#simcoe is mentally wounded
wiedzmacienia · 7 months
@everythingheard asked: “i’m gonna fucking kill them.” (kasper)
when you’re as old as she is, centuries used to develop and hone not just magical skills but those in combat and stealth, it is not often that someone is able to get the drop on you. and yet, even she is fallible. even she, as walled off as she can keep herself, could begin to fall in love again (or was it her simply trying to capture an echo and kidding herself into believing it was love? maybe she really was a foolish girl). even she with immortality remains vulnerable to harm. can be taken out, though difficultly, by a well aimed bullet or magical attack. immorality and invulnerability were two different gifts. magic could heal her of many things, this time, however, she knows the extent of the damage is not something to brush off. it’s not something she’s going to mentally be able to bounce back from for a long while either-- though she refuses to even allow herself to go there yet.
she looks too many shades too pale, body littered with dark marks and fresh wounds that she’d woken up to a few moments before though she has vague memories of her brother finding her. of her trying to fight him weakly before realizing it was him. both her and kasper have lived long enough for him to know something of what horrors witch hunters-- especially ones from this order who enjoyed the old tortures-- subjected witches to without her needing to say it. it’s made worse by the knowledge that one of those which had inflicted them upon her had been a man she believed had loved her. how bitter a pill that was to swallow. 
(yet maybe a part of her had doubted him all along for she had refused him any knowledge of her own order or her family that had been bore from her union with the man she had truly loved in an all encompassing way.)
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it hurts to move and yet she forces herself into a sitting position as if to spite the very injuries that threaten her. it’s going to take fucking weeks for her to recover even with magical intervention. 
she supposed part of that was due to how depleted of her power she had become. and it had been so much worse than the one other time such had happened to her because if she had ever believed simcoe a cruel man for his actions toward her during her capture in the past, james had been so much worse. how could she, of all people, let herself get taken down? how could she have allowed herself to be fooled in such an intimate fashion? by someone filled with hatred he poured into the enjoyment he took at her screams as that brand touched her skin-- hatred that had previously hidden behind sweet words. hatred toward witches and who was entirely too well-versed in how to keep a witch from using their abilities. you’d think they were back in the inquisition. 
they’d certainly enjoyed their torture techniques-- james certainly had. 
it was people like those who had taken her that gave her work purpose, to protect their world from those who would take the knowledge of the eldritch and seek to destroy it. it was something that should never have happened in the world that had been shaped by the war she'd fought in, by the partnership that had been cultivated.
“not before i do. i want their heads on a fucking spire!” she wants to do a lot more than that, wants, in the fury of her emotions, to see their blood stain the floor, everything they love to be wiped from the world, and them to hurt as much as they’d made her to suffer. and she wants to be the one to bring judgement down upon them. to bring judgement upon james. perhaps she’ll save him for last, so that he can cower in fear with the knowledge that his friends were being picked off one by one leading to him. it’d just help if she didn’t feel like shit and her body would cease with the tremble that ran through her of it’s own traitorous volition. 
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jack-the-sol · 5 years
Fantasy AU Lineup: Part 2
I return with more boys. Let’s do this. 
The Aides: 
Richard Kidder Meade/”Richie or “Kidder”: A winged man. He’s the most sensible and stable one. His wings look like a Sea Eagle’s. Unlike many others, he has a tail (covered in feathers. He considers it a pain). He joined the group after getting stranded on one of the islands from a storm and hurting his wing. Upon seeing a need for help, he decided to join the rebellion against the British Navy invading the islands. 
Robert Hanson Harrison/”Robbie” or “Harri”: Another, much smaller winged boy. He cannot hold out during storms. He has the wings of a Military Macaw and isn’t suited for spying, flying long distances, or flying in rough weather. He’s very good at delivering messages and has an amazing memory. Full rainbow (he’s gay). He saves the feathers he loses and adds them to clothes or uses them as quills. He joined later than many of the other aides after literally passing out of exhaustion on the ship from trying to fly through a storm from the British. 
John Fitzgerald/”Fitz” or “Johnny”: Definitely not a winged boy. He’s a shapeshifter, though so he can change however he likes. He has a big crush on Tench. He joined everyone when he was trying to spy on them, but seeing their cause and honesty and courage, he admitted himself and Washington accepted him to the team. 
Tench Tilghman: He was the one that kissed Fitz first and he likes to remind people of that. He’s a pretty normal human, but wickedly smart (good friends with Tallmadge and Hale) and loves books and to write. He’s so used to writing, his hand almost never cramps. What makes him so special then? He can memorize things and never forget them. It’s been proven. He once received an anonymous love message from someone and submitted it to memory before hiding it. He copies every letter he sends just in case, though. 
James McHenry: The doctor. Nobody knows how he does exactly what he does, but he can heal you up better than anyone else. He has helped many of the aides himself when they’ve broken a bone or something. Due to Madison and Alexander’s tendencies to get sick, he’s kept with the aides as an honorary one, and in his free time, he bonds with his ‘brothers’. 
 The Queen’s Rangers: A pod of Killer Whale (Orca) mermaids. They’re allies with Washington’s fleet, though their leader takes orders from no one. They have a bad habit of sinking ships and drowning men before they’re supposed to. They wear special masks and armor, though it’s unclear why. Alex isn’t exactly a fan of them. 
Captain John Graves Simcoe: Captain of the Queen’s Rangers. A merman. He happens to have been assigned to this job by Major John Andre, who is a general that got injured during a battle and forced to stay on one of the islands they’re protecting. He started dating a lovely human man named Major Edmund Hewlett after “successfully failing” to keep prisoners alive, in his own words. He finds the shorter man endearing, even when he’s being scolded. Hewlett hates how ruthless he is, but Simcoe happens to have multiple mental illnesses and needs help, which Hewlett and the Rangers happily provide. 
Major Naval Captain Edmund Hewlett: Once a British Captain, then his boat was sunk by the Rangers under the command of Robert Rogers (who disappeared soon thereafter). After being interrogated by the Continental Navy (they call themselves), Hewlett learned their cause and joined it. He was more than helpful, having experience, but he is definitely not experienced in the fantasy side of things, which the British lack. He loves Simcoe with all his heart. 
Major Naval Captain John Andre: He’s a winged man in love with a mermaid named Peggy Shippen. John got injured during a battle and returned to one of the larger islands, where he vowed his love to Peggy, who gave up her tail to be with him. Unfortunately, British Captain Benedict Arnold is out to get her instead. Andre awaits the day he can go fight him face to face again. 
More to Come! This is only the tip of the iceberg. Below: Examples of the masks and rough, uncolored sketches of the Rangers.
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greenofallshades · 7 years
@apolla-savre said:
I’m not defending Caleb for his actions. I was angry with him for doing them, i vehemently disagreed with him for doing it and cheered when he got called on them. Historically speaking, what Caleb did to Simcoe was pretty standard in terms of interacting with the enemy who had information you wanted. (Aside from Simcoe’s rank, that is. Officers were usually exempt, but it did happen.)
Yes, spies were executed, but they were supposed to get a trial. And the right to a trial was something Americans supported - John Adams defended the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre. In the Declaration, Judicial issues were raised as being evidence to the need for Independence.
In regards to Simcoe’s PTSD, I don’t deny that he probably has it. But even those with PTSD are responsible for their actions unless they are not mentally present at the time (such as if in the middle of a flashback and unaware of what’s real and what’s not). He’s still responsible for murdering people, unless you think he’s not of sound enough mind to understand what he’s doing and all evidence suggest he does know.
Yes, actually, I do know what it is like to be stalked.
It’s threatening when someone is standing outside your door for no apparent reason. It’s threatening because you are vulnerable at night, alone. You don’t know what they want but if it were for any legitimate reason (needing to talk to you, on their way to the bathroom or for a snack, or just unable to sleep and wandering around from boredom) they don’t stand outside your door and just stay there. It’s creepy.
She’s not as afraid of him as she was, but when she tells Abe that Simcoe’s gone through her things, that he stands outside her door, she’s clearly frightened of him. You can hear it in her voice, see it on her face. But it took a while and it took Anna finding her own agency with the ring to learn that she could be brave enough, be tough enough. But even then, when Simcoe comes back and intends to billet at her house, she turns to Hewlett for protection. She might not be as afraid of him, but there’s still some fear.
Simcoe probably thinks he loves Anna. But abusers think themselves as the victim, it doesn’t mean they’re right. I admit that it is my opinion that Simcoe doesn’t love Anna, not real love, but I base that upon what I’ve seen of him and what I know of love.
And no, he actually does not back down/give up. He knows she doesn’t want him, prefers Hewlett, and he sets up the whole thing with the rebels for the purpose of being on the rebound.
But to the crux of the issue, please do repeat yourself but kindly rephrase when you do. That’s what this whole thing is about - I don’t understand how pleasing the partner you intend to murder makes it any better. Is it that you’re more interested in character development and therefore the scenes further explore Simcoe? Do you believe it makes him a better man? Andre seemed to care about Philomena’s pleasure. And while I’m sure it wasn’t the greatest sex ever (gunshot wound and being his first time) I’m sure Ben wanted to please Sarah, he certainly is shown to care about her - both in how he held her, how he watched her afterwards with confusion and tried to reassure her that it meant something. Please do repeat your position, I have read your posts and I still am genuinely confused as to what your meaning is.
I think I understand why you don't understand my point of view, but first I want to address a couple of things in your post.
If you know what it's like to be stalked, then you know that Simcoe did not stalk Anna.  First, her statement that she heard him outside her room at night.  That was at the beginning of the series, before I was really a Simcoe fan, but even then when she said it, my reaction was, "Yes, and---?"  I mean, it's a hallway outside a door.  What was he doing out there?  There really wasn't much to do.  Could he have been leaning against the wall taking off his boots?  Hell, who knows.  It's hard to imagine him just hanging around outside the door, trying to, what---hear her breathe?  Through a heavy wooden door?  I never understood the dire threat.  She never said he "stayed there", just that she heard him outside.
Anna was never the timid type.  She asserted herself just fine from the start.   This is the woman who marched up to Hewlett and demanded justice for her servants.   She didn't need experience with the ring to build up her courage or confidence; it was already there.  If she were truly afraid of Simcoe, she wouldn't have deliberately led him on after the duel.  Remember?  She touched him, clearly made him believe there was a chance of a future for them.  Now, what stalker victim does that?  Come on.
Anna was no victim.
Logically there was no reason for her to fear Simcoe.  In S1, he put his hand on her arm and offered her his protection.  Okay, she didn't want him to touch her.  Fair enough.  Like I said earlier, Simcoe and boundaries have a passing acquaintance.   Then he gets captured, and when he comes back to Setauket, he goes to see Anna.  He believed Abe raped her and he beat the crap out of him, which is always a plus.  Then the duel, and that's pretty much it for S1 Anncoe interaction.  There's been no stalking behavior whatsoever, and no reason for Anna to be in terror of Simcoe.
Season 2 opens with Simcoe writing a poem to his love.  He rides back to Setauket, understandably eager to see her.  He walks up to talk to her and is perfectly sweet, handing her a dropped bucket.  Really scary stuff there, right?  Although Anna seems to react as if a snake were about to bite her.  Silly. Next episode we see Simcoe at the tavern.  He lights up when he hears Anna's voice and goes into the kitchen.  She seems to have mysteriously lost her recent terror of him and seems vaguely annoyed instead.  He takes a heavy trunk upstairs for her, and as thanks, he's told that he's a lousy fuck and will never be half the man the oyster major is.  Was he being a little controlling by insisting she take his room?  Yeah. However, it could have been handled with more grace.  
After that, we have Anna apparently thinking she's dealing with a moron who somehow forgot all of that and will do her bidding if she wears a low-cut dress, but you don't play a playa.  Simcoe decides to kill Hewlett because that's Simcoe.  Being a Simcoe fan, I'm fine with it. It doesn't work, but before that becomes apparent, Anna goes into Simcoe's arms--forgetting again, I guess, that she's supposed to be afraid--and cries on his chest.  It isn't clear that she wouldn't have stayed with him if something she thought better hadn't walked in the door.  Again, Simcoe is cockblocked and used.  And that's it for Anncoe, seemingly, except for one throwaway remark in S3.  So yes, he certainly did give up.  
When you say Simcoe is a stalker, there's nothing to support that claim.  He is absolutely not an abuser; I'm sorry, but that's totally ridiculous.  When you say he didn't love Anna, it contradicts remarks from the show's writers and from Samuel Roukin, as I said before. There is no evidence that supports the idea that Simcoe is incapable of love; there are only those who want to believe he is not.  In fact, it seems Lola is the only woman smart enough to recognize he's not only capable of it, he longs for it (as he said in S2).  She has him totally busted.
I think the reason you don't understand me is because we're coming from two totally different points of view.  I love history, but I don't watch TURN as though it's a documentary.  It's taken enough liberties with history to make that impossible.  But I'm not complaining.  It's a fangirl's dream.
Same with Roukin's portrayal of Simcoe.  There's a lot of crap that gets thrown around and sometimes the record needs to be set straight, but I'm not looking to make Simcoe a better man or anything like that.  In fact, I'd be perfectly fine if they hadn't decided on a redemption arc for him---I don't think he needs one.  He does what he thinks is necessary to get the job done, and he's usually pretty efficient.  I don't compare him to Ben or to anyone else on the show, because I don't want him to be like anyone else.  
We've talked about Lola and Simcoe, and, with respect to you,  I truthfully don't see any point in going around and around  because we're coming from different places. I think you may be expecting me to justify Simcoe's actions in some way, or to tell you that I want him to be different. I'm not, and I don't.  He's Simcoe, and for his fans, that's enough.  My blog header says it all.
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