#that'll be the tag for this stuff i think
prismit · 6 months
microwaving him in my brain wasn't enough anymore, i needed to blend him in my computer. get 3dified idiot
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yuhenglesbian · 11 months
Thinking once again somehow of how important it is to me that when Wei Wuxian came back to life in Mo Xuanyu's body, the only two people who recognised him were Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng.
Nothing is more proof of the fact that Jiang Cheng cared deeply for Wei Wuxian. Yes, he was hurt and there was anger but the fact that he held onto his rage and grief for years doesn't read to me as, "he hated Wei Wuxian so much he never forgave him for anything." Rather it reads as anger being the manifestation of Jiang Cheng's grief around losing his brother and closest confidant.
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alsojnpie · 3 months
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idk. i kind of feel like my doodles could poison the ai on its own. i don't really get it. are people manually going in and attaching significance to the images that get scraped? or does stuff get organized based on tags? or does the ai itself decide the relevence of images based on what it already knows? either way i think my art is a dangerous snack for their machine. maybe i should post MORE now. i was kind of assuming the second explanation but i know so little about this and i don't see other people talking about it so i feel like I've got it all wrong somehow
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cerubean · 11 months
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finished my horse ranch gp sims and yes they have unnecessary extensive lore that only matters to me
in order left to right
sullivan (sully) nakai: animal lover, green fiend, serious
jacquelyn (jack) loloma: loner, genius, overachiever
mackenzie (mack) loloma: daredevil
**(i might change some of these traits idk)
sully and jack were childhood friends and eventually fell in love as they became teens. unexpectedly, they became teen parents to mackenzie, and shortly after graduation they got married.
as the years passed a feeling of resentment grew within jack. she loved sully (and still does,) but she didn't want to become complacent in life and give up her dreams of going to law school. naturally, sully and jack grew apart; they wanted different things in life. she wanted to venture outside of her hometown and live in the city, and sully perfectly content tending to his late father's ranch with his brother.
so, they got divorced and jack left with mackenzie to live in san myshuno. sully is someone who doesn't regret anything in life, but sometimes he wishes that he had fought harder to keep mackenzie in his life. their relationship is quite strained now that mack is older and also due to the distance. with jack's busy schedule as a lawyer they don't go back to visit often, so they mostly communicate through the occasional video call when mack isn't too busy terrorizing her classmates at school.
now that mack's out of school for the summer, jacquelyn feels it would be best for her daughter to spend her summer vacation on the ranch with her dad. she'll get a chance to have some quality time with sully and bond with him and also learn some discipline (hopefully).
anyways that's all i could think of lore wise, can you beleive that this is the short version!! i suck at summarizing pls forgive me lol
if you read all of this then i appreciate you so much bc wow i really do just be talkin.
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hchano · 11 months
oh, i figure since i'm back and i noticed my follower count went up while i was away (probably due to old miraculous art 😂), lemme make a few things clear!
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this blog is ship and let ship!
i don't ship anything too weird or problematic, but i also don't care what anyone else is shipping! i will block and mute things that bother me, but i'm not going to vet the ppl i reblog from, so pls don't send asks informing me of ppl i reblog from being into The Bad Ships. i rly do not care 😂
(on there other hand, if someone has done something actually horrible to an actual real living breathing person, pls reach out! i don't want to support ppl who harm others 🥲)
re: proship & antiship
if you are the type to have a "proship dni" rule, you might be more comfortable blocking me! i hella don't claim the label (and again, mostly ship vanilla stuff, so i likely won't be posting anything offensive), but i cannot stress enough how much i don't care what other ppl are doing with fiction. i know this is important to some ppl, tho, so do what makes you comfy!
(but again, if ppl i rb from have done something awful to a real person, pls lemme know.)
other stuff
- I'm pro choice; cis and trans ppl have the right to do whatever they want with their own bodies. if that doesn't vibe with you, it'd be good to block me.
- LGBTQIA+ stands together; if you're an exclusionary, i beg you to block me. trans & intersex ppl having basic human rights is not up for debate.
- if i ever say some dumb, ignorant, or tactless shit, pls feel free to reach out and correct me. i am very chill and am always open to discussing and learning to be better. and like anyone, the day i stop learning is the day i die lol. otherwise, once again feel free to block me if i really upset you! it's not ur job to teach me if u don't want to! (but fwiw 99.9% of the time, whatever i say is not intended to upset anyone, i'm just occasionally a tactless dumbass lol.)
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calypsolemon · 7 months
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resurrecting an old lego movie oc for fun. He's a silly pirate who has retrograde amnesia due to experiencing the Horrors (think tank)
Some extras also, including me going sillymode shipping him with captain facepatch lol
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spicy-rainbow-pizza · 3 months
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btw here's my icon in full :3333 I love smooching him!!!
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i needle felted a lil meg from hades for my sibling! :]
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thegrimreepurr · 1 month
so i made another silly guy he was originally called grief!cross but im renaming him guilt!cross i'll write a fic / oneshot for him eventually but the short version is that. kross. cross killed killer on accident. panic-absorbed his soul [since killer's soul is neither monster nor human]. got all fucked up. sees shit that aint there.
anyway here he is this is just a shitty magma sketch bc i got lazy but it gets the point across and he's supposed to be more monstrous than this but i didnt feel like making him more monstrous idk wtf was going on with his pose tbh
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he's such a guy
that jacket isn't his btw, it's killer's he snatched it after killer died cuz his own was covered in killer's determination, blood, dust, etc and plus it reminds him of him
also this design is still a wip and very much subject to change
@unknownarmageddon hello it is i, gravestone anon this is the dude i was telling you about :3 i just thought you'd like to observe him
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autistickaitovocaloid · 9 months
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Found out my computer has an SD card slot (by getting my headphones stuck in it) so here's "HD" versions of some DSi camera drawings I've posted ft. my cat from when I was little.
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corpus-chorus · 8 months
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so i finally went through my drafts
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princessbabiebear · 1 month
Hey little princess
I hope your feeling great 😊 how did you got Into being a little good girl? How did you find out that you like to be in a diaper?
Hiyaaa 🌸
I've been into DDLG basically since the beginning of exploring my sexuality. I am a Little Girl always and forever and most of my D/s dynamics (current & past) are DDLG ones. I remember always having an interest in adult babies bc it was unusual and intriguing. But I've always gotten stuck in the vortex of "age play is unethical" and could never really orient myself to it in a way that felt comfortable or permissible. Over the years as I got more comfortable with my sexuality and my kinks I've learned a lot more about ethical kink esp around age play and D/s. It's really only within the past year I've embraced my need to be little and be babied a lot more 🥰
At the start of the year I got really sick and found comfort in using extra padding for protection with some of the symptoms I was experiencing. I also just slip into little space very easily when I'm not feeling well. I don't deal with incontinence but I do have some bladder and stomach problems and weaving them into my kinks has helped me accept my limitations and stop viewing them so negatively. It was kind of a natural on-ramp for me to take from a reasonable medical need to a fun kinky thing I was already into but hadn't indulged before.
Thanks for the question!
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hyaciiintho · 10 months
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🌸。*゚+. THIS IS A TEST POST !! This is not an actual inbox call, I just wanted to test and see how the graphic would look posted to tumblr ;; ;; Might use this when doing inbox calls and then a copy/paste text body.
With that being said-- how do people feel about a "permanent" inbox call post? Just for my own reassurance so I don't feel like I'm bothering people but don't wanna like... constantly make a new inbox call post. Basically just a list of people commenting below a post, one that maybe specifies whether people prefer random IC interactions or want asks leaning more to IC questions/ooc headcanons stuff?
I know it's silly because if we're mutuals, we shouldn't be afraid to reach out to each other, BUT !! I also know some people do not like random asks, so... it would just be for the sake of... "You have permission to send random things whenever you feel like it" but of course it's not like I'm expecting you to answer things immediately after I send them either.
But yeah, just a thought! If it seems too silly I'll just keep making individual posts each time ♡ c':
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knghtlock · 6 months
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uh, hey guys! so ... ngl, i miiiiight be remaking in the next few days to a week? idk man, as much as i love this blog, i think a fresh start might be nice. i'm already kinda halfway there once i finish up my promo, and i've had this blog for a few years anyways!!! so, yeah ! new stuff ( hopefully ) coming soon.
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alwaysxlarrie · 2 years
receive a holiday card from me :)
hi hello the holiday season is upon us & therefore, our lives tend to get hectic with work, party/family planning, seasonal depression, writing, holiday shopping (which - if you’re going black friday shopping & going to loft, just know that the sales will be ones that have already been done this past year & aren’t even close to the best sale they’ve had. u didn’t hear that from me tho. wink wink. nudge nudge.), etc. so i thought sending out some holiday cards might be a nice way to hopefully put a smile on someone’s face/make their day a lil brighter.
i did holiday cards back in 2018, when i was hardcore in the 5sos twitter fandom & it was so much fun & a great way to feel/get closer with everyone, so i wanted to start up the tradition again in this fandom. you don’t have to be a larrie to receive a card - just specify that wherever you feel is necessary on the form, if you feel it’s necessary at all. if you have any questions, feel free to send me a message!
here is the form :)
happy holidays !! xxx
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goldpilot22 · 4 months
oh people really liked that cadenza drawin huh
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