#that's not to pretend it's good for Israelis to die. it's to point out that the violence of Palestinians against Israelis is in desperation
fairuzfan · 10 hours
the reason i shared my great-grandmother's story on here a few months ago is not for sympathy or anything, its to illustrate to you just how deeply, deeply anti-Palestinian the idea of zionism is.
i remember my grandmother, the one who watched her mother die in her home, she called us with a plain tone of voice, and she said "she asked to be buried in [her village] but of course the the zionists wouldn't let that happen." the thing that will not leave my head was the way my grandmother said it, the way it just seemed so natural and so obvious to her. my grandmother is *not* a quiet woman, she yells everything she ever says, whether happy or sad but this she said softly. like she was resigned to this, she expected this.
this woman was exiled once from her village, then again from Palestine, then again and again and again and eventually forced to live in poverty in a refugee camp, she knows the 'israeli' state more intimately than anyone i know, she knows what it will and won't allow in its genocidal apparatus and to her it was obvious that they would not respect her mother's body or last wishes. she knew that.
and i always go back to it when i see discussions on here or on twitter or in academia, like you guys (the moderates, the apologists) have never ever spoken to a nakba survivor or a naksa survivor. you don't know just how deeply its affected our families.
so when we ask you to completely reject zionism, when we demand it from allies, we aren't saying this to be stubborn or nonsensical, we're saying it because we know where zionism will lead us. we've been through the "we just want peace" and the "we need to just talk it out" phases already, how can you not think we've been through those phases after 75 years. we've had our meet and greets and our appeals and now we're at literally the worst stage of genocide against our people and you're still insisting on "talking it out" or some variation of it.
the truth of the matter is that we don't have patience for zionism anymore because look where it got us. look where we're at. even soft zionists, you need to stamp those people out from pretending they've got good points, or that you need to build community with them or whatever. we are literally at the worst part of Palestinian history ever, we need to stop pretending there are grey zones to this. Zionist apologists and the like are creating ambiguity that literally gets our families killed under the guise of "complication". I'm sick and tired of watching these same discussions over and over again about how "Israel is a result of antisemitism" when it very much is not. I'm sick of seeing people who know NOTHING about colonization push their own agendas and provide cover for zionists to do whatever they want. Just stop talking about things you don't understand because I promise you, you're directly contributing to the violence you claim to abhor.
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mitchfynde · 1 month
I'm begging the pro-Palestine movement to inject even the slightest bit of nuance into their rhetoric. I'm basically pro-Zionist at this point, but even I believe you SHOULD be pro-Palestine to an extent.
Here are some things to consider.
Israel has a right to exist. They didn't steal the land. You can say Britain did, but it doesn't matter. It's their land now and they have a right to live there, just as Canadians have a right to live in Canada despite the history of the indigenous people. Apply this to basically any other nation.
The October 7th attack happened. It was bad. It was an act of terrorism. They killed innocent civilians on purpose. The civilians didn't deserve to die for living in Israel. You condemn the attacks.
Hamas is a valid military target. They are a terrorist organization who are constantly attacking Israel. They're not freedom fighters. They may use the plight of Palestinians as an excuse, but they cannot be taken in good faith. You condemn Hamas.
Israelis are not Nazis. There are far right people in Israel as there are anywhere. Right now Israel's right wing is exaggerated due the attacks they've experienced. People's rhetoric can get extreme when such a thing happens. It's certainly something you should be concerned about, but comparing them to Nazis is not useful at all.
Generally speaking, Israel has a good track record of taking a lot of care to avoid civilian deaths. They have a strong history of calling areas by phone to warn civilians. They will then drop a knock bomb onto the roof to scare people out before dropping the actual bomb. They do not have a policy of killing Palestinian civilians.
The reason why Israel has the reputation they do for killing civilians is threefold. 1) Palestine is densely populated which creates huge complications in war. 2) Individual IDF soldiers or groups sometimes commit attrocities, on purpose or by accident. 3) Hamas has one of the most devious PR strategies the world has ever seen.
Hamas uses human shields. And I'm tempted to say they use them more effectively than anyone has in the history of the world. They operate in or under civilian infrastructure... seemingly exclusively. They make damn sure that, if you want to bomb them, you are taking civilians with them.
Combine that with the fact there's basically no way to identify a member of Hamas from a civilian and Hamas can generate an insane civilian death toll. Why? Because they can sell it to us. The western liberal is horrified by civilian deaths. Especially if the skin color of the victims is darker than the people doing the killing. It's the perfect plot for a terrorist group to pretend they have noble intentions of freedom fighting and whatnot.
So is being pro-Palestine just utterly foolish? Absolutely not. Palestinians are in an utterly horrible position in this world and you'd be absolutely insane not to care about that. They absolutely should have their own nation with their own government. They should have the opportunity to live in peace. They should have the opportunity to live in freedom. It's almost self-evident.
Of course Israel is too expansionist. The settlements are a disgrace. The IDF's reputation is not totally unearned and neither is their government's reputation. There is the stench of far right rot in both their military and their government. Netanyahu is absolutely a religious zealot.
All I'm saying is you can't look at this as a totally one-sided thing. Most of the people posting pro-Palestine stuff are being misleading at best and spreading flat out lies more often than not. This is not a valid strategy to enact change. And, frankly, you deserve better for yourself.
You do not need to lie about Israel to be pro-Palestine.
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papercherries · 2 days
I've been seeing a post circulate recently about how we're "living in the hunger games" and whilst I think that's true to how we're all feeling culturally at the moment, I think its fair to say that this isn't new. The original post even states that the hunger games was conceived after the writer was flicking through channels during the war in Iraq.
We live in a society that feeds off both ends of a spectrum. One side being suffering, the other being cult like decadance. I believe a good amount of media on tv/radio/newspapers/online can be put somewhere on this spectrum. My point is that for a good while we have rooted our media in both ends of the spectrum. Vietnam war/massive push for culture, Palestine and the Met Gala. For previous events I can only speak for films as they're what I study. But recall the films that come out around certain times, the ones we remember usually relate to the times. 1968, Easy Rider, counter culture Americans exist, people hate them for it. 1976, Taxi Driver. American vet who has been radicalised toward the right because he has been let down by the system. 1992, Boyz n the hood, the lives of black Americans who are once again, being let down by the system. If not being oppressed by it. 2005, V for Vendetta.
I refuse to take content out of the context of their time. But I've cherry picked these films and that's an obvious bias toward the message I'm trying to send. Because with these films, there a million others who are on the other side of the spectrum. Think, within the last year how many movies have released that you feel truly reflect the time we live in.
I can think of a couple but none are based in modern times. When the war in Iraq was happening you had films like American Sniper, The Hurt Locker, Jarhead, fucking die hard 4.0. Whilst we've always had action schlock. American war/vet schlock was hard to avoid then. Some will claim to be anti war, but I believe this to be an impossible feat. They are decadence.
Within the same years though you had Eternal Sunshine, Brokeback mountain, City of God, District 9. All amazing films, but they're closer to the middle of the spectrum, obviously this varies though. But no film can be on the true end of suffering without being non-fiction. Sure, we can wince and squeal at Salo or some Cronenberg nightmare. But it will never compare to the horrors we witness on our televsions and on our phones.
The nauseating effect of true decadence is also only available in the world of non-fiction.
The reason it's progressivly feeling more and more like the hunger games is how we access this information. Or more precisely the rate at which we interact with it and how its presented to us. The Internet is an independent space, It is not ruled but it can be controlled. Checkmarks, verification and paid subscriptions. Ways of being sure that what you're seeing is "real".
A verified news outlet who is supporting the genocide in Palestine will not release an article for Palestine. Most news outlets are owned by the same people. I'm looking at Rupert Murdoch here. This means these "verified sources" won't report a lot on the genocide because it doesn't suit them. They would rather report on the protests and the injuries of the few Israeli occupants. But news outlets are also big companies, they specialise in different things to release a whole package. So you'll have the same places releasing statements on the metgala.
(Though, I'm also not saying we shouldn't have verified accounts and such because this same system can be used for other nefarious purposes. Like making a fake account to pretend your a black American who is voting for their local republican senator).
Now if this were in a closed system, like a newspaper. It would be fine for them because they can have their cake and eat it too. Release something denouncing Palestine and showing the "nationalist might" of the occupants whilst also reporting on the metgala. Their ideals are presented and they've covered all bases. The Internet doesn't allow for this kind of system. The people who are reporting on/for Palestine are the people. Independent online accounts who go against the will of these companies.
And whilst the companies are big, they only have one social media account (per country sometimes) . Which can't fight against the massive influx of pro Palestine posts. So what happens is, you end up seeing both ends of the spectrum at the same time. Both real suffering and decadence, appear before your very eyes.
The same thing was happening to Suzanne Collins. She witnessed both ends of the spectrum at the same time.
But you must remember, this isn't new. We've always had this spectrum. From Lords and gods to celebrities and presidents. Go to war and be a hero! A tale as old as time. The plague and the Holy War.
There are only two ways to remove this media spectrum. Remove one side entirely; by removing all suffering from media, there will only be decadence to watch. Or by removing the systems that create the spectrum in the first place.
The decadent allow the suffering to continue. The decadence cannot survive with suffering. They cannot survive without their wars, their slavery and their theft. Not all suffering is equal, not all decadence neither. But in either case, there is too much.
People with deep pockets tend to fill them with the bodies of men.
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vigilantesyd · 5 months
You can feel how you feel about Taylor but she has never once mentioned the money or that status in fact she famously refuses to provide numbers to Forbes or anyone so they can get an accurate number and is also refusing to give Boxscore the Eras numbers. She is doing literally everything she can to minimize it - because most of her net worth is not liquid assets. So to divest any of it she would have to temporarily get much richer than she actually is. And more than half of the money comes from owning her masters (they calculate the “value” of the masters in her net worth) which means she’ll never see a dime of it because she’d die broke before she’d sell them.
As for speaking up about Palestine, while it might be nice, it is also very contrary to anything she has ever done before. She stays in her lane and doesn’t talk about things she knows she doesn’t know about. And after growing up with pro-Isr*el propaganda she is likely very uninformed on that topic. It may seem simple to talk about but lots of Pro-Palestine comments are also anti-Semitic. Lots of them. And she would want to be absolutely certain her words could not be twisted, because she’s been burned a lot.
So. If you’re still struggling you are. Loving her is not mandatory. Participating in her fandom is not mandatory. But it seems like you’re struggling with her not being who you want her to be, rather than being different than who she has always been.
i will respond to this politely because i am too old and quite frankly exhausted to be having stan wars, but just know that this came off very "shut up or unstan" and i don't think that's fair. i think i am absolutely allowed to, on my own blog, post how certain decisions she's made as of late have left a bad taste in my mouth. i believe i was pretty clear that i love her and believe she has good intentions. i love my friends and believe they are good people, but i would tell them and would hope they would tell me if they felt i was not upholding the ideals that i had always carried with me.
But it seems like you’re struggling with her not being who you want her to be, rather than being different than who she has always been.
my problem is that she IS different that who she has always claimed to be. ESPECIALLY with speaking out in regards to Palestine. the whole thesis of miss americana was that she was taking the muzzle off. what exactly has she said since then in powerful moments besides endorse joe biden in 2020 and told people to vote? and i'm not saying those were not powerful things, they worked, they did what they were supposed to. but it feels to me that ever since her fame sky rocketed again she's become too worried about her image and her empire to say anything about anything. and quite frankly, that's not an excuse when thousands of people are dying every day.
She stays in her lane and doesn’t talk about things she knows she doesn’t know about. And after growing up with pro-Isr*el propaganda she is likely very uninformed on that topic. It may seem simple to talk about but lots of Pro-Palestine comments are also anti-Semitic.
she is best friends with gigi hadid. if they are really as close as they've claimed to be all these years, you cannot tell me it has not come up in conversation. especially now. you are infantilizing her and honestly, sound like you're regurgitating israeli propaganda. it's not a complicated issue. anyone who says it is too complicated wants you to think you're too stupid to understand. it's very simple, actually, and even without knowing the history, she'd have to live under a rock to not know there is a genocide going on. she's not stupid. she's actually very very intelligent and we both know this. so let's not pretend she's stupid to justify her not speaking. and your comment about "lots of pro-palestine comments are also anti-semitic" is literally a zionist talking point and not true. saying that an entire population of people should not be wiped out or forcibly displaced is not anti-semitic and that's all anyone wants from her. calling for a permanent ceasefire is not anti-semitic. if that's how the other side wants to interpret it, there's nothing anyone can do about that. she didn't seem to have a problem with republicans or trump coming after her when it was convenient.
i'm not going to elaborate on the money issue because to be frank it does not matter to me the nuance of "oh it's actually her net worth and not liquid assets" because she still has an absolutely insane amount of money that she is clearly not doing enough to redistribute.
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philosophicalmisuse · 5 months
Sam’s Sins - False Equivalency and Moral Judgement
The thing that gets me about his anti-Palestine arguments (cos I checked cos I knew he’d have something brain-melting to say) is it’s the most basic colonial rhetoric ever. It’s so sad to me that people listen to him still and nod and think hmmm the man has some points
His most recent nonsense is claiming there’s no moral equivalence between war crimes committed by Israel (collateral damage, in his eyes) and the “terrorist acts” committed by Hamas (to use his framework)
There’s so many basic basic things wrong with how he’s framing it, but GOD to take a few
The way he equates Palestine with Hamas, but would be so incensed if such a false equivalency was drawn between, for example, American neo-nazis and republicans - or even the IDF and Israelis
The way he declares that Palestine, due to being culturally barbaric, suggesting that they revel in war crimes, almost deserve to be taken over is just colonialism 101 - this culture is barbaric, and uncivilised, so no matter what the dominant culture that I agree with and support does to them, they deserve that and more because they are not really people anymore, to me. They are less moral, more bestial, automatically in a category of other that is equivalent to less. He mentions Hamas using hospitals as bases for weapons, with no mention of the target of said missiles, but suggests that Israel bombing the hospital is okay because well they warn the civilians in the hospital. And we all know that patients in a hospital are so easy to be moved, and there’s so many facilities available to Palestine to move patients into. So really, any “collateral damage” that Israel causes is Hamas’s fault, but really Hamas is a stand in for Palestine because of the false equivalence he draws that he accuses others of. So really, they’re kicking themselves cos of their brutal horrible culture, poor silly souls.
This colonial sense of moral superiority, too - well, I’ll be fair enough to admit that sure, my culture once did act in the way this savage, barbaric, backwards culture did - but that was ages ago, and absolutely doesn’t still happen, so I’m actually…. Better? And can decide who deserves to die on those grounds? Never mind that the colonial savagery that you admit to was caused by individuals deciding that they had the right to decide which culture deserved to die, and his very attitude is a perpetuation of the moral degradations he likes to pretend we’ve moved on from. Never mind that the colonial project prevented cultures from developing organically, and condemned what they did not understand, and violently moulded other cultures in their own image at a time which even Sam admits Western culture was morally bankrupt. And cultures that need to resist an oppressive force by necessity commit acts of extremism, and commit to strict cultural rules, as the very act of maintaining one’s culture is an act of residence, and no matter what that culture looks like it will be painted by the dominant culture as a brutal and backwards one.
It’s just so frustrating, and I starting writing this when his blogpost first came out and am posting it now because I think it’s become very clear that his argument of any crimes Israel did being not as bad as Hamas did has been so roundly debunked as to make me more mad - especially when he follows up with an essay saying sure wish Israel didn’t do so many war crimes :( doesn’t make them look very good - anyways how scary is antisemitism, right???? I’ve never taken it seriously in my life before, even as a victim of it, but I think now is the perfect time to discuss it
Like yes obviously people coopting Palestinian liberation to be antisemitic is fucking disgusting and terrible - but his argument is also that Islamophobia doesn’t exist and was created so that no-one could criticise Islam (despite him having made a dollar or two over the years for doing exactly that), despite like. Bro cmon painting one religion as de-facto uncivilised and representative of a broader cultures “moral vacuum” and then equating all brown people to said culture isn’t exactly what it seems like on the tin. It’s just. Yeah his arguments are off the wall bonkers
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Joe Biden’s Biggest Fundraisers are Tied to Islamic Terrorists
The Iran Lobby, the Pakistan Lobby, and the Muslim Brotherhood are funding Biden.
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by Daniel Greenfield
Joe Biden had spent the entire election hiding the names of his bundlers, the big money fundraisers who fueled his campaign, until releasing them right before Election Day.
What did he have to hide?
The list of bundlers who managed to raise at least $100,000 for Biden includes some of the usual Democrat politicians and big party donors, along with some other names.
Like that of Jamal Abdi.
Abdi is the executive director of NIAC Action and the former policy director of the National Iranian American Council, often referred to as the Iran Lobby.
NIAC Action is the lobbying arm of NIAC and despite claiming to represent the Persian diaspora in America, Iranian-Americans have accused it of echoing the talking points of Iran’s regime. Members of the democratic opposition to the Islamist regime have even helped spread the #niaclobbies4mullahs hashtag across Twitter which was tweeted as much as 300,000 times.
“The NIAC pretends to support the interests of Iranians who reside in the US but, in practice, it aims to protect the interests of the Islamic Republic,” Shervan Fashandi, a member of the opposition to the regime, has said.
Earlier this year, Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Tom Cotton had sent a letter to the Justice Department urging an investigation of NIAC and NIAC Action for violating FARA by lobbying for a foreign country without officially registering as foreign agents. The letter noted that "NIAC's relationship with the Iranian regime and its role amplifying regime propaganda in the United States have been the subject of discussion in Washington D.C. for years."
Iran is an Islamic terror state responsible for the murder of Americans around the world.
Joe Biden is no stranger to the Iran Lobby. He had celebrated the Islamic takeover of Iran. During the Iran Hostage Crisis, opposed the rescue of American hostages, and called for an end to pro-democracy broadcasts into Iran and for admitting the terror state into the WTO.
Early in the century, he had also raised sizable amounts of money and headlined an event for the American Iranian Council whose founder had run for the presidency of Iran.
After September 11, Biden suggested, “this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran.”
In 2007, Biden warned that if President Bush took action to stop Iran, he would impeach him.
A year later, he told Israelis that they would have to accept Iran’s nuclear program.
A spokesman for the Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran warned that Biden's campaigns "have been financed by Islamic charities of the Iranian regime based in California."
Now, as America struggled with the pandemic, Biden hurried to propose a plan, not to help Americans, but to help Iran, to “streamline channels for banking” and weaken US sanctions.
NIAC Action endorsed Biden and appears to have raised a lot of money for him. What does NIAC expect in return? In its official endorsement, NIAC claimed that Biden had made an "ironclad commitment" to return to the Iran Deal. That would allow Iran to continue developing its nuclear program and provide it with an ongoing cash flow for international terrorism.
An article co-written by Abdi, one of Biden's biggest fundraisers, warned that "the U.S. has less leverage to secure concessions from Tehran given its own diminished credibility and Iran’s increasing nuclear leverage".
All of this comes as the FBI noted that Iranian hackers were targeting government websites in “an intentional effort to influence and interfere with the 2020 U.S. presidential election.”
Its hackers also sent threatening fake "Pro-Trump" emails to voters in Florida, among other states, warning, "You will vote for Trump on Election Day or we will come after you."
The move was transparently meant by the Iranians to aid the Biden-Harris campaign.
Had President Trump been the beneficiary of $100,000 or more in cash, a turnout operation, hacking attacks, and other forms of election interference from the networks around an enemy state, we would be hearing about it. Since all this is benefiting Biden, the story is being buried.
But Abdi isn’t the only troubling name on the list of Biden’s biggest bundlers.
One of them is Ijaz Ahmad.
Ahmad is the head of the American-Pakistani Political Action Committee (APPAC) who had boasted of being recognized by Pakistan's foreign ministry as the "true face of Pakistan".
APPAC is militantly opposed to India's attempts to stop Pakistani terrorism and Biden has been happy to pander to it, attacking India and expressing support for Islamic claims to Kashmir.
“We warmly welcome Mr. Biden’s policy declaration in support of people in occupied Kashmir,” Ahmad declared.
“Never before we have had so many Muslims in a position of influence in a presidential campaign,” Biden said, and quoted a Hadith.
APPAC noted that it had raised $320,000 for Biden, including $120,000 from Ahmad.
Tahir Javed, a candidate endorsed by APPAC, is also listed as a Biden bundler. As is Asif Mahmood, who ran for lieutenant governor in California, raising $1 million for the race, then for state insurance commissioner, before being appointed by Newsom to the Medical Board.
Pakistan is an Islamic terror state and an enemy of the United States, which harbored Osama bin Laden. The Bin Laden raid that Biden opposed targeted a Pakistani military town.
It’s deeply troubling that Biden doesn’t seem to have learned anything from that experience.
Another Islamic lobby member in the six figure Biden fundraiser club is Wa’el Alzayat, the head of Emgage. It’s been noted that Emgage is part of a network of Muslim Brotherhood organizations, and various figures in Emgage have connections to Islamic terrorist groups.
Another Biden bundler is Amed Khan, a member of an advisory council for the International Crisis Group founded by George Soros. In an editorial for the Quincy Institute, an anti-war group funded by Soros, Khan blamed the refugee problem on America's attacks on the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, and on sanctions on the narcosocialist Maduro regime in Venezuela.
Another of the bundlers on the list is Hady Amr, Obama's Deputy Special Envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations, who has co-authored articles calling for a Hamas deal.
Amr had been the founding director of the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar. The Islamic terror state of Qatar has dominated Brookings and is a major backer of the Brotherhood and Hamas.
But the most striking bundler on the six figure list may be Mohamed Soltan.
Soltan is the son of Muslim Brotherhood cleric Salah Soltan. Salah had claimed in television appearances that people from all over the world “thirst for the blood of the Jews, and predicted, “One of these days, the U.S. will suffer more deaths than all those killed in this third Gaza holocaust. This will happen soon.”
Mohammed Soltan claimed that he was tortured by Egypt’s new government which had removed the brutal Muslim Brotherhood regime from power. While it's not certain that the Mohammed Soltan on the Biden bundler list is the same man, Soltan lives in Fairfax, Virginia.
While Soltan has denied that he’s affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, he served as president of the Muslim Student Association at Ohio State. The MSA was set up by Muslim Brotherhood members. He was also a speaker at an American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) conference. The AMP has been linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, a terror arm of the Brotherhood.
Soltan has posted messages praising the Brotherhood and Hamas, describing the "Ikhwan" or Brotherhood as the "school that breeds amazing freedom fighters" like a Hamas leader.
In a tweet to the IDF spokesperson, Soltan declared that the terrorists were lions that would "annihilate u Zionist pigs".
A video shows him leading the "Khaybar" chant calling for the murder of Jews.
Joe Biden had tweeted support for Soltan by name and the Islamist supporter had thanked him personally after the Obama administration helped him escape Egyptian justice.
It’s understandable why the Biden campaign didn’t want Americans seeing a list of its top bundlers until now. The list contains disturbing names, lobbyists, and figures linked to Islamic terrorist organizations and regimes from Iran to Pakistan to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The presence of so many Islamist bundlers testifies not only to their determination to buy influence in a Biden administration, but Biden’s eagerness to sell out America. These donations are the culmination of decades of Biden’s pandering to Iran, to Pakistan, and to the Muslim Brotherhood. These are the numbers in cold hard cash for which Biden is betraying America.
The bundler list shows that Biden will aid Iran, Pakistan, and the Muslim Brotherhood. Islamic terrorists will thrive and Americans, and free people around the world, will die at their hands.
The Biden campaign is funded by supporters of Islamic terrorism because it supports terror.
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d2kvirus · 4 years
Dickheads of the Month: September 2020
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of September 2020 to make sure that they are never forgotten.
Remember how proven liar Boris Johnson said he had a world-beating oven-ready Britait deal, which was also the basis of his election slogan campaign of “Get Britait done” and the lack of support for the deal is the reason he sacked 21 of his own MPs?  Just asking, because he tore the whole thing up and said it was unworkable - which also led to Brandon Lewis saying in Parliament, so it is now forever enshrined in the Hansard, that De Pfeffel merely broke international law “in a very specific and limited way” - you know, sort of like how the Manson Family broke the law in a very specific and limited way
The bold vision of a new BBC shared by Tim Davie was revealed when he threatened comedy shows with the axe if they kept making jokes about Britait, the Tory Party or Donald Trump on his first day on the job, because as we all know the best form of comedy comes from punching down rather than up, which is why Little Britain definitely hasn’t aged appallingly
Master of decorum Donald Trump couldn’t even wait a few short hours after Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death before he started rallying the foot soldiers about cramming somebody more fitting with what he wanted into the Supreme Court
Mayor of Amity Island governor of Florida Ron DeSantis continued his bid to be recognised for having the worst response to the Covid pandemic in the congress of having the worst possible response to the Covid pandemic by deciding that, actually, the state of Florida needs to lessen its Covid restrictions at a time when cases of Covid have begun to rise alarmingly in the state
It’s no surprise that proven liar Boris Johnson lied in Parliament by referring to Serco’s failing test & trace app as “NHS Test & Trace” - however the biggest issue is that the BBC had been using the exact same phrase for at least two weeks before that
Nobody was surprised to hear smirking cretin Priti Patel personally using the term “activist lawyers” that the Home Office (headed by P. Patel) had previously used to dehumanise and demean people upholding those pesky immigration laws that the Tory Party really don’t like getting in the way
Tax dodging orange goblin Donald Trump was asked a simple question: Do you think that white supremacists are a problem?  We are still waiting for an answer to that question...
Okay, so now the Conservative Party are cracking down on people breaking lockdown, with threats of a £10,000 fine - rather than circling the wagons around them and throwing out one cock and bull excuse after another like they did when Dominic Cummings broke lockdown to nip off to Durham after testing positive for Covid on what just so happened to be his wife’s birthday
You know that Matt Hancock is good at his job when, having been sent out in front of the cameras to defend The Tory Party appointing ex-Australian PM and all-around arsehole Tony Abbott as a trade advisor in spite his history of misogynistic, homophobic and “Let’s kill the elderly so we can survive Covid” comments the best he could do was say he was a good negotiator...which promptly led to all manner of comments about Harold Shipman being a good GP and Fred West laying one hell of a patio 
According to Jacob Rees Mogg the public having a legitimate complaint about it being damn near impossible to have a Covid test is nothing more than “endless carping” and not, say, legitimate criticism of a woefully underprepared government trying to coast by on the bare minimum who have the gall to try and blame the public for their long list of catestrophic fuckups
It was no surprise to hear proven liar Boris Johnson hand-wringing about “the freedom of the press” after Extinction Rebellion finally realised that being annoying idiots is far more likely to gain support if you’re being annoying idiots with a purpose - just as it was no surprise to hear that proven liar Boris Johnson had no opinion whatsoever of Tim Davie telling BBC newsreaders to fall in line with the corporation (read: Tory) line or they’d be sacked
Once again there was a chance for Keir Starmer to show that his talk of being “true Opposition” is more than a soundbite and, once again, he wimped out on it when ordering Labour MPs to abstain from voting on the Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill for fear of being accused of being “anti-British” by voting for a bill created to stop prosecution of British troops for using torture instead of voting against it - and then sacking Nadia Whittome, Beth Winter, and Olivia Blake from their junior ministerial positions when they were three of the 18 Labour MPs who voted against it
It clearly never occurred to Marsha Blackburn when she was browbeating people about the Constitution of the US never being rewritten that the Constitution of the US has been rewritten several times already.  There’s a reason they’re called “Amendments” and not “Footnotes” you know...
Smirking cretin Priti Patel proudly stated that, if she saw her neighbours, she’d gladly call the police due to them breaking the law.  This was around 14 hours after she’d voted to break international law in the Commons, or a few short years after she broke ministerial code by nipping over to Israel to have undisclosed meetings with israeli officials, which begs the question about whether her neighbours are just as willing, doesn’t it?
Judging by Alan Sugar tweeting out conspiracy theories about Covid being created in a Wuhan lab, I think it's safe to say that no Apprentice game show host is capable of not acting like a complete arse on Twitter.  Luckily for the UK, Sugar isn’t Prime Minister - he’s merely a member of the House of Lords...
It’s been a while since WWE acted like totalitarian dicks to the wrestlers employed independently contracted to them but they managed to find one by telling every single one of their employees independent contractors that they could no longer use Twitch or Cameo as it was decided this was being “detrimental” to the company...you know, the bunch of carnies who sign billion dollar deals with our journalist-murdering, woman-oppressing, Yemeni-slaughtering, 9/11-planning “allies” Saudi Arabia, don’t have any for of healthcare for their employees independent contractors, continued a pay per view even though one of their employees independent contractors died due to a stunt going wrong that was linked to the company cheaping out on a safety harness, and apparently not knowing that the term “independent contractor” doesn’t mean the company can sign them to five year deals but sack them at any point - and then prevent them from working anywhere else for 90 days
We had confirmation of Alison Pearson possessing a terrifying combination of pig ignorance and outright sociopathy when she began a Telegraph article with the following: “My son has Covid-19.  Good.”
Sour grapes from Lisa Nandy over people forgetting she was in the Labour leadership race judging by how she apparently didn’t listen to a party pledge to tax corporations and instead spout off a bunch of nonsensical gibberish that sounded uncannily like Britain First rhetoric under the belief that sounding like Britain First is guaranteed to win back working class Northern voters
Litigious TERF JK Rowling revealed her latest book is about a man who murders people while dressed as a woman, which definitely hasn’t drawn any form of comment whatsoever...
You would like to believe that reports of Limestone Games not only effectively stealing the game Aeon Must Die! from the actual dev team who were forced out of the company by a culture of abuse and harassment by a shady cabal who took over the studio would have eld to the game’s release being postponed, especially after it emerged that assets used in the game’s trailer were infringing on various copyrights - but instead Focus Home Entertainment responded by twiddling their thumbs and doing nothing
I’m sure there’s no connection between Alan Sugar demanding people go back to work as if the number of Covid cases has been rising to an alarming degree and how Alan Sugar is bemoaning that his commercial property portfolio is not making him “enough” money due to people staying at home.  None whatsoever...
The fact that those moron parents in California started a wildfire after setting off fireworks for their baby’s gender reveal party that led to over 20,000 people having to evacuate their homes is dickheaded enough - but the fact that it’s not the first case of this happening, as a similar incident happened in Arizona back in 2018, makes them look even more dickheaded
If you want to say you put Britain before anything else, like Andrea Jenkyns did in her latest Twitter tsunami of childishness and spite, it doesn't look good when you say you're pro-Trump before pre-De Pfeffel as it defeats your own argument almost as fast as being Andrea Jenkyns - or, you know, failing to spell the word “British” correctly when accusing people of being anti-British
It would have been wise if West Ham announced that manager David Moyes and two players had tested positive for Covid before their match with Hull - not after the match had kicked off, leading to Moyes legging it out of the stadium
Whatever it is in the mind of DeAnna Lorraine that snapped and had her babbling insane nonsense that The Masked Singer is part of a covert plot to have people wearing masks probably can’t be repaired, and appears to have also caused her to accuse anyone who thinks she does sound insane of being acolytes of George Soros
Professional victim Laurence Fox somehow believed that posting a chat log of a conversation between himself and Rebecca Front and then howling about being “cancelled” - and then a few hours later had to very publicly backtrack, no doubt because his agent had several dozen words with him
I have no idea why David Cameron convinced himself that showing himself helping out in the Chipping Norton food bank was a good idea, considering he’s the reason why food banks exist in the first place
How nice of Manchester Metropolitan University to tell the students who were confined to accomodation so unable to go out and buy food, who were paying £9000 tuition fees for face-to-face tutoring that was done via Zoom that makes such good value of the hundreds of pounds of rent they have to pay per month when they could have had those same lectures from home, that they’re not allowed to protest about this situation and had to take any signs posted on their windows critical of the government down immediately
In normal circumstances Mason Greenwood and Phil Foden sneaking girls into the England team hotel would look pretty stupid, especially in Foden’s case considering the odds of his live-in girlfriend not finding out about this are practically nil, but during a global pandemic it looked so incredibly boneheaded it’s lucky they play for the Manchester clubs otherwise the front pages would be calling them ignorant traitors or some such bullshit
Nothing sums up Premier League referees quite like them clearly not understanding the current definition of the handball rule, but rather than actually look it up they make it up as they go alone leading to more penalties being awarded for handball in the first four rounds of Premier League fixtures than in entire seasons - not helped by Premier League referees also operating VAR, where they seem to have a policy of “If you ignore my cock up, I’ll ignore yours”
And finally, inventing yet another terror atrocity, is Donald Trump and his batshit insane proclamations about cans of soup being a much bigger threat to American lives than, say, and AR-15.  But then again, it’s not like his support base has a habit of throwing cans of soup at crowds of people
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schraubd · 6 years
Election 2018: Post-Mortem
We're not 100% "post-" yet, as there are still a decent number of races outstanding. Here in California, the mail vote could yet push around some House race numbers (though Montana just was called for Jon Tester!). Nonetheless, we've got enough of a picture to give a pretty solid account of yesterday's events. Here are my takeaways: * * * Dems winning the House is huge: This was not something to take for granted. Let's not forget, there was a good chunk of time where people thought GOP gerrymandering had placed the House out of Democratic reach. And control of the House doesn't just prevent Congress from ramming through far-right pieces of the Trump agenda. It also gives Democrats a key fulcrum from which to launch investigations into the deep cesspool of corruption that characterizes the Trump administration. On that score, I actually don't recommend starting with Trump necessarily. There are so many targets to choose from, and if there's one thing I think we learned from how the GOP handled the Benghazi (non-)story, it's that a steady and constant drip-drip-drip of scandal is far more powerful than blowing everything in one shot. Start with easy marks like Zinke, and the noose will slowly begin to tighten around the inner circle. This was a continuation, not a reversal, of 2016's trend: One theory about 2016 was that it was a fit of temporary insanity, whereby good-hearted Americans had a bout of temporary insanity or rage or anti-Clinton derangement and chose a President whom they didn't really endorse or even like. Under this view, 2018 would be a "snapback" election, where these voters would revert to form and go back to supporting sensible candidates while repudiating Trump's extremism. Another theory about 2016 takes Trump voters more seriously. It posits that in certain very conservative parts of the country -- generally more rural, generally less-educated, concentrated in Appalachia and the American southeast -- they liked Trump, and they continue to like Trump. All the lying and racism and extremism and utter off-the-wall demagoguery -- the love it. Meanwhile, other parts of the country -- more suburban, more diverse, and especially in the southwest -- were moving away from Trump and Trumpism. Last night, I think, decisively ratifies the second theory. By and large, the people who like Trump still like Trump. Rick Scott's numbers in Florida were almost perfectly correlated with the 2016 presidential race. And at the same time, we saw a more decisive shift away from the GOP in the sort of districts where people already didn't like Trump. From what I saw, Democrats did better in Romney-Clinton districts than Obama-Trump ones, which verifies this instinct. And Democrats are continuing to make big strides in Nevada and (yes, even in defeat) Arizona and Texas. The partial exception to this view is the midwest (where Democrats won governorships in Wisconsin and Michigan, and a decent clutch of House seats as well). But even here, the news was mixed: Democrats lost the Senate races in Indiana and Missouri, the governorship in Iowa (albeit while winning 3 of 4 House seats) and Ohio, and their two pickups in Minnesota House races were offset by at least one and probably two GOP flips (which were some of the only such GOP wins nationwide). There is a truth that is important for pundits to get through their head: conservative Americans like Trump. He's not an aberration. He's not deus ex machina. He's not someone they begrudgingly tolerate. American conservativism, right now, is Donald Trump. If that's a scary thought -- and it is -- start reporting it like something scary rather than pretending that most Republicans basically pine for Gerald Ford but somehow got sucked into an authoritarian nightmare they wish they could escape from. State Races Matter The national focus also has somewhat obscured how Democrats did on the state level. A bucket of governor's mansions have just turned blue -- Maine, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, and Kansas -- and there were no blue-to-red flips (solid holds in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Oregon, and Colorado). And it looks like they've turned over at least six state legislative chambers too -- not bad! Priority #1 in any state with Democratic majority: lock in voting rights. It's embarrassing that a state like New York has a train wreck of a voting system, and it needs to end immediately. Republicans really did overperform Senate side Yes, it was a brutally tough map for the Democrats. But Republicans nonetheless exceeded at least gameday expectations. Democrats taking back the Senate was always a longshot, but if the GOP holds onto their leads in Arizona and Florida (likely), then they'll have come close to running the table on their best realistic Senate scenario (with only Montana and Nevada as the blemishes). That's legitimate GOP ammo for the spin cycle. And, of course, it does give Trump the ability to continue to pack the courts with right-wing ideologues, which is substantively terrifying. The Democratic Party Neither Needs To Pivot Left Nor Pivot Center The favored post-election parlor of any pundit after an election is to explain why the results decisively demonstrate why a given party needs to adopt the political positions they already supported. Among Democrats, this has typically shaken out along the Bernie/Establishment divide that we're apparently doomed to relive forever because this is The Bad Place. But the fact is, there was no clear trend in which sort of Democrats were winning and losing last night. A bunch of more conservative voices went down in the Senate, but in states which were already punishing turf. And some progressive darlings -- like Ben Jealous in Maryland and Andrew Gillum in Florida -- lost too. On the other side, some establishment picks did their job and won their race (think Jacky Rosen in Nevada, or Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan). But progressives had their stars too -- Beto O'Rourke's campaign in Texas certainly performed better than Texas's red tint should've allowed, and there were a bunch of more progressive challengers who are among the entering House class. Which is to say: different races are different, and different candidates are good fits for different districts. The Party isn't the enemy here. What I think has been shown is that the more extreme "Bernie" accusation -- that there were a bunch of winnable races that Democrats were quasi-deliberately letting go Republican because something-something-corporate-money, and if we only ran Real Democrats they'd be ours -- has been decisively refuted (I don't think Ben Jealous necessarily did worse than Rushern Baker would have done in Maryland, but he certainly didn't do better). But that was a colossally stupid take anyway. Which probably means it still won't die the death it deserves. Briefly on Beto -- Yes, He Deserves Praise This isn't even a hot take anymore but obviously O'Rourke deserves a ton of credit for how he performed in his race against Ted Cruz. I'm seeing some mockery from the usual conservative suspects on this, since he lost, but that's a dumb take. Yes a loss is a loss, and yes everyone hates Ted Cruz, and yes Texas has been slowly purpling. But a sub-three point victory in a statewide race in Texas (by contrast, Governor Greg Abbott -- no political superstar -- won reelection by 13 points) is a monster performance. And his tailwind likely carried a few House races over the finish line as well. The New Redemption is (Sort of) Upon Us I'm by no means the first to come up with the idea that we're going through a "second redemption" to undo the "second reconstruction" that was the civil rights era. But I think there is something to be said about the re-energizing of White racist attitudes that's occurred in America over the last few years. People have talked a lot about Trump and, before him, the Tea Party, not so much creating prejudice as "activating" it. I think that in places like Georgia or Florida, there was some demoralization among the White racist crowd where they had basically given up on the possibility that open racism was something they could "do" anymore. Now, they're downright jazzed -- and from that we get both Kemp and DeSantis likely entering a governor's mansion. That said, the story does seem too pat in some ways -- especially with the passage of Amendment 4 (felon re-enfranchisement) in Florida. It's no exaggeration to say this might put Democrats firmly in the driver's seat in a state as evenly divided as Florida (a full 40% of Black male adults in the state regained their right to vote through this measure), which makes it all the more surprising that it managed to clear the 60% threshold. And to be fair, some amount of credit thus has to be given to those voters who punched a ballot for both Amendment 4 and DeSantis/Scott (there must be a lot of them). One-State Wave! With Rashida Tlaib's victory in Michigan, we not only have our first Palestinian-American Congresswomen, we also will have the first Democratic Representative to openly support a one-state solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. She will join approximately 2/3 of the House Republican Caucus in taking this view (and if you're a pro-Israel type who's about to respond "that's not fair -- Republicans only support a one-state solution where Palestinians aren't allowed to vote!" stop and listen to yourself). Mixed Results for Anti-Semites Tablet did a whole bit on "antisemites running for Congress", but I found their list far too restrictive (or in a few cases -- most notably Rep. Andrew Carson and GOP challenger Lena Epstein -- too expansive). Overall, it seems like the worst-of-the-worst antisemites -- the open Holocaust denier sorts -- lost, but some more "moderate" cases did fine. I may do a more in-depth exploration of this later. Early Frustration is Misleading There did seem to be an extent which last night felt like a letdown for Democrats. Obviously, the Senate is a clear case where that sentiment is justified. At the same time, it seemed like the night got better for Democrats as it went on -- a couple of races which seemed to be slipping away (Wisconsin, Connecticut) broke blue late, and some of our biggest victories (Nevada) were also well into the evening. On net, there's no question this was a big night for the good guys. via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/2AQsRAy
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hanzi83 · 6 years
You know what maybe I should do what you guys do, most of you and start leaning centrist and to the right, even you pretend ass bitch liberals who pretend to be anti Trump are categorized in this because speaking out against Israel or calling out systemic evil hasn’t gotten anywhere, and even my people in my life have made deals with the devil so they can partake in systemic orgies while pretending to be male feminists, or try to be woke. Maybe I should start making deals with the devil too then; maybe I should be Pro Israel, pro racism, pro misogyny and actually be out in the open with it. Watch how fast these bitch ass media outlets will then start paying attention because you refuse to pay attention when I have reached out numerous times, and you can’t because powerful people locally who take orders from the Zionists have controlled my growth and once were socially conscious type but now suck up to the inner white supremacy so you can have your wrestling, sports, comedy, hip hop connection etc so maybe I should cheer on when white supremacy rises or some shit. Watch out how much you bitch ass shit fucks start paying attention then. I would rather die than ever make peace with any of you or ever break bread with any of you.
Maybe I should sell my fucking soul and become a Pro Israel person and actually be treated like I am a good guy and maybe then you fuck tards who pretend to be a part of resistance will pay attention and suddenly need to stop me, while you sit back and take that Zionist dick from Stern behind the scenes and he rams his fucking tiny cock in your mouths and the semen stains the back of your fucking bootlicking subservient mouth.
I will never be happy until your bitch ass bootlicking cunts kill me. Maybe I should attack the Me Too movement and blow the cover that this is probably all staged and scripted and you all are fucking each other behind the scenes and now it is just the men in charge allowed to now get traction and they are probably all long gone and dead, and their fucking clones are around to deal with the mess while all of you think you got some justice when everything you cheer for is fucking symbolism and it doesn’t mean shit in the end. And anyone in the wrestling business or covers it has a problem, you are no better, you are supporting a white supremacist company like the WWE who supports Trump, you can pretend to be outraged by Saudi Arabia etc but you still take that Vince McMahon dick in your mouth. In my opinion he runs everything, even the independent circuit you cling onto as something about being anti WWE, and you are still supporting them. The evil never runs out, it is just designed as something else.
I would rather die than ever serve that evil. Fuck everyone who does, but maybe I need to if it means getting traction since you fucking woke people are so woke about everything and anything but never once call out the real evil of the system and just pick on the characters that prop up in mainstream. A lot of my people support fucking evil systemic shit, and pretend they are good people. They sacrificed me so they can get all the orgies, perks, access they want and none of them have the fucking balls to say anything about it because it would mean they have to be subservient to me for hooking it up because I was the asshole who took all the fucking harassment and lumps from being prostituted on the Stern Show.
The funny thing is these people pretended they fucking cared about my status and cared about me progressing when it was all about them, it has become clear when they invite me out but still show me some disrespect while dick riding me and telling me I am a fucking legend while simultaneously shitting on me with your bitch ass subtle ways, and just because I didn’t compromise my sexuality like you guys did because you guys wanted to be down, and you were forced into marriages, which don’t even mean shit because most of you fuck other girls and guys on the fucking side. Nothing has any meaning, it is all pretentious. I feel sorry for all of your fucking kids who have to grow up and realize what kind of evil people run the world and what their parents had to do to survive.
Don’t worry once I post this, they will all try to root for my death, which is the point. I want you all to kill me. So if I say I support white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia etc, then will you pay attention and call me out and then put a fucking bullet in my head, since none of you fucking assholes care about my mental health and pretend to preach about mental health awareness, while the faces of mental health on the surface are the biggest fucking cowards because they won’t ever fucking tell you why this happens and how it is designed and they think they are really doing something about it. You aren’t doing shit. You are doing less than me, and I do fucking nothing for a living and I sit here every fucking day and wish for my demise so I never have to see anyone ever again.
I am waiting for the shit heads on Reddit to post this and not even see the point of this irrational anger. “HANZI IS LEANING RIGHT THESE DAYS, HE IS GOING EXTREME AND HE MIGHT KILL SOMEONE” Yeah a guy with no fucking weapons or no desire to hurt anyone is going to do something, what fucking shit heads. Maybe if I say I am going right, maybe they will support me, because everyone else behind the scenes is rooting for Trump. If they wanted him out they would have had him out, but most of these fucking celebrities that are going after him are going after him because Trump fucked some chicks they used to like. Someone inside showbiz told me that and I know you will say he isn’t credible, but none of these people are really against Trump because they support white supremacy beneath the surface, even the ones who seem to be the most staunch liberals.
None of these women actually care about the Me Too movement; I wonder what excuse they will come up with when it is Stern’s turn. They will pretend Stern forced them to keep quiet, but had no problem going to his Hamptons parties and the females that still hype him up are going to look stupid and that is why no one will ever take your fucking movements seriously because you still make deals with the devil because you love those access journalism, and systemic orgies that you pretend you don’t do because you are trying to convince people you made it because of your talent, when the talent is only 4th down the list of what you need to make it. It is because you have to fuck someone to get in position, and then later you can claim you were raped. MAYBE THIS WILL GET TRACTION BECAUSE I JUST SHIT ON THE PRECIOUS ME TOO MOVEMEMNT, YET YOU WILL FUCKING ALIGN YOURSELVES AND DEFEND PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE WAY WORSE. Any female who claims to be about this movement and you are still cool with Howard Stern, you have no fucking credibility, you have less credibility than I fucking do. That is why no one is going to believe shit.
Maybe I should start waving an Israeli flag and shit on Palestine like everyone of you “GOOD OLD LIBERALS” You call out Trump because it is easy to fucking do, you won’t ever admit that your bitch ass support for Hilary or any other corporate democrat is still supporting white supremacy but you just want to seem half woke You just call out the bare minimum of what is really corrupt and that is why it makes you look good to kind of call out Trump but you will find out that these good socially conscious types are also in the same fucking bed with all of these guys. At least Kanye had the balls to admit it, the rest of you just pretend and it will help you with not having to pay taxes, but still pretend that you are these staunch liberals, especially all of you fucking comedians and Hollywood type, who were busy laughing at the Whack Pack, instead of calling out Stern, maybe someone like me wouldn’t have bought into him being a good person since respectable people gave him props and associated with him. How the fuck is Jimmy Kimmel is bastion of liberalism when he has partook in shit with Howard Stern to mock the mentally disabled on his show and say its all in good fun and then gets on television like the pretentious twat he is and cries his little eyes out because a fucking lion died. Fuck you, you are probably a fucking Trump supporter too, but this is just for show.
Howard Stern runs his dick through all of you mother fuckers and you will keep pretending he is irrelevant which is why you are all afraid to call him out and you will then pretend to act shocked when something about him is revealed and I will be there to call you all out for the lying sacks of shit you are. If people in my life want to do business with filth and evil just so they can pimp out people they know to be down with those then fuck you too. I don’t want to be associated with any of you mother fuckers. All of you in this world have compromised your fucking sexuality to make it, remember it is never because of your talent, the talent doesn’t mean shit, and you can keep pretending because you all have pretend journalist write think pieces and act like their opinions are not biased at all and then anyone who says anything remotely related to a conspiracy, you lump them in with Alex Jones because deep down all of you support Alex Jones, otherwise he wouldn’t have never caught traction, you did that on purpose to make it seem like there was someone speaking some sort of truth and now you use it to spew vile hatred on conspiracy theorists. I rather be a conspiracy theorist then ever be a part of any of your fucking clubs. They are all filth. I wish every fucking day someone would fucking murder me, because I am  not going to do it on my own, I will remain here for as long they allow me. One day they will have to kill me, especially if I am trolling and telling you I am going to hype up white supremacy and support Israel, then one of you SJW’s will have to fucking kill me and you will be cheered on for it. Come on and do it. I have nothing to live for, no one wants me and I don’t want them. I just want to die as soon as fucking possible.
If you are stupid enough to think I am actually a white supremacist, maybe I should just pretend to be one and support all the wrong things since you all actually do support the wrong things behind the fucking scenes. Look at the irrational anger you fucking no good shit heads. Discuss this amongst your shitty little private groups and dissect it while you laugh it off but when you are alone you are crying because I hurt your little bitch ass feelings. Just like you have no respect for me, for my erratic behavior and irrational attitude to piss people off, I have no respect for any of you. I have no respect for anything you say or you do because it is all limited and none of you have the real power and the ones that do will do whatever it takes to maintain it.
None of you will even say anything until the day I am dead so then you can pretend you gave a fuck about mentally ill people, but allowed a sea of targeted harassment to come my way and make me feel like utter shit. You will probably frame me for something and fuck me over. I wish you would just be men and just fucking kill me. I have no desire to be here and as long as I am breathing I will be online causing shit and calling people out even if it means I get more blacklisted. What is the point, you already gave all my friends and connections to other people in my life, so why would you even need me, you have the better version of me that you can pretend to like.
I wish all of you who take pleasure in my misery and my behavior that this shit happens to everyone you fucking love and you have to deal with this. I hope you are haunted at night and can’t sleep because you shook hands with the devil and had to compromise your sexuality and beliefs to make it anywhere in this world and I will be in my fucking parents basement where it has been designed to happen, so bitch ass tricks can get ahead of me and make their lane and did it solely because I didn’t want to sell my soul, so you did it behind my back and joined up with evil shit heads. Now you get to pretend you are a good person. None of you are. You are all fucking evil and I wish the worst shit to happen to every single one of you for even fucking with me.
You allow sexual predators online to make waves as personalities and then pretend you are against it but you will never fucking admit that you support this kind of behavior and let it go on. That is why you let Woody Allen parade around, and you let Bill Cosby, or R Kelly makes waves and when their careers were done, then you decided to call them out for it because it became easy and convenient for you. None of you actually care and this women empowerment in 30 years will be exposed when some of these women are exposed as doing something fucked up and then pretending they could do it because they are women and they are allowed to get away with it.
Again anything I said in here is just my opinion backed up with no facts. It is still fuck you though 
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hg47 · 3 years
47 Reasons Why I Fear Islam - (Reason 5)
-5-Islam divides the world into “House of Islam” and “House of Warfare,” which means that a technical state of war exists between Islam and anything that is not Islamic.  A religion that claims to be peaceful, but is at war with everything else! ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Into-Infidels-Lynn-Editor-Copeland/dp/0882643452/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380152447&sr=1-2&keywords=INTO+THE+DEN+OF+INFIDELS One point brought up in the book INTO THE DEN OF INFIDELS Edited by Lynn Copeland is that there are more than 26 verses in the Koran obligating Muslims to fight Non-Muslims. ++++------- tweet ~ ♂: “Why do you think my behavior is self-destructive?”♀: “You tweet about Islam, and you won’t go down on me.”♂: [starts tongue exercises] ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Stealth-Jihad-Radical-Subverting-America/dp/1596985569/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380589061&sr=1-1&keywords=stealth+jihad+robert+spencer In his book STEALTH JIHAD Robert Spencer mentions a British cemetery that is now pointing ALL its graves toward Mecca, regardless of the religion of the remains. ++++------- tweet ~ Spreading Democracy! ㋡ In 2003 20% of Iraqi city-folk lived in slums; today 53% live in slums. [Harpers Index Nov] ♂: “Camel rides, anyone?” ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Why-I-Am-Not-Muslim/dp/1591020115/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380655534&sr=1-1&keywords=why+i+am+not+a+muslim In his book WHY I AM NOT A MUSLIM Ibn Warraq systematically disproves every extraordinary claim made by Muslims about their Koran. ++++------- tweet ~ The Koran has 13 different verses that command Muslims NOT be friends with unbelievers. (It’s OK if they *pretend* to be friends.) ++++------- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324787004578495711470936512.html?mod=googlenews_wsj This article by CHARLOTTE ALLEN mentions the Cordoban emerate when Muslims ruled over Christians and Jews in the 14th Century, and shows how today’s historians are seeing this bit of past through rose-colored time-glasses: this was NOT some ideal model of peaceful coexistence. ++++------- tweet ~ ♀: “Israeli scientists discovered a nanoparticle shaped like the Star of David.”♂: “Say, when has a Muslim scientist discovered something?” ++++------- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443294904578048451218760728.html?mod=googlenews_wsj From the article by LUCETTE LAGNADO, which raises a valid point—while the Arabs are demanding a “right of return” for Arabs displaced by the creation of Israel, what about a “right of return” for Jews kicked out of Arab countries by rioting angry Mobs of Muslims? Stories like those brought out in this article, is why it is difficult for me to ever view Islam or Muslims as the “injured party” in some dispute with Christians and/or Jews.  When the ever-present background hate for Infidels inside almost every Muslim is inflamed by preachers reacting to some worldly event, which sets off rioting mobs of Muslims who kill, loot, and destroy: I see a bunch of savages.  I also see the Islamic technique of pretext.  Muslims like to have a good reason for killing you.  Hate is always simmering, just needing some last straw or some event that the preachers can use to claim Muslims and Islam are being attacked, and that Muslims MUST DEFEND THE HONOR OF ISLAM!  “Now, go out and kill me some Infidels!”  The UN makes a vote, and Muslims go into lynch-mob mode, triggered by their preacher, who aims the mob at a target he has long wanted to “take down” and then with words of hate fires the Muslim mob like a gun. ++++------- tweet ~ ♰ Saudi Arabia $60,000,000,000 arms deal with US ♰ Number of churches in Saudi Arabia = 0 ♰ Bibles are illegal there ♰ MERRY CHRISTMAS ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Stealth-Jihad-Radical-Subverting-America/dp/1596985569/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380589061&sr=1-1&keywords=stealth+jihad+robert+spencer In his book STEALTH JIHAD Robert Spencer admits that yes, there are millions of Muslims with no interest in jihad.  Still, no Islamic authority anywhere has ever opposed the rule that Non-Muslims must be fought against and subdued by Muslims.  Apparently, some Muslims just don’t want to Get-With-The-Program. ++++------- tweet ~ I am suspicious of any religion which assassinates its critics. ++++------- http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/son-of-hamas-holds-islam-responsible-for-middle-easts-anguish/article2239037/?utm_medium=Feeds%3A%20RSS%2FAtom&utm_source=Home&utm_content=2239037 MICHAEL POSNER’s article about a former hardline Muslim fighter who now believes that Israel is not the problem; if all the Jews left, and the Palestinians had their state, nothing would change for the Palestinians.  They would still go on killing and torturing each other. ++++------- tweet ~ Want to know about Islam? Get an autobiography of a former Muslim who quit the religion & had members of his own family try to kill him. ++++------- http://www.city-journal.org/2011/21_3_muslim-economy.html This article by Guy Sorman brings up the interesting story of a young imam sent in 1829 to France to learn how Napoleon had so easily clobbered Egypt several decades earlier. ++++------- http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/egypt-pyramids-and-revolution/2011/may/8/cairo-sectarian-tensions-copts-christian-egypt/ Report from Cairo: Sectarian tensions between Copts and Muslims in Egypt Just more evidence of why it is impossible for non-Muslims to live among Muslims when they are in the majority. ++++------- http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/11/a_first_intelligence_reform_fi.html G. Murphy Donovan argues here that the entire U.S. Intelligence structure is being undermined by political correctness and political influence when it comes to dealing with Islam so that serious threats to our nation are ignored or misinterpreted. Some P.C. falsehoods obscuring threat assessment: 1) words like “jihad” or “Islamist” or “Islam” may not be used in threat analysis 2) “Islam” is not the problem; Extremists are the problem. 3) jihad just means “to purify” 4) Islam means peace ++++------- tweet ~ It is difficult for me to have kindness in my heart toward those who think of Jews as children of pigs and monkeys. ++++------- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1340222/Harry-Potter-actress-beaten-branded-prostitute-brother-dating-man-Muslim.html This article is about Afshan Azad who played Padma Patil in the Harry Potter movies, and how this Muslim girl was nearly killed by her Father for dating a Hindu. ++++------- tweet ~ 30% of British Muslims would rather live under Sharia Law than Democracy. 28% want Great Britain to become an Islamic State. ++++------- http://www.hudson-ny.org/1713/poverty-militant-islam This article by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi relays stats on Islamists; the surprise here is that these mujahidin (holy warriors) usually have an excellent education and come from the upwardly mobile urban middle class Muslims. ++++------- The smart Muslims who have studied Islam carefully and take it seriously are the most dangerous to the West, in my opinion.  They are fighting for religious reasons.  These guys are worried that they might not make it into Paradise unless they die during jihad.  Devout Christians try to do good deeds to get into Heaven.  Devout Muslims try to die fighting Infidels to skip an uncertain Judgment Day and zoom straight to Paradise. ++++------- http://www.citizenwarrior.com/2009/05/terrifying-brilliance-of-islam.html This article by Citizen Warrior mentions the large jizya tax that Non-Muslims must pay if they wish to practice their Non-Muslim religion while under Islamic rule. ++++------- http://answering-islam.org/Nehls/tt1/tt1.html#p21 This article is partly about the Islamic duality: how Islam divides the world into Territory of Islam (home) and Territory of War (lands to be conquered).  Also mentioned: how Non-Muslims are disadvantaged under Shariah law. ++++------- tweet ~ Islamic holy texts are more anti-Jew than Hitler’s MEIN KAMPF. Islam text = 9.3% Anti-Jew. There should be a warning sticker on every Koran. ~ But don’t worry.  Infidels will apply halal approved warning stickers while wearing gloves so our filthy touch does not render the Korans unclean. ++++------- http://www.bharatvani.org/books/jtsi/ch01.htm This article lays out the Islamic rules on how we who refuse to convert to Islam are to be dealt with.  It’s the usual: kill us, loot our property, enslave us, humiliate us; or, if Muslims are weakened, bide their time until they are strong enough to subdue us. ++++------- http://iranpoliticsclub.net/islam/islam-danger2/index.htm This amazing long article on the history of Islam has one of the best collections of pictures of suicide bomber children.  It’s worth a look, even if you don’t read the article.  But actually the words are even more powerful and enlightening than the pictures! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Go-To-6+ +Go-To-Beginning-Of-47-REASONS-WHY-I-FEAR-ISLAM+
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news4dzhozhar · 7 years
**Just got this long interview brought to my attention. As this is the most recent installment I'm posting the body here. For the previous parts, follow the link at the bottom of the page this is sourced from. The whole thing is dizzying & at times contrary to itself but - decide for yourself** In our last interview, we agreed to not post any more Sean Gannon interviews as long as they did not retaliate against our source Sean Gannon in any way. They have not honored that. Not only has he been Relieved of Duty, stripped of his badge, gun, and even personal civilian License To Carry, they are going further. They cannot do this permanently and officially Terminate him unless they prove misconduct. They have convened an Internal Affairs hearing for this purpose on Monday, January 9th, 3:00pm at Boston Police Headquarters, 1199 Tremont Street. We have a new interview that we believe will change their minds. Sean Gannon Interview Part XIV Sean Gannon: I’m going to start off with some little-known facts. I trained at the same martial arts school as the Boston Bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev for YEARS. I also spent years as a member of BRIC (Boston Regional Intelligence Center). Here is an old article from a conspiracy website entitled “Six Degrees of Sean Gannon” http://carriemath.blogspot.com/2014/01/six-degrees-of-sean-gannon.html describing some of the events that went down and the connection I had to them. It concludes with “Knowing Sean Gannon will lead to death 5 out of 6 times.” It’s one of those conspiracy theories that actually happens to be somewhat true … except they’re WAY underestimating the body count. I’m going to lay out some little known (so far) facts here. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was an FBI asset. He was an FBI asset for a LONG time. Those times he got thrown out of the Cambridge mosque for being “too radical”? He was a “Mosque Crawler” – one of those FBI informants that pretend to be a radical so he can wrap up real Muslims in FBI stings with 20-year sentences. The people of that mosque were the good Muslims, people that just wanted to be good Americans, a better life for their children, and to not make more problems for their Muslim brothers. They tossed him out on his ass. They also probably suspected he was an informant as well. Did it ever sound strange to anyone that Russia explicitly warned us he was a terrorist upon his return to the US, but somehow the message got “misplaced.” It wasn’t “misplaced” we’re the ones that SENT him over there to act like a radical in the first place. Some say the Russians are paranoid. Well, it’s not paranoia when they really ARE out to get you. I don’t know enough about Russian regional politics to know exactly what he was doing over there, but I can assure you it wasn’t for the benefit of the Russians. After many years of struggle and sacrifice, Putin had finally managed to establish a degree of peace between Chechens and Russians, Muslims and Christians. Tamerlan was there to undermine that, and who was going to suffer? Innocent Russians dead in terrorist attacks and the good Muslims who would be blamed for what the pawns were doing. In Dagestan, Tamerlan formed a friendship with another young Muslim named William Plotnikov. They had very similar backgrounds, both had fled the former Soviet Union, both were elite amateur boxers in North America, both (allegedly) were devout Muslims and had a lot of other things in common. There were a lot of things that made Tamerlan identify with Plotnikov. Plotnikov was then killed in a shootout between police and militants in Dagestan. Two days later Tamerlan returned to the US. This is when the REAL radicalization of Tamerlan took place. I saw the difference in his face and manner as soon as he got back to the gym. He had always taken his prayer breaks in the gym before (we never had to wonder what direction Mecca was) but now they had a special intensity. He had grown a big beard to impress the radicals overseas, but it grew even bigger now that he actually meant it. Muslim brotherhood is a very real thing. Betraying your fellow Muslims is one of the worst things a Muslim can do. It’s actually the number one way the FBI and Israelis get you guys every time. Once you have betrayed your people in the smallest way, you are now a marked man for life if they ever release that information. Your family, your friends, your own mother will disown you. That means THEY now own you, body and soul. Tamerlan’s only way out now was murderous martyrdom. And he was going to take as many people with him as possible. I want to take a minute to explain who MY Muslims are. Boston is a diverse, fairly international city. With all the elite colleges like Harvard and MIT around here, out of the ten wealthiest men in the world, sometimes six of them have sons in Boston. King Bhumibol of Thailand (may His Majesty rest in peace) was born here while his father studied medicine at Harvard. The sons of the most wealthy and powerful families in the world come here, many of them Muslim, and do their thing for four years. You’ve got to understand, for many incoming Muslims, just the way women dress in America is like us going to a topless beach in France for the first time. Alcohol may be an illegal drug where they come from, so them going to a club in Boston would be like us having our bartender serve hash brownies and lines of cocaine … and our bartender is naked. When they have to go back home after four years, they’ll have a party that’s more like a funeral. But they usually leave with fond memories of our city. If they stay, they often end up concluding that the Prophet banned booze for a reason and quit drinking, but they’re still just fun cool guys to hang out with. I’m going to quote one of my Muslims, “I fast for Ramadan, I don’t eat pork, I pray, I look out for my fellow Muslims and I quit drinking. The only thing I can’t quit is hot girls in yoga pants.” Those are my Muslims. You’re a little wary of the psycho Muslims, but once you go out partying and chasing women with these guys, you’re like, “He’s OK, he’s just here to have a good time and make a better life for his family.” Tamerlan had previously passed that test. His radicalization happened later … but not the way people think it did. A little more on my Muslims in Boston. They’re not all rich kids from foreign countries, they’re also the small-business owners, the cab drivers, and many of the hard working regular guys and family men that make America great. I also do a lot of wrestling and martial arts, so I know a lot of great guys like coach Muzzafar “Moose” Abdurakmanov (former Uzbekistan National Champion), Sobhan “Soap” Namvar (former Iranian Juniors freestyle champ, beat the current Olympic Gold Medalist twice), Mohammed Hadifi and hot middleweight Muay Thai prospect Hussein Ilsadek. All really solid guys. I’ve even made friends with a couple of Nation of Islam Muslims … no easy feat for a pasty white cop like myself. I did it by being a straight shooter, honorable, honest guy in all my dealings, and they respected that, as I respected the role so many of them played as hard working, clean living, salt of the earth types that helped keep their communities together … even if neither of us agreed with all of each other’s beliefs. Also, men like Captain “Hadji” Hussein of the Boston Police Department. His nickname is not the racial slur, it predates it by many years, it’s based on the lovable friend from the old Johnny Quest cartoon and the title bestowed on devout Muslims who have completed The Hajj to Mecca. That name has a special meaning within this organization. For decades, whether he was your Sergeant, your Lieutenant, or your Captain, if you got a tough, dirty, dangerous assignment, you would tremulously ask, “Who is the boss?” And if someone answered, “It’s Hadji” you would breathe a sigh of relief and say, “It’s gonna be OK, Hadji is in charge.” He’s one of those guys where big problems become small ones, and small ones just go away. He’s like oil over troubled waters, he can solve problems that cause riots in other cities with 15-minute conversations. And when one of the military reservists in our organization get’s activated, he gets an obligatory email from Hadji saying, “Hey, hey, you better be careful if you be shooting at MY people!” He genuinely feels Muslim brotherhood, and he wants every soldier going overseas to remember that not all Muslims are our enemies, that there is a good Muslim at home that he respects, and that there are good Muslims everywhere that should be treated with respect. He doesn’t beat you over the head with it, he leads by example and then makes his point with wit and humor. He’s smooth like that. Now back to Tamerlan’s murderous martyrdom rampage – He wasn’t a real radical before, he BECAME radicalized by the way the FBI used him. The “Fast and the Furious” scandal from the ATF was such a big deal because it killed innocent Mexican nationals and cops. This will be MUCH bigger news here, because this time the blowback on their failed operation killed American nationals and American cops. It wasn’t just MIT/Somerville Police Officer Sean Collier that got murdered, it was also Boston Police Officer Dennis Simmonds. He got hit with one of the bombs chasing the suspects through Watertown. He eventually recovered enough to go back to work, but died of a sudden brain aneurysm a year later (almost to the day). Some people say “Boston Police are so brave.” Not really, we just have a great system. If we die in the line of duty, our kids get our pension as if they were us, something to take care of them the rest of their lives, like we were still there. They even get our jobs (automatically at the top of the Civil Service list). There is almost no downside to dying as a Boston Police officer. However, Dennis died young, before he had a chance to have any kids, so he didn’t get this. He does, however, have nieces and nephews, and they should never want for anything the rest of their lives. And the Federal Government, the ones that caused this fiasco, are the ones that should pay for it. Officer Sean Collier was in a similar situation. As are the civilian victims, Krystle M. Campbell and Boston University student Lu Lingzi. 8-year-old Martin Richard William didn’t even live long enough to have nieces and nephews, but his sister, brother and parents should never want for anything. That family should be made whole somehow. The good people that were maimed should be made whole (as much as we can) and not just by charitable donations, but by the same Federal government responsible for it. And we’re going to have to make things right with China in some way for getting their national (Lu Lingzi) killed with this operation. Kirik Jenness: Jesus. And they killed two cops? SG: It actually looks like it may have been more than two … this operation was going on a long time. It isn’t as well documented, and I’m still working on it, but if you kill a cop anywhere near MY city, it’s ME that’s honor bound to go after you. And I will not stop until you are brought to justice. And by the way, three of the guys intimately involved in the murders of Officer Sean Collier and Officer Dennis Simmonds are still walking free today, protected by the FBI. They’re not in some secret cell somewhere either, they’re walking free, still committing crimes, still a menace, and still a threat to kill more cops. KJ: Jesus! How did you find all this out? SG: Like I said, I was THERE when all this stuff was going down, I knew all these guys, am a decorated 20-year veteran of Law Enforcement, a member of MENSA, and was assigned to Boston Regional Intelligence as well, where you tend to learn a lot of stuff. It was all funny from the beginning, there were a lot of clues, stuff that didn’t add up, and stuff I couldn’t put together till later. Nothing I could prove … until now. What brought it all together is when I was doing some whistleblowing on some (in comparsion) lesser police misconduct. I referred to having “a lot of dirt on a lot of people” and some other specific things (will explain in another interview) and, being who I am, they panicked. KJ: What tipped you off? SG: When I went to the FBI with allegations of serious police misconduct, they inexplicably reported my “confidential” interview to the target of the investigation and have cooperated in a full court press to silence the whistleblower. They haven’t reported a witness to the target like that since the days of disgraced FBI Agent John “Zip” Connolly and Whitey Bulger. Luckily, I’m a Dick Lehr/Gerard O’Neill fan, so I figured it out quick. KJ: That’s really messed up! SG: Yes it is. It’s about the worst thing you can do in Law Enforcement. It means witnesses can’t come forward anymore because they can’t have faith in you to protect them, that you’ve lost all your street cred and that you’ve jeopardized your entire ability to be effective at your job. Nobody will talk to you anymore because nobody can trust you. I’m going to put it in starker terms: In any warrior society, honor is an integral to your existence. It’s especially important for Warrior Protector’s like Law Enforcement, because if you can’t protect your witnesses, you can’t protect anything. There is a STAIN on the honor of the FBI right now. It began when they set up witnesses for hits with Whitey Bulger, and good agents doing good work for decades had succeeded in wiping most of it away. And now all that work is gone and it’s right back on. KJ: Isn’t it dangerous to call out the FBI like that? There is no easy time for a cop. SG: I’ll be fine. I actually like fighting even more than I like women … and I LOVE women! I decided I was ready to go to prison for my principles a long time ago, and there are few people better equipped to handle it than me. Is it dangerous? Yes it is. I’ve done a lot of dangerous things in my life, but this is by far the most dangerous. And most necessary. They are the most powerful Law Enforcement agency in history, and if they want to hurt you they can. I’m gambling that the good men in the FBI outnumber the bad, that it’s just a few bad apples, and that the good men will prevail. They can act out to silence the whistleblower, but they’ll still have the same systemic issues until they address them. I’m hoping someday the FBI will come to appreciate that what I did was for the good of the organization, and for Law Enforcement everywhere. Also, we have evidence that they’ve gone to extraordinary lengths to avoid the upper echelons of the FBI, including FBI Director James Comey and their congressional oversight. Stuff that goes directly to the highest levels. I’m trying to avoid talking about certain topics here because it might affect good people that don’t deserve to be hurt or National Security. I will if I have to, but that is an absolute last resort, and I’m praying they don’t make it necessary with their ham-handed attempts at intimidation and retaliation. Retaliation from any party will lead to further information being dropped, and I won’t be so circumspect in the future. And it’s already encrypted at Wikileaks, and in the hands of people that will release it immediately if anything happens to me, even an arrest on a trumped up charge. And this stuff gets even more messed up. KJ: it’s not messed up already? SG: It gets substantially more messed up. This was just a warning shot. I mostly just want to be left alone by all the people messing with me right now. If they back off, I’ll back off. But it better be quick, because more stuff is dropping soon, and it’s much, much worse. KJ: Worse than this? SG: Yes. Much worse. KJ: Can you prove the things you’ve already said today? SG: Yes. It’s been documented in meticulous detail by award-winning journalist Michele McPhee, a veteran of the Boston Herald, Boston Globe, New York Daily News, Channel 5, ABC and current host of the radio show Afternoon Drive. It’s all been compiled in her new book Maximum Harm and will be a six-part documentary on the History Channel. Today, I talked mostly about the well-documented stuff in her book, but the new stuff we’ve got is MUCH worse (a lot of it based on some extraordinary work by the great Bruce Gellerman of WBUR) and we’ll be adding that to the documentary. KJ: Why didn’t she put it all in the book? SG: She wanted to, but she had a sketchy near death experience and decided it was safer to publish what she had, and do the rest later. Plenty here for more than one book anyway. I highly recommend that anyone that wants the REAL story of what happened with the Marathon Bombing to buy her book, it will blow your mind, and teach you a lot about how the world really works. And tell Joe Rogan, “Looks like you were right after all.” KJ: This is a little different from the movie. SG: It is. That is also one side of things. Mark Wahlberg is a brilliant creative mind on top of his acting abilities, but if you want to know what’s really going on behind the scenes in Boston, you’re going to have to go to someone like me first. And people like me are few and far between. That would actually make a great sequel, Wahlbeg’s character doing a little detective work and figuring out all the things going on behind the scenes in the first movie, and then bringing the additional cop killers and people pulling the strings to justice. Post Script – Thanks to all the people from so many unexpected quarters that reached out to help during this thing. And thanks to Anon for reaching out too. I wish I could have engaged you more, but I’m working very hard to do the Martin Luther King/Ghandi non-violence strategy – take a moral stand, speak the truth, and let your enemies make themselves look bad by the things they do to you. And anyone that has seen me fight knows that I’m willing to take a beating to get the win. You guys tend to wreck s***, which wouldn’t be in accordance with these principles. The other problem is that you’re a mixed bag, a motley crew, a real rogue’s gallery, some great guys, and some not so great guys. And many of your guys are too soft to do their own time, and roll on your fellow Anon quickly under pressure. Worse, they become way too enthusiastic about it (a common problem with certain kinds of informants), they act like they’re Junior G-Men playing Cops And Robbers instead of playing with people’s lives. No matter how much you like someone’s internet persona, never give clues to your real identity if you’re doing dirt together. You’re riddled with informants, and it’s dangerous to even talk to you guys because sometimes I might as well be talking to the bad guys direct. More on this at another time, you can thank me later. Here is a website with a few articles discussing the discrepancies over the years: whowhatwhy.org/2015/04/09/was-tamerlan-tsarnaev-an-fbi-informant-odds-say-its-possible/ whowhatwhy.org/2015/04/25/the-unexplained-connection-between-the-fbi-and-two-muslim-friends-killed-by-law-enforcement/ whowhatwhy.org/2016/05/11/tamerlan-tsarnaevs-immigration-records-reveal-fbi-bombshell/ whowhatwhy.org/2016/06/26/classic-whowhatwhy-tamerlan-tsarnaev-double-agent-recruited-fbi/ These were all first-page Google hits for me, but if you want more diverse sources, I recommend googling the obvious questions yourself and seeing what you turn up. It’s surprising. However, most leads tend to go suddenly and inexplicably dead in weird ways. And sometimes, literally. Here is a list of the House Judiciary Committee which oversees the FBI. Most of them are good and honorable people that were prevented from finding out the full scope of this fiasco by rogue elements within the FBI. They need to know the truth now so they can put an end to this, and put those three remaining cop killers behind bars. Please contact them and ask them to look into this, especially if you’re in their district. 114th Congress Majority Bob Goodlatte, Virginia, Chairman (113th) Jim Sensenbrenner, Wisconsin Lamar S. Smith, Texas Steve Chabot, Ohio Darrell Issa, California Randy Forbes, Virginia Steve King, Iowa Trent Franks, Arizona Louie Gohmert, Texas Jim Jordan, Ohio Ted Poe, Texas Jason Chaffetz, Utah Tom Marino, Pennsylvania Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Mark Amodei, Nevada Raúl Labrador, Idaho Blake Farenthold, Texas Doug Collins, Georgia Ron DeSantis, Florida Mimi Walters, California Ken Buck, Colorado John Ratcliffe, Texas Dave Trott, Michigan Mike Bishop, Michigan Minority John Conyers, Michigan, Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler, New York Zoe Lofgren, California Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas Steve Cohen, Tennessee Hank Johnson, Georgia Pedro Pierluisi, Puerto Rico Judy Chu, California Ted Deutch, Florida Luis Gutierrez, Illinois Karen Bass, California Cedric Richmond, Louisiana Suzan DelBene, Washington Hakeem Jeffries, New York David Cicilline, Rhode Island Scott Peters, California
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sufredux · 5 years
Israel and the Post-American Middle East
Was the feud between U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, first over settlements and then over Iran, a watershed? Netanyahu, it is claimed, turned U.S. support of Israel into a partisan issue. Liberals, including many American Jews, are said to be fed up with Israel’s “occupation,” which will mark its 50th anniversary next year. The weakening of Israel’s democratic ethos is supposedly undercutting the “shared values” argument for the relationship. Some say Israel’s dogged adherence to an “unsus­tainable” status quo in the West Bank has made it a liability in a region in the throes of change. Israel, it is claimed, is slipping into pariah status, imposed by the global movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS).
Biblical-style lamentations over Israel’s final corruption have been a staple of the state’s critics and die-hard anti-Zionists for 70 years. Never have they been so detached from reality. Of course, Israel has changed—decidedly for the better. By every measure, Israel is more globalized, prosperous, and democratic than at any time in its history. As nearby parts of the Middle East slip under waves of ruthless sectarian strife, Israel’s minor­ities rest secure. As Europe staggers under the weight of unwanted Muslim migrants, Israel welcomes thousands of Jewish immigrants from Europe. As other Mediterranean countries struggle with debt and unemployment, Israel boasts a growing economy, supported by waves of foreign investment.
Politically, Netanyahu’s tenure has been Israel’s least tumultuous. Netanyahu has served longer than any other Israeli prime minister except David Ben-Gurion, yet he has led Israel in only one ground war: the limited Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in 2014. “I’d feel better if our partner was not the trigger-happy Netanyahu,” wrote the New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd four years ago. But Netanyahu hasn’t pulled triggers, even against Iran. The Israeli electorate keeps returning him to office precisely because he is risk averse: no needless wars, but no ambitious peace plans either. Although this may produce “overwhelming frustration” in Obama’s White House, in Vice President Joe Biden’s scolding phrase, it suits the majority of Israeli Jews just fine.
Netanyahu’s endurance fuels the frustration of Israel’s diminished left, too: thwarted at the ballot box, they comfort themselves with a false notion that Israel’s democracy is endangered. The right made similar claims 20 years ago, culminating in the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Anti-democratic forces exist in all democracies, but in Israel, they are either outside the system or confined in smaller parties, Jewish and Arab alike. There is no mechanism by which an outlier could capture one of the main political parties in a populist upsurge, as now seems likely in the United States. Under com­parable pressures of terrorism and war, even old democracies have wavered, but Israel’s record of fair, free elections testifies to the depth of its homegrown democratic ethos, reinforced by a vig­orous press and a vigilant judiciary.
Israel is more globalized, prosperous, and democratic than at any time in its history.
Israel is also more secure than ever. In 1948, only 700,000 Jews faced the daunting challenge of winning independence against the arrayed armies of the Arab world. Ben-Gurion’s top com­manders warned him that Israel had only a 50-50 chance of victory. Today, there are over six million Israeli Jews, and Israel is among the world’s most formidable military powers. It has a qualitative edge over any imaginable combination of enemies, and the ongoing digitalization of warfare has played precisely to Israel’s strengths. The Arab states have dropped out of the competition, leaving the field to die-hard Islamists on Israel’s borders. They champion “resistance,” but their primitive rocketry and tunnel digging are ineffective. The only credible threat to a viable Israel would be a nuclear Iran. No one doubts that if Iran ever breaks out, Israel could deploy its own nuclear deterrent, independent of any constraining alliance.
And what of the Palestinians? There is no near solution to this enduring conflict, but Israel has been adept at containing its effects. There is occupied territory, but there is also unoccupied territory. Israel maintains an over-the-horizon security footprint in most of the West Bank; Israeli-Palestinian security cooperation fills in most of the gaps. The Palestinian Authority, in the words of one wag, has become a “mini-Jordan,” buttressed by a combination of foreign aid, economic growth, and the usual corruption. By the standards of today’s Middle East, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains stable. It is prosecuted mostly at a distance, through maneuvering in international bodies and campaigns for and against BDS. These are high-decibel, low-impact confrontations. Yossi Vardi, Israel’s most famous high-tech entrepreneur, summarizes the mainstream Israeli view: “I’m not at all concerned about the economic effect of BDS. We have been subject to boycotts before.” And they were much worse.
Every political party in Israel has its own preferred solution to the conflict, but no solution offers an unequivocal advantage over the status quo. “The occupation as it is now can last forever, and it is better than any alternative”—this opinion, issued in April by Benny Ziffer, the literary editor of the liberal, left-wing Haaretz, summarizes the present Israeli consensus. It is debatable whether the two-state option has expired. But the reality on the ground doesn’t resemble one state either. Half a century after the 1967 war, only five percent of Israelis live in West Bank settlements, and half of them live in the five blocs that would be retained by Israel in any two-state scenario.
In the meantime, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates are all shaking hands with Israel, some­times before the cameras. Israel and Russia are assiduously courting each other; still farther afield, Israel’s relations with China and India are booming. The genuine pariah of the Middle East is the Syrian regime, which never deigned to make peace with Israel. This last so-called steadfast Arab state is consumed from within by a great bloodbath; its nuclear project and massive stocks of chemical weapons are a distant memory.
The only credible threat to a viable Israel would be a nuclear Iran.
Israel faces all manner of potential threats and challenges, but never has it been more thoroughly prepared to meet them. The notion popular among some Israeli pundits that their compatriots live in a perpetual state of paralyzing fear misleads both Israel’s allies and its adversaries. Israel’s leaders are cautious but confident, not easily panicked, and practiced in the very long game that everyone plays in the Middle East. Nothing leaves them so unmoved as the vacuous mantra that the status quo is unsustainable. Israel’s survival has always depended on its willingness to sustain the status quo that it has created, driving its adversaries to resignation—and compromise. This is more an art than a science, but such resolve has served Israel well over time.
Still, there is a looming cloud on Israel’s horizon. It isn’t Iran’s delayed nukes, academe’s threats of boycott, or Palestinian maneuvers at the UN. It is a huge power vacuum. The United States, after a wildly erratic spree of misadventures, is backing out of the region. It is cutting its exposure to a Middle East that has consistently defied American expecta­tions and denied successive American presidents the “mission accomplished” moments they crave. The disengage­ment began before Obama entered the White House, but he has accelerated it, coming to see the Middle East as a region to be avoided because it “could not be fixed—not on his watch, and not for a generation to come.” (This was the bottom-line impression of the journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, to whom Obama granted his legacy interview on foreign policy.)
If history is precedent, this is more than a pivot. Over the last century, the Turks, the British, the French, and the Russians each had their moment in the Middle East, but prolonging it proved costly as their power ebbed. They gave up the pursuit of dominance and settled for influence. A decade ago, in the pages of this magazine, Richard Haass, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, predicted that the United States had reached just this point: “The American era in the Middle East,” he announced, “. . . has ended.” He went on: “The United States will continue to enjoy more influence in the region than any other outside power, but its influence will be reduced from what it once was.” That was a debatable proposition in 2006; now in 2016, Obama has made it indisputable.
Israel faces all manner of potential threats and challenges, but never has it been more thoroughly prepared to meet them.
There are several ways to make a retreat seem other than it is. The Obama administration’s tack has been to create the illusion of a stable equilibrium, by cutting the United States’ commitments to its allies and mollifying its adversaries. And so, suddenly, none of the United States’ traditional friends is good enough to justify its full confidence. The great power must conceal its own weariness, so it pretends to be frustrated by the inconstancy of “free riders.” The result­ing complaints about Israel (as well as Egypt and Saudi Arabia) serve just such a narrative.
Israel’s leaders aren’t shy about warning against the consequences of this posture, but they are careful not to think out loud about Israeli options in a post-American Middle East. Israel wants a new memo­randum of understanding with the United States, the bigger the better, as compensation for the Iran nuclear deal. It is in Israel’s interest to emphasize the importance of the U.S.-Israeli rela­tionship as the bedrock of regional stability going forward.
But how far forward is another question. Even as Israel seeks to deepen the United States’ commitment in the short term, it knows that the unshakable bond won’t last in perpetuity. This is a lesson of history. The leaders of the Zionist movement always sought to ally their project with the dominant power of the day, but they had lived through too much European history to think that great power is ever abiding. In the twentieth century, they witnessed the collapse of old empires and the rise of new ones, each staking its claim to the Middle East in turn, each making promises and then rescinding them. When the United States’ turn came, the emerging superpower didn’t rush to embrace the Jews. They were alone during the 1930s, when the gates of the United States were closed to them. They were alone during the Holocaust, when the United States awoke too late. They were alone in 1948, when the United States placed Israel under an arms embargo, and in 1967, when a U.S. president explicitly told the Israelis that if they went to war, they would be alone.
After 1967, Israel nestled in the Pax Americana. The subsequent decades of the “special relationship” have so deepened Israel’s dependence on the United States in the military realm that many Israelis can no longer remember how Israel managed to survive without all that U.S. hardware. Israel’s own armies of supporters in the United States, especially in the Jewish community, reinforce this mindset as they assure themselves that were it not for their lobbying efforts in Washington, Israel would be in mortal peril.
But the Obama administration has given Israelis a preview of just how the unshakable bond is likely to be shaken. This prospect might seem alarming to Israel’s supporters, but the inevitable turn of the wheel was precisely the reason Zionist Jews sought sovereign independence in the first place. An independent Israel is a guarantee against the day when the Jews will again find themselves alone, and it is an operating premise of Israeli strategic thought that such a day will come.
This conviction, far from paralyzing Israel, propels it to expand its options, diversify its relationships, and build its independent capabilities. The Middle East of the next 50 years will be differ­ent from that of the last 100. There will be no hegemony-seeking outside powers. The costs of pursuing full-spectrum dominance are too high; the rewards are too few. Outside powers will pursue specific goals, related to oil or terrorism. But large swaths of the Middle East will be left to their fate, to dissolve and re-form in unpredictable ways. Israel may be asked by weaker neighbors to extend its security net to include them, as it has done for decades for Jordan. Arab concern about Iran is already doing more to normalize Israel in the region than the ever-elusive and ever-inconclusive peace process. Israel, once the fulcrum of regional conflict, will loom like a pillar of regional stability—not only for its own people but also for its neighbors, threatened by a rising tide of political fragmentation, economic contraction, radical Islam, and sectarian hatred.
Israel is planning to outlast the United States in the Middle East.
So Israel is planning to outlast the United States in the Middle East. Israelis roll their eyes when the United States insinuates that it best understands Israel’s genuine long-term interests, which Israel is supposedly too traumatized or confused to discern. Although Israel has made plenty of tactical mistakes, it is hard to argue that its strategy has been anything but a success. And given the wobbly record of the United States in achieving or even defining its interests in the Middle East, it is hard to say the same about U.S. strategy. The Obama administration has placed its bet on the Iran deal, but even the deal’s most ardent advocates no longer claim to see the “arc of history” in the Middle East. In the face of the collapse of the Arab Spring, the Syrian dead, the millions of refugees, and the rise of the Islamic State, or ISIS, who can say in which direction the arc points? Or where the Iran deal will lead?
One other common American mantra deserves to be shelved. “Precisely because of our friendship,” said Obama five years ago, “it is important that we tell the truth: the status quo is unsustainable, and Israel too must act boldly to advance a lasting peace.” It is time for the United States to abandon this mantra, or at least modify it. Only if Israel’s adversaries conclude that Israel can sustain the status quo indefinitely—Israel’s military supremacy, its economic advantage, and, yes, its occupation—is there any hope that they will reconcile themselves to Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. Statements like Obama’s don’t sway Israel’s government, which knows better, but they do fuel Arab and Iranian rejection of Israel among those who believe that the United States no longer has Israel’s back. For Israel’s enemies, drawing the conclusion that Israel is thus weak would be a tragic mistake: Israel is well positioned to sustain the status quo all by itself. Its long-term strategy is predicated on it.
A new U.S. administration will offer an opportunity to revisit U.S. policy, or at least U.S. rhetoric. One of the candidates, Hillary Clinton, made a statement as secretary of state in Jerusalem in 2010 that came closer to reality and practicality. “The status quo is unsustainable,” she said, echoing the usual line. But she added this: “Now, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be sustained for a year or a decade, or two or three, but fundamentally, the status quo is unsustainable.” Translation: the status quo may not be optimal, but it is sustainable, for as long as it takes.
As the United States steps back from the Middle East, this is the message Washington should send if it wants to assist Israel and other U.S. allies in filling the vacuum it will leave behind.
0 notes
nyranfoyle-blog · 6 years
The Diary of Chloe R——-
Editor’s Note:
The following is a series of diary entries written in the Fall of 2017 by Chloe R——-. The last entry is dated one day before her death, which occurred on the occasion of her thirteenth birthday, November 27, 2017. All names and identifying information have been omitted or altered out of respect for the R——- family’s privacy. This document is for educational purposes only.
September the first,
If the definition of insanity were a sincere belief in the supernatural our world will be one monumental mad house. And it’s not like I’m ruling that out, but if we use the standards forwarded by the medical and cultural authorities of our time only a tiny minority would qualify as insane. Today the doctors came over. Usually we go to them, but these were special circumstances. They informed me in clear, unmistakable language that I am a certified member of the aforementioned minority. In my excitement I forgot to ask for a subscription to the newsletter.
More soon,
September the fifth,
I did a little experiment. For seventy-two hours I acted as if the diagnosis our doctors gave me was the gospel truth. I exercised my (long neglected) capacity for faith. It occurred to me that if insanity could explain Harriet’s presence I should give it a chance. I had to second-guess my assumption that the answer I preferred was the objective truth. The experiment was and wasn’t useful. I became more sure of my sureness about my state of being. I am not insane.
September the ninth,
Harriet agrees with me about my sanity, of course. I know in the way I always know. No matter how much hell I raise she won’t open her mouth to speak. Maybe it was spite motivated her unchangeable resolution to communicate with me through the Tele Path, I don’t know. It was blue today, and it glowed especially bright. How thoughtful, Harriet. You’ve upended my life entire, but you want me to feel your sympathy. Meanwhile I was fantasizing about stabbing you in the face. Maybe I would have tried, but the last thing I need is more bad luck.
More soon,
September the fifteenth,
Alex had his birthday party this afternoon. Somehow Mimi and Papa found out, and they were preposterously reverential to me all day to make me feel better. Mimi was delighted when her treacherous network of spies informed her that Alex cried and punched a hole in his baseball-themed birthday cake on account of my absence. Why would I care? Mimi and Papa’s assumption that because the big things are going wrong the little things are especially important makes no sense. Could it be that they’ve given up on their sickly orphan granddaughter? And now that they’ve forfeited the only fight that matters they are trying to gaslight me by focusing on matters entirely meaningless? Even for me that’s dark. No, the only acceptable explanation is they just don’t understand. I have no room for Alex in my mind right now. I need to keep my eye on the ball.
More soon,
September the twenty-sixth,
We’ve been haggling for days on end. I hardly sleep. Somehow I’ve lost more weight. Where did it come from? Did I shed an internal organ? It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. Negotiations are hopeless. Harriet and Chloe. Israelis and Palestinians. That is if the Israelis were constantly trying to convince the Palestinians they were star-crossed lovers, not mortal enemies, whilst continuing apace with their occupation of the West Bank (I wrote that for illustration purposes only, I have no idea what’s really happening in the Middle East, none of my affair, none of my concern). Some wise person once said “no one loves the man whom he fears.” As true as that is for men and men, it goes double for girls and monsters.
More soon,
September the thirtieth,
Another doctor today. Young. Female. We acted out our little play in the mirror. I have it down to the letter, and she didn’t do so bad for a first performance. I described every wild hair and stinking pore on Harriet’s twisted body while the Lady Doctor pretended to take notes. She was probably doing a crossword puzzle. Smug bitch.
More soon,
October the ninth,
Try this on for size: a delusion is a delusion when only one person can see it, while a God is a God when no one ever has. Joseph Smith claimed he walked with Jesus, and to this day the prevailing wisdom outside the confines of his cult is that he was either a quack, or more likely a con man. Faith is willful self-delusion. If it comes anywhere close to reality believers get nervous, not excited. It’s like getting a valentine from a cute boy. If you open it, no matter what it says, it’s just a scrap of paper. This is why so many mothers suicide themselves after having babies. Whatever form it takes, reality is a letdown. The powerful have to protect their faith, so when someone introduces them to reality they break out the straitjacket.
More soon,
October the sixteenth,
Lady Doctor. Back again. She wanted to watch me negotiate with Harriet. Okay. She sat crosslegged on the floor and squinted in a patronizing attempt to see the Tele Path. It was blood red. Harriet can be as mad as she wants. She can hiss, spit, snarl. Her mood isn’t going to make any difference. Neither will Lady Doctor, but she pretends to be very interested.
More soon,
October the twenty-first,
Strange day. Lady Doctor. She must have asked me a hundred questions as I listened to her muffled voice from the Tele Path. I had to remind myself not to respond in a shout. At first it was the standard headshrinker routine. Is Superman real? That one never leaves the rotation. I guess they think it’s funny. In any case, Lady Doctor started asking about Mom and Dad. They were personalized questions, but I had heard them all before. They’ve long since cracked the case. My parents die and I respond by developing a dangerous imaginary friend. When I tell them Harriet entered the fold long before the fire they develop spontaneous hearing damage. At a certain point Lady Doctor’s questions shifted. It was subtle. I’m sorry about your family. Do you ever dream about them? Yes. Good dreams or nightmares? Good. Do you get nightmares? Pretty soon that was all we were talking about. I described every dream and every nightmare I could remember. Lady Doctor was very fixated on the Gray Woman. A recurring player in my subconscious. Sometimes she’s a witch. Sometimes she’s my mother. Sometimes she’s a trash can, I don’t know. Oddly enough, I couldn’t think of a single dream without her. None of this was particularly interesting to me, but it was to Lady Doctor, and more importantly, it was to Harriet. She feigned impatience, but this was something else. She was lashing out. Stalking back and forth like she had to pee. Gnashing her teeth furiously and cutting herself where the top fangs hit her bottom jaw. At one point it almost looked as if she was going to speak. I have no idea why she had this reaction. All I know for sure is tomorrow I’ll wake up bleeding.
More soon,
November the tenth,
It wasn’t difficult to find a book on lucid dreaming. There were so many. The real challenge was choosing between them all. In the end I went with one that reads like a textbook. “Lucid Dreams” by Dr. Anthony Ford, phd. Mimi hovered over me like a vulture at the booksore. Thank God she doesn’t know about Amazon. I would’ve had to wait days. As it happened I was able to read the entire book before going to bed that night. I’ve had weeks of practice since then. I’m not a pro yet, but I’m getting there. Soon I’ll be able to find the Gray Woman. She’s been conspicuously scarce recently. Isn’t that something?
More soon,
November the eighteenth,
I got the bitch. Without a word of warning I wrapped my hands around her wrinkled throat. She tried laughing, then pleading, then cursing, then crying. Guess if it worked, go ahead. There were eyes shining all around us in the dark. It felt like forever. I was squeezing as hard as I could, but I’m only small, after all. First the Gray Woman went purple, then she went limp. I let go a few minutes later, after I heard a loud pop. Her face was familiar, but I had never seen her in the material world. She was too real to be an invention. Just like Harriet. How could my mind conjure up something so complex? I studied her face and hands for a long time. One by one the prying eyes were disappearing. Show’s over, guys. I went back the next night and most of the Gray Woman was right where I left her. Something had done a very thorough job relieving her of her innards. She smelled horrendous, so I lit a match and burned her to a crisp. It was a beautiful fire. I’m almost sure there was green in it. Harriet hasn’t opened the Tele Path since. I guess she thinks the silent treatment is some sort of punishment. Whenever I catch a glimpse of her in a window or a drinking glass she has her back to me.
More soon,
November the twenty-sixth,
Tomorrow is going to make me puke. I don’t know what Mimi and Papa have planned. The doctors and the lawyers decided months ago. As long as there were no more incidents I could stay home until after my birthday. In hindsight I wish I’d just ask them to take me in September. Why expend so much energy covering up the scratches? For a party? It’s something about girls. They love big occasions. Every Disney film is about some grand ball. Girls put on shows, they obsess over holidays. Almost like they’re trying to make up for something. Whatever it is, I never had it. I don’t like attention. Or parties. It’s not that I dislike people. I think I dislike noise. I’m going to ask Mimi and Papa to cancel their plans for tomorrow. It’s my birthday, I can be dark and brooding if I want to. I think I’ll to to D——- B——- on my own and climb the rock. It’s so quiet there. All you hear is the wind. It’s the best place in the world to pretend I’m alone.
More soon,
Editor’s note:
The next day, November 26, Chloe R——- went missing. Her body was discovered ten days later at a local nature preserve. There were dozens of lashes and festering wounds on the face and torso. The entire body was bruised and battered. The throat was hanging by a thin strip of tissue. Medical examiners estimate she was clawed and beaten for at least an hour before succumbing to blood loss. Multiple forensics experts were invited to review the case. By universal agreement, Chloe R——-‘s death was deemed a suicide.
This document is the intellectual property of the University of Pennsylvania Psychology Department. It may not be reprinted or otherwise distributed without the written consent of the department chair.
0 notes
newsnigeria · 6 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/the-war-makers/
The War-makers
[This analysis was written for the Unz Review]
Between the US strikes on Syria in April and the recent developments on the Korean Peninsula, we are in somewhat of a lull in the Empire’s search for a new war to start. The always helpful Israelis, in the person of the ineffable Bibi Netanyahu, are now beating the drums for, well, if not a war, then at least some kind of false flag or pretext to make the USA strike at Iran. And then there is the always bleeding Donbass (which I won’t address in today’s analysis). So let’s see where we stand and try to guesstimate where we might be heading. To be honest, trying to guess what ignorant warmongering psychopaths might do next is by definition a futile exercise, but since there are some not negligible signs that there are at least a few rational people still left in the US White House and/or Pentagon (as shown by the mostly “pretend strikes” on Syria last month), we can assume (hope) that some residual degree of sanity is still present. At the very least Americans in uniform have to ask themselves a very basic and yet fundamental question:
Do I want to die for Israel? Do I want to lose my job for Israel? How about my pension? Maybe just my stock options? Is it worth risking a major regional war for such a “wonderful” state?
A lot depends on whether the US military leaders (and people!) will have the courage to ask themselves this question and, if they do, what their reply will be.
But, first, let’s begin with the good news:
The DPRK and ROK are in direct talks with each other.
This is indeed a truly great development for at least two reasons. First, of course, the main and objective one: anything which lowers the risks of war on the Korean Peninsula is good. But there is a second reason which we should not discount: Trump can now take all the credit for this and claim that his (empty) threats are what brought the North Koreans to the negotiating table. I say – let him. In fact, I hope that they organize a parade for Trump somewhere in the USA, with confetti and millions of flags. Like for an astronaut. Let him feel triumphant, vindicated and very, very manly. MAGA, you know?!
Yeah, that will be sickening to the thinking (not to mention counter-factual), but if a little bit of intellectual nausea is the price to pay for peace, I say let’s do it. If Trump, Bolton, Haley and the rest of them can feel that they “kicked ass” and that their “invincible military” is what brought “Rocket Man” to “give up his nukes” (he never said any such thing, but never mind that) then I sincerely wish them a joyful and highly ego-pleasing celebration. Anything to stop them from looking for another war to start, at least for a now.
Now the bad news.
The Israelis are at it again
Amazing, isn’t it? The Israelis have been whining about “imminent” Iranian nukes for years, and they are still at it. Not only that, but these guys have the nerve to say “Iran lied”. Seriously, even by the already unique Israeli standards, that is chutzpah elevated to a truly stratospheric level. If it were just Bibi Netanyahu, then this would be comical. But the problem is that Israel has now fully subjugated all the branches of the US government to its agents (the Neocons) and that they now run everything: from the two branches of the Uniparty to Congress, to the media and, now that Trump has abjectly caved in to all their demands, they also run the White House. They apparently also run the CIA, but there still might be some resistance to their lunacy in the Pentagon. The USA is now quite literally run by a Zionist Occupation Government, no doubt about it whatsoever.
So what are these guys really up to? Listen to the one man who knows them best, and whose every single word you can take to the bank, Hezbollah General Secretary Nasrallah (ever wondered why Hezbollah, which has not committed anything even remotely looking like a terrorist attack since the 1980s is called the “A-Team of terrorists”? Just saying…):
The first event is the Israeli blatant and manifest aggression against the T-4 base or airport on the outskirts of Homs, that targeted Iranian forces from the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution of Iran who were present there, hitting them with a large number of missiles, causing 7 martyrs among its officers and soldiers and wounding others. This was a new, significant and important event. Maybe some people do not pay attention to its importance and magnitude. In this operation, Israel has deliberately killed (Iranian soldiers). This is an unprecedented event. In the past, Israel has struck us [Hezbollah] for example in Quneitra, and it turned out that coincidentally Guardians [of the Islamic Revolution] officers were with us. Israel declared hastily that they did not know it, and thought that all (targeted soldiers) were Hezbollah’s. This is an event that has no precedent since 7 years, it is unprecedented since 7 years, that Israel openly targets the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution in Syria, killing deliberately, in an operation that caused a number of martyrs and wounded (…) I want to tell the Israelis that they must know – I wrote that statement accurately and I read it to them – they must know that they have committed a historic mistake. This is not a simple blunder. They committed an act of great stupidity, and by this aggression, they entered in a direct confrontation with Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran. And Iran, O Zionists, is not a small country, it is not a weak country, and it is not a cowardly country. And you know it very well. As a comment on this incident, I stress that it constitutes a turning point in the situation of the region. What follows will be very different from what preceded it. This is an incident that cannot be considered lightly, contrary to what happens with many incidents here. It is a turning point, a historic turning point. And when the Israelis committed this stupid act, they had some assessment (of the situation), but I tell them that their evaluation is false. And even in the future, since you have opened a new path in the confrontation, (you should ensure) not to be wrong in your evaluations. In this new path you opened and initiated, don’t be wrong in your assessment, when you are face to face, and directly (in conflict) with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
I can only agree with this evaluation. As does The Jerusalem Post, NBC News, and many others. Regardless of how crazy this notion might sound to rational people (see below), there are all the signs that the Israelis are now demanding that the USA start a war against Iran, either by choice or more likely, to “stand by our Israeli allies and friends” after they attack Iran first.
Israel is truly a unique and amazing country: not only does it openly and brazenly completely ignore international law, not only is it the last overtly racist country on the planet, not only has it been perpetuating a slow-motion genocide against the Palestinians for decades, it also constantly uses its considerable propaganda resources to advocate for war. And in order to achieve these goals, it does not mind allying itself with a regime almost as despicable and evil as the Zionist one – I am talking about the Wahabi nutcases in the KSA. And all that under the high patronage of the United States. Some “Axis of Kindness” indeed!
What is their plan? Actually, it is fairly straightforward.
The Israeli plan “A” (failed)
Initially, the plan was to overthrow all the secular (Baathist) regimes in power and replace them by religious nutcases. That would not only weaken the countries infected by that spiritual rot, it would set them backwards for many decades, some of them would break up into smaller entities, Arabs and Muslims would kill each other in large numbers while the Israelis would proudly claim that they are a “western country” and the “only democracy in the Middle-East”. Even better, when the Daesh/ISIS/al-Qaeda/etc types commit atrocities on an industrial scale (and always on camera, professionally filmed, by the way), the slow-motion genocide of Palestinians would really be completely forgotten. If anything, Israeli would declare itself threatened by “Islamic extremism” and, well, extend a couple of “security zones” beyond its borders (legal or otherwise), and do regular bombing runs “because Arabs only understand force” (which would get the Israelis a standing ovation from the “Christian” Zionist rednecks in the USA who love the killing of any Aye-rabs and other “sand niggers”). At the end of all this, the Zionist wet dream: unleashing the Daesh forces against Hezbollah (which they fear and hate since the humiliating defeat the IDF suffered in 2006).
Now I will readily agree that this is a stupid plan. But contrary to the propaganda-induced myth, the Israelis are really not very bright. Pushy, arrogant, nasty, driven – yes. But smart? Not really. How could they not realize that overthrowing Saddam Hussein would result in Iran becoming the main player in Iraq? This is a testimony of how the Israelis always go for “quick-fix” short-term “solutions”, probably blinded by their arrogance and sense of racial superiority. Or how about their invasion of Lebanon in 2006? What in the world did they think they would achieve there? And now these folks are taking on not Hezbollah, but Iran. Hassan Nasrallah is absolutely correct, that is a truly stupid decision. But, of course, the Israelis now have a “plan B”:
The Israeli plan “B”
Step one, use your propaganda machine and infiltrated agents to re-start the myth about an Iranian military nuclear program. And never mind that the so-called “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action” was agreed upon by all five of the UNSC Permanent Members, and Germany (P5+1) and even the European Union! And never mind that this plan places restrictions on Iran which no other country has ever had to ever face, especially considering that since 1970 Iran has been a member in good standing with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) while Israel, of course, is not. But the Zionists and their Neocon groupies are, of course, quite exceptional people, so they are constrained by neither facts nor logic. If Trump says that the JCPOA is a terrible deal, then this is so. Hey, we are living in the “post-Skripal” and “post-Douma” era – if some Anglo (or Jewish) leaders say “highly likely” then it behooves everybody to show instant “solidarity” lest they are accused of “anti-Semitism” or “fringe conspiracy theories” (you know the drill). So step one is the re-ignition ex nihilo of the Iranian military nuclear program canard.
Step two is to declare that Israel is “existentially threatened” and therefore has the right to “defend itself”. But there is a problem here: the IDF simply does not have the military means to defeat the Iranians. They can strike them, hit a couple of targets, yes, but then when the Iranians (and Hezbollah) unleash a rain of missiles on Israel (and probably the KSA) the Israelis will not have the means to respond. They know that, but they also know that the Iranian counter-attack will give them the perfect pretext to scream “oy vey!! oy, gevalt!!” and let the dumb Americans fight the Iranians.
You might object that the USA does not have a mutual defense treaty with Israel. You are wrong. It does, it is called AIPAC. Besides, last year the USA established a permanent US military base in Israel, making it a “tripwire”: just claim that “the Ayatollahs” tried to attack the US base with “chemical weapons” and, bingo, you now have a pretext to use all your military forces in retaliation, including, by the way, your tactical nuclear forces to “disarm” the “genocidal Iranians who want to wipe Israel off the map” or some variation of this nonsense.
You might wonder what the point of all that would be if Iran does, as I say, not have any military nuclear program?
My answer would be simple: do you really think the Syrians have been using chemical weapons?!
Of course not!
All this nonsense about Saddam’s WMD, the Iranian nuclear program, the Syrian chemical weapons or, for that matter, Gaddafi’s “Viagra armed raping soldiers”, and before that the “Racak massacre” in Kosovo or the various “Markale market” atrocities in Sarajevo for that matter: these were just pretexts for aggression, nothing more.
In Iran’s case, what the Israelis fear is not that they will be “wiped off the map” (that is a mistranslation of words originally spoken by Ayatollah Khomenei) by Iranian nukes; what really freaks them out is to have a large, successful Muslim regional power like Iran openly daring to denounce Israel as an illegitimate, racist state. The Iranians are also openly denouncing the US imperialism and they are even denouncing the Wahabi dictatorship of the House of Saud. That is Iran’s real “sin”: to dare defy openly the AngloZionist Empire and be so successful at it!
So what the Israelis really want to do is:
inflict a maximum amount of economic damage upon Iran
punish the Iranian population for daring to support the “wrong” leaders
overthrow the Islamic Republic (do to it what they did to Serbia)
make an example to dissuade any other country who dares to follow in Iran’s footsteps
prove the omnipotence of the AngloZionist Empire’s
To reach this objective, there is no need to invade Iran: a sustained cruise missile and bombing campaign will do the job (again, like in Serbia). Finally, we just have to assume that the Zionists are evil, arrogant and crazy enough to use nuclear weapons on some Iranian facilities (which they will, of course, designate as “secret military nuclear research” installations).
The Israelis hope that by making the USA hit Iran really hard, they will weaken the country enough to also weaken Hezbollah and the other allies of Iran in the region sufficiently and break the so-called “Shia crescent”.
In their own way, the Israelis are not wrong when they say that Iran is an existential threat to Israel. They are just lying about the nature of this threat and why it is dangerous for them.
Consider this:
IF the Islamic Republic is allowed to develop and prosper and IF the Islamic Republic refuses to be terrified by the IDF’s undisputed ability to massacre civilians and destroy public infrastructure, then the Islamic Republic will become an attractive alternative to the kind of repugnant Islam embodied by the House of Saud which, in turn, is the prime sponsor of all the collaborator regimes in the Middle-East from the Hariri types in Lebanon to the Palestinian Authority itself. The Israelis like their Arabs fat and corrupt to the bone, not principled and courageous. That is why Iran must, absolutely must, be hit: because Iran by its very existence threatens the linchpin upon which the survival of the Zionist entity depends: the total corruption of the Arab and Muslim leaders worldwide.
Risks with Israel’s plan “B”
Think of 2006. The Israelis had total air supremacy over Lebanon – the skies were simply uncontested. The Israelis also controlled the seas (at least until Hezbollah almost sank their Sa’ar 5-class corvette). The Israelis pounded Lebanon with everything they had, from bombs to artillery strikes, to missiles. They also engaged their very best forces, including their putatively ‘”invincible” “Golani Brigade”. And that for 33 days. And they achieved exactly *nothing*. They could not even control the town of Bint Jbeil right across the Israeli border. And now comes the best part: Hezbollah kept its most capable forces north of the Litany river so the small Hezbollah force (no more than 1000 man) was composed of local militias supported by a much smaller number of professional cadre. That a 30:1 advantage in manpower for the Israelis. But the “invincible Tsahal” got it’s collective butt kicked like few have ever been kicked in history. This is why, in the Arab world, this war is since known as the “Divine Victory”.
As for Hezbollah, it continued to rain down rockets on Israel and destroy indestructible Merkava tanks right up to the last day.
There are various reports discussing the reasons for the abject failure of the IDF (see here or here), but the simple reality is this: to win a war you need capable boots on the ground, especially against an adversary who has learned how to operate without air-cover or superior firepower. Should Israel manipulate the USA into attacking Iran, the exact same thing will happen: CENTCOM will establish air superiority and have an overwhelming firepower advantage over the Iranians, but other than destroying a lot of infrastructure and murdering scores of civilians, this will achieve absolutely nothing. Furthermore, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is no Milosevic, he will not simply surrender in the hope that Uncle Sam will allow him to stay in power. The Iranians will fight, and fight, and continue to fight for weeks, and months and then possibly years. And, unlike the “Axis of Kindness” forces, the Iranians do have credible and capable “boots on the ground”, and not only in Iran, but also in Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan. And they have the missiles to reach a very large number of US military facilities across the region. And they can also not only shut down the Strait of Hormuz (which the USN would eventually be able to re-open, but only at a cost of a huge military operation on the Iranian coast), they can also strike at Saudi Arabia proper and, of course, at Israel. In fact, the Iranian have both the manpower and know-how to declare “open season” on any and all US forces in the Middle-East, and there are plenty of them, mostly very poorly defended (that imperial sense of impunity “they would not dare”).
The Iran-Iraq war lasted for eight years (1980-1988). It cost the Iranians hundreds of thousands of lives (if not more). The Iraqis had the full support of the USA, the Soviet Union, France and pretty much everybody else. As for the Iranian military, it had just suffered from a traumatic revolution. The official history (meaning Wikipedia) calls the outcome a “stalemate”. Considering the odds and the circumstances, I call it a magnificent Iranian victory and a total defeat for those who wanted to overthrow the Islamic Republic (something which decades of harsh sanctions also failed to achieve, by the way).
Is there any reason at all to believe that this time around, when Iran has had almost 40 years to prepare for a full-scale AngloZionist attack the Iranians will fight less fiercely or less competently? We could also look at the actual record of the US armed forces (see Paul Craig Roberts’ superb summary here) and ask: do you think that the USA, lead by the likes of Trump, Bolton or Nikki Haley will have the staying power to fight the Iranians to exhaustion (since a land invasion of Iran is out of the question)? Or this: what will happen to the world economy if the entire Middle-East blows up into a major regional war?
Now comes the scary part: both the Israelis and the Neocons always, always, double-down. The notion of cutting their losses and stopping what is a self-evidently mistaken policy is simply beyond them. Their arrogance simply cannot survive even the appearance of having made a mistake (remember how both Dubya and Olmert declared that they had won against Hezbollah in 2006?). As soon as Trump and Netanyahu realize that they did something really fantastically stupid and as soon as they run out of their usual options (missile and airstrikes first, then terrorizing the civilian population) they will have a stark and simple choice: admit defeat or use nukes.
Which one do you think they will choose?
Going nuclear?
Here is the paradox: in purely military terms, using nukes on Iran will serve no pragmatic purpose. Nuclear weapons can be used in one of two ways: against military assets (“counterforce”) or against civilians (“countervalue”). The point is that by the time the Neocons and their Israeli patrons come to the point of considering using tactical nuclear forces against the Iranians, there won’t be a good target to hit. Iranian forces will be dispersed and mostly in contact with allied (or even US forces) and nuking an Iranian battalion or even a division won’t fundamentally alter the military equation. As for nuking Iranian cities just out of savagery, this will only serve one purpose: to truly get Israel wiped off the map of the Middle-East. I would not put it past the Neocons and their Israeli bosses to try to use a tactical nuclear weapon to destroy some Iranian civilian nuclear facility or some underground bunker with the very mistaken hope that such a show of force and determination will force the Iranians to submit to the AngloZionist Empire. In reality, this will only infuriate the Iranians and strengthen their resolve.
As for the currently “macronesque” Europeans, they will, of course, first show “solidarity” on the basis of “highly likely”, especially Poland, the Ukies and the Baltic statelets, but if nuclear weapons start going off in the Middle-East, then the European public opinion will explode, especially in Mediterranean countries, and this might just trigger yet another major crisis. Israel wouldn’t give a damn (or, as always, blame it all on some totally mysterious resurgence of anti-Semitism), but the USA most definitely does not want the Anglo grip on the continent compromised by such events.
Maybe a Korean scenario?
Is there a chance that all the huffing and puffing will result in some kind of peaceful resolution as what seems to be in the works in Korea? Alas, probably not.
A few months ago it sure looked like the USA might do something irreparably stupid in Korea (see here and here) but then something most unexpected happened: the South Koreans, fully realizing the inanity of Trump’s reckless threats, took the situation in their own hands and began making overtures to the North. Plus all the rest of the regional neighbors emphatically and clearly told Trump & Co. that the consequences of a US attack on the DPRK would be apocalyptic for the entire region. Alas, there are two fundamental differences between the Korean Peninsula and the Middle-East:
On the Korean Peninsula, the local US ally (the ROK) does not want war. In the Middle-East it is the local US ally (Israel) which pushes the hardest for a war.
In Far-East Asia all the regional neighbors were and are categorically opposed to war. In the Middle-East most regional neighbors are sold out to the Saudis who also want the US to attack Iran.
So while the risks and consequences of a conflagration are similar between the two regions, the local geopolitical dynamics are completely different?
What about Russia in all this?
Russia will never *choose* to go to war with the USA. But Russia also understands that Iran’s security and safety is absolutely crucial to her own security, especially along her southern borders. Right now there is a fragile equilibrium of sorts between the (also very powerful) Zionist lobby in Russia and the national/patriotic elements. In truth, the recent Israeli attacks in Syria have given more power to the anti-Zionist elements in Russia, hence all the talk about (finally!) delivering the S-300s to Syria. Well, we will see if/when that happens. My best guesstimate is that it might already have happened and that this is simply kept quiet to restrain both the Americans and the Israelis who have no way of knowing what equipment the Russians have already delivered, where it is located or, for that matter, who (Russians or Syrians) actually operate it. This kind of ambiguity is useful to placate the pro-Zionist forces in Russia and to complicate AngloZionist planning. But maybe this is my wishful thinking, and maybe the Russians have not delivered the S-300s yet or, if they have, maybe these are the (not very useful) S-300P early models (as opposed to the S-300PMU-2 which would present a huge risk to the Israelis).
The relationship between Russia and Israel is a very complex one (see here and here), but if Iran is attacked I fully expect the Russians, especially the military, to back Iran and provide military assistance short of overtly engaging US/Israeli/NATO/CENTCOM forces. If the Russians are directly attacked in Syria (and in the context of a wider war, they very well might be), then Russia will counter-attack regardless of who the attacker is, the USA or Israel or anybody else: the Zionist lobby in Russia does not have the power to impose a “Liberty-like event” on the Russian public opinion).
Conclusion: Accursed are the warmakers, for they shall be called the children of Satan
The Israelis can eat falafels, create “Israeli kufiyeh” and fancy themselves as “orientals”, but the reality is that the creation of the state of Israel is a curse on the entire Middle-East to which has only brought untold suffering, brutality, corruption and wars, wars and more wars. And they are still at it – doing all they can to trigger a large regional war in which many tens or even hundreds of thousands of innocent people will die. The people of the USA have now allowed a dangerous cabal of psychopathic Neocons to fully take control of their country and now those, who Papa Bush used to call the “crazies in the basement” have their finger on the nuclear button. So now it all boils down to the questions I opened this article with:
Dear US Americans – do you want to die for Israel? Do you want to lose your job for Israel? How about your pension? Maybe just your stock options? Because make no mistake, the US Empire will not survive a full-scale war against Iran. Why? Because all Iran needs to do to “win” is not to lose, i.e. to survive. Even bombed out and scorched by conventional or nuclear strikes, if Iran comes out of this war still as an Islamic Republic (and that is not something bombs or missiles will change) then Iran will have won. In contrast, for the Empire, the failure to bring Iran to its knees will mean the end of its status as the world Hegemon defeated not by a nuclear superpower, but by a regional conventional power. After that, it will just be a matter of time before the inevitable domino effect breaks up the entire Empire (check out Richard Greer’s excellent book “Twilight’s Last Gleaming” for a very plausible account on how that could happen)
Okay, unlike Russia, Iran cannot nuke the USA or, for that matter, even reach it with conventional weapons (I don’t even think that the Iranians will successfully attack a US carrier as some pro-Iranian analysts say). But the political and economic consequences of a full-scale war in the Middle-East will be felt throughout the United States: right now the only thing “backing” the US dollar, so to speak, are USN aircraft carriers and their ability to blow to smithereens any country daring to disobey Uncle Sam. The fact that these carriers are (and, truly, have been for a long while) useless against the USSR and Russia is bad enough, but if it becomes known urbi et orbi that they are also useless against a conventional regional power like Iran, then that’s it, show over. The dollar will turn into monopoly money in a very short span of time.
Wars often have “Nietzschean consequences”: countries which wars don’t destroy often come out even stronger than before they were attacked, even if it is at a horrendous price. Both the Israelis and the Neocons are too dialectically illiterate to realize that by their actions they are just creating increasingly more powerful enemies. The old Anglo guard which ran the USA since its foundation was probably wiser, possibly because it was better educated and more aware of the painful lessons learned by the British (and other) Empire(s).
Frankly, I hope that the ruling 1%ers running the USA today (well, they are really much less than 1%, but never mind that) will care about their wealth and money more than they care about appeasing the Neocons and that the bad old Anglo imperialists who built this country will have enough greed in themselves to tell the Neocons and their Israeli patrons to get lost. But with the Neocons controlling both wings of the Uniparty and the media, I am not very hopeful.
Still, there is a chance that, like in Korea, somebody somewhere will say or do the right thing, and that awed by the potential magnitude of what they are about to trigger, enough people in the US military will follow the example of Admiral William Fallon and CENTCOM commander at the time who told the President “an attack on Iran will not happen on my watch”. I believe for his principled courage, the words of Christ “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God” (Matt 5:9) can be applied to Admiral Fallon and I hope that his example will inspire others.
The Saker
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wcharaf · 7 years
Sleeping on the upper bed, I woke up Thursday morning while Walid is playing the creepy man prank on me, staring at me real closely.  I missed his creepy man jokes.  He used to stand behind the door of my office when we worked in 2004 in a cellphone shop, and watch me in a creepy way, and pretend that he is hiding when I see him.  Sometimes it made me wonder if a psychological issue was really being manifested.  Thankfully, it was  just a prank all along.
Walid is 10 years older than me, but he has the wisdom of a 100 years old philosopher. He grew up in Beirut Golden time, in an ocean of intellectual waves, when Beirut was the Paris of the East.  Then the intellectual waves became intellectual wars, and they in turn converted to real wars, and he lived the civil war in lebanon that started in 1975 day by day, the Israeli occupation that swept up to Beirut in 1982, till he left in the 90’s, and the civil war outlasted him till the year 1989, when it kind of ended with the Taif Accord, while the war with Israel continued till today.  He studied music in California, and a bunch of other things.  He is a professional guitarist, a well learned pianist, a great composer, and an accomplished poet in Arabic.  He is a reference and an expert in the Arabic Language with all its branches, Arabic Music, Arabic poetry, and fluent in English and French.  He also speaks Spanish, and some Russian and German.  He is also an Islamic scholar, and few of his friends declared him as Mujtahid.  Although it might have been a joke at certain times, but it really reflected his intellectual capability to infer the jurisprudence he needed for his daily life.
Walid is also an radio producer, video producer, a TV host, a columnist, a chinese cuisine chef, a donut baker, an educator, and school administrator. I have been in London since Sunday, and I have not yet gotten to the real icons, like Big Ben, The Parliament House, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, nor have I seen the Thames yet.  By this point, I knew that it was not possible to catch up to the possibilities of each area, and it will be a matter of glancing over, and selecting few destinations of each neighborhood among the few ones I had planned originally.
It is time now to go to the heart of London, Westminster, where Big Ben, Parliamentary palace, and surrounding government buildings. I wanted to start the tour in the National Gallery.  The bus took us to Telefogar station, but stopped few stops before due to traffic, and after grabbing a croissant au fromage from Paul cafe, a little stony entrance called my name to it.
#wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 5:24am PDT
In a city like this, almost everything is beautiful, and every shop or cafe, every alley and corner, is worth a stop and a visit. It is like walking in a large museum. Nevertheless, some places call your name, so sometimes you answer to the call, and sometimes you apologize sadly and promise to have a second chance in the future.
Paul called me into it, just like this arch. Upon entering it, and moving from one chamber to another, I found myself passing through some Roman sites.  It was the Roman Baths.
This is London for you. Layers and layers of history, all preserved, all appreciated, all relevant, all breathtaking.  If an alien species attack us, and give us the choice to preserve only one city from utter destruction, I would choose London, because objectively with it, you would preserve the largest amount of human civilization possible.
Exiting from the Roman Baths, I find myself at Somerset house.
  Carrying on, I got to the Trafalgar Square.
#wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #vangogh
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 6:10am PDT
Its name commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar, a British naval victory in the Napoleonic Wars with France and Spain that took place on 21 October 1805 off the coast of Cape Trafalgar, Spain.  The name comes from Arabic طرف الغرب … meaning cape of the West.
The site of Trafalgar Square had been a significant landmark since the 13th century and originally contained the King’s Mews. After George IV moved the mews to Buckingham Palace, the area was redeveloped by John Nash, but progress was slow after his death, and the square did not open until 1844. The 169-foot (52 m) Nelson’s Column at its centre is guarded by four lion statues. A number of commemorative statues and sculptures occupy the square, but the Fourth Plinth, left empty since 1840, has been host to contemporary art since 1999.
The square has been used for community gatherings and political demonstrations, including Bloody Sunday, the first Aldermaston March, anti-war protests, and campaigns against climate change. A Christmas tree has been donated to the square by Norway since 1947 and is erected for twelve days before and after Christmas Day. The square is a centre of annual celebrations on New Year’s Eve. It was well known for its feral pigeons until their removal in the early 21st century.
That area is busy. I can’t start to tell you what is in that area, but  I headed to the National Gallery.
The National Gallery is an art museum in Trafalgar Square in the City of Westminster, in Central London. Founded in 1824, it houses a collection of over 2,300 paintings dating from the mid-13th century to 1900.[a] The Gallery is an exempt charity, and a non-departmental public body of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.[4] Its collection belongs to the public of the United Kingdom and entry to the main collection is free of charge. It is among the most visited art museums in the world, after the Musée du Louvre, the British Museum, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.[3]
Chambers and chambers, rooms after rooms, filled with the masters of the masters, the founders of Art!  Like nothing I have scene before.
There is a room in the Detroit Institute of Arts that I considered the most valuable room in North America.  It contained three paintings for Van Gogh, two for Renoir, Two for Degas, and a couple paintings for Cezanne.
To walk into a building that contained all the pieces I was already in love with, and have watched with awe in Art History Books, and fantasized about all my life, was a big event in my life.
I have no words to describe the National Gallery, but I will leave you with these samples:
1628 … follower of Rembrandt #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #rembrandt
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 6:24am PDT
Eugene Delacroix 1859 #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #delacroix
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 6:26am PDT
Jacques-Louis David 1816. #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #jaquesdavidlouis
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 6:28am PDT
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 'Madame Moitessier' 1856. It took him 12 years to complete. #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 6:30am PDT
Lady Queen Jane Grey: "Good people, I am come hither to die, and by a law I am condemned to the same. The fact, indeed, against the Queen's highness was unlawful, and the consenting thereunto by me: but touching the procurement and desire thereof by me or on my behalf, I do wash my hands thereof in innocency, before God, and the face of you, good Christian people, this day.1 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. 2 Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. 3 For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. 4 Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge. 5 Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. 6 Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb; you taught me wisdom in that secret place. 7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. 8 Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. 9 Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. 10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. 13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you. 14 Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God, you who are God my Savior, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness. 15 Open my lips, Lord, and my mouth will declare your praise. 16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. 17 My sacrifice, O God, is[b] a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. 18 May it please you to prosper Zion, to build up the walls of Jerusalem. 19 Then you will delight in the sacrifices of the righteous, in burnt offerings offered whole; then bulls will be offered on your altar."
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 6:37am PDT
Samson and Delilah by Rubens 1609. #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #rubens
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 6:44am PDT
Two rooms full of Rembrandt !!! #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #rembrandt
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 6:49am PDT
"He that is without sin along you, let first cast a stone at her" John 8:7. Rembrandt 1644 #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #rembrandt
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 6:52am PDT
#wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #stfrancis
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 7:32am PDT
Caravaggio 1609. Salome receives the head of John the Baptist. #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #caravaggio
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 7:43am PDT
Joseph William Turner … one of my favorite masters. #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #josephwilliamturner
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 7:57am PDT
No identification needed. #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #monet
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 8:04am PDT
Vincent Van Gogh #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #vangogh
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 8:20am PDT
#wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017 #vangogh
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 8:22am PDT
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There was a special exhibition for Michelangelo that I didn’t have a chance to see.  I left the National Gallery, and found Walid napping after prayer on its lawn, right behind a sign that said: “Keep Off the Lawn”.
#fish&chips #fishandchips #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 9:36am PDT
It was time for lunch, and I could not put off the Fish and Chips anymore, so the closest restaurant was called the Admiral, an 1860 restaurant, that offered the authentic British Fish and Chips.  We enjoyed our dinner, and headed to Westminster to enjoy the sunset at Big Ben and the Thames.  It was a lovely night.  The only disappointment is the attempt of American corporations, like Mcdonald’s, World Disney, Universal, and Coca Cola, to penetrate this historical city.
On our way, we stopped by 10 downing street, at the Prime Minister’s residence.
  This Whitehall street that took us down to the Westminster Abbey,  was lined with governmental departments and monuments.  We saw the guards changing at the Guards House, which houses by itself about few museums and monuments.
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#bigben #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 10:55am PDT
The Westminister Bridge had witnessed a terrorist attack few days before, so the columns will filled with flowers, candles, and notes such as this:
#wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 10:59am PDT
RIP . #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 11:01am PDT
RIP . #wissamlondontrip2017 #london #visitlondon #lovelondon #ilovelondon #london4all #london🇬🇧 #londoner #londonstyle #londonlife #london2017
A post shared by Wissam Charafeddine (@wcharaf) on Apr 6, 2017 at 11:04am PDT
We spend sunset at this walking the Westminster Bridge and South Bank, chatting, and finally taking a bus back to the hostel, getting lost, ending somewhere with lots of nightlife, eating a Turkish Large Spicy Chicken Shawarma, and walking home in an epic day in which we walked about 12 miles and over 25,000 steps.
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London Trip: Day 5: Trafalgar Square – National Gallery – Big Ben Sleeping on the upper bed, I woke up Thursday morning while Walid is playing the creepy man prank on me, staring at me real closely.  
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