#the boyyyys the myths the legends
robby-bobby-tommy · 1 month
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They do be looking👁👁
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thesilenceislost · 6 years
What if Tony goes back in time in Avengers 4 and tries to meet up with Peter?
Okay like,I’m not really a comicbook-type of fan, I’m more of a movie-fan,so forgive me if I get some errors and mistakes wrong.
So,people have been theorising that the remaining Avengers will go back in time to get their past selves do stuff,yiddy yadda yadda.
I don’t really know what year they’ll be going back to but let’s just base the year (for this scenario) in a case where they go back to the year where Peter is already your neighbourhood friendly Spider-Man, just without the fancy suit and stuff.
He’s still wearing his old home-made suit.
And he hasn’t met Tony Stark yet,nor has the Civil War happened yet,and this is when Peter is still fantasising about meeting Tony Stark in the flesh which he thinks he’ll never get to do but ooooohhhh boyyyy have you’ve got a surprise in the future—
Okay,back to the topic here.
Anyways,can y’all just imagine Tony Stark, before they’re going to meet everybody and assemble everybody up,people from the past and people from the future,he stops in his tracks and says,"Wait.”
Then the rest stares at him and the past-Steve asks,"What?”
Tony would just stare at him with a remorseful stare,"Before this..I’ve got business to do.”
While his nanotechnology-suit starts forming up, the past-Natasha goes and questions him,"And ‘business’ to do..where exactly is this ‘business’?”
And then,right before blasting off,Tony just stares at them with a literally desperate look because he’s just a dad missing his spider son,"In Queens.”
The people will all be confused and he’ll blast off,instructing Friday to immediately search Queens for a certain Spiderling that he’s been aching to meet for these years that he had been alone for.
And once he gets to Queens,you can imagine how excited,relieved,desperate and happy he is when he’s got news and information that his AI has spotted a certain guy in red and blue sweatpants and hoodie,swinging from buildings to buildings using something that resembles ‘webbing’ from a Spider.
And that guy has a nickname that is ‘Spider-Man’.
And let’s try to see this from Spider-Man’s,AKA Peter Parker’s,perspective.
You’re a vigilante that somehow acquired Spider powers when you were bitten by a radioactive spider, you basically fan-worship Tony Stark,nobody else knows who you are under that mask you use when you fight crime,you were swinging your way to somewhere to rest after beating up a bunch of guys who tried to steal an old lady’s purse.
Not so bad,right?
You land on the roof of a building to rest because all that swinging’s gotta be tiring.
Just then, you hear thrusters.
And before you know it,the man,the myth,the legend, Iron Man,is right in front of you.
Okay,let’s get back to the 3rd perspective.
Anyways,upon seeing Peter,unharmed,not fading away in his arms,still in that ridiculous onesie, and staring at him as if God has just landed in front of his eyes,Tony Stark breaks.
He’s practically crying in the suit.
Of course,Peter being Peter,he completely freaks out and starts to spout incoherent stuff such as ‘OH MY GOD IT’S TONY FREAKING STARK’ and ‘AM I DREAMING’ and ‘I CAN DIE PEACEFULLY NOW’.
Tony,after seeing Peter’s fanboyish reaction to his arrival because that was how he would have reacted had he met him under different circumstances (and not for recruiting him to fight against Capsicle in the Civil War),chuckles,but he’d immediately grimace when he heard Peter say,'I can die peacefully now’.
Tony will then say,"No,kid,I’m not gonna let you die.” but the ‘again’ was unspoken of.
And Peter will be like,"Wait,how did you know that I’m not an adult ye—"
Then his ass would be saved by May calling him,demanding where he is because dinner is due soon and he’d sheepishly reply over the phone that he’ll be home in a couple of minutes.
Tony loved his reaction and his dorkish manner to his aunt,who he dubbed as ‘Aunt Hottie’ because that woman was gorgeous.
But Peter will regretfully say,"So sorry but I’ve really gotta..um..get back to my..l-lair.Y-Yeah! My lair! Yeah. So I’ve gotta go now.And I really cherished my meeting with you,Mister Stark.And ohmygodthisisthebestdayofmylife—"
Peter only stopped to breathe,bow, and then left again,swinging off.
Tony would be desperate again and call out for him, but Friday would advise him to go back to the compound,which he begrudgingly did so but not without a second glance at Peter,then left.
His heart would be warm knowing that in this timeline,Peter was safe.
But he wasn’t sure whether he would still be safe in the future,but he’s going to do everything in his power to keep it that way.
He’ll do everything in his power to make sure Peter was safe,now and in the future.
And then as a bonus:
After some important stuff,Tony immediately drives straight to Peter’s school around the time where the students would all be dismissed,where instantly,a crowd of kids start to crowd around him and ask for photographs and stuff.
Of course,his mind was only fixed on Peter.
Now Peter,would just be hanging out with Ned and talking about some Star Wars stuff and legos, and then they’d see a crowd around a sleek black car.
And they would immediately recognize who was the owner of that car,and who the other students were crowding around:
It was Tony freaking Stark.
Keep in mind that this is not a time where Ned has found out that Peter is Spider-Man yet,so he can’t just shake Peter and say,"PETER IS HE HERE TO RECRUIT YOU INTO THE AVENGERS?!”
Instead,Tony will shout out loud,"Does anybody know a ‘Peter Parker’ around here?!”
And everybody.
Including Peter himself.
And Ned,being the traitorous fanboy who was completely brainwashed by Tony’s presence, immediately shouts out in the pin-drop silence and points at Peter,"I-I know a ‘Peter Parker’! He’s right here!”
Peter would turn to Ned and glare at him while whispering,"Dude,why the hell did you do that?!”
“Oh wait,was I not supposed to do that?” Ned asks out loud for everybody to hear in the silence, completely oblivious,and Tony can only smirk in their dorkiness.
So,Tony then questions him with the paparazzi-smirk he always has on,but the smirk had hints of kindness and nostalgia in them,"So hey,I take it that you’re Peter Parker,right?”
Peter merely nods in astonishment.
Tony’s kind smirk only grew wider as he walked up to the currently frozen Peter,clasps an arm around his shoulders, guides him to the car,gets him into the passenger’s seat,then gets himself into the driver’s seat.
Before driving off,he looks into the rear view mirror and says,"You and me have a lot to talk about later on.”
And poor Peter,is just confused by everything.
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lavellenchanted · 5 years
I was tagged by the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious @otherpens 😘
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer questions that are given to you and then write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people.
Rule 4: Let them know you tagged them.
Rule 5: Don’t change the rules. (What? Change ‘em if you want)
1. What is your favourite bird call/sound?
I don’t know if I could differentiate enough bird sounds to say what my favourite is? I think of the birds local to my area probably the blackbird is the nicest. I know I have an intense and personal dislike of pigeons cooing because they wake me up all the damn time. 
2. Do you have a favourite cup or mug? If so, please describe it.
My current favourite is rounded in shape, purple on the outside and light blue on the inside, with a stylized drawing of Ariel from The Little Mermaid. My mum bought it for me as penance after she inadvertently threw out two other Disney mugs I owned.
3. You’ve acquired a tiny black kitten with big yellow eyes: what do you name it?
On the one hand I am very basic so might just go for something like Sable or Midnight. On the other hand I’m also a pun-loving nerd so I’d be tempted to go for Shakespurr or Jane Pawsten or something. 
4. Which is your favourite myth or legend and why?
Arthuriana is my jam - I grew up on stories of King Arthur and Camelot, and I just love all the different variations and how different aspects of British mythology and religion are all woven together.
5. Your hands are cold: mittens, gloves, or other hand-warming tactic (please specify)?
I have fingerless gloves that have removable mitten tops, so I have the warmth of mittens but can easily use my fingers if needed. If they’re not on me, I’ll just pull my sleeves down over my hands.
6. If you could see any play or musical with any cast, living or dead, which would it be and who would be in it?
Oh wow, that’s difficult ... I’d love to see the original Broadway casts of Wicked and Hamilton, but then equally I would kill to see some of great Shakespearian actors, like Ian McKellan, Ken Branagh, Judi Dench, Patrick Stewart, Emma Thompson, Tom Hiddleston etc in a live performance.
7. If you had to plant one type of orchard/crop-bearing grove of trees behind your house, what kind would it be?
I mean, if if I could I would grow avocado trees because then I would have my own supply of avocados and could stop spending all my millennial money on them and maybe one day afford a house but since I live in England and I don’t think they’d take, then probably apple trees, specifically Granny Smiths.
8. What do you find to be the most attractive kind of skill-set competence in a person? (I.e. medical, culinary, technological, outdoorsy, etc..)
Ooooh. I do find cooking skills quite attractive, but then again  whenever men in fiction demonstrate woodworking talents it does something to me . . .
9. Are you fully aware of how awesome you are? (Because you’re totallyawesome, you awesomebeast.)
Well I am now, thanks to you 💖
10. What would be your preferred way of using a raw egg to some purpose? (You don’t have to prepare and eat it, it could be in a home cosmetic remedy or left to rot before being hurled at somebody special.)
Uhhh probably in a cake, I’m a simple gal.
11. Who is your favourite WOC in media, whether a fictional character or celebrity/personage?
Oh boyyyy, how to choose? In terms of fictional characters I’d probably have to say Makoto Kino from Sailor Moon, I’ve loved her since I was six years old so she has a very very special place in my heart.
Celebrity-wise - I think Gugu M’batha-Raw is an amazingly talented and very underrated actress who deserves to get much bigger, starring roles because she absolutely has the skill and charisma to carry a film. And I fangirl a bit whenever Gina Torres is in anything.
My questions:
1. If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be?
2. If you could know the answer to any historical mystery, what would you choose and why?
3. Rec me a song!
4. What is your favourite candle scent?
5. Do you have a favourite piece of clothing? What is it?
6. Do you have any fun/obscure facts you’d like to share?
7. How do you arranges the books on your shelf?
8. Spots or stripes?
9. Is there a toy you remember really wanted as a kid, but never getting? What was it?
10. What are you looking forward to?
11. What’s your flavour profile?
I’m tagging @theawkwardterrier, @roboticonography, @thesokovianaccords, @beautifulwhensarcastic, @ardatli, @misscrawfords, @thevoicelessromantic and @denerim (if you guys want to, ofc!)
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thelivingmemegod · 3 years
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