#sync media
fotobotsync · 4 months
Your Digital Media Assistant
Fotobot stands as a smart and intuitive tool designed to simplify the way users handle media within WhatsApp groups. In a digital age where photos and videos flood our devices, Fotobot steps in to streamline the management process. Its primary function is to automatically sync media shared in WhatsApp groups to Google Photos, eliminating the manual effort of saving and organizing each file individually.
Key Features:
Subscription and Unique Identification: Users initiate their Fotobot journey by subscribing effortlessly. Once subscribed, Fotobot assigns a unique identification number to each user. This number acts as a personalized key, linking the user's WhatsApp group seamlessly with Fotobot.
Automatic Syncing Process: The distinctive Fotobot number, when added to the WhatsApp group, triggers an automated syncing process. This process ensures that every shared photo, video, or document is efficiently transferred to the user's Google Photos account, making media management a hands-free experience.
Practical Uses:
Cross-Platform Accessibility: Fotobot liberates users from the constraints of device-centric access. Whether on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, users can access their shared media anytime, anywhere, creating a universal and consistent media experience.
Optimizing Device Storage: Fotobot alleviates the perennial struggle for storage space. By automating the transfer of media to Google Photos, Fotobot helps users maintain clutter-free device storage, enabling them to capture new memories without worrying about running out of space.
Data Loss Prevention: Acting as a digital guardian, Fotobot provides a safety net against data loss. The automatic sync to Google Photos ensures that every piece of shared media is securely preserved, offering users peace of mind knowing their memories are safeguarded.
Controlled and Secure Sharing: Fotobot empowers users with control over their shared media. Through controlled sharing features, users decide who gets to view their cherished moments, ensuring privacy and security in the digital sharing space.
Efficient Organization: Fotobot isn't just a tool for storage; it's an organization wizard. The shared media is elegantly organized within the user's Google Photos library, transforming the digital space into a well-arranged collection for easy navigation and retrieval.
Fotobot emerges as an indispensable digital assistant, reshaping the way users interact with their shared media. From ensuring universal access to safeguarding memories and optimizing storage, Fotobot offers a comprehensive solution for modern media management. Subscribe to Fotobot today and let it become your trusted ally in simplifying and enhancing your digital media experience.
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webcrawler3000 · 8 months
OMG it worked.
How th does it say NEW and has 6 year old reviews?
It was already in the system what kind of computer I was getting when I talked to Riley about it. Go, me.
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temporaltourguide · 2 months
those two times while i was screencapping where the music i was listening to lined up
first song is: Insane in the Brain - Cypress Hill
second song is: It's Crazy It's Party (feat. Tommy Cash) - Käärijä
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machetelanding · 1 year
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oobbbear · 1 year
The concept of spending months or even years on a project scares me I can’t even sit through an afternoon working on this one thing
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killacharacterbingo · 1 month
Karma's a Bitch
The idiom "Karma's a bitch" is of unknown origin. Karma is a concept originating from Dharmic religions that deals with cause and consequence. In simplified terms, it postulates that a person's actions and intent influence their future. Cause and consequence. It's often referred to as the principle of karma. Good actions and intent create a brighter future (good karma), whereas bad actions and intent bring about a worse future (bad karma).
A bitch has several meanings. For the purposes of this prompt we'll focus on two. It could be an informal way to refer to a female dog. As slang, it can also reference something unpleasant (for example, humidity in summer) and not necessarily a person.
Karma's a bitch is most often used regarding how an individual's actions will come back and bite them (negative actions or intent garnering negative consequences). Rarely it can be used in a more positive light. Dogs are notoriously loyal creatures. If one helps a dog, it's likely the dog will take a shine to them. As such, if someone does good deeds, their consequences will be positive as well.
The phrase gained notoriety for becoming a lip-sync trend in 2018. People participating would lip-sync to a voice clip of the character Veronica from the show Riverdale saying "Karma's a bitch" preceding a slideshow of pictures demonstrating some sort of physical transformation or "glow-up" accompanied by the song Gucci-Gucci by artist Kreayshawn.
This prompt deals with consequences. Good or bad, they lead, or are at least intrisically related to, a death. The principle of karma is inescapable for the characters of stories written with this prompt; with characters' past actions forging their demise. Or alternatively, something can go horrifically wrong during a lip-sync social media trend. Maybe even as a consequence of some past dastardly action.
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colinodonoghue · 1 year
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the_sync_report_show: Happy birthday to our host @colinodonoghue1 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Here is a photo of Colin taken by @paula_flack with some of the best gifts he has ever received 😜#colinodonoghue #birthdayboy #dublinireland #swagpack #podcasthost #irishactor#ouatcast
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amygdalae · 2 years
Remember the 2000s/ early 2010s zombie craze. That was an interesting time
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chaotictomtom · 1 month
found back this in one of my last stuff stuck at her place. funny cos i was thinking abt it this weekend and was wondering where it was after not thinking abt it for years.
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glvssviscera · 3 months
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Over my dead body.
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mario8th · 4 months
Just finished watching HxH 39-41 And while the first was a bit slower then I'd've liked
I tell you what
I think
I think I Get It
If this show can keep up the pace that 40 and 41 set, I get why people love this so much
Again, the Kurapika flashback and powerpoint were okay, and the introduction of his coworkers was jarring, but everything else was so fun!
I love that after having learned Nen, Kurapika's lips are fuller
The weird characters were fun to see in action. While overall somewhat predictable, the mansion sequence was fun!
And we finally got introduced to the bad guys! And we got introduced to HER!!!! Shizuku! My new favorite character! I've only known her for half an episode but if anything happens to her I'd kill myself! She's probably killed people but who cares she's hot! (that's the new one, right?)
I've known Melody for three episodes and if anything happened to Her I'd Kill Myself And Then Everyone Else! (editors note, yes I wrote that backwards, but I'm sticking to it. I'd manifest as a specter and end humanity as we know it) From the second I saw her I loved her vibe, she's the best! Music Hunter! Hell Yeah! She's shaped like a friend! Her cautious gazes! She's the best!
Anyway, really excited to see what these guys all get up to, the dominoes are set, the boulder is at the top of the hill, and I hope I enjoy the carnage as much as the build up
(And Kurapika's little blush during that first Hunterpedia when Gon and Killua got close to each other was really cute)
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moonsidesong · 1 year
finally ordered myself an external dvd/cd drive for my laptop yeah baby
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coockie8 · 5 months
So have y'all also heard about the 13-year-old TikToker who had an 18-year-old fan travel all the way to Florida from Maryland with a gun to, I assume, kidnap her, after which her parents just continued to let her post publicly available videos of herself online for literally anyone to find?
I'm sorry, I'm just losing my mind a little bit over this. Like apparently they even had to pull her out of school at some point due to a second stalker, and at no point do these parents stop to think "Maybe we should stop letting our barely pubescent daughter post videos of herself online for every single creep in the world to fawn over" like seriously!?!?!?
I get wanting to give your child freedom, but at what point do you draw the line here? After she gets kidnapped and further traumatized for life, 'cause you know her dad having to literally kill a guy who showed up at her house with a gun is having some kind of impact here.
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boatgameenjoyer · 6 months
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if any americans who see this care about the election beyond "vote blue no matter who", CNN and other news sites have lists of the dates of primaries (smaller elections that the big parties use to determine who they're gonna have run for the big election) and other election related stuff up so if you don't like genocidin' biden maybe vote for a different democrat in the primaries and then we won't have to vote for biden to avoid 100000 year nightmare terror republican ultramegadictatorship
CNN: https://www.cnn.com/election/2024/calendar
NBC: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-primary-elections/calendar
270 to win:https://www.270towin.com/2024-presidential-election-calendar/
(270 to win is a presidential election based thing if u haven't heard of them)
Im sure ill get the usual reading comprehensionless tumblr user claiming this will split the blue vote and cause that red wave that didn't happen in 2022 to manifest but no it wouldn't. the democratic catchphrase is "vote blue no matter who" so who cares if it isn't genocidin' biden? it's "no matter who" right?
realistically the new president will keep sending weapons to isreal but maybe if biden loses the primaries cause of doing so they'll send slightly fewer guns? probably wishful thinking but still
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storyteller-ish · 1 year
begging the Never Let Me Go team to stop showing neung's hands while he's playing the piano if they aren't gonna have the music play remotely in sync sjbfdj
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baezdylan · 10 months
All this 50s Sinatra has me feeling a DAIR kind of way!!!
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YOU CAN'T TELL ME IT'S NOT ABOUT THEM!!!!! Also a devastating thought I had... since Joni's Blue is THEIR album which they definitely listened to together (in those same wee small hours of the morning perhaps) isn't it so... sad to think that Dan listened to another entirely blue album (I MEAN! MOOD INDIGO.MP3???) such as Mr. Sinatra's aforementioned once Blair was gone... and... Joni's Blue is newer in comparison to that one obviously so... it marks a sort of return to the past... to match the regression of the characters
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