#supernatural tall tales
woundlingus · 4 months
Tall tales is important to me for the trickster, yes. But it’s also important to me because for the vast majority of early supernatural it’s a story about Sam by Dean, and in tall tales we really get an unfiltered view of how Sam actually sees himself without the Dean lens on and we get to see that Sam thinks he’s actually just as cool and suave as Dean thinks Dean is which is hilarious because we’ve seen Sam trying to flirt post Jessica and he’s actually an awkward mess of avoiding eye contact and saying strange and obscure things in an attempt to woo (which does work for him I’ll give him that).
So I offer the theory that Sam was NOT in fact “wooing” the trickster in the office scene with his wicked people skills and casual glances and instead that was another part of the story Sam is talking up, but Gabriel was still definitely taken by the pathetic loser swag Sam was displaying that part wasn’t false
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✨2x15 || Tall Tales✨
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arcanespillo · 6 months
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Tall Tales, Supernatural Bad Blood, The X-FIles
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shirtlesssammy · 3 months
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Dean Winchester every day -- 37/326
Supernatural 2x15//Tall Tales
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archangelsammy · 1 year
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sam winchester & gabriel / supernatural 2.15 tall tales, 5.19 hammer of the gods / olivia rodrigo, favourite crime
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Damage Control - 2x15 Tall Tales
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Bobby sways in the backseat as Dean takes his suggestion to get the hell out of Dodge literally, weaving the Impala down the winding country road at high speed. The old Chevy is a heavy and unwieldy car, but Dean drives it like the devil, in spite of the concussion Bobby is almost certain he sustained during the fight with the Trickster. Well - the fight with the scantily clad, voluptuous girls the Trickster had conjured, to be exact.
“Whoa! Take it easy there, son!” Bobby complains from the back seat as the car swerves through a sharp turn. “She’s not a racing car! Her suspension’s not gonna like it if you keep going like that!”
“Baby’s fine,” Dean shouts over the roaring engine. Riding shotgun, Sam seems unfazed by Dean’s driving. He leans into each bend and drift with practiced ease, like a sailor having found his sea legs a long time ago.
“Yeah, but are you?” Bobby asks, steadying himself against the backrest in front of him.
“Whaddaya mean?”
“Those girls got you pretty good. Saw you flying into that seat head first. And swaying on your feet after. That melon of yours okay?”
Dean huffs. “‘s fine.” He doesn’t even turn his head to look at Bobby.
But Sam’s picked up on Bobby’s concern and studies his brother with a frown.
“Is he right? Did you hurt your head?”
Slowing down a fraction, Dean throws him an annoyed look. “No, man, I’m fine! You saw that I was fine!”
The road has straightened out. Dean pushes the Impala above the allowed speed limit, but it’s smoother going now.
“I was kind of busy with Bobby and friggin’ Chainsaw Man, Dean,” Sam points out. “I saw that the girls were kicking your ass.” A smirk curls his lip. “But I didn’t see you hitting your head.”
“I did,” Bobby remarks from the backseat. “Twice.” He really doesn’t want to rain on Dean’s parade, and he’s not one to make a big fuss about a little conk on the head - but from where he’s sitting, the boy’s profile looks pale under his freckles, and Bobby sees a suspicious lump forming at his hairline.
“That’s a pretty nasty bruise you’re getting,” Sam, peering at Dean, observes from the passenger seat. “Maybe Bobby’s right. Slow down!”
“Let him check you out.”
“Have you two lost your minds?” Dean decelerates the car, but only to turn his head and glare at Sam, then at Bobby. “Listen, I’m fine! Bobby! When did you turn into a freakin’ mother hen?!”
When you were six and Sam was two and your dad dropped you off at my place with pneumonia.
“Look,” Bobby says grumpily. “If you want to ride out a concussion at sixty miles per hour, fine. Suit yourself! But if you pass out behind the wheel and drive us off the road, I’m gonna be mighty pissed. And you only just rebuilt the damn car. I’m pretty sure you don’t wanna do it again?”
He can hear Dean rolling his eyes from the backseat.
“Dean?” Sam, clearly Team Bobby now, has pulled out his worried little brother look. “Come on, man. Just pull over! Let’s check you out. Humor me?“
Dean shakes his head. “This is ridiculous.” But he slows the Impala down and stops.
They’re in the middle of nowhere, in a forestry area, and Bobby makes Dean get out of the car and takes him through the motions while birds whistle around them and sunlight dapples the Impala’s black hood through the treetops.
Bobby arches an eyebrow. “You sure?”
Dean fidgets. “A little.”
“You feel sick?”
“How many fingers?”
Dean rolls his eyes but - with a bit of squinting - he recognizes the four fingers Bobby is holding up. His pupils are equal-sized, and although the lump on his head is prominent now, he can walk in a reasonably straight line and remembers his presidents when Bobby quizzes him.
“See?” Dean grouses. “Told you so.”
“You still look a little pale,” Sam says from where he’s watching, leaning against the car. “You sure you’re not gonna puke?”
“You’re sitting beside me,” Dean answers, fed-up with their fussing. “You’ll be the first to know if I do.”
“Haha. Jerk.”
Bobby smirks into his beard without the boys seeing it. After the intensity of the last time he saw them - Sam possessed by a demon, Dean with a gunshot wound - their brotherly squabbling is a balm to his soul. For once, this isn’t about life or death. For once, they don’t have an enraged supernatural beast chasing their tails. For once, no Winchester is threatening to bleed out under Bobby’s hands.
For once, in fact, Sam and Dean are just being who they’re supposed to be - brothers, riling each other up without any of their bickering threatening the fondness Bobby can sense underneath. Their father’s death had done a number on them, and their hunt for the yellow-eyed demon is making Bobby lose sleep with worry, but it warms his heart to witness the strong bond that is forming between the two brothers. As different as they are, in spite of their old rivalry, Bobby can tell that their dynamic is shifting ever so slightly. Dean’s still the big brother - commanding and protective - while Sam’s remained the sensitive, defiant younger sibling. But what they’ve gone through has brought them closer, smoothing out their age gap and making them see more eye to eye.
“You gonna let me drive now?” Sam challenges Dean.
“Why would I? I’m good! Bobby? I’m good, right?” Dean gestures at him, looking for an ally.
“You got your ass handed to you by two juiced-up hookers and their Trickster pimp,” Bobby remarks dryly. “You’re takin’ a break from driving until that duck egg on your head comes down and you can see straight.”
“Bobby…” Dean throws his hands up in near-comical exasperation.
“Shut up and give your brother the damn keys!”
A few dark looks and mumbled curses later, Dean gives in and tosses the car keys at a grinning Sam.
“She’s as good as new, Sammy,” Dean warns him. “One scratch and I swear I’ll give you a trashing you can’t sit for a week!”
Unbothered by his brother’s threats, Sam saunters over to the driver’s side and makes a show of sliding behind the wheel. Dean glares when Sam slams the door shut with too much force.
“Hey!” Dean shouts. “Careful! Oh, and by the way, you still owe me a new set of tires!”
Sam rolls the window down and sticks his head out. “And you still owe me a new laptop!”
Huffing, Dean just flips him the bird and stomps over to the passenger side.
Smiling, Bobby opens the rear door and lets his aging bones sink into the backseat. He’s not gonna remind them that both the slashed tires and the missing computer were the trickster’s doing.
When Sam starts the Impala, pointedly revving the engine, Dean punches him in the shoulder, and Sam shoves back. Peeling back onto the road, Sam pops a new cassette into the tape deck and turns up the volume. A mischievous grin spreads across his face as the first tunes of a country song fill the car.
“What the hell?!” Dean winces, appalled. He reaches for the tape deck.
Confidently, Sam holds one big hand out to keep his scrabbling brother from ejecting the cassette.
“Uh-uh,” he says, with authority. “House rules, Dean! Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole!”
Dean slumps back, hands over his ears, groaning.
Behind them, Bobby laughs.
The Damage Control Series - Masterlist
Read the whole series on AO3 here:
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audhd-nightwing · 11 months
rewatching spn and just got to 2x15 Tall Tales
i wish we had gotten more dean and gabe interactions in the show, their dynamic is so fun
honestly just wish there was more gabe in general
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woundlingus · 9 months
The queerest character on supernatural, don’t argue with me, Gabriel. You’re telling me that guy, the way he talks, the way he walks, the way he postures himself so flamboyantly in every frame he’s in, doesn’t even fuck one guy as a funny throw away line? Yeah this guy is sooo heterosexual, and not at all a performance to push his trickster narrative I fully believe his attraction to women... Yes he’s making two women AND he definitely fucks them of his own accord!!! It’s not at all gay that he looked into Dean Winchester’s mind to figure out what kind of woman he would fuck so he could provide that for him as a peace offering. Homies create people out of their own grace for their homies to fuck while they watch is super hetero guys what are we even talking about here
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nobodymitskigabriel · 9 months
Gabriel let Sam and Dean live in Tall Tales because they're nice to janitors
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random shots of dean’s tongue - 11 / ∞
2x15 || tall tales
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arcanespillo · 6 months
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Tall Tales, Supernatural Bad Blood, The X-FIles
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wh0mst-is-this · 6 months
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This is my Roman Empire
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archangelgabriellives · 3 months
Shoutout to the guy at the little Bodega by me that is watching SPN on the store TV. If it's your first run through then Good Luck sir 🫡
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Affection, affliction, obsession, whatever it is I got it gjsbdbdb
(This is in no way finished btw, just wanted to post lol)
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deanstudies101 · 2 months
2x15, Tall Tales
Critical theory: Differing perceptions of empathy. Camp/internalised homophobia. 
Discussion: Goofy. We liked. Kai thought it might be more rumour-based (I guess tulpa-esque?). They did a bit of that with the ghost one, but then they stopped. 
Re: empathy. Dean’s perception of Sam’s ‘empathy’ is that it is very fake and over the top. This is how neurotypical ‘empathy’ feels to us. That is exactly how it feels. “you brave little soldier I acknowledge your pain” etc. Gross. Sam doesn’t empathise (“feel people’s pain”), but rather projects.  
Kai: There’s something to be said about Dean’s mask, and how it creates almost a caricature, which is what Sam sees. Iga: Sam doesn’t see deeper than Dean’s mask, because he has nothing deeper himself.
Star student: Kai, masking + caricatures. 
Notes: Jared does his best acting when he’s being annoying Sam. 
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allthingswayward · 1 year
What are they looking at? Wrong answers only!
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