#tf2 trans
modroocko-mumbles · 22 days
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hi, my name is Alex and i’m officially one day on T…❤️‍🩹! (not the mann co one)
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Hey guys, I don't want to cause any sense of alarm but I want the TF2 transmasc community to be aware of this.
aprofessionalwithoutstandards, a popular(?) TF2 blogger, made a post with my acc's name and spoke about my bio DNI regarding people who deny transmasculine specific transphobia.
I did not consent to having my account name shared and have unfortunately already received some terfy anons.
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For those who don't know, transmisandry or transandrophobia is the specific type of transphobia experienced by trans men/ trans masculine people. I had that in my bio because it is unfortunately common for people in our community to not believe transmascs experience hardship when it comes to being trans.
It was very strange to see someone who is a part of a fandom with a lot of trans men/ mascs to say something like this. I liked his content and I know a lot of us do too, I want others to be aware of how she feels about the fellow fans he interacts with.
I was hoping that he didn't actually understand what the word meant. I sent him a DM to try to explain and to set boundaries about sharing my account name.
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I was really hoping it really was a misunderstanding and she might apologize for the name dropping... But he never responded and blocked me.
I know I'm not entitled to a response, but the anons keep coming.
I don't think it was a misunderstanding anymore. I don't want anybody else to have to find out the way I did.
So, transmasc-phobic behavior awareness post done?
If it was actually a mistake and they apologize, I'll delete this and apologize as well.
EDIT- I used the wrong pronouns by mistake, I believe the correct ones are (he/him) + (she/her). Sorry about that. I was also informed that he is transmasculine as well as being Bi-gender.
Trans people can also be transphobic. Just because you personally haven't experienced something doesn't mean it's not real.
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radrobsgarage · 11 months
Fem scout = transfem scout, couple years after Canon xP
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tepli-mravenci · 11 months
I know that wasn't probably the intention but I find transmasc merc headcanons so funny because I just remember how there's no women in the game and I'm like "right because they all transitioned"
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willtheweirdrat · 1 year
someone said "half the tf2 playerbase is trans" and holy screws and bolts, I've never heard something more true. i feel like every merc is a transmasc's transition goals in one way or another. like hell yeah. sniper is transition goals, i don't make the rules buddy. also every merc is trans, fight me
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thecommunalfoolboy · 10 months
In this rise of femfortress stuff I’m obsessed with how everyone looked at regular Spy and went “same thing” you’re all so correct I live and die a pangender/gender-fluid Spy truther
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chaosyippee · 2 years
X cannot be trans! Because of Y reason!
My brother in christ. It is a headcanon.
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colossussteppes · 2 years
tom jones binder scout
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calibratedgallow · 7 months
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happy portal/team fortress 2/my little pony friendship is magic/ fallout day
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snartfulisms · 16 days
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Scout’s step towards self discovery
(sort of) a prequel to this
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technicalgator · 2 months
Doing your research before stating information as fact can make a world of a difference.
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wiiwarechronicles · 1 month
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he's so flat....
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spuffyfet · 10 months
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drawingroomanguish · 10 months
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shoutout to tumblr for doing its level best to crunch these to hell
outfits from this lineup I did ages ago. This was supposed to be done ages ago but a bunch of work got in the way
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nebulousmedic · 4 months
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I'm just bullying Scout at this point
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willtheweirdrat · 1 year
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he is literally the person ever
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