay back wtv huge ass debt mama accumulated and ran away from....but no one knows that except those friendly debt collectors thatve been coming around lately. shes working on it, but the bigger issue is having to face the demons of living in ur childhood home where youve left buried in the yard till now
long story short: sebin and mom had an extremely, extremely dysfunctional relationship. complicated history of envy, hatred, emotional abuse, vicious fights, gaslighting, understanding and family love. ultimately shit happens when ur left as a single mom banished to the side of the woods and have 2 give up everything to raise a kid u didnt even want. its not pretty, its not cute but its the 1 thing that shes known to be real all her life and it means something. writing ( obscured as it may be ) has helped her deal with it and in a way, its almost confessional. she hasnt disclosed any of this with anybody and doesnt plan to
given that, shes turned out ok?? as in, she kind of embraces the person shes been shaped into rather than reeling from shame
pet peeve is when ppl think they have her ~all figured out~ to which shes like.....ok....its not that deep lmao pls kindly fuck off sherlock holmes
should probably add that mom ran a little apothecary that raked in a decent amount of money but not enough. sebin just recently sold it 
thinks church is pointless, isnt all that aware of the cult but would prob think its stupid as fuck too. someone, be it god or satan or anyone else, pls save her...or dont LOL
dresses all ~casual chic~ ankle boots, lightwashed jeans, loose dress shirts. lotsa cute scarves
drinks too much. smokes too much. its a problem but she dont think so
find her @ the casino playing bridge or at college being a guest lecturer when shes not chilling at her house 
some plots / prompts
someone to have clever banter with
fan or admirer of her work that wont pipe the fuck down or relax and kinda makes sebin snap
bible thumpers who think shes a disgrace to the ~esteemed~ image of her mom
cult members who think that she’d be a good addition to their crew
mutual sexual ~tension~ or the classic will they wont they with a twist
her writing hit hard @ something rlly personal and it makes u rlly uncomfortable and u rlly just cant feel easy around her as a result
friends, exes, frenemies, classmates, childhood playmates
u thought her mom was an absolute darling and got along with her well so when sebin comes along and sells her shit right after the lady’s disappeared it strikes a nerve
someone shes met in seoul and / or uni
sebin just highkey scares u and she gets a kick out of messing witchu
let me show you my darker half, and i’ll show you mine. intense. honest. maybe even a little frightening. not so idle conversation late at night
u try to hit on her but shes just not gonna let u in so easy buddy
rainy night and u need somewhere to stay so u come by her house
‘why do u have.....all those knives........and guns.......and taxidermy......’
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