#thank you @kholkate <3
chevvy-yates · 2 years
46,47 and 50 for your OC asks.
Questions are from here. I'd love to get some more :)
46. have they taught themselves any skills just for fun?
Vijay taught himself to shoot a gun. His former friend circle from Portland had some kind of selfmade shooting range. So that's where he basically got the skills from he uses today for the merc business.
Ryder learned to play drums just for fun when he was a teen. But he's not very good in it. It really was just a 'do it for the fun' back then.
47. what could they talk about for hours on end?
Vijay could talk for hours about killer whales. He was interested in sea animals since he was a kid and soaked up every documentary, every book, any report about orcas that came across him. He has also seen them in Monterey Bay a few times. They are easy to spot with the fins - especially male orcas who have that huge dorsal fin. Huge factor, why he also decided to study marine biology. In general, if you don't want to spend hours with listening about sea animals, DON'T ever mention anything that has to do with it. He'll talk about it like a waterfall for sure.
Ryder is the type of guy who could talk about the universe for hours. He's fascinated about living in space is doable and he likes to speculate about life on other planets or moons sometimes gettin so soaked into it he'll start plottng about how other life forms will look like and such. But he'll likely also talk about music very often and is a bit of a military history nerd in gerneally - he likes machines such as tanks and jet fighter form back then. He learned a lot of German History and can tell you lots about his home country also because he lived there until he was 16 until his parents decided to leave for going to South California. If he'd been older he would have probably decided to stay in Europe but that didn't happen.
50. do they have a go-to beverage, alcoholic or nonalcoholic?
Vijay loves fancy long drinks as long as they have gin in it. Of course he prefers real gin and nothing synth. but the first is hard to get if you got no eddies for the real stuff.
Ryder, however is the simple "Biertrinker" guy. He's not so much of a cocktail fan. He will drink whisk(e)y neat or on ice but if he wants simply to get drunk he will just order one beer after another until he can only speak German Gebrabbel. :P
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mykonossalome · 1 year
Tag 10 People You Want to Know Better
Was tagged by @all-chickens-are-trans thank you so much I love getting tagged in these 🥰
3 ships: i'm on a replay of witcher 3, which is why geraskier owns my whole soul right now. other than that this year has been all about flinthamilton and blackstede. it's been a gay pirate sort of year. honorable mention goes to loustat because they are toxic and perfect
1st ever ship: 1st proper ship was definitely sasunaru. naruto was the fandom that got me into fanfiction and the whole fandom life when i was 13
Last song: organs by of monsters and men #sadgirllyfe
Last movie: does the guardians of the galaxy christmas special count?
Currently reading: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, The Waves by Virginia Woolf and now the first book of The Rise if the Guardians series because @rovermcfly and i are doing a christmassy buddy read
Currently watching: Lost in Space on Netflix which is so so good. i started just for toby stephens because i'm easy like that but got hooked by the retro scifi vibes, the great characters and the exciting plot!
Currently consuming: a day old spinach roll because i'm trying to make myself eat which is a struggle rn
Currently craving: a hug from my dad
I'm tagging @artemisinfurs @kholkate @sorrel-ly @sherlockig and @transratsactivist and everyone who wants to do it ❤️
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amberlynnmurdock · 1 year
Tagged by @rhogeminid <3 THANK YOU :)
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better!
Three ships: Peggy Shippen/John Andre, Wanda/Vision and Matt Murdock/Elektra
First ever ship: LOL it was definitely Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter
Last song: A&W by Lana Del Rey
Last movie: The Wolfman (2010) with Benecio del Toro
Currently reading: Outlander!
Currently watching: rewatching Turn ahhh
Currently craving: breakfast sandwich and coffee *chef’s kiss*
Currently consuming: always consuming Ben Tallmadge gifs and fics
I’d like to tag: @musicboxmemories @effortlessslyy @kholkate @jadore-histoire and anyone else !!
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phoenixflames12 · 2 years
I’ve been tagged by @kholkate to list 5 songs that I’ve had on repeat recently! Thank you so much for the tag friend!
1. The Mary Ellen Carter- The Longest Johns
2. Adagio for Strings- Samuel Barber
3. Spiegel im Spiegel- Duo Cassado
4. Roads Untravelled- Linkin Park
5. Farewell to Stromness- Sir Peter Maxwell Davies
I’m going to no pressure tag @neptuniite, @disappointedart, @alittletoosmarttobestraight and @rhaill (only if you want to, of course!)
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⏰, 🌙, and 🧠 for your writer ask.
Fanfic Ask Game (the movie, the sequel)
⏰ Do you spend more time reading fic, writing fic, or do you do both equally?
I would say I spend more time writing fic, but only because I spend so long writing when I am writing - constantly going back over what I've written; adding sentences paragraphs up; taking out parts and starting again.
I do read fic! I just feel I am a bit picky with it - not because I won't enjoy all that is out there, but because I have to be in the right mood. (Love all the fic you've written btw!)
🌙  What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
There is no specific time of day. It is more dependent on what I am doing and when I can fit writing in. My ideal writing conditions are when I am sat on the train for a few hours and do not have to worry about anything else.
That being said... I guess when the sun is out? But that can mean a lot of different things depending on the season/weather.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Something something Crozier post-rescue and the Great Famine. Something something Jopson and class. Something something and Terror lieutenant's threesome.
Thank you for playing with me @kholkate <3
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
26, 27 and 29 for your asks.
Asks are form here.
26. Talent or effort?
For both, Vijay and Ryder it is effort rather than talent.
27. Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Vijay tends more to forgiveness than vengeance. But he will only forgive once.
Ryder sure is more the vengeance type. But even he will try out forgiveness but it depends on the person.
29. What recurring dreams do they have?
Vijay often has nightmares from his past. It's mostly mantis blades that want to pierce trough him with him trying to run away or fighting them off. He always wakes up shortly before it happens and then he feels a stinging pain in his throat. Sometimes it shocks him so hard that he wakes up having tears run down his cheeks already. He rarely has nice dreams, but they happen. They mostly contain scenic coastline views with a setting sun and feel pretty warm, if they don't happen to be all vaporwavy with lots of sea animals floating around and everything is in the brightest neon colors you could ever imagine.
Ryder can't remember his dreams often but the bits he remembers is that he dreams he's constantly falling — into a pitchblack nothingness and it feels endlessly until he wakes up which feels sometimes like he just bounced onto the floor. One time it looked like a supermassive black hole that he got soaked into and felt how it was tearing him apart into tiny atoms. Other times he's running away from a big huge shadow hunting him.
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phoenixflames12 · 2 years
Love yourselves: 2021 (a super late reply to a tag by @marycontraire, thank you!)
Rules: Filter to 2021 on your AO3 stats page, and answer some questions/ link some fics for everyone to enjoy! Tag 3 friends to do the same.
How many fics did you finish this year?: 28
Least popular (by kudos): Let Himself Be Loved a short drabble between Dundy and Fitzjames on the Clio written in answer to a prompt
Most enjoyable to write: Known To Those You Love has to be up there. I solidified some amazing friendships whilst writing this story and got to visit places within myself that I didn’t think I could. These versions of Peglar and Bridgens in their flat, Henry’s Sports Direct mug and their shop with Stravinsky the ginger tabby rescue cat surrounded by their friends that I started thinking about in Tawny Leaves remain a delight to breathe into life. Getting to expand the ‘verse with Pressing Pages (an ongoing collection of drabbles) Soft Summer Evenings, Moments of Meeting, I’ll Take Care of You, Croissants, Crosswords, and Raspberry Jam, Let Us Possess One World (wedding fic!!) and Take Me Home truly kept me going especially in the latter part of the year and I am eternally grateful to @silvermagpies for creating some amazing fan art for the series too!
Most out of your comfort zone to write:
Finishing an MSc last year meant that I didn’t really write anything too out of my comfort zone! I suppose that my first Terror fic Sea Fever (a canon compliant look at Henry’s death from Henry’s perspective) was hardest to write because I hadn’t quite got into my stride with the characters yet.
Fic you’re most proud of?
Known To Those You Love, Perhaps I’ll Sit Again With You and It Will Be Better So are definitely the fics that had my heart throughout last year. I’m proud of myself for finishing them and for them saying what they needed to say.
Best fic you wrote or finished this year (in your opinion)
Known To Those You Love or Return To Ithaca are two of my favourite fics from last year! Both of them brought up themes that I’m hoping to run with and explore in the future.
Anything you wrote that you think is underrated?
You Won’t Be Alone (my His Dark Materials AU) came into being after discussions on the Terror Discord. Clementine and Soot (John’s Irish Wolfhound daemon and Henry’s crow daemon respectively) have taken my whole heart and I’m very pleased that I took the chance to write it.
Thank you!
No pressure tagging @kcrabb88, @silvermagpies and @kholkate (only if you want to!)
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