#thaank u lily
gaydogonline · 5 months
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨️
bshhdbs i love how this is phrased "5 songs you ACTUALLY listen to you poser"
um um here's 5 songs im really enjoying right now:
1. Casey - Space Between
New album by an old favourite band!!! Still warming up to the new softer direction than their older stuff but I've had it on loop since it came out the other day.
2. Peach Rings - Mega Man
It's iconic I keep singing bits of it as a vocal stim
3. Roselia - Dear Gleam
LOOK when I'm going thru it my brain is like. Hm idol music time. and I get no say in it. Also bandori music bangs sorry it's just an indisputable fact.
4. Vylet Pony - Paintbucket
ok this whole album too actually. im too sleepy to put into words what i like so much about the album rn but it's so catchy and listenable n as usual the lyricism goes so hard
5. Felix Lee, Ecco 2k - And the Parasite Speaks
This album carried me through like a 3 hour delay on a flight over christmas and I am NOT immune to ecco2k breathily singing. Really really good album, esp. if you're into like post-punk? is that what it's called?
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sweeethinny · 4 years
Heyy, so I got this prompt idea, sounds kinda weird but I honestly love the way u write. Ootp Sirius accidentally stumbles upon Harry and Ginny talking and accidentally thinking that it’s lily and James
thaank yooooou <3 
i love this prompt! 
Sirius knew it couldn't be real, no matter how much his chest filled with happiness and his eyes itched with vision. It wasn't real. There was no way.
He should have finally died.
James and Lily were standing there in front of him, arguing over what he thought was the division of tasks, which reminded him of when they went to the Potter house over Easter and the two fought over the last piece of pie .
James laughed at something she said, seeming amused that she suddenly said that the two of them could do the task;
''You're asking me for help, because don't you reach up there?'' Lily rolled her eyes and tossed her hair behind her shoulders, looking much more challenging than Sirius remembered to be.
''I'm smart, Potter, I can grab a chair and climb on top. I just thought he would want company'' But then, when he thought James was going to make some flirtatious move or anything that was characteristic of James, his vision went back to normal, and the whole perception of where he was and what was going on, too .
Harry smiled at Ginny, much more friendly and kind than his father would do to Lily - not that he was a dick, but he was going to make a joke about it
”Okay, I can help you ... you know ... sorry about yesterday'' Ginny shrugged, and finally seemed to notice Sirius at the door, white as a paper, holding a cry that he would never let out, a little shocked that he had imagined it all.
It was too painful.
''Hey Sirius, do you want to tell Harry to get his head off his ass and get to work? We have a lot to do'' Sirius laughed, along with his godson, looking at the girl a few heads smaller than him, but who seemed much more confident
"Harry, did you hear" The boy laughed, ruffling his hair and denying it as he started to follow her out, but stopped just before
"Alright, Sirius?" The man swallowed, a glimpse of James asking him this several times clearing his mind before the vision focused on Harry again
''Of course. You're here'' He smiled, fussing with his godson's dark hair as if he were still a child, but Harry didn't seem to care ''Ginny, huh?''
''What? .. No .. No! Definitely not.'' Sirius laughed, amused that he had turned red as a tomato.
''Okay ... we still need to have the talk'' The boy groaned in frustration with the promise, nodding before leaving the room, running to any other place.
Sirius never had time to have that conversation with Harry, or anyone else, or even see his relationship with Ginny in person.
''He would have made a joke about Potter always falling in love with redheads'' Harry whispered, Ginny by his side hugged him as he shed silent tears and conjured another bouquet of flowers on top of the empty grave, made just like a memorial, next to James, Lily and Remus.
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hinatassmile · 7 years
Lily i love your art so much!! It's really cute 💛 and this crossover it's everything 💖 thaank you so much!
*gently hugs u and cries on ur shoulder*  thank YOU so much!!!! ; v ; ❤︎❤︎  i really appreciate the kind words and support!!!!
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purplepakwan · 7 years
Tag Game:
Tagged by: @kapitana-lovelace (hihi thaank :>)
Rules: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing blogs you’d like to get to know better.
Name: Maria Christina Andales Piñon
Nickname(s): Christina, Chris, Melon, Mels.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: (I’m not suuuure probs 5′6????)
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual 
Fave Fruit: Mangoes 
Favorite Season: summer(???idk man, never had a favorite season)
Fave Book: Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children series :>
Favorite Flower: Sunflowers and Lilies
Favorite Scent: lemony scents & buttery smell filling the air when pancakes are being made :)) 
Fave Color: P U R P L E (look at my url lmao)
Fave Animal: Lion
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: C O F F E E (I think I may have an addiction.....)
Average sleep hours: ranges from 0-12.
Cat or dog person?: B O TH. I LOVE THEM B O T H.
Favorite fictional characters: Jillian Holtzmann, Charlie Bradbury, Leslie Knope, Dean Winchester, Cecil Palmer, Peter Nureyev, Mabel Pines, Bill Cipher, Jake the dog, Rose Quartz.
Number of blankets you sleep with: three.
Dream trip: grocery shopping with boyfriend/girlfriend.
Blog created: 2015
Number of followers: 221
@setsales, @chilipepperconverse , @nanskywinchester , @iridescentmintyfresher , @andrea-nahomy , @pota-totoo , @tanimati , @blindrot , @fairy-gay-mother , @holtz-me-baby , @tea-dominus-rex , @flowery-fairylights , @shleemaree , @lokis-quinn , @8000000baguettes , @the-flaming-creampuff , @beatrice--baudelaire , @getghozt, @sskkyyrraa , @galaxycat1903
and anyone else who wants ta do this :))
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