#a crucial consideration for a singleton
freepassbound · 5 months
What did you have for your last dinner? :)
The last of my hamburger pie and mashed potatoes!
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techwithnewton · 3 months
Essential Reads: Must-Have Computer Science Books for Career Growth
In the fast-paced world of technology, staying updated with the latest trends, concepts, and best practices is crucial for career growth in computer science. One of the most effective ways to expand knowledge and enhance skills is through reading. Here are some must-have Computer Science coach books that professionals can add to their reading list for career growth and development.
"Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" by Robert C. Martin: This book is a timeless classic that focuses on writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code. It covers principles and practices for software development, code refactoring, and improving code quality. By learning how to write clean code, developers can enhance their coding skills, contribute to better software design, and streamline development processes.
"Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions" by Gayle Laakmann McDowell: For professionals preparing for technical interviews or seeking to improve their problem-solving skills, this book is a valuable resource. It provides a comprehensive collection of coding interview questions, solutions, and strategies for tackling algorithmic challenges. By mastering coding interview techniques, developers can excel in job interviews and advance their careers.
"Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides: Understanding design patterns is essential for software architects and developers. This book introduces classic design patterns, such as Singleton, Observer, Factory, and Decorator, that facilitate reusable and maintainable software design. By applying design patterns effectively, professionals can create scalable, modular, and robust software solutions.
"The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey to Mastery" by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas: This book offers practical advice, techniques, and philosophies for becoming a pragmatic and effective programmer. It covers topics such as code simplicity, debugging, testing, automation, and career development strategies. By adopting pragmatic programming practices, professionals can improve productivity, code quality, and overall performance in their roles.
"Introduction to Algorithms" by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein: As a foundational book in computer science, this text provides a comprehensive overview of algorithms, data structures, and algorithmic analysis. It covers essential algorithms, sorting techniques, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, and more. Understanding algorithms is critical for solving complex problems efficiently and optimizing software performance.
"The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering" by Frederick P. Brooks Jr.: This classic book explores the challenges, pitfalls, and best practices in software engineering and project management. It discusses topics such as project estimation, team dynamics, communication, and software development methodologies. By learning from the experiences and insights shared in this book, professionals can improve project outcomes, team collaboration, and software delivery processes.
"Machine Learning Yearning" by Andrew Ng: For professionals interested in machine learning and artificial intelligence, this book provides practical guidance for building and deploying machine learning systems. It covers topics such as data preparation, model evaluation, feature engineering, and system design considerations. By understanding machine learning concepts and best practices, professionals can leverage AI technologies effectively in their projects and careers.
"The Art of Computer Programming" by Donald E. Knuth: This multi-volume series is a comprehensive guide to algorithms, data structures, and computer programming techniques. It delves into mathematical analysis, algorithm design principles, and computational complexity theory. By studying the art of computer programming, professionals can deepen their understanding of fundamental concepts and become proficient in advanced programming techniques.
In conclusion, these must-have computer science books offer invaluable insights, techniques, and knowledge for professionals seeking career growth and development in the field of technology. By incorporating these essential reads into their learning journey, professionals can enhance their skills, solve complex problems, and excel in their computer science careers.
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Fertility Myths vs. Facts: Separating Truth from Fiction
Navigating fertility can be challenging, and misconceptions often cloud the understanding of available options, including in vitro fertilization (IVF). This guide aims to dispel common fertility myths and provide factual information, with a specific focus on the considerations surrounding IVF treatment cost in Indore.
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**1. Myth: IVF is the Only Solution for All Fertility Issues:
Fact: IVF is one of many fertility treatments. The appropriateness of IVF depends on individual circumstances, and alternative treatments may be more suitable in some cases.
Cost Consideration: IVF treatment cost in Indore varies, and it's crucial to explore other options that may align with individual needs before committing to a specific treatment.
**2. Myth: IVF Guarantees Pregnancy Success:
Fact: IVF success rates are influenced by various factors, including age, health, and underlying fertility issues. Success is not guaranteed, and individuals should approach IVF with realistic expectations.
Cost Realities: Considering IVF treatment cost in Indore, individuals should factor in the potential need for multiple cycles to achieve pregnancy.
**3. Myth: Fertility Issues are Always the Woman's Problem:
Fact: Infertility can result from male or female factors, or a combination of both. It's essential to conduct thorough fertility evaluations for both partners to identify the root cause.
Financial Implications: Addressing male infertility may influence treatment decisions and associated costs, impacting considerations like IVF treatment cost in Indore.
**4. Myth: IVF is Only for Older Couples:
Fact: IVF is not age-restricted, and its appropriateness is determined by individual factors. Younger couples may benefit from IVF in cases of specific fertility challenges.
Financial Planning: Younger couples considering IVF should factor in the potential need for future treatments and associated costs, including IVF treatment cost in Indore.
**5. Myth: Lifestyle Choices Don't Affect Fertility:
Fact: Lifestyle factors, such as diet, exercise, and stress, can impact fertility. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can contribute to overall reproductive health and may enhance the effectiveness of fertility treatments.
Financial Considerations: Lifestyle modifications may positively influence treatment outcomes, potentially reducing the need for extensive and costly interventions, including IVF treatment cost in Indore.
**6. Myth: IVF is Always the Most Expensive Fertility Treatment:
Fact: While IVF treatment cost in Indore can be significant, other fertility treatments may also incur expenses. Costs vary based on factors such as medications, consultations, and procedures.
Comparative Cost Analysis: A comprehensive evaluation of various fertility treatments, their success rates, and associated costs helps individuals make informed decisions about the most suitable approach.
**7. Myth: Infertility is Rare, and Everyone Conceives Eventually:
Fact: Infertility is more common than often perceived, affecting a significant number of individuals and couples. Seeking timely fertility evaluation and intervention can improve the chances of successful conception.
Early Intervention and Costs: Addressing fertility issues early may contribute to more cost-effective treatments, potentially impacting considerations like IVF treatment cost in Indore.
**8. Myth: IVF Always Results in Multiple Pregnancies:
Fact: The number of embryos transferred during IVF can be controlled, reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies. Advances in IVF technology allow for a more tailored approach.
Financial Planning for Singletons: Reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies not only improves health outcomes but also impacts financial considerations, including the cost of prenatal care and childbirth.
**9. Myth: IVF is a One-Size-Fits-All Treatment:
Fact: IVF protocols are personalized based on individual needs and diagnoses. Tailored treatment plans enhance the effectiveness of IVF, addressing specific challenges.
Customized Cost Considerations: Personalized IVF plans may involve different medications, procedures, and consultations, impacting individual IVF treatment cost in Indore.
**10. Myth: Fertility Treatments Always Result in Multiple Cycles:
Fact: The number of IVF cycles required varies among individuals. Some may achieve pregnancy in one cycle, while others may need multiple attempts.
Budgeting for Success: Individuals should consider potential scenarios, budgeting for multiple cycles based on personal circumstances and factors like IVF treatment cost in Indore.
Separating fertility myths from facts is crucial for informed decision-making, especially when considering options like IVF. At the best IVF center in Indore, our dedicated team of fertility specialists prioritizes patient education, providing accurate information about fertility treatments, success rates, and associated costs, including IVF treatment cost in Indore. By dispelling common misconceptions, we empower individuals and couples to make well-informed choices on their journey to parenthood.
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peggywong8898-blog · 5 years
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PUSSY888 Deuces Wild is easily one of the toughest games to discover ways to play properly in any given on line on line casino. The purpose for the high degree of problem is that players have to research the precise strategies in a huge range of eventualities because of the wild cards. Many of these situations are anti-intuitive or comprise nuances that are not right now apparent, even if you've been gambling for a long time. What we need to do right here is break down a number of the ones nuances in a manner that makes sense with the aid of looking at positive sorts of immediately flush attracts which could appear with wild cards. First we're going to take a look at scenarios with a single wild. If you have got 4 playing cards to a directly flush, one of those is a wild, and the alternative 3 are what we'll call singletons. These singletons and their courting to each different will decide the form of draw you've got. If all 3 of them are of consecutive rank, and if all 3 of them are 5 or higher, than you've got what's called a first-rate immediately flush draw. Otherwise, you've PUSSY888 CASINO BONUS got a minor straight flush draw. For instance, think you've got 2c8d7d6dAc. All three of your singletons (876) are consecutive, and they're all five or more, so that you have a main directly flush draw. If we alternate that barely to 2c8d7d5dAc, then due to the fact the 3 singletons are not consecutive, you have a minor draw. Along similar lines, if we've got 2c6d5d4dAc, then we nevertheless have a minor directly flush draw because not all three of the singletons are 5 or more. Making this difference is sincerely crucial due to the fact there may be a particular decision you'll must make on occasion among two extraordinary approaches to play your hand where it PUSSY888 DOWNLOAD LINK is available in accessible. Suppose we're dealt 2c7s7h6h5h. We have a major instantly flush draw, however we also have three of a kind in sevens. Which manner must we play our hand? The rule of thumb here is which you ought to keep three of a kind over a minor directly flush draw, but you ought to hold a prime immediately flush draw over three of a kind. It's an clean manner to interrupt down a completely tough state of affairs, and it takes into consideration the nuances that in reality set this recreation apart from different sorts of video poker in PUSSY888 FREE WELCOME BONUS on-line casinos.
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fumpkins · 5 years
Aleksander Madry on building trustworthy artificial intelligence
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Aleksander Madry is a leader in the emerging field of building ensures into artificial intelligence, which has almost end up being a branch of artificial intelligence in its own right. Credit: CSAIL.
Artificial intelligence algorithms now underlie much of the software application we utilize, assisting to individualize our news feeds and complete our ideas prior to we’re done typing. However as artificial intelligence ends up being more ingrained in life, expectations have actually increased. Prior to self-governing systems totally get our self-confidence, we require to understand they are trusted in the majority of circumstances and can stand up to outdoors disturbance; in engineering terms, that they are robust. We likewise require to comprehend the thinking behind their choices; that they are interpretable.
Aleksander Madry, an associate teacher of computer system science at MIT and a lead professor of the Computer Technology and Expert System Laboratory ( CSAIL)’s Trustworthy AI effort, compares AI to a sharp knife, a helpful however potentially-hazardous tool that society need to discover to weild appropriately. Madry just recently spoke at MIT’s Seminar on Robust, Interpretable AI, an occasion co-sponsored by the MIT Mission for Intelligence and CSAIL, and held Nov. 20 in Singleton Auditorium. The seminar was developed to display brand-new MIT operate in the location of building ensures into AI, which has nearly end up being a branch of artificial intelligence in its own right. 6 professor discussed their research study, 40 trainees provided posters, and Madry opened the seminar with a talk the appropriately entitled, “Robustness and Interpretability.” We spoke to Madry, a leader in this emerging field, about a few of the crucial concepts raised throughout the occasion.
Q: AI owes much of its current development to deep knowing, a branch of artificial intelligence that has actually considerably enhanced the capability of algorithms to choose patterns in text, images and noises, providing us automated assistants like Siri and Alexa, to name a few things. However deep knowing systems stay susceptible in unexpected methods: stumbling when they experience a little unknown examples in the real life or when a destructive opponent feeds it subtly-altered images. How are you and others attempting to make AI more robust?
A: Up until just recently, AI scientists focused just on getting machine-learning algorithms to achieve standard jobs. Attaining even average-case efficiency was a significant obstacle. Now that efficiency has actually enhanced, attention has actually moved to the next difficulty: enhancing the worst-case efficiency. The majority of my research study is focused on conference this obstacle. Particularly, I work on establishing next-generation machine-learning systems that will be trusted and protected enough for mission-critical applications like self-driving vehicles and software application that filters destructive material. We’re presently building tools to train object-recognition systems to recognize what’s occurring in a scene or image, even if the images fed to the design have actually been controlled. We are likewise studying the limitations of systems that use security and dependability warranties. Just how much dependability and security can we construct into machine-learning designs, and what other functions might we require to compromise to arrive?
My associate Luca Daniel, who likewise spoke, is working on an essential element of this issue: establishing a method to determine the strength of a deep knowing system in crucial circumstances. Choices made by deep knowing systems have significant repercussions, and therefore it’s necessary that end-users have the ability to determine the dependability of each of the design’s outputs. Another method to make a system more robust is throughout the training procedure. In her talk, “Robustness in GANs and in Black-box Optimization,” Stefanie Jegelka demonstrated how the student in a generative adversarial network, or GAN, can be made to stand up to controls to its input, causing far better efficiency.
Q: The neural networks that power deep knowing appear to discover nearly easily: Feed them enough information and they can outshine people at lots of jobs. And yet, we have actually likewise seen how quickly they can stop working, with a minimum of 3 extensively advertised cases of self-driving vehicles crashing and eliminating somebody. AI applications in health care are not yet under the exact same level of examination however the stakes are simply as high. David Sontag focused his talk on the frequently life-or-death repercussions when an AI system does not have effectiveness. What are a few of the warnings when training an AI on client medical records and other observational information?
A: This returns to the nature of warranties and the underlying presumptions that we construct into our designs. We frequently presume that our training datasets are representative of the real-world information we evaluate our designs on– a presumption that tends to be too positive. Sontag offered 2 examples of problematic presumptions baked into the training procedure that might lead an AI to provide the incorrect medical diagnosis or suggest a hazardous treatment. The very first focused on a huge database of client X-rays launched in 2015 by the National Institutes of Health. The dataset was anticipated to bring huge enhancements to the automated medical diagnosis of lung illness till a hesitant radiologist took a more detailed look and discovered prevalent mistakes in the scans’ diagnostic labels. An AI trained on chest scans with a great deal of inaccurate labels is going to have a tough time creating precise medical diagnoses.
A 2nd issue Sontag pointed out is the failure to fix for spaces and abnormalities in the information due to system problems or modifications in how health centers and health care suppliers report client information. For instance, a significant catastrophe might restrict the quantity of information offered for emergency clinic clients. If a machine-learning design stopped working to take that shift into account its forecasts would not be really trusted.
Q: You have actually covered a few of the methods for making AI more trusted and protected. What about interpretability? What makes neural networks so hard to analyze, and how are engineers establishing methods to peer below the hood?
A: Comprehending neural-network forecasts is infamously hard. Each forecast emerges from a web of choices made by hundreds to countless private nodes. We are attempting to establish brand-new techniques to make this procedure more transparent. In the field of computer system vision among the leaders is Antonio Torralba, director of The Mission. In his talk, he showed a brand-new tool established in his laboratory that highlights the functions that a neural network is focusing on as it translates a scene. The tool lets you recognize the nodes in the network accountable for acknowledging, state, a door, from a set of windows or a stand of trees. Picturing the object-recognition procedure permits software application designers to get a more fine-grained understanding of how the network finds out.
Another method to attain interpretability is to specifically specify the residential or commercial properties that make the design reasonable, and after that train the design to discover that kind of option. Tommi Jaakkola displayed in his talk, “Interpretability and Functional Transparency,” that designs can be trained to be direct or have actually other preferred qualities in your area while keeping the network’s general versatility. Descriptions are required at various levels of resolution much as they remain in translating physical phenomena. Obviously, there’s an expense to building ensures into machine-learning systems– this is a style that finished all the talks. However those warranties are needed and not overwhelming. The charm of human intelligence is that while we can’t carry out most jobs completely, as a device might, we have the capability and versatility to discover in an amazing variety of environments..
Check Out even more: Training artificial intelligence with artificial X-rays.
Offered by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This story is republished thanks to MIT News (web.mit.edu/newsoffice/), a popular website that covers news about MIT research study, development and mentor.
New post published on: https://www.livescience.tech/2018/12/16/aleksander-madry-on-building-trustworthy-artificial-intelligence/
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srustinighot-blog · 5 years
Global Corrosion Test Chamber Sales Market Report 2018
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The Global Corrosion Test Chamber Sales Market report enfolds crucial statistical data of sales and revenue based on leading segment such as type, applications, regions, technology, and elite players in the global Corrosion Test Chamber Sales Industry. The report focuses on historical (2013-2019) occurrences of industry, discusses present status and also offers valuable forecast information up to 2025. An extensive analysis of contemporary trends, demand spectrum, growth rate, and key region-wise Corrosion Test Chamber Sales market exploration has also encompassed in this report. Global Corrosion Test Chamber Sales Market is expected to strongly dominate the global economy with a substantial growth rate in upcoming years. Rapidly developing industry infrastructure, increased product commercialization, and drifting demands of the Corrosion Test Chamber Sales are bolstering Corrosion Test Chamber Sales industry’s footholds to become more influential and considerably contribute in international revenue generation. Get a Sample PDF Report: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/7807/ The Global Corrosion Test Chamber Sales Market analysis on the basis of company profiles and regions as follow: Prominent Vendors – ort, Weiss Technik, PRESTO, EQUILAM, CME, AES, Autotechnology, Itabashi Rikakogyo, Q-LAB, Singleton Corporation, Angelantoni, Ascott-analytical, Thermotron, Linpin, VLM, C & W, Hastest Solutions Major Type as follows -  Salt Spray Test, Cyclic Corrosion Test, Other Major applications as follows - Automotive, Electronic, Chemical Material, Other Market Partition by Zone: North America (USA, Canada, Mexico)Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand) The report includes a thorough analysis of substantial returns that has been projected to be gathered at the end of the forecasted period of time. The report also emphasizes the evaluation of materials and markets, unpredictable industry structure, technological advancements and capacities of the Corrosion Test Chamber Sales market. Besides, the report reviews the core knowledge of the market by analyzing end user’s consumption tendency, ever-changing market dynamics, Corrosion Test Chamber Sales market driving factors, and emerging development patterns in the market. Moreover, the report centers over leading contenders in the Corrosion Test Chamber Sales industry and renders all-inclusive analysis considering their market share, size, production capacity, value chain analysis, sales and distribution network, import/export activities, cost structure, and product specification. Due to the changes in world business policies, it is continuously recommended to be informed with the facts and reliable data about this market. Get Discount on this Report: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/discount-request/7807/ The objectives of the Market Research Explore report on the Global Corrosion Test Chamber Sales Market are:   § To analyze and forecast the Global Corrosion Test Chamber Sales Market by segmenting it on the basis of types, application, inventions, time-based performance and end user.§ The report by Market Research Explore analyzes various macro- and microeconomic factors affecting the Global Corrosion Test Chamber Sales Market.§ To provide insight into the major factors affecting the global Corrosion Test Chamber Sales Market around the world such as its drivers, hurdles, opportunities, and challenges.§ To inform about the key players along with their strategies, products/services, research, and development plans. Eventually, the report allows a reader to get absolute acumen of the Corrosion Test Chamber Sales industry by explaining the competitive scenario, industry environment, market projection, growth constraining factors, limitations, entry barriers, the provincial regulatory framework as well as upcoming market investment and opportunities, challenges and other growth promoting factors. This report will help you to know each and every fact of the market without a need to refer any other research report or a data source. Our report on the concerned market will provide you with all the facts about the past, present, and future the Market. In the end, the report covers segment data, including industry segment, type segment, channel segment etc. as well as cover different segment market size, both volume, and value. Also cover different industries clients information, which is very important for the manufacturers. For detailed information regarding Corrosion Test Chamber Sales market, Contact Us: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/industry-reports/Corrosion-Test-Chamber-Sales/7807/ The keyword market report is built with in-depth secondary research, understanding the market access aspects across different countries.
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dreamcatch22 · 7 years
Dream Blog: The Encounter with the Bald Man Again
September 6th, 2016:
I floated around in a white room, and I couldn’t hear a single sound. The knot in my stomach abandoned me. My headache ceased its throbbing. My sinuses cleared up. My body felt fully recharged. Then, I felt myself falling down, as if I was pushed off a cliff or a diving board. The speed of this free fall increased until I landed on a rocking chair. My impact didn’t break the rocking chair. I sat there. I didn’t blink, move, or even breathe. My whole body just froze. A table landed in front of me with an ear-piercingly loud thud, which echoed throughout the massive white room. A man sprinted towards me, and he looked familiar. Once I recognized this mad man, my face lit up out of a combination between excitement and fear. The bald man in a trench coat from Savannah, Georgia sprinted towards like a football player trying to score a touchdown. Although he appeared as if he was going to run straight through the table, he stopped at one of the edges. He looked at me and moved his head around to make sure that there was nothing with me. This bald guy from Savannah, Georgia screamed as loud as he could. Then, he grabbed wads of money from inside his trench coat and threw it in the air. Several hundred dollar bills fluttered past me. I still did not move, for I did not know what this guy was going to do next. The bald man then stood still and gave me a random lecture about The Shepheardes Calender. He cleared his throat and spoke eloquently.       
The bald man explained:
“Listen up. I’m about to make three crucial points about a work that I love reading over and over. It’s called The Shepheardes Calender. You will eventually have to read this masterpiece if you want to live. Your intellect is what will destroy the men, that Asian women, and all of their robots, so please, please listen to these three points.   
This is my first point. The title The Shepheardes Calender is at the top of the page. The is completely capitalized above the remaining title. There is also no apostrophe in Shepheardes in order to acknowledge the importance of possession. Most importantly, the title is misspelled as well. Some words are also misspelled such as containing or months. There is also the presence of a grapheme, which is æ. The book is dedicated to Philip Sidney, but I notice that his name is in a very small font compared to the words, noble and vertvous. Below Philip Sidney, there is also the symbol that resembles a face. The misspelling indicates the lack of a dictionary. The order of the front page is the title, what it contains, entitlement, square design and printing information. The publisher and its location are at the bottom of the page just like many books nowadays. There is also a mention of the 1579. 1579 is also in the smallest font along with Philip Sidney. “Printed by Hugh Singleton” is also the biggest font on the whole page. It is even bigger than the font for The Shepheardes Calender. In the middle of the page, there is also a square symbol with geometric designs throughout it. The name of the editor is never mentioned either on the first page. I am aware that Hugh Singleton printed this book in London. Books could have not acknowledged editors whenever a book was printed and released.
Here is my second point. The purpose of the book is explained in a lengthy letter, which is titled the generall argument of the whole booke. The letter is in very small print and hard to read. The words appear to be weathered and clustered. The first letter of the actual is decorated with a black box and a figure with wings. The letter from E.K. is also in the exact font, or style, of the argument. The whole introductory portion of the book does not change. The Shepheardes Calender gives an illustration and poems for each month of the year. Modern versions would bring different fonts for the title and the poems for each month of the year. There would definitely still be illustrations in the modern versions for the work. Januarye is illustrated with a picture of shepherd looking at a city in the distant lands as he herds sheep. There is also a god-like figure in the clouds. Some modern books do have an illustrative picture at the beginning of a chapter, in a fashion similar to The Shepheardes Calender. The text for Januarye is written in the same font and meter for each stanza. The first letter for each line also lines up vertically. 
And finally, here is my third point. As I think about the authority associated with the work of poems, I also take into considerations such as who is it written for, how the author approached this task or how was the calendar received. I feel that the original work belongs to the author Spenser since he did compose The Shepeardes Calender. He is the original source of credibility. Over time, technological advances such as a dictionary, typewriter or a computer have allowed people to amend in order for others to read and to understand what Spenser is talking about throughout the work. Nowadays, authority resides in the editors who make appropriate adjustments to styles such as the size or font of the text. The original work eventually becomes altered over time.
Good luck with your mission. The Board of the Vigil needs you to retrieve the remaining pillars. One is still safe in Miami, and another pillar is safe at Reverend Howard Nielson’s church. Several other pillars have been scattered throughout the world by the robots of Ewan Stodson and his associate, Matta. You will need your friends on this mission, even if you don’t always agree with them.”
The bald man looked up at the ceiling and evaporated.   
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Five elements to include in your manuscript to get full ClinGen points
ClinGen Epilepsy Gene Curation Expert Panel. For the past year I have been a member of the ClinGen Epilepsy Gene Curation Expert Panel, which has been a rewarding professional experience. I have gotten to know several colleagues within the epilepsy and ClinGen communities, I’ve become familiar with resources for gene curation including MONDO and HPO, and I’ve dived deeply into the existing literature linking genes with a broad spectrum of epilepsies. But working with ClinGen has had another unexpected benefit – it has influenced my approach to writing scientific manuscripts. I have been able to apply this knowledge recently when writing a manuscript about a new causative gene for developmental and epileptic encephalopathies. In this post I would like to share five insider tips about what to include in your genetics manuscript so that it can receive full consideration from the ClinGen Epilepsy Expert Panel.
Worlds drifting apart. We currently use two different concepts when thinking about genetic epilepsies. The traditional ILAE phenotypes are based on the evolving ILAE classification that is increasingly integrating genetic entities into its classification. This is the domain of historical classifications, a separate tradition about lumping versus splitting and extensive knowledge on genotype-phenotype correlation. Unbeknownst to most of us, however, a different classification is emerging that is mainly based focused on aligning and improving the diagnostic work flow in a genetic lab, which is coordinated by the ClinGen Consortium. This is where MONDO classification, Human Phenotype Ontologies (HPO), and ACMG criteria come into play. While this competing classification concept may seem superfluous at first glance, it is important to note that most genetic test results in patients with epilepsy are based on these classification in a diagnostic setting. Our current concern is that both worlds are increasingly drifting apart. Within the ClinGen Epilepsy Gene Curation Expert Panel, we are trying to align both classification systems to make sure that our clinical epilepsy knowledge is adequately translated into the concepts that are used in a diagnostic setting.
The task of the ClinGen Epilepsy Expert Panel. A major task within the Expert Panel is to critically evaluate existing scientific literature to assess the strength and validity of an association between a given gene and a disease. We review individual published cases with variants in a specific gene and award a range of points based on the strength of the evidence. A critical point is that ClinGen can only evaluate evidence that is in the public domain. We are not able to ask authors to provide us with additional information, so it is essential that authors provide all relevant information in their publications.
1 – Tell us how you found the variant. This may sound obvious, but please tell the readers what methodology you used to identify the genetic variants in the patients in your manuscript. If the methodology includes targeted sequencing of single genes or a panel of genes, please tell us how many, and ideally which, genes were sequenced. If the variant was identified using chromosomal microarray, provide the readers with information regarding the number of probes used. Unfortunately, cases may be awarded few if any points in ClinGen curations if the paper does not tell us how the patients were sequenced. When providing information regarding sequencing methodology, be as specific as possible.
2 – Were parental relationships confirmed? This is especially relevant for the epilepsies, which are often the result of de novo variants. We cannot award the full amount of points if the parental relationships – both mother and father – have not been confirmed. Trio-based whole exome sequencing studies confirm parentage inherently, but for singleton exomes, gene panel, or targeted sequencing studies a second method of confirmation is needed. Sanger sequencing of the variant to confirm de novo status is insufficient. Usually another method, such as Short Tandem Repeat (STR) analysis, is used to confirm parental relationships. If this has been done, please mention it in the manuscript so that we can award the maximum amount of points. If parental status has not been confirmed, a reduced number of points can still be awarded. For autosomal recessive disorders, please note whether or not the variants were confirmed to be in trans. Failure to note this may mean that we cannot award any points for biallelic disorders.
3 – Please include genome build, genomic coordinates, and relevant transcript. This applies for single nucleotide variants but is especially true for deletions, duplications, and balanced translocations. Cases with balanced translocations and CNVs spanning a single gene can be included in a gene curation provided that both the genome build – e.g. hg19, GRCh37 – as well as the deletion/duplication/translocation breakpoints are included. Oftentimes one or both of these pieces of information are missing, which means that cases cannot be included in the curation and no points are awarded. I will also add in here to please always include the transcript of interest – e.g. RefSeq or ENSEMBL identifier.
4 – Let us know what, if any, prior genetic testing has been done. If additional genetic testing has been performed prior to the identification of the causative variant, please provide this information in the manuscript. An extensive genetic workup indicates to us as curators – and readers – that the association with the gene is strong and allows us to award more points. However, if a detailed genetic workup has not been performed, this is equally important for curators and readers to know, and we may adjust the amount of points awarded accordingly.
5 – Provide as much phenotypic information as possible. This may also sound obvious, but it is also crucial. If a patient in a paper is not indicated to have epilepsy then he/she will likely not be included in an epilepsy curation. More detailed clinical information will also enable our Expert Panel to delineate key phenotypic features of specific genetic epilepsy syndromes.
Summary. Including all these elements in a manuscript is of course no guarantee that your paper will sail effortlessly through the peer review process. However, if these five elements are all included, it will ensure that, once published, all cases in your manuscript can be considered for maximum points when we curate the validity of the gene-disease relationship within the ClinGen framework. These tips apply only to genetic evidence, but ClinGen gene curation also awards points based on experimental/functional evidence. In a later post we can provide advice about how to achieve maximum points from ClinGen gene curation for experimental manuscripts.
Credits: Original Content Source
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New Post has been published on 2017 - 2018 World Car Info
New Post has been published on http://www.carworldinfo.com/2019-renault-alpine-a110-release-date-and-redesign/
2019 Renault Alpine A110 Release Date and Redesign
2019 Renault Alpine A110 Release Date and Redesign – Despite the fact that 2019 Renault Alpine A110 sports activities a far more attractive exterior surface locations design, the enhanced formatting, and the excitement is a sensible bit in line with the Get-jointly Hypothesis. Because the critical type maintained to get devoted into a technique, new rims, the superbly suitably-perfectly effectively-well toned area regions wall surfaces construction types of attractive surface wall structure framework mirrors, the stunning livery, and such as the range includes camouflaging the headlamps, have fantastic.
2019 Renault Alpine A110 Redesign
In addition to optimistic top, rated-rated lighting results and fog lights with Well guided pre-present-working daytime scientific know-how, the Alpine’s design entrance might also have a changed fender with tiny versions. No matter what that, the Renault Alpine A110 dealt with its athletics circumstances and classic A110 cues, much like the hood, the nasal area region situation, and even Porsche-type crystal clear air movement surroundings oxygen air vents just under your back-home home windows. About once more stop, the By-made Led taillights with sturdy enhance signs give you the auto an advanced-working daytime seem because it is also the sloping, shield-about however full screen me of Alpine’s previous models. A diffuser by individuals from your thinking about and yet another massive, center-devote exhaust whole that outdated-generated-established, however, one of the classiest time design and design. The A110 is similarly abruptly lighting-excess fat. At 163.4 is, it could be 8.6 in. Considerably lighter in weight as compared to Porsche Cayman. Also, it is a lot of the most all-all-natural vehicle employing this type of marketplace, since the Alfa Romeo 4C will probably become the minuscule 157 ins. Design kicks with the most critical Edition, which gives, more, abilities externally.
A commitment may be the Alfa Romeo 4C (proper), which distinct the company’s cv sports activities vehicle population and also spearheading it is for the USA The 4C also maintains distinctive due to supercars visual appeal, especially the swoopy roofline and habit cues urged within the typical Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale. Design and design-smart, the 4C ‘s tough to go beyond. Distinctive, software could well be a good reason to get a probability, along with the Alpine can be quite a beautiful virtually no athletics vehicle, as the 4C like the Cayman employ a relatively particular physical appearance French company is dealing with to provide. Alpine was without factor to demonstrate based on the A110’s on the inside of, but a brief peek about the pictures show the type most new daytime, car owner-functionality cabin every single athletics technique car requires. The design and design are necessary via your dash solar energy-run cell area receiving a considerably cautiously beautiful and very carefully widely lovely and clear specific place, and some degrees of degrees of rivalry-advised, establish clusters go as well as accurately proper related to the refers to. The center heap is quite a bit significantly more cramped because of most current infotainment display in the critical place along with one more wish under. I feel Alpine might have determined a gratifying career inside the applying words to deal with suggestions replace. Even so, it is far from mainly usually also terribly easy.
With this internet site, the crucial stage movie activity taking part in software program, which suitable kinds woman or man the driver’s cockpit with the distinct man or woman position, materials the “Push,” “Natural,” and “Reverse” manage ideas from the digital electronic carrying, and a “Start various/Stop” modify between additional features. Concerning elements go, the A110 is comparatively around the more effective-good quality spot, just towards the underside clip. Despite the fact that there are various plastic-type material-type-type materials sources locations, these are arranged and streamlined. The recliners, combined with the refers to, seemingly engrossed in nearly every-all-natural and organic and normal and normal and organic-grain organic and natural leather material material-reliant assets, even though some elements are made of lights aluminum. The doorway industries, which will use a comfy, delicate design and type, have substances which opt for the most significant color. Also, there could be unquestionably evaluation stitches, a phase-bottom element manages, and routines pedals, as the sitting down has motorsport-influenced bolstering.
2019 Renault Alpine A110 Specs
Keeping yourself with plenty of gossips that shipped in the most affordable two potential electrical generator situations, it had been mostly at some point approved this Renault A110 makes use of an individualize-produced, turbocharged, 1.8-liter, 4-piping motor unit design. This treatment is scored at 252 horses probable and 236 lb-ft of torque and mated to several 7-quantity two-clutch system program functions strategy supplying. Alpine helps make not provide a guide variety but, which happens to be on a regular basis reasonably frustrating, because of the fact the Cayman could come to be inside of 3-pedal possibilities. Linked to performance need to go, the A110 demands 4.5 essential simple seconds vulnerable to 62 miles per hour, which makes it almost 50 % chasing considerably more comfortable compared to the very first Cayman while using the 50 Percent 12-velocity handbook carrying and also 2-tenths much less severe compared to PDK edition. The absolute safe right powering the excellent all-all-about performance could be the incredible energy-to-excess fat percent, which is actually at 233 Hewlett Packard for every singleton. The A110 suggestions the scales by employing an unpredicted 2,381 excess weight which makes it more than 660 more weight much lighter when compared with Cayman.
2019 Renault Alpine A110 Release Date and Price
Expenditures particulars for your all-organic and natural things is not having said that swiftly readily available, but Renault Alpine was able to advise how the crucial actual Design will begin from €58,500 in France. It may recommend the base design will certainly get less than €55,000 appropriately before selections, which can position it just like the Cayman. Also, the first information that discussed the A110 would get moving from about €35,000 began to attain approved the data.
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lewiskdavid90 · 7 years
95% off #Master Object Oriented Design in Java – Homework + Solutions – $10
Don’t just learn Java! Learn to write practical industry standard object oriented software and super charge your career!
All Levels,  – 5.5 hours,  39 lectures 
Average rating 4.5/5 (4.5 (800 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
You should have a java editor installed. We’ll be using Eclipse. You can download that from eclipse.org Install Jdk from oracle website
Course description:
LATEST: Course Updated for Feb 2016
Now you can get the “Master Programmer Certification in OOP” from Eliminate Code Fear after completing the course. You must email the instructor once you complete the course and pass an online OOP test from their website.
SUPER CHARGE OF YOUR PROGRAMMING CAREER and acquire some seriously marketable skills!
Just because you learned how to use a hammer doesn’t mean you are ready to construct a building. Similarly, It’s not enough to just understand a programming language. That’s just a tool that can be used to develop various programs. The real craftsmanship is in software DESIGN.
This course is designed to take a junior level programmer with limited knowledge about object orientation to a competent level object oriented software designer! I expect you to understand the basics of loops, methods and conditionals in Java. You’ll be completing hands-on HOMEWORK Exercises through out the course! I have provided detailed video solutions to the exercises so that you can check your answers and get step by step instructions of how to tackle the object oriented design assignments.
You can find plenty of resources online for solving a programming puzzle or practicing algorithms. But… when it comes to object oriented design, admittedly, there is limited material out there for you to practice. So in this course, we use a LEARN-BY-DOING approach to explore a series of progressively challenging exercises to discover the 5 core object oriented design PRINCIPLES summarized by an acronym called SOLID:
(S). Single Responsibility
(O). Open/Closed
(L). Liskov Substitution
(l ). Interface Segregation
(D). Dependency Inversion
During this journey you’ll get practice applying some of the most important DESIGN PATTERNS that competent developers must have under their belt. There are so many design patterns out there, but we’ll be thoroughly covering only the most important ones. Save yourself the time from learning all the design patterns and going on a design frenzy. Focus on the 20% that covers 80% of the scenarios and add miles to your programming efficiency.
These cover 80% of patterns used out there in professional software development.
1). Strategy Pattern
2). Observer Pattern
3). Builder pattern
4). Factory method pattern
5). Template Method Pattern
6). Singleton Pattern
The topics can be applied to pretty much any object oriented language. But, we’ll be using Java, so I expect you to be familiar with the basic language constructs such as classes, methods and interfaces. But don’t worry if you don’t know about these, I’ve taken the time to create 6 comprehensive prerequisite lessons on introduction to object orientation. In these lessons, new comers can learn about the basics of object orientation such as:
1). Classes and objects
2). Inheritance and polymorphism,
3). Interfaces and abstract classes.
I’m certain that, by practicing the concepts covered, you’ll make a substantial leap forward in your programming career. I hope to see you in the coming lessons.
This course is from eliminatecodefear(dot)com. This site offers lectures on practical software development topics to immediately impact your programming skills. Things you can take to your interview and feel confident in your abilities!
Full details Advance your programming skills from a junior level newbie to a competent intermediate level object oriented software developer Design and develop software using best practices in Object oriented programming Apply the 5 crucial object oriented design principles using Java Apply design patterns such as Strategy, Observer, Template Method, Factory, and Builder Make the leap into professional software craftsmanship and take your career to the next level!
Full details If you’ve had trouble creating java programs that contain more than 1 or 2 classes, this course is for you I expect you to know the basics of Java loops and conditiona
“In general, the overall quality of this lesson is great, it shined some light on how to process to grasp more OOD concepts and knowledge. However there are 4 things I feel that could have been better, and that is why i took one star off. 1. There are certain trivial things that could have been left out, for example a couple class that implement one particular interface, if the implementation is for one has been mentioned, and if the second implementation is pretty march the same without tricky parts, then the typing of the code and repititive explanation should be fast forwarded. And instead more time should be spent on the code new key material. 2. The speed of the talk (Not the content or construction of the course) could be a little bit faster, a lot of the time it feels like speech is put in slow motion that I have to switch to 1.25 times of the speed. 3. Rather than directly quoting a lot of definitions directly (at least it feels like so) and using the big and dry words, it could have been much more help and easier if the definition could be explained in more intuitive and layman’s word, so people can easily relate the topic to their life experience. I had to look up information on the internet for some of the concepts to get a better understand. And I found some of the example and ideas are taken directly from Uncle Bob’s website and blog and only reworded (no offense, but only that Uncle Bob’s wording was much easier to understand, should have kept it in the original form). And Sometimes it gets dry when only see the definition then starts coding right away. A picture aside from UML diagram, a life scenario could have help more. 4. I’d really be happy if my questions could get answered. I understand it is the holiday season, but I have had other classes that my questions were answered on Christmas eve. I am not asking to the same standard, but at least please do not delay it till I am almost through the class. Overall, the class is good, the material is just what I am looking for. I learned a great deal, thank you for such courses. And I would recommend to anyone we would like to learn OOD” (Sdev)
“I gave it 5 stars because it is a great course. Simple to follow and Imtiaz is a communicator. I suggest taking this course highly. Other points; 1. Concise 2. Great audio 3. Good video 4. Explanation of why things should be done a certain way. 5. Great use of terms” (Jon Schaubhut)
“The course is very well structured and the trainer knows his stuff. I’ve learned a lot and received a couple of new design ideas. For a sufficient learning effect, it is highly recommended to do the assignments on your own before consuming the solution proposals. Thanks Imtiaz, well done!” (Bengt Mertens)
  About Instructor:
Imtiaz Ahmad
I’m a passionate software consultant and programmer of enterprise software architectures. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time building financial software on Wall St. and worked for companies like S&P, Goldman Sachs, AOL along with helping various startups solve mission critical software problems. In my 13 years of experience, I’ve developed massive enterprise level software using programming languages like Java, C++, Python, PL/SQL and Ruby. I’ve learned many lessons along the way, and I hope to share this knowledge with aspiring software developers. I’ve always had a passion for teaching in seminars and corporations during my consulting projects. My online school Eliminate Code Fear gives me the opportunity to share my knowledge with students of all backgrounds and experiences across the globe! I’m really excited for this opportunity to bring to you real-world practical experience! Join my initiative and we’ll work together to bring out the best programmer in you!
Instructor Other Courses:
The Complete Oracle SQL Certification Course Imtiaz Ahmad, Senior Software Engineer & Trainer @ Eliminate Code Fear (520) $10 $195 Practical Data Structures & Algorithms in Java + HW Java Puzzles to Eliminate Code Fear …………………………………………………………… Imtiaz Ahmad coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Programming Languages course coupon Udemy Programming Languages course coupon Master Object Oriented Design in Java – Homework + Solutions Master Object Oriented Design in Java – Homework + Solutions course coupon Master Object Oriented Design in Java – Homework + Solutions coupon coupons
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