jiminrings · 4 years
I'LL SHOW YOU! :> (istg-- I'm back at it again-) Also, I just wanted to request a cute vERY fluffy drabble or Seokjin! (I don't really have a specific request, but,,,,,,, maybe hybrid! Seokjin??? Idk I don't see much hybrid Jin fics-) but if you want to do something else that's totally cool too! I love your writing! 💜💜💖
a lil slice of life and a clingy hybrid!jin :D
there’s something aWFULLY wrong
jin’s a panther hybrid and although he can’t literally sniff out your emotions in the air,,., there’s something off
he’s still in bed with you that’s for sure
the bed is dEFINITELY ruined but that’s just because seokjin’s still a cat and he just wants to get entirely comfortable with how he’s laying on the sheets
normally that doesn’t bother you and you’ve managed to adjust to it!!!
jin IS awake but his eyes are just closed because anytime now,,,, anytime,,,, yOU’RE the one who’s gonna wake up first and press a kiss to his cheek and that’s gonna be his wake-up call
he could practically hear how the phone in his bedside table is just dYING to ring now but you’re still not making a move!!!
hold on
now that he thinks about it,.,. something wAS off last night
aha how could he forget that :D
jin has it in memory that you get home at 6 o’clock in the evening shArp!!!
but last night you went home at nINE!!!
that’s four hours later :(((
no worries!! he’s just gonna text you carefully, one message at a time :D
that’s perfect because he can’t let you know that he’s already yEARNING for you when you’re five minutes late at coming home
but then five minutes became ten and ten minutes because fOUR hours and by then jin was out of his mind because where could you possibly be???
you did however come home very nonchalant and reeking of very disgusting men that it repulses jin to the point he wants to gag!!!
no worries :)) he’s still gonna hug you because he did miss you and was so worried and he’s just gonna try to ignore that-
who is this?? do i kNOW — ew is that taehyung???? your co-worker taehyung and some hints of hMmM idk liquor :)))
“something you want to tell me?”
jin’s looking at you expectantly because he wants to be as level-headed as possible without trying to offend you
you’re still blank in the face and he’s nervous at that because uh-oh did he forgot an event or something??? aND you went out after work because you’re so mad at him that you can’t even face him??
oh wait maybe you’re leaving him???
oh god are you and taehyung-
“i thought i told you?”
jin’s clueless as ever because what
w hat
what do you mEAN
“tae’s birthday party. thought i texted you. must’ve had no signal when i sent it.”
...... okay then
you and jin are transparent with each other and well if something’s bothering one, then you talk it out!!
but you don’t look like you wanna talk about it
and jin thinks it isn’t the best idea to let you know that uHHh he is kind of Enraged with a capital E at the moment because you come home
a) late!!
b) smelling like another guy!!!
c) being dismissive of him with no explanation at all!!!!
how about the two of you just sleep this out, yeah? :D
in the morning it’s all gonna be good!!
no absolutely not
jin’s jOLTED awake with the alarm ringing out and he quickly stills because he can’t let you know that he’s awake right
he’s still waiting on that cheek kiss :((
your side of the bed moves and jin has to completely calm himself down because he cAn’t let you know that he’s beyond awake right now
if he pretends to be in vERY deep sleep then that means you’re just gonna have to press more kisses to his cheeks :))
he can’t let you see either that his eyeballs underneath his eyelids are moving because that’s just a dead giveaway
shuffling shuffling shuffling aaaaaand-
no cheek kiss???
well that’s just disappointing
fuck it jin’s even gonna pretend to sNORE and he’s doing it convincingly!! listen!!! look look he’s even gonna sprawl his limbs a bit and
oh okay
you’re already out of the room :)
seokjin’s yowling to himself because what is hAPPENING
what’s with you and what’s with him that he doesn’t get his morning cheek kisses!!
and then what
no pets?? no cuddles??? nO LOVE????
he’s huffing the moment it’s all dawning on hims and it takes him record time to go down the stairs and to you immediately
you’re grumpily putting together breakfast when you feel jin’s hands around your waist and you’re tEmpted!! beyond tempted actually to just give in and atleast give this silent treatment a full day’s effort
jin throws in a whine when you still look indifferent no matter how warm he’s nuzzled to the crook of your neck
still won’t budge and that makes him give you a tentative lick right underneath your ear aND
“don’t do tHAT!!”
well you finally budged so that’s nice
but you don’t sound entirely pleased with him aHa
“what did i do???”
jin asking you what HE did makes you scoff even more, angrily whisking your pancake batter that the handle of your whisk turns warm
“i don’t know, seokjin,” he visibly frowns at that because his name isn’t seokjin it’s jAGI!!!
do you want him to spell that for you???? it’s shorter than seokjin or whoever the fuck that is hmp
“how about you go ask seulgi and groom her while you’re at it???”
namjoon’s from the same litter as jin and he did tattle off to you just yesterday of how he went to visit your house the week before when you weren’t there :D
that’s a normal occurrence so you weren’t fazed at that at all
what dID faze you was that seokjin did answer namjoon but seulgi was also IN your house and you didn’t even know that
“there wasn’t — i kNOW what you’re thinking and i’m being honest but it didn’t smell like.... y’know!! if anything, seulgi’s also smelled your scent and knows when to back off and stuff!!”
what ticked you off was that you didn’t even kNOW seulgi was in your house and you had to learn it through namjoon
also learned through joon the hISTORY between seulgi and jin.,.,.
“o-oh, seulgi?? ah, c’mon jagi!! she was just visiting and it was like a — a hybrid hangout!! yeah, that’s it that’s the word :D”
jin is entirely innocent and serious about the whole ordeal but he iS nervous with how irritated you look with him
“no big deal!! we just helped each other out on a couple of heats-...”
“you are nOT helping yourself with the situation.”
“baby, we just mated a couple of times but she’s nOT MY MATE!! aha you’re my mate!!! i’m yours!!!! definitely-“
“seokjin you are still nOT HELPING!!”
jin could be a lil dense at times
and you could be too
but now you’re just plain-out seething and a lil jealous and a lil sad because that’s wAY WAY out of your ball league
that’s nature and that was before you came along and it’s not the picture anymore :(((
but it doesn’t mEAN that it still won’t get under your skin even in the slightest bit
aha jin can finally get where he went wrong :D
he’s wordlessly picking you up and you’re not even fighting him about it, only lifting your head to grumble as you know where he’s heading
jin usually goes to this corner of the house by himself and literally faces it
not because you told him to or anything like that!! it’s just what he goes to when he wants to ponder over something
usually it’s when he’s a lil mad at you and refuses to speak with you because wHY does taehyung need to smell that pungent???
“we’re going to oUR corner,” you huff and cross your arms at that but jin only chuckles and pinches your chin when you still try to avoid his gaze, “and wE’RE gonna talk about it.”
jin gracefully sits down on the floor facing the corner, plopping you down on his lap because the floor is cold
and he wants to hold you
and talk
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serowotonin · 3 years
You should try a ship your moots thing- (you dont have to if you dont want to :))
been waiting for this one.. thanks anon,,,,,, aight *cracks knuckles*
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@animebsposts + me = nothing else needs to be said bout this 😌💖✨
@ellectric-blue + kaminari = okok i know ur faves are deku, shishou, and todo bUT skdnskd idk i feel like ur energy would go well with kaminari ❓ you guys would be that cute memey couple whos also hella hot idk 😭
@iridescentscarecrow + fruit = nix, sweetie, ever since YOU made the server, i’ve seen evidence of how much u love fruit👁👄👁 see, i know u claim to be “doing this for me” but really,, u seem to genuinely enjoy it 😳 don’t be shy, embrace the fruit<3
@namaweeb + me = we’d be too powerful, but cuz it’s us we wouldn’t bother doing anything🤧 oh also we distract each other too much</3 and end up never doing work... still think we make a good ship tho😼✨✨
@itskoushi + sugawara = PLS YOU GUYS WOULD BE SO CUTE TOGETHER😭,,, dont get me wrong i also ship you with oikawa but bruh idk theres smth abt your dynamic with suga that i rlly like🥺🥺 yee i feel like you two would actually be pretty good together
@kureyama + kageyama = this isn’t just cuz of ur url ok😭🤧 i ship u with kags cuz jdfksdf i feel like ur personality would actually get along with his pretty well ?? not exactly in the opposites attract kind of way but somewhere along the lines of that...
@scorpio-in-luv + sakusa = oK IDK IF THIS IS UNEXPECTED OR SMN BUT ??? look when i think abt it,,, i feel like you guys would actually do well together. he’ll like you cuz you understand him and ur chill so yeah (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
@lilikags + shirabu = do i even need to talk abt this ship? ur shirabu brainrot is never off and ykw im willing to bet hes got 24/7/365 lili brainrot too 👀💖✨
@samthegirlnextdoor + kita = another ship i dont have to talk much about🤧 u and kita are amazing together in that ur both supportive and understanding of each other and i think thats real cute *w*
@laceymorganwrites + aizawa = so this ship doesnt even have to be romantic,,,, bcuz ace ur always looking out for us🥺 and i feel that someone like aizawa would appreciate it yk. he also cares a great deal for his students and wants what best for them,,, so in that way i feel like you two fit each other🥰🥰
@itrytowriteunderthemoonlight + kuroo = you and him would have those “smart/nerd” relationship dynamics except hes towards the science side and ur towards the literature and skdjsd I FIND THAT RLLY CUTE OKAY😭😭💕
@trenchcoatmimic + reblog button = honestly, im pretty sure u two are in a long-term serious relationship already😶😶
@yukae-rin + akashi = we haven’t talked or interacted much but i can already see you and akashi being in a rlly cute relationship,,, um idrk what else to say 🤧🤡💀
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if i missed anyone IM SORRYYY,,,, or if anyone else wants a ship too (we dont have to be moots or close) just send me an ask<3
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mrdinomaiz · 4 years
Hello there friend
The latest trend
It might just send you round the bend
But instead of hate, we do this thing
Where we fill inboxes to the brim
So grab that her, that them, or him
Those neopronoun users, thims
The xix's, nix, ne nays and grims
Send love, anon, or in-person
Tell them The Enthusiastic Crab sent yim
And never once forget to stim
- The Enthusiastic Coconut Crab 🥥🦀
I luv u now I love this so much, thanks! :’000
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