#tem: dragon breed
travellingdragon · 3 months
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And Temeraire is making some waves, as usual.
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nighttimepatrons · 1 year
some of the homies and I were talking very small dragons who are trained to steal captains off of larger dragons. They are small enough that they can't be ridden and once they snatch their targeted captain they pretty much plummet to a larger dragon to deposit their prize and also for safety.
As I said they are smoll
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They work in teams swarming the dragon whose captain they plan to steal, screeching and darting about to make themselves harder targets to shoot but also to make it harder to see which one is getting ready to dive. They grab the captain and use their momentum rip him, harness straps and all, from his dragon.
I first imagined them to me a plain rock grey
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but maybe they seasonally change colors, or there's just a moss variant or lichen variant, as seen below
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anyway, i don't know if I'll ever draw more of these little guys, but it was fun while it lasted
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feministmetalgreymon · 3 months
The reality behind the Palworld vs Pokemon contreversy
I have been a lifelong Pokemon fan. And one thing I have observed is there are two kinds of Pokemon fans.
One type of Pokemon fan is what I call the sane fans. They acknowledge Pokemon is one game in a long line of monster taming games. They may like or prefer Pokemon over other monster taming franchises but they acknowledge those franchises legitimacy rather than dismissing them as Pokemon clones and rip offs.
The other type is the insane Pokemon fans. These are the people who will insist, despite evidence to the contrary, that Pokemon is the first and only original monster taming game. And accuse any monster taming game of being a Pokemon rip off. If a monster taming franchise looks like it might be become popular they immediately lie about it and slander it. And if it doesn't become a "Pokemon Killer" they deride it as a failure that wasn't as good as Pokemon.
I have seen these insane Pokemon fans attack any monster taming game including franchises that predate Pokemon like Shin Megami Tensei and Dragon Quest. When Tem Tem came out they swarmed social media with accusations that Tem Tem was just a lazy Pokemon clone. And now they want people to take them seriously when they call Palworld a Pokemon rip off. Yeah sure.🙄
Palworld isn't even in the same game genre as Pokemon let alone being a Pokemon clone. Palworld is a survival crafting game with a monster taming mechanic. The Pals you tame aren't just used for fighting like in Pokemon. They are also used for chores like crafting, farming, building and gathering resources. The only similarities Pokemon and Palworld shares is a small number of vaguely similar parody designs.
The only thing that has changed is that now that the Pokemon games have declined in quality. Fewer people are willing to take the insane Pokemon fans seriously. When Game Freak released Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and it was a broken buggy mess. That was a wake up call to the Pokemon fandom. They realized that blindly worshipping a billionaire dollar corporation was a bad idea. And so they started trying other monster collecting franchises like Digimon, Nexomon, Cassette Beast, Dragon Quest Monsters and now Palworld.
They realized that they were missing out on a lot of good games by worshipping Pokemon and insisting it's the best just because it's more popular. And that's when Palworld came along.
You want a monster taming game where you fight alongside your monsters. Palworld has it. You want to use your monsters for more than just fighting. Palworld has it. You want a large and challenging open world. Palworld has it. You want to play with your friends. Palworld has it. You want to build a base and watch as your monsters perform tasks. Palworld has it. You want creature breeding mechanics that aren't slow and tedious grinding. Palworld has it. You want deep creature raising sim mechanics. Palworld has it.
Despite all of the attempts to accuse Palworld of "plagiarizing" Palworld. Palworld has improved drastically on the Pokemon formula and has added more interactivity and depth to it. This is why insane Pokemon fans hate Palworld. They can't argue that Palworld has worse gameplay than Pokemon. So instead they make the issue about "originality".
"Originality" has nothing to do with how good or well done a game is. But it works as a distraction from debates about quality. By making the Palworld debate about originality they don't have to discuss how broken and buggy the Pokemon games are. Nor acknowledge any of the improvements and advances Palworld has made to the monster taming genre. Instead the debate becomes about who did what first.
The reality is it doesn't matter who did what first, what matters is who did it best.
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lucuslavigne · 4 months
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Um fofo, não é?
Shinichiro Sano × Leitora.
๑: perv!shinichiro, sub!shinichiro, dom!leitora, smut (roubo de calcinha, masturbação masculina, praise, degradação, dacryfilia, edging, oversimulation, spanking, marking, outercourse, breeding, semi public sex se a gente reparar bem, Shinichiro implora um pouco. Os avisos citados não estão necessariamente nessa ordem), outros personagens são mencionados.
Nene's note: não sei se gostei ou não, só sei que eu amo o Shinichiro 😍
Espero que gostem.
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Já era a terceira semana em que percebia a ausência de - agora - muitas de suas roupas íntimas, especificamente de suas calcinhas preferidas. Já havia perguntado a seu irmão, Wakasa, se ele as havia colocado em algum lugar diferente do habitual, mas, como já era de se esperar, o mesmo sequer havia mexido em seus pertences.
— Mas que saco! — disse enquanto fechava sua gaveta com força.
Deitou em sua cama apenas com um roupão cobrindo seu corpo, logo escutando batidas na porta.
— Entra. — respondeu, sabendo que era seu irmão.
— Shinichiro 'tá aqui. — te falou. — Menos chilique aí. — avisou, te olhando com a mesma cara de todo dia, cansado.
— 'Tá, 'tá, agora me deixa reclamar em paz. — se levantou para fechar a porta.
Shinichiro Sano é o melhor amigo de seu irmão. Líder da gangue Black Dragons, qual o seu irmão é um dos maiores na hierarquia. O Sano não é um cara ruim, ele é bastante divertido - e bonito - então a presença dele nunca te incomodou.
Os irmãos mais novos de Shinichiro também gostam muito de você! Izana adora quando você o acompanha em alguma loja de música ou de animais aquáticos, já Emma gosta quando vocês passam horas conversando sobre roupas e Manjiro se sente muito empolgado quando vê que você está prestando atenção nele enquanto ele fala sobre as brigas em que ele se meteu e ganhou. Todos da família eram uma boa companhia.
— Wakasa? — perguntou de fora do quarto, caminhando para a sala.
— Ele saiu, S/N. — Shinichiro te respondeu.
— Ah sim. — olhou ao redor. — Você quer alguma coisa para comer Shini? — o perguntou.
— Eu 'tô bem, mas, obrigado. — sorriu.
— Eu vou só beber um copo de água e venho te fazer companhia. — falou para o mais velho.
— Não precisa ficar aqui comigo se não quiser. — disse enquanto olhava para baixo.
— Mas eu gosto da sua companhia Shinichiro. — sorriu para o Sano. — Só espere um minuto.
E Shinichiro esperou. As pernas tremendo em ansiedade, ele sabia que não devia se sentir tão atraído pela irmã mais nova do melhor amigo, mas, o que ele poderia fazer se você era a garota mais linda que ele já havia visto?
O pobre rapaz já não aguentava mais, ele se condena profundamente por gemer seu nome todas as noites antes de dormir. Mas, ele não tem culpa! Você vive com seus lindos pijamas de seda com detalhes rendados, e merda... Ele sabe que você está sem nada por baixo deles. Os seus seios sempre tão convidativos pulando enquanto você sobe ou desce as escadas sempre o deixam maluco. Ou o jeito em que o short de seu pijama mal cobre a sua bunda enquanto você anda.
Porra, Shinichiro era um pervertido.
Ele se lembra de todas as vezes em que você, Wakasa e ele estavam na sala de estar conversando e ele disse que precisava usar o banheiro. Ele subiu para o segundo andar da casa e viu a porta de seu quarto meio aberta. O Sano se perguntou se deveria entrar ou não, mas, acabou entrando de qualquer maneira.
E nossa, o homem ficou encantado com seu quarto. Os pôsteres de alguma atriz que ele não lembrava o nome, a estante com vários livros, a mesa de estudos que já nem era mais utilizada e as fotos de momentos importantes para você. Mas... Espera. Por que uma de suas gavetas está aberta?
Nesse momento a curiosidade ficou muito mais alta, fazendo Shinichiro bisbilhotar sua gaveta, vendo alí, suas roupas íntimas. O Sano ficou louco vendo aquilo, e não pôde evitar pegar uma e levar até o nariz, sentindo seu cheiro na peça.
Quando escutou você e Wakasa rindo um pouco mais alto, colocou sua calcinha no bolso da calça e foi cuidar do problema que tinha no meio das pernas lá no banheiro.
— Shini? — o chamou.
— Sim? — te olhou.
— Por um acaso... — começou a falar enquanto se sentava no sofá. — ... essa aqui... — retirou sua calcinha do bolso do mais alto. — ... é minha calcinha? — o olhou séria, tentando conter um sorriso ao ver o rosto vermelho do Sano.
— É... — Shinichiro nem conseguia te responder! Ele estava tão envergonhado, se sentia tão sujo por fazer algo assim.
— Poxa Shini... — chegou mais perto. — Se queria tanto assim, era só ter me pedido. — sorriu maliciosa.
E Shinichiro teve a certeza de que iria enlouquecer. Como assim era só ter pedido à você? A garota que já estava mais do que preparado para levar um fora e adicionar à lista.
— Como? — te olhou surpreso.
— Vem. — se levantou, levando o homem com você.
O de cabelos pretos sentia o coração batendo na garganta, suava de nervosismo só por você estar segurando a mão dele, se sentindo intimidado com sua beleza. Não o leve a mal, Wakasa não é feio, mas, você e ele não tem nada em comum! Wakasa é só um cara normal, e você parece ter saído de um conto de fadas.
— Entre Shinichiro. — abriu a porta para o homem. — Já está acostumado não é? — o perguntou cínica.
E Shinichiro adentrou o seu quarto junto com você, a cabeça baixa em pura vergonha e o rosto vermelho carmim.
Assim que entraram no cômodo, o Sano sentiu o corpo ser empurrado até a cama arrumada, onde caiu sentado. Mal teve tempo para raciocinar, apenas sentiu seus lábios contra os dele, aumentando o rubor nas bochechas masculinas.
— S/N... — falou durante o beijo.
— Fique quieto e obedeça Sano. — o ameaçou. — Não acha que já aguentei demais as suas burrices? — desceu a mão até o pescoço do homem, apertando alí, vendo Shinichiro ofegar.
— Mas o seu irmão... — tentou rebater.
— Foda-se o que meu irmão vai pensar. — apertou ainda mais o pescoço de Shinichiro. — Ele finalmente vai perceber o quão pervertido o melhor amigo dele é. O que ele pensaria de você se ele descobrisse que você rouba minhas calcinhas p'ra bater uma antes de dormir? — riu da cara do Sano, o mostrando que ele não tiraria vantagem alguma na situação. Bem... Quase nenhuma.
Um gemido baixo foi escutado. Quando Shinichiro viu, você já havia abaixado as calças dele junto com a cueca. Parecia que a agilidade realmente era uma qualidade da família Imaushi.
— Se eu escutar os seus gemidos idiotas eu vou parar e você vai se virar com o meu irmão. — ameaçou. — Entendeu?
— S-sim. — gaguejou.
— Ótimo. — e então começou os movimentos do pau do Sano.
Suas mãos subiram e desciam pelo comprimento do homem, apreciando cada veia que tinha alí enquanto via o moreno morder a própria mão para não te desobedecer. Um fofo, não é? Bom, isso até o momento em que você colocou todo o membro de Shinichiro em sua boca, o fazendo soltar um gemido alto enquanto levava uma das mãos para sua cabeça. Mas aí você parou. Pobre Shinichiro.
— Eu te deixei colocar suas mãos imundas em mim? — o encarou com raiva.
— Me desculpa... — gemeu, sentindo lágrimas se formarem nos olhos afiados.
— Cale a boca. — deu um tapa na ereção dolorida de Shinichiro, fazendo o mesmo dar um gemido alto. — Eu tentei ser boazinha, mas parece que a vadiazinha aqui não tem a capacidade de obedecer não é?
— Me perdoa S/N! — te disse chorando. — Eu prometo obedecer, prometo! — apertou o lençol da cama.
— Então deite na cama e fique calado. — bateu no rosto do Sano, vendo a marca vermelha aparecer na pele clara.
E Shinichiro obedeceu, ele se deitou na sua cama, sentindo o cheiro do seu perfume impregnado alí, e quando ele te olhou ele jurou que poderia gozar.
Se o seu corpo já era maravilhoso quando você estava vestida, nua você era definitivamente uma deusa, e quando o Sano reparou na tatuagem que você tinha bem no meio dos seios, aí sim ele se sentiu no paraíso.
— S/N, por favor... — falou enquanto sentia o pau ficar ainda mais duro.
— Eu te disse para ficar calado Shinichiro. — segurou a mandíbula do homem com força.
Cansada da voz de Shinichiro, você pega a calcinha que o mesmo havia roubado e enfia na boca do mesmo, o calando.
— Quem sabe assim você fique quieto. — subiu no colo do moreno.
Shinichiro chorava mais a cada toque que recebia, ele estava tão sensível! Assim que você fez atrito entre sua intimidade molhada e o pau dele, pronto. Ele já estava revirando os olhos.
— Você 'tá pior que as putas que o amiguinho do seu irmão mora junto. — riu da cara do homem. — Você chora feito um bebê só por conta de uma boceta? — e uma mordida foi dada no ombro do Sano.
— Hmph! — jogou a cabeça para trás.
— Quieto. — acertou um tapa na face de Shinichiro, mas o mesmo apenas gemeu mais. — Você realmente é uma vagabunda. — riu. — Olha o jeito que você gosta de apanhar. — e depois de falar, você deslizou o pau do Sano para dentro de você, a fazendo ficar cheia devido ao tamanho consideravelmente grande do rapaz.
Mas Shinichiro... Ah! Ele estava no paraíso! Sua boceta era a melhor que ele já havia sentido. E quando você começou a montar nele, ele ficou desesperado, querendo gozar, mas com medo de te desobedecer, afinal, você não havia dado permissão a ele para fazer isso.
Os murmúrios que Shinichiro soltava tentando te chamar funcionaram, já que você retirou sua calcinha -agora cheia da saliva do Sano- da boca de Shinichiro.
— O que você quer cachorrinho? — puxou os cabelos negros, o forçando a te olhar.
— Eu quero gozar! — disse enquanto jogava os quadros para cima.
— Mas não vai. — se levantou, ficando do lado de Shinichiro.
— Por favor S/N, por favor! — segurou em suas mãos enquanto o corpo tinha espasmos.
— Não. — colocou uma das mãos sobre o pau sensível do Sano.
Shinichiro chorava, implorava, para que você o fizesse ao ápice. Mas ele também sabia que não seria tão fácil assim.
— Eu faço qualquer coisa! — te olhou com o rosto coberto de lágrimas.
— Ah é? — se aproximou do rosto bonito. — Qualquer coisa? — sorriu.
— Sim! — respondeu desesperado.
— Então seja um bom brinquedinho e sente na cama. — puxou os cabelos negros.
Shinichiro obedeceu sem pensar duas vezes, ele se sentia envergonhado em pensar que estava gostando de toda aquela humilhação, mas era você alí! A mulher mais linda que ele já tinha visto.
— Bom menino. — sussurrou para Shinichiro enquanto colocava o comprimento dele de volta em sua boceta, dessa vez sendo um pouco gentil.
O Sano gemeu com o contato, jogando a cabeça para trás enquanto colocava as mãos em seus quadris, se surpreendendo quando você deixou as mãos dele permanecerem alí.
Você cavalgava nele com força, sentindo cada pedaço do pau de Shinichiro dentro de você, te fazendo gemer um pouco alto, mas não mais alto que o Sano. Shinichiro gritava seu nome, o prazer sendo tão grande que ele não tinha controle algum de seu corpo.
— Você vai gozar meu bem? — o perguntou sorrindo.
— Uhum! — respondeu sem palavras, o cérebro estando fodido demais para conseguir formar uma frase coerente.
— Pode gozar Shini. — limpou as lágrimas que insistiam em cair dos olhos afiados de Shinichiro. — Me enche com os seus bebês. — beijou o moreno.
E porra... Shinichiro gozou só de escutar isso. Gemendo em seus lábios enquanto te puxava para perto, escondendo o rosto em seu pescoço.
— M-me deixa te fazer gozar. — disse fraco, enquanto beijava seu pescoço.
— Aguenta mais um pouco? — o perguntou, mordendo os lábios, com a cabeça para trás.
— S-sim. — foi a vez do Sano morder os lábios, a sensibilidade do orgasmo anterior começando a dar as caras.
Você passou a quicar no pau de Shinichiro, sentindo o seu orgasmo se aproximando, já nem ligando se Wakasa havia chegado em casa e estaria te escutando desse jeito. Você precisava gozar no pau de Shinichiro, precisava gemer o nome do melhor amigo pervertido do seu irmão.
— Shini! — agarrou os cabelos do Sano. — Eu vou... — mas não teve tempo de terminar a frase, apenas gozando fortemente sentindo a carga grossa do esperma de Shinichiro mais uma vez dentro de você. — Você veio de novo cachorrinho? — o provocou.
— Me desculpa... — te olhou com os olhos semiabertos, respirando profundamente.
— Você é um fofo, não é? — beijou o pescoço alvo.
— Shinichiro! — escutaram batidas fortes na porta. — Seu desgraçado!
Shinichiro agora teria que se virar com o Imaushi mais velho.
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a-pepper-honey · 9 months
Temeraire sketchdump cause those have been sitting in my sketch folder for too long!
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random Laurence headshot i drew absentmindedly while talking to a friend. still like it more than other, more detailed portraits i did of him
smol Laurence talking with Temeraire. they are happy and Do Not Know what a problem is
trying to figure dragons out. here's Tem because he's baby and Immortalis because Yellow Reapers are my favourite breed. scale is how i imagine it
trying to design my favourite worst girl
quick iskierka sketch. i want to make her Longer
throwback to when i was designing Little! (with a historically inaccurate shirt that tickles my brain in a bad way.)
(click to see full image) a wip that i'm not sure i'll finish but still very much love. the laurence/tharkay parallels in the books scratch my brain just right
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elexuscal · 3 months
Character ask game: Temeraire himself
First impression as a 13 year old: Oh the dragon can... talk? Right out of the shell? and not psychic talking but like. regular talking. HUH. okay. and he's a boy dragon not a girl dragon. sure??
Impression now most character of all time. he's a scholar. a warrior. a communist. the british government hates him but sucks to be them HE'S A MEMBER OF PARLIMENT
Favorite moment man so hard to pick, genuinely. deciding that he will take the cure to France, alone if he must? rousing all the dragons in the breeding grounds to fight? carrying all the survivors of the Allegiance for a full three days overseas?
Idea for a story so many tbh. i have one that i need to finish editing and posting that an excerpt from his autobiography. i have a wip of him meeting Laurence in modern day due to time travel shenanigans. also the idea for a fluffy post canon fic where Emily gives him a plushie of himself. also plugging the Blood AU where he can turn into a human he drinks blood. (you know of this of course because you are the co-writer.)
Unpopular opinion not enough fics about him. he's the name of the series. he's the deuteragonist! he's one of the two pov characters for the entire back half of the series!
Favorite relationship Laurence & Tem. they love each other so much. they inspire each other to be better But honestly Tem & whole crew. he loves them all. i think there's a lot to be said about Tem & Emily and Tem & Tharkay too.
Favorite headcanon he does find other companions after Laurence's death. they're never quite the first, but he doesn't just live for the sake of a ghost. he makes so many friends over the next two hundred years :) :) :)
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To follow-up on the other characters with this WN Dragon/Temeraire AU (because we've been talking so much about Ava & Bea & Lilith):
What are your thoughts on Camila's dragon's name? Because now I am reminded of how the Spanish football team is called La Furia Roja, and what if Cam calls her excitable dragon Furia, because that would be such a funny dissonance.
Yasmine, I think, is definitely the kind of person to give her dragon a traditional name by English standards. (I am imagining she's English.) So something with Latin roots.
Also, also, when Dora gets introduced, maybe she can have the American dragon. (I am going to push this American dragon agenda because pretty.)
Regarding the African dragons, I can't remember them allowing to be beholden/bonded with humans in such a way that they would do things for humans? They've always been their own masters, and even rule tribes/kingdoms sometimes, so I can't imagine an African dragon joining the OCS. I think there was one in Temeraire joining Laurence's company, but iirc that was under special circumstances? Or was that an Australian dragon? I can't remember now.
And circling back to the idea of one of the OCS having a Fleur-de-Nuit: what if it's not the OCS who has one but Adriel? (I feel bad villainising this dragon again, but imagine the demon army having this advantage!)
I am fully on board with Camila calling her Flecha-del-Fuego literally just rage - she would think it extremely clever: 
Cam’: ask me what i’m getting up to today, lilith?’ 
Lilith, in a long-suffering tone: ‘pray tell, what are you getting up to today.’
Cam: ‘i was thinking of going into a flying rage.’
Lilith: ‘i despise you. i resent you. i hate you.’
Cam: ‘nononono wait.’ - she climbs onto Furia - ‘if i were french i’d be en-raged.’
Lilith: ‘if only you were in the belly of a dragon.’
Cam: oh, you love me.
Lilith: *blushes and busies herself with Makaria's harness*
YES absolutely for the sheer Camila of it all it has to be Furia. & Cam dragon’s dragon is such a poseur but also very prettily coloured - black with red highlights on legs & belly & the ends of his wings - and the perfect companion for Cam because they both enjoy doing crazy loop-de-loops at high altitudes and once almost cause an international incident playing ‘dragon soccer’ (someone’s tail knocks over a cottage. probably Makaria’s). 
Yas would absolutely choose a traditional name - I have her down as from Egypt (which is nominally part of the Ottoman Empire at the time, though really only nominally, & it’s unclear based on the lore if that would be an actual place, but that area is I think under the jurisdiction of the Ottomans) but she has been in England since she was three. her dragon i’m thinking is a girl? I think she might choose an Egyptian-sounding name for her dragon, because you know that Yas is very passionate about her homeland. I like the idea of something unexpectedly short like Senu or Shay. 
i think someone should for sure have an American dragon, though unfortunately there would be many commonalities between British dragon-breeds and American ones, thanks to the fact that colonisation definitely did occur. (the same reason that there is little distinction between Irish and British native-breeds). there is not much detail about dragons native to the American continent (a bit more in Golden Age where we see that there was some mingling of draconic bloodlines, so perhaps something along those lines?) i cannot remotely think of a name for that dragon now, but it will depend on what kind of dragon it is, really. 
no, i can’t imagine an African dragon joining the OCS, though they might be willing to let the ocs assist with possessed dragons & demons from time-to-time (with a preference to simply manage it themselves, as they always have, but the ability to save possessed dragons instead of having to kill them would likely appeal). i can’t remember if it was an African dragon who joined Tem’s crew. there was Kulingile but that was the offspring of two of the Turkish ferals. 
also, yes absolutely. the Fleurs are heavyweights and fire-breathers, so it would suit Adriel perfectly. i think in this case the dragon would be possessed, but lengthily, so that there is likely nothing remaining of the original dragon’s personality. 
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jewishdragon · 2 years
I was going through my Temeraire tag and was scrolling so fast but I saw a post that said “Temeraire Pacific Rim AU” and making Temeraire an unthinking machine defeats the entire purpose of Temeraire so the idea that the Jaegers are alive and sapient has implications. Also I must imagine like, giant cyborg dragons. At the very least the brain is organic. Perhaps they grow like a brain/skull and skeleton in huge artificial egg/wombs but machinery provides the rest of the body.
Or more gruesome the dragons are hatched as normal but when reach adult size are stripped of flesh. This allows for breeding to still be a thing. And any biological advantages in a line are not removed when the dragon is mechanized. (so Temeraire's lungs are untouched, Kaziliks get to keep more of their original biological parts as they are necessary for breathing fire)
Anyways my current two questions
1) Does it still need two pilots? 2) Does Drift Compatibility now include the Jaeger?
I’m gonna say no to #1 but more than one pilot IS still a thing and Tharkay sometimes joins Laurence but also has to pilot Arkady from time to time. and
Yes to #2 because hello I want Jaeger!Tem and Laurence to drift
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celepeace · 3 years
A monster-taming game recommendation list for fans of Pokemon
Whether you're a pokemon fanatic obsessed with all things pokemon past and present, or a veteran fan disillusioned with GameFreak's recent adoption of monetary philosophies and strategies reminiscent of other major game publishers, or looking for a monster-taming fix as you await new Pokemon content...
I'm compiling here a post of little-known games in the genre that Pokemon fans are likely to enjoy!
Under readmore cause long, but some of these games really don’t get the attention they deserve, so if you have the time, please read!
(I am also likely to keep updating and editing this post)
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First up is Temtem!
Temtem is a game made by and for Pokemon fans, from the spanish indie developer Crema. Temtem is currently in early access on Steam and PS5, and is likely to remain in early access until sometime late next year. Full launch will include a Nintendo Switch release, too. Despite this, it has plenty of content to explore before full release. The developers are active, release new content on a semi-regular basis, and are responsive to the community as a whole and individuals if you happen to come across a bug you want to report.
Temtem boasts a wide variety of monsters to collect and train. It takes place in the Airborne Archipelago, a system of floating islands that orbit their star, the Pansun. The monsters inhabiting the archipelago are called Temtem, or tem(s), for short.
As far as game mechanics go, it has many similarities to Pokemon, but also many important distinctions. The biggest one, in my opinion, is that the element of chance has been removed from battle entirely. Moves cannot miss, have the same power constantly, and status afflictions have an obviously displayed countdown to when they will wear off (for instance, sleep lasts as long as it says it will last. Not 2-4 turns). PP does not exist, either. Your tems can battle for as long as their HP holds out. In place of PP, a new system called Stamina exists. Stamina is an individual stat, like HP and Attack. Each move costs a certain amount of stamina. If you go over the amount of stamina your tem has, the deficit is detracted from your health instead, and that tem cannot move next turn. Stamina passively regenerates a certain amount each turn, and items and moves exist that can heal stamina. All battles are also double-battles, you and your opponent will typically have two tems on the field at a time. This is just a few of the differences Temtem has from Pokemon, but they're some of the biggest ones.
Temtem is also a massively multiplayer game. You complete the storyline independently (or with a friend through co-op!), but in the overworld you can see other, real players moving around and interacting with the world. There is also public and area-specific chat you can talk to other players through. Despite this, all multiplayer functions are (currently) completely optional. You do not need to interact with others to complete the game.
Overall, Temtem is suitable for the Pokemon fan who is looking for a more challenging experience. Temtem is not a walk in the park you can blaze through with a single super-strong monster. For one, individual tem strength is more well-balanced than it is in Pokemon. There are very few (if any!) completely useless tems. Even some unevolved tems have their niche in the competitive scene! Aside from that, enemy tamers are scaled quite high, and you typically cannot beat them just from the exp you get from other enemy tamers. You have to do some wild-encounter grinding if you want to progress.
Temtem is a very fun game and I've already gotten over 100 hours out of it, despite only 3/5-ish of the planned content being released!
However, I do feel obligated to warn any prospective players of one thing: the current endgame is quite inaccessible. After you complete what is currently implemented of the main storyline, there is still quite a lot left to explore and do, but much of it is locked behind putting a lot of hours into the game. You kind of have to get perfect temtem to do the current PVE (and this is also somewhat true for the PVP too). By perfect I mean you have to breed a good tem and then train it to get the preferable EVs (called TVs in temtem). This takes... well, for a whole team... tens of hours. Of boring grinding. Some people enjoy it! But I don't. Regardless, the game was still worth buying because the non-endgame content is expansive and fun.
So overall, pros & cons:
Battle system is more friendly towards a competitive scene
Cute monsters
Lots of gay characters, also you can choose pronouns (including they/them) independently from body type and voice
Less difference between the objectively bad tems and good tems than there is in Pokemon
Lots of stuff to do even in early access
Most conversations with dialog choices have the option to be a complete ass for no reason other than it’s fun
Having less type variety in your team is less punishing than in Pokemon due to the synergy system and types overall having less weaknesses and resistances
At least one major character is nonbinary
Falls prey to the issue of MMOs having in-game economies that are only accessible to diehard no-life players
Related to the above point, cosmetics are prohibitively expensive
Endgame CURRENTLY is inaccessible to most players unless you buy good monsters from other players or spend tens of hours making your own. However I must add that the grind is great if you like that kind of thing and is quite easy and painless to do while watching a show or something.
Here is their Steam page and here is their official website.
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Next is Monster Hunter: Stories!
This is a spinoff game of the Monster Hunter franchise released for the 3DS in 2018. If you're anything like me, and you've played the core Monster Hunter games, you've often thought "Man, I wish I could befriend and ride these cool dragon creatures instead of killing or maiming them!"
Well now you can! In Stories, as I will be calling it, you play as a rider rather than a hunter. Riders steal monster eggs from wild nests to raise them among humans as companions and guardians. And yes, egg stealing is a whole mechanic in of itself in this game.
This game works pretty differently from most monster-collecting games. You do battle (usually) against one or two wild monsters using your own, except you fight alongside your monsters too. With swords and stuff. There's armor and weapons you can smelt to make yourself stronger. Type match-ups also kind of don't exist in this game? Except they do? But not in a way you'd expect?
The vast majority of attacking moves you and your monster use fall into categories reminiscent of rock-paper-scissors. Moves can be categorized as power, speed, or technical. Speed beats power, technical beats speed, and power beats technical. The matchup of your move vs your opponent's determines how a turn will go down. If one move beats the other in matchup, then the winner's move will get to go and the loser doesn't get to do anything. If you tie, you both get hit, but for reduced damage. There's also abilities and basic attacks, with abilities basically being the same as pokemon moves, and basic attacks just being "I hit you for normal damage within this category". Also, you don't control what your monster does all the time in battle. You can tell it to use abilities, but what kind basic attacks it carries out is determined by its species' preference. Velicidrome, for instance, prefers speed attacks, but Yian Garuga prefers technical. Stamina also exists in this game in a very similar manner to Temtem.
Overall this game carries over a lot of mechanics Monster Hunter fans will find familiar (how items and statuses work for instance). You don't have to have played a core Monster Hunter game to enjoy Stories though! It's fine and is easy to understand as a stand-alone.
The story has some likable characters and is rather long (it was actually adapted into an anime!), for those of you who enjoy a good story.
I'd really recommend this one especially. If it sounds fun to you and you can drop $30, just do it. I bought it on a whim and I got a few weeks' worth of playing almost nonstop out of it, and I didn't even get to do everything! (I got distracted by Hades, oops)
Stories is also getting a sequel later next year on the nintendo switch! How exciting!
And yes, you do ride the monsters.
Pros & cons:
Large variety of cool monsters to befriend and raise
Pretty lengthy story
Every tamable monster is also rideable
Deceptively simple combat mechanics, easy to be okay at, hard to master
Incorporates some mechanics from early turn-based party rpgs like Final Fantasy for a nice twist on the monster collecting genre
Many monsters are objectively outclassed by other ones, making what can be in an actually good team more limited than you’d expect
3DS graphics inherently means the game looks like it was made 7 years before its time
Here is the Monster Hunter Stories official 3DS product page.
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And here is Monster Sanctuary!
Monster sanctuary is a game that just had its 1.0 launch- meaning it was in early access and no longer is! Although the devs say they still plan to implement a few more things into the game in future updates. It is available on Steam, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PS4.
Monster sanctuary is a metroidvania twist on the typical monster collecting game, meaning it is also a sidescrolling platformer in which you use abilities you gain throughout the game to explore the world around you. The abilities in this case are the monsters you get! Every monster has an ability that helps you traverse the sanctuary.
Speaking of the sanctuary, the game is set in one. The monster sanctuary is a magically shielded area, cut off from the rest of the world, created by an order of monster keepers, people who befriend and protect the mystical monsters inhabiting the world. Humankind encroached too far on the natural habitat of monsters and were hostile to the native wildlife, so the keepers created an area of varied environments to safely protect and preserve the remaining monsters of the world.
Unlike many other monster collecting games, this game only has 5 types: fire, water, earth, air, and neutral. However, the types themselves do not possess resistances and weaknesses. Instead, each monster has its own assigned weaknesses and resistances. And yes, this can include things like debuffs, physical vs special attacks, and the typical elemental types.
All battles are also 3 vs 3! And unlike in pokemon, where you can only hit the enemies nearest, all monsters have the ability to hit any opponent they want. Turns also work a little differently in that speed doesn't exist, you just use 1 move per monster in your turn and then it goes to your opponent's turn. Your monsters hit in whatever order you want them to.
There is also a quite important combo system in this game, where every hit builds a damage multiplier for the next. Moves often hit multiple times per turn. Healing and buffing actions also build this combo counter. So what monsters you have move in what order really counts!
But the main mechanical difference between this and other games in the genre is how it handles levels and skills. Instead of learning a set move at a certain level, this game incorporates a skill tree, and you get to allocate points into different skills as you grow stronger. And jeez, these skill trees are really extensive. Monster sanctuary is a theorycrafter's dream. Each monster has a unique, specially tailored skill tree, making every monster truly able to have its own niche. You can make use of whatever monster you want if you just put thought into it!
And like Temtem, this game is not made to be beatable by children. I'm sure a child could beat it, but it's not made to be inherently child-friendly like pokemon. It's honestly quite difficult.
On top of that, you are actively encouraged to not just be scraping by each battle. Your performance in battle is rated by an automated system that scores your usage of various mechanics like buffs and debuffs applied, type matchups, and effective usage of combos. The rating system directly influences the rewards you get from each battle, including your likelihood of obtaining an egg from one of the wild monsters you battled (no, you don't catch wild monsters in this game, you get eggs and hatch them). If you're not paying attention to how the game works and making good, effective use of your monsters, you'll have a hard time expanding your team!
The music is also really good, it's made by nature to be able to play over and over and not get old as you explore each area, and the composer(s) really did a good job with this. Some area songs, namely the beach one, I especially enjoy, so much so I've actually played it in the background while I do work.
This is a game I would really recommend. If I made it sound intimidating, it is by no means unbeatable, you're just gonna have to put some thought into how you play. At no point did I actually feel frustrated or like something was impossible. When I hit a wall, I was able to recognize what I did wrong and how I could improve, or I could at least realize something wasn't working and experiment until I found a solution. It's challenging in a genuinely fun, rewarding way.
Pros & cons:
Extremely in-depth combat system
I genuinely don’t know if there’s an objectively bad monster in this game
Evolution exists but is completely optional, as even un-evolved monsters can be great
Entire soundtrack is full of bangers
Large and diverse variety of monsters to tame
Story is a little lackluster, but passable
That’s the only con I can think of
Here’s a link to their Steam page and the game’s website.
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A kind of unorthodox recommendation is the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series!
Likelihood is that everyone reading this has heard of this series already, but just in case anyone hasn't, I thought I'd include it! I would categorize this as a hybrid between the mystery dungeon genre and the monster collecting genre, because you recruit pokemon as you play and can use those pokemon on your team!
If you're unaware, the mystery dungeon genre is a small subset of dungeon crawler games where you progress through randomly generated levels called mystery dungeons. Throughout the dungeons, there will be enemies to fight and items to collect. The challenge of these games is mostly due to the stamina aspect of them, in that you have to manage your resources as you progress through the level. If you go all out in each fight, you will inevitably lose quite quickly. You have to learn to win against enemies while balancing your use of items and PP, so you have enough for the next fight, and the fight after that.
Pokemon mystery dungeon in particular is famous for its stories, the likes of which isn't seen often in Pokemon games. They are hugely story-driven games and are notable for the emotional depth they possess. It's pretty normal for the average player to cry at least once in the span of the game. There's lots of memes about that specifically.
This entry in my list is also unique for being a series. So, which one should you play first? It actually doesn't matter! Each storyline is entirely self-contained and requires no knowledge of prior entries. The quality of each entry varies and is a point of contention among fans. I say you should play all of them, because they all have their merits (though some more than others.... coughgatestoinfinitycough). They're mostly distinct for the generation of Pokemon they take place in. Rescue team is gen 3, Explorers is gen 4, Gates to Infinity is gen 5, Super Mystery Dungeon is gen 6, and Rescue Team DX is a remake of a gen 3 game but has the mechanics and moves of a gen 8 game.
My only real caution is that you play Explorers of Sky, not Darkness or Time. Sky is basically a combination of the two games with added items and content. It's an objective upgrade over its predecessors, and I honestly wouldn't waste money on the other two. 
I’m not going to include a pros and cons list for the PMD series because I’m incredibly biased and it wouldn’t be an honest review.
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Next is Monster Crown!
Monster Crown is a monster collecting game that seems to take heavy inspiration from early-gen Pokemon games in particular. It is currently in early access on Steam and is not expensive. I learned about it through the developers of Monster Sanctuary, when they recommended it on their official Discord.
The game has lots of charm and interesting creature designs, and an entirely new take on monster typings as well. Instead of monster types being based off of natural elements like fire, water, electricity, etc. Monster Crown uses typings that seem to be influenced by the personalities of the monsters. For instance, Brutal, Relentless, and Will are all monster types!
It also captures a lot of the charm many of us look fondly upon in early GameBoy-era games. The music is mostly chiptune, with some more modern backing instruments at times, and the visuals are very reminiscent of games like Pokemon Crystal in particular. Monster Crown is definitely the monster collecting game for fans of the 8-bit era!
The thing that stands out the most to me about this game is the breeding system. Instead of one parent monster passing down its species to its offspring, you can create true hybrids in this game.
However, it is very early access. I would consider the current build as an alpha, not even a beta yet! So temper your expectations here. I have not encountered any major bugs, but visual glitches here and there are quite common. The game also could definitely use some polish and streamlining, and is quite limited in content currently. But the dev(s) seem quite active, so I fully expect these kinks to be worked out in time!
The reviews are rather positive, especially for being in early access. I'm all for expanding the monster collecting genre, so if you're looking to expand your horizons in that sense, I would recommend you at least give this one a look! I personally had quite a bit of fun playing Monster Crown and am going to keep an eye out for updates.
Pros & cons:
Charming artstyle, appealing monster designs
Faithful callback to a bygone era of gaming
Controls are fairly simple and easy to get the hang of (and are completely customizable!)
Cool breeding and hybridization mechanics
There's a starter for each monster type!
You can choose your pronouns, including they/them!
Inherent nature of being very early access means can be clunky and unpolished at times
Also not much content as of right now, see above
User interface could use some redesign in places
Here’s their Steam page and the official website!
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Here’s an oldie but a goodie, Azure Dreams!
This is one I actually haven’t played, mostly because it’s really old and therefore only practically accessible if you play it on an emulator, unless you're one of those old game collectors. Azure Dreams was developed by Konami and released for the PS1 in 1997. My impression of it was that it either didn’t sell well or only took off in Japan, because it’s actually really hard to find any comprehensive information about it on the internet.
Azure Dreams is a monster collecting - dating sim hybrid. You can build relationships with various characters and can pursue some of them romantically, although that isn’t the main draw of the game. There is also a stripped-down version that exists for the GameBoy Color, which forgoes the dating portion of the game entirely.
Azure Dreams is kind of like a mystery dungeon game in that you progress through a randomly generated, ever-changing tower using the help of the familiars you have accrued throughout your adventure. Similarly to Monster Hunter: Stories, you yourself also take part in the fighting alongside your monsters. Each time you enter the tower, your character’s level is lowered to 1, but your familiars keep their experience. Thus, progression is made through strengthening your monsters. To obtain monsters, you collect their eggs, just like in Monster Sanctuary (which, turns out, was at least partially inspired by this game!)
Due to this game being very old and on the PS1, the visuals leave a lot to be desired... but if you can get past that, Azure Dreams has lots of replayability and customization to how you play the game. To this day, it appears it has a somewhat active speedrunning community!
If you don’t mind the effort of using an emulator, and like old games, Azure Dreams just might be that timesink you were looking for in quarantine.
Honorable mentions:
Pokemon Insurgence (or any Pokemon fangame/ROMhack, really!) is a Pokemon fangame that introduces Delta Pokemon, which are really cool type-swapped versions of existing Pokemon. It’s sufficiently challenging and has a lot of variety in what you can catch in the wild, so you can pretty much add whatever you want to your team! The story is quite good, and the main campaign is multiple times longer than a typical Pokemon game’s campaign. Download it here!
ARK: Survival Evolved is NOT a monster collecting game BUT you do get to tame and fight alongside a lot of really cool extinct species, including but not limited to the dinosaurs we all know and love. This game is genuinely fun as hell, especially with friends, but I must warn you: never play on official servers. I highly recommend singleplayer, playing on a casual private server, or making your own server. Here’s the Steam page.
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wizarddank · 2 years
Okay part 2 of episode 6 of The Book of Everyone Except Boba Fett
Didn't even get to see his son JESUS CHRIST oh my god this man WILL HIS SUFFERING EVER END
this episode is half over Boba Fett you did NOT deserve this honey.
He definitely deserved a better built story than this... You could sum up everything we know about the Mos Espa storyline in 30 fucking seconds, it's like a house made of drywall with no frame and no foundation, sad.
Hold on hold on hold on why the FUCK does Fennec know Din's name? When was it EVER said in front of her?
Who the fuck is this guy? Why is Mos Pelgo just a breeding ground for hot fucking cowboys? Oh he's the deputy.
Wow the flirting is INTENSE I might become a DinCobb truther tonight!
Dave Filoni really said "this episode is half martial arts film half spaghetti western aka Star Wars(tm)."
I have a really bad feeling Cobb Vanth is about to die. For the record I said this the second the black frame walked on screen.
Okay real talk, never saw this guy in Clone Wars but I'm sure you're all excited.
...Can I just say the way this show was structured was choppy, mismanaged and just... Unprofessional? Whole episodes with nothing but flash back or side story? Introducing twice as many new and returning characters in the last three episodes as you did in the first four? Show is called Book of Boba Fett and he is completely phased out of 2/7ths of the show? Like who planned this? It's... Embarassing.
This prosthesis and sfx work on Cad Bane's mouth is honestly slick as shit though. Too bad all the money for realistic set design went to luke skywalker's mouth.
Oh he's alive!
Timothy Olyphant is 7 miles of limbs damn he makes a good ragdolled corpse.
Sounds like they gave Max Rebo the night off and hired Portishead.
Tell me that is not all the characterization they gave Madam Garsa.
I need Luke to call him Mando JUST ONCE.
Now I really am convinced they've been reading the fic DIN GETS TO TALK TO ALL HIS BOYFRIENDS BUT ONE.
Wooooooow they moved Pedro to starring instead of co-starring? 🙄 Congrats king I guess.
TEM DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A LINE IN THIS EPISODE. Like even I am mad this time. Seriously what the fuck!!!
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travellingdragon · 3 months
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werewolves-are-real · 5 years
So I know you a little now to know that that last answer you gave means that probably the plague will affect him. And I don’t think just him either but Tem too, because Temeraire never became immune if he never went to China and encountered the mushroom. And now I am scared and ver very curious. I am also curious to know, what Laurence will look like? The color of the scales and what breed the wings look like n stuff. Yeah no not curious at all XD
I still keep changing my mind on the details, but I think if he takes after any dragon-breed specifically it’s the Celestials. I mean, Temeraire is causing all this to happen - subconscious or no - and of course he’d want Laurence to be as much like himself as possible
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travellingdragon · 2 months
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I apparently never posted this but here's Eroica
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travellingdragon · 3 months
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At least Iskierka is having a blast?
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travellingdragon · 3 months
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Technically this is Ahsoka for my Star Wars with dragons AU but since I originally drew her as Pascal's Blue and her design hasn't really changed, here's a Pascal's Blue ^^
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travellingdragon · 2 months
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Day 3 of the Temeraire Server Birthday Celebration: paint splatter (bonus prompt: blood splatter)
a Papillon-Noir being painted to resemble a Flamme-de-Gloire
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