#the demon traitor 😈
smudgeandfrank · 1 year
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pastelsandpining · 1 year
CONGRATS ON 400!!! do with this what you will 😈
"Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?"
you did this to yourself beloved <3
thank you for the request!! and thank you to my beta @ladyhoneydee !!
warnings: blood, major character death, themes of guilt and grief
Masterlist | 400 Requests
The world burned.
Crimson and amber painted the sky, dappled the trees, traced every blade of grass that met the naked eye. Embers waltzed amongst spires of smoke, climbing higher and higher into the ashen air. He could remember the look of the world when he emerged; remembered that initial glimpse of cerulean blue through the crack in the surface, the sway of greenery in a gentle breeze, the way his chest expanded with his first greedy breath of fresh air. It had burned in his lungs then, stung his eyes to tears, but he couldn’t get enough. Now, the earth looked nothing like those memories. His own hand had set everything ablaze.
And just there, in the midst of the crumbling architecture—mortal talent, wasted—and charred ground, laid this world’s protector. It was she who kept the earth alive; whose breath made the tide of the oceans rise and sink; whose touch caused flowers to blossom and trees to sprout; whose song brought comfort and warmth, like a lullaby brings to a babe; whose heartbeat was the reason for the chase between the sun and the moon. Hylia, she was called, and she’d been the first to greet him when his King split the ground she walked on.
She’d been kind. She must not have known that creatures like him did not deserve kindness.
He did not know what compelled him to move. He could only guess that it was guilt driving his feet forward, one foot in front of the other, towards the crumpled figure. He moved with an urgency that did not belong; he’d known that this was going to happen. He’d known that the outcome meant she was going to be hurt. Demise was not merciful to those that he loathed, and Hylia, in all of her goodness and power, was what he hated most. Yet nothing could have prepared him for the sight that awaited. 
Her once white dress was stained with golden ichor. She was nearly unmoving, curled into herself in a last attempt to conserve energy. Her skin was pale, as if all the color had been drained from it, and her golden hair was in tangles and knots sprawled over the sooty ground. Still, the sight of her was so beautiful that it took his breath away. 
He knelt by her side, his arms gentle and careful as he cradled her body between them. 
“Hylia,” he murmured; speaking her language had always felt off on his tongue. “My goddess…”
She turned her head. Despite it all, her lips curved into a comforting smile. One of her hands lifted and pressed to his cheek. Her fingers slipped in the ichor; it was warm and smooth. He was not accustomed to many emotions, but he understood those that hit him so suddenly, right then and there, to be grief and utter guilt. The heart that she’d unearthed from the depths of his chest wrenched. 
“I’m so sorry,” he told her, dropping his head to hers. Her breathing sounded as ragged as it felt. “I’m so sorry.”
“You were not the one to strike me,” Hylia spoke. Her voice was barely audible over the roaring of the wind. 
“Don’t,” he begged, clutching the fabric of her dress. He’d always thought white was too bright of a color; now, he would give anything to see it pure again. “Don’t. I led him to you. I do not deserve your kindness.”
“My love, do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?”
And it hurt. It was agony, the way his chest ached and hands began to shake. He did not think it was possible that someone could be so good, good enough to forgive him for his sins. He’d led the Demon King to her, knowing what he would do, because it was what he’d been created for. He’d hated himself for it upon meeting her and had loathed his existence ever since. He held her tighter, one hand lifting to hold the slipping hand of hers against his face, and a new warmth ran over his skin: tears. “I..” But he could not even say that he loved her. Would it mean anything if he did? After all he’d done? He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to bid the evidence of his sorrow to stay beyond the floodgates, but nothing could stop them now. He’d done this to her. Demise would always know where she was, because wherever she went, his obedient servant would follow.
“I know.”
“I will kill him myself,” he swore, but Hylia’s sad smile suggested it meant very little. “He will get to you first,” she told him. They both knew it. He swallowed. 
“I deserve what comes to me.”
She looked at him now with something different. Pity. Like what he’d said had somehow hurt her, too. She was too good to agree with him, even if they should both call it true.
“You are not what Demise made you to be,” she murmured, and her hand moved to rake through his hair. The gesture was comforting, once upon a time. Now, it felt like he was being set aflame. Maybe he was. 
“I killed you,” he said weakly. Her smile became something wry.
“Gods do not die,” she told him, and he tried his hardest to convince himself that it was true. Gods did not die, but those like him were sent back to the depths of hell over and over again, and he wished nothing more than for her to serve him that fate on a rancid platter. He did not deserve to be anywhere else, or have death reach out to him kindly. He was born to be and would die a traitor; he only longed for it to be by her hands. It was fitting.
The sky was dark when Hylia fell still. Maybe she would recover in time; maybe what she had said was true: gods could not be killed.
But he laid her body with the flowers and decided he would find out for himself whether or not a god could die.
He would begin with the Demon King himself.
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askthepianist · 1 year
😈 Traitor || Would they team up with the hunter if this meant they would get out of the match ok?
For Louise!
(Ó~Ò)و > "T-Team up with the hunter? A-And betray the others?...I-...I have thought about it...Sometimes..."
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(Ó~Ò)و > "Sometimes, matches just...Seem like a complete loss, and i grow tired...Even if i know this...This is letting the demon take more control of me, i-...I feel like giving up, maybe-...Maybe helping my enemy so they...They will not hurt me...."
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(Ó~Ò)و > "But...But when it happens, i-...I think that theres always a signal...For me to come back...
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(Ó~Ò)و > "Everytime it happens, i don't know what to do, i-...I still feel like giving up, i'm scared, i-...I'm scared of being hurt, of being hunted, everything is scary, but...But then i think..."
(Ó~Ò)و > "...How it feels to...Trust someone...Just for them to leave you behind..."
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(Ó~Ò)و > "...So, to answer, i-...I would not...I would not be able to just...Leave them...To make such betrayal...Even if i...Get hurt by doing so."
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thechaosmuses · 2 years
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My muses have finally got the tattoos they've been wanting. The SPN muses are up last! Starting with...
Amelia Allen:
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Tattoo #1 she got in honor of Bobby and as a reminder
Tattoo #2 she's had since her 18th birthday, before she could get it, she wore an anti-possession necklace
Tattoo #3 she got because it's pretty and it represents her
Tattoo #4 she got in honor of her parents and everyone else she's lost over the years
Tattoo #5 she got to represent Dean
Tattoo #6 she got to represent Castiel
Tattoo #7 she got to represent Sam
Dean Winchester:
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Tattoo #1 he got to represent Amelia
Tattoo #2 he got in honor of his Mom, Dad and everyone else he's ever permanently lost
Tattoo #3 he got in honor of Bobby and as a reminder
-the rest are under the cut-
Eden Cruz:
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Tattoo #1, #3 and #4 she got because they are pretty, and she wanted to
Tattoo #2 she got in honor of her first love who she left Heaven for
Tattoo #5 she got as a matching tattoo with Alex
Tattoo #6 she got as a matching tattoo with her twin brother, Elijah
Elijah Cruz:
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Tattoo #1 he got because it's pretty and as a reminder
Tattoo #2 he got in honor of his first love he met after he left Heaven with Eden
Tattoo #3 he got as a matching tattoo with his twin sister, Eden
Alex Earp:
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Tattoo #1, #2 and #4 she got because they are pretty, and she wanted to
Tattoo #3 and #5 she got to represent the fact that she is well, a demon from Hell
Tattoo #6 she got as a matching tattoo with Eden
Ezra Pierson:
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Tattoo #1, #2 and #3 he got because they look cool, and he wanted them
Tattoo #4 and #5 he got as reminders
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marlopidig · 2 years
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
PART 3 OF YANDERE DEMON AMERICA AND RIGHT HAND WOMAN DEMON DARLING! You left all of us on a bit of a cliffhanger when Ivan found out that the real traitor wasn't his right hand woman, but was one of Alfred's underlinings that went in disguise and fucked up the darling's career. It left him seething in cold rage. Can't wait to see the fallout in full effect lovely 😈💜😈
P.S. Throw in a Yandere demon Russia while you're at it. You already about to have Ivan dragging Alfred's ass in both the firey temperatures in Alfred's own domain and the sub-zero/ negative temperatures of his own domain and potentially slay him in cold blood, might as well make him go ape shit as a Yandere 😂. It doesn't matter if you make him platonic one or a Romantic one.
LMAO YA'LL choose Vi0LENCE TODAY. Quick side note: Demon that was k!lled was a demon that was originally from the Frozen Zone but was a double agent that was simply looking for a good payday.
They got it but paid with their lives for that.
Anyways on the carnage. This is a good time for you to leave this post in favor of one of my lighter ones.
If there are any.
No, but seriously don't read this one I get descriptive with the gore and if you are sensitive to that please don't read. You won't like it.
"Tell Alfred I know the truth."
Ivan wastes no time in setting up his revenge in the King that he knows he’s had extensive issues with over the millennia but this was crossing the line harder than ever before.
He wasn’t going to be diplomatic in any way about this.
“Someone fetch my Sythe and gather all my ice bombs. I don’t care how much carnage there will be. But, someone infiltrates King Alfred’s place and retrieves my right hand that I should have trusted and not have cut off so quickly. We go now. No waiting.” He chugs an entire flask of Vodka before shirking off his royal robes and tossing off his crown.
Czar Ivan is the definition of pissed off. And he’s never been this angry before. That American demon really does want to die in the worst possible way.
And he’s going to get his wish.
Alfred had received the message that “Ivan knew.” Which wasn’t clicking for him since it had been about 10 months that he had captured his right-wing woman and mated with her. She was about 6 months in.
Suddenly, all of the Solar Dead Zone shook with 10 magnitudes. Not a single part of the massive domain was untouched by Czar Ivan’s rage.
Blackened pools of ice dragged the Solar Dead demon residence in and slowly ate away at their flesh. Unholy screams of millions could be heard in other domains which caused other kings to block off entry and exit from King Alfred’s area. They knew all too well that things were getting nasty. And they wanted no part in the carnage.
King Alfred was disturbed slightly but due to his pride thought that he would be able to take down Czar Ivan just like he had done plenty of times before. But this time was different he had messed with a high official that was close to Ivan and actually cared about him as a person rather than the relationship of them being a pawn of some kind that would eventually be cast aside.
“Get ready for battle this should only last a day or two since the both of us tend to give it everything we have within the first few hours of battle anyways.” He says nonchalantly not really caring that a war was about o break out and that he and everyone in his realm were going to witness the terror that was Czar Ivan when he was provoked.
He heard an upstairs window shatter it was his bedroom that he shared with y/n. That got him worried. He was not one to share his property when he claimed it. He was just about to head to the door and see what was going on only to find the door in his office was sealed shut. The room falls into pitch blackness. With Czar Ivan’s aura engulfing it. Now the hairs on Alfred’s neck stood up. He swallowed thickly.
The room grew colder and colder as if winter had consumed the room. Everything was beginning to be covered in ice. Even the door handle.
‘Okay. Maybe now is a good time for me to get my weapon and-’
His thoughts were cut off midway in favor of him being pinned to the ground by the giant that was Czar Ivan. His eyes were glowing red with fiery rage.
He already had a knife to his neck drawing out some of his black blood. It began to stream onto the marbled floor of his office. He then proceeds to drag the knife down his neck and the blade dug deeper into his pale skin. It cut into his Adam's apple and Ivan made sure that his movements were slow and painful for the demon King who took away his only real friend he had in the Frozen Zone. This was a serious personal offense to Ivan and he was going to be merciless like Alfred had never seen before.
He continued with his torment. Alfred tried to fight back but with no success since Ivan had hit a critical artery on his body, he felt limp and light-headed from the amount of blood he had lost from one single knife gash. Ivan picked up his knife to Alfred’s short relief. Ivan raised his knife again and like cutting chicken he runs it through his aorta right down to his heart. Black as midnight blood gushed out of Alfred like Yosemite Falls. Ivan twirls in the knife deeper into Alfred’s still-beating heart. He wanted him to feel the palpable pain that he felt daily when he thought that his right-hand demoness had betrayed him.
“You cross me American. In ways, no one should.” He prepares his scythe to perform the final blow to King Alfred.
Alfred was not going to be able to fight back. It would take at least a few years before he could recover from the attack that Ivan had just done on him and all of the Solar Dead zone.
Ivan drags his silver scythe across the bone frame of Alfred's left-wing.
“This is for upsetting me.” He uses the head of the scythe to break the left bone frame of his wing before he cut it off. Alfred is only able to use his eyes to take in the scene before him.
No sound could come out of his mouth, lungs, or vocal cords. He had to be silent and be in awe of the full raw power that was Czar Ivan.
“This is for taking my friend.” He performs the same action to his right-wing.
He then raises his scythe high above him preparing for a final attack.
“And this is because I HATE you.” He says with bane flowing from his voice. He really did sound like a demon. Ivan preceded to chop off Alfred’s head dousing his oakwood office walls in his inky blood.
Once he was done he went up to the upper part of the castle to see his right-hand demoness. The only demon who truly understood him. And he almost tried to kill her all because of Alfred.
When he finally got there she was sitting in a large velvet cushioned chair trying not to pay attention to the chaos and destruction to the entirety of the Solar Dead Zone. Y/N just had a cup of tea trying to steady herself. She wasn’t aware when Ivan walked him but when he approached her as gently as a giant like him could she started to shake and fear for her life.
The tea she had fallen to the floor. And with a loud crash rang out through the large room.
Tears welled up in her eyes. As she tried not to bawl in front of him. But that was impossible in her hormone and terror-induced state adding on Czar Ivan and his terrifying figure immediately brought her to sobbing.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean for any ofthistohappenandIdidn’tknowthatthiswas-” Y/N let tears fall harder and harder. This was it. This was the end of the line.
Ivan does what he thinks is best which is to rest his large hand on her shoulder and do his best to give a gentle yet reassuring smile.
“I know y/n. I’m not here to hurt you. Let’s just go. We can talk later we don’t have much time until I bomb the living hell out of this place, da?” He picks you up since with your expanding belly you’re in no state to run or fly.
Once you were back to the Frozen Zone he tells you about the double agent and all the other details in between. All while the Solar Dead zone was obliterated by ice bombs that froze half of its demons to death or the black tar that ate them alive. It would be a while before King Alfred could recover from his serious injuries.
“Well, figure something out y/n, da … together.” He gently rests his hand on yours he was just glad to have his friend and right-hand demoness back.
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