#that kenobi took and then hid and so now they're anakin's
tennessoui · 1 month
No logic to this probably lol sorry BUT an AU where Obi-Wan dies instead of Qui-Gon and Qui-Gon mourns his padawan while he takes up the responsibility of training yet ANOTHER padawan (Anakin). But for whatever reason Obi-Wan sticks around as some kind of Force ghost, mostly tethered to Qui-Gon, but it seems that only Anakin can see him at some points. Idk I just wanna imagine smol Anakin chatting to his 'imaginary friend'. Pada Obi force ghost
you know what i feel like i've read a fic like this before but i can't quite recall!! it's definitely a fascinating idea - i love like. the idea that the force is like 'wait you guys need to meet that needs to happen, kenobi wasn't supposed to die. skywalker needs kenobi and vice versa. no im not gonna accept your soul, obi-wan, i know you're going to be incredibly angsty about the perceived rejection of your soul by Me, the Force, but you don't understand my son needs you in his life. you'll become the first jedi to ever become a Force Ghost without any training. congratulations now go counsel my son through his peers making fun of his haircut. i know. you would have given him the padawan cut immediately. i know. i know. qui-gon didn't though and it feels wrong for me too. go be his friend.'
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melissa-kenobi · 3 years
Commander Kiri x Reader
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A/N: heyyy finally got round to writing a Kiri (OC) x Reader yay! I know I've had alot of requests about it so here it is. It still follows the Fallen Premonitions storyline, but reader doesn't end up with Rex, still has her visions of the future and stuff, also they sorta have a thing for each other ahaha, enjoy! x
📷: @pinkiemme (love it so much)
Word Count: 3.4k
The voice of your Commander echoed through the forest as he rushed after you, avoiding the branches that you force threw at him. Your legs ached with pain as you pushed yourself to run faster, not wanting him to catch up with you.
You were on a relief mission, having finished giving the people what they needed, yourself and your two man squadron decided to explore the planet for a while. Neither of you had ever been here before and the shuttle that was supposed to pick you up had been delayed, so there was no point in rushing. You decided that you might as well explore the place with the boys, seeing as they never have a chance to. Which is how you ended up rushing through a forest, having stolen one of your Commanders treats you paced your way through the forest.
Before you knew it, you ran straight into the chest of Hopper, who stood still, glaring at you, all while you gave him a cheeky smile. "Hops, you good?"
"General, what are you doing?" Hopper asked, a hint of sarcasm laced in his tone. You hid the treat behind your back, keeping it out of sight from Hopper and supposedly Kiri.
You rolled your eyes, letting out a small chuckle as you swerved around Hopper, hiding behind him, your head peaking out from the side as you kept an eye out for your commander.
"Nothing!" You innocently smiled, eyes flittering around. Hopper shook his head in annoyance but continued to let you stand behind him, holding onto his arms as protection.
All of a sudden a tap on your shoulder had you flipping around, eyes wide and mouth open as Kiri smiled back at you. "Gotcha..."
"That's not fair, you cheated!" You moaned as you slumped against Hopper who had turned around, watching his General and Commander interact with a curious glint in his eye.
"You're the one who threw branches at me and stole my treat!" Kiri accused as he sent a soft glare your way.
"Wel-" Your words were cut off as you felt a strange presence, no a dark presence embrace your body. You clutched your head in pain as you stumbled, losing your footing. Your head screamed in pain as you felt the darkness embrace your body, you legs weakening as you fell limp. The troopers acted quickly, grabbing you before you could fall to the ground and hurt yourself further.
"General? Are you okay?" Kiri asked, eyes full of concern as he held you in his arms. Hopper checked your pulse only to find a faint beat as he shook you gently trying to wake you up.
"She's not responsive!" Hopper panicked, eyes wide as he looked at Kiri. The Commander picked you up, one hand around your legs and the other around your back as he carried you across to the village. Hopper scurried ahead, looking for the villagers who they had just spoken with, only to find the village completely empty.
"Kiri, there's no-one there! They've all disappeared!"
Kiri furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, eyes flickering around, looking for a safe place to put you. He looked down at you in his arms, your face pale and unconscious as made a split second decision. "Hopper, check that hut over there for supplies, we'll have to make camp here. But be on the lookout, I don't know what's happened but I'll try to contact General Kenobi."
Hopper nodded in understanding, his face stern as he knew your life was on the line.
It had been at least an hour since the three of you had made camp. Hopper had found a bundle of material, wrapping you up warm while you shivered unconsciously. You kept mumbling some words, neither Kiri nor Hopper knew what was going on. They had tried to contact General Kenobi but to their disadvantage they couldn't, the signal had been ripped from the village, almost as if this all débâcle was planned.
The boys took it in turns to stay by the fire at your side while the other kept guard by the entrance of the hut they were staying in. Hopper was currently on door duty while Kiri sat besides you, fiddling with his comms, trying to get a signal or something to someone.
"D-dooku...Kiri....H-hops... careful..."
Kiri instantly dropped his comm, his hands coming to hold you down as you shuffled and fought in your sleep. Kiri eventually calmed your down, his body twisting to face you as he gently cupped your cheek, eyes soft as he watched you mumble words. His name to be specific. The very one you had given him, the one he was oh-so proud of.
Kiri let out a deep sigh, his eyebrows furrowing as he took a quick glance at Hopper who was focuced on the outdoors before he turned back and spoke to you.
"Cyar'ika, c'mon Y/N, I can't have you dying on me, not when we've just begun. We haven't even had time for a proper mission, or even spend time together." Kiri whispered those few words, hoping Hopper didn't hear him. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on your forehead, leaning down to place his own on yours as he whispered.
"Come back to us. Come back to me."
"Kiri! There's some Civ's rolling in!"
Kiri quickly got up, but not before squeezing your hand in comfort, he could have sworn he felt you squeeze back but it could have just been wishful thinking, or he was thinking with his heart.
"They don't look like regular civilians..." Kiri noted as he stood besides Hopper who pulled out his scopes, trying to figure out who the people were.
"That's because they're not! They're clankers! Kriff! Kiri we have to get out of here!"
"We can't!" Kiri instantly turned his head towards your unconscious body in the hut. "She's too weak, we can't move her!"
"Well we have to, otherwise we'll be crushed into pieces and none of us will ever make it out alive!" Hopper retorted, he'd been in a situation like this before with you. But you had been conscious, you had been his saviour, his beacon of hope, but now you were the one who needed the help. That was on of the worst days of his life, but when he saw your face alongside General Plo, he knew it would be alright. You'd taken him into your battalion, practically begged General Plo until he caved and you had been glued to each other since. Hopper wasn't too happy with the way you handled the 265th but you were- no are a good General. He wasn't going to give up on you yet.
"Kiri, you defend! I'll get the General!" Hopper ordered. Kiri panicked, not wanting Hopper to take you, he wanted to be the one, not that he didn't trust Hopper because he did. He just didn't trust himself, would he be able to concentrate when your life was on the line?
He would have to. For his brothers. For you.
Kiri nodded in confirmation as he took out his twin blasters, ready to defend. He started shooting the clankers that came anywhere near the hut, giving Hopper the chance to pick you up and run. Kiri followed suit, but so did the droids, gaining on them as they made their way through the forest, Hopper going as fast as he could, with you slung over his shoulder one hand clutching your back as he shot with the other. Kiri blasting the droids left and right, each one falling down just as quick, but the other behind gaining speed as they soon started to overwhelm the two soldiers.
"Hopper, I can't- I need your help! There are too many of them!" Kiri yelled over the noise of blasters being shot, he narrowly missed a blaster blot being shot into his arm as swooped to te left. Hopper glanced over to Kiri, having taken refuge behind a tree, his back facing Hopper all hope lost from his face, as he breathed heavily. The droids were gaining on them as he took a quick glance. Hopper hid behind a tree, gently placing you on the ground as he placed a small kiss on your forehead whispering a small prayer in mando'a before rushing over to help Kiri.
"What's the plan General?" Hopper asked immediately as he rushed over to Kiri, back to back as they shot the driods that were coming in left and right.
"We need to take out those destroyers!" Kiri stated as he signalled to his right, the two destroyers that were gaining on them. Hopper nodded in confirmation, as he pulled out a grenade, already throwing it in the direction of the destroyers, disabling their shields allowing Kiri to shoot at them, instantly destroying them. But it wasn't enough, they still had droids coming in left and right.
Out of nowhere a force of something threw all the droids back, instantly crushing them to the ground, only leaving the destroyers up, with their shields down, giving the boys a split second to glance back and see you stood there, hands out, a small smile on your face.
"Go..." You whispered, just loud enough for the boys to hear before you gripped onto the tree for support as the troopers quickly looked at each other, eyes filled with fear, not sure whether to go to you or the destroyers. But alas their prayers were answered when several Republic gunships flew in. Generals' Kenobi and Skywalker flying into battle alongside some of thier troopers, giving Kiri and Hopper the chance to rush over to you.
They were too late, Dooku had you in his grip, ready to fly off with you before Kiri blasted his bolts at him, eyes furious as he saw your limp body be dragged away. "Y/N!"
Kiri rushed over to Dooku, blasters held high but never stood a chance against Dooku before he was swept aside like a doll. Dooku regarded this gesture carefully as he watched the young soldier call out your name, leaving his own defenses open. Anakin jumped in at the right time, lightsaber at the ready while he forced pulled your body from Dooku's grip and into his arms. Dooku having already seen your Commander to his left had signalled them to take him instead.
"Kiri! No!" You yelled weakly, tugging on Anakins arms, trying, pleading with him to save Kiri.
"We can't Y/N!" Anakin apologised softly as he watched Dooku fly away, your Commander trapped with the Separatists, all while you stood helpless. You spotted Kiri's helmet, picking it up as you clutched it to your chest, not wanting to let your feelings out in front of Anakin. You caressed the helmet, thumb rubbing over the four arrows marked on it, they represented each of your little squadron, yourself, Hopper, Jester and Luka.
"We'll get you back Kiri. I promise."
Coruscant - Council Chambers
"Master Windu, I sugge-"
"No. I'm sorry Y/N, but the council have decided that this mission is far too risky. We can only put our faith in Commander Kiri's hands and hope that he returns to us." Master Windu spoke sternly, eyes fixated on you.
"Bu- I can't let him die! He's my Commander!" You retorted, eyes furrowed in anger.
"We can always get you another one Y/N."
The look of disbelief that crossed your face was more than enough for you to burst out your thoughts. "Then we are no better than the Separatists! Leaving a man behind because he's a clone, because, what, he is replaceable? So are the Jedi, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't at least try and go after them! That is not what the Jedi stand for and not what I signed up for!"
"Y/N! Control yourself." Master Kenobi spoke, eyes sending a warning look at you, instantly telling you to mind your tongue. Obi-Wan's disapproval only angered you further, you wouldn't leave Kiri by himself, not when he sacrificed himself to save you. Why they had taken him was beyond you, but you promised you would get him back.
And you would. Whatever it took. Whether you had the blessing from the council or not.
You bowed in respect. "My apologies Master. I spoke out of turn.. I am just worried about my Commander. He is one of the finest, most loyal person I have ever worked with, and I do consider Kiri a dear friend."
Master Windu nodded in acknowledgement, your apology accepted. "I understand young one, but this matter is out of your hands, as well as the councils."
You nodded in confirmation, ready to leave the council room before Master Yoda called for you. "Yes Master Yoda?"
"Speak to you I wish, in private." Master Yoda asked as he signalled for the other members to leave the room, Obi-Wan placing a hand on your shoulder in comfort before he followed the others out the room.
"What is it Master Yoda?"
"Y/N, sensed a great disturbance in the force I do. Careful you must be when rescuing your Commander."
Your mouth fell open out of shock. "Master Yoda! I-i er, it has been forbidden by the Council, I cannot go!"
"Matter it does not. Ever Clone matters to us, do they not?" You nodded. "Then you will go. Skywalker will go with you, careful you must be Y/N. Dooku looks for you."
"Yes Master Yoda." You knew not to question Master Yoda, especially when he had just given you permission to get Kiri back.
"Tell me... Commander... why is she so special? Why do you resist telling me about her?"
The low tones of Asajj Ventress' voice echoed through the tunnels of Dooku's fortress. Her longer fingernails traced the Commanders face, running from the tip of his eyebrow, down his cheek to his lip, before she squeezed his chin in her hands, forcing him to look at her.
Kiri was pinned against the wall on a durasteel contraption, hand held above his head and his leg split apart as they were held down by the same material. His helmet was long gone, probably still stuck on that godforsaken planet, he'd have to get a new one when he got back. If he ever got back. All Kiri could think about was if you were safe, if you made it out alive. He prayed that you did, that whatever he tried to do kept you safe, kept you alive. Your life was worth a million of his, and he was glad that it was him here, instead of you.
"I'll never give you what you want!" Kiri rumbled out, taking deep breaths as she squeezed his windpipe with her bare hands, not using the force.
Ventress growled in anger as he slapped his face, Kiri's head slapping the hard metal as he grunted in slight pain.
"Fine. I guess we'll have to do things the old fashioned way." Ventress taunted as she pulled out a flaring hot viroblade, waving it in the air as she approached Kiri. The blade taunting his skin, as she pressed it slowly, into his upper lip, carving it into his skin. Kiri screamed out, the pain that he was experiencing was excruciating, but it was nothing compared to how he felt when he almost lost you.
Kiri prayed to the maker above, for someone to help him, to hear his pleas, but it was useless. Ventress pulled the viroblade from his face, cleaning the blood off it before hovering over his face again. "It would be a shame to mess this pretty little face up, wouldn't it?"
"Then again, there are several of you clones. Who cares if there's one that's a little bit damaged, or even one less?"
"I do."
Kiri's eyes widened in shock as he saw you approch, your robes swaying behind you as Anakin and Ahsoka followed behind, your twin lightsabers out, a fierce grown painted on your face. Kiri could have sworn he was in heaven, an angel had come to save him, one that had taken the form of you, he would die happily, his last thoughts and visions of you. His eyes started to droop slowly to sleep, as the last thing he remembered was the soft tones of your voice calling his name out.
Medical Bay
"Look who's finally awake!"
Luka grinned happily as he hugged his brother, trying his best not to further injure him. Jester copied Luka, giving Kiri a large hug, causing him to slightly wince in pain. Hopper stood on his left as he placed a hand on his shoulder, sending a small smile his way, happy to see his brother alive and well.
"Good to see you back with us Commander."
"Glad to see you too boys." Kiri laughed, although his tone was a little off as Hopper noticed Kiri looking around anxiously.
"She's at a debriefing. Broke a lot of Jedi rules to come get you."
"I-i didn't sa-"
"You didn't have to vod. We already know." Luka smiled, patting Kiri on the arm.
"Already know what?" Your angelic tone echoed through Kiri's room as you entered, a large grin plastered across your face as you saw Kiri wide awake. Kiri's eyes widened in surprise as he wondered if you had overheard their conversation.
The boys quickly looked at each other, before Hopper spoke up, covering up what Kiri had practically confessed to them. "That Ventress got away again."
You rolled your eyes at his statement, taking a seat at the end of Kiri's bed. "She's a coward. She'll always run."
Your boys nodded in agreement, happy to accept whatever it was that you said, moving away from Kiri's confession. "Anyways, I brought some sweets! I bought them from a vendor in Central Coruscant, the twi'lek said they were the sweetest, so I hope they are."
You handed out a packet to each of the boys who looked at them in glee, Jester already stuffing his face with them while Hopper looked sceptical at the sight of them.
"Oh, Hops, they're not gonna harm you! It's just a sweet! Look I'll eat one!" You popped one in your mouth, chewing on the sweet delicacy as you hummed in pleasure. "Here look, Kiri have one!" You took one out, hand coming up to place one in Kiri's mouth when your eyes stopped on the scar that had formed across his upper lip.
It was a deep nasty cut that left a horrible scar, one that you were partially responsible for. "Sorry..." You mumbled, eyes downcast. Hopper could feel the tension a mile away, luckily though before he could intervene, Captain Rex knocked on the door asking for your troopers to report to General Kenobi for their next assignment. The boys said thier goodbyes before leaving you and Kiri alone in the room.
"I am so sorry Kiri! I wish you didn't have to go through all of that, I wish I- we could have done something sooner." Your guilty eyes falling on the scar, and the brusies that scorned his beautiful face.
"Hey, at least we both made it out alive. You saved me, remember? You came back for me."
"I know. But I could have been too late. What would Ventress have done to you if we hadn't arrived on time? If I hadn't gone against the councils wishes? I-i don't know what I would have done." You sighed, feeling the emotions you bottled creep up on you slowly.
"I wish I could take all the pain away for you." You lift a hand, tracing a finger over the scar as Kiri winces slightly, eyes closing in content at your soft fingers tracing his skin.
"You already have."
You look up to Kiri in confusion, eyes caught with his as you leaned in, Kiri simultaneously leaning in too. Your hand moving to trace his cheek as he brought his hand to cup your face his his large hands, bringing your closer as your lips finally met. Eyes closing in content as you felt Kiri's soft lips pressed against yours, the scar brusing your top lip as he pulled away, forehead pressed against you as he smiled happily.
"I would do it all again if it meant keeping you safe."
Taglist: @tobitofunction @pinkiemme @shadowfoxey @yamaktaria @callme-eds @starwarsworld
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