#thats why hes so close to kabuto to me
hellcifrogs · 1 year
Are you also someone with the “Obito annoys me but I can’t explain it” problem?? Cuz I don’t know why, but there’s something about him that just… >:|||| for me.
I can more or less explain... It's enough reason for me, but maybe it's too small for others, but like...
He was basically the main villain of the series? Right?? Everything happens because of him! Manipulated by Madara-Zetsu-Kaguya but still him. He controlled the Akatsuki, he killed Naruto's parents, he caused Sasuke's traumas, he started the war, he tried to put the whole world to sleep and live fake dreams... and for what??
Because the girl he liked died! In a war!! The same that also killed him!!!
After being compared so many times to Naruto, who never gives up, Naruto who believes in his dreams, Naruto who had nothing and still gave his all.... He just... talks to the good guys for five minutes and changes his mind??? GOD!!
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lorillee · 2 months
why.... do you..... not like.... obito?
in short? because hes annoying as hell
in long: hes just kind of a poorly written character with a kind of dumb motivation and his place in the story is just a complete and utter mess and i really cant bring myself to care enough to sympathize with him and he seriously needs to stop whining about a girl he knew twenty years ago who didnt even have a romantic interest in him like you are almost thirty whole years old.MOVE ON. i dont care hes traumatized and emotionally stunted or whatever i seriously do not he does not compel me in the slightest. his relationship with kakashi is boring and every time kishimoto tried to tell me that he and naruto had literally anything in common i wanted to blow up the entire show. the most interesting thing about his character is how entirely and completely and bafflingly self-absorbed he is. actually im just going to go ahead and share a long winded complaint i wrote since i think it does a pretty good job explaining why i personally dislike him as a character and why i think his writing is just nonsense:
naruto as a series tends to plays a bit loose with its arc structure, but we preeetty consistently get a antagonist that naruto gets a battle with (see: mist kid whos name escapes me, gaara, kabuto, sasuke, deidara, four hearts akatsuki guy, pain, etc), some of whom are decidedly more relevant to naruto than others. kabuto, deidara, and four hearts akatsuki guy arent really set up as anything particularly personal to naruto and this is fine - it works plenty well within the context of the arcs and everybodys happy. mist kid is obviously a foil for naruto because everybody hated him so much forever and in his desperation for literally anybody to care about him he turned himself into a weapon without any desires or feelings of his own, gaara is a foil for naruto in the sense that everybody hated him so much forever because he's a jinchuriki and he closed himself off and hated everybody right back and lost control, sasuke is .well. sasuke. , and pain is a fellow student of jiraiya who wants to enforce peace on the world in a way that sucks. for the latter antagonists, naruto's battles with them arent just "i need to stop this guy from [blowing up the world/running away]" but also ideological ones, having to do with the running ideas of the horrors of the ninja world/system & keeping your heart open even if you get burned & the importance of love and human connection and a functioning support system and so on and so forth.
Regarding Obito. his position of relevance in this arc is really frankly just kind of bizarre. his existence prior is pretty much entirely a reason for why kakashi is the way he is and is never brought up in any context outside of kakashi staring at that dumb memorial. and then he gets brought back to be a main antagonist of the 4th ninja war arc …?.? ?? for. reasons? his motivations are obviously relevant to the horrors of war and the terrible awful system that runs on it but the crux of it is entirely focused on rin and really makes it look like his epic genjutsu world peace plan is less about the circumstances that made everything happen the way it did and more about omg rin…… rin rin rin……………… rin?!? rin. rin . did i mention rin? in case you forSorry.got. rin. like i imagine the intention is supposed to be that the rin thing is supposed to be a lens through which to view "wow this system sucks balls and obito wants to change that" but also im really not sure if thats even the case because again. its litreally just always rin rin rin. which i think is a significant barrier to making naruto's whole thing with obito relevant also because like. okay. obito and naruto have no direct connection, and their mutual connection of kakashi is literally entirely irrelevant. if anything SASUKE is more relevant to obito by virtue of both being uchiha and also that obito was involved in the uchiha family slaughter. but kishimoto decided he didnt really care enough to bring this up so WHATEVER. I GUESS. obito's weirdness in the plot is further excaberated by again the fact that he's set up as kakashi's personal baggage and i still think its super tremendously bizarre that kishimoto decided that naruto teaching him the value of friendship was the way to wrap this up despite the fact that. it just does not fit. it doesnt fit. at All.
like. instead of dealing with the actual connections naruto (or sasuke, but hes really not contributing too much on this front) has to him through other characters, kishimoto decided what he wanted to do with obito was make him a parallel to naruto and sasuke simultaneously and did. A REALLY BAD JOB. ive already complained extensively about this so im not going to bother repeating it but this is very very very intentional as kishimoto WILL NOT LET YOU FORGET OR MISUNDERSTAND and through this attempts to shoehorn in his thematic connection and ideological clash.
(note re: having complained about the parallels thing extensively. this is a slightly edited for clarity direct message to a friend referring to a previous conversation so you cant actually find anything on this blog about it but actually while we're here i'm going to go ahead and paste my complaint on kishimoto's inability to understand what makes a foil or even just a normal parallel work as it relates to obito:
the finale as it has been its not like worlds worst but it also kind of feels strangely divorced from the. well honestly a lot of things but imo the biggest problem here is that obito has no actual genuine connection to naruto, either personally or narratively. like because what this is supposed to be is naruto is to sasuke as hashirama is to madara as kakashi is to obito except also the reverse simultaneously neither of which kind of doesnt really work beyond a really tremendously surface level view especially with kakashi and obito because they were never like even friends until the 2 minutes before obito "died" in the first place but this is mildly off topic. but anyways i have to assume kishimoto's vision was like well since sasuke and obito are like parallels (THEYRE NOT.) naruto has a narrative connection to him so it works (IT DOESNT.) like because kishimoto loves foils in concept but more often than not hes kind of bad at pulling them off because he doesnt really understand what makes a foil work. like the whole thing with omg obito and naruto are literally just the same is NOT EVEN TRUE. NOT EVEN TRUE. NOT EVEN TRUE AT ALL.
like in the extended obito flashback they take the most surface level things and then completely divorce it from any of the context its in so we can be like omg………… obito just like naruto……… when it srsly does not apply at all. like omg obito was an orphan… and wanted to be hokage…… and he cared about other people………… SO HES JUST LIKE NARUTO! and its like NO???? WHGHUG???? like sasuke and gaara work as foils for naruto specifically because they had similar circumstances growing up, and those circumstances significantly contributed to how sasuke&gaara were consumed by loneliness and hatred and shut everybody out and wanted to blow up the entire world forever and ever whereas naruto did not because he found companionship and love and never gave up or in and all of this has. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH OBITO. LEGITIMATELY NOBODY ACTUALLY DISLIKED HIM EXCEPT FOR KAKASHI WHO THOUGHT HE WAS KIND OF ANNOYING. this is straight up completely incomparable to the isolation that sasuke & naruto experienced and to act like they're similar enough for this to work is kind of an insult to what naruto & sasuke have been through. obito's villain story is that some tremendously horrible things happened to him and he saw the girl he had a crush on when he was like 12 use the guy who he gave his eyeball to and asked to protect her as an instrument for her suicide and decided he hated everything forever and that love is impossible and we're all meant to be miserable forever and you cant be happy in reality and again absolutely none of this has anything at all to do with what naruto or gaara or sasuke went through. at all. like these situations are not even in the least amount comparable and its actually baffling. KISHIMOTO WHAT ARE YOU DOING. <- end discussion of badly attempted parallels)
however. because the bulk of obitos beef is not with the system but rather with the fact that rin died, it kind of puts a massive damper on the ideological clash side of things. like naruto is no stranger to the horrors of the ninja system and is also a personal victim of the way it functions and what it does to the people he loves, but he and obito arent so much clashing over what should be done about it (aka exploding reality and mind controlling everybody into a dream that sucks vs actually doing something about the damage thats been done and tearing apart destructive systems of abuse) but rather the importance of human connection. and like the latter isnt bad in a vacuum it can literally work fine, but obito and naruto do not share a similar ground on this front. this topic is important and relevant to naruto because the village threw him under the bus and backed over him 57 times in a row and he grew up almost entirely on his own and hated by everybody and it works for situations like gaara because theyre the same on this front, but this is NOT THE CASE FOR OBITO. obito's situation is ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT to this particular topic - yes he was apparently an orphan or whatever but literally everybody thought he was fine except for kakashi who thought he was annoying. his situation, on the other hand, is extremely very very wildly relevant to the konoha war machine both in the sense of getting sent out to war at the age of 12 and rin dying, which naruto understands maybe a bit less through his own personal experiences but intimately well through those of the people he knows and loves and who have had their entire lives upended by this. and this entire thing wouldve been exponentially improved imo if either a) a significant part of obitos downfall was a lack of connection or a refusal to open up his heart again or b) if the ideological clash was about the konoha war machine and what is to be done about it. but instead we just get this weird thing that doesnt really work for two characters who arent really relevant to each other and i seriously just want kakashi to kill that guy.BUT ITS WHATEVER .
also for additional context for the "lets tear obito apart with a pack of dogs" posts i have literally like Just finished shippuden and i was making those posts while me & my friend were watching the obito episodes. also also if you disagree with anything ive said here thats great wonderful go make your own post about how im wrong and how obito is the most understood character in naruto or something idgaf
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ankhisms · 1 year
ok i didnt take a lot of screenshots while i watched but i did write down some thoughts as i was watching so heres episode 41-44 thoughts
ep 41
really fucked up that ZECT has a like gas bomb that makes worms lose their mimic abilities and then they go in and kill them like honestly in that scene it seemed like the worms were like hiyori and rich boy and reina like just living normal lives not harming anyone. frankly im on the worms side here that was fucked up
tendou really climbed an entire mountain just to be dramatic on the top because of course he did
theres a new goth guy in town with a trench coat that hes got the hood pulled up on so you know he means evil business
"what does it mean that i am the top of zects son" kagami how have you gone this long without knowing that your dad is the boss of zect. like i know youre estranged. but you work for zect.
aw rich boy is so worried about his besties being hurt
kagami has admitted that it was a lavender marriage
tosses glitter and falls over, dead
renge voice how did you get an entire huge bed with a canopy over it inside our tiny ass cafe. did you really have to sleep here. tendou voice who cares. have breakfast. dont question anything that happens anymore
"the end is close" ok thats not ominous at all. normal things your dad says to you
"father why was i born" kagami..... kagami my friend kagami )): i havent seen anything about the end of kabuto but i do genuinely have a bad gut feeling about how everything might end for kagami like im concerned about him
the hoppers looking at rich boy and going god i wish someone would call me young master and spoil me and rich boy going hahaha so true. who the fuck are you guys again is so funny. and then theynjust start fighting for no reason like ok yeah sure
"please dont hold a grudge against my son" "i dont hold any grudges against kagami" dont worry mr zect president tendou is holding something else entirely against your son. as in hes holding him in his arms and um
"im not doing this for zect im doing it for someone i trust" aw kagami. i still think its a bad fucking plan
i get kagami might be a bit shocked that the guy hes been working with at zect and really trusted is a worm but like. i dont understand him having such a violent and like disgusted angry response to him like kagami knows that hiyori is a worm and knows that tsurugi is a worm and he has no issues with them?? and like his team mate guy was trying to protect him and help him and rushed over to see if he was ok and tried to help him up so its just kind of like. kagami i get you might be shocked but this is still the same guy youve always known and respected and trusted its just like. cmon now
ep 42
"time only flows for me" ok sure! whatever the fuck! i just am accepting every single thing that happens now because like yeah why not. this might as well happen enough bizarre unexplainable shit has happened already we might as well through something else in
watching a hostage tape ransom message on a projector
ok the zect counsel is like hooded mysterious figures. makes sense
TOFU DUEL......... TWO!!!!!!!!
i can not believe i forgot about kagami having a brother which was a whole thing in the beginning which was very tragic and sad it feels like the whole direction and feeling of the show has changed so much since then
baseball with feelings
"i kept seeing my sister in her" UM. DONT SAY THAT
i love kagami pushing open his jacket and touching the gattack belt in the same kind of movement an old wild west cowboy would do to reach for his gun holster in a shootout its very fun
misaki why did you say yes to going out with him suddenly. misaki please
it feels meaningful to me that tadokoro comes to save kagami and fight the other worm in his human form.... and then him reaching out to help kagami up and kagami taking his hand vs how kagami reacted when he first found out. cries
you may be able to stop time but consider this: im the fucking sun
not gorou chan is so mad about not being able to launch a missile attack. typical government behavior
uh oh the other tendou is here
ep 43
other tendou skips into the cafe and is like lalalaaa im going to kill tendou. okay byeeeeeeee and skips out
"hiyori doesnt want to see you any more" DONT SAY THAAAAT HES HER BIG BROTHERRRRR
i do enjoy tendou two as a character so far hes fun
"how did you come here from the edge of time and space" "lol not telling you"
help this really is like this universe isnt big enough for two tendous
tendou two, while beating tendou up: whyre you hitting yourself stop hitting yourself
why must we fight the goth evil worm guy why cant we kiss him
cant visit your boyfriend in the emergency care ward of the hospital unless you look hot
the evil goth worm guy being able to copy any attack he gets hit with is a fun twist
"when my mimic defeats me" tendou. dont fucking say that. but also it makes sense. hes the kind of big brother who would sacrifice himself to save his little sisters. but like tendou. tendou your sisters need you alive. kagami needs you alive
crying and sobbing about tendou teaching jyuka to cook. he loves both his little sisters so much but also he misses hiyori and cooking with hiyori was their sibling bonding activity
aw tendou two loves hiyori in his own way and doesnt want hiyori to be sad ):
the scene with tendou saying i have to die to save hiyori and kagami trembling and yelling AND I HAVE TO WATCH AND DO NOTHING WHILE YOU DIE?? they were in love there
yknow what i cant even blame hiyori for saying shes not returning to the world ever again. its her choice she should be allowed to make that choice. but also. sad
ep 44
i kind of wonder if hiyori was written out of the show because her actress was needing to do something else but i could always be wrong it just is kind of what the whole deal felt like
NOT MY RICH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!
did not at all expect kageyama to stop his hopper-isms and put on a suit and be THA BEE again but im proud of him
oh he fucking got his ass kicked. well he tried
i do feel bad for tendou two like it kind of seems like his entire existence was made to revolve around pretending to be tendou to keep hiyori there or whatever but also they had him fucking chained up and locked away tortured and now hes all alone. that sucks so bad for that guy
oop kageyama took off his suit hes back on the path of hell
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delianasstuff · 4 years
The reason(Elsanna)
When the sun has fallen at 18.40
Kristoff and Anna are walking and now the street was full with gangster.
Anna: this is the best night ever, Kristoff. Thank you for bring me outside and walk around.(holding Kristoff's tightly)
Kristoff:(holding Anna's hand tightly back)don't mind it, Anna. You're welcome.
While they were walking, the gangster were spying on them.
Hans: watcha look at that. The cute couple who have enjoyed their honeymoon.
Hans begin to approach them.
Kristoff and Anna are launching and then...
Hans: hey cutey couple watcha doin? Have a nice honeymoon?
Anna: what do you want from us? Please go away from us.
Hans: oh, you want me to go away? okay. But first, Kristoff hold her!
Anna: WHAT!?he...hey Kristoff what are you doin? Hey please stop! Why do you do this to me? Have you betrayed me, Kristoff? This is what you want from me, after we have been honeymoon? Why Kristoff...why!?
Kristoff: i just want money, Anna. You know what? All this honeymoon, married, ring thingy. They're just a bullshit. And what i say if you're an extraordinary person. I think you like a genuine pig who desperate for love. You're an innocent person who new for love and you marry a person who already betray you. Such a pathetic person.
Anna:(crying) why Kristoff...why!?
Hans:(Wicked laugh) lets finish her off and fuck her. Kristoff, do your job!
Kristoff: you got it boss.
Kristoff is rubbing Anna's sensitive area while he is holding her chest.
Hans is licking Anna neck and body while he is holding her hips.
Anna:(struggling)(crying) please...somebody help me! Please!
Elsa:(hit Hans and Kristoff face in light speed)
Hans: who is he!?
Kristoff: i have no idea.
Elsa: well hello, Nasties.
Kristoff: such a coward woman!
Hans: what are you Going to do to this innocent girl, huh!? You never gonna save her.
Kristoff: yeah, what you Will do to this innocent girl, hey you coward!?(while he rubbing Anna's chest and play with it)
Elsa: you never gonna touch her ever again. You gonna pay for this.
Hans: you little!!!Kristoff, finish her off!!!
Kristoff: yes, Boss.
Elsa: you never catch me!
Kristoff: c'mere you little!
Hans: thats what you want it. Take this electric blast!
Elsa: you never gonna hit me with those electric thingy. Catch me if you can, nasty brat and you too nasty muscle brat.
Hans and Kristoff are annoyed.
Hans holding Anna hips and Kristoff holding Anna's chest.
Hans: this is the last chance, Elsa. If you're not come out, i'll kill this cutey girl extremely.
Kristoff: ill fuck her hardly until she dead.
Elsa is hiding in somewhere.
Elsa: what should i do now? I have to save Anna.
Suddenly Elsa come out from her disguise.
Elsa: okay, Nasty Brats. Thats what you want it. SHODOPHONE IPPITSOJOU! Shinken Red. Shiba Elsa, Mairu!(she pull the samurai sword and put it in her shoulder) okay guys. Lets finish this off.
Hans shoot Elsa with his electric blast while Kristoff turn into a Gedoshuu.
Hans: take this. Electric blast.
Kristoff:(running while he is trying to punch her) hiyaahhhh. Eat this big muscle, you little!
Elsa:(avoiding him)Shinkenmaru Kaen no mai!
Kristoff:(struggling)HAHHHHH its hot like burning fire!
Hans: you such a brat! Electric Lazer blast!!
Elsa:(avoid him) Rekkaidaizantou! Rekkaidaizantou Oozutsu mode! Kabuto Gorindan! Seibai!
Hans:(struggling) HAHHHHH!!
Hans and Kristoff are struggling and defeated.
Hans: you gonna pay for this Elsa. Kristoff, lets get out of here!
Kristoff: you got it, Boss.
Elsa is turning into an usual person again.
Elsa: finally. Oh yeah Anna!
Anna:(pass out)
Elsa: Anna, i'm sorry i have to break up with you. I don't know if this Will happen to us. I'm so sorry Anna(holding her body and cuddling close) i'll take you home Anna. Just hang in there, my love. You have been through this alone. Im sorry.
Anna was at Elsa's home.
Anna:(open her eyes) where am i?
Elsa: good evening, Anna. How are you? Are you already good. You can sleep in my room for two days. I permit it. Its okay.
Anna:(shocked)(cuddling Elsa tightly) Elsa. Oh Elsa. I'm so sorry. i have been wrong all these time. I have been in love with person who has betrayed me except with person who has been care for me so much. I'm so sorry Elsa.
Elsa: that okay Anna. After all, this is my fault. I shouldnt break up with you. I'm such a narrow-minded. I'm so sorry.
Anna: its okay, Elsa. You don't have to be like that. I know and i understand. And anyway, why did you break up with me?
Elsa: about that i'll tell you sooner. The important thing now is you're safe from that nasty Brats.
Anna: okay, Elsa.
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julmar123 · 5 years
Home sweat home
My first Naruto Universe imagine: this is going to be long one Kakashix reader
Your finally back at the hidden leaf village. You left on a secret mission many years ago leaving your friends and family behind. You knew that being a part of the anbu was tough, but leaving your home was tougher. You couldn't wait to see just how everyone and everything had changed over the years.would they remember you? You were gone for such a long time.And of course you were excited to see him captain Kakashi. Although before you where sent on your mission he was assigned to a different team leading and teaching genin. After the attack on the village you were sent on your mission to find and track down Orochimaru and later your mission changed to tracking down the Akatsuki you were always good at reconnaissance, so thats why this mission was given to you. Your mission quickly changed to finding Kabuto and the white zetsu. And after that you were chosen again to clean up any left over mess from the war. You had missed a lot over the year but now you were finally home.
You walk through the gates looking at the village. Things had definitely changed a lot. As you look around you see him, well his stone face. "So he did become the Hokage."You smile to yourself as you walk through the village. People don't seem to take much interest in you as you walk towards the Hokage's office. "Y/n?? Is that you?" you quickly turn to see a familiar face. "Hello Gai sensei" you say with a wide smile. "Well look at you all grown up and your hair so long, its good to have you back at the village" he says excited. "This is Lee he is my subordinate" he says the young man not that much younger than you was beside him and wearing the same training outfit. "Hello miss y/n welcome back to the village." he says excitedly but very polite. "Hello Lee so very nice to finally meet you and thank you but i have to make my way to the Hokage's office." you say nicely before waving them goodbye and making your way towards the office.
"You must be y/n we heard you were making your return today" says a young man again not much younger than you his hair tied in a ponytail. "Ah... Yes im here to see lord Hokage" you respond he nods and walks you towards his office. "Lord kakashi, y/n has arrived." he says before you enter. Your heart suddenly skips a beat. There he was, you had always admired Kakashi he was older than you but you always thaught he was a catch of course you wouldnt dare tell him that, he probably just saw you as an annoyance. "Lord Hokage, heres the report on the mission, sir" you manage to say clearly putting the scroll on the table. He looks at you and you could see the corner of his eyes he was smiling under the mask. "Thats great, hey Shikamaru would you mind getting Naruto in here please" he says. The young man leaves the room. "If there is nothing else you need lord Hokage i would like to take some time off if thats possible. I would like to retire from the anbu " you say while looking at the ground. "Y/n you can just call me Kakashi no need to be formal. " he says. You take a deep breath and look at him he hadnt changed, not one bit he as still so calm. "Well then if you'd like to retire we can make that happen but i have a other thing to ask of you." you look up him excited and confused. "I could really use an assistant" he says pointing at the stacks of paper in the corner. "You want me to file papers for you?" you ask confused. "Well yes, but only because your faster than anyone i know" he adds obviously noticing your confusion. "Hmm...very well sir ill start right away." you add as you sit down on the floor next to the iles of paper. "You know i knew you would say yes...that's why i know i can count on you." he adds. "Yeah i bet... You know it wouldn't matter what you asked of me sir i would do anything except....leave" you add in a whisper hoping he didn't hear you but of course he heard you he was a skilled shinobi after all. "Hey..we can talk about that later right now id like for you to stay on the ground" he says sternly. You look at him his face he looked cold ready for a fight. You take out a kunai from you back pocket. And toss it to him. "Kakashi!" he takes it and suddenly there is glass all over he floor. Three men, rouge shinobi surrounding you both. You get up off your knees and stand in front of Kakashi a kunai in our hand. "Lord Kakashi, please stand down ill gladly take care of this sir. " you say keeping your eyes on the men. "No, lets do this like old times." You can sense his lightning blade behind you. "Very well then hope you can keep up" you tease him.
"Enough chatter we are here to take over the hidden leaf village" says one of them he was towering over the other two had a scar from the corner of his mouth that stretched down to his ear. "As if" you say jumping behind Kakashi as he take a strike towards the man. You throw your kunai directly at one of the other guys the one with the gas mask he was big lots of muscle. The kunai were useless. Kakashi was fighting the other two like, always he was better at fighting hand to hand. You decide to get your fans from your pocket. You opened them holding one on each hand you can send chakra through the air like small blades. You cut him on his chest but he comes for you full speed the door opens and you can see shikamaru using some kind of jutsu. Suddenly they all stop in their tracks. You look down surprised. "Shadow possession?" you ask yourself. "Your from the Nara clan? nice thanks for the assist." you tell him he continues to focus on the attackers. "Lord kakashi are you alright?" you ask him he dusts himself off and straightens his robe. "Yeah im okay. Shikamaru?" he asks "yeah Naruto has clones cleaning up and taking care of the rest" he answers.
Ambu members take them into custody. "You knew?" you ask him once they are alone again. "Yes" he says then begins to pick up the glass. "Why didnt you tell me." you ask him confused. "You didnt need me to help file papers did you?" you ask. "No, you were a great distraction." he says you look at him confused. "What?" you ask. "I needed to look like i was distracted i knew that having you here would help me, and i knew you would be down for a fight" he adds. "You are going to be my guest for the new Kage summit." he says. "You were just attacked Kakashi.....oh you want me to pretend to be your" you say unable to finish the sentence. "Yes" he says. "Think of this as your last mission" he adds. "I will be the bate, if they want to get to you they will target your lover first." you say to yourself. "They have been targeting the leaf for sometime and i know i can trust you" he says. You smile to yourself you always were the bate but only because you were capable of many things and saving yourself was one of them. "Very well in that case come here" you say grabbing his arm that was cut. And standing in front of the open windows. You heal him. "Thank you" he says you smile at him."i guess ill stay here and help clean this place up. I wouldn't want my...boyfriend to have a messy office." you say with a smile followed by giggle. "Alright now who all knows about us?" you ask him getting serious. "No one this is just between us two" he says while helping you clean up. "Okay so after this we are going to lunch." you say excited but not enough to raise suspicion. "What?" he asks confused. "Our first date" you say using air quotes. "Ooh yes, see i knew you were the right person for this" he says making you blush.
You both walk through the village you could tell he was nervous. You grab his wrist He looks down at you "calm down relax “you say to him in a whisper. "Here" you say as you lead him to the bench at the park. And sit down signaling for him to sit next to you. He does what he is told you turn to him. “Hey I know it’s a bit strange for you, I know this isn't really your thing and it strange for me too I've been gone for such a long time” you say "its okay your the perfect peron for this" you look at him unsure of what to say next. When you met Kakashi he was different he was kind to you but he kept his distance from everyone in the team and that included you, you never got to have a long meaningful conversation with him because you never wanted to bother him. You knew he was consumed by darkness but you never cared all you wanted to do was protect him putting yourself at harms way to keep him safe on many occasions." you know you've changed a lot captain." you say. You can sense him start to relax. "Yeah how so?" he asks. "Well for starters, you don't seem so gaurded" you say he nods "also the old you was....angry" you say. He looks at his hands then at you. "But you still liked me, even back then" he says making you blush. "What?" you ask him embarrassed and shove him. "Hey hey is that anyway to treat your boyfriend." he says laughing. Again you blush at this point you looked as red as tomatoes but start to laugh along with him. "So that's why you chose me, because i already liked you." you say. He nods in agreement. "So you knew? Who told you? Was it Gai sensei?" you ask him. He holds his hands up in defense. "Hey i already knew." he says.
"Good afternoon lord Kakashi" says two girls who both really beautiful one had short pink hair and the other had long blond they looked at you and Kakashi a bit suspicious. "Sakura Ino please drop the lord im still bot used to it." he says "Are you two out on an afternoon walk?" says the girl with the blond hair clearly hinting at something else Kakashi looks at you and you could tell he was smiling. "This is y/n shes a close friend" he says introducing you to the girls. "Hello im Sakura and this is Ino." says the girl with the short pink hair. "Hi are you new to the village or just visiting?" says the blond. You smile at them "its a pleasure meeting you both and im actually back i was on a long mission. "Oh no wonder, we haven't seen you around, we will leave you two, to enjoy some alone time. You smile at then and they leave you and Kakashi can hear Their giggles as the walk away.
“They are cute” you say to him as you see them walk away. “Sakura was my subordinate” he says. You look back at him. “Well you seemed to calm down a bit how about some ramen for lunch?” You suggest. “That would be nice” he says getting up front the bench and extending his hand for you to grab. You look at him and then at his hand. He looks at you confused. He realizes that you are hesitant to hold his hand. “Are you coming?” He asks confused. You take his hand “yes of course” you say getting up his hand gently holding yours both your fingers interlocked. It felt normal like you were meant to hold hands with him, before you could slip into a day dream you told yourself “ this is just for a mission don’t get caught up in the lie” you both walk up to Itchiraku and sit down. “Well lord Kakashi welcome back..y/n is that you?” Ayame asks surprised. “Hello I’m back” you say waving at her. “Oh... no way you did it!! You finally got him.” She says excited at the fact that you were holding hands with Kakashi. She Was one of your friends she was older than you but you and her shared a lot of similarities. You even cover for her at Ichiraku a couple of times when ever they needed extra help. You smiles and held up your hand that was holding Kakashis hand She smiles wide. “Oh how wonderful. Today is a good day indeed ramen on the house.” She says while clapping her hands. You smile at her and thank her. You both eat in silence and after thanked her for the food. You walk out and Kakashi looks at you. “I really need to head back how about we catch up later I’ll come by after work....is that okay?” He asks holding your hand in his. “I’m....yeah sounds good, go do your job Lord Kakashi” you tease him and let go of his hand slowly as he walks away. You turn around and head towards your home.
You cleaned your house took a shower and were just laying there in your pajamas waiting for the food you had ordered for dinner you ordered enough for the both of you unsure when Kakashi was going to come over but you wanted to make sure you had food. You had to keep reminding yourself that he was probably coming over to discuss the mission not to play house. You waited for a while and then the food arrived you paid and thanked them for the food and not a minute later your door bell rang. You got scared because of the sudden sound but sensed his chakra right away. You opened the door and he was there hands in his pockets. “Oh hey come on in.” You says with a smile. “I got us some dinner while we talk about the mission.” You say leading him inside “Ah Thanks” he says taking a seat. “So what’s the plan?” You ask giving him his food. He thanks you and says “ for you to be you” he says before taking a bite. “Ah Ha but look this would be easy if we had some rules. You are a Hokage, and if I remember correctly you were always very private” you say raising an eyebrow. “What do you mean.” He asks confused. “Look, I’m very good at my job I will most definitely be believable but you sir, I think you need to let me know what you need from me, what are your expectations for this mission sir what are some things that you are not comfortable with?” You ask him. He sits there and you could see he was thinking. “Do whatever you think will help us, I trust you” he says. You look at him and furrow your eyebrows. “Okay I just don’t want to come off as a creep” you says before taking a bite. He laughs, “what?” You ask him confused. “Oh it’s just that you haven’t changed a bit?” He says. “Really? What does that mean?” You ask a bit hurt. “Don’t get me wrong, you are obviously more mature but your still worried about me and not trying to come on to strong yet here you are treating me like a delicate flower it’s very much like when you where younger” he says. “Well excuse me for worrying about you” you say teasing him. “You know it’s strang we never really interacted like this before” you tell him.
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bbjhfgjngdbliy-blog · 7 years
Saihen of the Sound part 3 The Unseeing Gaze
He had spent weeks inside the cave mending his wounds. "Im no Kabuto but I still think I did and okay job" He spoke to the empty cave. No answer was given. He felt slightly confused as to why that disappointed him. "Ive been in this cave too long." He muttered to himself. "This is what I get for thinking I could take the raikage and his B. I was so stupid I thought myself smarter than the enemy. I underestimated my foe. Orochimaru would be so disappointed!" His throat tightened as he spoke this. He closed his eyes and rested his head against the musky smelling wall behind him. In his mind he saw a face silhouetted with no features except the eye of "that" clan. The voice echoed through his mind "Pathetic. If thats all you have then you are truly worthless to me. No wonder I had to give my life. It's becuase you couldn't help me think of a better way." The eye got closer and Saihen could feel the disdain coming from it. "IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M DEAD" Saihen jerked awake ignoring the wetness he could feel on his cheeks. It's just a dream At least thats how he tried to convince himself to calm down. The emotionally distraught shinobi stood up and grabbed the summoning scroll laying by his bedroll. Without this it would've been for nothing. The scroll and the absence of his custom arm is all the proof he has of his encounter.  His wounds healed he sets off for the Village of the Leaf. Hoping to run into a old friend. The journey to the leaf was uneventful. The aide of a kind vender kept him from halving to walk the whole way. While riding on her cart the woman had offered him a lift saying the leaf was her destination. Saihen accepted of course it was a very long walk. As he climbed into cart he took a look at her. Her short red hair hair that fell past her ears. He took notes of the dark kimono she wore and her arm guards. She held out a hand to help him up. But what caught his attention most were the blue of her eyes. One was a dark blue like the sky before a storm but the other was a light blue like a still lake. Along the way they chatted about multiple things. The woman was actually delivering a shipment of medical supplies and rare tea leaves to a cafe ran by a woman named Kaika. "Really all types are allowed there she doesnt descriminate. She was a medical nin before the shop opened. Since then she rarely leaves." The woman smiles. "She offers asylum to any who need it no questions asked" Saihen smirks to himself What are the chances that he gets a ride to the exact place he was heading? Things might actually work this time. The woman stops talking with a confused look on her face "I am so sorry I dont believe I ever caught your name" Saihen started to lie but then decided the woman was no threat to his current goals. "You may call me Saihen" "You may call me Mai" She replied. After that they merely chatted about the weather and the state of the world. For two weeks they traveled together. The fact that no bandits or anything of the like attacked surprised Saihen. Multiple times along the trip he had thought they would be. He felt eyes watching and they passed through many perfect ambush spots. Yet Mai just kept on driving seemingly oblivious to the dangers. Maybe he was overreacting after all the war had changed things. Maybe bandits were no longer in these parts. "Maybe that new hokage brat actually has good security measures now" Saihen thought. "Well if bandits are no worries that merely leaves skirting the Anbu until I get what I need" As they approached the front gate of the village guards stopped them. One approached the cart. "Who are you and what is your business here" Mai reached into her kimono sleeve and withdrew a paper with the emblem of the leaf stamped on it "Im sure everything is in order." Saihen had never seen a guard look so surprised as he saw the paper "Yesyes of c-c-course go right in." Mai smiled "Why thank you" As the went through the gates Saihen was struck with the size of the village. It had grown so large since he was last here. The streets were packed with people runnings errands or just enjoying the weather. Skyscrapers dotted the skyline. The sky had airships coming and going. The mountain had more faces since he was last there. The stoic gaze of the new hokage gazed upon the village. Judging all those who traveled its streets. Turning to Mai he asked "How did you get through security so fast? They didnt even check us." Her eyebrows bunched together "Oh I must have forgot to mentio-" "My lord" Both Saihen and Mai heads turned to see a robed figure kneeling in front of them. Hood hiding its face "Any orders?" Mai looked down at him "At this time no. You did an excellent job go back to base with the others and rest up." The figure stood up and Saihen saw under the hood. His brain reeled from what he saw. " A ceramic mask! In the shape of a fox. Anbu.Lord?!!!!!!!!!?????? The bandits? Of course! That means.. Oh no" as the pieces fell into place. 'How did I not notice? Am I slipping this much?!" The thoughts raced in his head. He turned towords Mai and saw a slight smile on her lips. "Piece it together did we?" Saihen focused his chakra around himself ready to flare it out. "Release!" He fell to the ground agony racing up his arm. Yanking up his sleeve he saw a seal glowing on his forearm. "Of course why would anyone actually help me? Foolish" He looked up at her from the ground "So sorry about the ruse. But when the Raikage sent word that a one armed shinobi had attacked him and then I picked you up. It was just too much to resist. Didnt you find it strange i just happen to be going where you were planning on going? She laughed. "I assumed one as smart as you would figure it out but oh well. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mai, high lord of the Anbu, the strongest of the leaf and you, well you are my prisoner. " From the ground Saihen tried to focus his chakra again only to be met with the same searing pain on his arm. "That seal on your arm prevents chakra usage of any kind as well as disguising my face. A custom made seal specifically crafted to aid in prisoner transport." Saihen struggled to his feet. A crowd of people had formed around them. He was sure she had other Anbu watching. He could use no chakra while this seal was on his forearm. He couldnt fight without his puppet arm. He was truly and utterly out of options. "I give up. You win" Saihen stood shakily "I surrender" Mai strode up to him "As I thought. come with me the hokage wishes to see you personally." As she turned and started to walk four Anbu dropped down around Saihen completly surrounding him. The crowd parted to let them through. "My own personal funeral march with her leading the way." Desperately looking for any way out. As long as the seal was on he was helpless. The Anbu kunoichi lead the way through back streets. "Probably to keep me away from the civilians. No collateral damage. No witnesses" Passing by an alley he saw a small basin used by blacksmiths to cool hot metal. As they approached the smith came out holding a red hot hunk of metal inbetween a pair of tongs. "This is my chance." Saihen launched himself towords the smith and pressed his hand against the metal "What are you doing?!" The smith took a step back as the smell of Saihens burning flesh filled the air. "Come on come on" Gritting his teeth as the metal seared the skin on his hand. He pulled it back to see that the seal and been divided cleanly in half by the burning. Ignoring his pain he touched the inside of his sleeve sending a bit of chakra to release the summon he had there. Instantly dozens of smoke bombs fell out of his sleeve filling the air with enough smoke to almost be tangible. "GET HIM HE IS RIGHT HERE STILL!" Saihen jumped onto the roof only to find an Anbu waiting for him "Damn. perimeter guard" The Anbu started to reach up to touch his communicater. Saihen launched himself at the ninja, arm drawn back and glowing with chakra "HIRODURAA" The Anbu recognizing the attack vanished. Saihen landed where the anbu was and stopped the chakra flow "Heh,didnt think that would work. They really are jumpy" He heard the sound of multiple feet landing behind him. Not even turning around he took off. Focusing on his surroundings as he leaped roof to roof. Then he saw it,Kaikas cafe safe haven to all. Even the anbu need express Hokage permission to go in. He landed on the street, ignoring the people staring ran as hard he he could towords the doors. All he needed to do was get inside. The he would have a few hours while the went through the process of getting permission. "STOP HIM HE HIS RIGHT THERE! STOP UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE HOKAGE UZUMAKI NARUTO STOP" Mai's voice sounded out behind him. He was sure she had a small army behind him but he dared not look back. As he approached the doors and saw the guards out front he started yelling his own message "ASYLUM ASYLUM" The guards in front of the cafe spread apart and openend the door to let him pass. The second he touched the inside of the cafe the doors were shut behind him. He looked around the cafe finding the owner standing behind a bar serving the most exquisite meals he had seen in weeks. The room was brightly lit and packed with people eating.Barely any of them paid him any attention apparently used to this kind of thing he sat down at the bar. "My name is Kaika you can tell me your name or not however you wish. You are safe here until the hokage himself tells me otherwise. You may stay as long as you wish. Now are you hungry or require any medical aide? " The owner was standing over him looking mildly shy but also eager to help. "I do have a slight burn I would like some treatment for" he pulled up his sleeve for the first time seeing the damge he did to his arm. The skin from his knuckles to halfway up his form was simply melted off. He could see the fiborous muscle under neath. Kaika gasped "That looks pretty bad however." She placed her palm over his burn and Saihen watched in amazement as new skin crisscrossed across the wound stitching it closed. He gazed up at the owner "I..I don't know what to say. Thank you" She smiles "Its not a problem. Is there anything else youd like?" "Actually is there someplace private we can talk? I need your help finding someone who may not want her name being broadcasted everywhere." Kaika nodded and motionend for him to follow Saihen got up and followed her to a back room.she shut the door behind them. The room was small and filled with boxes fhat smelled VERY strongly of tea "So who is it you need to find?" Saihen pulled the scroll from his robes and unrolled it on the table between them. He unlocked the seal and in a puff of smoke Sammehada appeared on the table and promptly wrapped its hilt around Saihen's wrist enjoying the chakra. "Her name is Abunai. We used to travel in the same circle so to speak. I merely wish to find her and return this." Kaika's eyes widenend. Her voice came out out slightly above a whisper. "Is that..HIS sword?" "Yes" "The one that Killer B took?" "Yes" "So that makes you the shinobi that attacked him and his brother and stole it?" "Yes" She sat down on a box. "You are a VERY wanted shinobi. The entire alliance has people looking for you. The Hokage, once he finds out that you are in here he will come himself. He and B were quite close In the war." Saihen was shocked. "How close?" She looked up at him a sad look in her eyes. "They were like brothers. The hokage takes family quite seriously." Saihen sighed. "I will be out of here as soon as I can I dont wish to cause trouble for you. Do you k ow where I can find her?" Kaika pulls out a map and marks a place on the map. "She told me if anyone is ever looking for her to send them there. I hear the beach its on is quite beautiful." Saihen fills with dread "That is months away without an airship. There are no non alliance airships. I can't possibly get there." Kaika is lot in thought for a moment "I think I can help that actually. One moment." She walks to the door and pokes her head out and starts talking. A few moments later a petite girl with curly bown hair and glasses comes in and smiles at Saihen. "Oh I can work with this." She drops a case on the floor "Im a but of a master at appearing to be someone im not. I bet you think im a girl" "Arent you?" She giggles "wouldnt you like to know? My name is pidge by the way and im going to change how you look" Kaika walks out saying "have fun you two" Hours later Saihen walks out of the room. He had to admit pidge did amazing. He has a new puppet arm that does things he hadnt even thought of. He walked with a limp thanks to uneven shoes. His eyes were a light green thanks to contacts and his hair was now down to his waist and a dark black thanks to some chakra enhanced growth. She even gave him a chakra suppression device to hide his chakra. Pidge had said any time he needed help he was welcome to get ahold of her she was fascinated by his ideas for applications of chakra and machinery. He thanked both her and kaika profusely and walked out the front door. Right past Anbu waiting outside. They didnt even look at him twice. The ticket clerk paid him no attention as he bought a ticket and took his seat on the airship He had a new identity courtesy of Pidge and a full belly courtesy of Kaika. He wished he could stay. As he watched the village grow smaller on the horizon he actually felt sad to leave them behind. "Another day perhaps"
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