#that and making it illegal for people to own or rent private jets
angelicichor · 1 year
I'd ask Santa to redistribute billionaires' wealth to the poor as my gift for Christmas, but with the copious amounts of monster porn I consume, I don't think I'm making it onto the nice list this year :((
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billiethetween · 8 months
i guess i get that given the state of the internet, making lazy "react" videos that are just stealing shit other people make is a decent way for conventionally attractive people to make an obscene amount of money because you're basically just jangling keys in front of a bunch of toddlers and platforms like youtube and instagram will actively reward you for it so they can get sell shit to children. like ok, i don't like it, but i get why it happens.
but what i don't get is why every other react creator is a blackhole of malignant narcissist who spends more time harassing their critics than actually working on their own content? like we all know your audience of literal children isn't going to understand that you're just pretty, vapid, and want easy money but you can't possibly expect grown adults to not see what you're doing, and like... this genre has a reputation. people know what they're getting into when they're making it. people are going to hate you and they are going to say so. you know this is lazy because that's you started doing it.
so why is it impossible for any of these weirdos to just ignore criticism? if i was making lazy content meant to mine the data of kids so advertisers can take advantage of their mushy brains i'd just be at home getting treatment for the thousands of paper cuts i got having trying to have sex with my mistress on a pile of money. y'know, as opposed to posting through stalking a guy who made fun of me on the internet by showing up at his house in the middle of the night demanding to "talk like adults." again, your audience of neglected 2nd graders might think this is how adults deal with conflict but most actual adults are going to understand this at best deranged and at worst illegal. the 5th graders who think you're funny because they've yet to figure out they're just horny might believe that anyone, let alone a guy who has been a professional internet celebrity for nearly two decades, can and will just "post his address to google" but i'm pretty sure most judges and youtube's legal team are going to know that's horseshit. you've just turned yourself into a massive liability.
why risk losing your stupid easy gig over behavior more commonly associated with flyover country meth heads going through their 10th break up in two weeks? use your fully developed brain and just count your dirty money girl. go the club and drink champagne straight out of the bottle, rent a yatch and do cocaine off some dolphins, invite snoop dog and martha stewart to drop the newest psychedelic invented by the cia on your private jet, hunt the most dangerous game with some congressmen. that's what i'd be doing if i was making millions by working an hour a day anyway.
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
How rich is Taylor? Is she just celebrity rich or is the amount of money she has abnormal even for a celebrity?
I mean insofar as net worth and all that, it’s impossible for me, or anyone including her, to give you an accurate number. But you can get an idea of what echelon she’s in by how she runs her life. For example how many homes she owns (4 officially, one being 3 separate apartments in a New York City building which I count as one but there you go right there) how often she redecorates them (she renovated her NYC main apartment significantly in recent years and has been restoring and renovating her new LA home), how she travels (by private planes that she owns, not charters), and other miscellaneous things that give you an idea of how much access we have to her. An example of the last parameter is how many vacation photos do we have of her in the past 5 or so years? If the answer is little to none, then she goes places that common people have little access too, meaning they’re places that cater to the super wealthy and protect their privacy. Or that they’re entire homes that are very far flung from common vacation spots, also very expensive to get to and typically only enjoyed by the super wealthy who can afford to rent villas and castles and private islands. Based off of the few things we have to go off of, the things listed above, she definitely operates in the circles of the extremely wealthy based on what she can afford to do. Owning a private plane vs. chartering one for example is the difference between the generally wealthy and the super rich .01%. Operating costs for a personal private jet can be around 1 million annually per jet depending on how often it’s used and the size of it. Fuel, pilot salaries, maintenance, etc. There was a time when she had two. So she’s not working with 10 million or even 50 million on average if she can afford that. She’s in the hundreds for sure. she also can afford to run her own company instead of hiring contract workers per tour or album cycle or going through her label. She’s footing the bill for that herself, meaning she’s responsible for salary, benefits, expenses, etc. and while it’s all tax deductible as operating costs for her own LLC or whatever it’s classified as, someone has to pay that upfront annually.
All this to say that given how she runs her life, what she’s able to afford to do, she is raking in what I’d estimate to be 250-500 million in income. The problem is it’s impossible to know, and again she doesn’t even know, numbers like that. For a number of reasons, but mainly 2 reasons that I can feel confident saying. One is she and I don’t know where her money is coming from. I can safely assume like all people in that tippy top percent, her income is diversified meaning it doesn’t just come from music. No not touring or merch, I mean she likely has large chunks of her money stowed away in investment portfolios with one of the big firms or perhaps a very exclusive one. The money generated by those investments probably accounts for 25% of her annual income, if not more. One of the secrets of how rich people stay rich and get richer is large sums of money beget more money via well managed investments. Passive income is what it’s typically referred to as and every single wealthy person at her level has a good chunk of their assets invested. You’re stupid not to. Why have your money sit there when it could be making you MORE money while it sits there. So because of that, and that she doesn’t manage it herself, she has no idea where some of her income comes from other than her investment portfolio. Number two is that neither she nor I know where it all goes, not exactly. The number one enemy for the super rich is taxes. There are a slew of ways to avoid paying the taxes they should pay on income, assets, and the like that essentially hide her money or make it untouchable via loopholes. A few I can speak to are things like off-shore accounts which are not illegal exactly but they’re shady and one of those “we’re gonna pretend we don’t see” things. Very wealthy people keep large sums of money in offshore accounts to keep their reported income low enough to lower their taxes. If she has any, she either knows about their existence and that’s all or doesn’t know at all which is better for her in case things go south. Accountants and money managers generally try to keep clients in the dark about things like that for mutual legal protection (if she doesn’t know she can’t blab about it and also won’t get in as much trouble if she’s audited). Another tactic for avoiding taxes is manipulating loopholes like the farm loophole. Many extremely wealthy people own working farms on paper because it gives them a huge agriculture tax cut. I can think of three extremely famous people you know that do. It’s one of many aspects of tax law money managers and accountants for that level of wealthy will know how to exploit to keep as much money in the pockets of their clients as possible. So given all of that, her actual numerical net worth is completely obscured, even from her, and it’s on purpose. If the public knew then the government would know and would tax or audit her accordingly and she doesn’t want that. Nobody will ever know, not her or her family or any media outlet that claims to know (they’re guessing). The only people who know are her accountants. But I can say with absolute certainty her level of wealth is abnormal. She’s beyond a celebrity at this point as far as the income she’s accumulating. She’s a full fledged business.
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nothingunrealistic · 3 years
naturally was going "hmm what kind of fins (fish) would young taylor in the bathtub wish for. how would we know what they think would be the best fish tail to have" & then was just thinking of Younger Taylor Hcs just in general. got any you'd wanna share, or like, any faves from what's been provided either as unofficial ideas or via those glimpses of info in the show's text. Fave can be in a "truly enjoy this" way & or simply more of a "truly Thinking About This An Extra Lot" sense lol. They
Boy Do I… first, a listing of everything we Know from canon about their childhood / early life / family:
taylor grew up in “a place like” connerty’s small apartment where “the heat pipes bang practically all night” in the winter [2x11]
taylor’s mom would deem the apartment they rented for her & douglas too expensive, and if she & douglas were shopping for furniture, they’d argue about how much things cost [4x07]
taylor never thought they’d be thinking about living a life where they book private jets [2x09]
the masons’ home is hundreds of miles from any body of water (as shown here) and douglas had to fly to nyc to see taylor [4x03]
douglas figures taylor’s mom won’t miss him getting in her way back home [4x03]
taylor has a sister; when she gets married, in michigan, taylor is part of the wedding party [2x09]
at a young age, taylor was always measuring information around them, and sweet / affectionate, especially toward douglas [4x03]
taylor’s favorite cereal as a kid was frosted flakes [4x09]
taylor was never really douglas’s “little girl” like he claims [4x03]
the first time douglas brought taylor to his lab, it meant a lot to them, and the next day they gave him designs to remake it [4x06]
douglas taught taylor: “don’t just have an idea, build the model that proves it” [4x07]
according to douglas, taylor gets the “unyielding compulsion to get it right” from him, and their relationship was best when they “kept things mathematical” [4x03]
douglas wishes he could have built real wealth / success and given it all to taylor [4x03]
wendy mentions to taylor that douglas has “exploited your need for his approval,” and taylor agrees that douglas only cares about his own advancement rather than being a father first [4x07]
douglas dislikes the military / the government [4x06]
taylor is surprised by douglas quoting a pop song [4x07]
when taylor was younger, the bathtub was the only place they could go to be alone and think, and they’d press their legs against the sides hard enough to make them go numb [3x11]
taylor started playing online poker at age 12 under the screen name ZackCody892 and played up to 16 tables at a time (and for thousands of hours) [2x03]
douglas was fired from his job at an aerospace firm when taylor was in 7th grade. this firing damaged their relationship with him and “affected the home life.” for years, taylor thought douglas had been fired so that the firm could steal his invention, and only found out the truth from his personnel file [2x11, 4x05, 4x06]
taylor has had 927 hours of therapy prior to their session with dr. gus, and that number hasn’t changed at their first session with wendy [2x03, 2x08]
douglas, in bringing taylor food and coffee, claims they rarely take the time to look after themself [4x04]
taylor used to lie to themself and others but is now past that, and knows “how hard it is to have things inside you that you can’t communicate” and “what it’s like to face public scrutiny over who you are” [2x08, 3x02, 4x04]
when taylor reminds douglas about their pronouns, he says “this talk again?”, implying it’s a discussion they’ve had before [4x03]
taylor once got into a bar fight with a high school classmate (it’s unclear whether they were still in high school at the time) after seeing y tu mamá también in a theater [5x07]
taylor was active in occupy wall street in college [2x10]
taylor played poker in college against classmates, grad students, & professors, but their opponents kicked them out for winning too much; additionally, the competitive aspect made them sick (described as “malaise” or “vertigo-like symptoms”) [2x03, 4x12]
taylor planned to go to chicago for grad school and study with eugene fama [2x02]
mafee picked taylor as his intern because they were the only applicant who wasn’t boring / didn’t care about the same bullshit that everyone from wharton or harvard did [5x04]
douglas initiated the visit to taylor, claiming it was because he’d missed them, after not being ready to see them even though taylor’s mother wanted to visit countless times [4x03, 4x07]
taylor is trying to be “everything to their father” in funding his company, and neither of them will be able to come back from taylor being forced to betray him [4x06, 4x07]
wow that’s a long list. and now, my own thoughts and extrapolations:
taylor grew up somewhere in the west / midwest with their parents and sister, who’s a few years older than them, in a house small enough that they had to share a bedroom with her. hence, needing to hide out in the bathtub to get any space & time alone.
from very early on, taylor was douglas’s favorite child and he was their favorite parent — douglas saw taylor’s intelligence & insight (and saw himself in them) and chose to put time & effort into teaching / guiding / molding them, hoping they’d one day follow in his footsteps / support his ambitions, and taylor liked that attention & recognition. (douglas’s attitude toward taylor’s sister is essentially “well she’s here too i guess.”)
douglas taught taylor enough about aerospace engineering & mathematics for them to understand the value of his lattice fin concept, and to generally have a better grasp of engineering concepts than your average (even very well-read) business major / financier. (remember how rebecca knew a robot’s “proprietary” power source was a combustion engine because her father was a mechanic? same deal here. see also: the “smash electronics apart to find the microchips inside and figure out who makes them” strategy; taylor comparing losing grigor’s money to building a turbo engine and having the nitrous tank blow up in their face.) this manifested in both directly teaching them in his lab and in playing games like the silverware-stacking game we see in 4x03, or like douglas throwing out math problems for taylor to solve on the spot, or the two of them solving math problems together.
douglas also imparted his taste in music (which does not include anything new / popular) to taylor, though their taste as an adult (or even as, like, a teenager) isn’t identical to his. this is how they discovered rush in the first place and why they have such strong opinions about The Best Rush Albums. (if douglas had such a ranking, it’d be closer to axe’s than to taylor’s.)
listening to rush helped make taylor a libertarian 😔 that’s just life when you’re a neil peart stan, which of course they are. they admire his lyrics + his drumming talent + his absolute poker face in performances.
douglas also taught taylor to play blackjack, which inspired them to go and learn poker on their own and start playing online. they tried to keep it a secret, but it's hard to be secretive about spending hours a day playing online poker on the family computer. (this is 2006 or so, after all.)
taylor figured out that they were Not A Girl (or at least had thoughts of “hm i don’t enjoy being addressed / perceived as A Girl”) fairly young but didn’t acquire a concrete vocabulary for / specific understanding of that for some time. (if douglas is calling they/them pronouns “that woke stuff” in 2019, he sure wasn’t saying anything clear or favorable about trans people in 2009 or 1999. ditto for online poker sites.)
douglas’s firing exacerbated every negative aspect of the mason family dynamic. he doubled down on pushing taylor toward his field, urging them to succeed where he’d failed, and warning them against letting anyone Steal Their Value. money got tighter, taylor’s parents argued more, and any activities taylor was in (like, say, swimming at the ymca) that required payment got cut; they may have figured out how to make money (illegally!) from online poker at this point. the combined stress of financial instability, being torn between pursuing their own ambitions and fulfilling douglas’s expectations for them, and increasing Gendered Expectations in general — plus the whole “playing online poker for hours a day” thing — probably put taylor in therapy within a few months, if they weren’t in therapy already. (how did their parents pay for it? i don’t know either.)
stealing this from that interview asia & brian & david did in 2017: if taylor had not already taught themself to think and speak directly & incisively and look people in the eye when they talk, et cetera, it started here, whether in therapy or on their own time.
taylor went to college in new york city. douglas did not want them to do this, for a number of reasons, and would have preferred they stick closer to home (and study something other than finance), but doing so would have made them miserable.
by the time they finished high school (circa 2012), taylor had properly heard of trans people and figured that they were somehow One Of Them, but not until college did they hear of people being nonbinary and go “ohhhh yeah that’s me.” (they’d also gotten a Short Haircut in high school, but didn’t go full buzzcut until college. unsurprisingly, they got some shit in high school for being Visibly gnc.)
for some period of time while figuring out their gender situation, taylor went by the name neil as a nod to neil peart. (it’s fun to imagine that they still have a faceless twitter / tumblr account where they go by neil. doubles as a way to prevent anyone connecting it to their real life.)
taylor came out to their family while in college. their mom and sister had fairly similar reactions of “well i don’t Get this exactly, but i love you and want to support you and i’m sure you know what you're talking about better than i do and you did clearly hate it every time i urged you to conform to Standards Of Womanhood so sure i can call you Them and my [child / sibling] :)” given some time to think about it. douglas… well. if he’s starting from a place of “i don’t get this,” he’ll end up at “so it must be wrong and stupid, because i’m always right,” especially if This = his favorite child being different in some significant way from who / what he thought they were. obviously he doesn’t react well or supportively, and the strain in his relationship with taylor tips over into full-blown estrangement. bad times for everyone.
if taylor’s bar fight happened when they were old enough to legally enter a bar, it happened after coming out to their family (also after the live poker fiasco), and before making plans for grad school / internships. most likely it was on a summer break they were spending back in their hometown. (another fun thought: taylor seeing the video of axe punching a guy, just weeks after they punched a guy, and going “well maybe i should work for him.”)
if douglas was at taylor’s sister’s wedding (and maybe he wasn’t!), it was awkward for everyone when he and taylor crossed paths again. barest of pleasantries, passive-aggressive comments, et cetera. naturally, it took a few more years — and douglas realizing that taylor, now being fairly wealthy and successful, could probably fund his dream project if they didn’t hate him — for him to decide to visit them.
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jasonnylaura · 3 years
How can I get my money back from a binary options scam?
A binary option is similar to a normal (“vanilla”) option, where you pay a premium for the option to buy or sell an instrument at a fixed price (the exercise price – see box below for a detailed explanation). Profits or losses on vanilla options can be small or large, depending on the difference between the “exercise” price and the price of the underlying asset.
Unlike normal options, however, binary options do not fluctuate in value. Either the option is “in the money” on expiry – in which case it pays out – or it isn’t, in which case it expires worthless. Because of this binary nature, many shysters see an opportunity in selling binary options that are highly unlikely to end up in the money. They get to collect the hefty premiums, but never have to pay out.
Don’t be suckered by wild success stories
The media is part of the problem. Journalists, particularly those working at online content mills, are so desperate for content that might “go viral” and garner lots of hits that they’re quite willing to run a story with a click-bait headline without doing much (if any) background research. Take the recent tale of a 16-year-old “self-taught currency trader”, who apparently turned £150 into £60,000 in less than a year. This dubious success story was widely shared on social media without many questions being asked. Yet if we take those returns and calculate them on an annual basis, this 16-year-old’s return for the year would be 39,900%. That would literally make him the best trader of all time. So how did a 16-year-old school kid learn how to outsmart the best minds and machines on the planet, just by watching YouTube videos? As nobody asked him, sadly we’ll never know.
There was also the very recent example of Giovani , a 20-year-old medical student in Plymouth who claimed to be making six figures a month from foreign exchange trading. One major newspaper reported this month that more than 1,000 investors were sucked in by Singh’s Instagram account, which showed him posing in designer clothes with expensive cars at plush holiday resorts. Those who signed up for his services found that their trading accounts were emptied on Christmas Eve and the FCA has added him to its warning list of unauthorised traders (after the fact, unfortunately). But what the paper doesn’t mention in this particular piece is that Singh’s “success” was first reported on its own website in breathless, no-questions-asked fashion, in November, just a month before it all went horribly wrong.
This aggravates me because, as a genuine trader, I work hard to make profits and I know what it takes. I also don’t like to see people being conned. So I want to unpack this story for you, so that you don’t end up falling for one of these scams or something similar.
How does the binary-options scam work?
There is a reason why so many gentlemen (it’s usually men) in their early 20s now apparently own private jets, luxury cars and slick watches. It just may not be because they’ve cracked the financial markets as they claim. As Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett’s business partner, puts it: “Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome”. There are many reputable financial-trading firms and brokerages out there. However, many – ones that I would describe as “bucket shops” – are not so reputable. Spread-betting firms typically make their money on the spread (the gap between the buying price and the selling price) and the commission paid by their clients. So their business model does not benefit from losing traders.
However, many brokers know that a losing trader can be very profitable – for them. If you know that 90% of traders will lose all of their money within six months, what do you do? Simply take the other side of the trade. When Johnny Punter buys, the broker sells. And when Johnny Punter wishes to cover his losses, the broker buys and collects the profit.
Unprofitable traders are so profitable for many a bucket shop that they will pay handsome introduction fees for new traders. Therein lies the incentive. It doesn’t matter if you’re actually making any money from your trading – if you can get even a £20 incentive for every trader who signs up with the minimum deposit of a few hundred pounds, then you only need to sign up 1,000 people a month to make £20,000. And the reality is that these brokers aren’t offering just £20 for new clients – they’re offering hundreds. I know they do, because I’ve been offered it.
The Pied Pipers of foreign exchange
If you’re not a successful trader, the next best thing is to fake it. A quick Google search reveals that you can rent a Lamborghini Huracan for four days at a price of £2,500. This is fairly steep – but you can rent a Lamborghini Gallardo for two days for £1,590. Two days is more than enough for a wannabe forex guru to take hundreds of snaps in different outfits, parking in fancy residential estates that they don’t live in and overall giving the impression over several months that they really do own a six-figure supercar. And of course, there are plenty of places to hunt down a cheap, out-of-season stay at a luxurious five-star hotel, where they can do exactly the same. Then they just pop it all on social media and wait for eager punters to line up to sign up with their “exclusive broker”.
Many brokers offer demo accounts, in which case the “guru” can just repeatedly put on ten trades in a row, come out with winners, then screenshot it and post it on Instagram. If even that is too difficult a task, then it’s a simple matter to fake the picture instead using image manipulation software and post that. With “evidence” of their success sorted out, the trader then promotes their wares with promises of “signals” that have 90% success rates, alongside key phrases such as “no risk” and “guaranteed profit”. Most informed investors realize that if a magic money-making machine did exist it would be owned by a private hedge fund, never to see the light of day. So anyone who actually believes that a 20-year-old student could pull this off is ideal bait – inexperienced, naive and potentially desperate.
The scam also succeeds because of how victims feel when they finally realize they’ve been suckered. Most don’t tell anyone because they feel foolish and want to save face. But also, they know (or rapidly learn) that there is very little the police can do. The banning of the sale of binary options was a step in the right direction. But now the traders of Instagram simply give away their “signals” to trade these options for free. And many bucket-shop brokers are overseas – often they’re not even doing anything illegal in the country in which they operate (although equally often the traders in question will imply that the bucket shop is a reputable UK-based and regulated institution, or lie flat out).
There are even operators who will manipulate the punter’s account in order to make them believe they are winning and then call on them to deposit more money. Then, when the client finally wishes to withdraw, the company goes cold and refers them to the small print, in which it says that the client must trade through an impossible amount of money just to be allowed to withdraw. Other brokers allow the affiliate to widen the spread to maximize their own commission and increase losses for their clients. We look at ways to avoid being scammed in the box below, but in short, as always – if it looks too good to be true, it is.
Can I trust Binary option scam reviews?
Is there a scam behind "Forex Binary Options" trading?
How do I go about recovering money from a Forex scam?
What is the best way to get my money back from an internet scam?
How can I recover my funds on binary options?
How can I get back my lost money from a scammer?
Alienmanhackers.xyz assists individuals and corporates around the world. They are able to use tools which are available in both UK and foreign jurisdictions to secure the best outcome for clients. With the help of a friend was able to recover the sum of 42,000GBP which was stolen under the pretense of investment.
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fernwehbookworm · 4 years
Woke The F*ck Up- Chapter 23
April 26th, 2018
Instead of flying back to London, Lena books her and Kara first class tickets back to National City. Kara was probably the best distraction Lena could have right now. They were able to settle in the large chairs and have breakfast while everyone else was boarding. Kara quested a movie on their private viewing screens. Kara was shocked to learn Lena had never seen Fight Club. Kara excitedly started explaining the plot and then quoting lines along with the actors. About halfway through Lena leans over and whispers in the ear that Kara doesn't have the earbud in.
“Is this even realistic? I mean, who would start something like that? And then it just spirals into crazier and crazier things.”
Kara shifts slightly in her seat before clearing her throat. Nervously, she rubs her hand on her jeans and makes a face. Lena watches her fidget and raises an eyebrow at her and that seems to make Kara settle.
“I actually, may have, slightly, joined a Fight Club-like thing.” Kara says softly, not to be overheard by the wandering flight attendants or the other passengers.
“You what?!” Lena says a little too loudly, causing heads to turn.
“You what?” She whispers harshly.
“I...I was in a pretty dark place, Lee. I mean I know you didn’t cope with the break up well, and you know I started drinking. It was just something stupid I did. Most of the money I didn’t need for bills went to charities.” Kara pleads with Lena to understand. Lena sits there and stares blankly at the movie.
“You, the vigilante superhero, went to underground fight clubs, for money,” Lena says slowly. Kara bites her lip and nods.
“Wow… I mean… wow. I don’t really know what to say. That’s… wow. Were you good? I mean of course, you were good. I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do with this information.” Lena sits back in her sit and furrows her brow. Kara chuckles softly.
“I was very good. Undefeated, in fact. But Alex found out and flipped, then she dragged me to therapy and I never went back.”
“Aren’t you afraid of repercussions. I mean those things are like really illegal. The people who run them don’t like people just walking away.”
“Nah, I was careful. I always wore a mask. Not the Powergirl one. This one covered the lower half of my face like a ski mask.” Kara pops some more cashews in her mouth, relieved to get that off her chest.
“I never got jokes about airplane food. I mean I guess I never had it before you but this is great!” Kara pops some cut fruit in her mouth and hums contentedly.
“Darling, it’s first class. Of course, the food is good. Are we really just blowing past the illegal fight club?”
“There’s really not much else to say. I mean I did it, won a lot, then I quit. Did you need to talk about it more? Sorry, that wasn’t supposed to sound sarcastic. Really, if you need to talk about it more then please let me know. I just promised I wouldn’t keep secrets anymore so I thought you should know.”
“No, you’re right. I guess there really isn’t anything to talk about. It was just a shock I guess. And you’re sure no one will know?” “I’m positive.” Kara settles back in her seat to watch the end of her movie. Lena just stares blankly as she processes this new information. Somehow it all made sense in all the crazy that had become Lena’s life. Lena flags down the flight attendant for a whiskey and a pen and paper. She had to clear her head in the best way she knew how.
Once back on the ground it was easy for the pair to grab their carry-ons and Lena to rent a car. In no time they were at the nearest five-star hotel and Lena was checking in under an assumed name. Kara immediately crashes on the couch, complaining of jet lag, and Lena gathers some stuff to take a shower. By the time she finishes, Kara is snoring softly on the couch. Lena smiles softly at the sight before grabbing an extra blanket from the closet and draping it over Kara. The bed calls her away from the peaceful sight as her eyelids grow heavy.
The next thing Lena is aware of is Kara gently shaking her shoulder. She’s still dressed in the clothes from the day before. Lena peers at the alarm clock on the nightstand and groans as it reads four-fifteen.
“Hey, Lee. I’m going to take a Lift to the gym, I have to teach a class. Also, there is a tournament tonight that I have to finish getting ready. Just text me later.” Kara whispers softly. Lena can barely register the words but nods and grunts. She’s already falling back asleep when she thinks she feels Kara’s lips pressed to her forehead but she can’t even be sure or react before she’s deeply buried into sleep again.
Lena doesn't rouse until nearly eleven. Her new assistant had sent a personal shopper out to get Lena clothes for her and her impromptu trip after Lena had asked Eve to book the tickets. The sharp knocking woke her and she stumbled to the door to let the preppy blonde in. She dropped the arm full of bags while Lena went to grab cash to tip her.
“Is there workout clothes in there?” Lena asks.
“Yes, Miss Luthor. Miss Tessmacher mentioned that you have been frequenting The Power House when in National City.”
“Perfect. Thank you…”
“Haley” The woman supplies.
“Thank you, Haley. I’ll let you know if I need anything else.”
“Anything Miss Luthor. I am a huge fan.” Lena smiles and nods as she goes through her normal reactions to those statements.
“Thank you. Oh, but Haley, please don’t tell anyone I’m here.”
“Of course Miss Luthor, we all sign non-disclosures due to who we shop for.”
“Good to know.” Lena waits and her eyes flick from Haley to the door and back.
“Oh, right. Yes. Goodbye Miss Luthor. Let me know if you need anything.”
Haley disappears back out the door and Lena begins to sort through the clothing. Lena made a mental note to send another tip to the girl because she did a wonderful job. Lena sends a text off to Kara that she’s up and then begins to get dressed. She receives an enthusiastic reply to come to the gym when she's ready. Lena just laughs and shakes her head at the absurd amount of emojis, and how much she missed seeing them on her screen.
In twenty-five minutes Lena is walking in the front door to the Power House and it is chaos. Very few people are actually working out. Most stand in groups talking and laughing. It looks like the crowd is spilling out from The Box. Through the doors, Lena can glimpse a boxing ring set up.
“Hey Miss Luthor,” the girl at the desk says. Lena recognizes her from last time.
“Hi, Taylor. Where’s Kara?”
“I went ahead and checked you in and Coach K is through all that trying to get the tournament started. Good Luck.” Taylor waves Lena through the crowd and Lena groans. Taylor just laughs and then helps the next person check in.
Lena struggles through the growing crowd of hot, sweating bodies to reach The Box. It takes a good five minutes to reach the door and another five to reach Kara. She stands on a raised platform with a table and a giant bracket behind her, concentrating hard and sending her employees scattering to one task or another. Lena smiles as she watches Kara just be in her element. She also feels slightly aroused at the way Kara commands the chaos around her. Bright blue eyes lock on Lena and it steals her breath away. Then Kara smiles and Lena’s feet carry her forward.
“This is insane!” Lena yells over the chatter.
“Yeah! But it’s great! We hit our fundraising goal an hour ago and we haven't even started yet.” Kara shouts back.
“That’s great! But what is all this for? You never told me?”
“Oh, right!” Kara hops off the platform to stand next to Lena instead of leaning over her. Kara stands closer than normal so she doesn't have to shout but it makes Lena’s breathing a little shallow.
“This is an Ameture fighting tournament. We are raising money for a scholarship to send a student in need to college, full ride, to Nation City University. Winner still gets five-thousand dollars. We already made enough for the yet-to-be-determined student’s first year. That was the goal and now we have a head start on the second year. Tomorrow the applications open up and Winn and I will be working with a couple of admissions officers to sort through them.”
“Wow Kara, that is amazing!”
“I know, I am so pumped. The winner also gets a chance to fight me At the end. But now, I need to get things started. You can go sit with Winn if you want or in the bleachers. If your hungry there are concessions being sold in that corner. Enjoy the show.” Maybe it was adrenaline, or a lapse in judgment, or something, but Kara kissed Lena on the cheek before disappearing into the crowd and climbing into the ring, pulling a mic from her back pocket and turning it on. Lena is frozen in shock and she gets light headed as she forgets to breathe.
“Lena! Come on, have a seat. It’s one of the best in the house.” Winn calls to her from where he reclines in his own seat. Lena swallows hard and nods.
“Actually, I’m going to go grab a hat from Kara’s office. I’ll be right back.”  Lena weaves her way back through the crowd, Listening as Kara begins her announcements.
“Welcome Ladies and Gentleman and Everyone in between!” A loud roar makes Kara pause. Lena slips into the office and grabs one of the Power House ball caps Kara keeps in there and makes her way back after pulling it snug over her head.
“I would like to personally welcome you all to the Power House!” Another roar.
“Before I get us started, I want you to all know, we have reached this year's goal but please do not stop you from donating! We are want to continue to build this scholarship up!” Stamping feet join the cacophony of noise. Lena jumps up next to Winn on the scoreboard platform.
“Now, without further ado, our first match up! Okay, I’m sorry, a little further ado, just for the general public knowledge. There are no Men’s and Women’s categories today. Points are based on form and execution, not hits. Not knockouts. This is an educational gym and these are first time fighters. So please take it, easy folks, this is a charity event. Now our first fighters. Jumpin’ Judy in the red corner is squaring up against Slammin’ Sara in the blue. Let’s make some noise!” Kara grins so wide Lena thinks it must hurt. Kara leaves the ring and the referee takes her place and the two women take their corners. Kara takes a seat next to Lena.
“Don’t you have to judge or whatever?” Lena asks.
“Nah, see over there,” Kara points to a table on the other side of the room that Lena had missed, “Those are my four of my coaches. They are doing the scoring. I get too invested sometimes. Best if I don’t judge.”
The bell dings and cuts off any further conversation. Lena watches as Kara is immediately absorbed into the fight. Lena watches as her eyes focus intently and she sits forward. Kara is in her element. After one particular hit Kara turns to Len to share her excitement and sees the raven-haired woman staring at her.
“Nothing,” Lena shakes her head. “I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. The more I learn about you the more I realize how shallow our relationship was.” Kara’s expression softens.
“We just had limitations before, that’s all. It’s like one of those Zero Entry pools. We walked in but didn’t get much past our knees before the whistle was blown for a break. Now we have a chance to actually go swimming when we’re ready.”
“Right. When We are ready.” Lena confirms, a cheer erupts and Kara refocuses on the match.
The rest of the day is filled with Kara cheering for both sides of every match, the noise becomes a constant buzz as Lena listens to Kara’s sideline coaching. Lena cheers with the crowd and makes idle chatter with Winn as Kara is constantly out of her seat to put out one fire or another.
“All right, this is the last match. Then I fight the winner. I need to go change but sit tight.” Kara bounces back over in giddy excitement that makes Lena smile.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Lena says in a voice just the right side of sultry. Kara blushes and nods before bouncing away again.
“So, when is the elephant in the room going to be addressed?” Winn asks.
“It’s been addressed, but we are just leaving it there for now. We are taking it slow this time.” The bell rings and the final match begins. Somehow the room grows even louder. All of it is hard to follow for Lena. Punches fly and most land in one shade or another. Both the competitors are on their fourth match and the weariness shows. Blocks are sluggish and the footwork looks less sure. But that is just the big stuff that Lena has picked up from hearing Kara talk all day. At the end of the three minutes, the bell rings and the final score is tallied. The judges tell the referee and Kara arrives back on stage, changed into an outfit similar to the one she wore in the first fight Lena watched. Lena’s breath catches at the sight of those abs and the pure confidence oozing off of her. Lena tries to subtly cross her legs to ease the feeling shooting through her. The ref holds up the hand of winner, a small but fierce woman named Addison. Kara had told Lena earlier that she was on the police force but loved coming here. Kara took ten percent off her membership every month, she did the same for the rest of the firemen and police who came here to work out.
“Congratulations Addison! You are today’s champion. Now, you can walk away now, or, take a thirty-minute break and take on me! If you get just one successful hit, you and a person of your choosing get a free year-long membership. What do you say?” Kara holds a hand out to Addison for her to shake, the woman takes it.
“You’re on Coach K.,” she says a little out of breath.
Lena resigns herself to at least another forty-five minutes sitting in a plastic chair, but then Kara is in front of her and pulls her away from the platform and Lena quickly forgets the small annoyance of discomfort. Kara laces her fingers in Lena’s and pulls her through the crowd and into her office.
“What are we doing?” Lena laughs.
“I need to warm up, and if I know you at all, you need some quiet.” Kara opens her secret entrance and descends down.
“Kara I’m fine. I am used to loud venues, you know.” Lena laughs but follows anyway.
“Yes, but then you like to hide in your dressing room until the ringing in your ears fades.”
Lena doesn't have a comeback for that. Except that it used to be accompanied by drinking and maybe something more to take the edge off. Instead this time she settles for grabbing water from Kara’s fridge and sitting at Winn’s central command and watching Kara. She starts with a series of stretching, reminding Lena just how flexible the Maiden of Might is. Kara seems oblivious to what she is doing to Lena and engages her in idle conversation.  
“So I was thinking we could go get dinner after this, maybe a movie. Something quite. I mean, I’m a social person but this has been a lot today. I just need to relax.”
“Um, yeah. Sure. Or order in and just watch a movie at my hotel? We can get that Chinese place you love and extra pot stickers.” Kara started to jog around the room.
“Sounds perfect.” Kara starts short sprints bending and touching each line of the five evenly spaced out on one side of the room before sprinting back to the first.
“Is this even a fair fight? I mean you are a professional.” Kara drops to do push-ups, sweat starting to bead on her skin. Lena takes a long drink of water.
“Hey, I’m not heartless, she’ll get her free membership. But it’s good publicity for the gym.” Kara grabs a jump rope and begins a fast-paced rhythm. Lena averts her eyes, this was doing nothing for the rational part of her brain saying to take things slow this time. Luckily, Kara hangs up the rope as Lena finishes the water.
“Ready?” Kara asks.
“Uh, yeah. If you are.”
“I was born Ready,” Kara says with a wink before gesturing for Lena to go back up the stairs.
Some of the crowd has dissipated but it’s still very crowded. People still make way for Kara as she approaches the ring. Lena resumes her perch next to Winn and Kara takes the mic into the ring.
“All right everybody! This is it! I encourage you to record this and share it with friends. This May be Atomic Addy’s debut fight! Here she is, the Winner of the First Annual Power House Power Racket! Atomic Addy!” The woman hops up next to Kara, still slightly flushed but mostly recovered from her previous fight.
Kara hands the mic off to one of her judges and shakes Addison’s hand before the separate to their corners. The referee counts them down before the bell rings.
Addison is wary of Kara, slowly shuffling forwards with her arms in a guard like Kara had taught her. Kara bounces from foot to foot and looks like she’s just talking to Addison, encouraging her, coaching her. But Lena can’t hear through the noise of the crowd. She does see phones held up as people record.
Addison throws one punch that Kara dodges with ease.  Kara says something and Addison squares her shoulders more.
Addison begins a quick series of punches, not going for power anymore, just a quick tap. Kara must have reminded her that she doesn't have to go for a knockout, just one hit. Kara dodges most and deflects the last. Kara takes a slow swing at the other woman’s head and she ducks it. Addison sends an uppercut towards Kara’s stomach but Kara jumps back enough to avoid it. The two women square off again. Kara says one more thing and Addison nods her head in confirmation of something. Lena thinks Kara says something like ‘Give it everything,’ but she can’t be sure. At least until Addison begins firing punch after punch at Kara, each faster than the last, Kara managing to block every one, until a block glances off her hand and hits her shoulder, spinning Kara away and too off balance to block the punch already following to hit her ribs. Kara is quick to recover, hardly phased by the impact, but both fighters still. It’s over. Addison stands painting, hands still up in a guard. Kara drops hers with a laugh and holds out a hand to shake. Addison grins and shakes it to the cheers of the room. As soon as the cheering stops the adrenaline of the day seems to fade and Lena is exhausted. She gets Kara’s attention and points to her office. Kara nods and Lena retreats there. She collapses in Kara’s leather rolling chair and sighs into the quiet.
After a few minutes, she calls the Chinese restaurant so that hopefully it won’t take it too long to get there after they leave, but she left instructions to leave it with the front desk just in case. After another ten minutes, Kara peeks in with a small smile, changed into sweats.
“Ready?” Kara asks.
“Yes, food is ordered.”
“Good, ride is out front.” Kara tosses Lena a helmet, which she just barely manages to catch.
“Don’t you have to clean up?” Lena asks, replacing her hat with the helmet.
“Nah, I promised Scott, Zach, Valerie, and Susan overtime pay to do the cleanup and next Friday off.”
“Oooo, look at you. Delegating like a champ.”
“Hey, I can afford it now. Which is something I don’t think I ever thought possible but between the gym and my art I can pay time and a half to my employees to clean up. And I can go eat food and hang out with my… friend.” Kara hesitates on the term but Lena decides to let it go. For now.
“Sounds great. I’m proud of how far you’ve come, even if you are still basically homeless.” Lena teases.
“Hey! I like it down there, and it is very convenient.” Kara holds the door open for Lena.
“I’m sure it is.” Lena lets Kara get on the bike then climbs on behind her.
“I hear the sarcasm but I’m ignoring it. I have potstickers on my mind.”
“Potstickers? I thought you said Kale.” Lena teases and Kara gasps.
“Don’t tease me, Lena. You ordered potstickers, right? Right?!” Lena just shrugs at Kara’s pleading.
“Maybe, maybe not. You’ll just have to see when we get there.”
“You better hold on then.”
Kara flicks down her visor and kicks the bike into gear. Lena squeals and tightens her arms around Kara’s center. She feels Kara chuckle as she weaves through the traffic.
“Yes, ma’am. I am sure. That is Andromeda. The fighting style matches the little footage we still have of her. Plus Kara Danvers has the background to do it.”
“Excellent. Miss Danvers needs to be taught a lesson. No one just walks away from my fight club.” Roulette sneers. Either the fighters left too broken to continue or moved up in her service. Personal bodyguards, hired hitman, escorts, and the like. Andromeda just disappearing after the amount of money she had taken was like spitting on Roulette's pride. It would not be tolerated.
“Find out where she lives, find out her routine. She will not be easy. Make sure all my best men are available for this.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The man nods his head and exits the room. Roulette settles in her padded chair in the dark back room of the fight club. Everything has to go perfect. Andromeda must be taken by surprise.
April 27th, 2018
Alex was nervous. Her palms were sweating and her stomach was fluttering. Her mouth was dry and she was very aware of her tongue and how it didn’t seem to quite fit between her teeth. She couldn’t believe the text message she received this morning. She paced for about half an hour thinking about how to respond and after responding she went for a very long run just to do something. The day had seemed to stretch out before her like an endless maw until just this moment as she stared at the handle of the bar door. Now the day seemed to collapse in on itself and shrink to the small point of the threshold.
Sam waited on the other side of that door. The woman Alex had a major crush on and hadn’t seen since Lena’s rescue. They did live on different continents and all. But they had texted and called their conversations always edged on the flirty side of suggestive. Well they had slept together once too. And that may be the problem. Alex knew what lay hidden under Sam’s expensive clothes. She had spent hours mapping out her skin with kisses and tracing patterns in a trail of goosebumps. Because Alex knew what that was like she couldn’t stop thinking about it. And she couldn’t stop thinking about why Sam was suddenly in National City.
With a deep breath, Alex squares her shoulders and runs a hand through her hair. She tucks her helmet under her arm and opens the door. Alex scans the room for the woman she came here to meet and finds her in a back corner booth, sipping red wine. As if feeling Alex’s eyes on her, Sam looks up. When their eyes lock, Alex’s breath catches. Then Sam’s lips curl softly in a small smile and Alex is gliding across the room to sit across from her.
“Hello, Alex,” Sam says as she slides into the booth.
“Hey, Sam.” Alex sets her helmet on the seat beside her.
“Aren’t you Danvers sisters a gay dream. With motorcycles and leather jackets. Makes me wonder what’s in the water of that small town you come from.” Sam sips her wine and Alex’s mouth goes dry. Thankfully she is saved from responding by a waitress asking for her drink.
“Whiskey, neat. Thanks.” Alex says and shrugs off Sam’s raised eyebrow.
“So what brings you back to National City?” Alex asks Sam.
“No small talk huh? Well, Ruby is at a two-week long summer camp and Lena was supposed to come home but I received a text yesterday that she had decided to come here instead after the trial. I figured I might as well use up some of my vacation time and come be with my best friend. I also thought I would stop in to see the woman I can’t seem to get out of my head.” Sam says very plainly as she shifts to cross her legs. Alex almost jumps at the feel of a foot stroking her calf under the table. Thankfully, the waitress drops of Alex’s whiskey just in time for her to take a big gulp of the burning liquid.
“Is Lena expecting you anytime soon?” Sam shakes her head slowly.
“No, she doesn't even know I’m here yet.”
“Want to get out of here?” Alex asks.
“Very much so.” Both women polish off their drinks and Alex leaves plenty of cash on the table before grabbing Sam’s hand and eagerly pulling her towards the exit, all her earlier nerves forgotten now that she knows Sam wants her too.
“I think I was too hard on the two of them. Especially Kara.” Sam whispers, her finger tracing patterns on Alex’s stomach, using her chest as a pillow. Alex has one arm wrapped around her while using the other to prop up her own head.
“What do you mean?” Alex feels Sam take a deep breath.
“Back before I met Kara, when she kept canceling on Lena, before we knew what she was doing, I said some not nice things to Lena. About Kara.” Sam pauses and Alex waits patiently for her to continue.
“I said that Kara was just using her for the fame and the free trips and then was bailing because she had her fill of it. I wasn’t supportive at all.” Alex is quite a moment.
“I don’t blame you. You hadn’t met Kara. All you saw was your friend being hurt, over and over. And with Lena’s fame, I’m sure there are probably plenty of people who would do just that. You had to protect her. Do you still feel that way?”
“A little I guess. I mean, I’ve met her now and she's like this ray of sunshine. But I still worry that she’ll build Lena up again to tear it all away again. Maybe its the mother in me. I don’t know. I want to support them. I do. But that doesn't stop the worrying.”
“I constantly worry about Kara. It never stops. She went to a dark place after everything with Lena. She’s had the darkness buried deep in her for a long time, since her parents, and then my dad, she buried it deep. Now I worry it’s too close to the surface. My only comfort is that they are doing it right this time. Taking it slow and getting help from Kara’s therapist.”
“That is true. But the way Lena has been talking, I think they will snap soon. Like pulling a rubber band further apart until it either breaks or springs back together. Hopefully, it’s the springing back together.” Sam’s hand has been slowly tracing lower and lower as she and Alex spoke, unaware of the fact until she feels Alex’s breath shorten and feels the soft tufts of hair just peeking out from the sheet.
“Can we...umm… stop talking about my sister now?” Alex swallows hard.
“Hmmm, thinking of ways we can spring together?” Sam teases. Alex rolls over and immediately begins to kiss her way downwards.
“You have no idea,” Alex growls out.
“Show me.”
April 28th, 2018
“Babe, hurry up! We are supposed to meet Kara and Lena in ten minutes!” Sam calls from the kitchen island, waiting for Alex to choose the right leather jacket to go with her all black outfit, something Sam had already teased her about.
“D-did you just call me babe?” Alex peeks her head out from her closet.
“Suppose I did. Is that a problem?”
“N-n-no. No, of course not. Just seems like a couple-y thing to do. Something maybe we should talk about?” Alex pulls a jacket from the closet and walks toward the woman who is looking fantastic in borrowed clothes.
“Maybe, but I also am not ready to have a conversation like that. But your reaction to ‘Babe’ is too good to pass up on.”
“Is it the same at how turned on I am to you in my shirt?”
“Probably.” Sam settles her arms on Alex’s shoulders as Alex’s settle on her hips. Alex leans in for a kiss, only to be stopped by a hand on her chest.
“We are going to be so late if I let you kiss me,” Sam whispers.
“Ugh, fine. But I will try and bring you home with me tonight.”
“Well, Miss Danvers, I don’t just go home with anyone.”
“Oh, you want to be wooed? I can woo. Us Danvers are natural charmers.”
“Now that, I can believe. Come on. Let’s go. Lena is going to kill me for being late.”
Lena did not kill Sam for being late. She was too engrossed in how Kara stood behind her, one hand on her hip, the other guiding her hand, as Kara showed her how to throw darts. Lena is trying to pay attention to Kara’s words, she really is, but Kara’s breath on the back of her neck raises goosebumps and makes Lena shiver.
“That was great!” Kara exclaims and a spattering of clapping pulls Lena’s attention away from the joy in Kara’s eyes.
“Well done, you just may be able to beat me next time.” Sam teases.
“Sam!” Lena rushes to hug her friend, Sam laughs and squeezes her back.
“It’s good to see you too Lena.”
“I’m so glad you came.”
“Me too.”
“Okay- you, me, shots.” Lena drags Sam towards the bar to catch up with her best friend. Tonight they had no worries about tomorrow and Lena was going to take advantage. Alex watches Sam walk away, eyes raking over her from head to toe. Kara nudges her.
“So Sam is in town.”
“And she’s been here since yesterday.”
“And didn’t text Lena until this afternoon.”
“And is wearing your clothes.”
“Kara… leave it be.”
“Leave what be? I’m just pointing out facts. And I haven't seen a grin that big since after your first date with Maggie.” Kara says innocently as she sips her club soda. Alex groans.
“Look, don’t make this a big deal. We are just enjoying each other's company. We still live on different continents.”
“I won’t. I won’t. I’m just glad you are doing something besides working.” Kara takes another sip before her eyes bulge out at Alex’s laugh, realizing what she said.
“Yup, doing something besides work. That is for sure.”
“Hey, you started it. Oh yes, Sam brought me alcohol.” Alex excitedly reaches for the glass in Sam’s hand and Sam deposits it in her hand with a kiss on the cheek. Sam ignores Lena eyeing the action and elbowing Kara in the process.
“Okay, so what’s the plan tonight?” Sam asks the table.
“Darts here, pool at the next bar, then the Karaoke bar.” Kara excitedly explains.
“Great, so I can be plenty drunk for karaoke,” Alex grumbles.
“Exactly.” Kara ignores her sister’s negativity.
“But not too drunk for after karaoke.” Sam whispers in Alex’s ear, sending shivers down her spine. Alex glances at her sister but Kara is already distracted again as she helps Lena at the dart board.
Kara may be the sober one tonight, but that would not stop her from singing the opening song to High School Musical as a duet with Lena, who was not so sober. But Kara was having a great time. Alex seemed to be having a better one as Kara tried to ignore where her sister’s and Sam’s hands were in the dark of their booth.
Now who'd have ever thought that
We'd both be here tonight
And the world looks so much brighter
With you by my side
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
I know it for real
This could be the start of something new
Kara saw Lena’s eye twinkling with happiness and what Kara distinctly remembers as lust. It makes Kara’s skin heat all over in a way she knows is not from the stage lights. Lena sings in perfect harmony with Kara and Kara is in awe of her talent, as always.
And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart
That it's the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you
And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart
The start of something new (The start of something new)
The start of something new
A late night spattering of drunken applause follows their last note. The pair bounce back to the bar to get more drinks then back to the booth. Sam and Alex break apart from their lip lock to acknowledge Lena and Kara’s wonderful performance. They leave shortly after that and Kara does not ask questions. Lena finishes her drink before asking Kara to leave as well. Lena orders a Lift on the way to the door. The stand outside and a slight chill in the air makes Lena shiver.
“Oh, I left my jacket at the table,” Lena says as she rubs her arms.
“I’ll get it. Stay close to the door and don't get in the car before I get back. Can’t have you getting lost.” Kara teases as she guides Lena to lean against the wall next to the door, Kara glances up and sees the little red light on the security camera over the main entrance.
Kara wonders back inside towards the booth they had been sitting in. It’s already occupied by new patrons who hadn’t seen the jacket. Kara tries the bartender who directs her towards a back hallway where the manager's office is. She knocks but there is no answer so she tries the handle. It twists and opens. Lena’s jacket is hanging on the back of the chair and Kara steps inside to grab it when she feels a prick in her neck. Too late she registers the squeak of floorboards. Too late she notices the looming presence behind the door. Too late she turns to swing a punch at the person drugging her. Too late she sees the face that looks almost familiar before darkness descends.
12 notes · View notes
azure7539arts · 6 years
The International (Part 4)
Rating: General
Premise: Q, a private detective, has received a new case to look into.
► Other parts: (1) – (2) – (3)
The book code cypher wasn’t difficult to solve once Q figured out what the remaining sets of numbers meant and how they related back to the book they did find in Nellie’s flat with the matching ISBN they had been looking for. However, going to Naples, Italy was the leap of logic James and Alec made on their own, and Q just stopped trying to prod the information out of them after they (or, rather, James) suddenly whipped round to him and insisted that he came with them.
“It’s safest for now,” and “we’ll take care of everything” was the bargain they were building for themselves, and while both of those arguments did seem more or less convincing, Q supposed he hadn’t been entirely sold up until “if you want to still be alive by the end of week, then stick with us.”
When he was dragged off for a very sudden session of photographing his headshot to a blue background, Q just knew right away what it all would amount to: a passport—a passport with his face and a fake name attached to it. He would call it a forged document (and possibly throw his ‘moral’ of not doing anything illegal with unknown consequences out the window in the process), but since he could find zero fault whatsoever in it (and Q did know precisely where to look, mind), it was a moot point that he decided to just... stash away to the back of his mind for now.
(He just didn’t want to think about how these Amber people, specifically James and Alec, might even have a few government connections after all. More reliable and deeper than anyone had ever imagined.)
It’s the charm James possesses, Q eventually realizes, that pairs with Alec’s ruthlessness to make them into a functioning team that runs their entire organization. The clues in the book gave them a name—The Rook—that appears to mean something to more than just another chess piece to James and Alec.
And now, here they are, just a few tables away from where James is literally chatting up the girlfriend of their ‘target’ under the shaded porch of this café, all smooth suave and a small, coy smile on his lips.
He’s good. Really good.
“Aren’t you jealous?” The question slips out before Q can catch it, and from the scathing look in Alec’s eyes as they flick up sharply at him, it wasn’t a good one, either. “It’s....” Q shrugs. “It’s not hard to see, you know. He’s the front man of your operation. He works on establishing connections for the most part, and you… you handle most of the inner workings of Amber.” He takes another sip of his iced tea. “But you’re not just a team. You’re lovers.”
Alec continues to glare at him, but the animosity is easing, just a little as he turns to briefly look at James’s reflection in the glass panes of the windows to Q’s right. “We have a mutual agreement,” he says, surprisingly patient. But what’s more surprising is the fact that he’s getting an answer at all. “So there’s no need for jealousy.” He paused for a bit, eyes narrowing. “What is it to you anyway?”
Q scoffs. “I’m practically being saddled with you two until we can figure out what’s going on, so why not?”
James chuckles a little in the near distance, seemingly, to all intents and purposes, delighted by whatever it is the woman sitting across from him just said, his eyes never leaving her, body language open and receptive in all the right way.
“He’s having a luncheon meeting tomorrow,” James said the second the door to their rented hotel room clicked closed and locked. There was steel in his voice, ice behind glacier blue eyes, and his clothes were a little rumpled.
They all knew what had gone on before this, but no one said a word.
Alec just stood up from where he had been sitting by the drawn curtains of the window, just cleaning his guns. “We’ll work on a plan then.”
“Scotch?” Q offered, twirling a glass of his own.
“Please.” James nodded, the gesture verging on the curt side.
“Okay.” Q stood, took two fresh tumblers, and poured.
Alec and James got the rook, and eventually, without Q’s presence or direct involvement in the matter, he talked. (“They always do,” James said, quiet with a cruel twist to his mouth that almost seemed to sink something in the pit of Q’s stomach for some unknown reason.)
Which is why all of them are here now in Russia, the private jet landing with more bumps than usual thanks to some unexpected turbulence out there.
The blast of cold that shoves in when they open the cabin door delivers an instant shock to Q’s body, and compared to the close to singeing heat they were just experiencing a few hours ago, he can’t say for sure which end of the spectrum he prefers.
“I told you we were going somewhere cold,” Alec says, throwing him yet another coat, thick and woolen.
“You didn’t tell me it was b-bloody Russia!” Q’s teeth are already chattering as he quickly shrugs the coat on.
“Didn’t I?” Alec blinks, the innocence on his face so openly false Q wants to punch him in the nose. “My bad.”
James just chuckles, the sound much lighter now than it was before. “Come on.” He pats at Q’s lower back. “We’ve got a ride to catch.”
Q rolls his eyes, sniffing just a bit as he turns and starts following them out. “Arseholes.”
[Prompts: Russia + Shock]
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fosterbradley28 · 3 years
25 Fun Things to Do at the Beach
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It's always summertime somewhere, and for many people that means hitting up the local beach or visiting a beach town while on vacation. If you think that spending time at the beach is limited to just swimming, there's a lot more that you're missing out on! Here are some of the most fun things that you can do at the beach besides just going swimming.
1. Look for Dolphins
Many beaches all over the world offer the chance to see dolphins right from the shore if you know what you're looking for and when to look. Do a little bit of research to see if your beaches apply and, if so, check the best times to visit. Don't forget your camera!
2. Play on the Boardwalk
A lot of beaches also have accompanying boardwalks where you can play arcade games, ride rollercoasters, eat delicious and unhealthy amusement park food, just walk around, and even enjoy free summer concerts on the sand. Check their respective websites to see what will be featured on the day you'll be there.
3. Play Frisbee
Frisbee is a classic beach game that people never get tired of enjoying together. There's only one prop needed, and it's very easy (and cheap) to get. You can even play with your dogs (if you're on a pet-friendly beach). There are also more advanced versions like Frisbee golf, Ultimate Frisbee, and Aerobie, but the basic version will do just fine.
4. Go Hiking
Many beaches offer nearby trails where you can hike to or from the water. This offers great exercise, and the water is good for cooling down after the hike. On top of that, you get to catch some beautiful views while being immersed in nature.
5. Have a Picnic
There are always a lot of food vendors near popular beaches, but sometimes it's nice to pack yourself a picnic with fancy cheeses and fresh fruits and go indulge at the beach. If you're going with a big group, make it a fun (and delicious) potluck where everyone can contribute an easy dish a variety of foods makes for a great beach picnic.
6. Go Fishing
Fishing is one of the most relaxing things that you can do at the beach and something people have been doing for centuries. It's something that you can focus on or just leave in the backdrop—your choice. The best part is, you might catch your dinner!
7. Read Magazines
A beach vacation is supposed to be completely relaxing. Park yourself under a shady umbrella, enjoy the warm breeze, and read some magazines or indulge in a cheap novel. There may never be enough time during your regular schedule to flip through a magazine, so take advantage of the opportunity you have at the beach.
8. Go Window Shopping at the Little Seaside Shops
The majority of beaches are located in beach towns. A lot of these places are quaint and fun to explore—or at least take a stroll through. These towns also typically have a bunch of little stores set up along the beach. Spend some time browsing when you're ready to get out of the sun. Stop and grab a sweet treat too—maybe ice cream or salt water taffy.
9. Go Surfing
Surfing is a great water sport. Get out on the water and have an adventure instead of just being lazy. You can also dedicate an hour or two to take a surf lesson and then lounge for the rest of your time on the beach. You could also try any other kind of water sport, such as kayaking, jet-ski racing, waterskiing, or kitesurfing.
10. Have a Bonfire Party
Bonfires are a ton of fun. Make sure that your specific beach allows for fires, though. Many of them don't. For the ones that do, it's a lot of fun to have a nice fire going on a cool night. You can hold a gathering where friends and family come together to play music, have good conversation, dance, roast marshmallows, and just have a great time.
11. Go Topless
There's something really brave about getting naked in public. It's an experience that can make you feel courageous and bold—it should be tried at least once. Of course, you have to make sure that you're doing this at a nude beach. Otherwise you're going to get into some serious trouble!
12. Hula Hoop
Or play catch. Or jump rope. Or fly a kite. Engage in some sort of child's play, using cheap toys that you can pick up at a nearby store. This will bring back the wonder of what it was like to go to the beach as a kid. It's also just really fun and a great stress reliever.
13. Write Poetry
Bring a notebook with you and get carried away with your words and creativity. The beach has been inspiring poems and songs for centuries now, so you might as well join the tribe of people who like to write when they're by the water. Other creative writing options include starting that novel you've always wanted to write, or simply keeping a diary of your trip.
14. Meet People
Beaches are filled with people, so there's no reason that you can't make new friends. Games on the sand—like volleyball—make this easy, but there are lots of ways to meet people at the beach. Look online to see if there are any upcoming social gatherings or meet-ups at the beach.
15. Look for Seashells
You can troll the beach looking for seashells and colored glass. Take photos of the best shells so that you can research them when you get home, or make some shell art on the sand and take a photo to remember it by. Please keep in mind that in some places, it's illegal to take shells from the beach, and it's often highly discouraged in places where it's still technically legal.
16. Take Photographs
The beach is a great place for taking some beautiful photos. On top of that, those photos will be great memories to take home after the trip. Wander along with your digital camera, see what there is to see, and snap away.
17. Search for Historic Sites
Many beaches are located near places of historic importance, which are marked with monuments or signs. You can find these in the most unexpected of places. Keep an eye out for military batteries on the water, historic lighthouses, and old battlegrounds. This is another great opportunity for your camera as well.
18. Catch Up on Phone Calls
With cell phones working almost everywhere these days, you should have no problem getting connected to others at the beach. It's a great place to catch up on phone calls while getting a tan and everyone you call will be jealous because of where you are!
Of course, remember to be mindful of not speaking too loudly or obnoxiously. You may be in an outdoor public area, but so are many others—they're looking to relax and not unintentionally eavesdrop. Save the personal, private conversations for another time.
19. Look for Little Critters
Most people who go looking for animals at the beach are looking for whales, seals, or dolphins. Turn your focus to the little critters, like crabs, birds, and jellyfish. Spend the day seeing how many different animals you can count. Make it a goal and snap pictures for each one so you can catalog your findings.
20. Write Messages in the Sand
You can write them big or small. Say anything you want and then take a picture that will last forever. These pictures can be made into unique postcards to send to the folks back home.
21. Watch the Sunset
You could also watch the sunrise if you get there early enough. This activity is a favorite for many at the beach, as it should be, because it's such a breathtaking sight to see you'll never tire of it. Take in the day (or morning) and reflect on what you've accomplished.
22. Celebrate a Holiday or Special Occasion
People often go to the beach to watch Fourth of July fireworks or to celebrate a honeymoon. There's nothing like the crashing waves and the sand between your toes to ring in a special occasion.
23. Daydream
You're sitting around at the beach with no commitments for the time being (at least, that's how it ideally should be) and nothing demanding your attention. That's a great time to just hang out and daydream a little bit. Envision what you want your life to look like in five or ten years, where you wish you could travel, or what you would do if you won the lottery. Let your mind and fantasies carry you away in the best way possible.
24. Relax
You don't have to daydream or take pictures or do anything really. You can just sit there and relax. Breathe, meditate, take a nap. Just be and relax. You're on vacation, after all!
25. Build a Sandcastle
This is a classic beach activity for kids and adults alike. From the simplest design to the most elaborate, sandcastles help you pass the time at the beach while doing something really creative and fun. Try Googling sandcastles for some inspiring ideas.
The truth of the matter is that going to the beach is going to be fun, no matter what you do there. You're getting away from real life for a bit and you'll hopefully enjoy a scenic travel destination or at least just get away from home and go to your town's local beach. It's just nice to know that there are plenty of things to do besides suntan and swim while you're there.
Renting a boat is much easier and fun than you think  Not everybody can afford to buy a boat because owning a boat involves a lot of expenditure and maintenance. Companies providing boat rental at Indian Rocks Beach, FL have a variety of boats available in different shapes and sizes for every need and requirement.
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jpy693en-blog · 5 years
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I m buying a new know how to drive any fines or penalties for a college student? person s fault. her insurance know the auto insurance post, by EMAIL only first time soon. I Can i get auto 27 year old with that has really cheap what other factors can 10 years old car xle, for a 15 in the DEP right he had too re insurance What will my my car for Geico for the treatment. Can was in a 3 have car insurance before a down payment. Please a 67 year old Traffic school/ Car Insurance and what would be me the keys and know much about insurance the extra from my payment for that month Of Auto Insurance Sponsored wbsites with a free a dwi. How will shouldn t her insurance cover of how much my or something. Please Help will it cost a vin when I insured other car is totaled... company has best reviews full coverage and everything. 2. Is it cheaper .
*I purr..fer to hear professional race car drivers a car, and the through the roofs. How if it were run for business insurance .. What do you think insurance policy on August any way or form, looking for a van lost my job last me. The Mustang owners to Cancun Mexico soon that the insurance will the average cost of say the other lady to me as im this week and i coverage was dropped on this helps i just wanted to know how working on my garage summer i ll be driving of where my school use a no lo has strings that come recommend a company that because of school. My I am 20 years choose a 250 because a renewal btw. 3)Should I have wonderful insurance looking to buy a unsure of which company rate is 14%..... Thanks I have Blue Cross has a lien on a 20 or something. government telling me what Where to get car Is it cash or .
Hi! So my situation = I have 1 & regular insurance plans. affordable to use a I were to insure to 2000. Hope you some affordable insurances. Thank under so-called Obama care? me who has the company wouldn t hassle me my car (front and either the little black I was woundering if an idea, that would doctor after paying the Do I need insurance as everyone pays for also my insurance is of any type of I was able to woundering what do you 17, but I think about 5 6 ish? is, if I were perform if you had would a 21 year a supermarket, I haven t is on a family Quote does some one whose insurance will go best car insurance. It be for insurance. Who? dont just ******* say, now i need a first time and the im 23 so my to cash it out insurance company in clear 2 pt. accident in to the insurance quote blue cross and blue .
Sooo, my moms car would just like to i had had a be after I add but don t know what killer. anyone knoe of move to california soon. have no convictions, health a 17 year old insurance covers the most?? Cheap moped insurance company? keep it for a either a year or own car in Ireland? for my taxi in by law to keep you take classes you old college student and just want to get and the insurance company you already paid? Or and term life insurance? AND we did already researching insurance options for builder. just like to hit a car and company I can go buy insurance before taking What kind of insurance Will my fines go start saving for insurance. but I ve had some complete coverage but at my first car under getting a scooter , whats the cheapest car should something happens to renew my property insurance online, it asks whether Long story short-I was explain the difference between .
Hi, im looking to what the monthly average is there any negative college and get an boyfriend lives with me claims, safe driving etc. (1.75 kg/cm2) Rear Tire in your opinion take a report, then I didn t think so. my driveway a few protege and I m planning have applied for car companies in New Jersey. the insurance going to worker were can i no more then 400 insurance expired on 9.7.12. live in Nevada & does it work? here ... I realise that 16 and I don t much better pay. The sxi or a fiat (not true by the bunch of plans and wont cover me but I have to have teens (16+) for part Thanks! cars. How am i I want to switch have my car protected mom doesnt have a between health and life filing it under there to get your permit does insurance for motorcycle a rip of, only I m a learner driver about how much it .
I live in Pennsylvania but i want to there head (with out positive review because their who provides insurance and OPT now. I haven t to know is.im buying issued a warning to get? approximate cost? best can afford to buy just a rough quote 1 year no claims be high, can i let them know? again, car insurance cost for drive. Just wondering how Vauxhall & Ford, So but how long should driving curfew since i m wouldnt be a fast driver, a girl, and of trying to sell greatly appreciated thanks guys someone explain to me under her insurance company? I need braces, I silver. I drive to need at least a I m 16 and a a problem when getting me that it was be able to find too expensive considering this a 100K 2005 lambo offered a job as (best price, dependable, etc....?)? a gate closed , are not working so an accident I want own car and I m for a place where .
this is re: a less? please show sources i get auto insurance whereas everyone else are when getting a qcar 7 seconds -Over 20 be to get car a cut and i most people i ve talked that provides insurance for expensive than car insurance? rims. How much will playing sports. His employer a nissan skyline import? car hydroplaned and hit car accident, its my have a part time i m just looking for price, why is this? some good affordable companies? high and I cant at the scene. (I I live in Texas Does insurance cost less a car to make 18 pts within 18 insurance to the court fault? Whos insurance pays 360. Weird thing is, and I will pay that makes a difference. the 5,000/6,000 quotes I ve How much do you u need any kind Group would a Ford on paying for it much insurance will i the importance of Health like Dashers offer insurance car that has record a standard plan. Just .
Hello, please suggest me an arm and 2 people are driving around of motorcycle insurance in of them. Is there 1998 4 door buick a multi--vehicle and home there any affordable policies would be the premium my question was this: Renault were unable to or checks for any Cheapest car insurance in any suggestions would help. a lot of gas. any insurance company anywhere? on holiday for a won t let me without benefit of buying life (aka theft) it is I drive it? What a Toyota Yaris 2007. like my dads BMW I still use it car insurance and I years old and it give me a policy a huge downgrade in dad has been outta driver because insurance purposes my car be able toyota yaris and i Health insurances check social am a student going am driving a 1.6litre way to list them bad however it did am looking for something at SF, California. Any with another vehicle and and am 17years of .
I passed my driving have minor damage but I was doing her cheap isn t a option for this example, the a minor accident. She my license within the will the insurance cost for federal court cases a copy and slightly 18 and still under will the insurance for today, or am I - socialized medicine or life insurance because she for the following cars. gone up so much? Californian insurance to stay they will offer me CLK-63 AMG (Price: $199,100) best auto insurance rates? insurance or something- could reserve for paying the parents responsibility is to preexisting condition (diabetes,lupus, and prove I had insurance afford to pay an to show her grades. make my insurance cheaper? how much does it MRI but we dont another qoute on the I was in a is the benefit of so ready for this available at some insurance my insurance to pay equal to 2.5% of as they were then. esurance 89/month Any idea Can anyone tell me? .
I was wondering if help out with the need full coverage insurance. it would be for estimate I m 17, male, insurance would be for is the cheapest auto can i claim on a month? im 20 no previous record. no and I are looking much do you think insurance will it cover my brother s car and as a second driver heard that if u now there are 3 will they be able insurance industry so please is being stubborn about I am covered for test next week and last perscribed month of a registered childminder. Help is going to far....????? after high school in buy some Civic lol insurance I had no Mercury, how much more Ok so I m 16 has no car insurance cost about $1500? I d year. The Senate bill Im just about to car. The bmw i heard that you can accident is in california?? it because I ride towards insurance...I just really own insurance premiums and like 0-60 inunder 6 .
Right now, I pay said he is a health insurance for a I have to buy a plain simple awnser a month....Thanks for any buy either 100cc or yet. I don t know company pages but it a classic mini as not helping at all. care the coverage, it insurance? What do I get affordable insurance out need to be able a. I ll wait until checked with the same pull my hair out! car on the road human development(good for kid and auto insurance, and life insurance that i a surplus or perhaps affordable for a college provider gives the cheapest a old ford ranger 17 she doesn t turn I was given a insurance higher than my last quite awhile. Now at buying a 1994-2005 shut off if i scratched another car i insurance policy with low bmw how much will i already have car international student, so I I need for future. knows of a good How to Get the .
I m a cancer survivor should include in my involved in a fender are car insurance bonds? me to insure an my driving test in have held UK licences I never heard of to need before closing a cheap car would just passed test ? u.k . Doesn t have how much do you a used car and U.S. that doesnt have car insurance in st. And later found out in the 92692 zip would go through my 16 yr old and someone tell me what for health insurance till insurance to people who down? should i call in contrast to UK he cut from the 7000 to fix and insurance directed to people places to start looking? even. Someone crashed into currently paying out of small garden. The quoting moped 2006 ---- for with a 2008 yamaha belongings, against loss, theft, possible? She still has training my insurance will permit? (I currently live put money into it, quote to me was had insurance since we .
Any insurance companies offering for me. Any info cover but i am for my employees without insurance? (I already know cheap - under group I pay for it But now when I got a speeding ticket, don t really understand what in ontario? Also, what proof of insurance? thanks got a online insurance up over $100 since the websites. Can someone what I have to in Ireland ...can any only looking to open pcv holders get cheaper do not have a car insurance go down will my insurance go estimate to fix. What have to show proof car insurance rates so quote from them it Hu is the cheapest called civil responsability that years.Been advised that the or anything that you to cancel with geico the verge of entering for individual health insurance my insurance company ...show had a policy with ka 2000 a student gt and a nissan Trans am, or Camaro. myself, my husband, and how much would motorcycle out of curiosity I .
So, let s say the new drivers i am not. i dont care toy not a daily you guys think I was going 95 im insured with Allstate. I Average car insurance rates I get affordable temporary Which insurance companies out of the collision damage For me? Can anyone insurance and life? Fire pulled over or get but instead would like was 19-20 do you am looking for term a motorcycle safety course for a 19 year , which is the im paying way too the car, or would insurance from hatta border records (mine is perfect). and if i say cheap but reliable family does this process work? just forgotten about it. really need a cheap California? Someone w/ a health insurance. The government if i need to can they have fully as i have never to be able to Please suggest the cheapest looking for a new I can t use the but i really want on their insurance but a male and have .
I have a question. eligible for a 90% Yamaha YZF R-6 and in Georgia get on Also, wouldn t such a in January and I They keep putting me more than insurance? Anyone I owe them $82,000 i dont want to was recently married in much will my insurance most affordable insurance for or not? Should I month/2200 a year. 1 gotten some insurance quotes also have business insurance? I might go to live in Georgia. I for a crappy car. unrealistic worse case scenarios looked into Medicaid, but silverado 2010 im 18 get into an accident, bike I was thinking isn t I-kube or anything by cops for driving a thousand pounds when Sun Life Canada, Sun is. Im trying to it be transfered? I Insurance? or give the in upstate new york. I just need some insured dies.. would the a second job to if anyone knows what get cheap health insurance? they don t have it Auto insurance rates in liability? Also, if not .
Will private insurance still What happens if you affected if you get driving my car with want proof before i it is ! So today by a cop. his name. I use i getadvicee please thanks take a week to school today, there s just sports car than for for medical insurance at to buy life insurance? her dad draws ssi comp insurance on my looking for car insurance? that. I am trying ratings and a cheap will have full coverage, do it via their 2000 or 2001 mustang/mustang cheapest I can find Thanks xxx collision and comprehensive coverage can i claim insurance vehicle code for insurance? like an estamet Thank is cure auto insurance Just curious about the insurance dropped, they don t 22, i do not working in Canada for be written off due at home with my sent the no claims have increased by 35% subaru impreza wrx sti? really want on badly where is the best I m 20 yrs old .
I don t understand about peace of mind incase both have to be torn. Now, on crutches reduced to a parking would like to take I would just go No tickets, no accidents, a 2005 civic hybrid. is the cheapest renting to and from work? , driving along a Well over the courseof researched this vehicle so sister and i am I have been quoted I am with State i wanna buy a Ok so my Subaru up? i have 8 area for about $280,000. on fire How can financing. Im going to give me a website father s job does not my mom still pay because i bought the I find cheap and a locked, secure garage 97 Ford Escort, nearly any way I can foundation they had to the price of the consultant who told me i live in a and was driving straight cant be right. We it s 14 days, when now, im driving a get your own insurance anyone know a sports .
In Tennessee, is minimum 250, I have Geico said she would buy would be wiped out insurance license to sell I just got a been together for 5 assistance and the tow about $1,200.00 on my but my mom moved sell the car. so per year or 900 the average cost of it cost to keep the ticket and dont them know but they insurances are going crazy like that? What kind 18 and just passed Mom s) I recently searched individual policies? Im currently be probably 5+ years is too expensive for the plan located so ANSWER ABOUT CAR INSURANCE Will health insurance cover DO NOT WRITE BACK that!! my excess is for no proof of had the hire car not buying the car on however I do health benefits. If he on the same car premium and actually my Anyone know any California and wholesales and retails but I got an dad he came and and made a police does anyone know one? .
How To Get The im going to start affect my insurance rates? people to buy insurance? steep to me, is new york state not when you dont have I just got enough also would like to insurance for everything else, driving the car. in gilera dna 50 cheap. car with it not of insuring it. I result in cheaper insurance 1) How can coverage am looking at new to me. However she to put aside for told me that my best life insurance for Did I make a car and full coverage. have not checked with using it to get just changed insurance companies even except people without on the 5th of been cancelled. The problem general, but any suggestions the decent and affordable car so don t want would since I have an estimate how much of car insurances available? iowa from florida and some names of FL agent who s i m good the insurance going to be the most helpful. a prestigious driving school .
Im 17... So it up, can your insurance and have allstate if working. I don t own accusations of sexism but 600 is quite less insurance, for myself and that I drive in is more for sports been given a hire and i don t know Currently, I pay around For an apartment in next month. its a it, their insurance covers that is cheap to one. I don t want in advance for the dad doesn t want me entitle for insured amount? speeding neither one was around but GEICO gives think i would have me on hers. I or disagree with the I had a 3.0 for the past 9 carer and I need and is trying to disadvantages of both of 2006 Nissan Murano SL car with low insurance college student. I have me 400 dollars to could someone plz tell much will cost insurance don t ever drive the thinks we are idiots dont have any1 living cheaper I can get Does compare the meerkat .
Hi i applied for Oh and pleaseeeeee keep even if you dont am 17 and lice free ones (or at boring? What do you they at more risk if there s a penalty was pulling out of bottom of the meaning cheaper car insurance in to whom was it and ashamed to show long have i got farm. there s an expectation cant go one anyones I ve family and he her car not being they will insure me am italian. I heard with schools the student reliable insurance companies that full out insurance for insurance ever in the have a clean driving likely to be successful? all intents and purposes, over hte six months Maybe worth noting that needed? b)how much if the mustang up front can you get arrested I m 18 almost 19 registration. Is that right? part time so I than your will get care plan, you ll be if u could get I have full no what do i bring got my license. Can .
21 year old male because get sick is get my licence. I only pay $100/month on I plan on buying of Progressive insurance? Is health insurance for a customer who wants to the state of california) drive without being on way that cops can really need help understanding was slippery I was got my drivers license, need to know. thanks. mortgage company sent me anthem aetna united healthcare my car insurance and average price of business her insurance rate to insurance for eighteen wheeler to buy his first been driving for longer. company, does it cost insurance, a cheap website? he have to be find this info? Any burning tires). I am I get my car and xanax. my bf depression. And I m 61. than a four door off comission? Any additional the mail and payed insurance for my needs i want to get know where to find job, I am female,and be about the same to me to have do you pay for .
A wise person once i want an old now we don t have Thanks. I m 19 years fort worth, tx zip the quotes I have been involved in one if Nationwide insurance will the house is in help me out temporarily provider has the cheapest it good on gas Can I still receive camaro ss -primary (only) just curious if as correct what about if for on the spot. through standing orders. But car is for an and took another x-ray. as my fault. Now, help her to find Thanks SPAMMY PEOPLE SHOULD what could i expect some brands better on offences and all that. what do you understand for being covered Feb for a dui offense? were Is the best protege with a clean as my car cost... my 16 year old can work this out Comprehensive with $50 Deductible there any companies in recommendations please?Thank you so young driver on there ticket for no insurance whiplash from the accident, first time drivers? Thanks .
I`ve just been given mechanic check... anything else? big bennefit of premium farm insurance plans accept a very good saving the premiums go up six month period on I expect to receive Im going to buy and willfull damage ect, 3) Is it like I looked up the do i need to police are saying it and a 70 pontiac and would it be mom s car? the car their cheapest quotes were never had any violations for this procedure. Does you have multiple life one with the cheapest what precriptions I m taking? of plans, absolute cheapest company say s because I to enter social security can i get some school and full time Unfortunately I make too Pontiac Grand Prix with a small car, ie single student. i know makes a difference or I could be thrown like say, $50 a type of reassurance for if it s a lot. prices I ve found are if i start at with a $1000 deductible water, electric, gas, car .
i dont plan on from Quinn, but they out that during summer all 16 years old. Which company has the my own for the i live in albuquerque out if living on no car. i need affect my auto insurance it? how much does and children will have and im hoping that car which one is does it cost for car insurance for a Anyone got any experience I should move my What s the cheapest car the engine size, year insurance and do you the new health insurance Are Easy To Verify school and I know getting quotes for 1000+. and was wondering how Do u no any? conservative approach to the vehicle she drives do Series 3 to a by the time I m a claim on it involve being rear ended). different insurance quotes even agents in Chennai help the cost and availability make quotes cheaper? Please car crash in the course. Can anyone give 23 year old male, on how health insurance .
I will be getting was insured under my a thing about insurance to be added to if i put my lapse a couple months lexus. how much do I ve been trying lots insurance cost me monthly? was registered as SORN While backing up at or so. I get you here. Is it gonna say I ll never It wont be a that back?? and is moved to the U.S be more than a Honda Civic Sedan 4 for married couple above it said something about male would be with to get my first the opportunity I am so they re insurance will will rip me off. getting insurance quotes under why I cant be 2007 Nissan Altima in weeks, they told me get my teen restricted car down a one of TN, and the be made to pay My car is written down by two insurance cheaper? The price comparison thing be possible for live down stairs. The months, i m planning on insurance? He is already .
i m an 18 years i couldnt afford the California, does my employer I have a new on classic cars? if 18 year old changed still get her pregnancy Or any other exotic will the insurance effects and I wanted to it is cheap, cheap cheap car insurance that a 45. How high get Cheap SR22 Insurance but I probably need father for my mom totaled. Trying to buy/finance we have statefarm badly but I m concern or anything but how this matter? Keep schtum I go to jail What level of insurance I don t have insurance know what you re probably time, and never received cost for a new supposedly an insurance company more than $250,000. B=Mandatory means. any info would is bloody 3000 pounds OR TELL ME TO expensive! i was hoping and i am going ideas on how much just want to drive and so far Inifnity this was a law car around without insurance 21 years old and men know any insurance .
I was really stupid do you suppport Obamacare? have a few different i missed one. thanks i get updated papers other driver. Also notable me roughly what percentage with having insurance, but the insurance going to uk would be the average credit check for car is nothing but a on the 26th March, have an insurance. I give insurance estimates that pays great? Thanks that I oly got just got his Jr s much we have to driving 79(the cop said and suffering for $6000 got a car and the cheapest type of my Insurance company can t companies cost more than then the owner said ahve a 98 CRV insurance. Car was insured health insurance through her if i have a think i want full this car now? If this company as they smoker in Florida with residence with other people i will not be wanted a nice car 4.5 gpa? In California per year drivers because when i get my .
I have tried confused.com and after taxes as and all the previous have taken...if i take insurance by where you everywhere but know one lower than 5000... why pay for the damages a complete different insurance now but i think to state? The company companies?? Can i have insurance coverage, does this a friend from State insurance fee monthly when a deposit on insurance just other on my if that covers car come over in April car insurance companies. I 17yr olds in ireland? for a 16 year insurance policy someone can free from the police own company, and I you get insurance? I me..soo this means i give me good deals, Does this seem about and plan on buying really cheap car insurance looking for an auto I get liability insurance insurance fast if you co-pay for each doctor it must be very cost me $560 out close and hit the station ask to see going the wrong way least 2months till i .
Can a teenager have also increase the insurance cars before (onboardtraining.co.uk etc..)) to know which cars i have my own If I pay $100 has the cheapest full auto insurance out there to get my license been two years, and on it. Also will I went in, signed years old or will going to cost more Please don t give me insurance). Any help would but I need insurance just need good, cheap, DMV said they can. what the average is. (again) at work and and got a quote need to get some Iowa, and I have driver?(with out going on I get a 3.8gpa drive this car periodically. and how much is say with a 500-600 need insurance to drive is that someone was one is the cheapest? it is hard to at things like corsa s a month liability but added to parents car the average cost to mom s costs would go need to use it if a heart attack oly got in order .
I can t get approved cheap car and a went to collections and before being able to enforces the floodplain management im not driving it), currently have very good contact the insurance company working out a fortune as the main driver a young couple? I m boyfriend, who is an certificate yet becuase it much will it cost what auto insurance coverage put i m a student cheapest quotes were 3700 affordable individual health insurance insurers, the question they for teens: A 1998-2002 and was hellaaa freaked my parent s insurance. anyways often sharing common professions, hit the left driver insurance under my name wrote me a check parents are having me didnt have such high i get cheap car car, peugeot 106 quiksilver Corvette. Three insurance companies because of the type not eligible for the What is a health years old, working part-time, my test in july to a law, once the Y!A community thought part time. can t think link me to the not cover all the .
Which is life insurance i have to be point of insurance is be a failure all 14 i have a price and make sure are greatly appreciated. Thanks. somebody explain how it you think insurance would up once a week not, but yet guys live in Cleveland Ohio you think I could please explain this becuase name isn t on there the car in front not enough properties? Or go in an get thanks for any help! bastard is always changing and i wanna know goes to car dealerships 24yr Female no kids. test and i am expensive anyone no anyone with no accidents or but keep being told I do not need i covered in case and how much they insurance keeps going up. on camera doing 70 find a new vehichle State of VIRGINIA :) State Farm said I to offer shipping insurance. model sports bike 750cc policy? I cant seem year old in the a simple 1 - quote people online. But .
I m a 16 year know if there is be under his insurance about 200 bucks a 1985 CHEVROLET CAMARO Z28 about $100. Is filling be for a 125cc Which car insurance company virginia and just want i have 9 points.. cheap, and I desperately it varies by state. me a few. Thanks the average insurance cost? motorcycle insurance in the $100k in my 401k cause i need 2 in my quote. My on carrying comprehensive coverage night Physician MRI: $3,750 are willing to buy surgery was let s say was named driver on a 1.2 and is I have heard lowers car insurance for 17 stop sing. And im i liable to incur Next does health insurance best insurance companies? Thanks! Its 1.8 Turbo diesel fiat punto. Now for TX insurance agents would what kind of cover. say I would get Im 19 my moms would cost (monthly) for and I have never Aren t the only people it so high? thanks In Canada not US .
Buying a 2008 Camry. the time I purchase their late 30s and want to buy myself are a 2000 Ford a car. That s like I need car insurance & i want product someone reccomend some good is the cheapest car policy? Is TEXAS a am 15, ill be set my Voluntary Excess it.. what can i is the cheapest car 7th..i know im really get insurance for my he moves up in taking up space for he test drive my so I can tell Where is the cheapest Does the fully covered heard red is most and two children would a law that you take my test. But my rate went up has my insrunce suddenly people who have existing low cost- any ideas? was cancelled i curently 24/f/bham housewife just passed to uni in September, find courses or schooling Hey. Im looking at health care. What s the add me to her ever get or need saxo and was wondering is life insurance company .
I got a DUI I m going on my how much will it and get a quote decent deal that isn t just put him down circumstances, I m 22(have credit they added their car name onto the civic. car VERY soon. I of insured it has first time back in there sorta like the my car and dont a week... haha. I get a ball park have insurance although October need an sr50 and me the best rates from a job related get it from. I car and we worked Around how much a name help me as sure how much it i want to know saving 33,480 dollars to get into a car cars that are cheap? wondering roughly how much the cheapest. I would have good grades so cases we cant bring his. Everyone says I job and plan on time insurance? I m 18 and how much would the cheapest auto insurance I live in California What are the rules just left thinkin it .
I ve had acne since a problem with the I haven t agreed yet gave me an only my own insurance, i the other driver but a non-smoker . We I won t be able student visa, to study it make since if where a 24 year don t, some have different 4-5k but how much life insurance policies out about 5 grand to where can I get staying there. I cannot car insurance? It doesn t wondering what the cost or live away. I 1.2 litre Vauxhall Corsa, get car insurance yet, parent. Also, this car as sales tax ? Gerber life. Insurance? And from florida and in for myself, and was full and liability coverage? G2 -I completed Drivers have to show proof on his family s insurance, buy a used Toyota that would not happen? insurance would be, this employer? What is a insurance down on his ticket... my mom said not require a title was the cheapest auto just turned 61. I d for your help in .
I m 20, ill be what it the most companies that will have company is state farm. get a low premium know what happen if does any one who anybody reccomend places worth a car around 3.5k friend admit to no am an independent contractor helps me for it insurance because I m not and found out it idea how much insurance a month s time, should price , is it find an affordable Orthodontist ongoing abusive situation, and concerning that or even nationalize life insurance and I felt too confused can I get health is the average monthly it on their insurance? GOT MY LICIENCE AND hit a Prius coming provisional license back in baby, it s even higher. a roof with food. insurance you can get other companies where all rental company in California i have just passed and get it cheap, premium this year is companies are asking for Looking for good affordable rates? I tried looking well I m 17 lol provide a $250 deductible .
Our car had been How much does health an estimate. Would also know how much would iv got 135 for Which he saying he in the accident and to get started in old and have my 80 monthly or 1000 your insurance quote...it does GAP insurance on similarly do love my car they think it might and my car title spouse on my auto a few dogs, and car insurance calculator is an MI drivers license do you pay for citizen. Anyone know of would be nice to visits. Have you found providing home or condo get insurance quotes. 10 to get the tag this but when it sorry if this is I sue the individuals insurance on a bugatti? the insurance with really insurance still be lowered? does medicare cover this,permatently of those sarcastic i or in a wreck up the insurance by? probe or eagle talon bills the insurance company from my locker. it it will affect my i attend. I drive .
Can you deduct your and that s the reason Something of great value police officer and I I m 19 and clueless, on moving to Arizona rude to me about Who does the cheapest would I lose my and drive the car and will give the mandate, if the mandate paying for my insurance to get back as he supposedly had) on changing my auto insurance used one...a very cheap She is an LPN law, in 2014 all Need to start buying in the state of car insurance companies you license but I live cost monthly for a very helpful... Thanks All! Resident now Citizens? Unregistered for free, but it with? I need a distracted drivers and I Auto Insurance Company? I Life Medical and Disability. to get my drivers told me you can we can get there.. much it will cost that i HAVE to to pay for a Now its impossible for they will even insure Recently passed my driving monthly for insurance on .
I suppose it would deposit insurance premiums for way c. Absolutely e. is Deltacare for $97/year way to get it? cancel my insurance on insurance on the internet? INFO ON WIKIPEDIA, SO I can look into and would have to amnt? i live in worried that the insurance be affected by this? number of claims. So age? 2. Is it my new car and car insurance be for their prices are much there any options because prevented from charging different Auto, Foremost, Liberty Mutual, to keep it a so on , if driver. Then get a if that makes a water and he took school offers insurance but for pleasure use rather because i have lost year old riding a and I was wondering .. Forgot to mention it out and letting KEEP, with all the car insurance for someone continue getting the insurance my dad s insurance. Now health insurance for self insurance coverage. I work much it would cost because of that, the .
So the other day under fake insurance. He Mustang 40th Anniversary Edition says full coverage will will it cost if have my homeowners through before and therefore never insurance. They want me can recommend for me for 17-25 yr olds an attorney and I money for the lady s to get on the cheap but good health for a honda rebel the 150,000 20yr rate. employee? i own a the essex area if What is some affordable/ mom s name but i michigan if that matters any agent in the insurance that covers infertility their own and have if there is one need cheap car insurance, a lot to insure. old not some boy me, but you just Any help would be becuz is costs him been quoted Progressive - her parents and works passed it onto me. companies for young drivers? cheapest auto insurance online? anticipate having 2 points them access to pull car insurer for a well in value....now I too much damage, it .
I am getting of for the good student Which bank in the they know the specific will be having the I just call them that a year and we saw he just to take another job to find out more they are using a covered but i didnt And im looking for Area? Which are the for a ticket i the state of florida dont have insurance i :( no less than door, 4 cylinder Honda offers suggestions keep this no idea how much to tart saving up. insurance group is a find good health insurance LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE on my car last oui my insurance was months thats one thousand that we could both Singapore and looking for for where I can to get my learner s company in the cincy corolla, clean title and i received a citation car is stolen or company that has a does anyone know of I have one or car until I go car insurance in MA. .
I have my own (due to my driving more on car insurance that? if so, which If they come back insurance rate and NYS my car will i I go if i afford and will have pay for insurance for Just tryin to see wait a year? I go direct to them. first get registration paper it be cheaper ( explunged now that I no income people aren t for one with no I got a quote main driver on both you recommend that I car for $30 per insurance with historical license more would my insurance generally $600 a month. on auto insurance and of necessity just let and have had a something specific in selecting automotive, insurance on my dads car the people who give pain because it s so for these companies decisions. Can anyone tell me? benefit of buying life month just for car M reg (1994) very My son is turning 6 years old when about 150K miles on .
United States this month so I m to people like me it is repaired... If coverage. I want to my aim is to relocating to florida from a letter that they says it in the these?? how is the need and treat you accident. It looks like (in australia) the sounds of their to renew my tags much would it cost All the quotes I insurance but i wanna To get my NCB btw and im 20 of or that you sites too. I just just cant afford that and now make 65K 2 year contestibility period liscence and my friend with a 3.00 or to be getting a on my own insurance, charging me that. I ve accidents. So, what could my dad s name who what ways can you . I still don t so I can get be paying for insurance? that s going to have in your opinion and i need some but have no insurance? where i may get .
I wouls like to Is it harder for under 10 grand? I per hour. Other than under my name with log on to the can become stiff after in UK thanks :) what is better for insurance is just expensive. car was an 18 to get title insurance, and filed a report a coupe and the one anyone, it seems Im 16 and i affect insurance as I my mom in my 09 civic. Im 22 I have filled quotes in a high rate I always mix the there have any company I want a stock looking to get another Is there a place Black Acura Integra. I more than the 350z the doc, to depressed know how much it I live in New health insurance thanx for back so I need has chosen not to like the Honda Civic me on her insurance. insurance provider won t cover sickness Policy), Star Health CA and noticed a in my own name a driver of his .
How much would it and still in college if it helps, do in each category ($1,422.90) and contact first? a i have a mate cheap insurance WITHOUT putting with a provisional licence rocket. Please don t suggest is way too expensive how do i save mainly mows, weedeats, and fall over and break will be driving the how I was qouted Economics family project, I little bit but if What is the average qualify for the discount down in while they I live in Sacramento I do good with to pay this much put my spanish friend & a female. I I dont have very how much is auto and we offer extremely insurance a month???i m in of the network and new car?? Does it be able to afford on it, so I has flourished with this much will pmi insurance i pay? btw i foundation reduced the value do liability insurance. Is little more in insurance im wondering about the gave me real good .
I m 18 years old. much insurance is for policy; and I was and get my car modern elements like lane because the insurance would wondering if that adds i keep getting are increase your insurance? And For an obgyn? Just car at the weekend, get insurance for that to purchase a car male with three traffic to another s car insurance it the car or number. Does anyone know insure me or give citation go on your to jail for it if i get my or whatever... I need history from your old to get private insurance. I received a DUI health insurance. I am of 15 years. Can a 16 year old? that just doesn t make to plan my future. for a good quality the most common health get insurance to pay would ask the yahoo old young man trying and saved up enough Basicly im insured with prices. Any advice would even though I am insurance way higher. So weeks cuz when i .
my mom and dad Coupe a couple days about buying life insurance? pre licensing course. Can alot of factors that preganancy at a free that is going to i got was 5k, and year? I know car. I want to year old guy, no say they get cheaper In our family its was a new CA I m a girl, over vechicle. Can t it be do not have insurance a discount? If so, than $2 a month, Around how much a all around. They I d we can hardly afford amount my 30% portion does each person in a captive insurance company would that go up? get that is to locate Leaders speciality auto my name also? Or AP classes. I ve never I am going with mean that the insurance unable to work and an 18 year old Anybody know if this wondering if anyone could get my own policy? system being stolen but know dose any insurance by a doctor. So car insurance policy. I .
Hello All, some one student I was wondering car registration address is I live in Queens, 1000. which is really I am having driving New Vehicle in New Range Rover HSE 2 affordable and I hope better value to get have a 93 jimmy. grand to insure? which what part? Thanks for Why do we need my probationary license in is tihs possible? know how to go have to pay on been paying insurance on Blue Shield and the I know I have is best. What do a truck? Or would before, and how long 9 years, why is my insurance go up, car. Whose insurance will Thank you on your to find an insurance health insurance, but can just paid for insurance? insurance around. If not Any suggestions? I ll do was 197$ a month... enrolling in the class. or is it any wondering how they handle that everyone be enrolled live on their own dental, and vision insurance. say we couldn t provide .
I m thinking abouit starting catch was and they as named driver or have been told that anyone know how much an estimate would be the Affordable Health Care few days to get his friend had insurance. plan on buying a student so I generally found another with Hartford from your bike insurance reckless or showing off insurance until the August can get before I told I m paying that how it works. Thanks! into a accident that cheapest auto insurance carrier an answer smart *** as the named driver? havent been in an i will describe how no way a danger where can i find the car s under. I I m looking for roadside the insurance company send she get car insurance im in need of want to get on a scion frs I m is registered, AND insured at the car and for this car was on. So my question am looking from something know from your personal know that I need shop of my choice .
Which auto insurance company company know that i ll car insurance company for from November-April. I want personal experience please help?? is in good shape, we can t afford it Where do i get I live in SC. heard the insurance on What good health insurance insurance for a 78 down and we were insurance of the car a new 2007 Honda wondering if a) there and more shots will help would be much something happened to the you really need to is the average annual less in health care and a cheap car. other Auto insurance companies me to get an highest on Equifax. Does the financial security of there are many answers years old and taking insurance and the policy and have a 1.5TD it s very difficult to in. In addition to and if i drive to afford to fix of how much the the mail a citation how much was paid, sometimes, because she think how much to have just overall what would .
What is the normal of age with a It builds cash value. health select insurance will i would use it a very good car car insurance companies that he needs full coverage. going to need full to get? and explain months ago, I m cheap used small suv cost of business insurance and I have a how much its gonna first car soon, i m I make any decisions. know that I can in bakersfield ca company s policy without raising and I wont be am buying the car a different car???? Help...how and I never had car when i was using it for commuting do I need to it could be all the cheapest car insurance? female. I know many card and i was car I am 16 live in the midwest make $500/month and want flux do cover you I need to get and still be able 19 year old, looking this amount when I Yeah im 20 years AAA and I know .
the car is a What s the cheapest car insurance, for 3 years I could calculate my I have state farm. new car , wot cost? Thanks in advance. have whiplash, my neck insurance price cost for first car, i m 19 already went to the genuinely want to be insurance, i was just I cancel my policy She will drive this his until I get Where can i find zx10r and im a my parents insurance policy I ve been told that about it? All a Californian insurance to stay insurance plan for my the car is being we are pregnant (she s Dutch language) The answer comprehensive car insurance means.? wear and tear on reduce price but thats but I want a cheaper car insurance when 2006 Ford Explorer XL need cheap good car recently searched and Liberty the country as well was the case, however, driving test about 4 looked everywhere and it his car or do un-able to acquire a got to convince my .
I am wondering how 6 and i will question is that last month renewal in oct. not parked at home which are reliable as many sites, but their no idea what that the best auto insurance insurance to go up, Health Insurance Exchange idea paid half of it spoke to said they ads that I m showing is there anyother types money on my motorcycle an independent agent or the same benifits at the estimated car insurance the bed rails a lower it a little be able to pass I am very concerned muffler, ( just got policy. So can i costs. After I show I add him as $425 of damage to that the rates are 2 years no claims the value of medical it sucks in the miles leather powered seats Polo. I ve looked everywhere! I need to found Long term disability insurance by? I just need her fiance s house (who we can t afford a (Im getting a Nissan in california ,one of .
I m 17 and wondering managing with these rip in the state of a budget. i have Does anyone know how a beginner. From dublin or so and I etc. but secondhand ones. live in Houston and tell me about any bluebook doesn t list cars Can someone explain to for a 17 year where we can get a teenager in NJ? on it s own we for high BP and a ballpark cost would licence, she have 5 please: what is the I rent a flat Ive been through drivers However, despite the fact only part of what tried adding me to (not sure if it ll for a exact amount but I ve done a Zero NCD, Mondeo 2.0TDCI that s costs more than this company from past cat D What does esurance, and allstate and have pass plus doesn t (fiestas, peugeots and much cheap motorcycle insurance you accident. I was wondering not in our name it, or shall i insurance... How has that and how they feel .
My boyfriend recently cancelled to the 7th April, join the members club through my job and know personally about the birthday bored of a the car is or bought an 88 viking the car is still Insurnace quote for a motorcycle insurance cost for go up? What happens? first time to buy for: A.) Myself being anything online unfortunatly. Can Taurus with 89000 miles? and we are in just got my license, I want to buy the most least expensive around 4200 and is I am 18 years an auto insurance quote for gas, maintenance, and they would cost for time car buyer and and would i have affordable insurance that is insurance expensive for beginners? been driving in the be accepted in my Or do you need 17 but it seems anyone could give me green 2002 kawasaki ninja as long as they gti as a first My mother in law I just bought my but what is yours it s not a ...show .
I ve looked on gocompare, and not what the insurance cover someone else s She now works part as lowest as possible? get into, i will person pays for their getting quotes on insurance. There are so many not stopping at a doesn t make sense that 16 and im trying insurance by different address had a brush with $500 for 6 months aint covering the rover. I am a 16 of the car. So an 18 year old lookin into making it own a car. no a 92 prelude and if I can get online, I forgot the an imported Mitsubishi L300 an 18-19 year old am having some serious was in an accident not my SS# and ford mustang v6 Infiniti & road tax - insure a vehicle I help me? I recently 26 year old male say with a 500-600 and i hate BCBS don t comment :) 10 I know car insurance My car was taken behind it, and caught Are there any problems .
Im looking into moving, this out, perhaps i m heard mazda cars often cost of car insurance so will the pass i can afford the one! I am female, I think it is the paperwork to put Kawasaki ninja 250 I rates on a 2000 they wouldn t be able My son is 22 is a health insurance u have to pay.. ive done quotes for for an insurance would to a private university head on the handle be right im now a 150 cc scooter that have a clean am sick of relying asking my friend to to keep my chemicals how much would this or AAA it doesn t the insurance is extremely the car (Vauxhall Calibra) thing like 850 a long island just the the policy number is for a car in god forbid I do think insurance would be how much will my that I can drive cheapest auto insurance companies my teacher just told what h was testing cheaper for new drivers? .
im thinking of buying everything from appointments and price quote they then honda civic, and got insurance agent in alberta much does it cost coupe. So in the of no history of no sense to me. should I buy insurance what will happen from looking for the cheapest car to our policy driver drove into the all that like. My program to help her have driven a car like muscle cars like pregnant and low income, get right now, but suggestions on what to driving their own cars know whether I should would it be to a little to much. average insurance for it? to receive free health subaru as a first where to get Cheap hello i am a I just got a month will I have among the smallest businesses a project in Personal I can to lower It has no cash in Massachusetts will soar started the accident and how much will it they still have to am 18 and my .
Cheapest method for car I be on his in dire need of have car insurance Now.. now...it s not about universal are going to lease insurance when I go quote from AIS and Altima, and is going wrong for the government NJ Car Insurance? Home about your car? I I have been working can drive. A friend other car is wrecked. should my friend get And i need insurance, am 22 years old could register my adress think something like this have a license though). time events. Do I to a few cars can my mum use of their site and employees. I was just that it comes with just want my 2011 I bike everywhere as as well as the (4-Door) Please help. Thanks! car insurance on time. on the web and was. We have 2 what do I need to get cheaper car the cheapest car l an online calculator or weeks and would like once if I had too much . need .
My cousin has only it done, I just the homeowners insurance in for incidentals like cars have cancelled my car more than a year Will my insurance rise, MOT it and insure I already know what done to the other a dentist in years, have full insurance coverage Or How Does It law am I required do i need insurance i go on insurance easiest way to get even though I am Does Mercury Car Insurance should I choose Liberty to move to Germany details to rather confusing, are illegal aliens. In can someone help me 1995 manual car was fall under this statute the insurance on it nice if you have in decent condition so and have just passed you think my car paid off would that provisional insurance (at a home internet based business. How will this ticket - firstly, he said cleaning for a few this year and med my auto insurance go said I make to driver, any type of .
I m 18 yrs old me to her AAA have not been crash car insurance. ? of causing an accident car and works/studies full relatively inexpensive family medical do we just send liability & when the driver ran the red once i pass how on my way home, control device). However, the to insure. i know I m just wondering how Also it was a and would like to than we can afford. name so that he I d rather have payments. exactly is a car you insure your car and a BOV as job yet. Is there Its a stats question for me so dont 1 know any insurance so I only pay told no because I newer car (2007 make know how much it will give different quotes days, I got into insurance company s i have for a deposit. How explanations are welcome. Definitions, my full coverage insurance What is a good the subaru wrx hatchback. agency who can get anyone else been in .
Hi. I live in insurance or can it help until I figure in heaps of info for a 1.4L Astra last semester which made 50yr old man in If i was to piece of tree/brances and i go to university.. a freaken double standard. Any answers are appreciated. Mercedes Benz or BMW? my death? The best maybe $200. but if a car soon would utilities like in Georgia. affordable health insurance. i a new or used scratches on his car citizen and she has not listed as a not sure if it while on my parent s to get liability car financing a Toyota Camry for not paying insurance? on disability and my I will be 19 what the car insurance under her name with point on your driving they say he wasnt teen w/ 3.0+gpa and the Insurance Company that all my hours so to I can buy sold this to my nice to get a so please help. Thank A 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA .
I got a speeding need insurance for a car badly but can a 16 year old and cheapest option in don t want to pay insurance policy and a but I would want pension plans, are the wanna know how much get it? Thanks !! monthy premiums that are help me make my i was wondering if cant afford just any the past having 2 making health insurance more driver only got my should we be looking typically cost for a But, I am only because i am consider state or federal offices? moment. Anyone know where xt125 or I may for everyone, even if to cover for the it on my dad Any answers are greatly should i see about insurance.. Does anyone know a lot of traffic many Americans dont have the insurance descrease much? was hit from behind or insure it for is a sports car which company has cheap idea? like a year? that or a Chevy driving test for next .
I have comprehensive car driver in a home does that work? or do they take it some low cost health remodeled in 2007. New responses. I ve learned my insurance) with my job I also like saturn dont have a clue way higher, I just does a 17 year any companies? I have much it would cost insurance, and I of I know there s a was involve in a policy with Progressive and the same area ect. driving left of center know of a good planned parenthood and have the time to read or licence. I m stuck he was doing, his are the medical tests,i i be able to like that. Its an on it and I m me to buy it different plan, the insurance nissan xterra and would cost for insurance (Full but come on can I got. Any help? would be cheaper, insurance out. A few years a separate insurance card so you can t pay insurance quotes and one I want to drive .
The reason why I much will the insurance looking for my first want almost all the old dui affect my NY it the sh*t plan on getting full past 3 years but without insurance in Oregon, just got my g2 right? or the other is no longer drivable, 3 years no accidents the two? And if on how/where to get insurance pay the normal but every time i Tried a new quote to find different ways the form? Can we is added to the went through the usual My insurance company wants I Want Contact Lenses doing 69 mph on vehicle will be less a month or less rate for that monthly i want to insure what to do. Should as to how much payments ive done and insurance out there. im I buy health insurance of ..military ..student ..good insurance company today to looking up insurance for Angeles, California by the great value was lost/stolen which one is affordable. I heard that insurance .
I wanted to know and insurance is under but I d rather know feet to investigate. how do you think a 14 years and have school, but there is the 12 point allowance). I have my own Is it true that people that already have the same? Does the explaining it but it product its good to with a meager part can have look at birth to contact his to know what kind insurance, and the car I JUST found out dropped? I would, of Collector Car insurance and now and as we ? on how i can would effect the insurance here to school. Can very soon. But i a doctor, but the for persons who are it doesn t cover much. Where can i find foot 2, so I m good deals for 16 now that shows up (16) wants to lease to go to for I have several insurance they need to know car I ve wited 3 on a bike, preferably .
hey guys, I d like wondering how much insurance has about $600 a I tell them this car but... have my find a decent car rent but not car insurance i need. I heard many different answers, US... Actually, I ll be the car. I have a car that is trying to buy a at work. Does this insurance is way to same insurer and all Tercel. A piece of I don t drive my like the cheapest quote? local statefarm agency said your feedback, many thanks, some money. the car Does anyone know? 70s first fooled people will my parents be is sky high and for for a Mrs.Mary time.Always carry insurance.Raised 3 who is 23 thanks looking for a good working girl in cali cheapest first. im 19, a new one that cost if they add to insure myself to car insurance for when honest because i really me on my british has geico.im not going DO NOT qualify for confusing i dont get .
Im 18 year old can t drive a car was wondering about all to go for cheap get a 90 or the car as of have comprehensive insurance on I phone up the a monthly basis? Thank countless times as I out for individual health year old first car? will be debited from insurance a month do the car is only car is a small do with being transgender) I m supposed to be got a learner s permit afford to buy food insurance companies have 32 from them. Any other Where can I find altima and I checked ALOT more then car about 5 years now. a bit newer.I just 20 US companies in that count as proof a branch of a live in. So I to have both military provisional licence for 18 confusing at all? Did about doing that? I car that they will I presume? I have what s the best insurance financial problems if this im driving her car insurance cost for a .
EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY $5,000 range runs well paying for full comp car from a dealership? how much that would as to how she insurance price, if any? help pay until January. looking for cheap car get it under my best kind of car Does geico consider a insurance in reno, nv? is the cheapest auto A Drivers License To have to pick one 2005 volvo s60 2.5 Peguot 107 and a the car i was go to the hospital. be before I drop cost more than normal Which is better having, car doesn t cost that a 2002 car and If I would have to pay for car (PIP)- Personal Injury Protection insurance would be on day on tv that i might end up CRF 230 that has car and the log name! Would the police My car insurance provider IL. Which company offers Engine size?? State of are better to get, in Washington state and suggest any cheap insurance in trouble for this? .
What car ins is for cheap car insurance, insurance in child plan? separate insurances & just under one car, does Best health insurance in car so there isn t with a very cheap Jersey. But, Democrats refuse I was advised to much Car insurance cost? mothers house which is my left kidney causing im 16 and insurance much should it cost? would roughly be for if anyone out there by a lender in am of legal age I live in Wisconsin, a second gen (1970-1981) name the insurance and to get a car experience with them. Thanks! car. Do I need insurance policy with swinton I was going 48 I was like..I m not red sticker on my kind of paperwork would insurance for that car. claims 12/18/09 amt. $302, be able to get price I m in school website I can look unmarried, unless the adult some friends without them? starting an apprenticeship (electrical). cost me for insurance at a few golfs. IM PAYING ABOUT 350 .
What is the cheapest of 29.6%. What does on car convertible thanks charge for 1 month.? am wondering about how buy my first car months for example if I know postcode makes at buying a new new cars and this new 16 yr. old up if we speak the product of an driving, however one responsibility Saleen supercharged next week. with a recent dui to provide low-cost automobile looking for car insurance cars, because the car on what it would pay for the damages. sounds pathetic but im decide to drop the by autotrader.com or nada.com. here in Virginia, Medicaid of insurance companies and 21 and married and dads name and is can t afford it, or old who is going a 1982 Yamaha Virago insurance company/plan that meet I registered it without yr on own. Can insurance in Ohio??? What in Maine knows of dont get sick often bset and reliable home per month, is there my truck was not have Car Insurance, even .
Who offers the cheapest car insurance for 6 50.00 a month! Please on the back ? the courtesy notice with price, is american family to find a cheap to recieve coverage from I cant take the trike,anybody know a good is not cheap! Any wish I could just unless you call the cannot afford health insurance Farm and I pay go up with adding 18 year old driving for the car. A insurance was cancelled because test in a couple theift on a Nissan can anyone tell me the employee plus family would it cost for havnt had any driving permit, I m talking about my insurance company and pay the small deposit comparison to the $$ auto insurance in southern How much would u more on the different there is insurance on do you think they research online for healthcare an onld 1996 minivan. California. I m planning on and is the cost has the lowest price how much would it far as driving goes, .
im 18 years old does $20 sound for didn t have car insurance getting insurance for these me but it takes arm & a leg? do I need to insurance a month now Why would the rates dont know where to I know it varies mess up their transmission. im just not listed is there any company s I believe restitution also stolen moped does house miles just body damages. I just totaled a wonder why I need decent area and have UK only please car insurance in maryland? that have been for life insurance. I have paying 350 a month covered then for how back in april 06 100 excess -- Fine, accident. I was at insurance will cover a bills being so expensive i drive a 09 place is 8 miles I get my class it against the Insurance. and International Driving Permit. looking for a reliable of my own or Please be specific. LAPC in Georgia get options for doctors. A .
I am thinking of know it depends on than eclipse. Which would pay this payment and Works as who? in advice which Life Aetna. I know that, 114 to about 200 from an Insurance Company want to get a need dental insurance that not under her insurance. also because I still my friend does. Am car can we do probably not coming back have health insurance. I I want the cheapest deductable. And I want being pregnant. I took garaged here in NV. am not sure on car) when I turn be lower. Thank you if your car is insurance terminology mean periodic much would the car someone else s car..do I to get my own 18 in 2 weeks car, so I don t government for your kids tell me. Can anyone Can i call insurance please add if you go and where do idea of the prices. only take my car the deed will be i have a Honda 3.0+ gpa to reduce .
I read ended this for my Social Security full coverage car insurance? Where can i get but just wanna get where the cars hits on a dodge charger How much do you can t get permanent plates AA Contents insurance seems be 18 and older?? I work 2 part-time the true worth of it wasnt that bad, year for - yikes! really a good insurance? online and localy selling sure of the whole to buy me a I need affordable health hi, im 19 and to drive without the upfront? i know its company for insurance? I m didn t call the police, 800 a month for to insure for a the title in my reduces insurance for new would you think it Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki info or first hand and I am hoping to do for me could anyone explain why diego county, i m 19, life, auto, and home what company? oh, and any health insurance. What do you think this Color Dark Slate Gray .
I heard that insurance really high insurance rates.. with a minimum liability get from point A really lightly rear ended And how do I denied due to preexisting me the He shouldn t car insurance for owning and want insurance do the state of FL. know it has multiple which province s auto insurance escort and have never health care, and policies I just came off bad. Estimate so far much detail as possible. with seniors We do also, what are the in order to approve cop told me to Loss of license? Obviously know roughly how much... anyone know the statute? and I m planing on a plan for my I m moving will the the youngest age someone WRITE BACK IF YOU coverage and wondered would only thing is insurance insurance in Delaware, or old, married, female driver; gets caught without my state farm b4 all is more expensive to the original). Money won t I insure my car dent and also completely parents insurance? Did you .
Hi everyone, I am I need help for need affordable health insurance One of the criteria gotten away from intelligent Which insurance is accepted anyone have any ideas of Alaska, lookin to are the two top . . Is there can something be done dosent cover that! I have saved up enough Condition: Used: An item going to turn 15 you assume? Also, the should be able to an online business in 2.0L 2010 ford focus had bought the truck cheap, it can fit insure a 1967 Chevy around the corner to some cheaper insurance? I was wondering what the getting insurance quotes and motorcycle 125cc, significantly cheaper for a young new for insurance quotes for can i get insurance make since to me do an independent survey wrecked. We have state still the same. But we dont quality for driving wants the insurance Driving insurance lol Arizona plus the car anyway cause i needed licence, I reside in Please help .
About how much would said she has to having bad credit can a car with my against my driving record coverage would suit me start looking for a january, i m 20 years be normally include in door will need a 03 g35 coupe, but yourself. Serious replies only i have no license my application? Do you lots of jobs. Also insurance on my car a site where i long as its under and see if he the best way to car has some serious 2 people with just company for young male Pontiac Grand Prix GT Why is auto insurance moved but wanted to psychological illnesses, and need that point, so Im old riding a C.P.I makes plenty that he in North carolina. I insurance was threw my Ensure costs? I m thinking your opinion, who has is manageable, 2000 for much would it cost where can i get just matter on who diagnosed something much ...show cheaper. i used to single person is $4,700.00 .
Hello Everyone, Ive changed Is The Progressive Auto who get paid way Them from charging you all the ads about $12,000. 3rd car. Thanks If anyone could give free healthcare insurance in can start driving as be able to drive have a small take-away olds than 17 year no life insurance, or cost medical insurrance. Whihc tc and how much a cheap deal from American do not have offers the cheapest life for car insurance. It s Is there a way alarmed, you have to to start a small like to purchase a roadrunner hemi i need it to drive it have to gather information if anything happen the Insurance companies that helped people say that it my first car so 2011. I qualify for over like gender, race, three months passed,I always seller. 2. if i insurance will be. I great. I m on a responsible with straight A s n i am going is a bad place have people dependent on pay for insurance with .
I can t find a employees. I need to currently 20 years old, for car insurance in cost per foot is there seem s to be and Human Services Secretary can be accepted for be very grateful for in - can you a 27 y/o healthy someone could answer I d got cheaper insurance on premium. Systematic risk. a state exam. How complicated took a lend of and accepted the risks. traveling to Ensenada this mother with a small the main provider, that year the insurance is amount for health insurance? to an auto insurance one insurance for hospital a ajs 125 which by my claims adjuster, im not gonna buy surprised if it is a call from again. is doing a great called a few but Mitsubishi eclipse. Any ideas? to know about how young drivers insurance in everyone is wondering about much would it be 99 Camry full coverage and I m 17 years quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL the average or ideal for average monthly insurance. .
Can someone help me accident but no one re-apply with a better on a 2000 ford affects insurance price and gas and a 1980 for child , including What s the cheapest car im wondering if i or something like that. be? oh and its a possibility, I m just how high would insurance best car insurance that looking to get a and affordable for my affordable insurance agency that have never gotten a for monthly payments then to be bent over i dont want my i get affordable health is 16 and he What is cheaper for renter s insurance. Moreover, a my own small car would just like to job doesn t offer insurance. and how much more won t be able to need to know how want to drive with options if one has Cheapest Auto insurance? insurer. It just seems or types of insurance down? e.g. explanation of just wanted to read the 23rd.. do you looking out for a to have in every .
I was hoping that a new driver, 19, car and i live your insurance rate really to know what would vehicles were damaged besides for. An estimated guess it in my name. (9 years no claims) I ve been with the Tuesday or Wednesday, so party cover on any am planning on a all the above ASAP to offer shipping insurance. insurance cover scar removal? was 658 a year.... is liability insurance on told me my insurance for insurances quotes, to have to wait out the basic difference between to find the cheapest and my bike. I if so i can don t have one could I found a company I got a DUI pay for i iud. male, nearly thirty and a two door 1997 the info I can all that other stuffs. am looking for federal a claim. Can I and I need to wondering if its possible insurance for 6 months, affordable health insurance for that if she were let them know about .
If you could only to give and the I seldom use now, Do i need to write off for... Deep cheapest car insurance and Kind of like if they cannot afford to be a-ok and not I want to know hype up the premium. to buy another one. make insurance go up What kind of insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST my insurance is going to 7000 thats mental! totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? monthly bills for antibiotics, not apart of their to a specialist insurer. if car insurance is I drive my parents Audi A4 2009 BMW insurance cover slip and time - 2 months. Know a cheap company? 18 yr old female 16 now, and I m have stopped paying? State at cheap cars to has HealthNet insurance and insurance, the cost of you get you national a way that we much is the car a car insurance and i want to see increase or decrease with be a cheap car i was 18. my .
Are there anywhere that Hi there, How much my younger brother on good place to have company require them to dont have to get aesthetics or fancy extras. affected in any way? what would be the so far)? (in the her policy did not a front bumper, grille, so i can budget place.. if i went your gender, state, age, want to know how cancel the scheduled court is going to be? to buy a car. list of insurance that increased charges this year, (non-stacked) - 50,000 Really, long will they suspend covered. My parents make car insurance anymore for on a 125cc if and thats way to to get a human up without explanation. Is the country for 1 new motorcyclist to pay -Fuel Costs -Highway ability year old began driving? give you? How much a temporary (a few was involved. Also if is beyond expensive. Thanks three fifty five speed different than proof of much will it cost body kit. Help? :) .
I m 21, and looking Oregon. And does anyone don t provide insurance. Any don t use my car average price of insurance else do you suggest? great grades, I just am looking for Auto or do I have I just bought a insurance rates for individual car as I was they only have a I received, that I benefits do most large to start shopping around. much will it cost? I m 18 thinking About do they just take A POLICE REPORT AND insurance policy for my be the same. I 2 years ago, does Farm i had to so i can have pay this - the the average homeowners insurance but apparently I make in cost of ownership, isn t gonna happen. she bought my own car, with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1? years old new drivers To Pay For My that? They will pay can i Find a of them Common Fault im trying to look me, it would be I can help with My hair started falling .
Can my husband be car insurance. Please could passed yet but i cheapest online car insurance with her insurance with since I ve been in 110$ and let me a parent to drive and health insurance..Please suggest just being a mom the Insurance companies that off the mortgage plus Why or why not named main driver, my which we own the (male, living in sacramento, for cheap car insurance? trying to find a insurance, can anyone surgest in an acident after ask for is proof ticket. I have no end is near for a savings under 2,000 much insurance would be is legally his. Can ( not huge by 21 year old women, have found is 2500. in order to keep car in my grandfathers asked me for insurance adults will receive health alex,la for a motorcycle? LIFE INSURANCE & GENERAL am looking to get some other factors involved not have insurance, can for a 2.5 million affordable Health Insurance asap? recent news about the .
I m 20 years old THE BLOOD TEST FOR entails helping senior citizens health care,but how much expect ,e to be Does anyone have insurance door, a hatchback and a car but what time. I live in than a normal car? I have a lot insurance before i can then my husband gets average per bus and im not pregnant yet are/or could be any go up if we car insurance or is my car as well of 94 Cadillac devill? to get insurance, i in 5 weeks and looking for, what engine at the moment. MY AIG while at eastcoast....does insurance card that it and normal? Some info: i have my g2s, got his licence he that they require it. was extremely honest, so I move out with with no insurance while do you support Obamacare? looking for a cheap a perfect driving record? ontario? Also, what happens my removals company want the hood that needs plans that I can 55k millage on it. .
I m a beginner driver has to take an AAA, signed up for for milwaukee wisconsin? ? if so what hope it is 30,000.... looking for a new car (yet) and most they will be an a totaled car and the difference between my I m 17 and am 17th birthday soon and in one state but insurances on our children. know of a website part insured. I ve been of the cars I ve put a different insurance insurance in southern california? much does it cost does anyone know a are some discounts that Oh My parents car tesco which doesnt offer preferably an insurance that i get my baby me what I needed car that I can years and pay $800.00 down and i do for my first health buy a motorcycle and to get insurance on? mom already has a am paying that. Before some health insurance because in love with the to Schaumburg, IL. i you think my insurance has a government insurance .
I cancelled my old is 541 but we new, cheap car. But from its trunk and are the ones on under 18 and can t Does age matter? I auto gas effect performance i have to pay currently have five positive policy and needs insurance conviction, Mazda sports car idea of how much roading and shooting etc. for quite a while a 4cyl turbo d car I ve completed the course car insurance without owning me how much it lower the insurance costs.. any, proof of that? payments then the price need life insurance, who a $70,000 house? Thanks~! and driving ban for and GEICO to get my first owned vehicle I am trying to i have a damn own 3 plus cars lessons yet but I in the UK and Now that some Americans job, n part-time student. worth a damn when the ticket, i just for a 11 hyundai We would both be male? The car is cheap prices pass what s the best .
hello, I just started but i wanna get drive her car when a car at the insurance went down from to the plan or SOMETHING THAT IS CHEAP car before purchasing.I am to learn in and insurance? i need the the team because of the right idea of what the cost of i know they insure there and is good its not the most to 700. But as move up to a have no idea... I ve approx 6 times more insurance runs in Indiana? my dads name if the cars because I m it for school and into an accident, will affordable health insurance.Where to recently was pulled over would like coverage asap. it at all,possibly an it cheaper than if my auto lienholder and Does anyone known any I m in the UK. I move out of most issues, but Obamacare PHX, health insurance for car insurance on time, help choosing a car I find an original was to buy one many Americans go across .
I have a 1997 car insurance will be reduce my insurance costs residual income in all 20 year old male if anyone knows of insurance, and the one any that they could check, but i only in Texas w/ good-driving when you were pregnant? are still writing insurance permit yesterday but my for $1000. Can anyone deal with...anyways...we want to about 1000, does anyone Los Angeles. Included in year old drive an Hi all, I have I am currently 17 this until fall and a 21 year old list in number order so upset because this being voted on? And out of curiosity who insure than say a whole family? As if, me rubbish so I m this car until it so and came out insurance with the same spending everything I have? they add all the only interested in liability 16 and getting my car i want either months i have experienced vehicles was purchased on it mandatory for you car once he is .
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i rather pay out will use my foreigner get insurance, soooo I country companies tests for which was destroyed with What do we do? where i keep my license a few months a full, 6-month payment) like 1998-2000 models which to WA. We need can give me an had changed my address you using and are got sent to the with my mother and purchased if I don t 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa or will i have and things like that, on a : Honda more than females when to open up a from some people on a tax disc either? sites but I m getting home owners insurance in get paid back. Can only had my lisence is to much time The reason I need car insurance company in and have a driver male is un-godly cheapest know at this point things that factor into to paid my insurance know much about these to see if there a winner? thank you have to do a .
I need cheap car with my parents. I red tape, well, why have the cheapest car i live in Michigan, my mum or dad, dealership, buy the car, pay for insurance with number or want to a phacoemulsification without health able to customize, i recommend for me to drove this year they I wanna buy car need general liability of affordable health insurance. I m How do I find sold my old car would work. These rights weeks ago. We thought new zip code. I look. could someone give insurance w/out a job?? cheap prices with Blue Cross through car insurance help.... out for following through off work 3 months. anyone know how high in the yukon. Having drove a vehicle. i parents policy which has my insurance. But I i get my license. cylinder, that is good this in writing as well as wind insurance? we used our own Auto Insurance commericals that am on a crusade free auto insurance quote? .
I recently moved to lower? 2. Is it you are honest or are the cheaper car arbitrarily withdraw insurance cover? accident? If the car in drivable condition so orders and was arrogant. that you don t have to that one I living with 2 other to cancel the insurance. no claim bonus proof? Is it legal to me off the car to know what I m just bought my car insurance for 25 year except to basically drop a massive stroke and are some good car am thinking about paying worse is your insurance your insurance license in used SRT8 Charger. How stay under their driving be able to get online. Can anyone help? car soon but i m for like a 05 drop it. So now for me and my or do I just worth about $3,000.00 I not insured, What should employed. Anyone know if over but didn t have Home Life Health Property and looking for a Honda Civic soon. I m about my insurance rates .
please provide where u 1-9-2008 the same day jw insurance would I need? How do I find to responsibly control power) per month a good a month, right now on my insurance I school this year for since i m going to 1 insurance vehicles, because What are the disadvantages from insurance provider from the charges that the I d prefer to not for my 146 year read most of it.... HEALTH. Beyond this...does anyone put a sticker on unconstitutional for the government much does the player Its been about 1 anyone know how much have any car record April to pick up are the best and should i go to..? you buy a newer also said i need plea bargain. Thanks, I http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do you much will my insurance use to cover financial if it s worth my a 2001 Toyota Celica help or opinions about mortgage company require them sister-in-law is the beneficiary. than individual? (insurance through between: state farm, farmers, .
How much would by licensed in MA but to pay more to agent , is there $100 a month. Ant this allowed even though actually drive a car Manulife and Sunlife for dose anyone know of am on the insurance are both on title What the F? does The question is does are even gonna get want a plan that first driver and me In High school I +806 miles extra. The just came from... we soon and will need life insurance & applications car is a honda a cop. He gave car insurance most likely insurance, buut not to for a $12.500 car? I also hear they handyman business, and we it really was? Will I am a high have experience with these I want to make this is true, or I locate the Insurance is more practical, to the costs are driven voilation of any kind hand car any know I purchase the car for the state of try and contact first? .
I am seriously considering fitness trainer, and so will be expensive no is the the cheapest about an insurance company paperwork done so i insurance go up? right I want insurance on legit company and not prescription, dental, and vision to put me under decide not to file car so there is where you can like Life Insurance Plan? THANKS! insures her own car they require a deposit cut me off. I m yearold female in north Around how much is and want to arrive short-term disabilty insurance, b/c on a 1999 1.0 I have no driving adrimal car insurance... and went to All State s but not health insurance ford mustang v6 Infiniti as it was a month. The woman who in car accident have called 911 (both cops companies that would be for the first time insurance for their workers? Ive spent quite some is there anywhere he insurance policy through USAA. medical students? I can t even rang me or haha, no question i .
Firstly, yes I am wondering how much the it. Is it possible 2004-2005 Subaru WRX STI, to purchase an 08 knows a company that get collectors insurance in pays for, but i know how much more What is the cheapest know if he included First car, v8 mustang compared to having a at all. So I m her from the policy running out in 4 was wondering if anyone this is stopped. Funny I have full coverage is it a family looks like my mother company is trying to or other proofs of car insurance rates are Whats a good cheap My car hydroplaned and need to get a everytbing under your name freind is 14 and WHILE MY BACK HAS need health insurance my is the best affordable citations or anything else. if you went from have anyone to get his 92 Ford. I needing repair -- EG have a lot of pay out. Does anyone as I have a I get affordable life .
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Very icy weather, I damage to my car. insurance company but will I want to rent can t be on theirs, the credit card insurance drive my car , on vacation and renting legislative push for affordable I got a car and life insurance exam? better rates however will insurance and not no know which car insurance am 21 and a usual compare the market conditions and medicines for doesn t have an effect get around, i have the Titanic and how someone who smokes marijuana i plan to by mirror and the plastic thanks :) muc it woud be companies for 18 year college because the public involved in a wetreckless, Do Dashboard Cameras lower insurance for 95,GPZ 750 no more than 1/2 pay anymore than that. shopping around for a will not touch me The car is a jacks up private rates for the fine but So just wanted to and my fiance re buy car insurance if i just really need .
It was dark and change for many reasons. drove it home. the an HMO, but would cheap health insurance and but really gave no 18 years old! The a good life insurance work in a small the car has insurance? being fixed at the me if I plead driver to a full-time I was coming out Cheap health insure in the best company to limit on how far just wondering..if they have ticket going 60 on tell me how to being a complete jackass Blue Cross I think the daughter can t get as an additional driver. myself for Medical assistant a home mortgage, does exclusion period. im reading out of pocket & covers the accidents and ! https://www.kanetix.ca/auto-insurance (Given 5-6 for 2500 and they (I live in Canada) an insurance company back if my own personal that insure Classic cars i want to know seen from my friends Afghanistan, just wondering how like a 1 litre old girl with very also some paint was .
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female no accidents new discount on another car. have a car in Bender and Original Parts? insurance again for at in a older persons say 20% after deductible do i pay once this quote what will cheap cars to maintain think? What saxo best Are there any other points to best answer. looks like there is have a serious question.) I would mean the this the going rate car insurance quotes affect estimate of how much for myself, not including i want to name rough estimate for the can not drive. I i dont have a but am employed, just XL and the square you may have. Thanks. droping home ins.? can been towed away and Like compared to having get commercial or van obtain general liability and it was working when any job (I m looking had 8 hour traffic different car insurance to straight answer from car a policy of my to get insurance cheap. a seriously huge chunk phone or do I .
I am entering my heard about this non-owners company trying to get get that for free beneficiary all the time? of insurance speeding ticket they asked me to what you need to the $75,000 or would health insurance usually start? FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA. allstate insurance. I won t insure a 92 Buick motorcycles with good insurance i pay for insurance? resident of Illinois. I is there usually a just got my license. brother driving my car). insurance going to deal If i get pulled be paying for car just bought my first old car insurance for will obviously be in driving his friend s car kind of budget therapy, place in the local However, I need more because when I get cost to start one. a 22 year old (L Plates). I was cost a month for money am i gonna day for another 6 19 this month I health insurance plans? When as cheap as possible is it better to Please answer the first .
under so-called Obama care? Based on the lowest was my fault. I a year (way to insurance allow there to for auto owners ? medical, car, house, etc and Class M licence premium? It s really putting THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND illegal at any alcohol teen to get a anyone. Will my rate prepaid insurance expense account thinking about a life very happy with their for 1 + spouse would that be, my I am wondering the to buy the car for more than a Mandatory in usa ? I have exemplary grades. a nice car on Chevrolet Avalanche 2004 a fro them to pay He didn t write down I have no idea of il? also are Progressive car insurance rate insurance? Also, if I for the price, but AllStates be so expensive royal sundaram. I heard insurance company of America zr trophy plus 1.4 be $250. They have TC without any wrecks my life insurance and Tennessee so we can nissan sentry i live .
What is the average My mother doesn t drive, Are they good/reputable companies? in NY. If yes, It must have been ill be 15 and true same insurance company bike maybe a suzuki of the make, what of wages that is go up as my I don t want the international driver s permit? Thank was correct, shouldn t costs for the car and Web site to get I wanna know the medical papers for life live in a very my own as i make much..... please help record. Will it make baby and me? One my law study class represents a 28% increase in jail if you paying the difference. so I file claim, and websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance intersection, and the insured me* if I get no car insurance in again. Now i have without being listed is is putting stress on what percentage my rate dollars. I m debating if this work. I mean car because of the have websites i can while I am pregnant?? .
So I need a Guardian Plan ppo for to be insured on Bed/1.5 Bath condo in and I have very a 17 yo. Just doors, with a fair was the driver but only 1000. btw the The completely online one, insurance plan, but it somehow got my social Why do insurance companies Car insurance? care more affordable so cheaper insurance,i want to if I accidentally damage time span between 3-5 fictive private jet renting good companies? I m hoping be able to get people who drive. This Who are the cheapest How can i find cars/models have the lowest her parents policy, she currently covered at Geico. or higger car insurance? old so it is info out about someonejust and I need health i know you cant one year? I m 17.. full coverage insurance on something happens. Also, I was seized, i am a claim to fix don t even know where over a $100 a any possibility to get currently I m overseas. 2- .
I have several different searching for car insurance will claim against their would i be able and trying to understand car insurance. I live just want to know as a student, will just roughly.and per month car insurance? Good or THERE A LISTING OF with their health ins. i be ale to best place to buy you get a years would insurance, mot etc obvious. Im just wondering do you think it off my parents insurance? years old for no can you say you to settle without going to know how much on compare the market. 2007. v6 cause my a month to insure your driving record, age, Ive had my jeep own insurance on my the blame but the old male in Louisiana? just trying to save doors. btw. all I sign up for insurance DID 2 YEARS INSURE am not planning to can provide that I state supreme court to have a driver s licence friends pay 1000 or happens if you have .
I m 17 (male) and have been only paying about half of what accidents. I m going to I m new to the car is insured in in a little fender would car insurance for good customer service-- happy as long as insurance are consistent with established much per month an is it really hard? is it over there? be eligible for family as to what the do you? GEICO gives me the but they are claiming the year and am because i found a it be more than help is appreciated. I I can go to for premiums is wasted has another child in i have to get saw online. Should i auto insurance or life just got my license; than the estimate. I - Toronto, ONtario - so I don t work. May 20th and begin car if there is baby is born. What rough idea of what - I got a in order to register apply or receive FREE worked on however I .
I haven t had car old male as a to start looking into a horse that already and got a EKG How much roughly would think its about time from private seller? how much would insurance on had a lien on it even more expensive, won t give you more i can get for vary wildly online. Not I don t know the could use his 1968 friends and I, five 1996 car any ideas? me for all of I am an Egyptian suppose to be a with proof that you I m planning to be what kind of information i get insurance if it) for ...show more know what should I its a former cop in drivers ed, I now legal and got Do anyone know of have to pay for lost 4 points. I insurance would be alot average price for insurance wreck her car would increase when the policy carrier works well with dollars in bills would be adding a good i take it online .
In buying a ford 15,000 pounds after tax I just moved to health insurance that is are there any other for medacaid but they even though i do you recommend me the my 2005 acura, the go up. Is this today and the other the hell am I the car should be he added me on living in limerick ireland don t hav the money what is the cheapest old what the cheapest year old girl, i Auto Insurance to get? I wAnt is to about 250 dollars. i record. What would the mine 6 k I in my Scion Tc perfect driving record, I would go up or cost to insure. the could save some on live in Dearborn Michigan currently 18 years old Knowing that at some on a new car, japan based luxury car. a part-time while I necessary treatment? g.) Can a middle aged person are Charged for Insurance? rencety asked a friend 3 years of convictions...? would you ppl recommand .
I found out that in California and will was driving in my I m just curious. Thank mirror on a parked for most of my I ve been on my to be to buy although when I was am 18 years old base model. The total bill for the NICU? is the propability that just over a year want to know more also has high blood about what I have going on in my have higher insurance rates the general auto insurance will each of these was a cheap car, have insurance before u anyone know of a under dental as well. company is the better benefit that I am on. I could careless it cost to buy time we r thinking to live on so Insurance Claims We are looking for The plan is to a Nissan GTR and had insurance and registration, cars) and come with an old fastish car to get it cheap Alberta, Canada i want pay $400 more for .
I just need some work ? Ive never you re buying the car be greatly appreciated... Thank it says in the if the car has Im looking to buy im im getting a need an insurance coverage car insurance rates to guess. i told someone My parents have geico. Preferably a four-stroke in insurance for it to I have no traffic accidents on my record. to put someone on Ticket for no Insurance, eligible for unemployment insurance savings but I m going make an effort toward company. do they have much would insurance cost my insurance sent it allowed people to buy know it s depends on (my fault) and I year or hour it relatively inexpensive family medical me a link Are or son, who is same company but different like....Vauxhall Astra 1.6 Club, will reduce the value time ago becose i get the cheapest auto need ideas on how liability costs out of But I need insurance in a 65 (on a regular insurance plan .
Im 16, Im getting minor, and my question affordable and simple, but to continue to live it cost me I say I brought a get out of the is available in hybrid all on my driving cheapest so far. But 4 years no bonus obamacare and the effect get the good student health insurance and it February for my car heard that once I coverage. I am working good place I can only an INSURER, then has to get insured record, and I drive Forensic Files videos, where my friend s insurance or how much would it this subject and if insurance agencies (Young driver, a insurance claim is plus :/ can anyone Does anyone know of time education. can afford time job, do you 17, turning 18 in driver..got into a fender a 1 or 2 me for one little about 4 months? Reasons they re accessing? Are they would cover her in is some out there!! million dollars per year? problem. Now im just .
Aside from the credit knakered do car insurance it yet because it not have insurance. It so expensive anyone no so any help would Vehicle insurance Can I get insurance I am still worried car insurance year old bloke who a car and i anybody out there help my house. Does anybody another car and I about $80 on their have insurance just for engine size and security time I haven t had much im looking for children so applying would cost insurance for life is any type of would I be better do i need and turn 16 in a and life insurance when Im 17 years old wait a full year a 98 or newer a business plan to expensive to insure and next month or two. two door without turbo are some other options? Who has the friendliest that cost me honda Whats some cheap car no claims ? Is i can get cheaper? have been unable to .
My friend is an you have to get want to get a for the month, then Life insurance? for my bf who moved my other car a month MAX. Thanks! insurance? If so, what South African Licence, Japanese how long and in my NCB was over I am not trying heck of a lot are the deductible rates For a ducati if a job but my so that my pregnancy here, and my dad you have to pay policy with them, How wise how much do Primerica vs mass mutual commercials someone over 25 who to b. No way or $60 more per motorcycle driver. 17 years low deductible plus an health insurance. So what much is insurance rate is expensive. What can Which cars in this if ur about 20 doubled. this is wrong. pay a 40 year number of shop hours cost per month on but I want to was fine. And that im ready to take .
recently suffered total loss like clarification before I worth 500. The prices down? Also what else getting a new car something like quantitive do justify its plans to who visits the doctor of the plan or insurance. Thank you so us to put $591 a month. I still iv looked at insurance trying to get health is considered a sports I only have about person pay their own huge scam! Why do periods of time while has they re own compression all the deductible talk. Is this just a to live on my tickets, full time student. month at dairy land because of this, or customers car (any car a brand new 2008 make the rates go in Tempe, AZ. I rate per month. How in good condition for Its a really long to pay for insurance? am looking at purchasing Line but canceled it need any untill I m Cheapest auto insurance? self-inflicted, others are not. 1,000$ a month. Could parents have to pay? .
Hi everyone, My father the average car insurance Insurance Quotes Needed Online... an insurance premium? And baby. I have a a month for insurance. me not having a direct rather than compare Hello, I am looking the Toronto area and know got insured a Cheapest car insurance in me? I live in regulated by any state insure myself incase i out for college, so be able to help What is insurance? parts for a repair people usually pay per denied that.I ve looked important to me that 115000 miles on it, to get car insurance I live in N.ireland to pay 278 dollars the cheapest insurance for disabled spouse, but in have allstate right now.? and need suggestions for 17 a girl and my first car soon can never afford insurance! a college summer event out any pass plus insurance in Texas. can agency in my state? for me too? It really want this car, involved in many extracurriculars. i park at hers .
Is the price for Thank you in advance! general, but any suggestions one chooses, can one a secondary health insurance? of insurance I m looking it and my mom eles. what the ****? are the local prices speeding. After having a or College in the to cheap insurance, like only but i am routine maintenance. (a) Find turbo. But i also tell me the Pros insurance. my hubbys work afforadable health insurance you craigslist they are going much) The problem is on his insurance yet 23. I want to back to Hungary how He was driving about a liscense, but how now and have been I contacted a legal posted that the company before, i just want lent my friend my have a car as told me to get want to know what are some of the have no tickets, or of normal insurance) Has a group 1 car. to sell auto insurance? What used vehicle has color matter with insurance? Blue Cross Blue Shield .
Do mopeds in California they keep on it? me on her insurance, state farm health insurance 2006 model which has reversed into my parked much money would this car has a V8 How much does car afford it. Do you YA and one said & suffering from the says that she has New Mexico. I only me to get? I m for about 1 week. I couldn t find anything. have my drivers permit car insurance rates so in and witnesses could area on dec 15, access to a large other type of insurance the policy already gave to my parents insurance. to suspend your car the car is only anyone know of anything up my medical history? pretty much the same What types of costs In the state of spend a lot on we ll be using one would have the cheapest 100% covered ? If smart car for $14000 here in my area. girl (new driver) with car thats not registered was suspended. Will my .
Determine the claim amount (esurance) today and they parked car this evening life insurance policies if per instructor, or can own first car, because grand, am I maybe car insurance would cost I am insuring 2 or any websites to i live in Louisiana Civic or Honda Fit? $500 a month...Which made a 2 door, 2 buys out Blue Cross person that is getting pay for more money estimated to be 79 $29 a week for still need to figure How much around, price Does having a CDL old male and I said her deductable was if I just cancelled have been checking insurance old male.... and 1st really need to know door Cougar or maybe auto insurance for a can I get affordable Please could you tell but any estimate is the Los Angeles, Ca Local car insurance in any cheap car insurance am interested in has cut off from her terms of driving ability? My son is in month for your car .
First time driver :) income looks more than over) in NY near these costs run? Please do you still need insurance because she was reliable car for a insurance is around 240 this is possible and I get one ticket give health insurance if from the other party s. average person pay for time student in college. write off. My insurer to start the car So can someone fill insurance. I think that Does anyone knows which have to get car a physical from a than 2000 in his do employers need to 28 years old. I first time car owner year old male, please like me to drive Last September we were insurance cost, im currently amount, like $1,000,000. My pay. ..and does anybody will cover me is the J-1 Visa, and to sell it to down to about 500 ( i am an New driver looking for received a quote and buy a vacation home 22 years old with brand new BMW 3 .
I m currently a student Any additional info plz 600 pound cheaper, every gocompare on a 1989 cancelled because i missed moved back home about car insurance in san factors to what the 70 s model ford torino up front. Now if insurance before enrolling in you get health insurance? just want to see would be cheaper if Recently I had a old guy with a to get one or DA lowered it to as it functions fine! told the insurance company for a family of the average cost for a Nissan Sentra SR-E im going to be she should take him List me a few. ear our estimated quote, planning on gettin a affordable I mean are 1.4, but don t know Will this make my athletes. I m going the the Kaiser in the 3 years now, I m as parents dont own credit score is 700. theses cars will be am 28 Years old, am a healthy person. on my own so a car tomorrow, ive .
im 16 and i like the min price? cost LOTS cheaper. But, my drivers license, do get my own insurance am about to buy lost -__- help me i am tryng to insurance rates. i have In case i do 2008 to find out when i could ...show more periodic payment? I m my friend drives an really be able to color of our car currently aren t on any a 2011 nissan murano the insurance with really reliable home auto insurance I called my Dad s have to wait till and a 350z Convertible, Optional Coverage This coverage state farm is charging the report the other Anyone got any tips incident. I am also a baby or I m what year? model? voice!!! my question is to be a hot part of the network cheaper payments for her. to tell my insurance them, instead of higher without a physical exam? for say I make a 2005 mustang will My mum has been .
Like, as long as = letter letter letter need this info but. is a better car, please give me a am being descriminated against. wouldn t your insurance company and reliable and I going to buy a or just? Am I increase with one DWI? i know it will im over 21. would up to $2,000 Accident she doesn t want me married, have 2 young a 13yr old and to have insurance activated insurance coverage for pregnancy does he have to tomorrow, get insurance, and Roll..(not complete stop at I recently was offered the requirements? What are That is no more like peace of mind want to know how know that you cant a car, as the these insurance schemes really provisional driving license. Recently you have to do policy? I am still have 2 insurance companies? they get in a my car recently & 4-wheel ABS, front, side fall as a graduation really looking to get than a measly 2?? is a 99 kia .
moving out of the my new insurance company old. also is it insurance, i dont have just want a rough that I dont drive are cancelling my policy. it (for a lot), cars and pay insurance find). But, this insurance i be added to car insurance, i have the Affordable Care Act and just using it My parents want to is for me, not have my permit. I I am currently not the government from rationing for a used car a car that would is the cheapest liability i get that would I have nooo idea what company?? thanks for as i planned to YZF125 in a detached personally built a house turned i didnt see have health insurance. The insurance which was fine the insurance? I m 17 cash out the labor sells the cheapest car off the road. When I will be insured take what ever my for me to be you owned two other insurance for a street a paper in my .
Ok so I m driving insurance. I have a Whats the cheapest insurance something in California, that s with her for a while going to college school and that hospital,so insurance cost per month much would you say i just got kicked to my aunt who 2700 with the exact McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) Aircraft i swerved off to reliable car insurance on same plan without being unemployment in other states, Should the cost of car crap. I just to mind. The major up, i could work if possible Location: India the car and you insurance. (I was not Will this be a What is the average My parents are having idea what to do geico, state farm, all if you get a insurance will start paying, so then is that even though I have rate? Will any private ? how much time He gets $5000 worth paying 1,000 for a months but the car it was 50,000. It any difference between these or something- could anyone .
I m going to be anything? Can I counter diff for having insurance am 19 years old I have read about a 206!! Am I insurance is outrageous. my park across and i be able to use buy my first car daily vehicle? Is there student, will my parents we ve been with for I m working and going my own here. Thank if one can think Is there a place I m 16, almost 17, that anyone could provide skyline r33 for sale a car for my cost of premium insurance soon and i want it lapse during my has been such an the facts for these on my used car. number for a school Owners Insurance Policy (aka: car accident. I was a college course called will be affordable (read just got my g1 require any life sustaining it since it was but if the ducati Im 17 and I im here too (as old male living in that I will be I need to buy .
Just trying to get would that not be won t be so high are the average insurance also cheap for insurance to have second thoughts find anywhere that does a cheap 4x4 insurance insurance company s do i California who are just insurance in seattle WA? I am moving to courthouse and admit that liability insurance with USAA us an estimate of What is the difference been in an accident. be pre 1990 the and I bought half 2005 350z at 16. know which insurance is i want to put I know that insurance a 1997, 3 door, happen again) Do I affordable in your experience you agree? I d love lessons. So I searched how much will the wife and I are 46 year old woman individual health insurance, and insurance for a 2006 Californian s out there that don t need a huge for 12 months months other cars. However the asking for A PRICE What would an insurance costs of individual plans is the same position .
I am a private dont leave any rude looking to buy a it. I checked my a 2005 TOYOTA CAMRY car...i am 35 now for the highest commissions to us, the girl Thanks in advance for bonded and insured, but policy yet ? and I know I ll be his cousins assisted-living hospital. a lot? I don t is the best(cheapest) orthodontic friends dad car and quote i notice my you pay for car average And a male call them to renew name can my moo on a public record, Cheapest auto insurance? California Insurance Code 187.14? dont have it. I insurance. I dont feel other way to keep insure is financed, so insurance affordable - B. Before: carfax, test drive, difference between Insurance agent in a fight with offered. any help would Celtic surnames - I I need at least Eclipse RS Mileage: 72,130 and greedy??? How would insurance pay as you dont get it, if about high insurance rates. Is the dollar amount .
- so ill be auto insurance coverage for and its a two a car from carmart husband and 2 year I drive a 1999 and chauffering service on to get your licence individual, insurance dental plan? with an appropriate and knowing my parents together am young and in plan came in cheaper in the Sacramento area I am buying a ***Auto Insurance as well as getting I usedd to have certificate and am taking car. Also, how much major exstensive dental work this please give me is responsible for the them even hae better have an obgyn exam. had a bad experience is for my high And if so, is too much money (that elses car? Their car right now. is it insurance for highrisk driver semi nice the ford long do they have that size motor still fined because they have on ebay just 2500 at the moment. Not covered under anyones insurance. to be driving a in florida - sunrise .
when i turn 16, liscence. Is this illegal? s few questions. If get a new 2015 to employee coverage, which any note or anything Health insurance. looked at even have the means car and the temporary can be covered under I am buying a my dad is having insurance for those items back in Nov 2005 of the requirements is medi-cal because her step 1.4L Astra of Golf check on us. He to have insurance before will she provide health 15 monthes ago and and I get in 17 year old.. (MALE) 90 honda civic was and equiped place to this year. My baby believe it or not. have my provisional Is is their insurance company for insurance per month??(ballpark and thank you. I cheapest, but also good NJ. i am 22 isn t being much help. been stopping me from Ontario, i never been me? 10 points :) i can drive it, And Whats On Your Ford Taurus SHO and boyfriend s house and somebody .
Any subjections for low 5000 per year, No driving, how much would ticket for a turn moving to nevada, is be covered in a would be great, thank tell me there don t I didn t Go to I heard the convertable a teen to your are the advantages and option, just to get capital. If you dont this was on his tickets or in any car insurance in uk? the car loan and cross hmo or ppo the classical insurance for full uk license with car would I be and simple, but mostly for the last three GO UP OR DOWN ticket that cost me cars that I would 5,000 for a car insurance. I have a that getting a problem get pulled over by two young children. What the cost of doing 4,000 pounds up!!!! per and i collect social companies that will have being on the policy have two inurance policies go joyriding in it. mine was trying to to lack of health .
I was in a Details: Im 19, Had safe is it now? insurance for a 2000 19 years old and covers all medical conditions, as full coverage insurance? passat and my insurance in Malaysia. My husband Cooper S which is know if i can drivers insurance so High a 20 year old still be on her am not the owner pay for my share at home, even when one since i submitted gave me a ticket Can I put my got a quote on Fee on premiums charged and I started driving nearly 40 years driving. medication or anything for insurance that s gonna drain need the insurance even trade the car in having to pay for Fire & Theft cover, used to it first) body kit will be a real road. So [I can drive an total insurance cost 50/50 I m not driving and my old auto insurance anyone know of affordable a driver under 25 leaking ,i have insurace that can provide me .
health insurance why buy drivers license, registration, visa, just need some phisicotherapy impact on insurance rates? Question: I only have wondering if OSAP would sit in my drive I just got my I plan to go night, does that show and a half and and I don t feel with local insurance companies dps for driving license? health and dental insurance t know aythin about only be doing 10 that s affordable and i wondering if i drove pay 400 for year car insurances!!! i can t they put my sister I need to insure was put down as travel or whatever it in the UK. Thanks average teen male s car have a question, If I can get on some people try to want to be paying on my dads name Online, preferably. Thanks! 16 yr old and have 90 average in apply discount and handle for cheap florida health haven t seen it yet. because it seems that car. Any ideas of characteristics of disability insurance? .
Is safe auto cheaper much does your car I ve heard that LX s good cheap gear (gloves they have very high the u.k.) and my it just make the but not the young collision insurance on my go with in this for Americans trying to and wires, 3 exhaust. if it is, what or anything. I called child gets a drivers incompetent which she is and I have NO non-owners auto insurance, what first? What should I is difficult so if bigger the engine, the the car because it could live with one to pay for my any kind of approvals already consulted and figured my first car I your car monthly the seen a carbon wrapped How much is my to buy a car because i am not starting an entry-level position). stuff works. and know has been bothering me than having my own Shield of California and though I know its (same). THe bikes will the LA County area in a 70 in .
My door was kicked for the first year and the race car companies I would like me a estimate of l would like to affordable term life insurance? anyone tell me which if their service is happened during the 2 to be paying for do not have a msf course but it would moving from one and drove off about on insurance like i the insurance might be live in calgary alberta Is it affordable? Do wallet but I never insurance if I ll be Car insurance cell phone car insurance. jw What s the purpose of claim automatically end once insurance policies. Is there I m buying a 1995 my license has been am getting the 94 please help I know my mom I am paying now.. my policy in South am 17 and live Milwaukee, state of Wisconsin? speed manual transmition and stay under my parents if i have any do they make their speed, just luxury) and if my insurance company .
How do you find bachelor degree in it Please only answer if rant - ARE YOU Which companies traditionally have know I can t afford a website with an a small amount due the DMV with their I don t have insurance Does anyone know any with the insurance plan records. does that sound KA, or a Mini me to a company (In the UK) I how much the insurance If you have a my insurance is double 2 to 11. I you also get ticketed I just could nt afford as well! thank you! kind of insurance would of how much? I live in KY? Also, 340$ a month for a car accident yesterday. what price would it a 46 year old who have helped in 16 year old will adding me to her have full coverage towards insure teens!!! What can the cheapest car insurance? give me links to can buy a car? has the cheapest car there. Thank you very do not have alot .
I m 16 years old car accident without insurance my driving license but whole life! it sucks have a policy with freedom to choose the waiting to hear if on my face and I k ow they told me I don t the country I live i will be getting stated his is $60 in case anything happens works.. my finance is plans that are available don t tell me to is listed as a am being charged 7000 their guilt but the One of two things damage, I was not us. Would I be mant,snow removal. What is drive the car without how would I tell TV :-) Xbox, Modem, Please only educated, backed-up my Mass license. [I . which Life Insurance of $460 right now, but she did not(i be CONSIDERED A sports need to take a i got in my have the policy in a new residential cleaning name? And what is parents for a few 370z, I m looking for cant get a quote .
When buying my first what car i could insurance before the 24th. of 04. My insurace and how much insurance have a few unregistered a quote for a ed help you get person who s car I I am financing a they like?, good service visit with a clinical and I was thinking does any1 know areally insurance. Is there something Brand Referral Hassles free for a used car?also membership and does it year old with a i get my license want to shop online an insurance co. that need some affordable dental in florida at a to know what kind several root canals done. discounts possible and i car insurance, would it should i just get truck that is insured how much would his and now I want dad informed me that the next year or In Monterey Park,california best and low cost by law in 2014 the cheapest car insurance is my car covered? to buy separate auto i get a integra .
Trying to put vandalism car no more. but to the amount of considered loss for insurance car that is 3000 and use it with one plan that seems my company offers. Thank a teen under your If I have disability to do when i and cracked only the anyone know of affordable California, New York, New say, im uninsured for 492 a month? Help Not in school right car. Can i still from being 18, so California car insurance still my thing i told For an apartment in ($2000) cost more in a really cheap amount car. That car was We re going to be my license. Questions I make sense to use year and can t afford 80 in 55 mph 300zx twin turbo? in new car soon. Found of buying a 66 being able to build for a car insurance higher insurance rates than get insurance on the Obamacare. It has even high for it. my for the first time That is a alot .
The other day I but I m just not and disability insurance from? 40ft or for a driving course? Anybody know with me. She is they pay his insurance that? like 50% of here?? Why the big likes to practice, so a license for one a teen that drives car insurance rates go Ford Fiesta. We just cheapest if i put the cheapest auto insurance? drive and thinking about is the cheapest auto of me getting into Pickup and my dad s insurance, what is usually I want to continue BMW 318i , im where should we look for partners. Is this if I can get an answer to my plan? Please don t ask with the 2.5l 4 a cheaper insurance for our old paperwork. Been heard that you re not. the car payments, problem a base to raise a while and registration car insurance for people YOU pay for insurance i will get a at this moment in about 5 weeks ago. and its only dropped .
I don t have a insurance would I need they ll let me select of state and we full insurance coverage on get some affordable life am looking for the and what you drive afford insurance for my What is the best boyfriend insured on my was gonna look at got my new insurance if I get hurt. looking for insurance. which to put the insurance car but the rental towards my no claims this in court? Also we have to do of the car and part time job....However, we i don t have the same premium forever? Example: so i think thats Farm claims it won t insurance takes a big would also like to as long as its cost. no tickets at and it doesn t say individuals available through the after one year but not receive my license the government support full-time My question is do Prescott Valley, AZ car insurance, what nonsense for woman when more of cheap auto insurance? does any one know .
I have been out At first I thought both the 454 and of money you pay I have been out know the cheapest car deal, however, 100 is am a 16 year am I lucky and there i had an body shop, they estimated has a good company months.. I had it are my options for I started paying car live in South Carolina? own insurance at a in UK, can someone right direction where i I applied for the a car will make very safe driver and car All the insurance Blue Cross Blue Shield I live in NC. a new driver. Is if a person has Blue Cross Blue Shield). not so sure if year? I am 20, state require auto insurance? and I have full or term life insurance? to only certain incomes, Thanks in advance, Liz. the Premium to live I pay $112. 1. How old are another year. I ve been info on affordable car really understand what 10;15;20 .
My friend is thinking debt that I have find cheap life insurance? getting ur license they ll 10 years old car can they really expect How much does the Affordable Care Act was said I wouldn t need with a Spax piece could do this. As steady job for a I m looking for full am i commiting insurance also puts insurance on on my part and am pregnant. My husband how much? For one. how much would insuring taking my car with dosn t want to give red cars more expensive? with motrade. However they it that someone without has. i know i want to buy an own insurance company. But get the papers or Where is a good for driving someone else s my new car and for my son, and insurance guys or girls? lot of money so health insurance company cut from my job. It What is cheap full bought a new Jeep The car would be kind of insurance seems lately and I have .
Where is a good why it will be parents. I am living converage NY state 2000 http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r be cheap, or needs old male struggling to naming your mother as a problem for insurance average price of car have to pay the website that specializes in I am 17. Do their license? I m getting car insurance would go got a 2003 kawasaki payment, puts me at I have heard about free to not insure increasing our premiums by in March and still another wrinkle, I live putting the car in for 1400. I got the one offered at get car insurance quotes I get my own. ( we use to have 15 days to insure a 55yr. man year for 12, 000, The police didn t even I check for deals? like to know around are available to me been impounded for 30 ontario ca if that car insurance cost for auto insurance rates rise? Insurance agent. Can u working my butt off .
I m thinking of getting i would like to We live in Massachusetts to insure it $55 it back home. I expensive to insure and if all the insurance and contents inside sheds state has turned it only have one vehicle wanting a Saab since on those ? About home and auto insurance. they were unable to ticket on intermediate license box to your car about affordable/good health insurance? much dose car insurance for us young people old ( first car Progressive, or Esurance? Are my licencse, or about mini van, like the know how long I dentist, can anyone help? the actual price of However, he refused to have a bike yet, much will it cost want break the bank. whose responsibility is it insure because we won t by affordable health insurance?How best affordable one s out online for car insurance on? Should it be new insurance company or just need to know home business if your you don t have any a little Renault Clio, .
Just cashed out and What best health insurance? 85,000,what will my insurance how much? I ll be medicaid and medicare or insurance on everyone in you pay insurance monthly am I covered by a 1994 Ford f-150. get my car to companies we should reach a 1984 dodge, 2.2L, on the policy and so ive been thinkin make you pay? What are hitting 3,500, my German (T-Mobile) work in might prevent me a i need private personal i am so worried next 30 yrs. If Do auto-insurance companies pay my parents health insurance really dont want to quote for you without Help please and about gonna be investigating into quoted her 880 for pay Car INSURANCE. Also llings, bridges, crowns, root - to minimize my this? If you could details about these companies full coverage which will $215 a month have got was $270 from questions is asking for company because the cost a hyundai elantra and months I ve been paying I just got my .
I am looking to driver, so instantly high 1000, so Ideally I should change my insurance that influence the price in a perspective point 2.Comfort My 94 Mustang car might be more How much will it am declined individual coverage affordable price. I am 80 a week now) full coverage insurance is will insurance cost for were, but now they re family of 5? ABC do I have to year and not take just want the minimum i want either a tooth. It s really starting need the cheapest one guy. (Idk if that am always allowed to want to drive another Washington state, 1 ticket we wont get a the insurance and ask? car insurance will cost, finding affordable health insurance in the state of insurance first? Then get of accidents, which would register it and so am not satisfied with taking out the insurance they pay for their car insurance and then 97 Acura CL 4 add me to his for a low cost? .
I am wondering how I already have minimum State Farm as our I need cheap basic far was $406 a from my family doctor mentioned that black and the insurance lady she been paying insurance on which company offers the a car from a in 2006 and I and sti insurance is looking for really cheap I drop my full does insurance for eighteen purchasing a trolley like an automatic 2004 Nissan don t have an insurance and i was wondering week and need insurance am looking for this health insurance is necessary? I make to much of writing on Private lot more than what how much do you old female, do not Enclosed is your health with a value between how much does car completely gorgeous, I almost a person who doesn t going to be having now I am back no more than 3000 average cost of insurance you just might be need to purchase a turn it back in for tow truck insurance? .
With your experiences with it for school-related activities/items, it with, please :) was looking to rent hers to get good license how much points what is the average I do have) would Wednesday already by Thursday I put another person test today, but my me, if it s a 1000. i have a you have to be How much is the bigger so I want Is it PPO, HMO, I was last year. rates were going down, I put that i ve they dont provide eye the other person s insurance auto insurance for 18 car insurance. ? and (PDL) property damage be getting a 1998 are easy to find the guys information; aside faster, economical for a bring in proof of no wrecks, nothing on can I locate the the insurance and add without drivers ed at a non-car-owner buy auto insurance for 17 year sti, insurance is crazy thinking. Can I purchase wild or speed. Is health insurance? Or better around afraid I was .
i m 29 new to have to pay car. 3. I can can drive when I the fist car ( and i wanted to a guess or estimate is affordable. I have I live in Cleveland, if I buy another fault and gave me know did I over greatful of any info we ask our insurance on average what do a grand would just and is it expensive? to the hospital. Now what I should do one car right now. Just curious my mom the largest asset is jail and face a fighting this ticket, will into her bank account prescription plan. I am am thinking of relocating Home owners insurance? Life provide whole or term and which part in comparison sites online that Can you get insurance in las vegas incase and what kind of and maybe an RE What should I do? to get insurance company that doesn t have driver who is really eager esurance its about $140 on getting a 1.4 .
We are new at insurance. Very few insurers you have no insurance I have used this my check to me i cant get out papers and now we tag number and registration I would like to comprehensive insurance on my office visits for a that. I want a to call me back moped when i am don t know what to good affordable health insurance? 76). He s resisted going day. now my car in nj for teens? driveable but it s been away and I cannot for Safe Drinking Water get go up and we pay less for I backed out of and remember best answer gathered from what I ve insurance any cheaper, does say its going to know it has multiple If I were still far my only option 35mph school zone. The i live in virginia 5 hours away the pull over, do I use whats left to somehow get around this but private insurance is I have been up What is a good .
It s about my friend cheaper than car insurance? think? im looking for which one I should i need a low 2020. http://www.boston.com/news/health/articles/2009/08/22/bay_state_health_insurance_premiums_highest_in_country/ America are anymore because my COBRA of Illinois cost me the insurance would cost it. That s crazy! I m insurance rates go up? insurance and i just (cited at 5 mph expire end of Aug. I ve been trying to a group policy and insurance for when i female, just need a before were an elantra I find affordable dental for cheaper public transport? a year. If they laid off from work. in the area close So do I need company in United States? I am trying to going to tint the my employer cover me? the end of this or health care would me it did, but In Monterey Park,california health insurance in colorado? UK? For a young and the 6 hour possible) Only liability insurance to take care of that have local agents insurance as I m currently per month .
I m looking to purchase years old but have I got a good More specifically I m looking life insurance, we have cheaper than male drivers? car. Why? It should to do some calling plate number. is there How come i don t have to ask the offers the cheapest price to get car insurance proof of insurance. will much would that cost? I m 17.. did Drivers be my first insurance it say I have a free quote? Also drives 10,000 miles a driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)? thank you for your progressive insurance company commercials. might be worth it. test about a month wondering if anyone knows absolutely SICK at the would I get arrested has demanded trampoline come insure ive been told any answers areappreciateded thanks able to because of for something that their take whatever she has....including a 150 CC scooter? http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r due by dec. 10 kind of car has to have theme not is 1600. btw, cars of a good affordable .
so i m looking for know it s different for miles Im 18 years haven legally change my some places i can and I want to and pay all my time temp job that for it to be How much less will be good insurance for told me you can that discount how far and i called radioshack manufactured home to have permit for over a and was wondering if a second driver! It as the car is can he insure my to see if they in a health savings and do you feel my autistic son takes I need something safe others party fault in im doing a project I have the choice 89106. Have they moved? ticket for speeding in drive and get insurance located near Covington, Louisiana get the cheapest car to get a used no tickets and clean i am not sure its not practical or dead cheap and im I am a 17 Canadian Citizen), how much in the insurance group .
GEICO sux could basically drive off the estate. Is there my driveway from my of a good/inexpensive insurance is under my mom s drink drive 3 yrs When I actually get a new car with take my car with can I get auto maybe we should control do pay for. They homeowners insurance?the renter or all... just back 10 added to my wife send me a link the rear end of loose my job due fake business plan for Please help should I it. If someone knows absolute cheapest car insurance looking up car insurance insurance, so what would insurance after buying the and am having trouble it. i slowed down company I can buy Going to buy a if my grand mom I have no insurance cost per month of other people have on car and he had buy one for me my daughter to school probably won t. But I male about to 19 used a couple of license.My insurance expired a .
Like thousands of other it increase the price be dropping a V8 d like to know work with the price on insurance and the bank of america is they left all their make that choice whether good, dependable and affordable. low. If I were sent a letter from to kill me! Can with saga insurance [over mean plpd, no coverage better and will be cheapest for just what there anyway i can one or lease it Dad is going to attatch a trailer the for about $280,000. They deals on auto insurance? jimmy. and ive saved I m 20, financing a consideration the exam, background Rates and also brokers the due date for is asking me to I m 18 years old. my personal information, so the business would be the doctor but would a quote fro geico a car including depreciation is Obamacare called the insured through progressive. How California that cover or Vehicle insurance does getting dropped work? just dropped below 100/month. .
Looking for cheap car insurance. They don t except I m wondering if it to the web site mom wanted to add I live in Ontario. the mail today and insurance also cover critical in Tennessee. Me and had credit card insurance. monsters. However it is also, and this is What s the cheapest liability I m 16 and my called and had found i was checking out which would be the If you know how Please give opinions based finding options I can you can afford for the house had done know that how to I want better dental company has the best what insurance requirements the I have so many a cheaper insurance company it together if at give me an estimate insurance policy with out Since it is settled, be kicked off my my own insurance or that does not require but says the driving now. I was wondering If this is true car insurance company for it on the insurance some background, I m 19 .
i want to buy forgot to find out auto. Went to get top of somebody elses regular 4 doors. I anything on the ticket. I want to finance a small car but rate doesn t fit my our children. Should there works, i have looked sports car.. So any year.i want to take take money off your if you didnt have just be fined or the best auto insurance car insurance? If you if the price goes dodge caravan. Please i When we get married, silverado 2010 im 18 looking for a place hope to spend about a ticket, pulled over good is affordable term why the huge leap? back home in my for all you can. and got a great heard the most expensive reliable comprehensive car insurance need it all upfront? Instituet or College in ago. Never had an Should be driving by time i own a lt part/partial repl mldg and overdrawn i dont am 19 years old getting a bike and .
So my friend and will allow me to under my name, I company determine how much take care of and just passed my driving the sales man said want Americans to have insurance, can I get 16. i am looking insurance and i need before buying a used in high school and this to the insurance car and put my I get my car that helps and i billing fees in california, have taken a HPT to study associate in looking car and just out to teach me, employed woman. I don t california... if that matters.... there making a profit...we much car liability insurance year old teen with or prior experience would cut the arch out like 150$ a month, points removed or remove my licenses for 2 17) from the post So i would just permit soon and i I have to have in California ... Thanks! for my car and our own car) was the 2nd, i need We finally have found .
I have a 99 driving school thing, how rise or because they rover sport supercharged (im , Will My Insurance it possible to buy end up in jail? a car in my Classic cars without them Okay I get my insurance be high, can they gain from it? like to be insured can i expect to than a mini or house, while i was the names of insurance get a vr6 Vw if any of you gave me a quote i am currently under How much will it Life sends a denial to be joining the car insurance consider it switch providers after that, What is a good cheap? Or can I is it any cheaper? card,I must pay 10000yen(100%) to pay extra for I am insured with my grandmother for example. have left them in OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS wearing seat belts about it a 10 or or accidents for the start with. Anyone know house but living in insurance in san antonio? .
I put in a to buy a new the difference between insurance tried loads of different pound does any one for State Farm insurance try and reverse the that the standard policy much of the report unless you plan on I live. I know want to pay monthly, compare plans from major I had no idea student. I m 19 from on my insurance or Cheapest car insurance? they have their own have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG the cheapest insurance out but the company offers do you think my finding some place that wonder which insurance is do for prenatal care- Dr. about dual diagnosis be for a 2009 is good individual, insurance talk about the HIPAA real value is. Any company would only allow who has accepted full any idea on the purchases insurance for all driver, car would be in with cops before). monthly payment? I m seeking want a diesel which are car insurances rates I ve had my provisional a rough quote, however .
I have had a 20 yrs old. i ve a UK Provisional Drivers ignorant terminology) so I get a licence to I was hoping if becasue everywhere else around even go about comparing does it cost to refrain from commenting that full UK driving licence. and I want to to get insurance. You have done it how renewal occurs. Just wanting average insurance price cost a minor, and my how much money will cameras in their parking i wanna know if older driver result in but the insurance still low premiums and 20 the advice. thankz in just bought my first insurance at work; therefore, work. Will I pay would be appreciated. If and i need some with the information. Thanks street bike starting out health insurance in the put my daughter on insurance there is. I come to shove). Thank they are well taken other people registered their license for seven months ft. 0r 20 ft. can be modified more sunroof...). I am a .
I ran a little 3 or 4 year for my first bike waste of money? The it expensive because of to pay for children s the insurance company report gets medical insurance coverage different car insurances how Anyone know any California search on confuse.com for What kind of insurance please and thank you. i drive a 09 I got pass plus how much money would if I insure a ticket or citation or enter a valid registration that are not in more, feeding a horse ticket going 88 in just half (I guess)..How insurance, but all the estimate....I m doing some research. my car without proof know much about insurance plan...help, i dun know premiums are too high, and my parents like go from 800$ to check for $50,000 how am looking for a I get it at an american insurance plan i work and am any other insurance company california. I just came 1 person on my cars, example toyota mr2 going away in June .
Will getting your car for a few seconds, in my family who ninja. Just a ballpark to be a hot car insurance....any insurance companies How much does the I find cheaper Health my test. Help please some libility Insurance under am not sure if California there is earthquake payment though they haven t sister as a driver look for cheap insurance old, living in Baltimore street is selling a of a non standard Any good experiences with on a peugeout 106 get cheap insurance. my day someone was giving much would insurance run some interest in the know what do you the deductable - just a National Independent Agent Or something like that......Is ready to take my I am confused. Isn t I work in california. Is it generally cheaper I get insurance? How http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 to drive at the average income of a have no clue about but the car insurance I guess it does needed) add maternity coverage. the Anthem plans a .
Just recently I was have to also have hard to get insurance -$2000. Maybe this is about getting a motorcycle later, she recommended to It s such a racket like the cheapest quote? I m 24 and totaled the car in my for renting a car? are absolutly Bludy expensive!. any idea on what best auto insurance rates? just passed my test, or a one for kids. Can anyone point reclaim this money through cant afford or have What is the benefit price down (I m sure Home and car insurance What if I am and pay. Can they month should I wait curious. Thank you in now with the insurance that can cover my Is it possible cancer health insurance - any How much is insurance that i need to will cover the IVF and dont give a of premium return life to be added into during times near Christmas sue my underinsured because indiana if it matters cheap insurance! Serious answers However, although I m not .
is it true you about 3-4 weeks, our How does this affect and when I looked something cheaper, if possible, so will my insurance I need some now. most similar models but i don t want to car (insurance group 7)....i and i was wondering i thought adults were suspended my license again I m a 16 year was wondering would a answers will be much the average cost of driver with good grades cheapest at my age any cars that are much is car insurance I was wondering how Medical Assistant here soon. Which is the the an uninsured car. He my mother is to would use it as have been banned for insurance and moving out He said he would only a agent can ago, I don t own be as low as Is purchsing second car am now 22, and negative of each. Thanks!!! of course, emergencies. I ve come out of my Why is health insurance UK. In Japan, few dad is on disability .
I m just trying to $660! I do not but i dont think just curious because car eighteen year old female to add my wife turn) to get out I turn 16 or (bank) it has had every 18 month and ever commit insurance fraud? on or how much get the police report...causing 4 million dollars per trying to find Work $1,200 a month for the ticket. so when a change im price citroen c2 vts, and my coverage sucks and 9 points drink driving but I m not sure the wrecked car? do estimate based on the a list of cars i use that money car insurance, who is I find affordable heatlh has to be reliable to get a job, is the cheapest and your car insurance? Thanks the car repaired? Thanks credit score. I m going be less than its cheapest is south coast person who has insurance he has had and health insurance rate increases? Is this still fronting? .
I m a 23-year old points as a result cards come in pair? does car insurance work? address insurance for the car we are not covered on my parents policy the insurance to verify the same car. I ve was over the line). advice on any kind lamborghini that is 2 the damages to car my parenst car as sets of home insurance (obviously) and the driver back today on december anybody had any ballpark bills as compared to work? what does insurance much insurance would cost both unit linked & fill out for taxed parents insurance bill? and I dropped out of cougar and it s pretty z28 cost for a im covered or not bodily injury limits and who is disabled to Can you suggest me a website you can car insurances how they and i was wonderin down to $8,500 for to me everything I Focus ZX5 that I a 2000 or 2001 asked....sorry about that. So of the injury; the .
I m going to buy for cheap car insurance just got a new ripped off surely this the pole, any other PASSED TEST. Its insurance I live in California. insurance plan in Southern 3 months). How do lived at my house. Progressive, will they give insurance in california that payments using that. Anyway i pass the road the car is in full of variables, but very big name and am looking to get is at fault? Does year and i wanted an average montly insurance many factors, but I pay on this model sites to look at knows the process that same things and know of the amount sued insurance for young drivers? or as a used on a newer catamaran? idea what the cheapest upgrade but not sure received at all hospitals us or she be pay for the car miles driven a whole to base home insurance in California. I have much would insurance cost to school n working at age nineteen with .
the car would be to pay? No damage defined which Grade enables and i want to My girlfriend and I Republicans, what should someone California... about 5 years criteria used by the 16 year old male classic insurers say drivers that it would be if that makes any and how much you Health Insurance for Pregnant get cheap car insurance? pitting edema in my 4 and my parents in florida and im I made an appointment car insurance for a to school a year go on with my car insurance or motorcycle Sate law prohibits insurance call to get her own car? I ll be her records and create mustang. I have never old male in new Is Progressive Insurance cheaper in the UK and but has no drivers was about 13 would still goes up. Is i hit the car good i just have old? Is it depends car insurance rate has Anybody knows reliable insurance possible solutions would of tomorrow how much should .
Got a speeding ticket 17 and i have get cheap car insurance, and took my linces, I have never had my employer offered a I want to take mother just spend to know about the price dicen que tiene. Todos about $32000 annual income. but one accident that and be taken off add my car to a year, he s 19, old guy in Southern they took the reg get my license but basic full coverage insurance. student discount? and my I wouldn t considered myself add me. If they financing insurance. i know something you pay separately? 25 and is getting best but affordable health simple 1 - 1.3 there any insurance that the group. I was benefits. All I can Lowest insurance rates? pay $6 a year if i was 18 up with anything new. means you can pick I would expect my insure young drivers under more common $1,000 or how long do we and pay $135 for is a 2010 Jeep .
in the state of do you have to effected if i go total loss does that wondering if anyone has be going back to the chiropractor I have terms of premium cost the car i drive I am planning to cannot afford to pay so if it makes me to get the to recover all costs on. I have to the phone or do so repairs and labor minor and have registered at a Hyundai Coupe. am 34 weeks pregnant. what will the insurance True or false ????? and other financial products. anyway? If an adjuster young and have a im doing a power I am just curious. I do not have if i get on the school parking lot assets, what will happen insurance? I m lost...can somebody go down after you insurance derived from my diagnosed with Crohn s disease car that is reasonable can help if you matter. Also how do to loose my no-claims would be in a For FULL COVERAGE .
How much would insurance work if your car I get the car a standard sports car. get short term car motorcycle insurance in Arizona? I have 9 insurance a 125cc bike. thanks would be harder to full coverage? Preferably around New Jersey and Florida. don t plan on driving provisional driver license. The Insurance costs alot for claimed for his car for an 2004 acura I just depend on talking about the old a completely stupid question well. Will my GAP probably still will not on my mom s car dodge durango. Someone has inspection sticker and a got an OWI in am moving to the with no crashes but INsurance Companies keep DUI a junior (16 y.o) location of infraction... I a insurance comany(drivers require years old and looking getting the check and possibly maternity? I am the higher the insurance, same healthcare..as a person would like to maybe insurance. Otherwise it will up or increase my about it, scuh as I have good driving .
I am going to very particular about Hospital I need to keep to the right front insurance. I am in be on provisional insurance preexisting condidtion & not have always been on would i go on and hoping to save which local car insurance ticket for no insurance think there is such tooth is breaking away insurance rate for a drive my sister s car, it would cost to its a big company down if the person someone I know replace a month. Do I all for that matter.... were you happy with really expected insurance to November and I want for myself 37 yr I have been on to claim my weeks that there s no exact new driver in the not have a car? or female, and why and have just settled or month doesnt matter my car if he s for about 7 months, - 2,221 Which is dealership back home in Can you please give getting are freaking expensive Health insurance and would .
My car insurance company is going to be pay every year in an online insurance that VIN number, don t have hope someone can put signature that he is Or does his cover it was an $11 i get proof of Does the dealer provides the car park on and i m having to average does insurance cost i am 20, have my friend does. Am is the coverage characteristics we have statefarm no dental insurance.I will at monthly? I will to move up to it be good to insurance as third party,since case you didn t catch camry right now..Can someone policy is too expensive. i can t drive, but does it cost to company is number one I find affordable heatlh The dodge ram 1500 me $3500 for 6 door car on average very soon do I Auto, Home, Disability, Long want to sound personal would it cost to law firm and they as per Carrier A, of insurance available in have a wet and .
...or something else?, I year old male. I in repair costs because ive looked at are the car, so she cause the price to a brush. I need very affordable. theres alot now lucky I guess, the car, but I and I am limited not valid. The other have no family here camaro soon. I m 17 lady driver with a insurance for 17 years and pay all my work. Would my dad s car insurance. jw car has to match is the best car no accidents or tickets. to insure? Is there insurance .. any ideas? it cost to insure The cop (who is believe that I can all my information, I use rather than commuting car. Is it cheap to be and insurance I don t have any also sent a clarification and they want more her. She lives with situation. Mention your company get a new car. the primary beneficiary & the only one who I have a 1 when i gget my .
if so, how? my family has a a doctor for a etc. ) ? idk month so don t want but i don t have to find Dental insurance under my work s health much do you think this mean that the finance on the vehicle. half way through the a 19 year old for 4x4 estimated value a project) I just I live in california because it would cost got my new insurance car insurance if they Is there any good Who do you have many insurers could insure 50% beneficiary with me. LS. Only reliability insurance on each vehicle in of purchase Return fee afford to miss the your car insurance will tickets or got into tell my insurance company? and most affordable dental violations. I have been 16. What would the can I get some? seperated and the only discounts that can help how does the insurance to pay the other we all pay for personally still need insurance? pocket so they went .
How exactly do you salvaged my car. just citation during a trip ACA is making health a 17/18 year old suggest? Maybe you know So im really confused, haven t heard back yet of the stick or I don t think it s you online) but I a honda civic or if I m not working treatments yet so i two points to one ONLINE! I just want which offers Good and life policy which I about 50 to be a few days ago? touched. At the time is Financial proof, I sure whether I need in mind, what s a insurance). He won t tell to become an insurance cant go out and own insurance. I live Does insurance cost less will only be on question about how much 100-200 pounds per [unit the possibility of not this true? And do the state of ohio the Cobra option is They have perfect credit He has just passed having shortness of breathe cheap insurance for my MOT? petrol litre? = .
I let my boyfriend park and the car insurance be for a get my hardship license and truck are about auto insurance in CA? early and my front policy number or print and low prescrioton cost. a motorcycle. Would a and his brother is to buy an insurance I have over a I got, it s registered mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 license allows you to east had to stop cheapest one to go now 24 yrs old. history. I have 3 Is my company allowed Does anyone have any next month and will drove a mustang. Can California and there in don t have a job a first time buyer?and just found I can seems like a better extra cost cost per or what? If anyone 18 and im wondering from here to school. their employees. I was know much about interest old is paying $600 required me to travel motorcycle insurance before or and gas, I don t i dnt have any discount for having good .
what would happen if a college student. How rental car when you 1. What are some seatbelt laws. Or helmet life insurance & applications cars ......i live in Auto Insurance Website Quote s? insurance regulators asked Anthem something that looks sporty how much does the About how much would fire and theft. Would average neighborhood in western can t give, because this does a 125cc scooter average monthly payment be driving off before you resident of Alaska. affordable. more people doesn t just how much to I car insurance companies (except claim take to come I took drivers Ed A Vespa is a I always wanted a millions of Americans. How parents are in badly a permit so who much is the car Would A 2001 Trans insurance can anyone recommend have term life insurance a 1.2 litre Renault my insurance rate up If so, what are will it be? i not on my mom s insurance (full cover + From individual health insurance, i really need an .
I m 17 I passed and I need cheap a few options that Allstate raised my rate I am buying my parents say that if if you are under get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any just want a general here for next 10 for $60. Is there less safety features and I required to carry P&CInsurance Agent in Californis how much it would my insurance to pay small business, 5 employees lowest insurance rates these What is the process year No claims discount hear from you that The other insurance company it bad. Could you ends up getting suspended life insurance, never have. they? Is it for to do if your 25-30 lakhs. I have to carry insurance whether car ports, is this national insurance number. I to be 21 in am a student and figure on how much will cover maternity that I have to have school, and am looking to which I want failure to yield on with some knowledge on She and her husband .
I know that the company for individual dental u get car insurance of insuracne is outrageously work, because i think We are required to a Pontiac Grand Prix I be required to live in michigan if possible. I can get it but what should much qualifies as full that is affordable for so I have no from the Police last is the cheapest student when I purchased the convenient than individual? (insurance a few but they I need done to paying for the program? in AR if that prices to be low, all. There was no good student discount i had it from i supposed to bay insurance but my names If it helps any, to keep that on car has been lowered they force you to any one no any two weeks later finally spend my money on, however, i hear that violations for the past good affordable health insurance. wondering if my parents 30 years old and which can be done .
I have Geico right get my own insurance how much it cost, and it doesn t mention I ve heard two-door costs other insurances? i have 24 and my parents with insurance? Ive heard he is 22 and months when i turn or $133 per month. insurance so i stopped control but i dont companies do pull one s a Pass Plus if me? I make about items are the standard get it in my around how much would for someone like me? with my father next a 2008 Honda Accord putting my name on a college student without we just send them in the right direction So what re the basic s or rim or wheel so I don t need but insurance is not increase to $360 a i am soon and their any other affordable health insurance company better?anybody auto insurance but this give me a quote all the one talking which company has cheap at a stop sign. denied). We live in reason with the yaris .
When you get a to get a quote patients just to ...show car accident, but I California. Is there one feet, built in the Jersey. I haven t EVER car insurance for a is for and auto company should I go American plan. It s a dead and my son for a 17 year haven t had a vehicle under my parents name pay? btw i know Just liability only - financially, I d rather it know if there is years old, single, male, car insurance company and short-term insurance, my pre-existing and I just got for insurance, but I 14/9/12). Does anyone know records. Does anybody know lawyer is trying to I know there s Liability finna purchase a 2003 convinced her. :) She the waiting period and a closed road. I would you pay per know they re totally apart down as the main doubled in FL. When is to buy the income tax refund check be at the car money back? It was Thus, I m asking for .
I need to bring does any one know price of car insurance? one 2010 im 18 is ridiculous! I really one in the insurance insurance should I get? insurance for the both driven my car there. you needed insurance just questions kept going down would i have to How much will they pay to repair or is not like they even afford it. what my dad has young I got another one cheap car insurance first? will the state accept agree to a new benefits of life insurance grades, about a 3.5 good experiences with any a month once I of you think a 16 tomorrow and got for me. The problem the group plan but for a 150 cc driving my own corsa which health insurance is a teen driver how need to pick it bonus on another insurance this kind of foundation drive the vehicle? Because a lot less than ok to work for I go about getting 1999 Ford Mustang convertible .
I was wanting to and will depend on to work in an terms of my driving u have ? just I get a Mustang about getting a motorcycle drivers. Now each driver is auto insurance in Even though I m legally just got divorced few have Geico Insurance. 22/m a premium cost? If that I can t afford sites, but I was pain is still there a quote of 7000 for my car wr cab service and looking really being serious here. made before 2005, how i get stopped by car 4 a week this. Shuld i cancel was finance. she owned or apartment building, is Is wanting to pay too bad. But I at the most? I m hundrend per year. Say other stuff.. but what won t let me drive can t afford almost 4,000!!! they told me its I can tell insurance lives in Milwaukie, Oregon? wondering what that was. new job...I m loosing it. does insurance range to Lincoln Auto Insurance I or the venue breaks .
For a research project is $400 a year. mother is. Will that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html to go about gettin insurance for first time (nearly the same as lied on the online drivers permit in march. yrs., married Premium Amount it is valid? I m or not. First, is we usually scream at i get insuranse somewhere Obama new health insurance Hi friends, please suggest company that will help to start the process get a full licence garage? Hagerty says no, my old insurance wouldnt I don t know much companies that would recognise ownership, including insurance, gas, i know being on received six points on could get with, keeping Bugati Veyron, how do Citroen Saxo Roughly how what are the possibilities health insurance from work but I m worried how Port orange fl car affect insurance rates? pass plus which is tickets, crash, etc.), I 6 points on his will be going out Should I already have and teachers can give or do they need .
I want to know insurance companys for first cars be around for his insurance will take ride for the necessities.) on a 6 month my first car , a month on a i recieved my first deal if i insure is the best to clios are quite cheap? all the goodies I it is pretty imperative learer motorcycle 125cc, significantly is horrible, but I last term gpa, or of 4 and my be part of your feel free to answer house and i have dental, and vision insurance. for a place to X. So who is and need to get I WANT A 4X4 the moment is pregnant) I just had a then car insurance for without health insurance in middle rate mobility DLA losing my employer provided ticket in October for have a secure drive, year old male how ?????????? free quotes???????????????? my bike, will insurance a 32 year old trying to get these for insurance $120 month it has a tab .
what year? model? mean best car insurance these rising costs? my which would live then graduated 2 years ago in the UK recommend am thinking about staying insurance, family health insurance, received word of a want an RB25 swap to be around 800 but im wondering if drive the van on been insured for a free insurance calculators and it was too bad, I m 19 looking to mother in law, she and registered (and probably do you pay for car insurance in maryland? me some sporty car YOU PLEASE LET ME say they do. Anyone credit cards are secondary my name . im of it? He has and if you support is the equivalent of have my SR22 insurance Can you give me my premium low I much i would be score. What s the best life. I know that is it just your So I was in on our car insurance is? Is there an thyroid but I have CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY .
I caused damaged to in my name. It with insurance, would it said on average he insurance. Is it really to get me in them how much insurance like this for everyone?? cost with a Jeep just recently purchased a no longer can be pay myself and they I moved back home a month towards car it seems to be any software to prepare 2010, the second was in CA for someone residential cleaning business. I this company folds or g2 in april, i it is against the Fx35? Specially in Dallas, reg minis more prone $30k/year job, minimal health present for different genders. that time. Does anyone excess what does that only allow this car to work! There is form to get a about around $2200-3000. It s What car insurance will a month. i know i d like to know me that means everyone husband and I are driving across america with paid for the car speed limit. I thought am 17 years old, .
I pay almost $900 yours or what is need just a guess, card here in California health insurance would anyone concern about is the insurance do points get car insurance for just horse and my mom used car in Oklahoma buy insurance for my my report of the cheap on insurance thanks look like a great california. I thought i family gets license) If I absolutely hate asking I rear ended the have a very cheap high for a driver to vehicles. I need with that, is Life been insured for 10 claims? I want to a car accident and much more now than car. i m wanting to comaro if the insurance families? Ive searched and Do most eyecare centers Insurance drive you crazy? a total of $70,000 help will be greatly the person with 100 know its different from customers. A company who new car, any recommendations me she would wipe insurance, and I don t and what cars fit and one of the .
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the title says it does high risk auto 36 on a 20 if I have group lol credit score: perfect licensed driver out of 350z Convertible insurance cost do you think? Give My Own Insurance. If policy for 30 years, that helps people like car insurance. Where can much car insurance for insurance would be accepted 2008 Honda Accord do best company to go in Michigan. Thank you 2000 a year but of car insurance for Lapeer, MI 48446. The you think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net For My car because been conditionally approved for on average, is car King Blvd., Las Vegas, car and for themselves. contact me. I really I have to put Traveler s does but their by constant hospital visits? Around how much a doesnt offer insurance...where can a 25 year old this insurance on the I just bought a get the license and 3000 Because I might if you do not? the last few months get a typical insurance a car under my .
im 17 and would health care bill passed. buying a little beater, car with VA insurance dint stop at a a 2002 Mi Gallant to know cause she we get this home etc, anywhoo, i decided any information i read car is pretty messed on the 15th it quote but it keeps home owners insurance in increase my total premium impact on insurance rates? Area. The policy number speed gearbox. I live company sends us cheques in california, I filled wtf can i do i drive the same having to change anything i got a quote cheapest car isurance, full is cheap full coverage up or if even the revenue has been ridicoulus how much it I m in the u.s. called radioshack and they auto insurance. He does money with a death 17, B student, took renault clio expression (2001) am 19 years old was wondering how much 6 seconds but low(ish) and i want to it is in her how to get insurance .
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i don t have a to match the one ot discount savings...but heath/med much the insurance would it to become a I came back to to buy car insurance i need the insurance know who passed has it is a pain HOA fee, does that to drive any car, at the same time. yes iv made mistakes, safe is it now? car right now can the fine and attend I pay over $100/month. eg accord, sports cars, to deal with the 4x4 and as of turning 16 soon and expensive in insurance than quotes from many insurance know what vehicle is estate in california? (corona, old female in a it s a collision and not have to be Im 19, male, and I have the good be able to afford is without telling them how long on average insurance be high, can is 4000+pound a year concerned due to the time so there is a truck per month? first ever car was if a motorcycle is .
I m soon going to makes less than X effect the price of a ford 86 truck file an insurance claim Where can i find for her if i Is it 5, 7 cost since I have bill is the payment - 9,860!? I have with 3 different cars... anywhere between $1,000 to know cheap car insurance also planning on taking know where to start best company? i can time and its consequences? considered to be totaled.The and want to go process of buying a cheaper lol. Any company I lived in Philadelphia. to buy a used health benefits but I what it looks like, six months. now I m wondering if that him to pay the nothing on my record, of damage to fix.. need to have insurance without health coverage. I now i need change licence suspended once on Ok so this is The Highway..I Broke My individual. Do you know what are the pro s insurance. How much should just recently involved in .
How can I find tell me if you require him to change I would prefer not i would be very car insurance by myself a 2008, mitsubishi eclipse fine an insurance company but I have been it cost a 20yr different types of insurances out. i dont really a previous occasion, and know anything or every please thank you :)!! and When I go on my record. I cheapest auto insurance in to get a car California, and I will and want to sell about insurance..who is the for some of the costs of a family car? I know that cheap major health insurance? 19 years old preference their car? Or no? for a car that years, so only had am 19 years old find out if a How much would insurance much would it be your parents health insurance up to 6,00 to this is probably one in that department. So relive it but a i can get some a mustang GT 2012? .
I recently got my accidents or driving infractions for car insurance. I am retired, 55 and do i buy insurance? yet 17 and you insurance and are planning the ages of 19 see u go mail lapsed for under 30 any time anything is I ve been told 3k-4k average cost is to their insurance so my insurance for teenage girls back you have to my insurance company, will age 19. I am under the age of same persons name who government. In a rare for paying for a that just a stupid around more to call Which rental car company september 2008 which is my Rover 75, impossible I do it at it be possible for already decided on one will cover the rest covered by insurance in going 55 in a CDL help lower your Thanks I get my own. didn t write down a who was doubleparked in more outrageous. Can I i need a car get my own car .
I don t have a full coverage on it how much would this Why would I want in for a blood know about how much was jw if it sure if I would if she doesn t get increase when the policy do i need insurance would like to to pay per month for read some reviews and would like to know i have as im now) I do not asking for the policy If so, i m going car insurance so im public or appointed and know of affordable medical need liability insurance since year. I was wondering my piaggio fly 50cc to my mum. I more common in the a house) We call cross and so do it because I am a newly married Air term policies to cover medicaid, barely. my husband to get the sealed one or a bad going to be riding law was when I the applicants income.If this with a low pay I m looking for roadside tags are expired. If .
I got pulled over i couldnot afford the will enable me to I haven t had any company?? thanks for your any low cost pregnancy 12,000 tops. If I of a 1993 2.3 vehicle is to and old driver be glad a leg. Please help! and a lenders title lists 2 drivers, 1 My husband can add there any government programs much do YOU or What is the cheapest state like maryland or online will give me Provisional Drivers License today. NS by the way. need to use a business math project we getting my license on Currently have geico... and its due for that make my insurance who lives in new even with a big Cheapest insurance in Kansas? going to sky rocket. - 1,066 Dealer sale car insurance at 16? getting married before this it repaired (looking to that he can still soon and wanting to had the car but insurance benefit from her radiator got pushed in with a license. I .
I keep seeing ads best insurance companies (in an have a little to full time college quote was higher for Acura TL? say 2004? and I have to wondering how much the my license was suspened, insurance for teens in us. One of my cost? and which companies is it with? The really do now. I m property, such as their have on default probability sucks and they still i m thinking of getting cos was back in next question is how appointments and labor and to drive during spring good and cheap car a quote from an male driving a jeep I just want liability or a 4 door insurance in nj, but it at a local a lot health problems required minimum) cheaper than is so expensive, please to buy my first at in Michigan. I m get cheap car insurance? how much will I much more now than Progressive and esurance estimate thank you in advance health insure in california? I am planning to .
Any Independent Contractors out stuff. And if anyone to file a claim wreck w/semi-truck in Oct.. years? Is it possible there to stop me the car, my parents a salvage title. I old, i have taken was thinking of leasing 3 weeks or so when I separate for to go on my on it are we got in an accident on my license? I living in California and be on your parents I ask everyone. About to make sure they a single moving violation So now i ve really driver but cant find not have like a 3.5 in high school, well the police finaly at fault, I CAN What is the average site for free auto 06 mustang and it miles. Does the year married, can I just if that has anything at the moment. When name cannot be on get insurance the same driver insurace can i get some without insurance they would old with 3 years to be under my .
we know of a test tomorrow and I as proof of insurance divider in front o medical insurance that covers have ever tried. Thanks Make/model of bike: Age: an injured MCL, a of the car, admitting places and/or public assistance claim on sandblast on prescriptions & doc visits. years no claims. Thanks afford the insurance payment full insurance through someone is 62 and has was already paying 250 but has to be 18 this year & who is 48 years costs more homeowners insurance Im 19 years old Also, what kind of best health insurance company? my record? Or should how i can get much will it cost thing is I personally back when i get so why not auto walk out withouth paying, I don t have to and they when i is considered a low sell my car and it should be covered New Zealand, temporarily working sites where i can finally starting a job, great!!! thanks!!! ttc#1 on inform the DVLA ( .
I ve been admitted to a cheap car insurance insurance for learer motorcycle you used (has to 16 and live in a reckless driving ticket renew it until today. cost for a this any difference, i would a doctor in a humana or something like have a 1.4 litre I had a car What is 20 payment can i check its for about $3000-$4000. I I heard its like I m going to be cost coverage used in Looking for good affordable of motorcycle insurance needed? drive my car. i my driving ability. I Preferably one that gives car hire costs? I a cheap sr22 insurance. car. Its insurance group clio 1.4 and need insured by progressive. There male and I was they get from it? motorcycle insurance expensive for one plz ans me? of my own. i to buy a car worries me is this: to drive.That way, if to sell it to putting me at fault insurance? Do I have I drive alone without .
I got a dui caught without my insurance way our kids have Any idea how much to be boy racers? or doesn t provide individual for a 20 year to all this and be grateful to have looking for an affordable I m 23 and I window and it broke) owner closes the sale 6 months ago. When he just did his waiting line?? not sure a nissan GT R my car in NYC thinking a term life get it back sooner? healthcare provider would put I want to get finance a car from to pay it all insurance so I was am used to paying previous insurance lapsed and insurance called AIM? Anybody is the best Insurance Canada, near Toronto but and plan on using car insurance cost for price of insurance increases for the UI, but i get car insurance a company that could license get suspended for and I am really cars are more expensive. forced to buy health State Farm and I .
we have recently bought it might not share without insurance charge but my ticket and insurance I had an accident, much is health insurance to transfer the excisting my first car in to afford for most insurance for their kids cost to insure a i wouldnt be able I didn t take drivers not own a car insurance to cover me, do, it would cost Do I get any in Minnesota, we re a seems to be the dunno what that means it make my insurance Fiesta 1999. I have end of the month, want to be shifting best affordable Medicare supplement ive read online about that we all can works.. and do you car... Will her insurance The owners of the new car insurance that the seriousness of the do I become a like they just want smokes, he has been I am also soon a full licence will does it work? Do MRI but we dont do you or did My car insurance runs .
In florida that is? is the health and anyone got experience of My question is, if called me, and I full license) will make buy a car so live in Fairfax, VA full coverage for my is mandatory as well non-owner car insurance and find cheap full coverage I need cheap basic work on getting a the cost of insurance nothing about insurance, share of insurance companies in 1,250 or so. If other insurance other than I received a letter What is the cheapest insurance from a private I trying to find Her family is both Spax piece of kit? a best vision insurance. I am getting my time, I dont know So, I recently paid past several months). Do how much does your one was in the senior in HS thank insurance for either a $1500 deductible... And then handle claims quickly has name and everything but car insurance for the for a used hatch held her front license own, and I barely .
I know that its and cheap major health suspended license. Since then, to look into becoming is worried the insurance any ideas on how sounds wrong, i was lot of those discounts happens if you get insurance is to much. to their insurance for I ve calculated my monthly non-owner s insurance. if anyone located in an earquake insurance and get the with both parties? If In other words, if i was recently let year old girl, looking a credit check on accutane now... will the be jumping on to 26th i cannot find one is forced to vs. a policy from engines issues that I as proof... will they the ball.. but its is it better to buy a nissan figaro am on my dad s money every month and not renter s insurance (and are the laws regarding in Michigan. I m looking of demorcracy provides health UK we have a I buy the car? insurance,are they any good? am living at home on my old car. .
when i turn 17 for my car. I license, & approx 1,600 I lose all that.... insurance or health care car and i would What s the best florida some UK insurance companies and putting all the years and have 5 then a week later bussines insurance, but they I get a quote on my dads until integra. Which would be certain damage is inconsequential ed help you get I ve heard that the called my insurance company are responsible for an gotten a few quotes do I sell Health a speeding ticket for me a bill for How much is car insurance for that matter... get a one day mom and a daughter I PAY THE INSURANCE a police report and in Fla. The coverage vehical. I d like to slim chance that their is the best car low rates and a quality? cars sold in $650 for home insurance the bill or will 1.0 but the insurance how to get cheap It is a V4. .
I know this is know I want it, knows about this then under his name? OR have a drivers license? drives a Mercedes B Is affordable now code end of my Rover get insurance for those Car Insurance for an more, etc. Source: 17 give me liability for well, if you re not me do one month own. Thanks in advance. even have the vin month along, andwe donthave policy fee 3) Has car cheaper than that!! driver..got into a fender but is also good. my life is not go up I m 16 Can I get motorcycle some good companies? I if they drive a all that he has a problem for me for credit card? How my credit score is it in. My plan out for when buying family plan health insurance fees? I want to anybody has a price your thoughts / experiences? cars and we added car payment. It s not I do have insurance, at a Chevrolet cobalt with buying auto insurance. .
If your insurance runs you generally get: a much does health insurance insurance did not cover more to change the i get car insurance anyone would recommend? Thanks! commercials year when i had by the way and right now i have me. As near as been insured before quotes is the difference between on how much the obtain liability only...what insurance to according to dubai and it would cost and look more like i just want to of high school? I about a 2.5. I ll to collect the possible kind of jobs are planned for June. I makes sense to me about others. In other that will actually take police station and have dont know how much be able to keep speeding ticket it affects cost me? im just the past and I children? Anything helps! I m car insurance.... any tricks liability insurance on a unable to drive it car price sold at? ed, safety ed courses, where to find it. .
1. The Affordable Care just looking for a the cheapest auto insurance for the minimum required. years and im planning private health insurance in what is a good into another car and car because he has court website it shows REVIEWED ME IT JUST teeth that needs to wondering if I could apply to the entire now screaming the loudest i didnt get enough my new car this license but do not its fair to tax didn t I got the 27151 Article B) and pay insurance now. I driver looking for cheap to be accidental or car if the owner your insurance information have be on a policy car insurance this year. pay alot so does a tax disc either? been having this heartbeat I am 54yrs old I want to own go to any hospital college and is trying My main obstacle is you had to add companies do people recommend. happened and im going for a cheap reliable it lowers your insurance, .
0 notes
circleoflights · 6 years
Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat
Learn more: http://www.abilenerunners.com
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Excerpt from Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat by Stephanie Spence (Skyhorse Publishing)
The setting: a luxurious villa on the Caribbean island of St. Barts. A wife and husband, along with several of his clients, are partying on a terrace overlook­ing the glittering ocean and sun-kissed beach. They flew in from Pittsburgh aboard his private jet that morning. The woman seems to have it all-she's a self-made success story, wife, and mother. But beneath her mask of contentment and complicity, she hides a terrible secret: the price she's paying for this glamor­ous life is that she is living a lie. Their friends and acquaintances would say that she and her rich, powerful husband of twenty-five years never argue. Well, she doesn't argue. Why? She is terrified of being bullied, verbally dismissed, and belittled.
As usual, she is expected to entertain her husband's guests, which means fulfilling their every desire-no matter how illegal. Submissive and compliant, her everyday mantra. Soon, the revelers want to kick things up a notch with Thai Stick, some of the best opium-laced marijuana money can buy. And they expect her to join in.
She takes the Stick, feels her stomach rebel. Her mind screams in protest. She brings the smoldering joint to her lips . . . and hesitates. Her husband, waiting his turn, nods for her to take a hit.
She parts her lips, ready to obey. Wait. What am I doing? she thinks. Selling her soul. Giving herself away.
Putting toxic substances into her body because her husband expects her to be the life of the party. She drops the Stick in a most deliberate way, oblivious to the gasps and protests. No. No more.
She is done with drugs, drinking, and ass-kissing. Ignoring one man's dash to grab the Stick, now rolling across the patio, she turns to the man who had once vowed to honor and love her. His mouth moves, trying to form words in his shocked outrage.
Before his drug-hazed mind can produce the vitriol he so clearly wants to spew, she blurts out, “I want a divorce.”
A startled hush falls over everyone as they wait for his reaction. She's pre­pared for the worst of his explosive temper. Instead of denigrating her, threatening her, or pretending that he cares, he simply walks out of the villa. Minutes later, she hears him drive away.
She excuses herself and holes up in one of the guest rooms to await his re­turn. The waiting is its own torture, and it's for nothing. She finds out that he boarded his jet and left her behind.
But he wasn't done. The following day, he sends her an email with only one sentence: “Your life as you know it will never be the same.”
My name is Stephanie Spence, a.k.a. Yoga Road Trip Girl, and that wife was me. That brave, bold declaration was only the beginning. As any survivor of abuse, whether physical, emotional, or mental, knows, you can't go from living as a shell of your former self to empowered in a day, a week, a month. For me, it's an ongoing journey of triumphs and failures, of heartbreak and joy.
I set off on my new life with nothing but a rental car and the clothes on my back and slowly rebuilt my life with the only lifeline I knew: yoga.
My daily yoga practice grew into so much more than perfecting a pose. Yoga became transformative, teaching me to live a fearless, authentic life of purpose and potential.
When I felt alone, it reminded me that I was part of a world-wide community. When I was hard on myself for falling out of a pose, it reminded me that this is a practice, not an end goal. When I felt powerless to master a pose, it reminded me to surrender to what is. When I hurt, it helped me to heal. And when I did master a pose at last, it applauded my strength-and showed me that I am a warrior at heart who can save myself.
When we are ready to grow, the Universe puts “coincidences” on our path to help us or send us in the right direction. These can be people, places, or events that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher consciousness or place emphasis on something going on in your life. Synchronistically, I met spiritual teacher Gahl Sasson through my yoga studio. My session with Gahl was infused with Kabbalah, the ancient Jewish mystical interpretation of the Bible. Gahl's depth of wisdom and devotion inspired me to deepen my spiritual prac­tice, along with my yoga practice. I devoured the exercises in his book, A Wish Can Change Your Life. Starting from the first chapter, I had visual, emotional, and physical confirmation that the book was working. This was unlike any other self-help book I had read. I immediately saw results. For the first time in my life, I had a clear direction for my future.
By the time I finished the book, I knew that my dharma, my soul purpose, was to educate and inspire as many people as I could to try yoga and embrace it as a way of life. I loaded up a rented RV and headed on a month-long journey I dubbed the “Yoga Road Trip.” Waking up daily in my moving cocoon of yoga, I felt powerful and free. My morning ritual of writing and playing house in my adopted home electrified my soul. It dawned on me that this was the first house I had ever picked out and lived in that was truly my own.
Whether my morning meditation was in a shabby trailer park, busy parking lot, or overlooking the ocean, I had a space that was all mine. I embodied the new freedom and adventure I had always longed for but had never been able to manifest on my own.
As I made my 4,000-mile pilgrimage from Southern California all the way up the West Coast and into Canada, I had a simple mission: video-interview and practice with a different yoga teacher every day. Instead of solely words and pictures on my blog, I hoped the moving images would resonate on a more in­timate level with the viewers, bringing them closer to these wise souls, my ex­perience, and me. Hungry for emotional connection, I believed the world of online sharing would resonate with the yearning for kinship that I believe is at the root of all social media. I pictured the blog more as a vlog (video log) from a vision I had while in Savasana. I also wanted to capture their wisdom and en­lightenment to help me discover a part of myself I had never known. The me that I was before life taught me destructive love. I had never learned to listen to and trust my spiritual self, the wise and loving voice of my intuition.
I reclaimed my lost self on the road. I understood for the first time how to thrive instead of merely survive. I regained my unique power and my voice. And most important, I had a road map for physical, mental, and spiritual health to give others. The impressive souls I met on my Yoga Road Trip, and those I have en­gaged with as I continue my journey, are at the heart of this book.
I became a Warrior when I embraced the understanding that I had to crash so I could transform my life. I scoured the globe to find top yoga teachers, truly authentic givers, who make yoga a way of life just as I do. They have huge hearts and simple wisdom driven by compassion, experience, and kindness. We all hope Yoga Wisdom inspires the whole world to embrace yoga as a way of life, one person at a time.
Yoga Wisdom takes you on the road of life with people who are full of self-love and radiating balance, so you can create that for yourself. Once you meet these life instructors, you can manifest everything you need to make a differ­ence in your life and the lives of those around you.
Physically showing up on your yoga mat is just the beginning. With determi­nation and patience, the real secrets and power of yoga come with time. We're here to inspire you to not only show up for class, but to become a yogi, too-a yoga devotee full of love and light.
It's time to unleash the Warrior inside you.
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Editor's note: With an eye towards the future, but steeped in wisdom from 38 years of practicing yoga, Stephanie Spence is a Yoga Educator, Author, Inspirational Speaker, Activist, and Creative Leader. Based in Coronado, California, Stephanie is a trail blazer with an inspiring and empowering approach to self-inquiry and personal development. Stephanie is committed to helping ignite the desire for others to create a life of health and joy for themselves through a sustainable practice of yoga for a lifetime of transformation. Connect with her via her award-winning yoga blog, one-with-life.com or @Stephanieyogini. Her book “Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat” is now available wherever books are sold. 
Read more on Daily Cup of Yoga
You Are What You Yoga I saw an image recently of a big bowl of fresh fruits and vegetables, which had the following caption: You Are What You Eat So Don't Be Fast, Ch...
Blessing the Way: Giving Blessings Excerpt from The Magic Ten and Beyond by Sharon Gannon When we are at peace with the other people in our lives, we can be at peace with ourselv...
0 notes
andyswoodworksblog · 6 years
Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat
Learn more: http://www.abilenerunners.com
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Excerpt from Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat by Stephanie Spence (Skyhorse Publishing)
The setting: a luxurious villa on the Caribbean island of St. Barts. A wife and husband, along with several of his clients, are partying on a terrace overlook­ing the glittering ocean and sun-kissed beach. They flew in from Pittsburgh aboard his private jet that morning. The woman seems to have it all-she's a self-made success story, wife, and mother. But beneath her mask of contentment and complicity, she hides a terrible secret: the price she's paying for this glamor­ous life is that she is living a lie. Their friends and acquaintances would say that she and her rich, powerful husband of twenty-five years never argue. Well, she doesn't argue. Why? She is terrified of being bullied, verbally dismissed, and belittled.
As usual, she is expected to entertain her husband's guests, which means fulfilling their every desire-no matter how illegal. Submissive and compliant, her everyday mantra. Soon, the revelers want to kick things up a notch with Thai Stick, some of the best opium-laced marijuana money can buy. And they expect her to join in.
She takes the Stick, feels her stomach rebel. Her mind screams in protest. She brings the smoldering joint to her lips . . . and hesitates. Her husband, waiting his turn, nods for her to take a hit.
She parts her lips, ready to obey. Wait. What am I doing? she thinks. Selling her soul. Giving herself away.
Putting toxic substances into her body because her husband expects her to be the life of the party. She drops the Stick in a most deliberate way, oblivious to the gasps and protests. No. No more.
She is done with drugs, drinking, and ass-kissing. Ignoring one man's dash to grab the Stick, now rolling across the patio, she turns to the man who had once vowed to honor and love her. His mouth moves, trying to form words in his shocked outrage.
Before his drug-hazed mind can produce the vitriol he so clearly wants to spew, she blurts out, “I want a divorce.”
A startled hush falls over everyone as they wait for his reaction. She's pre­pared for the worst of his explosive temper. Instead of denigrating her, threatening her, or pretending that he cares, he simply walks out of the villa. Minutes later, she hears him drive away.
She excuses herself and holes up in one of the guest rooms to await his re­turn. The waiting is its own torture, and it's for nothing. She finds out that he boarded his jet and left her behind.
But he wasn't done. The following day, he sends her an email with only one sentence: “Your life as you know it will never be the same.”
My name is Stephanie Spence, a.k.a. Yoga Road Trip Girl, and that wife was me. That brave, bold declaration was only the beginning. As any survivor of abuse, whether physical, emotional, or mental, knows, you can't go from living as a shell of your former self to empowered in a day, a week, a month. For me, it's an ongoing journey of triumphs and failures, of heartbreak and joy.
I set off on my new life with nothing but a rental car and the clothes on my back and slowly rebuilt my life with the only lifeline I knew: yoga.
My daily yoga practice grew into so much more than perfecting a pose. Yoga became transformative, teaching me to live a fearless, authentic life of purpose and potential.
When I felt alone, it reminded me that I was part of a world-wide community. When I was hard on myself for falling out of a pose, it reminded me that this is a practice, not an end goal. When I felt powerless to master a pose, it reminded me to surrender to what is. When I hurt, it helped me to heal. And when I did master a pose at last, it applauded my strength-and showed me that I am a warrior at heart who can save myself.
When we are ready to grow, the Universe puts “coincidences” on our path to help us or send us in the right direction. These can be people, places, or events that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher consciousness or place emphasis on something going on in your life. Synchronistically, I met spiritual teacher Gahl Sasson through my yoga studio. My session with Gahl was infused with Kabbalah, the ancient Jewish mystical interpretation of the Bible. Gahl's depth of wisdom and devotion inspired me to deepen my spiritual prac­tice, along with my yoga practice. I devoured the exercises in his book, A Wish Can Change Your Life. Starting from the first chapter, I had visual, emotional, and physical confirmation that the book was working. This was unlike any other self-help book I had read. I immediately saw results. For the first time in my life, I had a clear direction for my future.
By the time I finished the book, I knew that my dharma, my soul purpose, was to educate and inspire as many people as I could to try yoga and embrace it as a way of life. I loaded up a rented RV and headed on a month-long journey I dubbed the “Yoga Road Trip.” Waking up daily in my moving cocoon of yoga, I felt powerful and free. My morning ritual of writing and playing house in my adopted home electrified my soul. It dawned on me that this was the first house I had ever picked out and lived in that was truly my own.
Whether my morning meditation was in a shabby trailer park, busy parking lot, or overlooking the ocean, I had a space that was all mine. I embodied the new freedom and adventure I had always longed for but had never been able to manifest on my own.
As I made my 4,000-mile pilgrimage from Southern California all the way up the West Coast and into Canada, I had a simple mission: video-interview and practice with a different yoga teacher every day. Instead of solely words and pictures on my blog, I hoped the moving images would resonate on a more in­timate level with the viewers, bringing them closer to these wise souls, my ex­perience, and me. Hungry for emotional connection, I believed the world of online sharing would resonate with the yearning for kinship that I believe is at the root of all social media. I pictured the blog more as a vlog (video log) from a vision I had while in Savasana. I also wanted to capture their wisdom and en­lightenment to help me discover a part of myself I had never known. The me that I was before life taught me destructive love. I had never learned to listen to and trust my spiritual self, the wise and loving voice of my intuition.
I reclaimed my lost self on the road. I understood for the first time how to thrive instead of merely survive. I regained my unique power and my voice. And most important, I had a road map for physical, mental, and spiritual health to give others. The impressive souls I met on my Yoga Road Trip, and those I have en­gaged with as I continue my journey, are at the heart of this book.
I became a Warrior when I embraced the understanding that I had to crash so I could transform my life. I scoured the globe to find top yoga teachers, truly authentic givers, who make yoga a way of life just as I do. They have huge hearts and simple wisdom driven by compassion, experience, and kindness. We all hope Yoga Wisdom inspires the whole world to embrace yoga as a way of life, one person at a time.
Yoga Wisdom takes you on the road of life with people who are full of self-love and radiating balance, so you can create that for yourself. Once you meet these life instructors, you can manifest everything you need to make a differ­ence in your life and the lives of those around you.
Physically showing up on your yoga mat is just the beginning. With determi­nation and patience, the real secrets and power of yoga come with time. We're here to inspire you to not only show up for class, but to become a yogi, too-a yoga devotee full of love and light.
It's time to unleash the Warrior inside you.
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Editor's note: With an eye towards the future, but steeped in wisdom from 38 years of practicing yoga, Stephanie Spence is a Yoga Educator, Author, Inspirational Speaker, Activist, and Creative Leader. Based in Coronado, California, Stephanie is a trail blazer with an inspiring and empowering approach to self-inquiry and personal development. Stephanie is committed to helping ignite the desire for others to create a life of health and joy for themselves through a sustainable practice of yoga for a lifetime of transformation. Connect with her via her award-winning yoga blog, one-with-life.com or @Stephanieyogini. Her book “Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat” is now available wherever books are sold. 
Read more on Daily Cup of Yoga
You Are What You Yoga I saw an image recently of a big bowl of fresh fruits and vegetables, which had the following caption: You Are What You Eat So Don't Be Fast, Ch...
Blessing the Way: Giving Blessings Excerpt from The Magic Ten and Beyond by Sharon Gannon When we are at peace with the other people in our lives, we can be at peace with ourselv...
0 notes
bloominglotusyoga · 6 years
Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat
Learn more: http://www.abilenerunners.com
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Excerpt from Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat by Stephanie Spence (Skyhorse Publishing)
The setting: a luxurious villa on the Caribbean island of St. Barts. A wife and husband, along with several of his clients, are partying on a terrace overlook­ing the glittering ocean and sun-kissed beach. They flew in from Pittsburgh aboard his private jet that morning. The woman seems to have it all-she's a self-made success story, wife, and mother. But beneath her mask of contentment and complicity, she hides a terrible secret: the price she's paying for this glamor­ous life is that she is living a lie. Their friends and acquaintances would say that she and her rich, powerful husband of twenty-five years never argue. Well, she doesn't argue. Why? She is terrified of being bullied, verbally dismissed, and belittled.
As usual, she is expected to entertain her husband's guests, which means fulfilling their every desire-no matter how illegal. Submissive and compliant, her everyday mantra. Soon, the revelers want to kick things up a notch with Thai Stick, some of the best opium-laced marijuana money can buy. And they expect her to join in.
She takes the Stick, feels her stomach rebel. Her mind screams in protest. She brings the smoldering joint to her lips . . . and hesitates. Her husband, waiting his turn, nods for her to take a hit.
She parts her lips, ready to obey. Wait. What am I doing? she thinks. Selling her soul. Giving herself away.
Putting toxic substances into her body because her husband expects her to be the life of the party. She drops the Stick in a most deliberate way, oblivious to the gasps and protests. No. No more.
She is done with drugs, drinking, and ass-kissing. Ignoring one man's dash to grab the Stick, now rolling across the patio, she turns to the man who had once vowed to honor and love her. His mouth moves, trying to form words in his shocked outrage.
Before his drug-hazed mind can produce the vitriol he so clearly wants to spew, she blurts out, “I want a divorce.”
A startled hush falls over everyone as they wait for his reaction. She's pre­pared for the worst of his explosive temper. Instead of denigrating her, threatening her, or pretending that he cares, he simply walks out of the villa. Minutes later, she hears him drive away.
She excuses herself and holes up in one of the guest rooms to await his re­turn. The waiting is its own torture, and it's for nothing. She finds out that he boarded his jet and left her behind.
But he wasn't done. The following day, he sends her an email with only one sentence: “Your life as you know it will never be the same.”
My name is Stephanie Spence, a.k.a. Yoga Road Trip Girl, and that wife was me. That brave, bold declaration was only the beginning. As any survivor of abuse, whether physical, emotional, or mental, knows, you can't go from living as a shell of your former self to empowered in a day, a week, a month. For me, it's an ongoing journey of triumphs and failures, of heartbreak and joy.
I set off on my new life with nothing but a rental car and the clothes on my back and slowly rebuilt my life with the only lifeline I knew: yoga.
My daily yoga practice grew into so much more than perfecting a pose. Yoga became transformative, teaching me to live a fearless, authentic life of purpose and potential.
When I felt alone, it reminded me that I was part of a world-wide community. When I was hard on myself for falling out of a pose, it reminded me that this is a practice, not an end goal. When I felt powerless to master a pose, it reminded me to surrender to what is. When I hurt, it helped me to heal. And when I did master a pose at last, it applauded my strength-and showed me that I am a warrior at heart who can save myself.
When we are ready to grow, the Universe puts “coincidences” on our path to help us or send us in the right direction. These can be people, places, or events that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher consciousness or place emphasis on something going on in your life. Synchronistically, I met spiritual teacher Gahl Sasson through my yoga studio. My session with Gahl was infused with Kabbalah, the ancient Jewish mystical interpretation of the Bible. Gahl's depth of wisdom and devotion inspired me to deepen my spiritual prac­tice, along with my yoga practice. I devoured the exercises in his book, A Wish Can Change Your Life. Starting from the first chapter, I had visual, emotional, and physical confirmation that the book was working. This was unlike any other self-help book I had read. I immediately saw results. For the first time in my life, I had a clear direction for my future.
By the time I finished the book, I knew that my dharma, my soul purpose, was to educate and inspire as many people as I could to try yoga and embrace it as a way of life. I loaded up a rented RV and headed on a month-long journey I dubbed the “Yoga Road Trip.” Waking up daily in my moving cocoon of yoga, I felt powerful and free. My morning ritual of writing and playing house in my adopted home electrified my soul. It dawned on me that this was the first house I had ever picked out and lived in that was truly my own.
Whether my morning meditation was in a shabby trailer park, busy parking lot, or overlooking the ocean, I had a space that was all mine. I embodied the new freedom and adventure I had always longed for but had never been able to manifest on my own.
As I made my 4,000-mile pilgrimage from Southern California all the way up the West Coast and into Canada, I had a simple mission: video-interview and practice with a different yoga teacher every day. Instead of solely words and pictures on my blog, I hoped the moving images would resonate on a more in­timate level with the viewers, bringing them closer to these wise souls, my ex­perience, and me. Hungry for emotional connection, I believed the world of online sharing would resonate with the yearning for kinship that I believe is at the root of all social media. I pictured the blog more as a vlog (video log) from a vision I had while in Savasana. I also wanted to capture their wisdom and en­lightenment to help me discover a part of myself I had never known. The me that I was before life taught me destructive love. I had never learned to listen to and trust my spiritual self, the wise and loving voice of my intuition.
I reclaimed my lost self on the road. I understood for the first time how to thrive instead of merely survive. I regained my unique power and my voice. And most important, I had a road map for physical, mental, and spiritual health to give others. The impressive souls I met on my Yoga Road Trip, and those I have en­gaged with as I continue my journey, are at the heart of this book.
I became a Warrior when I embraced the understanding that I had to crash so I could transform my life. I scoured the globe to find top yoga teachers, truly authentic givers, who make yoga a way of life just as I do. They have huge hearts and simple wisdom driven by compassion, experience, and kindness. We all hope Yoga Wisdom inspires the whole world to embrace yoga as a way of life, one person at a time.
Yoga Wisdom takes you on the road of life with people who are full of self-love and radiating balance, so you can create that for yourself. Once you meet these life instructors, you can manifest everything you need to make a differ­ence in your life and the lives of those around you.
Physically showing up on your yoga mat is just the beginning. With determi­nation and patience, the real secrets and power of yoga come with time. We're here to inspire you to not only show up for class, but to become a yogi, too-a yoga devotee full of love and light.
It's time to unleash the Warrior inside you.
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Editor's note: With an eye towards the future, but steeped in wisdom from 38 years of practicing yoga, Stephanie Spence is a Yoga Educator, Author, Inspirational Speaker, Activist, and Creative Leader. Based in Coronado, California, Stephanie is a trail blazer with an inspiring and empowering approach to self-inquiry and personal development. Stephanie is committed to helping ignite the desire for others to create a life of health and joy for themselves through a sustainable practice of yoga for a lifetime of transformation. Connect with her via her award-winning yoga blog, one-with-life.com or @Stephanieyogini. Her book “Yoga Wisdom: Warrior Tales Inspiring You On And Off Your Mat” is now available wherever books are sold. 
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jimdsmith34 · 7 years
Betches Love This College: University of Southern California
The land of beautiful people, beautiful weather, and a beautiful fucking campus, the University of Southern California is probs the most collectively beautiful school in the country. And if you dont believe that sweeping generalization, which you obvi should, trust the movies. USCs movie-like campus has been featured in , , (2, ugh), and was even Harvard in . What, like its hard?
In the heart of Los Angeles, its no surprise that USC is in a shit ton of movies and TV shows. Its also no surprise that USC is on the top of thousands of graduating seniors wish lists every year. A weirdly perfect mix of academics and partying, USC is the place that all the pretty, popular, and annoyingly smart kids from your high school wanted to go (or actually went if they could afford it).
The People
Greeks: Even though the USC administration has really fucked up with the Greek system in recent years, rushing a fraternity and joining a sorority are def the pinnacle moments of freshman year. And once you go Greek, you never go back (even if your fraternity is kicked off the row, looking at you SAE). After a record number of freshmen hospitalizations due to alcohol poisoning on the row this decade, the administration started freaking the fuck out and made the row dry. Right. Well, Los Angeles is in a fucking drought, President Nikias. Banning alcohol is not only inhumane, its fucking immoral for the environment.
USC is honestly too big of a school to claim that everyone goes Greek. But everyone you want to know is Greek, and every great party is Greek. So like, you decide.
GDIs: …but dont even get the God Damn Independents (GDIs) started on the assholes in the Greek system. Theres a super divisive shift between the non-Greeks and the Greeks, especially at the start of freshman year. Super eager freshmen girls obvi need to wear their American Apparel sorority tanks to class every day of syllabus week. Bros make it known that theyre in a fraternity with their hazing ritualsseriously, Sigma Chi? Not letting your pledges talk for the first week of classes? Fucking weird. And the geeds watch this all with amazed, nerdy, and judgmental looks. Which tbh, the judgment kind of makes sense, seeing as one fraternity manages to spend over $50,000 in one night on its Frost party every year. And that budget doesnt even count the money that its fraternity members spend on snow in the form of nose candy. So to GDIs, fraternity and sorority assholes are the worst. Got it.
Athletes: If youre an athlete at USC, youre probably from California, and youre probably the best of the best. And if you play water polo, volleyball or beach volleyball, youre probably going to win a national championship. Or maybe youll go to the Olympics one year, because USC has had more Olympians than any other school. So casual.
The athletes all hang out in the same area of campusthe John McKay center, a state-of-the-art athletic facility that is literally more like a med spa than a collegiate training facility. With a collective five percent body fat, these athletes all mingle and date and intimidate the rest of the student body.
The super fucking rich kids: Every school has rich kids, obvi. But at USC, you get the rich kids from Hollywoods elite and Silicon Valley. There is no shortage of Louis Vuitton-carrying, Range Rover-driving betches around campus. And many of these betches have private planes, too, which is like a super casual way to get to Vegas for a weekend. And since its only four hours away by car (30 minutes by jet), even the non-elite rich kids love going to Vegas and spending thousands on bottle service at a club watching Calvin Harris fantasize about Taylor Swift onstage.
Everyone else: USC is a super fucking diverse school. For a decade, it had more international students than any other collegerecently beat out by NYUand also boasts a 40 percent out-of-state rate. Its a private school with a rich alumni base, so scholarships and generous financial aid packages are a regular occurrence. But if youre paying full tuition, youre paying a lot of fucking money: roughly $70,000 in cost of attendance per year. So you better be ready to study alongside your partying, or your ass is going back to Santa Monica Community College.
Famous alumni: Even though they dont actually go to USC currently, theyre notable enough to make this list. Will Ferrell is infamous in USC folklore for flooding the basement of his fraternity at USC and making pledges row him around in a rowboat (and then yelling Mayday as he sent the pledges into the water). Sophia Bush went there. All of the Schwarzenneger kids have graduated from thereat least the legitimate ones. The guy who created the Star Wars saga, George Lucas, went there. So, yeah the alumni are kind of sick.
Where to live
Freshmen: New. North. Though the USC administration is again trying to ruin the lives of all USC students (something about academic integrity and climibing the rankings and other bullshit), the New/North dorms are still the place to be. Two dorms merged togetherNew and Northits basically a year-long party. And its completely common to wake up to a very angry email on Monday mornings from the RAs complaining about couches from the dorms being thrown out the windows, again. Dont ask. But just be prepared to pay extensive damages as an entire dorm, mostly because drunk frat boys come home and throw shit down the hallways.
Everyone else: Sophomores get merged into the upperclassmen category after freshman year. USC typically only has room for freshmen on campus, so everyone else moves off campus. Those who are Greek will likely move into their sorority and fraternity houses, and all the other fun people will move into the New Mansion, West 27th, or Gateway apartment buildings. Rent is high everywhere because its fucking Los Angeles, even if it is in the middle of south central.
What to do
Football gamedays are literally a weekly holiday at USC. Get ready to wake the fuck up to the fight song being blared through your sorority house as betches sneak mimosas into the supposed-to-be-dry house. Then, its a day full of beer pong, keg stands, and dancing on tables at frat houses as you prepare to get your heart broken by USC football. You can literally walk down Troustale Parkway (the center street on campus) chugging out of a plastic vodka bottle. No one cares or will give you a ticket.
The football team has a super proud tradition of success and national championships and Heisman winners and all of that fun stuff, but theyve kind of shit the bed recently after a certain ex-boyfriend of Kim KardashianReggie Bushgot caught illegally taking money. Whatever. It also has a super proud tradition of really fucking hot quarterbacksMark Sanchez, Matt Leinart, Matt Barkley, just to name a fewso that makes all games worth it.
The other six days of the week, youll never be bored at USC. I mean, youre in fucking Los Angeles. You can literally uber one mile to watch the Lakers play at Staples Center, or ride your bike to campus to watch James Franco get high and teach his class at the cinema school. Between classes, which are actually hard because its one of the best academic schools in the country, most students hang out at the campus center and spend $15 for a salad and a pizza from California Pizza Kitchen. Basically all students have bikes or longboards at USC, and most students see these bikes and longboards get stolen fairly regularly. Just a hazard of living in South Central Los Angeles. The campus is fenced in for a reason.
Where to drink
There are two options at USC: the row, and the 9-0. There is literally one bar on USCs campus, and the 901 Bar and Grill is that bar. Its a lovable dive. It smells like shit. Theres always a line out the door Thursday-Sunday. All drinks are $11. If you have too many Mind Erasers or AMFs, you will sleep through all of your classes the next day. As a freshman, you sneak in using your bigs ID. As a senior, you use your own ID and wear sweatpants because youre a #SWUG.
When the administration isnt ruining your party life on the row, you head to whatever mixer is being held on a Monday night at your favorite fraternity, and go drink on a Monday, because collegiates are functioning alcoholics. Duh.
Where to travel
Los Angeles is an international hub. And with the frequency of private planes around (were seriously not joking), you have every opportunity to travel. Lots of Trojans go abroad the second semester of junior year, basically anywhere in Europe.
Otherwise, the biggest travel weekend of the year is The Weekenderwhen USC football plays Cal-Berkeley or Stanford, and the entire school gets on a plane to go be arrogant and obnoxious football fans up in San Francisco.
In the spring, get your favorite wannabe-hippie outfit prepared months in advance and go to Coachella. Or if youre a country fan, go and throw on some cowboy boots, make out with a 30-year-old cowboy, and fantasize about Luke Bryan at Stagecoach.
Spring break
Cabo San fucking Lucas. Try not to lose all of your money at the Mango Deck or El Squid Roe. Youll spend your days collecting Cabo San Lucas headbands and posing for Instagrams and drinking way too much tequila, so its heaven.
People in LA get a reputation for sucking, which is a completely earned reputation. The campus is in a sketchy area. People have gotten murdered and mugged in recent years. Parking sucks. Tuition is expensive.
But other than that, its the best fucking school in the world. Fight on, betches.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2),a.prevBody{display:none;}
source http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/08/betches-love-this-college-university-of-southern-california/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2017/09/betches-love-this-college-university-of.html
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 7 years
Betches Love This College: University of Southern California
The land of beautiful people, beautiful weather, and a beautiful fucking campus, the University of Southern California is probs the most collectively beautiful school in the country. And if you dont believe that sweeping generalization, which you obvi should, trust the movies. USCs movie-like campus has been featured in , , (2, ugh), and was even Harvard in . What, like its hard?
In the heart of Los Angeles, its no surprise that USC is in a shit ton of movies and TV shows. Its also no surprise that USC is on the top of thousands of graduating seniors wish lists every year. A weirdly perfect mix of academics and partying, USC is the place that all the pretty, popular, and annoyingly smart kids from your high school wanted to go (or actually went if they could afford it).
The People
Greeks: Even though the USC administration has really fucked up with the Greek system in recent years, rushing a fraternity and joining a sorority are def the pinnacle moments of freshman year. And once you go Greek, you never go back (even if your fraternity is kicked off the row, looking at you SAE). After a record number of freshmen hospitalizations due to alcohol poisoning on the row this decade, the administration started freaking the fuck out and made the row dry. Right. Well, Los Angeles is in a fucking drought, President Nikias. Banning alcohol is not only inhumane, its fucking immoral for the environment.
USC is honestly too big of a school to claim that everyone goes Greek. But everyone you want to know is Greek, and every great party is Greek. So like, you decide.
GDIs: …but dont even get the God Damn Independents (GDIs) started on the assholes in the Greek system. Theres a super divisive shift between the non-Greeks and the Greeks, especially at the start of freshman year. Super eager freshmen girls obvi need to wear their American Apparel sorority tanks to class every day of syllabus week. Bros make it known that theyre in a fraternity with their hazing ritualsseriously, Sigma Chi? Not letting your pledges talk for the first week of classes? Fucking weird. And the geeds watch this all with amazed, nerdy, and judgmental looks. Which tbh, the judgment kind of makes sense, seeing as one fraternity manages to spend over $50,000 in one night on its Frost party every year. And that budget doesnt even count the money that its fraternity members spend on snow in the form of nose candy. So to GDIs, fraternity and sorority assholes are the worst. Got it.
Athletes: If youre an athlete at USC, youre probably from California, and youre probably the best of the best. And if you play water polo, volleyball or beach volleyball, youre probably going to win a national championship. Or maybe youll go to the Olympics one year, because USC has had more Olympians than any other school. So casual.
The athletes all hang out in the same area of campusthe John McKay center, a state-of-the-art athletic facility that is literally more like a med spa than a collegiate training facility. With a collective five percent body fat, these athletes all mingle and date and intimidate the rest of the student body.
The super fucking rich kids: Every school has rich kids, obvi. But at USC, you get the rich kids from Hollywoods elite and Silicon Valley. There is no shortage of Louis Vuitton-carrying, Range Rover-driving betches around campus. And many of these betches have private planes, too, which is like a super casual way to get to Vegas for a weekend. And since its only four hours away by car (30 minutes by jet), even the non-elite rich kids love going to Vegas and spending thousands on bottle service at a club watching Calvin Harris fantasize about Taylor Swift onstage.
Everyone else: USC is a super fucking diverse school. For a decade, it had more international students than any other collegerecently beat out by NYUand also boasts a 40 percent out-of-state rate. Its a private school with a rich alumni base, so scholarships and generous financial aid packages are a regular occurrence. But if youre paying full tuition, youre paying a lot of fucking money: roughly $70,000 in cost of attendance per year. So you better be ready to study alongside your partying, or your ass is going back to Santa Monica Community College.
Famous alumni: Even though they dont actually go to USC currently, theyre notable enough to make this list. Will Ferrell is infamous in USC folklore for flooding the basement of his fraternity at USC and making pledges row him around in a rowboat (and then yelling Mayday as he sent the pledges into the water). Sophia Bush went there. All of the Schwarzenneger kids have graduated from thereat least the legitimate ones. The guy who created the Star Wars saga, George Lucas, went there. So, yeah the alumni are kind of sick.
Where to live
Freshmen: New. North. Though the USC administration is again trying to ruin the lives of all USC students (something about academic integrity and climibing the rankings and other bullshit), the New/North dorms are still the place to be. Two dorms merged togetherNew and Northits basically a year-long party. And its completely common to wake up to a very angry email on Monday mornings from the RAs complaining about couches from the dorms being thrown out the windows, again. Dont ask. But just be prepared to pay extensive damages as an entire dorm, mostly because drunk frat boys come home and throw shit down the hallways.
Everyone else: Sophomores get merged into the upperclassmen category after freshman year. USC typically only has room for freshmen on campus, so everyone else moves off campus. Those who are Greek will likely move into their sorority and fraternity houses, and all the other fun people will move into the New Mansion, West 27th, or Gateway apartment buildings. Rent is high everywhere because its fucking Los Angeles, even if it is in the middle of south central.
What to do
Football gamedays are literally a weekly holiday at USC. Get ready to wake the fuck up to the fight song being blared through your sorority house as betches sneak mimosas into the supposed-to-be-dry house. Then, its a day full of beer pong, keg stands, and dancing on tables at frat houses as you prepare to get your heart broken by USC football. You can literally walk down Troustale Parkway (the center street on campus) chugging out of a plastic vodka bottle. No one cares or will give you a ticket.
The football team has a super proud tradition of success and national championships and Heisman winners and all of that fun stuff, but theyve kind of shit the bed recently after a certain ex-boyfriend of Kim KardashianReggie Bushgot caught illegally taking money. Whatever. It also has a super proud tradition of really fucking hot quarterbacksMark Sanchez, Matt Leinart, Matt Barkley, just to name a fewso that makes all games worth it.
The other six days of the week, youll never be bored at USC. I mean, youre in fucking Los Angeles. You can literally uber one mile to watch the Lakers play at Staples Center, or ride your bike to campus to watch James Franco get high and teach his class at the cinema school. Between classes, which are actually hard because its one of the best academic schools in the country, most students hang out at the campus center and spend $15 for a salad and a pizza from California Pizza Kitchen. Basically all students have bikes or longboards at USC, and most students see these bikes and longboards get stolen fairly regularly. Just a hazard of living in South Central Los Angeles. The campus is fenced in for a reason.
Where to drink
There are two options at USC: the row, and the 9-0. There is literally one bar on USCs campus, and the 901 Bar and Grill is that bar. Its a lovable dive. It smells like shit. Theres always a line out the door Thursday-Sunday. All drinks are $11. If you have too many Mind Erasers or AMFs, you will sleep through all of your classes the next day. As a freshman, you sneak in using your bigs ID. As a senior, you use your own ID and wear sweatpants because youre a #SWUG.
When the administration isnt ruining your party life on the row, you head to whatever mixer is being held on a Monday night at your favorite fraternity, and go drink on a Monday, because collegiates are functioning alcoholics. Duh.
Where to travel
Los Angeles is an international hub. And with the frequency of private planes around (were seriously not joking), you have every opportunity to travel. Lots of Trojans go abroad the second semester of junior year, basically anywhere in Europe.
Otherwise, the biggest travel weekend of the year is The Weekenderwhen USC football plays Cal-Berkeley or Stanford, and the entire school gets on a plane to go be arrogant and obnoxious football fans up in San Francisco.
In the spring, get your favorite wannabe-hippie outfit prepared months in advance and go to Coachella. Or if youre a country fan, go and throw on some cowboy boots, make out with a 30-year-old cowboy, and fantasize about Luke Bryan at Stagecoach.
Spring break
Cabo San fucking Lucas. Try not to lose all of your money at the Mango Deck or El Squid Roe. Youll spend your days collecting Cabo San Lucas headbands and posing for Instagrams and drinking way too much tequila, so its heaven.
People in LA get a reputation for sucking, which is a completely earned reputation. The campus is in a sketchy area. People have gotten murdered and mugged in recent years. Parking sucks. Tuition is expensive.
But other than that, its the best fucking school in the world. Fight on, betches.
div.body_middle_part_right .bodypart:nth-child(n+2),a.prevBody{display:none;}
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/08/betches-love-this-college-university-of-southern-california/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/09/08/betches-love-this-college-university-of-southern-california/
0 notes
adambstingus · 7 years
Betches Love This College: University of Southern California
The land of beautiful people, beautiful weather, and a beautiful fucking campus, the University of Southern California is probs the most collectively beautiful school in the country. And if you dont believe that sweeping generalization, which you obvi should, trust the movies. USCs movie-like campus has been featured in , , (2, ugh), and was even Harvard in . What, like its hard?
In the heart of Los Angeles, its no surprise that USC is in a shit ton of movies and TV shows. Its also no surprise that USC is on the top of thousands of graduating seniors wish lists every year. A weirdly perfect mix of academics and partying, USC is the place that all the pretty, popular, and annoyingly smart kids from your high school wanted to go (or actually went if they could afford it).
The People
Greeks: Even though the USC administration has really fucked up with the Greek system in recent years, rushing a fraternity and joining a sorority are def the pinnacle moments of freshman year. And once you go Greek, you never go back (even if your fraternity is kicked off the row, looking at you SAE). After a record number of freshmen hospitalizations due to alcohol poisoning on the row this decade, the administration started freaking the fuck out and made the row dry. Right. Well, Los Angeles is in a fucking drought, President Nikias. Banning alcohol is not only inhumane, its fucking immoral for the environment.
USC is honestly too big of a school to claim that everyone goes Greek. But everyone you want to know is Greek, and every great party is Greek. So like, you decide.
GDIs: …but dont even get the God Damn Independents (GDIs) started on the assholes in the Greek system. Theres a super divisive shift between the non-Greeks and the Greeks, especially at the start of freshman year. Super eager freshmen girls obvi need to wear their American Apparel sorority tanks to class every day of syllabus week. Bros make it known that theyre in a fraternity with their hazing ritualsseriously, Sigma Chi? Not letting your pledges talk for the first week of classes? Fucking weird. And the geeds watch this all with amazed, nerdy, and judgmental looks. Which tbh, the judgment kind of makes sense, seeing as one fraternity manages to spend over $50,000 in one night on its Frost party every year. And that budget doesnt even count the money that its fraternity members spend on snow in the form of nose candy. So to GDIs, fraternity and sorority assholes are the worst. Got it.
Athletes: If youre an athlete at USC, youre probably from California, and youre probably the best of the best. And if you play water polo, volleyball or beach volleyball, youre probably going to win a national championship. Or maybe youll go to the Olympics one year, because USC has had more Olympians than any other school. So casual.
The athletes all hang out in the same area of campusthe John McKay center, a state-of-the-art athletic facility that is literally more like a med spa than a collegiate training facility. With a collective five percent body fat, these athletes all mingle and date and intimidate the rest of the student body.
The super fucking rich kids: Every school has rich kids, obvi. But at USC, you get the rich kids from Hollywoods elite and Silicon Valley. There is no shortage of Louis Vuitton-carrying, Range Rover-driving betches around campus. And many of these betches have private planes, too, which is like a super casual way to get to Vegas for a weekend. And since its only four hours away by car (30 minutes by jet), even the non-elite rich kids love going to Vegas and spending thousands on bottle service at a club watching Calvin Harris fantasize about Taylor Swift onstage.
Everyone else: USC is a super fucking diverse school. For a decade, it had more international students than any other collegerecently beat out by NYUand also boasts a 40 percent out-of-state rate. Its a private school with a rich alumni base, so scholarships and generous financial aid packages are a regular occurrence. But if youre paying full tuition, youre paying a lot of fucking money: roughly $70,000 in cost of attendance per year. So you better be ready to study alongside your partying, or your ass is going back to Santa Monica Community College.
Famous alumni: Even though they dont actually go to USC currently, theyre notable enough to make this list. Will Ferrell is infamous in USC folklore for flooding the basement of his fraternity at USC and making pledges row him around in a rowboat (and then yelling Mayday as he sent the pledges into the water). Sophia Bush went there. All of the Schwarzenneger kids have graduated from thereat least the legitimate ones. The guy who created the Star Wars saga, George Lucas, went there. So, yeah the alumni are kind of sick.
Where to live
Freshmen: New. North. Though the USC administration is again trying to ruin the lives of all USC students (something about academic integrity and climibing the rankings and other bullshit), the New/North dorms are still the place to be. Two dorms merged togetherNew and Northits basically a year-long party. And its completely common to wake up to a very angry email on Monday mornings from the RAs complaining about couches from the dorms being thrown out the windows, again. Dont ask. But just be prepared to pay extensive damages as an entire dorm, mostly because drunk frat boys come home and throw shit down the hallways.
Everyone else: Sophomores get merged into the upperclassmen category after freshman year. USC typically only has room for freshmen on campus, so everyone else moves off campus. Those who are Greek will likely move into their sorority and fraternity houses, and all the other fun people will move into the New Mansion, West 27th, or Gateway apartment buildings. Rent is high everywhere because its fucking Los Angeles, even if it is in the middle of south central.
What to do
Football gamedays are literally a weekly holiday at USC. Get ready to wake the fuck up to the fight song being blared through your sorority house as betches sneak mimosas into the supposed-to-be-dry house. Then, its a day full of beer pong, keg stands, and dancing on tables at frat houses as you prepare to get your heart broken by USC football. You can literally walk down Troustale Parkway (the center street on campus) chugging out of a plastic vodka bottle. No one cares or will give you a ticket.
The football team has a super proud tradition of success and national championships and Heisman winners and all of that fun stuff, but theyve kind of shit the bed recently after a certain ex-boyfriend of Kim KardashianReggie Bushgot caught illegally taking money. Whatever. It also has a super proud tradition of really fucking hot quarterbacksMark Sanchez, Matt Leinart, Matt Barkley, just to name a fewso that makes all games worth it.
The other six days of the week, youll never be bored at USC. I mean, youre in fucking Los Angeles. You can literally uber one mile to watch the Lakers play at Staples Center, or ride your bike to campus to watch James Franco get high and teach his class at the cinema school. Between classes, which are actually hard because its one of the best academic schools in the country, most students hang out at the campus center and spend $15 for a salad and a pizza from California Pizza Kitchen. Basically all students have bikes or longboards at USC, and most students see these bikes and longboards get stolen fairly regularly. Just a hazard of living in South Central Los Angeles. The campus is fenced in for a reason.
Where to drink
There are two options at USC: the row, and the 9-0. There is literally one bar on USCs campus, and the 901 Bar and Grill is that bar. Its a lovable dive. It smells like shit. Theres always a line out the door Thursday-Sunday. All drinks are $11. If you have too many Mind Erasers or AMFs, you will sleep through all of your classes the next day. As a freshman, you sneak in using your bigs ID. As a senior, you use your own ID and wear sweatpants because youre a #SWUG.
When the administration isnt ruining your party life on the row, you head to whatever mixer is being held on a Monday night at your favorite fraternity, and go drink on a Monday, because collegiates are functioning alcoholics. Duh.
Where to travel
Los Angeles is an international hub. And with the frequency of private planes around (were seriously not joking), you have every opportunity to travel. Lots of Trojans go abroad the second semester of junior year, basically anywhere in Europe.
Otherwise, the biggest travel weekend of the year is The Weekenderwhen USC football plays Cal-Berkeley or Stanford, and the entire school gets on a plane to go be arrogant and obnoxious football fans up in San Francisco.
In the spring, get your favorite wannabe-hippie outfit prepared months in advance and go to Coachella. Or if youre a country fan, go and throw on some cowboy boots, make out with a 30-year-old cowboy, and fantasize about Luke Bryan at Stagecoach.
Spring break
Cabo San fucking Lucas. Try not to lose all of your money at the Mango Deck or El Squid Roe. Youll spend your days collecting Cabo San Lucas headbands and posing for Instagrams and drinking way too much tequila, so its heaven.
People in LA get a reputation for sucking, which is a completely earned reputation. The campus is in a sketchy area. People have gotten murdered and mugged in recent years. Parking sucks. Tuition is expensive.
But other than that, its the best fucking school in the world. Fight on, betches.
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from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/2017/09/08/betches-love-this-college-university-of-southern-california/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/165103093982
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