#tempest ie
kpopformylife · 1 year
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❀˖°Hanbin from Tempest 
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watashinohikari-8 · 1 year
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It's my 1st anniversary as an iE!
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jebeplanet · 8 months
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myboyfriendjake · 9 months
if tempest don't blow up with 'dive' when they eventually release it officially i will be disappointed
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tanniluv · 2 years
lovely lovely
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tovaicas · 14 days
btw when I say like. rouvastre’s partial-sin eater scale growths I don’t mean scales in the soft and flexible and supple sense I mean like straight up bone
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kpopallday24 · 8 months
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ddanaedit · 1 year
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bangtan-nizando · 2 years
Premiação brasileira anual de KPOP & KDRAMA idealizada pelo portal de opinião K4US. O PAK tem o objetivo de entreter e fazer uma ligação entre Brasil e Coreia do Sul , premiando personalidades e atos favoritos do público nacional.
Os ganhadores serão eleitos pelos fãs que podem votar 1 vez por dia em seus favoritos em mais de 20 categorias. Ainda este ano, será sorteado 8 pares de ingresso para o HALLYUCONN 3ª EDIÇÃO – SUMMER EDITION! https://k4us.com.br/pak2022 
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amuseoffyre · 9 months
You've mentioned that the quote "There will come a tempest, and darkness, and great storms and the dead will leave their graves and walk the earth once more and there will be great lamentations. Every day, it’s getting closer" from Gabriel/God is a mash up of different bible quotes about the second coming. Do you know which ones? I'd love to see an in depth analysis of this, it seems super important, but I haven't seen a lot of talk in the fandom. Who does the tempest refer to? My apologies if you've already talked about this in your metas.
There's stuff scattered all over the place, so I'll try and find the ones I can remember:
And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. (Revelation 16:18)
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first (Thessalonians 1:4)
And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. (Luke 21:11)
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. (Matthew 24:21)
You can see they all share a very similar vibe of "ALL WILL BE BAD AND EVERYONE WILL BE IN DISTRESS"
There's also a lot of stuff in/around the death of Jesus with similar terminology and metaphors with saints crawling out their graves and things like that. But especially the Revelation quote - that's the book mentioned in season one of the show. Aziraphale owns a signed copy of the scroll of St. John of Patmos (aka the saint who wrote the book of Relevation, which is the Go-To text for the end of the world stuff).
Generally, I think the whole little speech is foreshadowing the Second Coming (aka the plot of season 3), because a lot of those quotes are direct references in the Bible to the death and return of Jesus.
However, I'm also pretty much sure this is God speaking directly through Gabriel, because if you listen, there's a second voice - a female voice - overlaying his. Gabriel was always her messenger and I have this whole other theory about God's absence from this season and the significance of Gabriel saying his memory is "everywhere". I think he's catching fragments of God's memories and spouting them, ie. the prophecies and things she has said to prophets. He quoted what she said to Job first and now this? Not a coincidence.
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aloevhello · 10 months
Spoilers for Spider-Man 2099 comic run
Considering that the Spiderverse trilogy acts as a meta commentary on Spider-Man comics, I find it interesting in how this commentary applies to Miguel in both his comics and the films.
(Note: Everything is speculation).
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At the end of Into the Spiderverse, we see Miguel in his Spiderman 2099 suit that’s based on the original 90’s run of his series. From that the audience can conclude that this particular Miguel is from the original 90’s run of Spiderman 2099. Also important to note that this 90’s run was cancelled, causing the series to end on a cliffhanger with many of Miguel’s interpersonal relationships being unresolved and him ending up alone. With Miguel in the post-credit scene of “Into” jumping into another dimension to form the Spider Society, the film is providing an in universe explanation on why the Spiderman 2099 90’s run ended on a cliffhanger, which is that Miguel essentially opted out of the narrative being written for him. Instead of dealing with the messiness of his relationships from his civilian life, Miguel prioritizes his duties as Spider-Man by going dimension hopping and starting the Spider Society to stop multiversal threats.
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Connecting to Across the Spiderverse, we see Miguel reminiscing on how he went to an alternate dimension and took on the identity of another version of himself that has a family (ie. his daughter Gabriella). This could be referencing the 2014-2015 comic run of Spiderman 2099 where Miguel has a family (ie. his son Gabriel). The flashback not only shows more depth for Miguel’s character, but also alludes to his lack of a stable family life from the 90’s comics and him trying to rectify that in this alternate dimension (ie. Miguel fixing his relationship with his brother Gabriel by having a child named after him). This could extend to Miguel resolving his romantic relationships, that’s always been a point of contention, by potentially ending up with Tempest Monroe (from the 2015 run), Dana D’Angelo (his Gwen Stacy from the 90’s run), or Xina Kwan (his MJ from the 90’s run).
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Despite Miguel’s insistence on “canon,” the fact that he exists is antithetical to this belief since his story should have ended due to the 90’s series’ cancellation. This could also explain why this Miguel dons a completely new physique and suit, along with having sketch lines in his design as he’s essentially writing a new narrative for himself.
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I have not read the 2014-2015 volumes of the 2099 series, but from what I heard, these volumes completely deviated from the original 90’s run, with the majority of series being set in 2015 with Miguel having a happy ending with Tempest and their son by living on a remote island after his reality has been destroyed (an inverse on how ASTV Miguel inadvertently destroyed the alternate dimension). From a writing standpoint, it’s interesting to see a futuristic character adapt to modern times, but from a character standpoint (where the 90’s and 2014-2015 issues are in tandem with one another), Miguel seems like he’s going to the past to escape his past that takes place in the future. With ATSV Miguel choosing to live in an alternate dimension where he’s happy and has a stable family life, it parallels the way the 2015 run kinda ignores the 90’s run and just lets Miguel be happy. While it’s a nice sentiment, it prevents ATSV Miguel from fixing the interpersonal issues that plagued him in his home dimension and thus truly achieving a balance between responsibility and love that all Spiderpeople learn.
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Beyond the Spiderverse will likely end with Miguel joining Miles’s side or the two finding a healthy balance point regarding canon events. However, I figure that besides Miles (and Gwen!), out of anyone who should oppose the idea of canon events, it would be Miguel as his canon story that is likely based on his 90’s run and has already been set in stone due the comics’ real-life cancellation. This in turn causes his character to end up alone and his narrative to end on an unfulfilling note (kinda mirroring Peter B’s starting point in Into the Spiderverse). By lacking a resolution, combined with the guilt of destroying an entire universe for the sake of achieving such, ATSV Miguel is left jaded and gives into the fatalism of the Spider-Man narrative by living a life based on sacrifice. But just like how Miles inspired Peter B and Gwen to no longer be constrained by the narrative of isolation that entails from being Spiderman, maybe Miguel can learn from Miles that he can move beyond the constraints of his cancelled run and in live his own universe where he can write his own happy ending.
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eslanes · 1 year
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(thanks @faerie-tempest)
Okay I went a bit wild and did the whole challenge for Devon's family. This was really fun and I highly encourage doing this one!
(See below the cut for who's-who!)
Devon Grace (the influencer + cousin who's getting married) - The reality star, social media influencer and adult entertainer we all know and love! She's also getting married to her new boo, unbeknownst to him.
Stavros Pantazis (the new bae) - Literally new new, they met less than a sim-week ago and are now expecting a little terror of their own. No one will bother remembering his name and Grandma keeps calling him "Vlad".
Briar Rose Grace (the quiet judgmental youngin') - Devon's daughter. What can i say, she's a saucy little shit lol.
Brianna Grace (the competitive sibling) - Devon's younger sister and a bit of a brat in her own right.
Mary-Jacqueline Grace (the instigator) - Devon and Brianna's mother. She's a chainsmoking, hard-drinking hot mess of a broad. She's been known to get into fist-fights with grown men (and win, of course).
Catherine Grace-De la Roca (the cool aunt) - Mary-Jacqueline's twin sister and the only reason Devon and Brianna turned out half-sensible. Art teacher and travel enthusiast.
Rodrigo De la Roca (the world's most interesting uncle) - Catherine's husband and walking encyclopedia of weird and random knowledge. Has some kind of bizarre story for every occasion. Don't ask him to tell the thumb story.
Gabi De la Roca (the holier-than-thou student) - Teenage terror with brains to burn. She's banking on a full scholarship to Britechester to get away from her unhinged family.
Enid Grace (the family recipe gatekeeper) - The matriarch of the Grace family. Rules the kitchen with an iron fist. Whatever you do, don't ask for her rhubarb pie recipe.
Tony Grace (the overly-supportive grandparent) - Enid's husband and family patriarch. Wanna join the circus? Drop out of college? Kill someone? Grandpa's got your back (and probably the shovel).
Ronnie Grace (the bitcoin uncle) - Tech nerd and the lamest guy you will ever meet. Somehow his family hasn't left him for his constant rants about blockchains. May or may not have lost half his savings from investing in Llamacoin. Mary-Jacqueline and Catherine's younger brother.
Keisha Grace (the nosy relative) - Somehow still married to Ronnie (but doesn't know about the Llamacoin yet). Actually loves family gatherings because she gets all the dirt to gossip about with her friends later.
Niko Grace (the peacemaker) - Ronnie's son from his first marriage, at 31 he's still "finding himself" (ie: unemployed musician living in his parents' basement). You can probably find him outside of a family gathering trying to push weed on his younger cousins.
Grayson Grace (the golden child) - It's really not hard to be the golden boy when your older brother sells weed to children.
Tabitha Loveless (the passive-aggressive auntie) - A widower, Tony's older sister and Devon's great-aunt. Tabitha may or may not have flown to the gathering on her broom.
Karen Loveless (the live-laugh-love mom) - Tabitha's daughter. Cheerful to a fault, but please don't ruffle her couch cushions or you will face the wrath of God. Has been in a 17-year old standoff with Aunt Enid over that goddamn pie recipe.
Eddie and Jason Loveless (the d.i.n.k.w.a.d's) - Karen's son and son-in-law. They just got back from a cruise and can't wait to tell you all about it. They're really living their double-income-no-kids-with-a-dog life to the fullest. They considered leaving because their precious pooch, Tangerine, was not given her own place setting.
Kurt Loveless and Monica Song (the anxious new parents) - Eddie's twin brother and his fiancée. Just welcomed a bouncing baby boy, Chevron Fritz Loveless. Baby Chevron is so special that he spends 18.5 of 24 hours a day screaming his sweet little head off. If it weren't for his mother Karen, Eddie is convinced he would kill his twin brother and take over his life. Monica showed up to the reunion with baby shit on her shirt and is unfazed.
Kelly Loveless-Strong (the wino soccer mom) - Tabitha's other daughter and Karen's younger sister. She's convinced her precious boy is going to make it to the World Cup (that is if he can get tf off of Twitch). Fun fact: there's definitely wine in that coffee cup. Is 100% likely to get into a table-dancing contest with cousin Mary-Jaqueline later.
Colby Strong (the 'other' influencer) - The family still doesn't undertand how Colby got famous for playing videogames but they are all so proud anyhow, even if he is pissing away his opportunity at being a world-class athlete. Most definitely out back smoking weed with cousin Niko.
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jebeplanet · 2 months
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myboyfriendjake · 9 months
TEMPEST - DIVE|Dance Practice Video
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So wait a second, we see Miguel mourning his daughter but what about his wife? What happened to her?
Oh that’s completely up in the air— I’m not even sure who his wife/girlfriend is in the film?
In the comics, his main love interests from the 90’s run are Xina Kwan and Dana D’Angelo.
In another few comics (which I haven’t gotten around to yet sorry!!) I know his gf was Tempest Monroe, and they had a son named Gabriel/Gabri
Dana was his fiancé, then she got killed off by Venom 2099, and Xina was his ex (but they grew to be on good terms— I’m not sure if they pursue a relationship after the fact or not, so feel free to lemme know ) and Tempest and her unborn son at a time were proclaimed dead after an attack but turns out they’re fine (and Gabri becomes the next spiderman succeeding Miguel)
Maybe him and whoever his partner is ended things on bad terms or split up, or they shared custody over Gabriella, but I also think it’s very likely that she just… Died somehow. Maybe as a reference to now Tempest had Leukemia and he tried to cure her (he did! But there were major unforeseen side effects,, ie her turning into a bug lady, but things turned out aight in the end. So maybe in the movie’s universe this is a bad end scenario).
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These are the options based off what I know from the comics, but they probably also just made someone up idk 💀
Anyone else feel free to add your thoughts !!
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kquil · 1 year
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