#spinel love story
spaciebabie · 2 years
Hi yes hello what earned them the title worst siblings in the world?
oooohhhh ohohoho ohhhhhhh
spinel is the epitome of perfection. she hasta be. anything less than perfection is something that can get her and her siblings killed. she already got her n her siblings out of an abusive home, she's not looking ta relive being in fear 24/7 (even though the situation hasnt changed, its just that the environment has and she feels a new level of control in this new one)
citrine is the opposite of perfection. she keeps fucking things up, not doing things the way they needta b done, and spinel dogs on her abt it A LOT. they're the eldest. they're the ones that hafta keep everything in order n citrine just doesnt seem ta b up ta the task. its like she's self sabotoging on purpose. like she's trying ta ruin this for them, when spinel worked oh so hard ta get them where they are now.
citrine used ta look up ta spinel a lot but not anymore. she's basically acting out in all the ways a rebellious teenager would. drugs, sex, hanging out w/"shady characters" just Not Listening, all that stuff. but bro. citrine is just tryna live man. really live. why does spinel hate it when she uses weed just ta try ta escape from the nightmare for a little bit? when she reads silly romance novels when she needs ta be training? she just wants to feel good for once.
but citrine is well aware that she's not the best role model for her younger siblings. her 5 yr old sis is already taking after her n her angry personality. lashing out at her twin sister in a very similar fashion that citrine does ta spinel, pretending ta smoke and getting caught trying ta smoke when going thru citrine's belongings, but she cant help but continue ta be the way she is. and neither can spinel. its like nothing changed. and citrine is watching the cycle continue with their 5 year old sisters while spinel doesn't seem ta notice the problem at all.
but thats how it always is with her isnt it? survival is more important than emotion. fear is a driving force. now what we hafta ask is where exactly these two are drivin ta, and are they even on the same road ta begin with?
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warraigoe · 8 months
—  ❛❛  //  spinel.   ¦   your new best friend.
—  ❛❛  //  spinel.   ¦   i heard the story over and over again. ・ 「 in ! 」
—  ❛❛  //  spinel.   ¦   her cut is perfect‚ and she’s pink as well ! ・ 「 images ! 」
—  ❛❛  //  spinel.   ¦   you knew what it meant to love her . ・ 「 musings ! 」
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 3 months
Still Salty About the Flanderization of Steven
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Many SU fans have had to see these memes and are probably tired of them. I really hate the way people who have never even watched the show and probably just LO’s video flanderize Steven into a bumbling wimp or take scenes like him crying about wanting to be friends with Connie or trying to talk down Spinel out of context. People hate him for not killing his enemies on sight and act as if all he does is talk no jitsu. People act as if he’d die trying to redeem Big Jack Horner from Puss in Boots even though he’s met villains like Jack with Aquamarine and Eyeball and not only did he kick their asses but accepted that they were beyond help. Steven prefers to talk over fighting but isn’t stupid and knows when he has to get serious. Even during his “I can make a change” song that’s twisted out of context, he was still fighting defensively against Spinel. He just wasn’t fighting to kill. As for the meme above, did the creator watch Alien Force? The way Ben handled the Dragon, Reiny and the Highbreed would be pretty similar to how Steven would. The idealistic hero who teaches violence isn’t always the answer has already been done so why does Steven get the most hate for it?
I reblogged a post about this but I really am tired of how TOH is propped up as the anti SU when Dana is friends with Rebecca and praised the groundbreaking work Rupphire did. The Owl House crew doesn’t hate SU and wasn’t doing a “take that” by killing its villain or claiming not everyone can be talked down with a hug. They’re two different shows with different stories and themes. Steven would also know that some like Belos can’t be redeemed and he didn’t actually redeem the diamonds. He didn’t like them and acts uncomfortable around them in Future but he needed them to cure the corrupted gems. The point of the diamonds as well as Andy was not that you have to accept bigoted family members but a wish fulfillment where queer people could get their families to accept them. I saw this on Reddit but I think Steven gets so much hate because he teaches the idea that retributive violence isn’t always the solution and because he got a good life with a loving family, girlfriend and adoration of everyone without being a self centered sexist asshole. Internet Dudebros hate the character who showed healthy emotion, treats Connie as an equal and taught stuff like acceptance, boundaries and kindness, as they hate the idea that they don’t have any of that because of how bigoted, self absorbed or toxic they are.
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vilhelios · 4 months
( WHERE I WAS THE SEA, & YOU WERE THE SHORE . ) ; general fluffy romantic headcanons for rafayel / qi yu from love and deepspace <3
CW: not beta read, general rafayel story/lore spoilers, may be slightly ooc, tooth-rotting fluff, very slight angst !!!
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— RAFAYEL is a terribly sweet, loyal, and affectionate lover. sometimes, you think he is something like a lovesick puppy—always ready to greet you at the door with a warm hug when you return from a mission, always eagerly awaiting your phone calls and texts. always at your side. when he calls you darling and holds you close, burrows his head into the crook of your neck, you can't help but feel like your being has been warmed by a pleasant summer sunbeam.
despite this, sometimes he feels like he's drifting somewhere far away from you. a receeding ocean tide, sea foam dissolving from your fingertips as you dip your hands in the waves. he's somewhere you don't understand, when he looks into your eyes and searches for an iteration of you in the reflected image of his own eyes—perhaps he is 800 years away, a lifetime and more. and yet, when you gingerly cup his face in your palms, feel him lean into your touch, you know he returns to you.
— RAFAYEL'S art studio is admittedly, a mess. there are days where you'll enter that room spotless and leave with splatters of some new shade of red and his beloved blues all over your clothes and skin. some days, this happens purely on accident—a trip right into a canvas here, a palm pressed onto wet paint there—and on others, rafayel seems to delight in using you as a canvas.
— when RAFAYEL kisses you (in that gentle fashion, where he cups your cheek like if he doesn't you'll slip like seafoam from his hold), those soft lips of his taste of cherries and grapes and strawberries. and perhaps that best encapsulates what loving rafayel is like, this sweetest red, red, red: the way his cheeks and ears flush when you press a kiss to his cheek; the colour of his eyes when the morning's rose-gold sunlight hits the pink in them just right; the bleeding, beating heart he offers to your awaiting hands. eventually, he pulls away to let the both of you breathe, and when he presses his forehead against yours, glances at you with that charming smile of his, you're enveloped in warm crimson all over again.
"there." rafayel smiles, leans back to admire the flamulla he'd painted on your cheek and the pout that graces your lips. "a cute flamulla for the cutie that keeps distracting me."
"you weren't even painting anything when i came in!" you scoff, dabbing the paintbrush he'd given you into the paint upon the palette. while he painted moon jellies, flamulla, and blowfish on your skin, you'd busied yourself with painting seashells on his. some of the clamshells are too close together, the venus combs look a little too spiky, and some conches don't look quite right. when he looks like he's about to chuckle at the sight of them, you poke him with the other end of your brush; "hmph. you're just a meanie."
"how rude!" he feigns, hand to his heart. "this is how you treat me for making you look like one of my most precious paintings?"
— you notice, eventually, that RAFAYEL always gifts you red jewelry (if not pearls, of course). the little treasures glint in the sunlight; rings with a ruby or red spinel centerpiece, a necklace with a red coral pendant, fire opal earrings... they're beautiful and never gaudy, as to be expected from a man with an eye for aesthetics, but it still perplexes you.
you ask him why, while he helps you put on his most recently gifted necklace as you two get ready to attend his aunt's opera show. your painter answers with a thoughtful hum, deft fingers clasping the necklace for you: "red disappears the fastest in the deep sea, so i never got to see it much." rafayel presses a kiss to your cheek, then, before settling his chin on the crook of your neck. "what better way to appreciate a colour i missed out on for so long than seeing it on you, darling?"
— RAFAYEL'S smug and haughty countenance seems to crumble at the mere press of your lips against his skin, little pecks gracing each beauty mark. the first kiss is placed on his cheek, a little ways away from his eye, his head cradled in your palms; you feel how he heats up beneath your touch, a light blush dusting across his cheeks and a bright vermillion burning at the tips of his ears. the second is placed on his chest, your lips and gentle, roaming hands sparking the rapid thrumming of his heart.
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— RAFAYEL sees you in everything. in the morning sunlight that filters into his kitchen, in the cherry blossoms that land on his hair, in the sea breeze that rushes past him as he walks along the shore. the mundane of daily life has become filled with so many traces of you that he cannot see them as anything other than beautiful. there's a piece of you in every one of his paintings now, a streak of your favourite colour intertwined with his reds and blues. he made the pigment himself, of course, extracted the colours he needed from your favourite things.
THE LOVERS ; Rafayel (20XX) ; Oil on canvas
This painting consists of only two colours, and depicts the view of a simple shoreline, with waves lapping at the shore. Although simple in essence, the two paints were handmade (as is the norm for pieces by Rafayel) with pigments extracted from materials that represented himself and his beloved. Upon closer inspection, one may notice the difference in brushstrokes between colours—where they start to blend, so do the strokes, perhaps one hand guiding the other. As per the words of the painter himself, this artwork is meant to represent a "marriage and a transfiguration; the way two souls are forever intertwined and changed by love."
a/n : pretty privilege is real because rafayel acts a lot like marius but i like him infinitely more than i do lu jinghe 😭👍 my love/obsession for this pretty little fish has made me rise from the grave of uni work and writer's block... please fill his tag i need to satisfy this itch in my brain that he gives me <\3 might write some more for him + him as abysswalker <3 (p.s. that final hc is perhaps the cutest thing i thought to do)
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clockys-soul · 2 months
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Some (new?) Male wof ocs, they’ve got nothing to do it’s the story I’ve abandoned, but I’d say these guys also life like maybe 6000 years after the main wof storyline.
Canyon is a Sandwing bandit, he’s cocky, clever and overall pretty good at what he does.
Hoverfly is a Hivewing Prince, he’s arrogant and mean, though he loves his older sister, Sawfly, very much and would do anything to keep her safe.
Monsoon is a Seawing noble, he’s extroverted and smug, he’s had more girlfriends than he himself has kept count of.
Nightfall is a Nightwing student, he is observant and clever and sometimes a bit of a know-it-all, he’s very close with his father, who is a nightwing General.
Hibiscus is a Rainwing healer's apprentice, he is very friendly and calm, everyone is pretty sure he’s never been mad in his life, he agrees.
Garnet is a Skywing noble, he’s mean and egotistical at times times but completely calm and kind towards his blind younger sister Spinel.
Violet is a Silkwing, Tailor/Seamster in the Lilac Hive (previously Jewel Hive), he’s kind and softspoken, he loves what he does and is very proud of it.
Copper is a Mudwing Sculpter and Potter, he is kind and likes to help where he can, he hatched from a blood-red egg and has 4 brothers and 1 sister.
Alder is a Leafwing mercenary, he is impulsive and reckless, the jewel around his neck is a gift from his mother whom he loves dearly.
North is an Icewing noble, he is Prideful above all else, but he is also very knowledgeable in all kind of things.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 1 month
You write unhinged Leo so well, and I really like how you write him. I was wondering if you had tips on unhinged characters 😂, or do you just get inspro from existing characters 👀
aksdakjsdh thank you so much ;w;
And honestly???? I’m not totally sure how to give tips— but I love, love, love unhinged characters in media, so I’ll use them as examples
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(long rant below lol)
I’ve always been a big fan of silly, ‘crazy’ characters in animated movies and cartoons. I grew up on Batman the Animated Series and the original Teen Titans, which were full of silly, fun tragic characters.
Don’t get me wrong, i love a good edge-lord— but as a tot i thought the colorful, theatrical, insane bad guys were more fun to watch than the big scary serious ones (ESPECIALLY if they had a good villain song. A+ good shit)
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(From left to right: Ratigan from Great Mouse Detective, Joker from Batman the Animated Series, Mumbo Jumbo from Teen Titans, Martin from Secret of Nimh 2, Bill Cypher from Gravity Falls, and Spinel from the Steven Universe movie)
And not just bad guys!! There are a ton of unhinged good/neutral characters that i absolutely adore.
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(From left to right: King Bumi from ATLA, Clara from Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun, and, of course, our silly 2018 turtle boys)
((There are many more characters in both categories, but I’ll slide these examples in here for now))
My personal brand of “Unhinged” or “Crazy” characters definitely leans on comedy. That’s what i enjoy seeing and reading! I personally like it because it can help keep a story fresh and interesting. There’s an element of surprise and unpredictability with what a character might do, and i love that!!
I also really enjoy a touch of feral behavior in my unhinged characters. The lack of clarity and the danger that imposes can be a very fun tool to use, no matter the character’s moral compass. (I’m feral for feral behavior lol)
And impulses. Whether a character has a few screws loose or is generally a goober, they like to act on impulses. This often goes hand-in-hand with comedy, and that’s something I enjoy!! We get a lot of moments like that in Rise, and that was one of my favorite parts of that TMNT iteration.
But as far as writing goes, it’s been tricky for me. All of the characters I grew up or love have been visual— trying to find a good balance for reading has been a puzzle I’ve been figuring out as I go.
I read a lot manga (lol nerd) and comics, and I love how thoughts/dialog are depicted. Especially the really dramatic or impactful moments. (I’d add examples but I’m already at the Tumblr image limit LAME)
As strange as it sounds, I try to capture that “impactful visual” style in my writing. If I had ANY advice on writing unhinged characters, pay attention to pacing—
Short. Fast. A calculating thought. Perhaps a run on sentence that lacks punctuation to represent the rushing and disorganized thought process. A question? An answer with little thought. Is this moment amusing; describe how. Is it upsetting; describe how. Are the thoughts starting to scatter? M aybe s o…
Big moment statement.
Action or plan of next big move. Flow should never seem too uniform. Even in normal writing. Don’t be afraid of accentuating— but don’t overdo it. Remember, unhinged characters are impulsive. Have fun with that.
Just as a quick and dirty summary— when it comes to unhinged characters, I like to use comedy, feral behavior, and acting on impulses. I also like to keep it as visually appealing as possible for characters to give the eyes a little treat after reading walls of text. I like to use fun text formatting to help with the fun too (But don’t overdo it! Don’t make it feel like a chore to read) (<- says the girl who goes into way too much details sometimes lmao whoops)
But ultimately— have FUN!!! Unhinged characters are fun, so make sure you have fun writing/drawing/creating them!!
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Rose Quartz Propaganda
"We saw her character arc in reverse!! We first saw all the good she did and then learned of her terrible actions in the past. If her story was told the other way around, it would have been a great redemption arc. Yes, she did some terrible things, but she had no choice. She did everything she could to stop the colonization of earth peacefully buy nothing worked. Blue and yellow diamond just didn't listen to her and when they did, THEY were the ones who made the zoo and shit. Rose wanted to free them but couldn't get to them after the war! And with the corruption, there's no way she could have known that'd happen. There's so many things she wanted to do but just couldn't. And with spinel, yes it was shitty to leave her alone for so long, but again, between running her court, running the rebellion, dealing with earth, she likely wasn't a very high priority and like with the zoo, there was no way to get to her after the war since the galaxy warp was destroyed. And don't forget, she was practically a child around this time. You're saying you didn't do any stupid, selfish, or harmful things as a kid? She learned from her experiences and grew, we just saw that growth in reverse, leaving us as viewers with a poor perception of her."
"Rose Quartz is Steven Universe’s dead mom. Initially, she’s set up as sort of an ethereal perfect figure who everyone misses and compares him to. Later we get to see more of her backstory and discover that she’s actually like, a person, with flaws, who has done some bad things, but she did those bad things largely in the course of trying to escape an abusive home life and save the people and planet that she fell in love with. It’s very clear that despite her flaws she was trying to do the right thing and that she deeply cared about others. Unfortunately, a woman who was not a Perfect Martyr was way too much for the Steven Universe fandom to handle. She pretty much set off the wave of SU crit blogs because these people were furious either that she had taken violent measures to solve her problems, that she hadn’t taken violent enough measures to solve her problems, or both somehow. Lots of “Why didn’t she just murder her abusive parental figures?” Lots of “She was evil for having a baby even though she knew she’d die in childbirth!” Lots of “She should’ve been able to protect everyone from a magic nuclear weapon with the power of love somehow.” Lots of “She shouldn’t have rebelled (even though not rebelling would’ve meant the destruction of Earth) because her abusers retaliated and that’s her fault.” LOTS of people drawing her as stick thin even though she was fat in the show. People treated her like she was on the same level or even worse than her abusive parental figures who were also the main villains of the show. It was unbearable to witness."
Mahiru Propaganda
"They got unfairly voted guilty in the first round and keeps getting blamed She never meant to hurt anyone and the only reason she did was cause she couldn’t read social ques"
"Mahiru Shiina is the most traditionally feminine character in Milgram, and she’s very in love with the idea of love. That makes her an easy fandom target. In Milgram, we are introduced to ten murderers. It quickly becomes apparent that not all of these murders are conventional. By the time we are introduced to Mahiru, we already know most of these unconventional murderers. Mahiru’s first music video depicts her going on various dates with her boyfriend, even though he is not shown in the frame. At the end of the video, Mahiru wakes up, turns to the camera, and has a horrified expression. Whatever happened, she didn’t want it to happen. And then a lot of the fandom accused her of being a stalker. Was that what got her a 55% guilty/unforgiven vote? I don’t know. I wasn’t there. But she heard what the fandom said. She heard these voices saying she couldn’t be forgiven. Saying that she was a stalker or that she didn’t really love her boyfriend, even though that wasn’t true. She was beaten to near-death by Kotoko, a vigilante who was forgiven by 67%. Fuuta, who also sustained serious injuries from Kotoko, calls out the audience surrogate, saying what we did with our verdicts would have made us the same as him if Mahiru had died. And yet Mahiru doesn’t blame either us or Kotoko. Mahiru’s second music video shows that she was indeed in a proper relationship with her boyfriend. She smothered him with her love. The video slowly revealed the toxicity in their relationship. She asked why she can’t do anything right. The fandom perception was better in that she was safely voted innocent/forgiven. Still, there are issues. Some infantilize her or say that she’s delusional. Yes, she had a sheltered upbringing and has difficulties reading social cues, but that doesn’t take away her agency. On the flip side, some have theorized that she kidnapped her boyfriend and wasn’t in a proper relationship with him. (Not sure what to say about that, but this is a series about sympathetic murderers.)"
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minzxv · 6 months
Cheesy rivals
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. Experiencing rivals to lovers with Spinel and Amethio, Romance
First 2 character ask, I love you vamp anon Amethio's was longer I am guilty of being an Amethio lover(not in a weird way he just is so cool) - 🦇
Warning : Cheesy, Spinel may be out of character
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Rivals - Spinel was so annoyed when he almost got the pendant by manipulating Liko with his Pokemon then you appear and start acting loke superman, breaking Liko from the hyonosis was his last straw where he just started spamming moves on you and your pokemon. He didn't even care about Liko at this point he was just doing this because he's petty.
Softening up - Spinel stopped hating you which is good, but did you stop hating Spinel? We don't know, he started becoming less mean and snarky to you, always tells his Pokémon to hit the other RVT members. Even his Umbreon started liking you
Liking you - He was shocked himself, like how would he the most greatest and best person in the Explorers fall inlove with a weakling like you who is part of that annoying brats group but it happened so...
Lovers - Spinel becomes a total different person no forced snarky look, but he's smug about it. Like when you start scolding him for attacking Liko he's like "You wanna kiss me so bad it's funny"
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Rivals - Amethio is a different stories he also hated your guts, but he never hid the fact that he did. Amethio was bold and made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that he hated you more than you hated him. To him you're just another nuisance to him from his success, especially from that pendant.
He secretly becomes more competitive like purposely aiming at you in a battle with Friede
Softening up - nothing noticeable really changed about Amethio he is still cold dull Amethio. What did change a little is his gaze this may sound cheesy, but his gaze becomes softer when you're around, like when he's stalking the airship and randomly finds you walking alone with your pokemon his gaze can't help but soften. Until Konia and Zir said "Boss you alright?" He starts acting professional again.
Liking you - He knew it, but he would never admit it. Amethio is stubborn and thinks things like that are unimportant, so he put his feelings aside and just treated you like a normal Explorers member. It failed after 6 months, but he still didn't have the boldness to do that. You confessed first.
Lovers - Amethio is still quiet and closed nothing changes, nobody noticed anything your top excuses to go walk with him is "I'm gonna go adventure for a while" . In private he's less cold, and treats you like an actual partner instead of just being "A RVT MEMBER" he's not a fan of PDA like Spinel, maybe someday he will be comfortable with that. Amethio is a busy bee, and his old rival being his lover is one of the things he can't process yet.
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eco-lite · 3 months
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Finally got to read Volume 6! I didn’t think anything could top Volume 4, but this one is a very close contender for my favorite. Here are my unedited thoughts:
“Sinhalite Beckons, Part 1”
* An extra case first??? Okay then.
* Who is this female version of Seigi? This is hilarious, they’re way too similar!
* Very curious where in the timeline this story takes place…
“The Wandering Conch Pearl”
* WAIT WTF?? That was Seigi’s dream? Did he dream of himself as a woman interacting with Richard in Sri Lanka??????
* Not the milkman omgggg.
* Oooh Richard’s assistant in Hong Kong. That’s probably the sleezy guy he was talking about in the last story. Can Seigi see into other peoples’ pasts now? Didn’t know there was going to be a supernatural element lol.
* “I couldn’t decide if I should serve tea or not, so my brain cells had a meeting and came to the unanimous conclusion not to” (34). I love Seigi so much. 😂
* “I couldn’t stop smiling. Richard thanked me. He said he thought I was dependable. His smile was beautiful enough to start, but boy, a direct hit from his charm sure packed a punch. I was glad he’s withdrawn to the back room, because I was pretty sure my face wasn’t going to go back to normal for a while” (42). Oh, honey… 😌
* Wow, I did not think I would be learning so much about post-WWII politics between Japan and the Dominican Republic from this series, but here we are.
* This conversation between Richard and Seigi from page 62-67 is all over the place. Richard shutting Seigi down when he invites Richard over, but obviously still wanting to let Seigi in. And he ends up asking Seigi to dinner even though he just made the argument that Seigi should go home and go to bed early. And then he gets frustrated that Seigi is being so amenable to going out to dinner with him?? Bro, get your emotions together! You of all people should know that Seigi is not a mind reader. Let him know how you feel, for fuck’s sake!
* “To me, Richard’s beauty was like Mount Fuji at sunrise or the windswept sand dunes in a desert. Anyone else’s beauty was…very human. When I looked at Richard, I felt a mysterious calm, like if I were looking at a lake or the sky or the sea. Normal human features weren’t even in the same category. But if I said any of that out loud, I was pretty sure I’d offend literally everyone” (67). Yes, would would offend literally everyone. You’re learning, Seigi!
* “To have someone look upon the grain of truth hidden within the most tender part of yourself, and tell you their unvarnished opinion of it—I thought that would, without question, be cause for joy” (69). Okay well then you better tell Richard how you feel about having to leave Étranger in the next story, Seigi! Expose that grain of truth!!
“Resplendent Spinel”
* Seigi is really too nice. Filling in for someone in a club where you don’t know any of the other members? Could never be me.
* Ayame describing the “insincere drivel” her boyfriend spouts at her and Seigi’s reaction is “I felt like I was about to go into cardiac arrest” (93). 😅 Is he finally gaining some self-awareness about how ostentatious his compliments of Richard are?
* Ayame: “‘And if you think that a compliment can’t cut as deeply as an insult, you’re terribly naive’” (93). Seigi: “I felt like I’d been sent flying by a body blow” (94). Seigi is really going through it…
* “‘But you are different. Your words are different. When your words brush my face, it’s like a playful wind. With your absurd vocabulary, you are expressly telling me that my appearance brings you joy. It does feel a bit peculiar at times, but perhaps I find that peculiarity oddly endearing, Seigi.’ And then he smiled. I was struck dumb for a while” (96). Holy shit… 😳
* “‘I have a hard time understanding the nature of your love for me. It’s be a great help if you could give me a rundown, as if you were briefing me for a job’” (101). I wish Richard would ask Seigi to do this. But I think Seigi needs to complete his “self assessment” first. He doesn’t even understand the nature of his own love for Richard.
* Wow, Itagaki is actually pretty mature. Good for him.
* “‘Well, I just want you to know there has been a lot of diversity in body type in the industry lately, and I would love you even if you put on a hundred kilos, so don’t overdo it’” (110). It’s really nice to see a male character so adamant that his girlfriend shouldn’t have to worry about losing weight, especially since she’s in the entertainment industry. I hope we see even more diverse body types in Japanese entertainment in the future.
* I hope we get to see this “long talk” they’re going to have in the next story.
“Paraíba Tourmaline Romance”
* Omg Tanimoto is back! And she’s finally meeting Richard!! The two of them ganging up on Seigi is so funny.
* “Once again, it was Seigi Nakata versus the allied forces of Richard and Tanimoto. Honestly, I was probably the happiest if ever been in my life, but I was also just as embarrassed” (135). This is so cute.
* “‘I agree that romance might just be a stone I don’t know yet, but it feels so removed from me—like that planet made from diamonds orbiting a distant star. Maybe I just don’t have the courage for interstellar travel’” (153). This is so ace. I’m so so glad Tanimoto decided to be true to herself and not force herself into a romantic relationship she didn’t actually want. Sometimes you don’t need to experiment. You just know yourself. I’m so proud of her!
* Wow, I really teared up seeing Richard talk about queerness and fluctuations in identity so directly. I’m so happy Tsujimura had the courage to include frank conversations about queer issues. Richard’s perspective here truly is “like a spring breeze rushing through a window that no one remembered opening” (153).
* “‘What really matters is that you never forget that while you possess the potential to change, your present self continues to become your future self… I know it’s hard to decide what choice will be best for you, if I were in your position, I would not think forcing myself into a romantic relationship would be that choice… While dying on your feet is all well and good, one wrong step might make it nothing g more than foolhardy and reckless. And perhaps in the same way, a strategic retreat isn’t running away so much as it is a change of course’” (157). Ace ally Richard is so important to me. This is why he’s my comfort character.
* “‘When Seigi told me about this place, I thought it was a shop run by a foreign man who would show his customers wonderful gemstones. I see it’s actually a shop that provides kindness and comfort to those who see themselves as Étranger’” (158). fUCK.
* I’m so glad Seigi apologized for what he said to Tanimoto at the museum. I know it’s hard for him to let go of the fact that Tanimoto doesn’t feel romantic love since he has a crush on her, but I think he’s more understanding of her feelings now, thanks to the conversation with Richard.
* Omg Seigi and Tanimoto having a mature conversation about why they wouldn’t work out romantically. So nice to see. I think Tanimoto still kind of misunderstood why Seigi wanted to ask her out before, but that’s very on brand for her lol.
* “‘I feel like having you around has made me a better person than I was before’” (173). Richard!!! 💘💘💘
* Tanimoto defending Seigi and telling Richard to never hurt him again! I love her so much!
* I love this story so much! It was great to learn more about Tanimoto’s past and see her finally interact with Richard, who was just so thoughtful here. I can’t believe he felt bad for telling her not to worry about romantic love because he thought it might hurt Seigi. That’s sweet, but I’m glad he was true to himself and what Tanimoto needed to hear in that moment. And Seigi got just a bit more mature, too. I have such intense affection for everyone in this situation. But not Seigi’s father coming to ruin the vibes at the end. 🤬🤬🤬
“The Tanzanite of Rebirth”
* Seigi’s father is such a disgusting manipulator. I always say I want to learn more about Seigi, but learning how awful this man was to him and Hiromi, and how dark Seigi’s thoughts were at that time… How dark they are now… It’s really distressing.
* The fucking tonal shift from this melancholy last dinner together to Jeffrey showing up in the hotel room is so funny. For real though, what did Seigi think would happen when he followed Richard to his room?? 👀 But it’s really concerning that Seigi felt he had no choice but to follow Richard to his room. Obviously that’s Seigi’s extremely negative headspace talking, but please have some self-respect!
* “‘Maybe you’ve forgotten, but I spent a long time stalking you within the realm of what’s legal, of course. Obviously, I’ve repented of my actions—please, God, forgive me for my trespasses. And since I’ve repented, I hope you’ll forgive me for reoffending. It’s plain for anyone to see that something’s been eating at you’” (228). JEFFREY. It’s kind of sweet that Jeffrey has been keeping an eye on Seigi, but did he have to get this intense about it? This kidnapping situation is so chaotic lol. That is his style, though.
* “‘Why do you treat me like some rock on the side of the road? What do you think I am? A doll that’s not good for anything but being on display? I’ve been on this Earth longer than you have. I possess more knowledge than you, and I have enough free time to be able to afford to spend some on you. And yet you had the audacity to try to abandon me and walk off into the darkness. It’s beyond asinine and irrational’” (230). YOU TELL HIM, RICHARD! (Not to even mention Richard told Seigi he loves him just before this rant.) But I feel like Seigi could have said this exact speech when Richard ran away to England before. They both feel that the other should rely on them more, but wouldn’t want to be a burden. After the England debacle, Richard learned that it’s okay to rely on people who love you. Now Seigi has to learn that lesson too.
* “There was a large dam inside my heart, and what it was holding back wasn’t water but sludge. And I didn’t want any of that getting on Richard. It’s the sort of thing that you let out into a drainage ditch in secret” (232-233). Oh, honey, no. First of all, Richard is a human being who loves you and can withstand hearing bad things. You’re not tainting him. He’s asking you to trust him with this. Second of all, please go to therapy…
* It’s really concerning to see how Seigi thinks of himself as having the potential for violence against people he loves. It’s really common for witnesses of domestic abuse to think that way, but it’s so clear in Seigi’s actions that he could never do that. He has such a good heart. But he’s really clouded by dark thoughts from interacting with his father. It’s not like he was thinking this when he wanted to date Tanimoto. These thoughts resurfaced very recently. Thankfully Richard has done enough self-reflection to throw his own situation in Seigi’s face to show him how ridiculous he’s being.
* “‘You don’t think of me as normal or expected. You don’t think of me as tangible, something that is always by your side. That is why I remain someone distant and unreachable to you… You never attempt to close the distance between us. And you never allow me to pay your price, the affection, you are worth’” (243-244). Wow. This reflective Richard is extremely powerful…
* “The moment I realized that he had been watching over me and accepting me for who I was on a much deeper level than I could even have imagined, I felt like I’d been tossed into the middle of the ocean—it was salty, and I struggled to breathe. I was such a loser, such a thoughtless person, a timid child crying in the dark with his knees held tightly to his chest, and yet it felt like he took it all in and said that it was fine. But it wasn’t just a feeling, he believed in me, more than I could ever believe” (247-248). Yes, Seigi, that’s what you do when you love someone. You did the same for him.
* Omg punk Jeffrey?! I wish I could see all those photos Richard keeps as blackmail. 😂
* I’m glad Richard brought up “what floor?” Seriously, Seigi not feeling able to reject him was scary. For both of them, I think.
* Seigi’s stepdad is an absolute legend! King of positive masculinity! “‘I don’t think being strong or not has anything to do with whether you’re okay’” (272). Fuck yes. Hiromi did so well marrying this man.
* “‘I don’t want an apology, I want you to reflect on your behavior. I imagine you understand this by now, but your number-one assignment at the moment is learning to value yourself more’” (274). The fact Richard is able to say this to Seigi is a reflection of his own growth as well. I’m so glad they’re in each other’s lives. They make each other better. 🥹
* Seigi trying to tell Richard he wants to keep being around him even if he doesn’t work at Étranger anymore but it keeps coming out likes he’s proposing or asking him on a date. I think his first statement was the truest to how he feels: ‘“I want to be by your side from now on, if you’ll let me’” (280). I think Richard was ready to accept that as a proposal until Seigi made a bunch of qualifying statements lol.
* Wow, this story means so much to me. Everything that came out of Richard’s mouth was something both Seigi and I (and so many other people, I’m sure) needed to hear. Their relationship got so much deeper. And I can’t wait to see what shenanigans Seigi gets up to in this hotel lol. Especially if Richard is staying there as well. Very excited for the next volume. This one had better come out on time! 😤
“Sinhalite Beckons, Part 2”
* OKAY this is wild! I swear to god the person on the motorcycle in part 1 is Richard, but it seems to be Seigi now???? And he and Richard seem to live together in this nice house in Sri Lanka???????
* Omg she’s the sister of the airport lady from “Flourite By Your Side!” 😲 Glad she’s feeling better!
* Okay so it’s been three years? And there are pictures of the shop in Ginza and their families on the coffee table?? This is so fucking domestic. Is this their future???
* It’s refreshing to see someone call Seigi attractive for once! RIP Keiko’s love life though lol.
* “‘But you know, you really surprised me. You speak textbook-perfect English, but your Japanese sounds like someone from a local convenience store.’ I told him I thought is was a very interesting gap, and he smiled bashfully. ‘He always tells me that—“At this point, the language you might be the least eloquent in might be Japanese.” It is the one language he didn’t teach me, after all’” (301). This is so funny. And it’s making more sense why I thought Seigi was actually Richard in the first part. I can’t believe Seigi speaks English with a British accent! 😂
* Lol once again somebody’s first assumption is that Seigi and Richard are a couple, and it’s still not hard to see why. Love that Keiko immediately asked Seigi out after learning they’re not together, though. You go, girl! But Seigi’s heart belongs to someone else, huh? For real, please tell me he knows it’s Richard at this point!
* I find it so interesting that Tsujimura decided to show us this glimpse of Seigi and Richard’s future. What was the purpose?? It’s a fun and cute story, but not very satisfying if you’re routing for them to get together. And it weirdly feels like an ending even though I know there are at least two more volumes after this…
* This isn’t a story but I need to record my reaction to the sentence “the first part of the story has now come to a close with Volume 6—though there is still more to tell.” 😲😲😲 Okay, I didn’t realize this story was in parts! Maybe “Sinhalite Beckons” is a way to transition into this new future chapter of Seigi and Richard’s life. 🤔
* Tsujimura actually knows a jeweler who taught them how to make royal milk tea lol. That’s adorable. They do say to write why you know.
* “It would make me very happy if you would keep me company on their journey for a little while.” Tsujimura, I am with you for the long haul. 🫡 Let’s do this!
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blueau-niverse · 4 months
Blue AU-niverse General info and FAQ!
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Link to the comic here!
Link to character references here! -General FAQ-
Q: What is Blue AU-niverse? A: A Steven Universe mom swap AU comic, where instead of following Steven, son of Rose Quartz, we instead follow Nora, daughter of Blue Diamond, and the events that follow her 23rd birthday.
!!Mild spoilers below this point!!
Q: Does this mean Blue and Pink completely switched rolls? A: Nope, everything in the Blue AU timeline is the same up to the corrupting light event.
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Q: Where is Steven?
A: He’s not in this AU sad to say.
Q: Does Nora know who her mother is?
A: Yes, Blue Diamond wasn’t hiding her true identity, and Blue Pearl and Greg have no reason to hide it from her.
Q: Was Blue Pearl in love with Blue Diamond? A: No.
Q: Why does Amber look like a moth/butterfly? Is she corrupted?
A: No, Amber isn’t corrupted. She’s an experimental Gem type made unconventionally, so she looks a bit different.
Q: How big is Nora's gem? A: Her gem is the size of her torso basically, I have it to scale in an older reference sheet here:
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Q: Is Nora’s gem REALLY that big?
A: Yes.
Q: Was her gem always that size?
A: No, in my AU her gem grows with her basically. It's my fanon interpretation of a similar thing but in reverse with Malachite from the show having Jasper's gem, but it scales to fit her size.
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Q: Can I do crossover fanart/fusions or fan art in general of your Nora? 
A: SURE! I’d love to see it if you do, be sure to @ me !
Q: Will Spinel/lapis/jasper be in this AU?
A: yes!
Q: Will the OG Peridot from the show be in this AU?
A: No, she’s specifically stated to be an Era 2 Gem, and does not exist in this AU due to there being no Era 2 due to story reasons.
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Here's an idea: An Adam'sApple short story based off of Steven Universe: The Movie, where Spinel breaks down, realizing that she's trying to hurt Steven, the one person who wanted to help her out of everyone else she knew. Adam being Spinel and Lucifer being Steven. Except it's not wanting to be a friend; Adam wanted someone to love again and love him back, just like his ex-wives did.
Adam: What. What have I done!?
Lucifer: Adam....
Adam: All I wanted was for you to love me! Love me like you loved her! *He starts crying*
Lucifer walks over and picks Adam up bridal style.
Lucifer: I do love you
Adam, sniffing: You do?
Lucifer: Yes.~ Let's clean this mess up, hmm?
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Not to be a rambler on anon, but I really like the way you’ve set this AU! While it has canon elements we all know and love, the changes and additions you’ve added still leaves plenty room for theories and speculation. I know people are impatient for answers, and it’s a shame - guessing can be fun!
One divergent element I like thinking about is the whole “is Steven turning into White Diamond? Are they two actual separate consciousness in one body? Is she trying to hijack the plane?” conundrum we’re having. Listen…
In canon, Steven couldn’t turn back into Rose in any shape; having echoes of his gem’s past identities made us all think so. But no! He and his gem are one. They’re Steven no matter what. In Rose’s words in that video: she became half of him, she gave him her gem, she was willing to delete her own self for that purpose, so he could exist. “We can’t both exist”.
What about White in this AU? We don’t know if she conceived Steven willingly or how aware of the process’ implications she was. My hunch feel is: nope. She likely didn’t want to have Steven… or at the very least, she wouldn’t be willing to give up her self for his sake.
And yet, Steven exists here. So this raises some questions.
Is White’s self fully gone? Is this situation here is the same as canon, and the White we’re seeing are just past memories making their own mess, fueled by Steven’s insecurities?
If “we can’t both exist” applies in this AU… how literal was Rose being? Could she have been her own separate conscious identity within Steven, but chose not to burden him? Could White have given up a part of her gem to Steven, but is now trying to wholly control it back, tempting Steven so he willingly chooses to “reset” the gem? After all, no matter how bothersome she became in dreams, she still couldn’t affect Steven without inciting him first. If there’s two identities within the gem, Steven is clearly the dominant one no matter what.
Considering how “computer programmed” Gems are… White could be fully gone, but before becoming Steven, could’ve “programmed” her gem to “guide” her future identity (Steven) into regressing back. Like installing her own Spinel resetting scythe in her mind, some backup files, hoping Steven will use it and “restore her back”.
There’s so many many COOL possibilities!! And there will be more or less as we learn about White’s motivations - Rose’s love and sacrifice determined Steven’s life, so White’s intentions will have impacts in other forms.
On the meanwhile though, I don’t mind waiting whatsoever. The story’s good and it’s worth the wait! So, thank you for giving us such a complex and entertaining story!
I love this writeup so much it is sincerely tempting to not post it at all, and instead just hold onto it. But I think you raise many fascinating points that people deserve to also see. :)
Also you're incredible for taking the time to type this all out. Reading your speculations is the fuel that fires my cylinders for the next chapter of this journey!
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
To be fair, Rebecca created Rose/Pink to be seen as...a questionable person at best though Sugar is aware when to call a spade a spade when it comes to Pink's...less than favorable actions.
Rose/Pink is a controversial character and whilst the hate has died down, there are legit reasons to not like her(seriously I do not like that woman). Even a lot of Pink/Rose fans know better than to try justifying Pink's less than stellar decsions(Spinel was honestly probably the straw the broke the camel's back in all honesty). At most, they explain them but few are bold enough to say what Pink did to Spinel was right.
Viv however, keeps backflipping, retconning her story midway into the season and making dynamics worse for the sake of Stolitz and acting like Stolas is this uwu baby when he's honestly just a toned down Frollo with a weirdly contrived backstory he and Blitzo would be better off without.
Exactly, was Rose was introduced as this perfect, loving paragon of kindness and acceptance and heroism, only for these darker layers to be revealed as time went on.
Stolas was introduced as a rapist, and then Viv decided he was cute and Stolitz was cute and gets angry at anyone who says otherwise.
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ocean-waters · 6 months
Free!cember: crossover (Steven Universe x free!)
Thanks to free!cember, I finally have an excuse to share this Steven Universe x free! concept I've had cooking in my head for several years.
(This technically counts more as an au rather than a crossover, but I've hardly been following the rules, so)
Warning: word vomit. Apologies, but the brainrot has taken over me.
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So far, I've only drawn the iwatobi and samezuka cast, but I'd like to do some more characters in the future. I tried to make them all distinctive and tried following SU's art style. The iwatobians have white accents on their clothing, while samezukans have black accents.
For some context: they all meet due to being involved with the process of terraforming new colonies for homeworld. (Terraforming refers to manipulating and reshaping the landscape of a planet to make it optimal for establishing colonies for homeworld, which is the planet from which the gems originated). There are 3 types of terraformers in this au:
Lapis Lazulis - They manipulate water. Only confirmed terraformers in Steven Universe Canon. They use water to slice and pierce through rock formations with deadly precision. They can also mold it into any shape they wish. They possess water wings, which give them the ability to fly.
Idocrases - They manipulate earth. They're able to manipulate large chunks of earth. They can fracture them, push them, crush them, split them, etc. They are very general use. However, they're not very precise. Usually, their work ends up looking pretty rough, so Lapis Lazulis are then often sent in to polish it.
Rubellites - They manipulate fire. How does fire aid in terraforming? Simple. Explosions. They just blow stuff up, lmao. They're often used for demolitions or sent in to clear up areas with too many unwanted elements.
So, with that, the gems I assigned them were:
Haru: Lapis Lazuli. Felt like the natural choice, given they're waterbenders in canon and pretty aloof and distant, but will do anything for those they care about (based purely on one of the lapises we see in the show, but still)
Rin: Rubellite. Apparently, it's a stone that is said to be associated with passion, high energy, and love. And since Rin is so passionate and romantic, I figured it'd fit nicely. It also has a really nice color.
Makoto: Idocrase. Usually a stone associated with positive and calming energies. It also pretty earthy, forming in lime deposits near volcanoes. And in this Au, it fits since he can manipulate earth.
Rei: Fluorite. Apparently known for mental enhancement and focus. They're technicians and data loggers in this au.
Nagisa: Spinel. Based on the canon gem. Goofy and fun-loving. They're entertainers and are often sent in to keep up morale and make gems happy. They have stretchy powers.
Souske: Quartz. Typical bulky soldier/guard. Pretty tough and intimidating, but they form very solid friendships.
Nitori: Pearl. Also based on canon. They're servants given to distinguished gems. Very polite, respectful, and loyal to their masters. (He doesn't stay as a servant. That would feel wrong.)
Momo: Amber. It's orange. Associated with courage and self-confidence. Momo is pretty self-assured and, at times, overly confident, so I felt it fit.
As for the story:
The gist of what I came up with is that Haru and Makoto are terraformers that often get assigned together on missions, which is how they become best friends. Nagisa is usually there as an entertainer for the colony and likes to meet up with them whenever they have free time, which is how they became friends too. Haru is considered to be the best among the lazulis due to his precision when it comes to working with water. His cuts are clean, and his work is impeccable. He's also pretty creative when it comes to the ways in which he uses water.
Then Rin shows up one day, assigned to the same colony as them. He is also considered one of the best among his class, having some pretty big fire power and the capacity to create more powerful explosions than average. He's pretty confident in his own abilities. Then, he gets to witness Haru in action and is completely blown away by it. And well, basically, almost the same events that happen in the show happen here.
They meet Rei when he's assigned to document and monitor their terraforming project.
Souske was a guard for the gem station Rin resides in, so they've been friends for a while.
Nitori was given to Rin for his accomplishments, but Rin does not like the idea of "owning" him, so he just treats him as part of his friend group. Though Ai still insists on helping him with everything.
Despite serving homeworld initially, they all rebel at one point and escape to their own home away from home. The iwatobi group does so first, but it takes Rin and his group a while longer. This is where the conflict comes in.
And, of course, there's fusion involved. One of my favorite concepts of steven universe.
For context: gems' bodies are made of light and are essentially a hologram with mass. This means means they have some advanced abilities like shapeshifting and fusion. When two or more gems fuse, they produce an entirely new entity with its own consciousness and individuality, which combines the personality traits and physical attributes from its components. For it to happen, gems need to be synchronized, and there has to be communication and cooperation.
Fusions are essentially a physical manifestation of the relationship between its components. It can be any type of relationship. Platonic, romantic, familial, etc.
So far, I've only done two:
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The Rin & Haru fusion. At first, I wanted it to be a pietersite, as that is a gem that has both red and blue chaotically intertwined within it. However, I then became aware of the existence of a stone called Rhodochrosite. And it just seemed so much better. It might be a stretch, but the markings it has, together with its soft pink color, made me think of cherry blossoms, which is just so much more symbolic of the relationship between these two. Plus, the gem is called Rhodochrosite. RHodochrosite (hehe). So I opted for it instead. I know blue and red don't make pink when mixed together, but fusions don't necessarily have to follow color theory. (See: smoky quartz, s1 garnet, sunstone, and more)
The clothing is loosely based on the japanese team uniform from the final stroke movies (meant to represent how Rin and Haru become their best selves together). He has only two eyes because of the whole seeing a sight they've never seen before together sentiment. And yes, he has shark teeth, too.
In terms of character, rhodochrosite is.. a lot. I mean, what do you think would happen if you combined these two. Pure chaos (in a good way, mostly).
He's ridiculously competitive about everything. "This isn't a competition." - Yes, it is, and he' going to win. He's also pretty impulsive and quick tempered. Act first, think later. If he likes or doesn't like something, he'll show it. He can be pretty blunt, too (given that Rin is very opinionated and Haru doesn't care for sugar coating things). He can also be pretty closed off, keeping things to himself. He will do absolutely anything for his friends, though, even if it means using violence. (To be fair, violence is almost always the answer for him)
He's pretty confident in himself and likes to do as he pleases. Usually, he flies around and plays around with the elements, testing out his capabilities. Being the fun-loving thrill-seeker that he is, he usually gets a bit too carried away with this and ends up causing a lot of damage. His elemental powers are also enhanced, meaning he's truly a force to be reckoned with. He's overall a fun experience for Rin and Haru. I imagine fusion would be the equivalent of swimming together. They don't stay fused forever like garnet, though. They value their individuality too much for that. But they do it often. Sometimes on accident. The rest are used to seeing him around a lot. And yes, there are feelings involved, but they're in denial.
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The Makoto and Haru fusion. Saw the stone and its beautiful teal color and thought it would fit quite nicely. Plus, it's opaque like lapis lazulis and idocrases. He has two pairs of eyes. However, the pupils from the top and bottom sets move in synch, as if they're just one pair split down the middle.
He's quiet and serious, but also very gentle. I imagine he usually gets lost in his own head due to constantly having an internal monologue, so you could often see him just sitting there staring into space, deep in thought.
He's mostly level headed, due to Haru's stoic nature and Makoto's overabundant patience and prefers to avoid conflict instead of engaging with it. However, if someone or something were to threaten their friends, they wouldn't hesitate.
Haru and Makoto are already pretty in synch, so fusing is not difficult for them, but they mostly do it only when necessary. Like during combat or to protect their friends. They enjoy each other's company either way, merged or apart, it makes no difference.
They can manipulate mud and clay (earth + water), and sometimes, they create little sculptures.
There is so much more I wanted to share, but I've been working on this for a while. So I'll leave it here for now. I do want to do more for this au, though. More characters, definitely more fusions, and expanding the story a bit more. Also, some sketches of small interactions/moments. Particularly some with nagisa and rin&haru. They're both like big brothers to him, so their fusion is like his ultimate big brother figure, and I think their dynamic could be so fun. Until then, though, I'll share this.
Steven universe isn't as relevant anymore, but like free! I don't think I'll ever let it go. It's a lot of fun working on things like these.
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peony-flowerking7 · 3 months
Long Armed Gibbon Redesign and Svtfoe Oc
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Old designs:
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My Star vs the forces of evil oc is an oc I had made like around 2020 its been very long actually, she's a very old oc. Her lore was that she wanted to destroy the kingdom of Mewni because of how mewmans lived in poverty and you know all that monarchy stuff. The lower class being those without powers and lived in horrible life conditions while the rich live better. So she does dark magic, bad things happened she turns to stone and done. Now I made her design fit into a more Gothic aesthetic I think? She loves the idea of immortality and basically messes with life itself. She is what a butterfly means, rebirth. She actually is a past Queen of Mewni like the ones before Skywynne. And she doesn't actually have children, the only one who does is her brother.
Decided to do some redesigns. The Long-Armed Gibbon Yuan new design is much better in color I do planned to give her a scarf but I think it's better in more of a past outfit. Another thing their outfit majorly inspired by Ring Ring from Pucca, if you ever seen Pucca you have seen what her powers are and I planned to incorporate them in Yuan for the sake of symbolism, their origin and everything about them. Changing some lore, powers and basically a lot of things from them.
Reference for Yuan new design:
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I love her designs ngl she's so prettyyyyy I always wanted to use her design. Also some powers that Ring Ring has will also be in Yuan such as that super operatic scream and the sleeves thingy. But it's because Yuan has super long arms. Another thing Yuan is actually taller than Wukong and Macaque combined even in my headcannon size thing, Yuan is taller than anybody except for Azure. Mother fucker is tall. Once I have an official design for Yuan then I can naming off their powers, stories well almost some and I can try to give them a past outfit too. But just know they were born from the heavens or basically space as their specialty is control over it. A very powerful monkey, their weapons is undecided but just know they are a magic users with spells. Maybe I should give her a wand.
Oh one thing I do like the idea that Yuan can extend their whole body out and can be like a spinel I'm still thinking about it.
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keitorinrose · 3 months
can you tell us about your trolls x su au or tell us the basics of the story?
Sure! There probably won't be a lot of details because there's a lot of things i still need to figure out.
The idea for the au came because i remembered the song drift away and thought "this is so floyd and branch" and then it spiralled from there. None of this is final btw. things can and probably will change because I don't make aus often. 💀 Also don't think too hard about the su part of this au. Im probably only gonna use the basic parts of it and will barely use anything from the show because I'm mostly focusing on the movie of su and not the serie and epilogue.
I currently only have the roles for the main characters so
Branch is Spinel
Floyd is Steven (but he's still the one who makes the promise with branch even though in su that was pink diamond and not steven.)
Clay is Amethyst
Spruce/Bruce is Pearl
And JD is Garnet
I want to add viva, poppy and brandy too but I don't know which characters they would be yet.
So brozone breaks up. JD, spruce and clay leave and before floyd goes he makes the promise with branch, he stays and one day he'll come back for him. Years pass by and floyd still hasn't returned. Branch's colors are becoming duller as the years go by, he starts doubting himself but never fully gives up hope.
Here's where i struggle a bit with the story because i don't have a reason yet why floyd never came back. At some point floyd reunites with the others but idk the reason yet why branch isn't part of that reunion.
Just like in the song drift away i want branch to get a message that shows floyd and the others so that he realises that he's been abandoned and that floyd broke the promise. That's when branch would go grey. (Idk if I'm adding rosiepuff in this au)
So this is when the su plot comes in. Branch comes with the injector. He fights brozone and in the process everyone gets reset except floyd. When they get reset they're back into their roles before brozone broke up. So clay is back to being the funboy, spruce the heartthrob and jd the leader. With branch i think he would act more childlike or innocent? Because im not gonna make an adult act like a baby 💀
So now floyd has to figure out how to turn his brothers back to normal. I think the order of who comes back is gonna be the same as the movie so clay->bruce->branch->JD.
Oh and the others didn't know about the promise. they didn't know that branch stayed in the garden all those years, Floyd never told them.
Have not thought yet how floyd brings them back.
After clay gains his memory back they go back to the injector and try to turn it off when they realise it's harming the land. They make it worse and now the injector is going faster(?) So they realise they NEED branch to get his memory back or else they can't turn it off.
when floyd manages to bring branch's memory back they talk and he's on their side. He removes the injector and everything seems to be going fine. It's then when branch fears he is going to be abandoned again and thinks floyd will reset him again after he removed the injector so they fight. Somewhere during that JD gets his memory back too. I think most of this part from the movie I won't change. So floyd and branch fight one to one. Floyd sings the song "change" maybe? Idk yet. Branch saying that he can't just make everything better just because he sang a song. He tries to continue fighting floyd but he tires himself out so then this scene happens
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I am changing the lines though. I think something like "i just want my brothers back." Idk
I think that's all i have at the moment. I'll add more to this post if i think of anything. Most of my ideas for this au was me looking at spinel clips and thinking "oh i can draw that with branch!"
I hope this is readable because I'm writing this during midnight and am NOT good at explaining stuff. 💀
If anyone has ideas i would love to hear it! because im not good at figuring stuff out
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