amaranthhiding · 1 year
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Dibs on Samuel
by Hiding Amaranth
Words: 2,194 (finished) Rating: Teen Relationships: Rowena/Sam
Tags: Canon Universe, Episode 15x08, Rowena/Sam First Kiss, Angst with Happy Ending, Angst and Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Ruler of Hell Rowena, Sam Using Magic
Point-of-View Characters: Sam
Summary: Now that the fact had sunken in that Rowena wasn't gone forever, that she was only a spell away, he couldn't let it go. He had to return to Hell.
Written for the SPN Royalty of Hell Weekend 2023 Day 2: Queen of Hell hosted by @spnrareships
Banner created by the author Read Dibs on Samuel on AO3
Excerpt under the cut
He let himself sink to his knees, pulling the boxes of spell ingredients and Rowena's journals out from under his bed. A sense of calm washed over him the moment his fingers touched the red leather cover, the same way it had for weeks now. Something to cling to in the insanity his life had become.
The magic, all that knowledge right there in front of him, had sucked him in quickly. It had carried him through sleepless nights, most of which had ended with a tear-streaked face—especially whenever he'd stumbled over any kind of personal annotations scribbled onto the pages. Almost as if she'd been right there with him.
He'd been convinced that these journals were all that remained of her, his only way of ever interacting with her again. That's why he'd refused to store them anywhere other than his own room.
Doing what we do, we've had to get used to losing people. Probably too used to it.
When he'd said this to Michael just minutes ago, he'd been talking about Adam. But he realized the statement applied to Rowena as much as to his younger brother.
With Adam, we said goodbye because we thought we had to. We were wrong.
He'd tried so hard to say goodbye, to let go of her. To stop the flashbacks of the moment the dagger had sunken into her stomach. The nauseating squelch still haunted his dreams whenever he closed his eyes.
When he'd used Rowena's spell to teleport Dean, Cas and himself to Hell, he'd done so only in the vague hope of finding Michael. The last thing he'd expected was to find Rowena instead.
Ironically, he'd spent most of the encounter too stunned to say much. And that even though he'd lain awake in the half-dark of his room many nights in a row, imagining all the things he wished he could still ask her, tell her. He hadn't thought he'd ever get a chance to.
Now that the fact had sunken in that she wasn't gone forever, that she was only a spell away, he couldn't let it go. He had to return to Hell.
With any luck, nobody would even notice he was gone. He didn't have the exact numbers to convert Earth and Hell times, but even just ten minutes here should be plenty of time over there. Archangels and God be damned, he'd take the time.
Nobody was there to keep the flame burning in case he'd need longer than the contents of the bowl would last, but he felt that this was something he had to do on his own. In the worst case, he wouldn't exactly get trapped on the other side anyway, not with Rowena calling the shots. He trusted her.
The magic ingredients were exactly how he'd left them, all stacked neatly into a small box next to the spell bowl. It didn't take long at all to prepare the spell for the second time that day. Though he was sure he remembered every word, he still leafed through the journal for confirmation, finding the page blindly. He let his finger pads glide over the elegant handwriting and exhaled with a brief smile, shaking his head about himself.
His blood was the last ingredient missing, so he swallowed and took a deep breath to calm his nerves, then cut into his palm. The feeling of a knife in his hand made him sick to his stomach after what he'd been forced to do to her. A trickle of red fell from his clenched fingers into the bowl, and he had to remind himself that it was his own this time. Not hers.
"Initium ad inferna permittatur," he whispered, his hands trembling as he lit a match to throw it into the mix.
He watched the small flame's descent and rested his fingers against the bowl's edge, the metal cold to the touch.
The explosion of purple was blinding, and he blinked, hastily wiping his sleeve over his face when the by now familiar sensation of tears appeared on his cheeks. He knew better than to think it had been caused only by the brightness.
When his vision cleared, he was standing in one of Hell's dark corridors. He still remembered the way to the throne room from earlier, though he really hoped he wouldn't have to fight his way through.
The alley leading directly to the throne room's gate came into view, framed by golden hooded statues on both sides. Several demons eyed him, and he fell into a combat stance by instinct. But then the demon at the front of the group of guards said, "Let him pass, he's on the list."
He was escorted the short distance to the gate. The demon cleared his throat before pushing it open, then announced loudly, "Milady, Samuel Winchester is here."
And there she was.
Sam had been a fool to think the second time seeing her on that snake-headed throne would be any less breathtaking.
Read Dibs on Samuel on AO3
@spnrarepairbunker @fanficlounge
If you would like to receive an @ tag when I post about my newest Samwena and/or Destiel fics or a new SPN video, let me know in a reply, reblog or personal message and I'll add you to my taglist. :)
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spnrareships · 1 year
SPN Royalty of Hell Weekend
Welcome to the SPN Royalty of Hell Weekend!
What is it?
A weekend to celebrate the characters who have once sat in hell's throne in Supernatural. Any relationship works for us, whether it is platonic, romantic, familial, or any other kind of relationship is up to you!
When is it?
June 2-4, 2023
What are the prompts?
Friday, June 2: King of Hell Today, we want you to explore relationships that the various Kings of hell have had. You can choose your King: there have been many! Lucifer, Crowley, Asmodeus, maybe even Azazel! Hey, we also want to see your headcanon King of Hell!Sam creations, too! Enjoy today to hail the King of Hell.
Saturday, June 3: Queen of Hell While Rowena will forever be the queen in our hearts, one could also argue that Abaddon sat on the throne for a time before her. Whichever Queen you choose, we want to see her today in your creations.
Sunday, June 4: Demons The Royalty of Hell extends beyond the throne itself. There are Princes and other demon-bosses that we meet throughout the series. Use today to explore the ins and outs of their relationships.
How do I participate?
No sign ups are required! Just post any and all Supernatural Royalty of Hell content and be sure to include #spnroyaltyofhellweekend2023 and tag us @spnrareships in your post. We will reblog everything we see, but if we haven’t reblogged your work within 24 hours please send us an ask.
Reminder: Please review our General Rules, which apply to all events we host. If you have any questions, feel free to send in an Ask!
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amaranthhiding · 1 year
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And the demons just handed you the throne? No one hands you anything, darlin'. I took it. — Castiel & Rowena in 15x08 I've been focused for so long on keeping my job. Never realized I hate it. — Crowley in 12x23
Am I really still the only participant in the SPN Royalty of Hell Weekend? It felt like a great injustice was being committed to my favorite demon by not having any content for him on the "King of Hell" day. Wish I could create original artworks, but I can't draw for my life. I swear, my stickmen look worse than Sam's so-called police sketch, lol. So here, have this hellish collage of the MacLeods and their thrones.
 @spnrareships @panthera-dei
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