#the children are the daggers
nighttimedawn · 2 years
Maverick: I am sneaking broccoli into the mac and cheese so the children don’t know that they’re eating vegetables. It’s what parenting is all about. Helping your children…through lies.
Ice: Well, not just your children.
Maverick: Hmmm?
Ice: I’ve been sneaking vegetables into your waffles for years now. Since way before we were married.
Maverick: What?
Ice: Haven’t you ever wondered why your syrup has seeds in it?
Maverick: You said they were maple seeds?
Ice: Yeah…there’s no such thing.
Maverick: I have literally never been angrier at anyone in my life. Walk away, Ice. WALK AWAY!
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katewritesss · 5 months
After the suicide mission and they all come back home safely and Bradley has made up with his dads, Maverick and Ice decide to renew their vows, because they've never had a close call such as this.
As a joke - but not really - Ice asks Maverick if there's anyone he could go to ask permission to marry him, even if he already went to Goose and Carole's graves to ask that very question when DADT was first repealed.
From where they're sitting on their couch, limbs intertwined and faces mere inches from each other, Maverick pulls away enough so that their noses brush and says, in all seriousness;
"Well, why don't we ask..."
"The kids?" they finish together.
It's all the approval they need.
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Iceman(after Mav nudges him awake): - What is it? What happened? What happened? Maverick: I heard something. Iceman: Oh. Maverick: I-I really hope it's not a burglar. I'm not good at fighting...Or running away. Iceman: Oh, God. What if it is? The house is a mess. I feel bad for the burglar. (after it turns out to be young Nat n the kitchen getting a snack) Phoenix:...[to Iceman]Why do you have a blow-dryer?[to Maverick]...And a pillow? Maverick: They're our weapons. Iceman: We thought there was a burglar. Maverick: We were gonna...style him....And then he could have a little rest.
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eliaism · 2 months
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Has anyone made cersei/alicent this parallel yet 😭 my sweet tommen and hel 🥺
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crobones · 8 months
imagine if you will: izzy and zheng fighting together, back to back, the two most talented sword fighters
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abybweisse · 5 months
Ch208 (p4), Here comes the circus
One day some members from Noah's Ark Circus walk into his tent, give him a name, and offer to take him with them.
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Where's the showman? How did they spring him from the cage and the freak show? They seem to be taking over... but under what circumstances? There's one panel that's really ominous to me -- where Dagger is leading some kids into the back of a wagon. I have a sneaking suspicion that those kids are destined to become Kelvin's slaves. 👀 Yana-san has nestled that deplorable act in the middle of this innocent scene where Snake becomes "Snake".
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Then Doll offers her hand to Snake, to lead him away from that place.
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And then he enters Noah's Ark Circus.
Next: how the snakes get their names.
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Brian McNaughton - Satan's Love Child - Star - 1981
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maverick, standing protectively in front of the whole dagger squad: never speak to me or the children i have unwillingly adopted ever again.
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thattargboy · 1 year
What’s your perspective on the fight at Driftmark?
Short answer: I don’t blame Aemond (or. I blame him a little because disrespect, but the kid lost an eye so he gets sympathy points), I especially don’t blame Rhaena or Baela, they did nothing wrong 🥰. I kinda blame Luke and Jace because they were the ones with the knife, but mostly their parents because why was no one watching these kids???? Should there not have been a guard outside their rooms or something????
Very long and repetitive answer: I understand that as soon as Laena died Vhagar was a free dragon, and “technically” Rhaena had no claim over her. That doesn’t change the fact that she was an eight year old girl who has just lost her mother (who had ordered that dragon to kill her and that definitely factors in), so I understand why she felt entitled to try to claim her and why she hadn’t attempted it yet.
So yeah needless to say, claiming Vhagar during the night of the funeral was very disrespectful on Aemond’s part. Does it make sense why he did it? Absolutely. He was like 10 (?12?) being bullied by his big brother and his nephews and he wanted to prove himself by claiming the oldest and biggest dragon in the world because It Be Like That, and yeah he was technically right in like that Rhaena “should have” tried to claim Vhagar. But like I said. Eight year old girl at her mom’s funeral. And also Rhaena understands what it feels like to feel inadequate over lacking a dragon so really Aemond what’s your play?
Also we have no idea that Vhagar would have even accepted Rhaena if she did try to claim her, but honestly I think she would have. No real reason there other than vibes so feel free to disagree.
Ultimately, Baela, Rhaena, Luke and Jace should have gone to guards or their parents if they thought something was going on with Vhagar but then again they were kids so I don’t blame for not doing so, and I think we all have taken something into our own hands when we kids that we should have went to adults for (I do however blame their parents for not having anyone watching them and instead banging on the beach at his wife’s funeral). But like. They weren’t being watched and they took things into their own hands, like kids do, and they reacted very emotionally and got into a fight (and no, 4v1 is not fair, but also they are all like 12 and under. I know y’all have seen playground fights like that in your youth. If they were older I’d be like oh yeah fuck all four of them), like kids do.
And honestly if Aemond didn’t lose an eye I probably would just be like “haha little shit got what he deserves,” because like. Not to sound like Bobby B here cuz fuck that guy but. Kids fight. It’s a thing they do because like emotional regulation is undeveloped and all over the place. It’s over. (Thinking about it because that scene was an obvious parallel to the one in GoT, making that comparison with Cersei and Alicent is both genius and fills me with rage)
But to get back on track, Aemond did lose an eye, and y’know permanent mutilation and a scuffle between cousins (and uncle/nephews) are two very different things.
Jace never should have brought the knife and honestly for once I can’t really see the kid logic there. I guess I can compare it to like being a kid and thinking you hear a burglar and instead of waking up your parents you grab a bat (okay now I’m seeing the kid logic, Jace you’re free to go. Still why did he even have a dagger in the first place kid’s like 9???)
And then there’s Luke, who I’m giving some leniency because he’s the youngest, but again even a 7 year old knows better then to cut a boy’s eye out.
Like yeah from his perspective Aemond was about to brain his brother with a rock so yeah I kinda get it. But us as viewers are not 7 year olds in the middle of a fight, and we could see that Aemond was not moving, and really Luke should have been able to see that too but also, need I say it again? A kid in the middle of a fight. I honestly kinda thought it looked like Aemond was gonna put it down but no one else seems to think that so I’m just gonna assume I’m wrong
Ultimately what I think the problem was no one was punished. Back to sounding like Bobby B because obviously none of the kids should have tortured (or sharply questioned) or lost an eye as compensation (really girlie, charging with his knife is iconic but very stupid). But to bring it back to the playground thing, if that was fight in an elementary school all of those kids would have been getting in trouble.
Instead Viserys threatened his wife and children over the truth. So. Yeah. Fuck all the adults in that situation.
(Also I do understand and sympathize with both Alicent and Rhaenyra in that scene. Alicent’s son has been made permanently disabled and no one is on her side not even the child’s father, it makes sense that she kinda snapped, and yes even though it is the truth, calling her children bastards puts their lives and their inheritance in danger, of course they’re both going to try and protect their children it’s what mothers do. Understandable and sympathetic, and even justifiable doesn’t mean they were exactly in the right however.)
Westeros needs some sort of man price, at the very least Luke should have been made to apologize (and then apologize again when he’s older and actually means it instead of laughing at the pig) and in a world where we got more episodes and they emphasized that this is a family we’re watching tear itself apart I would have liked to seen Aemond at least try to put water under the bridge with Rhaena and only Rhaena (and maybe Baela but she wasn’t really involved) when they’re older.
(Like maybe if we got to see Aegon and Helaena’s wedding, and Rhaenyra’s family was invited. That could’ve been cool.)
All that said (and sorry for saying so much), the way everything played out makes sense and I wouldn’t change it except like I said with like older Aemond and Rhaena attempting to make amends before shit hits the fan.
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fili-oeuvre · 6 days
You know how chimpanzees and other apes show their teeth as a sign of aggression, but humans started using it as a way to show that they’re happy.
Well, if a human (from a safe haven) smiles at you, how do you know if they’re really being friendly… or if its them telling you “I see you and I’m going to get you” in a sense that they are going to run you down until you can’t move anymore and devour you or just that “you can’t escape from me and you are mine now”.
Just that predatory glee (/thrill) of seeing your prey in front of you and you know where they are and know to find them and that they can run or fly or hide as much as they like, but you’ll still find them no matter what. So, technically they are happy when they’re smiling at you, but not the kind of “it’s nice to meet you” happy, but a “I found you and I’m going to get you” in a predatory sense kind of happy.
*humans ARE predators, technologically/socially evolved and omnivorous, but predators nonetheless and they are very, very bad views for many species here, and once they get their hands on you, you can be sure that they won’t be letting go anytime soon*
*obviously, not all humans are exactly like the ones in the safe havens since not all of them live there, but that’s something to discuss another time*
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msclaritea · 29 days
Doctor Who reveals new pics teasing Steven Moffat's episode Boom | Radio Times
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Ladies and gentlemen, it's the return of Steven Moffat's epic Meat Dagger.
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Disgusting sex slang 'Snowmanned' in the show
The lead, discussing Twerking and a reference leading to a Drag Queen video 'Death Drop'
The Internet works both ways and none of this is the least bit subtle.
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It's even the same color as his pants. Like..WTF, Disney? How? Why?
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Very well! First in our lineup is Brunhilda!
(Apologies for poor photo quality. My camera is not the best.)
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She's a training hand–and–a–half long sword. She's not made out of real metal, but she can kick ass all the same! She was my first sword, and she's seen the most battles. She even has the scars to prove it.
Next up is my raiper, Velma!
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I received her last Christmas! She is made of genuine steel, but her usage is more ornamental than combative because her blade is not sharpened...yet...
And lastly, we have my trusty dagger, Freya!
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She is my most recent addition to the arsenal. I picked her up at Disney World's EPCOT Park. I mostly use her when I walk in the woods and harvest plants I find interesting. (It makes me feel like a witch lol)
Anyway, that's the lineup so far! Although I am going to the Renaissance Festival this Saturday, so there might be a new addition to the party to look forward to! (We'll see if my bank account allows it Ť^Ť)
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hella1975 · 11 months
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you and me when media involves dog imagery
i made a playlist <3
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idle-skull · 1 year
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The babies Nightlings. This took forever, but here we go :))
Cardinal & Crow are twins, & the eldest. They share a psykic connection which they can wordlessly communicate through; Cardinal doesn’t have any other “psyker” abilities, but Crow does share Curze’s ability of premonitions, though to a lesser extent. Both are perpetuals, like Lark. In the regular AU, they where killed and had their souls imprisoned by a Custodes hit squad sometime around late 30m.
Nova is the second oldest, & belongs to @jaegercat03 . She’s Ilunan (nearly extinct abhuman race of cat-folk), & was found by Lark on his home planet of Wisterium. Exclusive to our version of the Dornian Heresy AU, Nova turns to chaos shortly after the Heresy but later repents; She becomes a champion of Slaanesh via killing the primarch Ursa Major (OC), again, on the planet of Wisterium.
Nightinggale is the youngest, she also looks the most like Curze. Like her elder brother & father (C), she possesses Psykic abilities, but they’re different. When Nightinggale touches someone she can attempt to put them into a perpetual vision of their worst nightmare; In this vision they have to find a ‘key’ in order to unlock themselves from it—, this key is usually represented by an object, thing or person that’s important to the viewer of the vision. Within our regular AU Nightinggale was born a few months following Curze’s death, & was raised by Marian (OC of @jaegercat03 ). Within the Dornian Heresy AU, she was born shortly before the start of The Heresy.
Things to know:
Cardinal, Crow, & Nightinggale grew at half the rate of normal human children, but stopped aging around their early to mid 20s (similarly to Lark)
Nova was found when Lark was on a walk during a political visit to Wisterium; He tripped over the box she was in
Following Nova’s betrayal & re-integration, Crow forgives her, however her other siblings do not
Crow has a form of Albinism; He has poor eyesight due to this
In the Dornian Heresy AU, Cardinal leads the Nightlords following Curze’s death; He is at first strongly disliked but later feared—, though he does put good changes into place within the legion
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‘Would Visenya like Aemond?’
Given just how much he has in common with her babyboy Maegor I daresay the answer is pretty obvious.
Mothers boys? Check
Noted for their physical/combat prowess? Check
Noted for fierce and unforgiving nature? Check
Riding the largest dragon of their time? Check
Being second sons by, in many ways, a second wife (in time and in heart) to the king? Check
Consider themself more qualified than their older brother to be king but remain loyal to him? Check
Kinslayers? Check
Married to/involved with alledged sorceresses’/witches? Check
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social-mockingbird · 9 months
I don’t usually wish I was born in a different era since I find my era generally fascinating except for the past two days my brain has decided it’s only going to accept early-2000s emo kid music as payment for serotonin, and it’s making me wish I was born just a smidge earlier so I could have been an MCR kid because heaven does it look fun
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