galacticlas · 6 years
TRY + idk any side chara from ml you haven't rped yet—i'll let you choose, there are so many to pick from
Send try + a character to see my lame attempt ;; accepting 
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  “ oh, um, th-thanks, marinette. “ marc stares down at the skirt, pastel with a rainbow decal on the size, perfectly sized to him since it was a marinette dupain-cheng original. their first skirt ... they feel anxiety bubbling underneath their skin, itching and burning. it was ... whatever. it was just a piece of cloth, it wasn’t some life changing thing.
it kind of was, but they’d much rather focus on something else. 
“ hey ! “ they smile a bit, sheepishly sliding a thick bundle of paper towards their friend. “ i wrote you something. “ it was cheesey and stupid, as shown by the cover ( drawn by nathaniel, of course ) of marinette holding a certain chat bridal style, him swooning into her buff arms and a determined scowl on her lips. 
“ i know you hang out with chat noir sometimes, “ which is strange in itself, but who was marc to judge ? “ and i thought you’d get a kick out of something like this. “
if she didn’t like it, they might just die.
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galacticlas · 6 years
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galacticlas · 6 years
What is Your Fatal Flaw?
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You Got: Paranoia 
It's paranoia that will destroy you. There is real danger in life, and you have most likely tasted it, but that's no reason to hold a continuous defensive stance for the rest of your life. Relax, and try to let go of the notion that everyone is a danger waiting to happen. Some are, but most are not.
tagged by: stole it from @pseudogaiety
tagging: @galacticbab, @fourtearicks, @coccinellc, @ateloist, @bottleddcddyissues, @nycfae, @violentvelveteen, @beyondxstars and whoever else uwu
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galacticlas · 6 years
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galacticlas · 6 years
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She wasn’t exactly sure what going through a portal would feel like, but it wasn’t nearly as big a deal as Pixi thought it might be. Though, she supposes that makes sense—if it felt really weird to go through portals all the time, then why would you do it? Either way, the portal is the last thing on her mind as she gazes around, bright green eyes completely blown wide at all the sights that surround the two girls. 
There are parts of Central Park that were only for the most select few, she’d heard—there were rumors flitting about back home about as quick as she herself could fly. And yet, as she stares at the sheer beauty of this world, she’s suddenly certain that whatever it is can’t hold even a single candle to the majesty of this place. Pixi has almost completely forgotten the potential downside of this world; her senses feel…weird, like sharpened and covered with fuzz at the same time. While her human glamour doesn’t completely strip, her wings slowly appear to peel away from her shoulders and arms, where they’d been disguised as tattoos. She laughs, at first breathily, then full on, almost completely drunk on the sensation of so much proper fae magic.
She’s not so far gone that she’s forgotten how she was able to get here, however, and turns around to positively beam at Morticia—flowers similar to those around them have started to bloom at her feet. “ოօгէﻨ! օհ, էհձռĸ ყօս, էհձռĸ ყօս, էհձռĸ ყօս! ” Since Morti spoke English, it’s not her language glamour that’s failing; it’s her sheer excitement. “This is so wonderful!” Quickly, she presses a kiss to Morticia’s cheek, then grabs her hand once more and begins to drag her forwards, her wings fluttering. “C’mon, we have to go see even more!”
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  there was so much beauty around them, but morti found herself only able to stare gape-mouthed at the fairy in front of her. her beautiful wings unfurling from her back, the way she looks like the reality of this universe is bending around her, illuminating her, able to carry any whim she might have as soon as she can even realize she has it ... she looks powerful, and that makes morticia weak in the knees and breathless.
because, with her power, there’s also daintiness. full bodied happiness and excitement and GLEE that highlights just how otherworldly she was. pixi wasn’t ... human. she was magic incarnate and the second morti met her she was fucked. it doesn’t help that the girl says something in another language that makes morti’s brain go fuzzy, or when she presses soft kiss to her cheek causing her face to flush, palms to sweat, and skin to hum in happiness. they were in unfamiliar territory, they had to be careful ... 
oh, but how easy it was to throw caution to the wind when you have a beautiful girl smiling at you like the sun and joyfully tugging you behind her. 
morticia giggles a bit, drunk off of pixi’s second-hand happiness, tripping along behind the fae obediently. her tongue felt heavy, like it was hard to talk, but the last rational part of her brain managed to get the words out. “ th-there’s a la-lagoon over he-here. we just, um, can’t go in th-the ... forest. “ there was a good reason for that, she was sure of it.
if only she could remember.
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galacticlas · 6 years
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        oh, okay. the answer is no, okay. awesome.
            “ how about i just stay here ? “
        one hand reaches out to the side, blindly fumbling for         the utensil drawer and anything beth could use in place         of tweezers. a metal skewer ? totally. that could work.
            “ my mom used to do stuff like this when i was little. for                splinters. “
        beth can’t recall ever getting a fistful of glass deep in her flesh.         she uses the tip to gently flick a few of the shards out; easy enough.         they probably shouldn’t use this for grilling anytime soon though –         or ever, for that matter. gross.
              the girl is so pale. morti is so SHAKEN looking, beth puts down               her instrument to pull the girl to her side, half to help, and               half to just keep her standing. blood stains the yellow blouse               quickly, but that’s fine – EVERYTHING could be fixed.
       “ honey, it’s not even that BAD – “
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  she keeps waiting for it. for the other shoe to drop, beth to stab the skewer into her hand and get mad, to leave her to clean everything up and yell and yell and yell -- but instead the woman just holds her gently. instead she calmly cleans her wound where morti is too useless to do anything. too much like jerry, in that moment. 
she keeps being nice, and that’s what finally breaks the dam.
floodgates open and wet morticia’s cheeks, her body turning into a wheezing, bloody, snottymess as she tries not to choke on her own annoying tears. “ sor-sor-sorry i di--i did --- “ she can hardly get a word out, her entire body vibrating with anxiety and weakness. 
she has to get this out, though. “ i--i’ve ha-ha-had a lot ... i’ve ... th-there was wor-worse. “ she can hardly breathe, words coming out faster and faster in traditional morticia panic style. “ i -- it’s not .. it’s not the han-hand it’s ... “ 
her voice is tiny and pathetic, warbling off at the end into another retching sob.” yo-you’re n-n-not ma-mad-mad at me ? 
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galacticlas · 6 years
After a moment, a tiny smirk appears on her face, and she waves a hand. “Please. Danger is my middle name.” It could be, since she doesn’t actually have a middle name, but the sentiment is what’s important. She fights monsters and supernatural creatures all the time—this should be no problem. And if they do run into some trouble, it’ll merely satiate her thirst for adventure. She grins, standing up. Jumping into the air, a shower of gold sparkles covers her entire body, and soon, she’s a bit more human sized. Probably better to go on an adventure when she’s not barely six inches tall.
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She takes Morticia’s hand, beaming. “Lead the way, o grand adventurer!”
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  oh god. she isn’t -- permanently small. she can get big. that made everything even worse. morticia’s got a dopey smile on, brain fueled by teenage hormones as she holds pixi’s ( soft, so so soft, so very soft, oh god -- ) hand. she wasn’t just morticia smith here, she was fucking adventure lead. she had to act like it if she wanted to impress her friend. ( which is weird that she gets so say that. morti doesn’t exactly .. have a lot of those. ) “ a-a-and awaaaaayyy weeee gooo ! “ morticia copies one of rick’s many catchphrases, diving forward into the portal with her fingers firmly laced with the pixi’s.
in a matter of seconds, as portal guns work, they’re in the middle of a seemingly abandoned field. flowers that don’t exist in their dimension sprouted around, some taller than morticia even, and all bright and colorful and wonderful. the sun is shining bright and the clouds are fluffy, grass as vibrant and green as the stuff you find in easter basket. the sky is the brightest blue you’ve ever seen, and there’s sound of water rushing somewhere in the distance, surely the source of the cool breeze and clean smell. it’s beautiful.
it’s only a hint of what this world has to offer, and that alone is promising. 
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galacticlas · 6 years
@galacticlas​ is a marshmallow baby ;;
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       “ HOW did you manage this ? “
             hell, beth had turned her back for one second –               and the next a thousand shards of glass are decorating              the floor, the tabletop, and her daughter’s hands.              if she ever had any doubts that jerry was the father… 
       beth takes the girl’s wrist gingerly as she approaches,         timidness in her stride that beth mistakes for PAIN or        even shock at the latest turn of events. the blonde         can’t BLAME her – it doesn’t look like the greatest of         times.
            “ does it hurt ? “
        the older directs morti’s hand towards the kitchen sink, blood dripping         across beth’s knuckles and down into the stainless steel. better there         than the floor. her free hand comes up to settle upon the small of          morticia’s back, unconsciously absently trying to extend SOME form of          comfort. 
            “ here, stay here, i’ll go get something to get the glass out.                can you stand here by yourself ? “
        the last thing she needs is to come back to a morti, sprawled          out on the kitchen floor in a hollywood-style faint. 
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  “ i--i didn’t mean -- i--i di-di ... “ morticia stammers off, assuming beth’s exasperated tone was more or an annoyed and angry one. she broke everything, she was going to be in so much trouble. and this beth wasn’t even legally obligated to keep her, she could toss her out at anytime and then --
morticia winces as beth takes her hand, her lungs and eyes burning and her chest feeling heavy. she almost has a protest on her lip, almost, but instead swallows it down. she deserves it, she deserves -- to be gently led to the sink and have her back rubbed while conforting noises are made. what ... what . 
morticia’s staring down at her red hand, at the red beth doesn’t seem to be disgusted by drenched over her own knuckles, at the way she very much wasn’t ... flipping out about this. she was being calm and caring and talking about helping her clean up. 
thick hair bobs as the girl nods, skin numb and stomach twisting as she watches the blood drip drip drip. “ mmmhmm. “ no, no she wouldn’t be. the second this fully registered with her she would be the opposite of that. 
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galacticlas · 6 years
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Almost immediately, she perks up a bit, bright green eyes widening and wings actually twitching a bit. “You’d do that?” Of course Pixi is curious—despite initial reservations of a world ( or worlds ) entirely run by fae, her natural inquisitiveness has already decided it wants to know more; or at least just see how pretty it would be. While Pixi is still a sucker for the views from a particularly tall skyscraper, home home can be just as beautiful as well; it’s more the attitudes of the people there that ruin it for her. But still…“Are you sure that’s alright? I mean, it’s really sweet that you’d offer! But I wouldn’t wanna be any trouble or anything…”
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  morticia’s face goes a bit red at the unsure yet excited expression on pixi’s face. god, holy shit, she was cute. it’s a solid three seconds before she realizes that the fairy is done talking and is scrambling to respond properly. “ aw, y-yeah. do-don’t sweat it, dawg. it’s to-totally chill fac-factor over here. “ god, if you’re real and/or listening, please open up the ground and swallow her whole. “ uh -- i mean ... w-we might get into typic-typ-i-i-i-c-c-cal adventure trou-trouble but. “ a shrug, smile tugging at her lips as she fires the portal gun and opens the familiar swimming green vortex up. morti’s other hand is extended towards pixi, in the ever-typical come with your supernatural companion scene style. “ you’re not sc-scared, are you ? “
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galacticlas · 6 years
“ you’re so clumsy…come here. ”
protective sentence starters ;; accepting
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  “ s-sorry, i-- i didn’t mean to ... sor-sorry. “ she’s panicking a little until beth’s calm voice reaches her, lip quivering as she stares down at her bleeding hand. it isn’t the hand that’s making her almost cry, or the fact that she’s covered in her dinner now, shards from the plate collected in her injured hand like she could put them back together. it’s the reaction she was expecting -- and didn’t get. 
seeming to accept her fate, and looking more skittish than anything, the girl timidly walks over to her mother. morticia almost didn’t register the shards still clutched in her hand, or how they only bring more red pooling down her wrist and dripping onto the floor. more mess from the clutzy ditz that beth decided to bring into her family for some reason. 
“ i ... u-um ... “ morticia doesn’t say anything else, eyes wide and scared as she looks up at the woman. expecting punishment of some sort, terrified to make whatever happened worse. 
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galacticlas · 6 years
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“Really?” She shouldn’t be surprised, but given that she only actually learned other life existed on different planets recently, maybe it’s somewhat warranted. At the knowledge of a universe almost exclusively run by fae, her nose actually crinkles up a bit. “Mm. Well, if those fae are anything like the ones on Earth, I think I’m glad I don’t live there. I’m sure it’s beautiful, but sometimes fae…really suck, y’know?” Honestly, her friends back home were great, but she’d rather pal around humans.
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  “ y-yeah, i know. it’s kind--it’s kind--kind of ... all sp-species are like that, i think. “ a rather disenheartening statement, but true. you give something life, you give it the ability to think for itself and be intelligent ... nine times out of ten it’s going to be shitty in some way. “ i kn-know you don’t want to, uh, live there b-b-but if, um, if you um -- “ she’s wringing her hair a little anxiously, stalling for a solid minute with her mouth open just trying to figure out how to make words happen. “ um, uh -- i-i-if you wanna visit it ... “ portal gun is raised, and wiggled around a bit temptingly. 
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galacticlas · 6 years
protective sentence starters (part 2)
as requested by anon. part one here ( x ). Feel free to change pronouns or anything else !
“Make sure to eat before you go.”
“What were you thinking?!”
“How are you getting home?” / “What time will you be back?”
“Don’t eat/drink that!”
“I don’t trust him/her/them.”
“You’re so clumsy…come here.”
“Don’t you dare go out there young man/lady/one!”
“You can’t just go wandering off like that.”
“I’m not going to let you die/get hurt/get your heart broken.”
“Is this person/lady/guy bugging you?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of there.”
“Put on your seatbelt.”
“You don’t understand it now, but I’m trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need you to save me.” / “It’s my job to save you.”
“Let me go in first.”
“Did you not see that car/motorcycle/space ship/etc. coming right at you?”
“Stop complaining. I’m trying to save your life.”
“I’ll diffuse the bomb. You get out of here.”
“Come on, let’s go for a walk.”
“I know I never say it, but…thanks.” / “I will never say thanks.”
“Will you stay a little longer?”
“I didn’t tell you because I knew what you’d say.”
“Stop talking or we’ll be found.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
“Don’t you see that it’s a trap?”
“I take no pleasure in saying this but…I told you so.” / “HAH! I told you so.”
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galacticlas · 6 years
i’m gonna log off for a bit but like for a morti in ur inbox uwu
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galacticlas · 6 years
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        “ lost ? me ? NO WAY ! “
             this space… stuff was WAY better than any              alcohol she’d ever gotten on earth. even that              hooch stuff from mexico in college ! and that              was a grEEEAT fucking night.
       “ you have to be - to be going somewhere to            be lo – uRRP – st. “
             { “ s-stay here mom, we’ll be right back. “                     “ don’t TALK to anyone, for christ’s sake. “                            “ okay, but i’m definately going to sit                               here and keep drinking. “                                   “ aw GEEZE. “ }
         the blonde’s cheeks hollow as she continues          to down the mysterious liquid, it’s florescent yellow          tone practically painting her cheeks. watch it be          some sort of clorfurbian DRAIN CLEANER –
               “ you look s–ssss o o o familiar. “
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  “ th-there’s lots of different ways to be lost m--ma’am. “ she’s already almost slipping up, biting her tongue and looking down at the sloppy mess of a woman with something akin to exasperated affection. she was a mess and burping and clinging to her drink and laughing ... it was a familiar sight for any morty. 
. “ oh, uh, that’s -- “ because i’m your daughter but also not your daughter. “ s-something i get a lot. my, uh, my na-name’s morticia. “ morti rubs at the back of her neck uncomfortably, shifting and looking around like a kid with her hand in the cookie jar. “ do--do you know how--how to get home ? “ 
she really shouldn’t be messing with another morty’s beth. and yet ... “ if -- if you want i could show you in ex-exchange for, uh, lunch ? “ 
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galacticlas · 6 years
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         it was a good answer and it would be a lie to say he wasn’t a tad bit proud.  not only would the compromise satisfy the desire to have a national holiday for all mortys, but it would promote the welfare of the state in itself. which was his primary concern.     in any case, he was glad she didn’t pick a side that was already presented to her, RATHER she found an alternative proposition that could potentially satisfy more people. and while the idea wasn’t perfect, it showed great promise an potentially innovative thinking. 
                                   ahhh , maybe his standards had gone a bit low, but he was proud. 
           ❛ so you think we should add a third option?  interesting.    but half the discourse is because mortys want to feel special on their birthdays. h-how do you think we should handle that? ❜   he grinned, folding his hands behind his back, with a sly sort of look on his features.     ❛ a-and of course, you’ll be the one to announce and propose this idea to the council when you’re done, you know? and then then the other mortys have to know about it too. ❜
  “ w-we could send out cards. there’s some morty’s who are really good at art and love doing it, but haven’t -- haven’t f-found new jobs here yet. maybe they could ... uh ... um, i dunno, whip stuff up ? beyond that card or-or care p-package vivi could make cheap or whatever it ... it’d be up to their fellow morty’s to make them f-feel special. “ like a real home. it wasn’t the strongest idea but it was a lot better than what the other morty’s could come up with, and she almost felt proud of it and hoped the questioning would stop. 
and then she register’s his second part of his sentence and nearly wets herself.
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“ m-m-m-me !? t-tell the ... tell the ... th-the ... “ by herself !? “ me? i’m not even ... i’m not tech-technically even a ... i ... “ her face is burning red and her voice is full of hate and shame. “ i’m n-not a ... a real morty y--you know ? they-they’d wanna hear from ... someone less of-of an anomaly. “
even if talking to the council, being an actual big part of the legion sounded ... so nice. 
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galacticlas · 6 years
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          ❛ i mean  ,  that wasn’t  SUPPOSED  to happen but hey  !  it’s a start  ! that’s what  alchemy  is all about. ❜
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  “ y-yeah. a ... start. “ the entire room is wrecked and covered in goopy shit, and it kind of stinks.” a-a-at least, um. no-no on--nobody died, ri-right ? “ that’s not something she gets to say every day, after all. 
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galacticlas · 6 years
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“NO SAD FACES, COME ON– YOU TOTALLY ROCK THIS.” He’s trying to be supportive, but his smile is wavering– he Only hopes she doesn’t notice considering he’s get scissors Up in front of his face, trying to even out her haphazard cut. “Do you think they’ll give us a TV show? W-wasn’t there one Where they went around having adventures? I-it’s, uh, l-like Close enough to our lives, besides the fact we’re not s-stylish and b-blonde and–” Smart. Normal. He smiles, it’s a bit more Genuine this time. “Let’s switch classes and see who notices.”
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  “ g-god we could get something on interdim-interdimensional cable for sure. like, i’m pre-pretty sure they’d jump at the chance of jack and brody but ... “ but more fucked up. “ a-and there’s the fact that i have tits. bring in all the viewers. “ her tiny ass tits. despite the fact that they’re both obviously dying inside, morticia wiggles her eyebrows at her brother in a exaggerated manor. “ i-i’d bet ev-even mom or dad wouldn’t notice. “
she was going to pretend they wouldn’t notice because the twins were so cool and smart and sneaky, not because they hardly noticed now. 
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