gettocsirke · 6 months
Tetoválás nem menti meg a világot, de kibaszott jól nézel ki tőle
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worldtattoogallery · 1 year
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Tattooed model © Apostatte.
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sohaelneengeddakezem · 6 months
Nem fájt a tetoválás amikor csinálták. A lelkem fájt, de az nagyon.
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oldmacykerenew · 2 months
Senki se kerdezze meg, hogy fajt-e :D oldalt a kisujjam vonalaban, jobban fajt, mint eddig barmelyik tetovalasom, “kicsit” meg is dagadt a kezem 😅 de szerintem szep lett, en imadom 🫣
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klementajn · 9 months
Csa tumbli! Porog itt meg a cicakontent? Ha nem, akkor is megmutatom a medieval raketapuszedli tetkomat, mert szerintem allati meno lett:
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Mindenfele metszetet, kodex abrazolast imadok, raadasul ez teljesen a macska szemelyisege is.
Nem medieval Puszedli reakcioja minderre, miutan hazaertem:
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Na, remelem jol vagytok, gondoltam bekoszonok, cso!
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gyurottpapir · 2 months
Örökre a bőrömön hordalak. Sosem fogok megszabadulni tőled és az utolsó szavaidtól sem.
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xszerelmes-lelekx · 2 months
A testem a naplóm, és a tetoválásaim a történetem..
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mindigvankiut · 9 months
Túlórát vállalok, hogy amit elterveztem megtudjam valósítani..
Mindennap rajta vagyok, hogy egy lépéssel előrébb legyek..
Hamarosan meg lesz életem első tetoválása, újra el kezdek edzeni úgy érzem nekem ez most kell.. Még akkor is ha bele roskadom.
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coc0nutdrink · 8 months
Az megvan, hogy sose gondoltad komolyan a csávóval, és ő tetkó ellenesként utánad csináltat egy egész alkaros csontvázat?
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portalvideo · 10 months
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~ legális, terápiás önbántalmazás
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gettocsirke · 10 months
Pénzen nem lehet boldogságot venni?
Akkor a tetoválás micsoda?
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worldtattoogallery · 1 year
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Model © Clara.Diefke.
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stormoflina · 3 months
Thank you so much.
So I finished it earlier than I thought, here it is!
TLDR: Dominik's tattoo artist talking about meeting Dominik, their friendship and most especially, his brand new chest tattoo and the ideas behind it to two hosts of a Hungarian morning show.
Long intro from the journalists, the only important info is that they mention how due to the request of Dominik’s family they can only ask about certain topics, because it’s a rather intimate matter. Then the male journalist asks about how the artist got there, was it difficult bringing his own stuff to Dominik’s house. 
Tattoo Artist: “ It would have been difficult to gather everything that is needed for making a tattoo and bringing them all with me [to Dominik’s house], so we basically made a ‘studio’ at Dominik’s and that’s how it was done. We ordered what was needed online to his house, and when he had free time on certain days, we worked on the tattoo on his chest.”
Female Journalist: “We know that you can’t say much and neither do we want you to speak in Dominik’s name, so please only tell us what you are allowed to…”
TA: “Just ask me!”
FJ: “Yeah, okay (...) So, what was Dominik’s wish, what did he want?”
TA: “Well, I guess this is a question that can be labeled as private, but perhaps Dominik won’t get mad at me if I tell you guys broadly. What he had in mind is to have a tattoo that can represent and show his journey, his very difficult, but so far successful journey he has been on from the moment he was born, from the moment he started playing football. And also his mentality, what was needed for his journey, that’s what he wanted to have on his skin, inked on, in the form of pictures. Basically, it’s a tool to tell a story, his story. Reading from left to right, starting from the moment he was born to, well, who knows, nobody knows until when, that’s what the stars and planets are meant to symbolize.”
MJ: “It looks very cool, and of course, it looks beautiful on Dominik. (...) How much did it take to complete it, how many hours are needed to make a tattoo [like this one]?”
TA: “Finally, a good question! Good that you asked in hours, because it's easier to answer. We only had certain parts of a day, and he wasn’t always available. so we had to work with that. All in all, it took like 3 days… We had once a 10 hour long session, and I think two 6(ish) hours long ones. All in all, it was like 26 hours.”
FJ: “We know that this story went viral (...) that you have been contacted by many journalists (...), so we are thankful that this is your first interview, and that you chose us. Still, it’s a huge deal that you had the chance to work together with such a big star like Dominik, we know how famous he got (...). Did you know each other from before, or was this your first time meeting him?”
TA: “ Yeah, we do. I will confess, I didn’t think that this would blow up the way it did. I mean, like, I have a good relationship with Dominik, so in my head he is (...) I mean, obviously, I respect him and admire him for what he has achieved, but still, we have a private relationship. So, I didn’t even consider that if I post his tattoo, even the English media will find out about it and report about it, because that’s what happened… Yeah, I have known him ever since he signed for Leipzig. At first, he contacted me, because he wanted a correction for one of his tattoos. I met him for the first time when he was still playing for RB Leipzig.
MJ: “You mentioned how many hours it took to get it done (...), during those hours do you ask him about stuff, trying to have a conversation, or rather sit in silence, listen to music (...) how does it work? Have you found out any behind the scenes secrets?”
TA: “ No. No, because for him, you know, it’s about relaxation. I mean, even if he doesn’t want it, we were together for 3 days constantly. Even if you are forced to be with your best friend in the world that amount of time, being as close to each other as like 5-10 centimeters, face-to-face, it can get a lot. We had a friendly conversation, I’m not trying to ask him for information (...), of course we talked about stuff, a lot of stuff, I will not say we didn’t, but I didn’t spend my 3 days with him trying to get information out from him.” 
The rest of the video was about his personal and work life, where he is currently, career, etc, nothing else about Dominik. 
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oldmacykerenew · 3 months
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Haladunk 😍 (a bogyos gyumis a mai ❤️… a tobbi regi, azok lesznek ujitva vagy takarva majd)
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newlifeprojects · 10 months
huszhuszonharom a kibaszott ev, amit irunk, de a varosi jaro- es fekvobeteg-ellato kozpontban, egy ot tombbol allo korhaz es rendelointezet penztaraban nem lehet kartyaval fizetni, mert sporolnak egy szaros terminalon(?!), es inkabb baszakodnak a keszpenzzel. az mar csak mellekes, hogy 1. kapok a szakrendelesen egy papirt, amivel az ot perc gyalogtavra levo 2. irodaban kapok erte egy masik papirt, amit egy 3. penztarhelyisegben, egy masik folyoso masik vegen kell befizetnem, ahol egy undoritoan izzadsagszagu no ul, akinek tiz centis, ketsoros, fekete fuck covid tetovalas van az alkarja belso felen, akitol kapok ket ujabb papirt, majd innen 4. vissza a szakrendelesre, ahol nem tudja az asszisztens, hogy el kell-e kernie tolem barmelyik lapot is, de arra jut, hogy nem, majd ot perc mulva felorditva az egesz folyosot, megis elkeri oket (szamla, ami az en nevemre (!!) szol es befizetesi igazolaskent szolgal)
teljes a sotetseg.
mar reg a privat fogorvosnal kellene ulnom, dehat kurvara raer mindenki, csak teljen el a nap
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