#tench x fitz
jack-the-sol · 5 years
Fantasy AU Lineup: Part 2
I return with more boys. Let’s do this. 
The Aides: 
Richard Kidder Meade/”Richie or “Kidder”: A winged man. He’s the most sensible and stable one. His wings look like a Sea Eagle’s. Unlike many others, he has a tail (covered in feathers. He considers it a pain). He joined the group after getting stranded on one of the islands from a storm and hurting his wing. Upon seeing a need for help, he decided to join the rebellion against the British Navy invading the islands. 
Robert Hanson Harrison/”Robbie” or “Harri”: Another, much smaller winged boy. He cannot hold out during storms. He has the wings of a Military Macaw and isn’t suited for spying, flying long distances, or flying in rough weather. He’s very good at delivering messages and has an amazing memory. Full rainbow (he’s gay). He saves the feathers he loses and adds them to clothes or uses them as quills. He joined later than many of the other aides after literally passing out of exhaustion on the ship from trying to fly through a storm from the British. 
John Fitzgerald/”Fitz” or “Johnny”: Definitely not a winged boy. He’s a shapeshifter, though so he can change however he likes. He has a big crush on Tench. He joined everyone when he was trying to spy on them, but seeing their cause and honesty and courage, he admitted himself and Washington accepted him to the team. 
Tench Tilghman: He was the one that kissed Fitz first and he likes to remind people of that. He’s a pretty normal human, but wickedly smart (good friends with Tallmadge and Hale) and loves books and to write. He’s so used to writing, his hand almost never cramps. What makes him so special then? He can memorize things and never forget them. It’s been proven. He once received an anonymous love message from someone and submitted it to memory before hiding it. He copies every letter he sends just in case, though. 
James McHenry: The doctor. Nobody knows how he does exactly what he does, but he can heal you up better than anyone else. He has helped many of the aides himself when they’ve broken a bone or something. Due to Madison and Alexander’s tendencies to get sick, he’s kept with the aides as an honorary one, and in his free time, he bonds with his ‘brothers’. 
 The Queen’s Rangers: A pod of Killer Whale (Orca) mermaids. They’re allies with Washington’s fleet, though their leader takes orders from no one. They have a bad habit of sinking ships and drowning men before they’re supposed to. They wear special masks and armor, though it’s unclear why. Alex isn’t exactly a fan of them. 
Captain John Graves Simcoe: Captain of the Queen’s Rangers. A merman. He happens to have been assigned to this job by Major John Andre, who is a general that got injured during a battle and forced to stay on one of the islands they’re protecting. He started dating a lovely human man named Major Edmund Hewlett after “successfully failing” to keep prisoners alive, in his own words. He finds the shorter man endearing, even when he’s being scolded. Hewlett hates how ruthless he is, but Simcoe happens to have multiple mental illnesses and needs help, which Hewlett and the Rangers happily provide. 
Major Naval Captain Edmund Hewlett: Once a British Captain, then his boat was sunk by the Rangers under the command of Robert Rogers (who disappeared soon thereafter). After being interrogated by the Continental Navy (they call themselves), Hewlett learned their cause and joined it. He was more than helpful, having experience, but he is definitely not experienced in the fantasy side of things, which the British lack. He loves Simcoe with all his heart. 
Major Naval Captain John Andre: He’s a winged man in love with a mermaid named Peggy Shippen. John got injured during a battle and returned to one of the larger islands, where he vowed his love to Peggy, who gave up her tail to be with him. Unfortunately, British Captain Benedict Arnold is out to get her instead. Andre awaits the day he can go fight him face to face again. 
More to Come! This is only the tip of the iceberg. Below: Examples of the masks and rough, uncolored sketches of the Rangers.
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