#state employment leadership network
communityinclusion · 2 years
SELN Co-Hosts Webinar with National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems for Disability Employment Awareness Month
On October 19, State Employment Leadership Network’s (SELN) Amy Huppi will present on a webinar with the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS), Opening the Door: Importance of Great Person-Centered Conversations on Employment.
On this webinar, Amy and a team from the Utah Division of Services for People with Disabilities will highlight successful person-centered approaches and tools for discussing employment. They will share how facilitating guided, person-centered conversations around employment can help people who use Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) discover employment opportunities and make their own informed decisions about work.
This webinar is Wednesday, October 19, 2022, from 3:00-4:30 pm ET. Spread the word and register today! This webinar includes live ASL interpretation, English captions, and Spanish interpretation. Contact Saska Rajcevic by email at [email protected] to request additional accommodations at least 1 week in advance.
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grison-in-space · 2 months
worker uprisings are not an upside.
I see this rhetoric here all the time, and it drives me up the wall. So you're all getting a good rant here: a worker uprising is not good.
The worker uprisings that bought the NLRB paid for it in blood and lives, and another uprising means that we will have to find the price to buy it again. And there will be families, people, and lives blighted in the meantime. Worker uprisings are not upsides for anyone and they are not fucking consolation prizes. They happen when things go bad, horribly bad, and they generally only result in positive change insofar as they create so much chaos, bloodshed, and disruption that the overall situation has to change. In the mean time, people are still left dead, destitute, and maimed. If we can avert a worker uprising by using nonviolent means of pressure to force accountability, we should do that, because it results in vastly more stable outcomes for everyone. If this pissant, damn-fool shortsighted Supreme Court decision goes through and violence is the only remaining option to enforce change that anyone sees, that is a bad thing.That is not a flood gift. People will die fixing that bullshit. People did die fixing that bullshit!
You know how we got the NLRB the first time, back in 1935?
It took almost fifty years of labor unrest in the United States before we got the NLRB. Let's start with the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 (which was majorly disruptive but happened before labor unionizing was widespread). That's a great template for your fucking worker's uprising: there's no union leadership to coordinate fury and direct it properly, so when workers lose their shit after the third goddamn time wages get cut (not "fail to keep the pace of inflation," actually "you get less money now"), they all kind of do things on impulse without thinking much about long term strategy. The fury just erupts. In the case of the Great Railroad Strike, angry workers burned factories and facilities, seized rail facilities, paralyzed commerce networks, and existing power structures panicked and called out militias, National Guard units, and federal troops to forcibly suppress the workers. About a hundred people died.
Let me pop a cut down while I talk about what happened next. Spoiler: there's a lot of violence under the hood coming up, and like all violence, it absolutely sloshes around and hits people who aren't necessarily directly involved in conflicts.
You have continuing incidences of violence over strikes throughout the next several decades as nonviolent strikes are met with violence from pro-employer forces and workers resist with violence back. I can't even list all the violent incidents here that ended in deaths, because they were frequent. The 1892 Coeur d'Alune labor strike broke out into an actual shooting war and resulted in a number of deaths, not to mention months of detainment for six hundred protesting miners; the same year, you have another shooting war kicked off between hundreds of massed paid private Pinkerton security and striking workers in Pittsburgh through the Homestead Strike. Imagine how that's going to go down today.
And the thing about violence like this, and tolerance for violence, is that eventually you just get used to using it to get your way. You actually also do see quite a bit of violence conducted by striking labor workers, sometimes without recent provocation from management. For example, the national International Association of Bridge Structural Iron Workers embarked on a campaign of bombings from 1906-1911 that eventually culminated in a bombing of the office of the LA Times that killed 20 people. Do you want to live in a world where the only way to resolve conflicts like this is to risk someone bombing your office because your boss mouthed off at his cause? Even if he's right, do you want to risk losing your life, your arms, your friend, your sibs, to someone who thinks that the only option available to him to address systematic inequality is violence?
And you think about who really suffers when violence erupts, too. Look at the East St Louis massacre in 1917, when management tries undercutting the local white-run unions by hiring black folks who are systematically excluded by the unions. (If you think labor solidarity is free from the same intersectional forces that hit every other attempt to organize in solidarity for humans, you really need to go back and revisit your history books. We can do better and we should, but when we set up our systems and hope for the future, we have to be clear-eyed about the failures of the past.) Anyway, when labor tensions between white union workers and management's preferred use of cheaper, poorer, less "uppity" black people erupted, the white union workers attacked not management, but the black parts of town. They cut the hoses to the fucking fire department, burned huge swathes of East St Louis belonging to black homeowners, and shot black folks fleeing in the streets.
Money might not trickle down, but violence sure fucking does. The wealthy insulate themselves from violence by employing intermediaries to do all the dirty work for them, or even to venture into any areas that might be dangerous. When we resort to violence as the only way to solve our problems, inevitably the people and communities who pay the highest blood prices are the ones who have the least to provide. You think any of those robber barons are going to wind up on the ground bleeding out? They have their Pinkerton troops for that shit. The worst they lose is money; the rest of us have to stake our bodies and our homes.
No one should look forward to a worker uprising. If the Supreme Court is stupid and short-sighted enough to reduce avenues of worker redress to extra-legal means, the worker uprisings will come back around again, sure enough, and we'll all write our demands in blood once again. But the whole fucking POINT of the NLRB is that the federal government objects to having to sort these things out when they dissolve into open violence, so it sets rules about what the stupid short-sighted greediguts fat cats up top can do to reduce violence erupting again.
Anyway. Best thing I can think of right now is to get a Congressional supermajority in with the eye of imposing limits and curbs on the Court. Because look, I'll march if I need to, but I ain't going to pretend the thought puts a smile in my mouth and a spring in my step. Fuck.
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bfpnola · 6 months
Updated version! ID written by @swosheep (it won't let me tag you oof)
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ID 1: All images are of an Instagram post by letstalkpalestine2. The first one is titled "Lets Talk. What is Hamas? Answering the basic questions".
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ID 2: the second image is titled "What Are Its Origins?". the body text reads: "Hamas is a Palestinian political party and armed resistance movement based in the besieged Gaza Strip. It emerged in 1987, at the start of the First Intifada, as a reaction to intensifying israeli violence and as a religious alternative to the secular Palestinian parties that dominated the scene at the time. Hamas was originally a branch of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood but later cut ties with it and became an independent group. In 1992, Hamas formed a military wing called the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades to resist the israeli occupation. The Brigades carried out several significant operations against Israel during the Second Intifada, which established Hamas as a leading force in the Palestinian resistance."
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ID 3: the third image is titled "Who Are Its Leaders?". The body text reads: "Hamas is composed of a political wing and a military wing. They each perform different functions but operate under the same leadership structure." There is a grid with four sections. The first section is titled "Political Bureau", and reads: "- Headed by Ismail Haniyeh from exile - Sets general policy". The second section is titled: "Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades" and reads: "- Commanded by Marwan Issa and Mohammed Deif - Conducts military operations". The third section is titled: "Shura Council" and reads: "- Led by Saleh al-Arouri in the West Bank and Yahya Sinwar in Gaza - Handles affairs in Gaza, the West Bank, diaspora, and israeli prisons". The fourth section is titled: "Gaza Government" and reads: "- Headed by Prime Minister Issam al-Da'alis - Enacts policies and provides social services to people in Gaza".
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ID 4: The fourth image is titled: "What Does Hamas Want?" The body text reads: "Its 2017 charter states that its current political program is to: - Implement the right of return for all Palestinian refugees; - Establish a temporary Palestinian state along the 1967 borders (the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip) and arrange a long-term truce with israel. Hamas considers the establishment of a Palestinian state on the '67 borders as a temporary step. It refuses to recognize israel's legitimacy and advocates for the 'full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.' Hamas's 2017 charter states that its struggle is against the israeli state and the Zionist movement due to their occupation of Palestine, not Jewish people, and criticizes israel for associating its actions with Jewish values. Hamas's stated goals for its current operation are to - Free the thousands of Palestinian prisoners held by israel, - End the Gaza blockade, - End the status quo where Israel continues its occupation without cost".
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ID 5: the fifth image is titled: "Does Hamas Control Gaza?". The body text reads: "Not really. Hamas administers local affairs, while israel controls much of Gaza from the outside through its blockade. israel forcibly controls: - Airspace, - Sea access, - Movement of all goods and people in and out, - Telecoms networks, - Electromagnetic sphere, - Tax distribution, - Population registry, - Water, - Electricity and fuel. Hamas began governing Gaza in 2007, and has since managed: - Healthcare, - Education, - Infrastructure, - Social welfare, - Law enforcement, - Public employment. Hamas is not a sovereign government. israel's blockade prevents Palestinians from independently exercising sovereignty over Gaza's population, development, and economy."
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ID 6: The sixth image is titled "Does Hamas Represent Palestine?" The body text reads: "Hamas is one of many Palestinian political parties. On the one hand, Hamas was democratically elected by voters in 2006, garnering a plurality of West Bank and Gaza votes (44%) for its social services and resistance efforts. Today. Fatah and Hamas, the two largest parties, are roughly tied, each enjoying the support of a third of the public. On the other hand, many Palestinians strongly criticize Hamas's political wing due to its corruption and repressive policies, and the last elections were in 2006. 43% of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza believe that no party represents Palestine. The other polled Palestinians were split between parties, with no clear winner. We have no statistics for Palestinians in the heartland ("israel") or diaspora. However, Hamas is currently the only major group that pursues armed resistance, which is widely supported. So while most Palestinians might not support Hamas as a party, the overwhelming majority support acts of resistance in general, whether by Hamas or others."
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ID 7: the seventh image is titled "Is Hamas a Proxy of Iran?". The body text reads: "No. Hamas is an independent group with a political program and military strategy distinct from Iran. Hamas and Iran are strategic allies, meaning that while Iran provides Hamas with significant financial, military, and political support, Hamas does not act or operate on behalf of Iran. It makes decisions based on its own interests, and independently manages relations with countries like Turkey, Qatar, and Egypt. For example: In 2012, Hamas cut ties with Syria because it opposed the Assad regime's violent crackdown on protesters. It took this decision despite angering Iran, a close ally of Assad. Regarding Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, even israeli officials admit there is no evidence that Iran was in any way involved. Iran was actually surprised by it. Hamas independently coordinated and launched the operation to achieve its own goals."
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ID 8: The eighth image is titled "Does Hamas Negotiate with Israel?". The body text reads: "Hamas views armed struggle as only one of several tools to end apartheid & occupation, such as diplomacy. In 2006, in an op-ed for The Guardian, Hamas chairman Ismail Haniyeh revealed that israel refused Hamas's proposal for a truce. In 2008, former Hamas chief Khaled Meshal offered a 10-year truce in exchange for a sovereign Palestinian state along the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital." israel rejected the proposal. In 2016, Hamas offered a long-term truce in exchange for simply ending the Gaza Blockade. israel rejected it. In 2018, Haniyeh revived this offer by sending a handwritten letter in Hebrew to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. But israel rejected it again. israel repeatedly rejected Hamas's diplomatic initiatives because israel saw no reason to end the oppressive status quo, which it believed gave it power & privileges over Palestinians with minimal downsides. israel's benefits outweighed the costs. Hamas is trying to change that."
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ID 9: the ninth image is titled "Is Hamas Risking Palestinian Lives?". The body text reads: "Westerners often accuse Hamas of risking Palestinian lives by fighting apartheid and thus inviting a deadly israeli crackdown. But the reality is that israel's blockade is slowly killing everyone in Gaza. [quote] 'We have paid a high cost in lives in this conflict. But if that's the price for long-term changes - breaking the siege and obtaining freedom - it's one many of us feel we have no choice but to swallow.' [unquote] -Haytham Besalso, civil engineer from Gaza, 2014. [quote] 'We are bleeding here, anyway [..] The Gaza Blockade crushes any opportunity for peace.' [unquote] -Ismail, anonymous journalist from Gaza, 2021. The argument that Hamas is responsible for israel's killing of Palestinians is malicious. It blames the victims for resisting apartheid and absolves the oppressors of responsibility, treating the mass killing of children as a 'normal' israeli response."
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ID 10: the tenth image says: "You don't need to support Hamas as a political party to support Palestine. Most Palestinians don't support it as a party. But Hamas is an effective political player in the struggle against apartheid, oppression, and colonization. It has achieved remarkable success in preventing israeli violence in Jerusalem and freeing Palestinian hostages abducted by israel. Hamas has institutions, ministries, student movements, and women's movements, and employs thousands of doctors, teachers, judges, and aid workers. It is part of the fabric of Palestinian society. So while you don't need to support Hamas to support Palestine, you cannot oppose oppression without supporting the resistance to it. You cannot support freedom while supporting israeli efforts to wipe out those who fight for that freedom, including Hamas, to leave Palestinians defenc Pales". End ID.
the original caption states that @/LetsTalkPalestine2 does not endorse any specific party, including Hamas, and that the last word on the last slide should be *defenseless.
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boujeeceo · 2 years
Corporate Barbie Files- Begin
When I was kid I didn't know what an executive was but I wanted to be one so bad. Now that I know I've decided to aim a bit higher- Chief Financial Officer day job and small business tycoon. ✨🧿
Please do your own research, I'm no expert and I don't want to lead anyone down a weird path
Planning (business plans)
You can get an LLC for less than 200$, 500$ MAX. What makes LLC's expensive are the licenses, fees you pay when registered, and the state you register.
Sole priorerships (depending on your state) don't need to be registered but you forgo the protections that come from having a government recognized business.
Any small business template online is a great resource.
Plan it out for 3 years minimum but think of this business plan as a living document. As you operate your business it will have to change.
Business research!
You need to do your own research on each business you want to start if you want to succeed.
Topics/questions to research
Researching competitors (Strengths & Weaknesses/marketing strategy/Pricing/products and product features)
Market share
Strengths and weaknesses
Your window of opportunity to enter the market
The importance of your target market to your competitors
Any barriers that may hinder you as you enter the market
Indirect or secondary competitors who may impact your success
Who are your customers and why are they interested in buying your product or service?
What characteristics, interests, desires, pain points and needs do they share?
Where do they live?
How old are they?
What is their education level?
What is their income range?
Which types of websites do they frequently visit?
Where do they currently buy similar products?
Which languages do they speak?
What industry do they work in?
License needed
Growth projection 
Assessing the legal aspects of your industry
Can you reach your target audience? If you're selling inline skates, are you opening in an area with a population of the right age and disposable income?
Is the market saturated?
Your Brand 
Questions you wanna ask
Here are a few methods you can use to do direct research:
Focus groups
In-depth interviews
Ask potential customers 
Questions you wanna ask and answers
Demand: Is there a desire for your product or service?
Market size: How many people would be interested in your offering?
Economic indicators: What is the income range and employment rate?
Location: Where do your customers live and where can your business reach?
Market saturation: How many similar options are already available to consumers?
Pricing: What do potential customers pay for these alternatives?
Best ways to reach customers 
Suppliers, quotes and budget
Sources of funding, uses of funding
Finding funding, type in your demographic 'black woman/LGBT black woman, ect' and your state + small business funding. Apply for everything. Find space for inventory. Think up promotional material- Vistaprint is amazing for just cheapy slapping your brand on something that others want (candy, notebooks, pens, cute tote bags).
Skills you may need: Negotiation, Manipulation, Marketing, Social media handling, Emotional intelligence, Personal emotional control, Leadership and delegation, Networking, Memorization (names, position and places you met this people), Self discipline, Conversation, Communication.
Just do it
If I wanted until I felt 100% ready I wouldn't have two functional businesses at the moment.
Low risk low reward business ideas
These may not make you rich unless you market to high heaven or get lucky. But they are a great passive income opportunity/place to start.
Vending machine
Selling books on Amazon/Audible/Printing on demand services
Selling on a ready made sale site- Shopify/Amazon/Esty
Direct sales
High traffic blog for ads
Affiliate marketing blog/social media
Mid-Tier business ideas
Can be scaled up to make 7 figures but after taxes and fees will probably make a steady 6 figures yearly. (Please note that 6 figures can be any where from 100k to 999k. I've noticed a tendency to see 6 figures as only 100k.)
Small bar
Small restaurant
Ice-cream truck
Food truck
Website with subscriptions
A clothing line
Makeup or skincare (especially if it has mostly black women in mind- think Black Girl Sunscreen or Fenty Beauty)
Natural hair wigs (as in 3b-4c pattern, its not super common and the ones that are aren't very good nor last very long)
Small hair and nails salon
Haircare product line
Do your own research please, these are just the most common and least expensive I've found entrepreneurs start. They may not work with your skills/personal brand/time constraints/experience ect.
Have a vanity business!!! A business that matters because you like it so much. One where the success is not based off just money but personal satisfaction. This will keep you from getting bored, too frustrated or purely money driven. Of course a business is money driven but at some point you look up from your work and get distressed from dissatisfaction from being stuck working for money instead of pleasure.
You should be interested in each business you make/engage with a least a little bit.
Break down how much you need to make per day and per week to get to your goal amount. This has helped me mentally, I no longer freak out about the big picture when I'm focused on the main goal of the day/week.
Have a reading list in these 5 categories: Emotional intelligence, Your field of study (finance, tech, medical, beauty), Manipulation/Negotiation, Beauty/Dating/Self-esteem, and Money.
Don't try to build up more than 2 businesses at a time if you're doing it alone. You will drive yourself insane and burn out quickly.
If you do direct sales on the streets make sure you have an incentive for people to actually stop and look at what you have to offer. Something free pretty with your logo or information and matches your brand image. It can be hand made!
Mistakes I made
I relied on one business too much when my goal isn't to scale it too big
I didn't have a workable marketing campaign. People are tired of ads. I'm tired of ads, I had to get creative or rather make the ads less invasive.
I relied too much on online sales. There is way too much competition- I now make 90% of my money from in person sales, there's a 'rush' factor because the pop up shop won't be there tomorrow, and I can make a human connection before I make a sale.
I put too much money into some businesses and not enough into others. Now I have a budget of 200$-500$ for each new business unless I'm buying large equipment that I will own (vending machines, massive printers, ect).
I didn't have enough different types of products. I need variety but I shouldn't panic and make too much or else I'll lose money and have too much inventory.
My mentor had told me to make decisions quarterly (every 3 months) rather than weekly/monthly. This has helped her build her real estate business.
My journey
My motto when it comes to dealing with my businesses is Slow Progress Is Still Progress.
I’ve always wanted to be a higher up in a company- an “executive woman”- I would eat up all the songs and tv shows made for kids about business (Biz kids, Schoolhouse rock mostly). I started my journey with my vanity business because I tired of waiting to get published by a major publishing house. Why not be a major publishing house? As I've come into my own I've realized I want more- more money, more experience, better titles, more power ECT.
My method is to work smarter and never harder: I create a company, place 100% of my attention on it and create systems that make the work I have to do minimal. 1-2hrs of work per day max. Borderline passive income. Then I move on to creating another business when I’m comfortable leaving the previous ones without my direct attention for a while. Being a CEO is all about creating sustainable systems that are efficient, reliable and profitable.
I have 2 functional businesses at the moment, they have been planned out for 2.5 years (I started them at the beginning of the year). I have two more I’m working on both in the ‘finding a reliable vendor’ stage. Once I’m past this part I’ll be ready to launch. I don’t advertise online, I work with the areas I’m in and the small businesses around me. It’s easier and more effective than to interrupt other people’s days by doing online ads. No one likes them and a lot of people will straight up avoid your brand out of spite. I’m in the middle of a rebrand and expansion so that eventually I can reach my goal of making 5k a day from my small business empire.
My journey is a work in progress.
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bwhitex · 3 months
Why Job Hopping Isn’t About Loyalty and Commitment
In today's fast-paced work environment, the concept of job hopping is often unfairly equated with a lack of loyalty and commitment. However, this perspective overlooks the multifaceted benefits of changing roles for both employees and employers. Job hopping can be a strategic move for career advancement, offering professionals the chance to acquire new skills, adapt to various company cultures, and gain a broader understanding of their industry. It's an approach that can lead to better job satisfaction, as workers seek roles that align more closely with their evolving career goals and personal values. Moreover, employers can benefit from the fresh perspectives and diverse experiences that job hoppers bring to the table. In industries that are rapidly changing, this agility can be a significant asset. Far from being a sign of professional instability, job hopping is a reflection of a proactive and purposeful career management strategy. The essence of this trend is encapsulated by the strategic embrace of diverse experiences, skill development, personal fulfillment, adapting to change, networking, higher salaries, industry Insights, cultural fit, innovating perspectives, career control, and resilience.
Diverse Experiences
Due to diverse experiences, professionals grow, and personal grow, and this often means they step out of comfort zones to embrace new challenges. By job hopping, professionals expose themselves to a variety of workplaces, each with its unique set of challenges and learning opportunities. This exposure accelerates professional development, as each new role demands the acquisition of new knowledge and the application of learned skills in different contexts. Career progression can sometimes stall in a long-term position, but job hoppers take their growth into their own hands, actively seeking out the next step on their career ladder. They are often more aware of their career trajectory and how each role can contribute to their professional objectives. Job hoppers tend to be self-motivated learners, continuously looking for opportunities to enhance their abilities and advance their careers. The breadth of experience gained from multiple roles can make job hoppers attractive to employers looking for well-rounded candidates. Ultimately, job hopping can be seen as a series of strategic moves towards reaching one's career optimization.
Skill Development
Employers benefit from the cross-pollination of ideas and practices that skilled job hoppers provide. A diverse skill set is also a form of job security, enabling professionals to remain employable in a dynamic job market. Job hoppers are often quick learners, able to upskill rapidly to meet the demands of a new position. Job hoppers are also in a continual state of professional evolution, with each role acting as a stepping stone in their skill development. They accumulate a wide range of competencies, from technical know-how to soft skills like communication and leadership. The need to quickly master new responsibilities means job hoppers often have accelerated learning curves. They are forced to be resourceful and self-sufficient, traits that are highly sought after in any industry. With each transition, they build upon their existing skills, making them more versatile and valuable in the job market. They often become expert and creative problem-solvers, having dealt with a variety of workplace challenges. As they grow their arsenal of skills, job hoppers also increase their marketability and job security in a landscape where adaptability is key.
Personal Fulfillment
It’s personally fulfilling to be sincerely curious. Personal fulfillment plays a critical role in an individual's career satisfaction and overall well-being. Job hoppers have the autonomy to seek out positions that align with their personal values and passions. With each new role, they have the opportunity to refine their understanding of what they want from their career. This pursuit of job satisfaction can lead to higher productivity and a greater sense of achievement. Job hopping allows individuals to escape stagnation and disengagement often felt in long-term positions that no longer challenge them. The freedom to change roles empowers professionals to maintain a sense of control over their career happiness. Personal fulfillment in the workplace is linked to improved mental health, as individuals feel their work has meaning and aligns with their broader life goals. As job hoppers find fulfillment in their careers, they are likely to project positivity and enthusiasm, which can be infectious and beneficial to their colleagues and workplace culture.
Adaptability to Change
Adaptability is a key trait for success in today's dynamic work environment, and job hoppers often excel in this area. Each new job requires a swift and effective adjustment to new conditions, expectations, and challenges. Job hoppers are adept at navigating change, making them resilient in the face of industry shifts and disruptions. The experience of entering new workplaces helps job hoppers develop strong transitional skills, which are valuable in managing projects, teams, and companies. This ability to adapt is particularly appealing to employers in industries that are rapidly changing or prone to disruption. Job hoppers often bring a fresh perspective and can adapt best practices from various previous experiences to new contexts. The capacity to quickly learn and integrate into new teams and work cultures is a testament to a job hopper's strong interpersonal and communication skills. In times of organizational change, adaptable employees, like job hoppers, can play pivotal roles in facilitating a smooth transition.
Building a broad professional network is another advantage for job hoppers. With each new position, they connect with a new set of colleagues, clients, and industry professionals. These connections can open doors to future job opportunities and collaborations. Networking through job hopping can lead to a richer understanding of industry trends and best practices. It provides a platform for exchanging ideas and fostering professional relationships that can last a lifetime. A diverse networking is an essential component of professional success. With each new job, hoppers expand their professional circle, gaining contacts that can be invaluable for future opportunities and collaborations. These relationships often lead to a deeper understanding of the industry and access to diverse expertise and mentorship. Networking through job transitions can expose professionals to different leadership styles and strategies, broadening their managerial acumen. Job hoppers typically have a wide-reaching and diverse network, which can be a significant asset during times of job search or career uncertainty. The connections made can serve as a support system, offering advice, and guidance throughout one's career. A robust professional network is a rich resource for new insights and opportunities, and job hoppers are well-positioned to benefit from these. The act of networking itself can enhance a job hopper's reputation, making them more visible in their industry and more likely to be approached with attractive offers.
Higher salary
Financial incentives are often a significant factor in the decision to change jobs. Job hoppers may experience salary increases with each move, as they negotiate better terms based on their growing experience and skills. The ability to move to higher-paying positions is accelerated for job hoppers, as they are not confined to the often slower salary progression within a single company. Each new role provides an opportunity to reassess one's market value and secure compensation that reflects their worth. Job hopping can be a response to the desire for better benefits, bonuses, and other financial incentives that improve overall life satisfaction. The financial gains from job hopping can also provide the resources for further professional development, such as additional training or education. Job hoppers often have the advantage of learning the art of salary negotiation, becoming more adept at articulating their value to potential employers. Higher salaries acquired through job hopping can lead to greater financial freedom and stability, enabling more significant investments in one's future.
Industry Insight
Gaining a deep understanding of different facets of an industry can be a strategic move for career advancement. Job hoppers, by virtue of their varied experiences, often have a well-rounded view of their industry. They are exposed to different company strategies, market approaches, and competitive dynamics, giving them a broad perspective. This insight is valuable for identifying emerging trends and potential market shifts, positioning job hoppers as forward-thinking assets to their employers. The ability to compare and contrast different organizational practices provides job hoppers with a keen understanding of what works and what doesn't in various contexts. With each new role, they accumulate knowledge that can be leveraged for the benefit of future employers, making them contributors to best practices. Job hoppers often become industry-savvy professionals, aware of the nuances and complexities of their field. Their comprehensive industry insight can make them effective decision-makers and innovators, which is highly valued in leadership roles.
Cultural Fit
Finding the right cultural fit is crucial for job satisfaction and performance. Job hoppers have the unique opportunity to experience different company cultures, helping them identify the type of work environment in which they thrive. This understanding allows them to make informed decisions about future roles, ensuring a good fit that can lead to enhanced job satisfaction and longevity. Exposure to various cultures also hones a job hopper's adaptability to different team dynamics and organizational values. They learn to quickly assimilate into new cultures, contributing positively from the outset. A good cultural fit is beneficial for both the employee and the employer, as it fosters a harmonious and productive work environment. Job hoppers are more likely to become cultural ambassadors, promoting and enhancing the workplace atmosphere. Ultimately, finding the right cultural fit can lead to a more fulfilling and impactful career, as professionals are better aligned with their company's mission and values.
Innovative Perspectives
Innovation is the lifeblood of any competitive industry, and job hoppers are often at the forefront of bringing in new ideas. Their diverse experiences across different roles and companies provide them with a rich repository of knowledge to draw upon. They are accustomed to questioning the status quo and suggesting improvements, which can lead to significant advancements within an organization. Job hoppers can cross-pollinate ideas, applying successful strategies from one company to another. This transfer of knowledge can be a catalyst for innovation and growth. Employers benefit from the fresh perspectives and problem-solving approaches that job hoppers offer. The creative energy and drive to innovate that job hoppers bring to their roles can invigorate their teams and projects. Their propensity for innovation often positions job hoppers as valuable thought leaders within their industries. Which enable them to take cake charge of their career too.
Career Control
Taking charge of one's career path is empowering, and job hopping is a manifestation of exercising that control. Job hoppers make deliberate moves to shape their career trajectory, aligning their professional journey with their personal aspirations. This proactive approach to career management allows individuals to seek out the best opportunities for their growth and satisfaction. Job hoppers are not passive in their careers; they are actively making decisions that can lead to a more rewarding professional life. Job hopping exemplifies the essence of career control. Individuals who navigate their professional paths through various roles and organizations are taking the helm, steering their careers in directions that they determine. Rather than waiting for opportunities to arise within a single company, job hoppers actively pursue new prospects that align with their evolving goals and aspirations.
This approach to career building stands in contrast to the traditional model of long-term employment with a single organization. In the past, workers often relied on their employers to provide a structured career ladder, promotions, and professional development opportunities. However, job hoppers recognize that in today's dynamic work environment, they must create their opportunities and cannot be overly reliant on any one employer to fulfill their career ambitions.
By transitioning from one role to another, job hoppers are effectively curating their professional experiences. They gain a breadth of knowledge and a unique set of skills that can make them highly valuable in the workforce. Furthermore, they send a message that their career is in their hands, and they are willing to make bold moves to ensure their professional growth and personal fulfillment.
Such career control also fosters a sense of personal agency and self-efficacy. Job hoppers often feel more engaged with their work because they have sought it out intentionally, and they have the confidence that comes from successfully navigating the job market and landing new roles. They are the architects of their professional lives, building careers that are not just a series of jobs but a coherent narrative that reflects their personal brand and professional ethos.
In essence, job hopping can be a powerful method of asserting control over one's career, as it embodies the willingness to take risks, embrace change, and pursue a vision for one's professional future.
Resilience is a foundational element in the narrative of job hopping, serving as both a feature and a benefit of this dynamic career approach. By navigating the challenges inherent in transitioning between diverse roles, job hoppers exemplify and develop resilience, a quality that is increasingly vital in a business world characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA).
This resilience manifests in several key areas. Firstly, job hoppers exhibit a psychological resilience that enables them to cope with new job-related stresses, rebound from setbacks, and adapt to unfamiliar environments. They grow accustomed to change, not just as an occasional disruption but as a constant presence in their professional lives, and learn to thrive within it.
Secondly, job hoppers display professional resilience. They are not deterred by the risk of a role not working out or the challenge of proving themselves in a new position. Instead, they see each job as a learning opportunity and a stepping stone to further success. This mindset allows them to maintain a career trajectory that is directed by proactive choices rather than by inertia or complacency.
Moreover, the resilience gained from job hopping equips professionals with a problem-solving resilience that is honed by exposure to a variety of business problems and solutions. They become adept at thinking on their feet and applying lessons learned from one context to another, often bringing innovative perspectives that can transform challenges into opportunities.
Cultural resilience is another aspect strengthened by job hopping. Professionals who work in different companies and sectors become more culturally competent and understanding of different viewpoints, enhancing their ability to navigate and bridge cultural divides within the workplace.
Finally, job hoppers develop a network resilience that comes from building and maintaining relationships across a spectrum of industries and organizations. This network becomes a resource for new opportunities, advice, and support, further bolstering the job hopper’s ability to navigate their career.
In sum, job hopping, when approached thoughtfully, can cultivate a formidable resilience that empowers professionals to excel in diverse environments. With each move, they build not just a portfolio of experiences but a robust set of skills and a mindset that prepares them for the future of work. Employers who value this resilience will find that job hoppers can be invaluable assets, capable of bringing fresh perspectives, agility, and a proven ability to adapt and flourish in the face of change.
In conclusion, job hopping can be a strategic approach to personal and professional development, reflecting an individual's sincere curiosity and a capacity for accurate empathy. Those who engage in job hopping are often driven by a desire to expand their horizons, learn from diverse environments, and seek out challenges that match their evolving skills and interests. They exhibit a genuine curiosity about different organizational cultures, work dynamics, and industry practices. This curiosity can lead to a richer understanding of the human element within various workplaces, fostering accurate empathy, an ability to genuinely understand and share the feelings of others, in each new setting. Job hoppers can leverage this empathy to build strong relationships, navigate workplace politics, and lead teams with compassion. While job hopping may not be the ideal path for everyone, for many it offers a journey of continuous learning and personal growth, allowing them to shape their career paths with intention and adaptability.
Sullivan, S. E., & Baruch, Y. (2009). Advances in Career Theory and Research: A Critical Review and Agenda for Future Exploration. Journal of Management, 35(6), 1542-1571. https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206309350082
Hall, D. T. (2002). Careers In and Out of Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
TeleSur - "Nicaragua... “Still, It Moves...”"
The popular economy provides 70 percent of the country's employment and has made it possible for the country to produce 90 percent of its own food.
Galileo may or may not truly have said “Still, it moves...” on escaping condemnation by the Holy Inquisition for asserting that the Earth moves around the Sun. But the saying certainly applies in the case of Nicaragua's persecution by the sadistic neoliberal Inquisition of Western countries whose oligarchs, corporate and alternative media and NGO hangers-on still believe they are the center of the universe.
Last July 28th, Nicaragua threw that delusion in the face of the US political leadership when Foreign Minister Denis Moncada Colindres formally refused the routine agrément for Hugo Rodriguez, the proposed new US ambassador to Nicaragua.
At his senate confirmation hearing, Rodriguez openly declared his intention to attack Nicaragua's economy and institutions. Among other things he declared that he would work to exclude the country from the Central American Free Trade Agreement.
He also promised to seek to isolate Nicaragua internationally so as to obtain the release of criminals the US government paid via its non profit network to overthrow Nicaragua's government in 2018 and to try disrupting the country's national elections in 2021. He even declared that as ambassador he would contest the development of Nicaragua's sovereign relations with China and Russia.
The demented United States ruling classes took for granted that they could impose on Nicaragua an ambassador publicly committed to hurting that country's economy, institutions and vital interests.
Why would they not? Over the last twenty years or so, they have destroyed Haiti and Honduras, persistently attacked Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela and fomented government ousters in Paraguay and Brazil.
They drove the lawfare persecution against Jorge Glas and Rafael Correa in Ecuador, against Lula da Silva in Brazil, and too against Cristina Kirchner in Argentina while ardently nurturing the corrupt government of Mauricio Macri. For decades they supported the fascist narco-terror regime in Colombia, now a key partner in the region of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
All these have been among the key elements of what the US leadership, diplomats and media call "promoting democracy" in Latin America and the Caribbean. In Europe, NATO's formula was: "Keep Russia, out, the Americans in and Germany down".
Current US policy in Latin America and the Caribbean is similar: "Keep China out, USA in and regional powers down". Nothing could be clearer as to what democracy means for the US government and its corporate owners.
This policy formula derives from the Western Inquisition's dogma that the world revolves around the North American, European and allied oligarchies with no possible alternative. In Latin America now, finally, other regional leaders like Mexico's Andres Manuel López Obrador are following the lead of Fidel and Raul Castro and revolutionary successors Miguel Díaz Canel and his comrades, of Evo Morales  and his comrades in Bolivia, of Chávez, Nicolás Maduro and Venezuela's Bolivarian leadership, of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo in sandinista Nicaragua and Caribbean island nation leaders like Ralph Gonsalves. They all declare openly what Galileo could only mutter under his breath. In this case, the world does not turn around the West.
As Ralph Gonsalves put it recently in Managua, "I come from a small Country in our Hemisphere, but this small Country believes and subscribes to large Principles: The Defense of Sovereignty and Independence, non-interference and non-Intervention in our own affairs; so as to able to lead ourselves and our Civilizations onward, and to be able to walk together with all the Peoples around the World, in friendship but not in subordination. [...]
People in Nicaragua have every reason to have faith in Ralph Gonsalves' vision of a Better World. In 2022, Nicaragua's economy has performed successfully despite severe  losses resulting from the 2018 failed coup attempt and the drastic global economic contraction through 2020, compounded by significant losses from two hurricanes in November that same year.
Nicaragua's GDP grew by almost 10% in 2021 and is on track to grow again by well over 5% this year resuming the trend established in the years before 2018. Daniel Ortega, Rosario Murillo and their government team enjoy over 70% approval for their policies.
By a very long way Nicaragua has the lowest percentage of people disposed to emigrate compared to its neighbors, including Costa Rica where poverty is now running at well over 30% of its population.
Nicaragua has the best public health system in Central America, one which is completely free. The country has a free national education system from preschool up to university including a massive comprehensive national vocational technical training program.
University education includes outreach programs to rural areas across the country. That democratization of health care and education extends deep into the grass roots of the economy, ensuring credit, technical support and marketing accompaniment for small farmers and small and micro-businesses that private banks would never finance.
Nicaragua's popular economy provides 70% of the country's employment and has made it possible for the country to produce 90% of its own food. Nicaragua ranks first in Latin America and the Caribbean for gender equality. It is the safest country in Central America, with the lowest murder rate and the lowest rate of car theft.
In terms of infrastructure Nicaragua has the best highway system in Central America. Around 99% of the country has electricity, 93% of the population have access to clean drinking water. Every day of classes, 1.2 million schoolchildren receive a free school meal.
In terms of restitution of property rights, over 530,000 families have received free legal title to their property since 2007. In 2021, the government completed extending legal title to 25 Properties of Original Peoples, which cover 315 communities with 41,000 families, over an area of 38,000 square kilometres  which is 30% of the national territory of around 130,000 km2.
Nicaragua's laws guaranteeing regional autonomy to the country's indigenous and afrodescendant peoples are the most innovative and far-reaching in the hemisphere. Thus Nicaragua's achievements put to shame much wealthier countries, like Argentina, Colombia or Chile or the US itself, whose people are told they cannot have free health care.
The United States and its European and other allied countries are sinking ever more deeply into political illegitimacy and economic crisis. Their foreign policy is a catastrophic failure, leaving them isolated internationally, while majority world countries increasingly recognize the leadership of China and Russia.[...]
given the country's relatively small population, Nicaragua can expect its recently renewed relations with China to compensate the bulk of any hostile US measures, both in terms of trade and finance for development cooperation.
As US options to coopt, undermine or overthrow Nicaragua's government steadily vanish, President Ortega, Vice President Rosario Murillo and the country's Sandinista government enjoy effectively unassailable legitimacy.
The country's economy remains robust and resilient. While the monstrous cynicism of the US ruling oligarchs means no eventuality can be ruled out, at least for now the Western Inquisition can make only a media and NGO bonfire of Nicaragua.
If they want to avoid freezing this winter, they might well consider burning the mountains of false reports they have produced on the country. Nicaragua itself will continue moving, as Sandino said, "siempre más allá"... always further on.
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nsamfgc · 10 months
NSAMFGC Bangalore: Nurturing Excellence in Education and Beyond
NSAMFGC Bangalore (NSAM First Grade College) stands as a beacon of academic excellence and holistic development in the vibrant city of Bangalore, India. Established with a vision to provide quality education and foster ethical values, NSAMFGC has been a trusted name in the education sphere for several decades.
A Legacy of Excellence: NSAMFGC has a rich legacy of nurturing young minds since its inception. Founded by Late Sri N. S. Narasimha Swamy, a visionary philanthropist and educationist, the college upholds his principles and values, ensuring that education is accessible to all and empowers students to succeed in their chosen paths.
Academic Programs: The college offers a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in arts, commerce, and science streams. These programs are designed to meet the dynamic demands of today's industries while focusing on the overall development of students. NSAMFGC's curriculum is aligned with industry trends and incorporates the latest advancements in respective fields.
Experienced Faculty: NSAMFGC boasts a dedicated and experienced faculty comprising subject matter experts and accomplished educators. The faculty members not only impart knowledge but also serve as mentors, guiding students on their academic journeys and helping them discover their true potential.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: The college's campus is equipped with modern infrastructure and facilities, creating an environment conducive to learning and personal growth. Well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, a digital library, sports facilities, and hostel accommodations ensure that students have access to all the resources they need to excel in their academic pursuits.
Holistic Development: NSAMFGC believes in nurturing all-round development among students. Alongside academic excellence, the college encourages students to participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities, such as sports, cultural events, and community service. These activities instill essential life skills like leadership, teamwork, and social responsibility.
Placement and Career Support: NSAMFGC's placement cell actively assists students in securing job placements and internships. The college has a track record of producing graduates who are highly sought-after by leading employers in various industries. The placement cell also provides career guidance, soft skill training, and industry interactions to enhance students' employability.
Research and Innovation: NSAMFGC encourages research and innovation among faculty and students. The college supports research projects and provides a platform for students to showcase their research findings through conferences and publications. This culture of innovation fosters a spirit of curiosity and critical thinking.
Community Engagement: As a responsible educational institution, NSAMFGC actively engages with the local community through various initiatives. These efforts focus on social welfare, environmental awareness, and contributing to the betterment of society.
Alumni Network: NSAMFGC takes pride in its strong and supportive alumni network. The college maintains a close relationship with its alumni, who continue to contribute to the college's growth and success. The network serves as a valuable resource for current students, offering mentorship and career guidance.
Conclusion: NSAMFGC Bangalore stands as a prominent educational institution, dedicated to empowering students with quality education and fostering their holistic development. With a legacy of excellence, experienced faculty, industry-relevant programs, and a commitment to societal welfare, NSAMFGC continues to inspire and prepare the next generation of leaders and professionals to make a positive impact in the world.
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cimagecollegepatna · 11 months
Best BCA College in Patna - Cimage College
CIMAGE: The Best BCA College in Patna
When it comes to pursuing a Bachelor’s in Computer Applications (BCA) in Patna, there is one institute that stands head and shoulders above the rest — CIMAGE. With its commitment to excellence, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and exceptional faculty, CIMAGE has established itself as the premier BCA college in Patna.
Quality Education: CIMAGE is renowned for providing quality education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills. The college follows a well-structured curriculum that is designed to meet industry standards and demands. The faculty members are highly qualified and experienced, ensuring that students receive the best guidance and mentorship throughout their academic journey.
Cutting-edge Infrastructure: CIMAGE boasts a modern and well-equipped campus that provides an ideal learning environment for BCA students. The college has spacious classrooms, advanced computer labs, and a well-stocked library. The computer labs are equipped with the latest hardware and software, allowing students to gain hands-on experience and stay updated with emerging technologies. The campus also offers Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling students to access online resources and collaborate effectively.
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Industry Exposure: Recognizing the importance of practical exposure, CIMAGE has established strong ties with the industry. The college regularly organizes industrial visits, workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry experts. These initiatives provide students with invaluable insights into the real-world applications of their knowledge and help them develop the necessary skills to excel in their careers. Additionally, CIMAGE encourages students to undertake internships and projects with leading organizations, further enhancing their practical knowledge and employability.
Placement Opportunities: One of the key factors that sets CIMAGE apart is its exceptional placement record. The college has a dedicated placement cell that works tirelessly to connect students with reputed companies and organizations. Through campus placements, students have secured lucrative job offers from renowned companies in the IT sector. CIMAGE’s strong industry connections and emphasis on skill development contribute significantly to its high placement success rate.
Holistic Development: At CIMAGE, education is not limited to academic excellence; equal importance is given to the overall development of students. The college offers a range of extracurricular activities, including sports, cultural events, and clubs, allowing students to explore their interests and talents beyond the classroom. These activities foster teamwork, leadership skills, and a sense of community among students.
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Alumni Network: CIMAGE takes pride in its strong and active alumni network. The alumni, who are working in reputed organizations across the country, serve as a valuable resource for current students. They provide guidance, mentorship, and networking opportunities, helping students build connections and gain insights into the professional world.
Conclusion: With its commitment to providing quality education, state-of-the-art infrastructure, industry exposure, excellent placement opportunities, and focus on holistic development, CIMAGE has rightfully earned the title of the best BCA college in Patna. Students who choose CIMAGE for their BCA journey can expect to receive a comprehensive education that equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the dynamic field of computer applications.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
The prospects for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) next year look almost as gloomy as at the end of 2020, the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a Uutissuomalainen news group report (siirryt toiseen palveluun) in Jyväskylä's Keskisuomalainen.
The article reviews a fresh survey by the Finnish Confederation of Industries (EK) showing that 41 percent of SMEs are preparing for layoffs next year. Ten percent said that they may have to close down in 2023.
"The outlook is bleak in many respects. The biggest challenges are related to the rise in the prices of raw materials and energy due to Russia's war of aggression. At the same time, there is a shortage of skilled labour," said EK Chief Policy Advisor Jari Huovinen.
Other major challenges are a decline in domestic sales and weakening liquidity.
According to Huovinen, the outlook is particularly bleak for the smallest employers.
"They have gone from crisis to crisis. Many have pretty much used up their financial buffers," noted Huovinen.
According to the report, only 23 percent of small and medium-sized companies believe that demand will increase during the coming year. Just over one third anticipate a decline in demand.
The outlook is pessimistic all around the country – gloomiest in northern regions and somewhat more optimistic in Uusimaa and Pirkanmaa.
A company with at least two, but fewer than 250 employees is considered an SME. There are approximately 84,500 such firms in Finland.
Nato and nukes
Helsingin Sanomat reports (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on an interview Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto (Green) gave to the Japanese news agency Kyodo News in which he said that Russia's nuclear weapons programme was one of the key factors influencing Finland's application for Nato membership.
HS notes that the interview, published on Sunday morning, was quickly picked up by the Russian state-owned news agency Tass which misreported Haavisto as saying that "Russia's alleged nuclear threats were the main reason for Finland's desire to join Nato."
According to Helsingin Sanomat, Haavisto spoke more broadly about Finland's Nato decision and mentioned Russia's nuclear weapons as one of several reasons behind the application.
The paper points out that this was nothing new.
For example, the Finnish government's report on changes in the security environment, published last spring, stated that Russia has "repeatedly expressed its readiness to use nuclear weapons". That report was one of the key documents considered when Finland's foreign policy leadership decided to apply for Nato membership last May.
Not gas dependent
The farmers' union paper Maaseudun Tulevaisuus (siirryt toiseen palveluun) looks at some of the historic reasons that Finland is buffered from the impact of natural gas shortages which now threaten much of central Europe.
In Finland, district and electric heating are overwhelmingly the most common forms of heating services.
Riku Huttunen, who heads the Energy Department at Finland's Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, pointed out to the paper that one key reason for this is that unlike central Europe, Finland does not have natural gas deposits.
According to Huttunen, when district heating networks started to be built in the 1950s, natural gas was not even an option. The Soviet Union started exporting gas in the mid-1970s, and by that time, district heating networks in Finland had already been practically completed.
Finland's wood processing industry started co-production of electricity and heat before the Second World War. Later, the lessons learned from the wood processing sector were adopted by cities, which started building plants that produce both electricity and heat.
Wood, oil and nuclear power are the main sources of heating and electricity production in Finland.
Even more snow
The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) is forecasting over 10 centimetres of fresh snowfall around most of the country over the next few days, and 20cm to 30cm in some areas, according to Helsingin Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun).
FMI has issued warnings of hazardous driving conditions in the north on Monday, and the same in southern, central and eastern parts of the country on Tuesday.
Temperatures over the next few weeks will remain a few degrees below the average.
In the dark
It's the time of year that we here in Finland spend much of our time in the dark.
In an item that might bring readers some comfort, Hufvudstadsbladet reports (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that Tuesday, at least for a brief time, almost all of humanity will be in the dark.
On 6 December, at 9:56 PM local time, the most populated areas in the world will simultaneously be on the night side of the earth - nearly 9 out of 10 people worldwide will experience darkness at the same time.
Although the sun will be up in the Americas, New Zealand and most of Australia, the earth is much more densely populated around Asia, Africa and Europe, meaning that a full 86 percent of humanity will have the sun at least 18 degrees below the horizon, and so some darkness, all at the same time on Tuesday.
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spann-stann · 2 years
Setting Blurb: Four Great Classes and the Imperial Concert
· Overview: With the social and demographic collapse at the end of WWIII created a need for two specific types of work: skilled labor and fighting. The growing proto-states of the brief dark age created incentive programs to encourage employment in the trades and military, especially those that were the children of tradesmen and soldiers. Over time, incentives for the clergy and those with political acumen to lead their local communities were created as well. When the League was created, these various systems were coalesced into the “Four Cornerstones of Civilization”, the Great Class System was officially born. The Great Class System further divides the four Great Classes into the thousands of castes native to the League’s member communities. While placement into a caste is usually hereditary, opportunities arise for citizens to test into another caste following their fifteenth birthday.
· Rulers: Part gentry and nomenklatura, the Ruler Great Class is made up all individuals responsible for governance in their home community, from the village headman to the Viceroys themselves. Unlike the other Great Classes, Rulers are annually tested to ensure that they maintain the “virtuous mindset” required for their position. In lieu of a true bureaucracy, Rulers are mandated to network among themselves and constituents of note to ensure all proper governance is maintained. Rulers on average make up less than 1% of their home state’s population.
· Priests: In many member communities the priestly class is not hereditary, only those that can test into a seminary (or some equivalent) may enter its ranks. While Rulers ensure the physical wellbeing of their charges, Priests are responsible for the spiritual health of the citizens living in their parish. Like Rulers, Priests make up less than 1% of a member state’s population.
· Soldiers: Responsible for the defense of the League, Soldiers begin their training as soon as they enter their teens. While League member communities are required to maintain a population of Soldier class equaling to around 2% their total population, the League’s present quotas for active service are quite small. Only during the Crystalline War was the entirety of the Soldier class called up to serve in the League’s defense.
· Workers: The most diverse of the Great Classes, workers make up all the “civilian” roles in the League from the rural farmer to the urban industrial worker. Originally, white-collar work was part of this caste until it was phased out due to automation becoming focused on allowing citizens to perform work that was deemed more “honorable”. The Worker Great Class is the largest of the four, numbering at 96-97% the population of an individual member community.
· Serviles: The unofficial “fifth” Great Class, the Servile class is made up of violent criminals, defeated rebels (provided their rebellion was not justified), and social malcontents. In the early years of the League, prisons were abolished in favor of “penitentiary servitude” and have criminals simply work off their debts to society. Political dissidents and other “undesirables” more often than not end up “in the mines” alongside violent murderers and rapists.
· Imperial: The second unofficial Great Class in League society, the Imperial Class is made up of the Imperial Household, and the vast number of associates that make up the Emperor’s retinue. Many of the more prominent members of this Class outside the Emperor’s extended family are made up of childhood friends and family associates.
• The Imperial Concert: A tetracameral assembly, the Imperial Concert (also known as the Imperial Congress) is where the leadership of the four Great Classes assemble on behalf of their Member Communities to assist and advise the Emperor of the League in governing the massive interplanetary entity.
• The Senate (Ruler Class): The only house on the Concert that acts like a legislative body, the Senate is where the nobles, chiefs, consuls, and other rulers of the League's member communities convene and discuss political and legal matters affecting the League as a whole, settle disputes with neighbors, and curry favor with the Emperor.
• The Council of Paladins (Soldier Class): Made up the twelve Paladins and their retainers, the Paladins are responsible for managing the Imperial Armed Forces and ensuring that it is prepared for any threat to the League.
• The Imperial Ecumenical Council (Priest Class): A never-ending religious debate, the Ecumenical Council houses the many priests from the many religions that are practice by citizens of the League (and recognized by the Imperial government). Here, the morality of laws (present and pending) are determined and the myriad doctrines of man's faiths are debated. It is not a surprise to see some priests convert to two more religions after losing a theological debate in the course of one day.
• The Workers Assembly (Worker Class): Part Stock Exchange, part Trade Expo, part Union, the Workers Assembly is where the leaders of the Worker Class gather and discuss trade practices, apprentice curricula, and recent technological and economic developments in the League's member communities that could ease the burden of their fellow working man.
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communityinclusion · 2 years
SELN Celebrates 17 years!
This July, the State Employment Leadership Network (SELN) kicked off membership year 17!
The SELN is a collaborative effort between the ICI and the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS). Currently, 25 state intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) agencies have committed to improving integrated employment outcomes for the 2022-2023 membership year.
These IDD agencies connect, collaborate, and share information and lessons learned across state lines and system boundaries. The SELN fosters cross-community support around important employment-related policies at the state and federal levels.
Each year, the ICI and NASDDDS help each state develop customized work plans around integrated employment initiatives to meet their unique needs.
Visit the SELN Hub to learn more about each state and the community of practice.
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The 25 SELN Member States highlighted green on a US map.
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peopleville · 1 year
Leadership Hiring Strategies - Need to Know
Although creating a hiring strategy may seem extreme, it is a useful tool when getting ready to hire a new employee. When a position becomes available that needs to be filled, there are typically several steps that can be taken and followed to find stylish employees. Many businesses create a standard hiring process for their open positions. Still, it's always a good idea to adapt your method to your business and its needs for manpower supply in Malaysia.
Examine your hiring metrics.
Before analyzing your hiring approach, you must ascertain what is already effective and pinpoint areas that want improvement. You must examine the recruitment metrics to accomplish this. You can then decide on ways to help you achieve and set realistic goals.
Be aware of what you're missing.
Finding the ideal candidate for the position is crucial, and you should also consider the gaps in your current leadership group. Are the members of your leadership excellent at what they do but need to be more approachable or flexible? Pay someone to make it up to you. Consider what your team lacks, then request it from the incoming manager.
Create an ongoing network strategy.
You can be proactive in developing your leadership team by continuously looking for potential business leaders at industry events. When networking with other businesspeople, consider if a possible contact might become a good leader for the organization. Please note their contact details, essential skills, and why they are considering you as a potential manager.
Even if there aren't any open positions right now, you can still compile a list of potential hires for when the time comes. This makes it simple for you to get in touch with network contacts and express your admiration for their credentials and your want in discussing your potential employment with the organization. Reduce the amount of time it takes to find a replacement for a leader.
Clearly state what your job entails.
Use essential words that precisely express your position and set forth your objectives.
Include both the main duties and any other obligations.
Determine the essential qualities of leadership you seek in candidates.
Mention the qualifications needed.
Inquire about your training and work history.
Consider your company's most urgent requirements, knowledge gaps, and success-related expertise before recruiting. Then the quest follows.
Consider a skilled expert who is well-versed in the issue and the remedy. Find experts who can take charge of a certain company sector, and ensure they are aware of and supportive of your goal. This approach can benefit your company the best.
Do excellent interviews
It's critical to keep in mind that interviews are interactive. Candidates are interviewing you as well as you are interviewing them.
Whether you are assembling in person or remotely, make sure it is convenient and hassle-free.
We interview candidates for positions in which they are interested. Would you prefer to work collaboratively? Try group discussions. Remember to discuss the corporate culture in your interview as well. For instance, if your workplace is full of humor, mention that in your interview. Thanks to our recruitment method, we can locate candidates with the proper culture and talents.
Always examine the references of candidates.
Invest time in reference and background checks, even if they take some time. Look for additional sources of information to supplement references to assess a new manager's suitability. Has the candidate written or published any articles? Was it mentioned someplace or featured in a podcast or webinar? Check to see if there is something similar.
Making a choice
It can be tough for employers to commit an individual to work because it is a large commitment, and the costs can be high. Even though it's best to avoid it, there are a few things to consider if you decide to change your mind.
Keep in touch regularly with factory workers in Malaysia, and be mindful that prolonged delays significantly raise the likelihood of abandonment (losing candidates). Please take steps to prevent unconscious bias by being aware of it. Always create requests subject to the outcome of background checks. Overall, handling the hiring process successfully is more art than science, but segmenting it into stages like this can ease the process. However, always remember to believe in your gut. In recruiting, intuition is very important since it directs you past the finish line.
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Do you want to attend an international college?
Before applying to an international college, you should become acquainted with the cultural differences in the country of study. The following articles will answer your queries concerning food and drinks in social settings, distance from home, and time zones. You should also be conscious of time variations since they might impact your timetable. Furthermore, before you travel overseas, you should evaluate your financial status. You'll be ready to travel to Canada after reading these articles.
Students attending an overseas college may encounter various cultural differences. Communication difficulties, expectations of the teacher's position, and other areas of life can generate classroom issues. Students in Asian nations, for example, may have different expectations of a teacher's leadership during small group teaching sessions than students in European countries. Asian students usually regard the instructor as an authoritative figure, but European students regard the teacher as an expert who aids the learning process. Similarly, students from Dutch-speaking nations may expect their lecturers to offer scathing criticism of their initiative.
While this might be difficult, overseas students must learn to adapt. For example, international students are frequently treated as outsiders and ostracized in social situations. Furthermore, students with accents are frequently considered as mentally challenged. Furthermore, a student's headgear might indicate their ethnic or religious identity. As a result, understanding what to expect as an international student in the United States is critical.
If you intend to attend a foreign institution, you should be aware of time zone changes. While many countries adhere to UTC, some do not. These distinctions might cause the dates on your calendar to seem incorrect. The time difference table might assist you in determining which days are the same and which are different. This table shows the time of day in various time zones. Typically, the difference is a half-hour or more.
It is also critical to recognize that different people work at various times. You'll need to adapt your schedule to accommodate your country's time zone. If you have meetings at various times, notify them ahead of time so they may modify their meeting arrangements. International college time zone variations make it challenging to keep in touch with family and friends. If you have an evening meeting, don't be shocked if you can't make it on time. You understandably want to work late at night, but you can postpone if you must stay up until four a.m. Just make sure that everyone understands how you feel.
The social milieu at an international institution is quite diversified, which might impact students' drinking habits. Social learning is an essential aspect of the collegiate social milieu and a critical contributor to drinking habits. Although alcohol use was linked to social learning, other variables impact students' drinking habits. This article will highlight some of these elements. It also discusses some challenges students may experience when attending an overseas institution.
Immigration is linked to various negative consequences, including increased alcohol intake. While many immigrants can acclimatize to their new lifestyle, they frequently confront challenges during the adjustment. Living in low-income communities, getting suitable employment, and participating with limited social networks may be among these problems. As a result, they may struggle to assimilate completely into American culture. Alcohol usage is also connected with adverse health outcomes in foreign college settings.
When selecting an overseas institution, the distance from home is critical. However, the appropriate distance from home changes for each individual, and assessing your degree of comfort with living away from home is critical. For example, you could want to stay with a friend or family member who lives nearby. In such instances, the distance between home and school should be manageable by car. Furthermore, maintaining contact with friends and family back home is essential for a successful semester. For most international schools, the number of overseas students attending college might be prohibitively expensive. Furthermore, many of these schools have a small number of pupils.
On the other hand, distance learning allows students to enroll from anywhere globally. This can be beneficial for international students, but it can never replace the experience of studying in the United States. Distance learning is not for everyone, but it may be an excellent alternative for international students who reside in a low-income country.
Apply as soon as possible and be prepared to fulfill deadlines. Many overseas students misjudge how long it takes to get into college. Start the process as soon as possible to provide ample time to study programs and satisfy application deadlines. Some institutions set deadlines up to 10 months before the start of the academic year. You can submit your papers once you have finished the application procedure.
Gather the essential information before submitting your application to an overseas college. This is especially crucial for overseas students, who may be required to show their passports to confirm their identities. In addition, if admitted to college, you'll need to furnish your passport information to get a Form I-20. Here are a few pointers to help you through the process of applying to an overseas institution.
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educationnursing · 2 years
How can an ER nurse make more money?
Eight Ways Nurses Can Increase Their Income
Network. Networking refers to meeting new people and establishing contacts in your career. You’ll hear a lot about networking in nursing school or on the job. There are many ways to network these days: Social media, on the job, while you’re in school, and so forth. Allow me to illustrate how networking can pay off. Not too long ago, I heard of a guy on a nursing floor who wanted to apply for a new shift leader position that had opened up. Everyone like this particular guy, and he was sure to get the job. However, the nurse manager over that unit had to promptly step down. A new nurse manager was hired, and she filled the shift leader positions by hiring one of her friends. It’s not always about how hard you work in life–sometimes it’s about who you know! So networking can pay off.
Work Night Shift. A lot of people dislike working night shift due to the change in sleeping habits. However, most night shift positions offer a pay premium. This could be a dollar amount (extra $1-3 per hour), or a percentage increase in pay. Either way, working night shift usually increases your overall income. Sure, it’s not for everyone, but if you’re willing to do it, you can reap the rewards.
Work in Critical Care Areas. If you work in high-stress areas such as the ICU or ER trauma centers, you’ll likely earn more money per hour. Why? These areas can be very stressful and very demanding. Nurses encounter very serious situations, and they require thick skin and quick action. So if you work in one of these areas, you’ll likely earn a premium. Some healthcare facilities call it “critical care pay.” Others may call it something different. The bottom line is that you’ll likely have a bigger paycheck!
Obtain Additional Certifications. You can obtain certifications for many nursing specialties. These may be directly offered by your employer, or you may have to sign-up to take a certification course through a credentialing agency.  One such agency is the ANCC (American Nurses Credentialing Center). This agency offers certifications for many nursing specialties. Once you become certified, your employer may offer a wage increase. In addition, you’ll open up opportunities for advancement throughout your nursing career!
Participate in Career Ladder Programs. These programs are usually offered by hospitals or large healthcare organizations, and they allow nurses to earn an extra bonus based on the completion of their program. My wife participated in one of these programs, and it was called the BEST program at her hospital. BEST stands for Bedside Excellence Shining Through. This program had different tiers, and based on your tier, you had a percentage wage increase from 2-6%. To complete this program, my wife had to submit a paper, put together a portfolio, and some other minor tasks which detailed her experiences and training as a nurse.
Move Into Management, Shift Leader, or Charge Nurse Positions. There are always plenty of ways to grow in your nursing career, and one way is to simply apply for a management or leadership position. By becoming a charge nurse, shift leader, or a nurse manager, you stand to earn a big bump in your earnings.
Earn an Advanced Degree. When it comes to healthcare professions, obtaining an advanced degree almost always pays off.  Consider this: The average salary for an LPN (as of 2014) in the United States is $43,420. The average salary for an RN (2014) is $69,790. You can become an LPN in about one year through a diploma or certificate program, but you can become an RN with just one year of extra schooling (ADN degree, which takes about 2 years). Just one year of additional schooling could give you a gross increase of $26,370 per year (69,790-43,420). Over a 40-year career, that’s over $1 million bucks. Likewise, consider the average salary for a CRNA as of 2014: $158,900. This requires a master’s level education, so there’s definitely more schooling involved, but you could earn $89,110 more than a BSN-RN per year. Over a 40-year period, that’s over $3.5 million bucks! Not bad! Grated, I didn’t factor in the cost of tuition, taxes, or opportunity costs, but it’s pretty clear to see that an advanced degree in nursing (or other healthcare professions) almost always pays off.
Change Your Industry. Some industries just pay more than others do. You may make more money working for a large for-profit company as compared to a smaller not-for-profit company. One of the top paying industries for RNs within the healthcare sector (as of 2014) was specialty hospitals (state owned), which had an average salary of $77,660. One of the lowest paying industries within the healthcare sector was residential mental health and substance abuse facilities, with an average salary of $59,950. So sometimes it can pay to switch employers or work in different industries.
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scmcpune · 4 days
India's Premier Institute is Training the Future Media Professionals
Have you ever heard of the prestigious educational institution based in Pune that is recognized for its excellence in media education? This institution has become a beacon of hope for media enthusiasts with its innovative teaching techniques and state-of-the-art facilities. It is widely regarded as the best institute for mass communication in India and helps shape the future of media with its unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The students of this institution are well-equipped with the tools they need to excel in the dynamic media industry.
A Closer Look at the BA Mass Communication Program
The BA Mass Communication program is tailored to meet the evolving needs of the media industry. It covers a broad spectrum of media disciplines, from journalism to digital media. Students learn from seasoned professionals and are encouraged to develop their unique voice. The program's focus on real-world application ensures that graduates are not just ready for the job market but are poised to redefine it.
Molding Future Media Leaders
The BBA in Media Management is another flagship program that draws students from across the globe. Designed to bridge the gap between media creativity and business acumen, this course offers an in-depth understanding of media economics, marketing, and management. It prepares students to take on leadership roles within the media sector, making strategic decisions that drive the industry forward.
Where Ideas Come to Life
The campus boasts modern facilities that simulate real-world media environments, such as fully-equipped studios, editing rooms, and digital labs. These resources allow students to experiment and hone their skills in a controlled, professional setting, making their learning experience comprehensive and impactful.
Industry Exposure and Internships
One of the key strengths of studying here is the direct exposure students gain to the industry through internships and projects with leading media organizations. This not only enriches the learning experience but also enhances their employability, providing a substantial network of professional contacts and practical knowledge of the media landscape.
Preparing Students for International Careers
The curriculum isn't just limited to national media practices but also includes global media dynamics. This international perspective prepares students for careers that transcend geographical boundaries, readying them for challenges and opportunities in the global media sphere.
Testaments to a Legacy
Graduates from the institute have gone on to achieve remarkable success in various media fields, from filmmaking and journalism to digital marketing and corporate communications. Their achievements serve as a testament to the quality of education and training provided, underlining the institute’s role in molding media professionals who lead and innovate.
Joining the League of Media Innovators For aspiring media professionals looking to make a mark in the industry, enrolling in the BA Mass Communication or BBA in Media Management programs at this leading institute in Pune is a strategic step towards a successful and fulfilling career. Here, education transcends traditional learning, nurturing creativity, and managerial skills, ensuring that every student is ready to lead and inspire.
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ies10 · 5 days
Unraveling Excellence: A Comprehensive Overview of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
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Jaipuria Institute of Management is a bustling city amid the vibrant culture and thriving business environment of the National Capital Region (NCR). It is located in Noida—a beacon of academic excellence and professional training. With a rich heritage spanning over two decades, Jaipuria Noida has carved a unique niche for itself in management education. This comprehensive review takes a deep dive into what makes the Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida a preferred choice for aspiring management professionals.
Campus and Infrastructure: 
Jaipuria Noida has a state-of-the-art campus that provides a conducive environment for learning and growth. The campus is set in a lush green environment and features modern classrooms, a well-equipped library, state-of-the-art laboratories, and recreational facilities. A Wi-Fi-enabled campus ensures seamless connectivity and facilitates research and collaboration among students.
Academic Programs: 
One of the hallmarks of Jaipuria Noida is its diverse academic programs that align with the evolving needs of the industry. From Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) to Executive Education programs, Jaipuria Noida offers a wealth of opportunities for students to pursue their passions in various fields such as Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Operations, and Information Technology.
At Jaipuria Noida, learning goes beyond textbooks and is guided by experienced academics and industry experts. Our faculty provides the perfect blend of academic rigor and industry experience to enrich our students' learning experience. Jaipuria Noida's faculty emphasizes interactive teaching methods, case-based learning, and industry-related projects to foster holistic development and a spirit of inquiry in students.
Industry Interface: 
Jaipuria Noida prides itself on its strong industry interface that bridges the gap between academia and the corporate world. The institute has formed strategic partnerships with leading companies, enabling internships, live projects, and corporate interactions for students. Industry experts are invited to give guest lectures, workshops, and seminars, providing valuable insight into the latest trends and practices in the business world.
Placement and Alumni Network: 
At Placement Cell in Jaipuria Noida, we leave no stone unturned to ensure the employability of our students. We have an excellent recruiting track record and a history of working with top recruiters from a variety of industries. A strong alumni network further enhances the employment process, as alumni serve as brand ambassadors and mentors for current student groups.
Global Presence: 
In an increasingly connected world, Jaipuria Noida understands the importance of global exposure in developing diverse professionals. The institute offers opportunities for international internships, exchange programs, and cooperative initiatives with prestigious universities and institutions around the world. This experience not only broadens students' horizons but also gives them a global perspective and intercultural skills.
Student Life and Extra-Curricular Activities: 
At Jaipuria Noida, we encourage our students to go beyond academics and explore their interests and talents through a variety of extra-curricular activities. From cultural festivals and sports competitions to clubs and committees, the campus is full of life and excitement around the clock. These activities not only promote teamwork and leadership skills but also provide a much-needed break from academic rigor.
In conclusion, Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida is a testament to excellence in management education. With world-class infrastructure, industry-focused curriculum, experienced faculty, strong industry interfaces, and vibrant student life, Jaipuria Noida continues to develop the next generation of leaders and change-makers. Whether it's academic goals, professional ambitions, or personal growth, Jaipuria Noida offers a holistic learning experience that enables students to thrive in a dynamic and competitive world.
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