#that reheats well
freepassbound · 4 months
What did you have for your last dinner? :)
The last of my hamburger pie and mashed potatoes!
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slavhew · 8 days
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hes happy trust me
ref under cut
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kayforpay · 9 months
shouto with super long silky hair. he washes it with dish soap for the first 6 years after school living on his own until he finally asks tenya to move in and tenya is like "why is your bed still the size it was in school? why don't you buy shampoo?" and shouto is like "idk people always did it for me so I just... was waiting. I'm polite like that" and tenya has to teach him what supermarkets are
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agaricandmoss · 22 days
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I made a giant brown sugar cinnamon pop tart
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pillowprincessvarric · 5 months
my instinct was to brush aside ur comment about leftovers but then i realized that if i felt convicted there must be a reason. anyways i found out i dislike the texture of some reheated foods (like pastas) a few years ago and if i keep the sauce separate from the noodles it's a much more pleasant experience. eat ur leftovers save money reduce waste
Oh yeah totally. Bases like pasta & rice should generally be stored separately from whatever wet you put on top of it. I also think a lot of people would find the experience improved if they reheat both things separately. I also find that cooking pasta in the sauce initially means it reheats better, but also pasta cooked in sauce is generally a different texture experience altogether so mileage may vary.
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ok new question! if I text my friend who just had her baby to ask if she'd like me to bring over dinner for her and her husband sometime this week, and she's the kind of person who only texts back if stuff is like, work related, how many days do I give it before i make a decision on whether it's cool to take then dinner or not
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everybodyshusband · 1 month
wait wait how do i close the sock
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godtierjune · 4 months
"I'm one of you guys"
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juicemitio · 29 days
Shaving the rest of my head tomorrow I'll probably be ugly but idrc
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evilscientist3 · 7 months
you just KNOW its a big sloppin' bowl of chili baby!!!!!!
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slavhew · 1 month
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Stroiders + hannibal jackman
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nil-number · 8 months
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rusquared · 22 days
good morning, have u ever burned coffee? i burned my coffee
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claire-starsword · 2 months
having to see one of those cheery "the youths' votes can take this country by storm!" posts in support of the "lesser evil" candidate in the middle of backing up a genocide is just fucking heartbreaking at this point.
also completely breaks the "lesser evil" rhetoric like, either you acknowledge the two options are fucking bleak or you sound cheery and revolutionary about it. you can't have both. and if you're doing the latter just to raise morale that just means you fucking enjoy manipulating the hell out of young people's hopes. hopefully i don't have to tell you that is bad and also casts doubt on everything you say.
and the fact that the tone hasn't changed in four years is just. wow. refuse to acknowledge four years of people's disillusionment including a fucking genocide. look like an alienated fuck frozen in time. act shocked and outraged when people don't believe in your goals. you're so good at politics.
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morganpdf · 3 months
i had the leftovwr chowder 4 dinner despite a litrle bit of tummy ache and hmmm perhaps i wont make chowder again for a while
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
i’m in a zexal mood today, so how about quattro for the ask game?
Did someone say fanservice?
1) Favorite thing about them: Thomas is so unapologetically unhinged it's actually lowkey impressive; like wow, this is his whole gig and he is not above being loud about it in public, unlike his more reserved brothers (Michael is still baby tho).
I also love all of the clear and hidden symbolism in his Gimmick Puppets, and while I suck at piloting xenophobic Decks like this one, they're fun enough to warrant a shoutout.
Least favorite thing about them: I can't really think of anything I actively hate about the guy, but I sure was disappointed at his lack of personal screentime in ZEXAL II. This may be unjustified because there wasn't much left to Thomas' own character arc by the end of ZEXAL I, but I still disliked how he effectively didn't exist outside his circle of relationships (by which I mean his brothers and Ryouga, because even the leftover issue with Rio went practically unaddressed and that's just sad).
Favorite line: It's been a long time since my last rodeo with ZEXAL, so I can't remember any quotes from the show. I do remember his lines from Duel Links, however, and my favorite is the one we get when he loses to Shark.
"Instead of being mad at the world, just be mad at me."
brOTP: Do his siblings count for a brOTP? Because if so, then it's Michael. They're a typical case of sibling rivalry, but they feel a lot closer to each otber than they are to Chris and... pretty much 90% of the cast. I just like seeing them on screen together, even if Thomas has a tendency to go off on his own and is generally allergic to this thing we call teamwork.
OTP: None.
nOTP: Not really a ship I hate per se, but I'm preplexed by the thought behind Thomas/Yuuma. Do they even have any real interaction? I can't for the life of me remember anything notable between the two.
Random headcanon: Thomas may look like a fashion icon, but I'm pretty damn sure his favorite shampoo is one of those 13-in-1s you see at the average dollar store. It still smells good by some miracle, so Michael and Chris unfortunately have no grounds to complain about the existence of such an adomination in their bathroom.
Unpopular opinion: Admittedly, I don't seem to have any unpopular opinions about this guy.
...I do want to smack him upside the head for unironically running Gravekeeper Stun before he switched to Gimmick Puppets though. Who even does that??
Song i associate with them: No idea why, but when I thought of Thomas and music together my brain immediately started playing Dollhouse. Is it the name? Maybe? Probably.
Favorite picture of them: Look at this cute lil guy
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Who could ever think such an innocent face can do any wrong?
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