Hi! My name is Micki! This is my newest blog. This will be a Star Trek themed agere blog.
My main agere blog(the one I use most often) is @softie-paws . The one I follow from is @tinypastelfoxprince (It belongs to my system mate Percy). I also have a spooky agere blog ( @little-spooky-pup )and an art blog (@softie-paws-arts ). I'm also thinking about making a cglre safe stim blog. :3
I age regress and pet regress. I also age dream. I usually regress voluntarily but this varies. I regress and dream to cope with trauma, mental illness, anxiety, neurodiversity, stress, and for fun.
Big age: 21
Small age: 0-13
Gender: Bigenderfluid (male and female)
Pronouns: She/He
Orientation: Pan and demi
I am autistic, adhd, dyspraxic, dyslexic and have, an eating disorder, ocd, cptsd, did, and most likely EDs.
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This is my Star Trek sona. She doesn't have a name yet but she is a Klingon Romulan hybrid.
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