#stop dapl
clovesmokeanddecaff · 9 months
The Dakota Access pipeline is illegal and important tribal concerns have been ignored. On Friday , the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Friday released a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Dakota Access oil pipeline that evaluated five alternatives to the proposed pipeline. The EIS was developed by a member of the American Petroleum Institute, one which which filed a legal brief in support of DAPL, so the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe are aking people to raise concerns and email the Army Corps about the EIS. The link above contains a pre written email you can personalise or just send as is.
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femmeidiot · 8 months
reminder that on this indigenous people’s day the community of standing rock is still engaged in multiple legal battles surrounding DAPL which trump authorized the building of after Obama stopped it. The draft EIS statement is out now for public comment in the US so if you live in the US try to make public comment. There will likely be draft public comment statements published that you can easily email within the next few days.
here’s info on the EIS and public comment : https://www.nwo.usace.army.mil/Missions/Dam-and-Lake-Projects/Oil-and-Gas-Development/Dakota-Access-Pipeline/
The comment period closes on November 13th
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communistkenobi · 7 months
if you don't feel like taking the time to explain this to a random person I totally understand lol I will continue to look elsewhere to form an opinion. but I'm torn on not voting for biden, because I do understand the motive. he's terrible, teaching the democratic party a hard lesson is overdue. they need to be taught once and for all that they need to actually fucking deliver on their lofty virtuous promises or they will lose all support. on the other hand if you're following closely the shit trump's people are spewing right now he just keeps getting worse and worse and overtly fascist and ambitious, it's incredibly frightening atp, it's obvious that he will only make everything that's bad now in the usa and in palestine and everywhere else 10000x worse for a long time to come, I just don't know if the damage from another trump presidency is a worthy price to pay to stick it to joe
I’m going to be blunt, but I genuinely do not mean this in a rude or condescending way, I invite you to think about this deeply: do you legitimately think that if the democrats get re-elected they’re going to stop any of the horrific shit the republicans want to implement, either domestically or overseas? Has their track record given you any hope that that will happen? If you vote for them as they gleefully, openly carry out a genocide, literally what incentive do they have to stop Republicans at all? If their voter base is that secure, that loyal, what incentive do they have to protect their constituents or address their needs when in power? Protecting Roe v Wade was what made voting for Biden an existential necessity in 2020 and that still got trashed! People are still in cages at the US-Mexico border! Cop city is being built in Atlanta! Police brutality against Black people continues unabated! Pipelines are still being built on indigenous land (DAPL happened under Obama)! The threat against minority populations, the truly disadvantaged and oppressed people inside the US, are already living with this violence on a daily basis and have lived with it regardless of who is in office. To assume the threat of fascist violence has not yet arrived, has not yet been developing for decades, is to ignore these things.
I do not think the democrats need to be ‘taught a lesson’ or that you need to ‘stick it to Joe.’ The Democrats are not failing to deliver on their promises - these are their promises. Even on a purely self-interested level, ignoring the genocide currently happening, you are not going to be protected from fascists domestically by voting blue no matter who. Certainly there are local elections and movements were there is genuine progressive potential (Ohio just voted to legalise weed and support abortion, a legit good thing that was absolutely worth going out and voting for), but that is not the reality of the national party. The primary language available to voters as voters is to stop voting for them.
The fascist right in the US (both ‘populist’ groups like qanon and the proud boys, as well as institutional groups like the federalist society, the heritage foundation, etc, the list is endless, not to mention evangelical churches) is organised and developed enough that they will continue to hold power and influence regardless of who is in office. The genocide happening in Palestine right now, carried out by a democrat, is not a neatly contained far-away thing that can be separated from domestic politics (I am not claiming you’re making that argument, only trying to articulate my own point) - it is already having a profound and measurable impact on the US population in the form of increased racist, islamophobic and antisemitic violence, mass police brutality, institutional silencing and firing of anyone who even says the word genocide, etc. I think it’s productive to view those actions as developing fascist actions, actions which are being stoked by a democrat. And if they are not outright fascist, they are certainly a precursor to it. In the last couple years there have been a lot of stupid, incompetent demonstrations by the far right in the US - Unite the Right rally, the storming of the capitol, Qanon-motivated assaults and murders like the attempted plot to kidnap the Michigan governor, that one mob guy who was murdered by a Qanon follower in New York I think, Alex Jones being a national figurehead for the conspiratorial and openly fascist right (although he’s probably not going to continue to be that now that he lost a billion dollars in his court cases lol), the “stop the steal” legal attempt to contest the results of the 2020 election - these are ridiculous and on-the-surface ineffective attempts to express a fascistic will onto USAmerican institutions (“inchoate fascism,” a fascism not yet fully formed, a fascism in an experimental phase). But I think the genocide in Palestine is allowing for the effective version of those things to be done in the US. The hysteria, the rage, the violence that this genocide is producing “at home” is not going to dissipate if a democrat continues to hold office, and the Palestinian genocide is both an organising force for the current fascist right and an inciting force for it to further develop and grow. This larger debate about voting or not voting seems to be operating on the (correct) assumption that foreign policy is not a meaningful realm of difference between democrats and republicans, that the only space to battle over is domestic affairs. But absent from this debate is that these two things can’t be neatly partitioned, they are not separate, not just because you should view all human life as equally worth preserving but because we are seeing the mass domestic response within the US about Palestine - the popular resistance to it on the one hand and the institutional support for it on the other. The early 2000s US culture (“post-9/11”) is widely regarded as incredibly right-wing, and that was because of the war in Iraq! Foreign policy produces and shapes US culture, and the genocide in Palestine a colonial and fascist project.
This is not an argument for despair, or to do nothing. Fascism is not defeated by voting regardless of who you’re voting for, and so we can dispense with that idea. If you want to exercise your civic responsibilities, there are many other avenues - labour unions, community work, protests, boycott organising, and yes even voting in local elections when there is a strategic advantage to do so - things that are meaningful and do legitimately help people. But I do not see any strategic calculus in voting for democrats. Biden already told everyone this - “nothing will fundamentally change.” There should be no surprise, no expectation that they will do anything except what they’re already doing, which is business as usual
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shamandrummer · 9 months
Let's Stand Again With Standing Rock
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It's time to take action and stop the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL)! It's been over six years since DAPL began carrying oil and nearly a year and a half since the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the pipeline operator Energy Transfer's attempt to avoid producing a required Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Today, in violation of a separate court order, DAPL continues to operate illegally, without a federal easement. Finally, after interminable delay, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has finally released an extremely problematic draft EIS for public input.
That's where you come in. You now have just a few weeks to submit your public comment demanding the Corps shut this pipeline down and require a new, valid EIS. Please stand with Standing Rock in this critical moment and write to the Army Corps right now.
Now that the EIS has been released, we can confirm what we already suspected. Prepared by a member of the American Petroleum Institute -- clear conflict of interest -- the EIS addresses none of Standing Rock's many grave concerns about DAPL. Those include DAPL's imminent threat to the Missouri River, big problems with Energy Transfer's emergency response plans, Energy Transfer's horrendous safety track record, continued lack of transparency with Standing Rock throughout the environmental review process, inaccurate characterizations of tribal consultation, and sensitive habitat and sacred burial sites along the riverbank.
Earlier this year, four U.S. senators including Bernie Sanders submitted a letter to the Corps seeking an explanation. The reply from Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works Michael Connor did not adequately or honestly address the tribe's complaints. Standing Rock replied, pointing out the flaws in approach and demanding redress.
For now, it's up to us to lend a hand. We must flood the Army Corps with a single, unified message: This illegal pipeline's operations must be terminated and the Army Corps must start over with a legitimate environmental review. In the midst of a climate emergency, let's defend sacred ground and safeguard Unci Maka (our Grandmother Earth). This may be our last, best chance to end DAPL once and for all. Please take action now.
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alchemistdoctor · 8 months
A quick serious moment here, fellas
Hey guys. So the Standing Rock Sioux tribe that has been fighting the Dakota Pipeline is asking for an email campaign against the (really, really falsified and biased) environmental survey that was done to approve it. You put in your email, they write the email for you, and you clicky button. I know it's annoying to constantly be giving out emails but this one is low-energy and if you can do it I'd appreciate it, because -- as a scientist, this one has some far-reaching implications for climate change, not to mention indigenous sovregnity over their land.
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bugsplatterbeast · 2 years
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Support Jessica Reznicek and Navigating Conflict in Movement
This week on the show, we’re airing two portions.
Support Jessica Reznicek
[00:02:06 - 00:36:33]
First up, Charlotte speaks about their friend, political prisoner and water defender Jessica Reznicek who just had an appeal denied of an 8 year sentence and terrorism enhancement for sabotaging the Dakota Access Pipeline with another Catholic Worker prior to DAPL. carrying oil. It’s estimated that the two cost $6 million in lost profits to Energy Transfer Partners and stopped the flow of 30 million barrels of oil. For the hour we talk about #NoDAPL, the movements that Jessica was involved in, including Occupy and the Catholic Workers, the increased criminalization of dissent as the climate heats up and how to support Jessica and spread the good work. You can learn more about Jess and her case at SupportJessicaReznicek.com and you can purchase benefit t-shirts here: https://www.eaglescreenprint.com/shop/p/free-jessica-reznicek-tee
Navigating Conflict In Movement
[00:37:52 - end]
Then, we do something a little experimental. We present a conversation with a member of an anti-authoritarian movement in Europe. We don’t say what movement. We talk about conflict internal to their movement, but we don’t name the parties involved. The conversation was conducted from an anti-authoritarian perspective, in the interest of creating heterogeneous communities of struggle. The purpose of this recording is to promote a mental exercise on the part of the listener to plug in their own experiences in movements with many different trajectories inside of it. The anonymous nature of the conversation was in part to not contribute to internal conflict to the movement, conflict is better addressed between parties involved than with an outside party (our radio show) who’s interest may not be the same as the movement. I hope that this conversation is helpful, for all of it’s purposeful vagueness. This originally aired in 2017.
. ... . ..
Featured Tracks:
Darker Nature by Carmack & Djemba from Rekindling (benefit for NoDAPL)
T.R.O.Y. (instrumental) by Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth from the T.R.O.Y. single
  Check out this episode!
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afrijamiqueen · 4 years
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Good Afternoon,
Today is a prep day for a larger action that we are going to ask you to take in the days ahead, ok?
We are going to put the full weight of our team behind efforts of the DeFund DAPL team. As you likely know, Energy Transfer Partners, which is the team constructing the Dakota Access Pipleline, fully intends on going through with the construction in January.
We MUST put pressure on the dozens of banks that are providing the funds for them to do this.
Before we formally ask you to remove your funds from the banks that are bankrolling the Dakota Access Pipeline, I’d like for you to please read a few things ok?
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vale-priestess · 3 years
"If this pipeline goes through, fighting the climate crisis will be impossible. ... The Dakota Access Pipeline had one river crossing. Line 3 has 22."
(CW: disturbing images) (see resources @ end of video for updates and information)
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Tell Joe Biden to put and end to the Line 3 and Dakota access pipeline destroying Indigenous land and harming planet
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femmeidiot · 6 months
Reminder if you live in the US and you haven't done it do this today and watch the video on there!!!! Comment period for the DAPL environmental impact statement draft ends December 13th. Do it now!!!! It autofills a draft to send you don't hardly have to do anything to use your voice to tell the USACE to take the pipeline one and protect the people of standing rock and everyone else downstream on the Missouri River!!!!
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studioustype · 3 years
Quick PSA to all my stylish sparkling water drinkers: we gotta stop. No really, look up Polyfluoroalkyls (PFAs) and Sparkling Water concentrations. In fact, I’ll do you one better: read about it here. LaCroix and Topo Chico have some of the highest concentrations of these petroleum processing byproducts (poison water courtesy of ExxonMobil). PFAs can cause thyroid disease, hormone fluctuations, some cancers, and these chemicals never leave the body. I’ve been an avid drinker of these sodas for years and I’m stopping forever. And before the snotty fact crackers come in, these reports are from scientific journals and sources like CNN. The alarm is also being raised by environmental activists and water protectors. The future wars for water will be fought for least cancerous, not clean. 
The EPA’s Article on Polyfluoroalkyls
NIH Report on PFAs and Their Effects
CNN Article on PFAs and How They’re Being Addressed
Insider Breakdown On How ExxonMobil Avoids Environmental Consequences For Knowingly and Willingly Producing PFAs
A Complete Backlog of Newsletters from Northwestern University’s Department of Social Sciences and Environmental Science on the ways PFAs Have Evolved 
PFA Resource Guide 
This fight for clean water that isn’t literally filled with cancerous chemicals is also intrinsically tied to the Indigenous fight for water rights and the attempts to stop pipelines like DAPL and the new attempt of connecting Line 3. 
To support the efforts of the Indigenous to stop Line 3 click HERE. 
They have made countless research materials and reports public and accessible. If you are within the Minnesota Area please consider supporting their efforts and calling out to your representatives who hold the rights of water hostage with their political actions. Because, and I mean this literally, there is no future without water. 
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arievogues · 7 years
Being a Millenial is living in a world full of hardships you didn't create; you're just thrown in and told to deal with it. On occasion, some Baby Boomer will place the blame on you.
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realnewsreaders · 7 years
Native American land makes up sovereign, independent nations, and we have no right to build on their territory or potentially ruin it with an epic, probably inevitable oil spill. We have ruined Native Americans' way of life enough, don't contribute to their cultural suffering. The public commenting on DAPL is now open, so write a letter protecting our First Nation people: http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/dont-let-trump-distract-you-public-comment-on-dapl-is-now-open-20170125
Levi Olson
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sheasway · 7 years
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Like just maybe
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ripnessa · 7 years
It’s important to know what’s happening in North Dakota or the Dakota Access Pipeline and the mainstream media is failing to report this news. 
The Dakota Access pipeline will affect our environmental stability and we won’t be able to regain clean water once the oil is running. 
This could be our last chance to do anything, so help out and make this video viral. 
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