#stanger things reverse big bang
medusapelagia · 3 months
Sneaking a Peek - CH 1-2-3
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This is my second fic written for the @strangerthingsreversebigbang!
I'm so lucky because I got the opportunity to work on @imfinereallyy beautiful art!
It was very fun plotting with them! And I'm glad that not only did she trust me with her art but made 3 different banners! (And I'm going to share them all because they are so beautiful!)
So a big thank you to her and a big thank you to my amazing beta @hawkinsleather who did an amazing job while working on their own fic at the same time!
As always thank you to the @strangerthingsreversebigbang Discord Server for their constant support and their friendship.
Steve Harrington's face has always been on the most well-known magazines' cover, but since he broke up with the famous actress Nancy Wheeler he has done his best to avoid the public eye. Or so he thinks... until a picture of him kissing a mysterious boy becomes viral.
A little snippet:
“Steven, stop it, ok? I don’t have time to waste. I called to find out the name of the boy you were kissing last night.” His mom says, annoyed. Steve turns toward the mirror and finally sees what caught his attention before: on the lower side of his neck, barely hidden from his t-shirt, there is a big blue hickey. Fuck! “How… how do you know?” “You were at the New York Fashion Week afterparty, right? Well, you know how people are. They love to take pictures and share them on their socials, don’t they? And guess what? No one cares about the stupid boys that were drinking some fancy cocktail they don’t even know how to pronounce, but you were in their picture. You, and a black-haired boy, and either one of you was in need of some CPR or the two of you were kissing. Hard.”
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alicetallula · 2 months
Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang 2023/2024 - A Dream on the Way to Death by Arbeds Ghost - Part I - 30.03.2024
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It was an absolute pleasure to work with @ghostdeb on this The Crow AU - 'A Dream on the Way to Death' - she really brought to life the concept I had in mind and I couldn't be happier with our take on the The Crow universe !
For the @strangerthingsreversebigbang
Part I NSFW / Part II / Part II NSFW
Banner - A Dream on the Way to Death by Arbeds Ghost - 30.03.2024
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Done using watercolors, alcohol markers, ink pens, gel pens, colored pencils, acrylic paint pens and Photoshop for the title, credits and blurring effect
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
Banner as is - Family picture with Billy, Max, Eddie and Steve - A Dream on the Way to Death by Arbeds Ghost - 30.03.2024
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Done using watercolors, alcohol markers, ink pens, gel pens, colored pencils and acrylic paint pens
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
Header - Eddie's MixTape for his boys - A Dream on the Way to Death by Arbeds Ghost - 30.03.2024
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Done using alcohol markers and ink pens
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
Billy at the Bar surrounded by Eddie's and Steve's Ghosts - A Dream on the Way to Death by Arbeds Ghost - 30.03.2024
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Done using alcohol markers, ink pens, gel pens, colored pencils and acrylic paint pens
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
Harringroveson smutty scene with Steve in lingerie
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Open Project Solo 1st script
This is the first decided script for the performance, as time progresses I will edit throughout the rehearsal process so things are likely to change until I have finalised everything. 
-      I going on a journey
-      Lets go on this journey
-      I want you to come on this journey with me
-      come on the journey
-      We are all equal
-      There’s no strings attached      
-      I want you to take a trip through time with me
-      Through time that helps us do so many things
-      We look across the good times
-      The bad times
-      The times we learn
-      The times we fail
-      The time we miss
-      The time we remember
-      The times with friends
-      The times with family
-      That time a stranger asked you for the time
-      The time you ignored a Stanger
-      The time you regret missing
-      Time exists
-      The past and future are equally real
-      Everyone experiences time differently
-      You live in the past
-      Your memory isn’t as good as you think
-      Aging can be reversed
-      Time is an illusion.
-       Try explaining that when you get to work late. The average U.S. city commuter loses 38 hours a year to traffic delays.
-      Have you ever wondered why daylight saving is a thing, it began as a joke by Benjamin Franklin, who proposed waking people earlier on bright summer mornings, so they might work more during the day and thus save candles. It was introduced in the U.K. in 1917 and then spread around the world.
-      Green days. The Department of Energy estimates that electricity demand drops by 0.5 percent during Daylight Saving Time, saving the equivalent of nearly 3 million barrels of oil.
-      One second used to be defined as 1/86,400 the length of a day. However, Earth’s rotation isn’t perfectly reliable. Tidal friction from the sun and moon slows our planet and increases the length of a day by 3 milli­seconds per century.
-      This means that in the time of the dinosaurs, the day was just 23 hours long.
-      Modern technology can do better. In 1972 a network of atomic clocks in more than 50 countries was made the final authority on time, so accurate that it takes 31.7 million years to lose about one second.
-      To keep this time in sync with Earth’s slowing rotation, a “leap second” must be added every few years, most recently this past New Year’s Eve.
-      The world’s most accurate clock, at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Colorado,
-      Until the 1800s, every village lived in its own little time zone, with clocks synchronized to the local solar noon.
-      On November 18, 1883, American railway companies forced the national adoption of standardized time zones.
-      Thinking about how railway time required clocks in different places to be synchronized may have inspired Einstein to develop his theory of relativity, which unifies space and time.
-      Einstein showed that gravity makes time run more slowly. Thus airplane passengers, flying where Earth’s pull is weaker, age a few extra nano­seconds each flight.
-      According to quantum theory, the shortest moment of time that can exist is known as Planck time, or 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 second.
-      Time has not been around forever. Most scientists believe it was created along with the rest of the universe in the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago.
-      It takes 4minutes 34 seconds to boil a kettle with 1.7 litres of room temperature water with the power of 8oo wats
-      It takes 3 minutes to boil an egg that has the consistency to be classed as a ‘runny egg
-      In a BMW 1 series with a 1.6 diesel engine it takes 11.8 second to get to 60Mph
-      It takes 37minuets to travel by train to Liverpool from Crewe by virgin trains service
-      It takes 47 minutes to travel by train to Liverpool from Crewe by north-western train service
-      It takes 8 hours to fly to New York
-      It takes 21 seconds to sing the alphabet song
-      It takes 15 minutes to walk 1 mile
-      It takes between 8 – 12 minutes to cook pasta
-      It takes between 8 – 12 minutes to cook pasta
-      It took 3 days to get to the moon
-      Randy Gardner currently holds the official scientific record for longest sleep deprivation. In 1964, he kept awake for 264 consecutive hours (11 days) without the use of any stimulants. Gardner achieved this record when he was only 17 years old.
-      The human body needs food and water to survive. A human can go for more than three weeks without food — Mahatma Gandhi survived 21 days of complete starvation — but water is a different story. At least 60% of the adult body is made of it and every living cell in the body needs it to keep functioning.
-      The human body contains 30 000 billion red blood cells. The human body is estimated to have 60,000 miles of blood vessels. The human body makes 2.5 million Red Blood Cells every second or about 200 billion Red Blood Cells every day. The human heart beats 30 million times a year.
      -      Category one is for calls about people with life-threatening injuries and illnesses. These will be responded to in an average time of 7 minutes and at least 9 out of 10 times within 15 minutes.
-      Category two is for emergency calls. These will be responded to in an average time of 18 minutes and at least 9 out of 10 times within 40 minutes.
-      Category three is for urgent calls. In some instances, you may be treated by ambulance staff in your own home. These types of calls will be responded to at least 9 out of 10 times within 120 minutes.
-      Category four is for less urgent calls. In some instances, you may be given advice over the telephone or referred to another service such as a GP or pharmacist. These less urgent calls will be responded to at least 9 out of 10 times within 180 minutes.
-      It takes
-      It takes me 1 hour 40 minutes to travel home
-      365 days is 8760 hours
-       3 days, 4 hours, 57 minutes and 3 seconds to do my charity bike ride that’s 277,023 seconds 4617 minutes (rounded down)76 hours (rounded down)3 days (rounded down)
-      It took me 8 minutes to walk to uni today
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medusapelagia · 2 months
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Title: Sneaking a Peek Word Count: 19,467 Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Rating: Explicit Pairing(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Character(s): Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington's Mother, Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin (Stranger Things), Chrissy Cunningham, Robin Buckley Tags: Rockstar Eddie Munson, Model Steve Harrington, Non-Chronological, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Feels, Denial of Feelings, Feelings Realization, Feelings, Misunderstandings, Eventual Smut, mention of previous Nancy Wheeler/Steve Harrington, POV Alternating, Reverse Big Bang Challenge, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things)
Summary: Steve Harrington's face has always been on the most well-known magazines' cover, but since he broke up with the famous actress Nancy Wheeler he has done his best to avoid the public eye. Or so he thinks... until a picture of him kissing a mysterious boy becomes viral.
“Steven, stop it, ok? I don’t have time to waste. I called to find out the name of the boy you were kissing last night.” His mom says, annoyed. Steve turns toward the mirror and finally sees what caught his attention before: on the lower side of his neck, barely hidden from his t-shirt, there is a big blue hickey. Fuck! “How… how do you know?” “You were at the New York Fashion Week afterparty, right? Well, you know how people are. They love to take pictures and share them on their socials, don’t they? And guess what? No one cares about the stupid boys that were drinking some fancy cocktail they don’t even know how to pronounce, but you were in their picture. You, and a black-haired boy, and either one of you was in need of some CPR or the two of you were kissing. Hard.”
Beta Reader: @hawkinsleather Art link and credit: art 1 , art 2 by @imfinereallyy Fic link and credit: fic by @medusapelagia
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Sneaking a Peek - CH 4-5-6
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My fic for @strangerthingsreversebigbang based on the @imfinereallyy beautiful art (who also did this amazing banner!)
Here a little snippet
Three months before the New York Fashion Week afterparty When the producers call Steve to ask him to join the premiere of their movie, Steve's first instinct is to say: "No, thanks." He has absolutely no intention to be seen on the red carpet with Nancy, who is one of the protagonists of the movie, and his ex-girlfriend.  They are on good terms, or at least they try to be. Anyway he’s not eager to spend the night with her and Jonathan, the cameraman and now her new boyfriend, and nobody can blame him for that, not even Robin. Nevertheless, his best friend decided to play the manager card and push him to attend the stupid premiere, and guess what? He is getting ready for the stupid premiere. As soon as the black limousine gets closer to the movie theater, Steve sees that the place is crowded. From the moment Steve saw the script he knew it was going to be a hit at the box office, but he never thought so many people would come to the premiere of a movie based on a tabletop role playing game.  Well, it seems he was wrong.  Really wrong.
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Second Chances Mixtape - Part 3/5 1985 (remastered)
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My fic for @strangerthingsreversebigbang based on the beautiful art made by @maikaartwork
Here a little snippet
Dustin stares at Wayne. “So? Do you know what day Eddie was talking about?” Wayne nods “Yeah. The twentieth of May, 1971.” “Are you sure? I mean, a long time has passed, you could be confused about the day and…” Wayne sighs “Yeah, I remember that day very well, there was a little fire at the plant and nobody was allowed to leave the area until the firefighters made sure that we were fine. When I got back home, Nora was crying and a policeman was yanking Eddie by the arm.” He takes a deep breath. “When you have a foster kid and you almost lost him, I can assure you, you remember that day really well.” Dustin blushes, lowering his eyes, while Steve puts a hand on Dustin’s shoulder. “That’s great news. We have to find a way to get back to May 1971 and get Eddie back.” “It doesn’t make sense,” Nancy interrupts, holding a book in her hands. “It says here that to get back in time, it would require a great amount of energy, if Vecna had that kind of power why didn’t he use it before?” “Well, maybe he needed to complete his ritual,” Dustin insists. “There was a great amount of energy that night! When Max died the ground split open! Did you forget that?” Wayne suddenly stands up. “The kid! Did she…” Nancy puts a hand on Wayne’s shoulder shaking her head. “She is in a coma, but she’s alive.” The man takes a big breath of relief while Nancy closes the book and looks at the others. “There are still things I don’t understand: why were the two Eddies swapped when we weren’t? I mean… we were in the Upside Down too,” she says, sitting on Steve’s coffee table. She bites her lips, a bad habit she’s always had and Steve feels the temptation to stop her and caress those swollen lips, but he can’t. He’s had his heart broken more than once, and he is not sure he will survive even more humiliation.
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Second Chances Mixtape - Part 4/5 1971 (remastered)
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I'm having an incredibly awful day…. Thankfully there is my little fic that I love to pieces that brings me some joy! My fic for @strangerthingsreversebigbang based on the beautiful art made by @maikaartwork
Here a little snippet
When Eddie gets back Steve is angry both with him and with Maria. “What happened?” Eddie asks the woman while the kid keeps glaring at both of them with his little arms crossed in front of him. “Well, you left, and I bathed him.” Eddie frowns. “And he is angry because you bathed him? Steve, you don’t want to smell bad, do you?” The kid glares at him. “My bat is gone! And you weren’t here to give me another!” he yells, and Eddie sighs. “I’m here now, I can draw you a new one.” He tries to calm down the kid, but Steve shakes his head. “You left! Like everyone else!” “Steve, I’m sorry I left you. I had some errands to do, but now I’m back. I can draw a new bat for you, and we can watch television and eat ice cream all night long,” the dark-haired boy tries to convince him. “You are like everyone else! I thought you were special! You were my star friend!” the kid screams and for the first time ever, being like everyone else is not something Eddie was willing to be.
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medusapelagia · 2 months
Sneeking a Peek - CH 13-14-15
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This is the last update of my @strangerthingsreversebigbang fic inspired by @imfinereallyy beautiful art.
We met halfway through the event and I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to work with her! She was such a great partner and worked very hard on our project! Thank you so so so much, it was a wonderful experience!
That said, my fic it's now complete! Thanks to everyone who read it! I hope you enjoyed it!
a little snippet of the chapter that finally gains its E rating!
Eddie loves sex. He has had a lot of sex since he moved to New York and he is not ashamed of himself or of what he likes. Still, the idea of being naked in bed with another person makes him feel vulnerable. Especially if that person is Steve, whom he has had the biggest crush on since forever and who, for some unknown reason, seems to like him back. The model is lying on the sheets, his eyes half closed and his hair spread out on the pillow like an angel with a chestnut halo. “You are so beautiful.” Eddie whispers, crawling on the bed and boxing Steve’s head between his arms. “So sweet,” he murmurs, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. “And soft, just for me.”  Steve holds his breath and Eddie can feel him tremble under him, so he brushes his knuckles on Steve’s cheek. “Don’t be scared. I’m going to make you feel so good,” he murmurs, before lowering himself and kissing him tenderly on the lips. It’s wrong. He shouldn’t fuck Steve when he knows that in a few hours, he is going to take a plane and leave the US for months. But when he sees Steve lying relaxed on the sheets, his brain stops working. Beautiful is not enough to describe him: he is so sweet and cute, and sexy, and Eddie wants him so much it hurts. He wants to kiss him senseless and bask in the quiet moans that escape Steve’s mouth when he gently strips him and brushes the delicate skin with his callous fingers. He kneels at his feet to untie his shoes, take off the socks, the pants, and the shirt, and watches him dressed only in a pair of tented black boxers while Steve blushes so sweetly.
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Sneaking a Peek - CH 7-8-9
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My fic for @strangerthingsreversebigbang based on the @imfinereallyy beautiful art (who also did this amazing banner!)
Here a little snippet
It’s a date.  But not like a date date.  It’s a friendship date. Or at least that’s what Steve keeps repeating to himself while changing clothes. On his bed, there are at least five different shirts and three pairs of trousers. He has no idea where Eddie is going to take him so he has no idea what he is supposed to wear; his wardrobe is full of designer clothes that fit his body perfectly, but they don’t feel like him at all.  Should he wear something comfy? But what if Eddie is going to take him to some fancy place? He can’t show up in a pair of joggers and his favorite sweater. Steve takes his phone and his fingers find Eddie’s number easily: he is hidden under Pizza Hut, as he did when he was a teenager and his mom kept snooping around his things, especially his phone, telling him that he was too young to understand the danger that his position held. Now that Robin is his manager he shouldn’t be scared anymore of anyone snooping around, but some habits are hard to die. He is not a teenager anymore, he can wear what the hell he wants to and he can date anyone he wants! Date. Because it is a date, isn’t it?
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Second Chances Mixtape - Part 2/5: 1971
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My fic for @strangerthingsreversebigbang based on the beautiful art made by @maikaartwork
Here a little snippet
The shriek of the bats makes Eddie’s veins tremble. On the other side of the portal, Dustin is yelling his name, begging him to move. Eddie takes the makeshift rope and turns toward the Upside Down version of his home. In the farthest corner, Wayne’s cot is silently staring at him. Eddie’s grip on the rope gets looser; he can’t do that, he can’t go back to the Right Side Up knowing that those fucking bats will follow him, and he can’t put in danger his Uncle who is probably clocking out at the plant, ready to come back home. Eddie knows that he is no hero, he never hesitated to run away, and he is more than ready to change his name and forget everything about all this fucking nightmare, but he can’t disappoint Wayne. Not again. Eddie must stay in that stupid bigoted town for Wayne, the only person who always believed in him no matter what, and if he really wants a town to get back to he has to fight those monsters. One day, when everyone will have forgotten about Vecna’s murders, he will write a book about it, and he will be the fucking protagonist! Not Steve “the Hair” Harrington, not Nancy “Guns” Wheeler. Him: Eddie the Freak. God, the world needs a hero called Eddie the Freak. “Eddie, stop! Eddie, stop!” Dustin yells again, and Eddie smiles at him, it’s a sad smile and Dustin must sense something because he asks, “Eddie, what are you doing?”. “I'm buying more time,” he replies before he cuts the makeshift rope and runs out of the trailer.
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alicetallula · 2 months
Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang 2023/2024 - A Dream on the Way to Death by Arbeds Ghost - Part II - 01.04.2024
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Last part for this The Crow AU - 'A Dream on the Way to Death' written by @ghostdeb. I couldn't be happier with what we both accomplished 🥰
For the @strangerthingsreversebigbang
Part I / Part I NSFW / Part II NSFW
Steve as the Crow with bloody nailbat
Billy at the Bar surrounded by ghost Eddie and Steve in The Crow get-up - A Dream on the Way to Death by Arbeds Ghost - 01.04.2024
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Done using alcohol markers, ink pens, gel pens, colored pencils and acrylic paint pens
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
Billy crying sat on the bed - ending - A Dream on the Way to Death by Arbeds Ghost - 01.04.2024
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Done using watercolors, ink pens, alcohol marker, gel pens and acrylic paint pens
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post /Twitter post
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
As you may have noticed Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang season is finally started! This means that I'm going to reblog every fic I'll see!
And... tomorrow I'll post the first chapter of my first RBB fic!!
I'm excited! And terrified... but mostly excited!
I can't wait to share it with you all!
It's a new troupe for me, it was a little bit challenging but I had a great team that helped me and supported me and I think we did a good job!
And just to give you a little preview...
... this is the banner I made for my fic!
(It's my first banner ever so be kind, lol!)
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