#the expanse 5x07
brotherconstant · 4 months
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THE EXPANSE ➤ Timestamp Roulette 5x07 Oyedeng 🧡 @rocicrew 🧡
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theawkwardterrier · 1 year
Wednesday 100: S5 Series, cont.
Bree (5x06) 
“—and a bowl of milk will be fine, but cream is better."
Bree crosses her arms, looking only half amused. "I think we can take care of your cat, Mama."
"Of course, darling. It's only that I've never left the poor thing alone before."
"He won't be alone, that's the point." Eyeing Claire cuddling Adso, she adds, "Hey, if I didn't know better, I'd say you love that thing more than me."
Jamie, who has been waiting on the porch, sticks his head in. "Dinna be daft, a leannan. O' course we love you and yer wee brother the same."
Murtagh (5x07)
He cannot truly feel his godson's hands, only sees the stricken movement — not a soldier's instincts or someone trained by a healer wife, but a child's impulse, desperate to keep the blood inside where it belongs, to keep hold on someone he loves.
He wishes he could stay, yet he cannot regret what brought him here, cannot regret the righteous fight and brotherhood, the foundations of freedom. Even far from home, he isn't dying for nothing. He is doing it for Jamie, instead of him, so it will be years until he knows himself that it doesn't hurt a bit.
Ian (5x08)
He had known that the Ridge would be changed — he has been gone too long and Uncle Jamie's plans had been too expansive for it not to have — and yet Ian had still imagined that same little cabin here. He had wanted it, in some ways, wanted to somehow find himself turning back into the boy he had been then: someone who had suffered, yes, but someone who could smile without effort, who could imagine his bright future ahead.
But now he is here, haunting that big house, no long husband, father, warrior, tribesman, seeing only hopeless darkness awaiting him.
Marsali (5x09)
"Dinna tell me ye don't have snakes in yer time," Daddy says to Ma, and Marsali hears but does not pause in her work, only thinks to herself Yer time? and So that's what it is about her, and decides to speak of it with Fergus later.
A bit of her does feel invisible just then, wondering if they hadn't considered her worthy of true explanation or even excuses — misspeaking or delirium. The rest, however, feels warmed all through by the thought that they consider her family now, trusting her with their secrets, knowing that she accepts them both unguarded.
Roger (5x09)
He is a minister's son. He knows the confessions of the dying are meant to be sacred. That his father-in-law still lives does not change that he spoke this in confidence, as a last resort.
And yet when Bree asks if there is something else, he does not recall his duty to the dying, but that to his wife. He has kept things from her before, telling himself that it was for her own good, and brought only suffering to them all. He’s learned that lesson. He tells Brianna the hard truth.
He thinks Jamie Fraser would—will understand that.
Jamie (5x11)
"We just finished the upstairs," he had told John, and it feels now as if he had spoken a curse upon them, that specter that has visited them more than once before, as they grew settled, as they came to believe that they would have a life of perfectly twined peace.
But Jamie Fraser decides no. They will not be haunted again. They will have that peace, their walls and neighbors firm around them.
He has burned the cross. He will burn the world to find his wife and bring her back whole to this home they have built together.
Fergus (post 5x12)
The nightmares only start a week after.
It makes Fergus feel foolish, that he could ride to rescue Milady, take lives doing it, that he could find Marsali, think she was dead and still hold and joke with her later, and now once everything is calm, the nightmares come.
It makes him feel foolish, that he dreams of himself, laughing with Milord while Marsali shouts for him until she is shoved into silence and Germain stands outside alone, waiting and waiting.
That's why his hand finds the bottle: so he won't feel foolish, guilty, helpless, won't feel anything at all.
Claire (S5)
She realizes one day, looking around the house, that she still doesn't own a vase. She realizes the next minute that it doesn't matter.
She has here her garden and her favorite berry patches in the woods, patients and people who greet her each day. She has the children who have become hers, and her grandchildren too. Her husband has given her two rings, a cat, seeds for cabbages and marigolds, a strong roof, a surgery built by his own hands, windows no matter how dear the price, and everything of himself besides.
She has the vase already, and more.
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zelroy · 1 year
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I just watched The Expanse 5x07 "Oyedeng"
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deadlightcircus · 3 years
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“Beginning evasive maneuvers. I’m putting us into a spin.”
The Roci gracefully obliterating the Zmeya’s torpedoes
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booasaur · 3 years
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The Expanse - 5x07
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doolallymagpie · 3 years
“He can’t be on Tycho anymore.”
“The Roci’s not on Tycho anymore.”
I love that dialogue trope.
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theexpanse · 3 years
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THE EXPANSE | 5x07 - “Oyedeng”
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rocinawanda · 3 years
The Expanse 5x07 - Oyedeng
Holy shit what an intense emotional episode. I watched this episode late so i’ll keep this brief but oh my goodness Naomi how did she survive that I do not know.
Cyn is dead. He shouldn’t have followed her and I liked him but after revealing that he helped keep Filip away from Naomi after the Augustin Gamarra I don’t know how much remorse I have for him. RIP though.
My hate for Marco burns even brighter in this episode the piece of shit manipulating Filip and being a downright villain I cannot wait for him to die or get huge comeuppance. It has to happen right? Eventually? Cannot wait. Also OOF the emotions earlier in the episode I cried during the scene between Naomi and Filip in his room where she was holding him. But that all disappeared the second he hit her. I thought it may have been a ruse or something nope this kid literally hit his mother, I have no words Filip you are beyond help. At that point I said Naomi just give up go he cannot be saved Marco’s clutches run deep.
I want my Roci crew back together. I fear for their lives so much more when they’re apart because together they’re such a solid team I always think there is no way they’ll die but separated, each battle scene I yell in fear for their lives. Keep the Roci safe Jim.
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Naomi Nagata is fucking hardcore man
What a woman
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tiny-increments · 3 years
I always felt a little extra about wanting to name a daughter Naomi (crossing fandom with real life always feels a little weird to me) but after this ep?
Zero shame.
Future baby of mine: you may be named after a fictional character, but she’s a ROCKSTAR of a woman that I hope you find inspiration in the way I and your dad have.
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Desde 2015 / 42min. / Drama, Ciencia ficción, Suspense Dirigida por Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby Reparto Steven Strait, Thomas Jane, Cas Anvar Nacionalidad EE.UU.
SINOPSIS & INFO Doscientos años en el futuro, en un sistema solar totalmente colonizado, el detective de la policía Miller, nacido en el Cinturón de Asteroides, es encargado con la misión de encontrar a una joven mujer desaparecida llamada Julie Mao.  Acompañando a Miller en su misión se encuentra James Holden, anteriormente primer oficial en un carguero de hielo, y quien estuvo incolucrado en un incidente causado por las tensas relaciones entre la Tierra, Marte y el Cinturón. Pronto, ambos descubrirán que la mujer desaparecida es solo la punta del iceberg de una conspiración de inmensa magnitud que atentará contra la historia y la existencia de la Humanidad.
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Ideatore: Hawk Ostby, Mark Fergus, James S. A. Corey Genere: Fantascienza Attori: Thomas Jane, Steven Strait, Shawn Doyle, Paulo Costanzo, Shohreh Aghdashloo, John Wesley Chatham, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper, Frankie Adams
Trama The Expanse è l’adattamento televisivo della serie di romanzi dello stesso nome scritta da James S. A. Corey, sviluppato per Syfy e Prime Video da Mark Fergus e Hawk Ostby (I Figli degli Uomini, Iron Man). Il sci-fi drama è ambientato nel XXIV secolo, un futuro molto lontano in cui l’umanità è riuscita a colonizzare l’intero sistema solare, sotto il comando delle Nazioni Unite della Terra, della Repubblica Congressuale Marziana su Marte, e degli avamposti nella fascia principale degli asteroidi e dei pianeti esterni. Mentre la situazione geopolitica si fa ogni giorno più tesa e la maggior parte della popolazione vive nel degrado sociale, si intrecciano le vicende del detective di polizia di stanza su Cerere Josephus Miller (Thomas Jane, Texas Rising), a cui vengono affidate le indagini sulla scomparsa di una donna terrestre di nome Julie Andromeda Mao (Florence Faivre), e il secondo ufficiale del cargo porta ghiaccio Canterbury, Jim Holden (Steven Strait, Magic City), inavvertitamente coinvolto in un incidente che rischia di destabilizzare le già precarie relazioni tra Marte e la Terra, innescando un conflitto interplanetario.
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Depuis 2015 / 42min / Drame, Science fiction, Thriller De Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby Avec Thomas Jane, Steven Strait, Cas Anvar Nationalité U.S.A. Chaîne d'origine Amazon Prime Video
SYNOPSIS & INFO Au 23ème siècle, les hommes ont colonisé le système solaire et les Nations-Unies contrôlent la Terre. Mars est devenue une puissance militaire indépendante et les autres planètes dépendent des ressources de la ceinture d'astéroïdes, où les conditions de vie sont pénibles et les habitants contraints de travailler durement. Au fil des ans, les tensions entre la Terre, Mars et la Ceinture ont pris une telle ampleur qu'une simple étincelle pourrait déclencher une guerre.
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[SERIE TV] The Expanse 5x07 Streaming (Sub ITA) Altadefinizione
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Visita questo link 🎥 📥 https://bit.ly/2XkcSFs
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TRADUZIONE: Italiano GENERE: Dramma, Mistero, Sci-Fi & Fantasy ATTORI: Steven Strait, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper, Wes Chatham, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Cara Gee, Frankie Adams
Trama Nel XXIII secolo, il sistema solare è stato colonizzato dagli umani e si trova una situazione di precario equilibrio geopolitico a causa delle tensioni fra la Terra e le ex-colonie marziane, oramai indipendenti sotto il vessillo della Repubblica congressionale marziana, e il degrado sociale in cui sopravvive gran parte della popolazione degli avamposti nella fascia principale degli asteroidi e i pianeti esterni. In questo difficile contesto, si intrecciano le vicende del detective di polizia Josephus Miller, di stanza su Cerere, a cui viene affidata l'indagine sulla scomparsa di una donna terrestre, Julie Andromeda Mao, e il secondo ufficiale del cargo portaghiaccio Canterbury, James Holden, inavvertitamente coinvolto in un incidente che rischia di destabilizzare irreversibilmente le relazioni tra Marte e la Terra e innescare un conflitto interplanetario.
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Trova tutte le serie TV e i film che puoi riprodurre in streaming online, comprese le serie trasmesse oggi. Se ti stai chiedendo cosa puoi guardare su questo sito web, dovresti sapere che include generi tra cui serie poliziesche, dramma, mistero, azione e avventura. Grazie mille Diciamo a tutti coloro che sono felici di accettarci come notizie o informazioni sullo spettacolo della stagione, sugli episodi e su come guardano i loro programmi TV preferiti. Speriamo di poter diventare il miglior partner per te quando cerchi consigli per uno spettacolo televisivo da vari paesi in tutto il mondo. È tutto da parte nostra, saluti.
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booasaur · 3 years
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The Expanse - 5x07
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doolallymagpie · 3 years
i was so caught up in seeing someone speaking out against marco to his face (someone in his inner circle, even), i lived in a world where marco wasn’t a manipulative authoritarian piece of shit and cyn didn’t try to stop naomi from spacing herself
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