#team builders
daveinediting · 11 months
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I can't tell you that every production team, every production company, embodies a healthy creative work environment.
Heck, I can't even tell you that every mom 'n pop, every small company embodies a healthy work environment. 
And don't even get me started on corporations.
What I will say is that I've met kids embarking on their careers who believed they made a terrible mistake. Who believed they chose the wrong career. When, in fact, what happened is that their first job involved working for people who are without. Who are not leaders or team builders. Who don't know how to communicate or get the best work from other people. Whose skill set is terribly sketchy. Who don't, if you haven't guessed it yet, don't actually know what they're doing.
It's not an obligation, by the way. We aren't at all forced to assume that authority and ability are characteristics that are inherently locked together. Because sometimes they're not. And when they're not, you often find a work environment that's not suitable to any serious professional's time and effort. You find that some workplaces, like certain bosses, are unworthy stewards of our time and abilities.
Kids starting out their careers don't necessarily know that.
In my career, I had the distinct, well... I got lucky. I met the right people and went to work for them. Small companies, all. Except for the one big company where dysfunction abounded but I was largely working within a good team.
The dysfunction was breathtaking, though. Serious anger management issues that really do undermine authority. Straight up toddler tantrum behaviors. Actual conduct unbecoming anyone who strives to call themselves professional.
But me? I always had good role models. Great role models and colleagues. I didn't realize it at the time, but my early career experiences fundamentally shaped the professional I am and continue to be today.
Whereas a lot of the people who grew up in dysfunctional work environments have anger issues to this day. And that anger absolutely compromises judgment, wisdom, executive function, clarity, and problem solving.
Plus, these people suck to work with. No matter how talented they're apt to be.
Let's be clear: there is such a thing as healthy and unhealthy work environments. And if you think that healthy means coddling... you most likely have no leadership skills and shouldn't actually be working with, you know, people.
Because failure.
Because in my field, at least, failure is when you miss the deadline. And when a deadline's missed the efforts of everyone involved have just been wasted.
Failure also breathes its fire when a team effort produces what everyone—and I mean everyone—recognizes to be mediocre work. Basically, it's seriously hard work, enthusiasm, frustration, anxiety, and exhaustion that produces something that's meh. 
In both cases, the efforts are rendered meaningless. Just—
So yes. The people we work for and the people we work with, profoundly affect the quality of our work and how we feel about our work. Which means some people are right for us, professionally. And some people are simply not worth our time. They can't be allowed the influence.
Now, corporate managers like to think that saying "It's not personal. It's just business." functions as an iron clad rationalization to ease the betrayal of being let go. And I understand that, of course. Corporations aren't about individuals. They're about scale. They're monoliths that move where they will, as they will, when they will. And collateral damage, chaotic messes, and broken trust, are simply factored in.
It's not personal.
It's business.
You understand, right?
Only... this is not the sound of anyone who's remotely invested in you or your career.
It's just business.
If that sounds harsh, well, I've heard the "it's not personal, it's just business" schtick live and in person as I learned which colleagues of mine had just been fired. And then most recently a client for whom I create content was left hanging through sheer benign neglect by a corporation. Not surprising, of course, because the relationships of corporations with people outside those corporations isn't of the same quality, intention, and commitment as the relationship between two professionals.
How they work together. How they cooperate, collaborate, communicate. There's a difference you can tell, is my point. There's a striking difference between working with someone who works for a corporation and... working with someone who works for a small company or as a sole proprietor.
I'm not outraged at the difference, by the way. What I am is judgemental. Not only because benign neglect is a bad look for anyone but because it's simply unprofessional. Straight up unprofessional. Because again. Authority and ability don't go hand in hand. And large numbers work against being an essential part of something, being connected to a larger purpose not just serving one, or feeling like you're growing as a professional. 
As a professional.
Lemme reel this back in, though.
How we begin our careers is crucial.
Who we begin our careers with...
Also crucial. The same crucial.
I was reminded of this truism this weekend during the 48 Hour Film Project as I worked with the team I was asked to join a coupla years ago as editor.
As I said before, I can't tell you that every production team, every production company, embodies a healthy creative work environment. What I can tell you is that for most of my adult life I worked for companies that do embody healthy creative work environments. And the weekend we just navigated is yet another example of that. 
For starters, the professionalism, experience, wisdom, and ability of the people at the top are beyond question. The mastery and experience of the people leading each area of production is also beyond question. As well, an online communication app functions as the connective tissue for the entire crew from pre-production to production to post-production and on through marketing and promotion. Every member of the team is connected in real time in this way and can be involved at times in areas outside their own. Similarly, the resources of the entire crew can be leveraged for needs like locations, costumes, props, even film titles to name a very few. 
Also, in general terms, the full crew is of a type: hard working, enthusiastic, of good humor, and completely engaged in the process from beginning to end. Even as the film's completed by only three members of the team while everyone else takes a well-deserved rest on the last day of the competition, there remains broad appreciation for the now completed shoot... as well as hope for two things: that all is going well in the edit suite and that the finish line will successfully be crossed on time.
Basically, that their efforts have meaning. That their work will be bad ass.
And oh yeah do I feel that.
My point though, is this:
Everyone. Every person who wants to participate in the creative industry in which we work should have this experience. Yes we all work the 48 without pay. But the effort we invest buys each of us a model of how the collaborative process of making a film—any genre of content, really—how that process can work.
And how it should.
It should be the rule not the exception that each of us, professionals to a person, but especially those of us just starting out... each of us should have the experience we're gonna chase for the rest of our careers right up front. Each of us should have a thorough taste of the best our careers can be first. So that we, without question, without doubt,  know what it is we're chasing and the kind of people we absolutely wish to chase it with.
Also, though...
So that we know what it is we should avoid at all times. Along with the people we need not include on our professional journey.
Of course your path is not my path just as mine isn't yours. But for sure we should, as much as humanly possible, strive to surround ourselves with people who not only challenge but help us to be better than we are right now. Full stop.
Surround ourselves.
With people.
Who not only challenge us.
But help us to be better.
Than we are right now.
Because that's how you build a career that lasts a lifetime.
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I present you the beginnings of my Engie cosplay! In the end of 2020, my bf @esebrie had made my dream come true; he made the whole cosplay and also took the photo. I really like how it turns out! Maybe you, too? #teamfortress2 #tf2 #tf2engineer #tf2cosplay #cosplay #tf2valve
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theworkshopmann · 2 months
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Buff Builder
Type: Cosmetic/Misc
Class: Engineer
Paintable: Yes
Accepted in game: no
This cosmetic was made by Steam users QuestionablyInsane, Daesdemona and Dilly. Posted on April 28th 2023, you can vote for this here!
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kirbythefifth · 5 months
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steakout-05 · 7 months
drew Engie again,,, i think my TF2 special interest is resurfacing
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(might draw this one digitally i really like it!)
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also bonus soldier sketch that i was proud of :)
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theviceenforcer · 6 months
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Team Fortress 2 (SFM) Bonk Break
The BLU team are on their break enjoying some Bonk. Well most of them anyways as Scout bought the last bottle while Sniper appears to have made some Bonk and Jarate hybrid much to Spy's disgust.
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project-sekai-facts · 4 months
do you know what determines the max power of the card? like why do some cards get 32045 and others 32047 or smth
no idea. however to my knowledge, scorers have lower total power than healers/PLs. probably on account of them having the much better skill.
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troblsomtwins829 · 2 months
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During the entirety of Team Building Exercise, Daxter is in Haven with Tess trying to keep the deeds to the Bar and the Range respectively, as well as procure a loan to made the necessary repairs to both to get them up to code (now that it's actually being enforced by the board)
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impostersyndromee · 7 months
of course they the base building task when foolish isnt logging on today
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Every time Tango shows off one of his latest builds on Hermitcraft or gives a tour of smthn he built I always think ab how he said "I'm not a builder" in Double Life and I kinda just. squint and murmur "Tango "I'm not a builder" Tek" like I'm accusing him of lying.
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toonblade · 8 months
Alright, alright, something I hardly see anyone bring up in the Linked Universe space: we have composite characters merging multiple heroes in one. Legend should not know what the devil a Ravio or Hytopia is, yet he does, since he combines the Hero of Legend and the New Hero of Hyrule. Four combines the Hero of the Four Sword, Hero of Light, and Hero of the Minish. If he were truly the Hero of the Four Sword, he wouldn't know what a Minish is, or be that short.
Everyone seems to overlook Wind being a merger of the Hero of Winds and Hero of Spirits. Everyone treats him as just a silly little sailor guy with no brains when in reality he's probably the only one in the Chain with an education, is handy with a wrench probably, and is more than likely a skilled conductor and mechanic, since he would have to know his way around steam engines for both trains and boats. His smarts would be on par with Four on a technical level!
What I'm trying to say is, if you say Legend is roommates with Ravio and Four sees the Minish, then you ought to know Wind can build a mobile bomb on wheels with some scrap metal.
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hellalijah · 9 months
blu when the emesis is blue (i came up with this style in two seconds and I love it)
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my ver of blu medic and i just drew emesis for funsies
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Chillin~ in the sun
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Pic taken by my fiancé and BLU Merc partner. Do not use without permission!
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theworkshopmann · 2 years
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Bundled Up Builder
Dress up warm for winter with this cozy sweater for our favorite Texan!
Type: Misc/cosmetic
Class: Engineer
Paintable: Yes
Accepted in game: No
This soft cosmetic was made by steam users NeoDement, Sims_Doc, FiveEyes and Rev! It was posted Nov 20th, and you can vote for it right here!
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myz-wykkyd · 11 months
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The first of my attacks for Art fight! This one featuring the lovely Cheri, whose owned by @stitchesofsoulsart ! <3 When the other members of pink gang drew Amyntas I was almost tempted to redo my artfight and draw him instead just for the meme at this point- but gosh I loved Cheri and really wanted to do something extra special for her, so I'm sorry to my fellow ping gang members- I had to break the meme chain LOL
Anyway, thank you so much Stitches for all the kindness you've shown me throughout my time in the fandom- I can only hope this piece expresses just how grateful I am too you.
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theviceenforcer · 8 months
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Team Fortress 2 (SFM) - We're BLU
A group photo of the mercenaries for Builders League United.
Additional mercs in this universe including Miss Pauling (The Assistant), Civilian Guard Dog, The Chemist, Mercenary and Witch.
Based on a panel from the TF2 Comic.
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