#speed tracker online
itsspeedonway · 2 years
Itsspeedonway Online speedometer for train
Speedometers are an important tool in railroad operations. They provide operators with an accurate indication of train speed and can be used to make decisions about locomotive speed, rail traffic control, and train routing.
Railroad online speedometers for train are typically calibrated in kilometers per hour (km/h). However, many railroads also operate trains in miles per hour (mph). To account for the difference in speed, most railroad speedometers have dual scales. The kilometer scale provides an accurate indication of train speed in kilometers per hour, while the mph scale provides an accurate indication of train speed in miles per hour.
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izicodes · 1 year
Switching to Firefox
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This post is to answer @leaveblackkbrosalone’s question on my post about me switching to Firefox!
I recently had an eye opener moment when researching about Google and how they collect data to alter the things they recommend you and other things. And it was astonishing how much data they collect on you and how they track you every movement whilst on Google/Chrome/Other Google services e.g. Google PlayStore.
I truly believe there are better alternatives out there than the default Google Chrome people tend to use. We now live in world of constant data breaches and online tracking, therefore protecting your online privacy and security has never been more important.
I’ve recently deleted Chrome from my phone and computer and switched to FireFox and I’ll explain why~!
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What is Firefox?
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Firefox is the famous fox web browser! It is a free and open-source that is developed by the Mozilla Foundation. It's designed to be fast, secure, and customizable, and is available for multiple operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Firefox includes a suite of built-in features, such as enhanced tracking protection, custom themes (so important obviously) and add-ons, and a flexible interface that can be tailored to the user's needs.
Why Firefox and not Google Chrome?
There are a bunch of reasons why I chose to delete Google Chrome and why I prefer FireFox now, let me list some:
Firefox has a strong focus on privacy and security, with features like built-in tracking protection and a strict anti-tracking policy.
In contrast, Chrome is owned by Google, a company that relies heavily on data collection and advertising for its business model.
Firefox has a much more flexible and customizable interface than Chrome, with a wide range of add-ons (equivalent to Chrome’s ‘extensions’ I believe) and themes available to personalize your browsing experience.
Firefox is an open-source project, meaning that anyone can contribute to its development and review the code for security issues.
Chrome, on the other hand, is based on the Chromium project, which is also open-source but is controlled by Google.
Cross-platform compatibility
Firefox works on a wide range of devices and operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile devices.
Chrome is also available on multiple platforms, but it's more heavily integrated with Google's services and ecosystem.
Firefox has made significant improvements in recent years and is now a competitive browser in terms of speed and efficiency.
Still, Chrome is known for its fast performance
Firefox is developed by the non-profit Mozilla Foundation, which has a strong focus on user empowerment and community involvement. This means that Firefox users have a voice in the development process and can contribute to the browser's future direction.
With all of that being said, there is one particular area that caught my eye that I mentioned briefly: the Privacy and Security.
Firefox’s Privacy and Security Advantages
Firefox definitely has advantages in these areas than Google Chrome surprisingly!
Enhanced Tracking Protection
Firefox includes built-in tracking protection that blocks many common types of trackers by default, including
third-party cookies, cryptominers, and fingerprinters
This helps to protect your online privacy and reduce the amount of data that's collected about you. Below are the options for the 'Enhance Tracking Protection' in the settings:
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No Google Tracking
Oh boy, I like this one. So unlike Chrome, which is owned by Google and ties into its advertising and data collection ecosystem, Firefox is developed by the non-profit Mozilla Foundation and has no affiliation with Google or any other major tech company. This means that Firefox is less likely to collect and share your data with third parties.
No Sign-In Required
While Chrome requires you to sign in with a Google account to access certain features, Firefox does not require any sign-in at all. This means that you can still use Firefox without creating a user profile or linking your browsing activity to any personal information -
Don’t get me wrong, if you want to use the Google search engine WITHIN FireFox, it might still prompt you to sign in but you still don’t have to! Also, the choice is there to create an account just to sync bookmarks and tab from one device to another e.g. phone to laptop.
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Private Browsing Mode
(Another very important part!) Firefox offers a Private Browsing mode that doesn't save your browsing history, cookies, or temporary files. This can be useful for browsing sensitive content or preventing others from seeing what you've been looking at.
Firefox's Private Browsing mode offers a more robust set of features for privacy and security than Google’s Incognito mode. Within the ‘Settings’, you can customise your privacy settings more extensively than Google Chrome. You can choose to block all third-party cookies, prevent websites from accessing your location data, and clear your browsing history and data automatically when you close the browser.
Google's Incognito mode does not block all cookies or prevent all forms of tracking.
Open-Source Security
Like I mentioned before, Firefox is an open-source project, meaning that anyone can review the code and contribute to its development. This helps to ensure that security vulnerabilities are identified and addressed quickly, and that the browser remains as secure as possible. You too can find something and report it to the repository via creating an issue!
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To Conclude
Of course, these are just some general reasons why you might prefer Firefox over Chrome, and the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference and priorities. I know with developers, they would prefer Chrome for the dev tools and I think it’s almost a standard to use Chrome (though at my workplace we use Microsoft Edge), anyhoo Google is just a default for web browsing and search engine. I also know it’s hard if you have a whole Google ecosystem set up like Google docs to Sheet to Slides, emails, calendar etc, you can still use them but on a safer browser.
I would also recommend using ‘DuckDuckGo’ for a search engine as they too are really good with security and privacy but as a search engine (plus on their phone app they have a cool animation when you want to delete you browsing data from the tabs hehe)!
Links to interesting pages for more information on this topic:
YouTube videos: video 1 | video 2 | video 3 | video 4
Articles: article 1 | article 2 | article 3
I’d say give it a go, if you don’t like it I still recommend anything but Google Chrome! Well, that’s all and thank you for reading! 🥰👍🏾💗
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miaurri · 2 months
Triva about Modern!Kaizu <3
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So you know how people have like either "cool bad girl Mizu" or "absolutely fucking loser Mizu" HCs? Well here it's both, Mizu just got a glowup but is still very awkwardly and anti-social
Actually, the real "cool girl" is Kayo she'd def have that "not like other girl's" phase but she grew from it and slowly accepts some of her femininity
They met in high school but then finally started talking during college, at that point Kayo had moved out from her legal guardian's home for good
Mizu and Kayo both relate to have a rocky relationship with their mother figures. Actually it was that conversation that made Mizu bond closer to Kayo
Tbh Kayo was caught off guard at how nerdy Mizu was cause of her looks, she didn't know Mizu could drop fish facts in rapid speed 💀
At some point Kayo online stalked Mizu cause she found her insta account with like one photo of her but somehow managed to find her most obscure accounts in the same night
Can't act like a "nonchalant gf" she is insane for mizu and gets all giddy when she talks to her 🔥🔥
they often share each other's clothes cause their fashion taste are pretty similar (mainly the pants)
Wore a dress once on their first date thanks to Akemi, Kayo liked the dress but like half of the date Kayo was man spreading so hard 💀
They both love listening to indie rock music, Mizu can be a bit of an elites to some genres but Kayo makes her open up to them more
Despite Mizu's looks she doesn't really know how to ride a motorcycle but Kayo certainly can :3
They're so Arctic Monkeys coded (specifically wyocmwyh)
Can be such a stalker toward Mizu and had considered some point to put a tracker on her phone to see where she's at 24/7 but insist it's out of love
LOWKEY TOXIC YURI AAAAAAAA Kayo is working on it don't worry and so is Mizu
Mizu sometimes ghost Kayo during the first few months of dating cause attachment issues
(NSFW) Mizu tried strapping Kayo, only lasted for 2 seconds before she came so Kayo had to take control and show Mizu how it's done 😭
Also was mainly inspired to do this post caus I saw @mizusiris do her's with Hiina :3
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odinsblog · 2 months
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Everywhere you go online, you’re being tracked. Almost every time you visit a website, trackers gather data about your browsing and funnel it back into targeted advertising systems, which build up detailed profiles about your interests and make big profits in the process. In some places, you’re tracked more than others.
In a little-noticed change at the end of last year, thousands of websites started being more transparent about how many companies your data is being shared with. In November, those infuriating cookie pop-ups—which ask your permission to collect and share data—began sharing how many advertising “partners” each website is working with, giving a further glimpse of the sprawling advertising ecosystem. For many sites, it’s not pretty.
A WIRED analysis of the top 10,000 most popular websites shows that dozens of sites say they are sharing data with more than 1,000 companies, while thousands of other websites are sharing data with hundreds of firms. Quiz and puzzle website JetPunk tops the pile, listing 1,809 “partners” that may collect personal information, including “browsing behavior or unique IDs.”
More than 20 websites from publisher Dotdash Meredith—including Investopedia.com, People.com, and Allrecipes.com—all say they can share data with 1,609 partners. The newspaper The Daily Mail lists 1,207 partners, while internet speed-monitoring firm Speedtest.net, online medical publisher WebMD, and media outlets Reuters, ESPN, and BuzzFeed all state they can share data with 809 companies. (WIRED, for context, lists 164 partners.) These hundreds of advertising partners include dozens of firms most people have likely never heard of.
(continue reading)
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blazehedgehog · 1 month
Thoughts on Dr. Robotnik's Ring racers and the current version of SRB2 Kart?
I never dug too super deep in to SRB2 Kart because I very rarely play online games with randos and I had no real consistent group to play with otherwise. Like, I tried to play the few times Tracker hosted a server, but he lives in the UK and I'm on wifi so it just didn't really work out.
So I was kind of waiting for the singleplayer campaign mode. I could see the potential in SRB2K. "The Mugen of Kart Racers" has been an idea in the back of my head for literal decades at this point. But I did not care about time trials because there were no items.
I streamed about four hours of Ring Racers (obviously) a couple days ago:
And I've also seen a lot of SRB2 Kart diehards lose their mind over some of the changes and problems in Ring Racers.
As someone who has never really put more than, say, two hours in to SRB2 Kart, Ring Racers is... fun? Yeah. It's fun. I'd say I enjoyed myself.
But it's also got problems. Broadly speaking, the entire game is way too complicated for its own good. It's nice that they really sat down and thought very deeply about kart racer mechanics and tried to elevate things to a new level, but it feels like they overthought a lot of it. And I mean beyond the fact this game opens with a very wordy, 30-60 minute tutorial. Don't get me wrong, it needs at least some of that, because it's a very mechanically dense game, but that's also sort of the problem.
Like I literally just bailed out of a Discord conversation about this because I wanted to write it over here, but let's take, for example, the spindash.
The spindash mechanic has three primary functions in Ring Racers:
You charge up a spindash at the right time during the starting line lobby segment to get a boost going into the first lap
You charge a spindash to get through one of the speed barriers for secret shortcuts
This game has Sonic-style physics and there are slopes where, if you aren't already going fast, they are too steep of an incline to drive up. So you have to stop and charge a spindash to clear them.
What value does this actually bring to the table? What's useful about it?
The starting line lobby segment is annoying because even CPU racers will bump you into a FAULT state, forcing you to start in last place. Lobby segments are also different sizes, different lengths, so as a newbie like myself, that already puts me at a disadvantage. Charging a spindash for a starting line boost does not add anything you could not already do with Mario Kart's more traditional starting line mechanic. So that means everything around it is just to make the game less friendly to newbies.
Unless you are an ultra-skilled sickos player who optimizes ring consumption to the max, or you're lucky enough to have a boost item, you are never going to be setup to crash through a speed barrier. I certainly never am. I only touch them by accident and they always make everything worse for me when I do. I would never stop and deliberately use a spindash to clear one of these, and places in the map where I get owned are never near one for it to act as a shortcut to get me back in the race faster.
The only time you need to use a spindash on a slope is if you get blasted by someone else's weapon, and there's always this deep dread to that where it's like, if I have to spindash to get up a slope, the race is already lost. Getting slammed by a weapon can already be very devastating on its own, but adding the extra step of having to come to a complete stop, wait 2-3 seconds to charge a spindash, and then crawl up the incline? It's insult to injury.
So, then, in practical terms: what value does the spindash bring to this game? The shortest summary is it's a recovery mechanic that adds an extra step to systems that are tuned to be very difficult and maybe don't even need to exist. You could remove the spindash (and all the systems that depend on the spindash) and I think it would be a better game.
And there's a few systems like this in the game, like the ring tether system, the air drop, and so on. It's nice to finally see someone trying to meaningfully evolve the kart racer into something with greater depth, but I also feel like people who liked SRB2 Kart liked it because it was a very good one of those. And it had extremely friendly mod support.
I get the desire for what's happening here. People were unfairly harsh about how "SRB2 Kart is a bad name" and the developers wanted to both establish a fresher identity and push things in a new direction. But they're also kind of reinventing a lot of wheels and adding all of these extra steps, which will and is hurting the pick-up-and-play element of "it's just a good kart racer." If you roll up on a friend group with Ring Racers and say "hold up, you gotta play the 40 minute tutorial first", that's a killer, and that's still considering they've already trimmed the tutorial length once since it launched only a few days ago.
A kart racer with the depth of a fighting game is definitely an interesting idea and like I said, I was having fun in the stream, but it's just one of those things where the more I think about what the ideal form of this game is trying to be, the more I wonder.
And that's not even considering that some things that worried me about SRB2 Kart are still here, like how many very narrow and winding tracks there are. Sometimes you get what is effectively a rally racing track but there's 8 other hyper-aggressive cars on the road with you and they're all armed to the teeth with projectile weapons. Even in SRB2 Kart's time trial mode, when I was the only one on the track, it could be hard enough to stay on the road. Now that I'm being knocked around by other racers at the same time? It can borderline on feeling impossible.
Again, I don't hate this. It's just that there's a lot of weird friction in places I feel like it does not benefit from or need.
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fairycosmos · 1 year
Meeting people online (where I live) is hard because you can’t know if they’re gonna kill and eet you
always meet in a very public place preferably with someone else you know and with a million location trackers in ur phone. never go anywhere else with them other than the agreed place. keep the police on speed dial lol even carry mace spray TBH ......we r not dying out here because of the internet all precautions are understandable and necessary!!
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michelalovesbieber · 1 year
Comparing the Five Best Alternatives to Epg tv
                        How To Stream Movie Torrents
You can stream a torrent movie and see it before downloading the whole file. A specialized program that allows streaming is required if you want to obtain your
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TV episodes, movies, and other files directly on your TV screen. If you don't want the movie to download completely, it is a great option.
An XMLTV file can contain both trackers and contents. Although it doesn't contain the actual material, it collects information like the file size, name, and Torrent files are smaller files, with file sizes ranging from 32KB to 16 MB.  They are often used to share large files over the Internet. Many torrent sites disappeared over the years. However, there are still some torrent sites that have survived and are still popular.
 Download Torrent Files to Stream Movies
We offer some options for free if you want to stream a movie or video file directly from torrents without having to wait for it to download.
Let's look at the best ways to stream torrents of movies.
WebTorrent Desktop is an open-source torrent client, which specializes in streaming audio and video. WebTorrent is quickly becoming the most popular method to stream torrents, and in particular, videos online, using it. WebTorrent and BitTorrent connections are accepted by this application, which allows you to stream at the highest possible speeds. WebTorrent Desktop is available on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
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Instant.io/Magnet Player
Because they use WebTorrent to stream video online via a website rather than BitTorrent, these websites are combined. These websites are easy to use and don't require any additional programs. However, there are some drawbacks to using the WebTorrent Desktop client.
WebTorrent-based online services cannot accept BitTorrent or WebTorrent connections. After enough data has been buffered, you can upload a torrent or a magnet hash to the box. A video window will open on the page and start playing.
You may be familiar with torrent clients that can download torrent videos and play them while they are downloading. Some clients can do this, like Tixati or uTorrent. But the program we'll be looking at today is qBitTorrent. qBitTorrent allows you to download the entire file at once (to ensure compatibility) and open the movie in an outside player using its UI.
Another epg tv client is xmltv.host. You can stream latest xmltv file online, learn how to create tv schedule by creating an account to their website. Enter the torrent URL and submit a file. Copy and paste the magnet information into the main box. Wait for the site's seeders to be collected. You'll be able to watch the movie on your own computer in a matter of minutes.
Bitport is an online torrent client that requires you to wait for the movie downloads to complete before you can view it.
Once the torrent has loaded in your account, you can stream the movie.
Below are a few websites that can help you download your favourite movies. There are many other movie torrent sites that you can use, but not all are reliable or capable of providing the best experience. It is important to ensure that your data is not stolen from a trusted site. VPN is all you need to increase your anonymity and security.
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ai-kuroe · 9 months
trends in ict... — lara baldeo
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Ⅰ. convergence ; smartphones, smart watches, smart TVs
Ⅱ. social media ; social networks, bookmarking sites, etc.
Ⅲ. mobile technologies ; iOS ; blackberry
Ⅳ. assistive media ; text-to-speech ; magnification
Ⅴ. cloud computing ; yahoo! ; gmail
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is the synergy of technological advancements work on a similar goal or task.
smartphones combine numerous technologies which used to be available on separate devices: a computer, a watch, an alarm clock, a GPS, a newspaper, a credit card
smart watches that can be used as fitness trackers and music players.
smart TVs that can be used as computer monitors.
is a website, application, or online channel that enables web users to create, co-create, discuss modify, and exchange user generated content.
there are six types of Social Media:
1. Social Networks
these are sites that allow you to connect with other people with the same interests or background. Once the user created his/her account, he/she can set up a profile, add people, share content, etc.
2. Bookmarking Sites
sites that allow you to store and manage links to various websites and resources. Most of the sites allow you to create a tag to others.
3. Social News
sites that allow users to post their own news item or links to other news sources. The user can also comment on the post and comments may also be ranked.
4. Media Sharing
sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images, music and video.
5. Microblogging
focus on short updates from the user. Those that subscribed to the user will be able to receive these updates.
6. Blogs and Forums
allow users to post their content. Other users are able to comment on the said topic.
the popularity of smartphones and tablets has taken a major rise over the years. This is largely because of the devices capability to do the tasks that were originally found in PCs. Several of these devices are capable of using a high-speed internet. Today the latest model devices use 4G Networking (LTE), which is currently the fastest.
1. iOS - use in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad
2. Android - an open source OS developed by Google. Being open source means mobile phone companies use this OS for free.
3. Blackberry OS - used in blackberry devices
4. Windows phone OS - A closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft.
5. Symbian - the original smartphone OS. Used by Nokia devices
6. Web OS- originally used in smartphone; now in smart TVs.
7. Windows Mobile - developed by Microsoft for smartphones and pocket PCs
is a nonprofit service designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments.
assistive Media is an Internet-delivered audio reading service for people with visual or perceptual reading impairments.
the purpose is to heighten educational, cultural, and quality-of-living standards through the pure enjoyment of reading via the good and useful work of not-for-profit service.
distributed computing on internet or delivery of computing service over the internet.
EXAMPLES : Yahoo!, Gmail, Hotmail
instead of running an e-mail program on your computer, you log in to a Web e-mail account remotely. The software and storage for your account doesn’t exist on your computer – it’s on the service’s computer cloud.It has three components
1. Client computers – clients are the device that the end user interact with cloud.
2. Distributed Servers – Often servers are in geographically different places, but server acts as if they are working next to each other.
3. Datacenters – It is collection of servers where application is placed and is accessed via Internet.
• Public cloud - allows systems and services to be easily accessible to the general public. Public cloud may be less secured because of its openness, e.g. e-mail
• Private cloud - allows systems and services to be accessible within an organization. It offers increased security because of its private nature.
• Community cloud - allows systems and services to be accessible by group of organizations.
• Hybrid cloud - is a mixture of public and private cloud. However, the critical activities are performed using private cloud while the non-critical activities are performed using public cloud.
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check the upload date in checking of originality. ty.
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techbuzzs · 10 months
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How To Check Your Public IP Address Location
Determining your public IP address location is a straightforward process that allows you to gain insight into the approximate geographical region from which your device is connecting to the internet.
This information can be useful for various reasons, including troubleshooting network issues, understanding your online privacy, and accessing region-specific content. This introduction will guide you through the steps to check your public IP address location, providing you with a simple method to retrieve this valuable information.
How To Find The Location Of Your Public Ip Address? To find the location of your public IP address, you can use online tools called IP geolocation services. Simply visit a reliable IP geolocation website or search "What is my IP location" in your preferred search engine.
These services will display your approximate city, region, country, and sometimes even your Internet Service Provider (ISP) details based on your IP address. While this method provides a general idea of your IP's location, keep in mind that it might not always be completely accurate due to factors like VPN usage or ISP routing.
What Tools Can I Use To Identify My Public Ip Address Location? You can use various online tools and websites to identify the location of your public IP address. Some commonly used tools include:
IP Geolocation Websites: Websites like "WhatIsMyIP.com" and "IPinfo.io" provide instant IP geolocation information, displaying details about your IP's approximate location.
IP Lookup Tools: Services like "IP Location" or "IP Tracker" allow you to enter your IP address to retrieve location-related data.
Search Engines: Simply typing "What is my IP location" in search engines like Google or Bing will display your IP's geographical information.
IP Geolocation APIs: Developers can use APIs like the IPinfo API to programmatically retrieve location data for their public IP addresses.
Network Diagnostic Tools: Built-in network diagnostic tools on some operating systems, such as the "ipconfig" command on Windows or "ifconfig" command on Linux, provide basic information about your IP.
Some browser extensions, like IP Address and Domain Information can display your IP's location directly in your browser. Remember that while these tools provide a general idea of your IP address location, factors like VPN usage or ISP routing can impact the accuracy of the information displayed.
Can I Find My Ip Address Location Using Online Services?
Yes, you can determine your IP address location using online services. By visiting websites like WhatIsMyIP.com or "IPinfo.io" and searching What is my IP location you'll receive information about your IP's approximate geographical region.
However, it's important to note that if you're using a No Lag VPN – Play Warzone, the displayed location might reflect the VPN server's location rather than your actual physical location. Always consider the possibility of VPN influence when using online services to check your IP address location.
What Should Players Consider Before Using A Vpn To Alter Their Pubg Experience? Before players decide to use a VPN to alter their PUBG experience, there are several important factors to consider:
Ping and Latency: Understand that while a VPN might provide access to different servers, it can also introduce additional ping and latency, potentially affecting gameplay.
Server Locations: Research and select a VPN server strategically to balance potential advantages with increased distance and latency.
VPN Quality: Choose a reputable VPN service that offers stable connections and minimal impact on speed.
Game Stability: Be aware that VPN usage could lead to instability, causing disconnections or disruptions during gameplay.
Fair Play: Consider the ethical aspect of using a VPN to manipulate gameplay, as it might affect the fairness and balance of matches.
VPN Compatibility: Ensure the VPN is compatible with your gaming platform and PUBG.
Trial Period: Utilise any trial periods or money-back guarantees to test the VPN's impact on your PUBG experience.
Security and Privacy: Prioritise a VPN that ensures data security and doesn't compromise personal information.
Local Regulations: Be aware of any legal restrictions on VPN usage in your region.
Feedback and Reviews: Read user experiences and reviews to gauge the effectiveness of the VPN for PUBG.
By carefully considering these factors, players can make informed decisions about using a VPN to alter their PUBG experience while minimising potential drawbacks and ensuring an enjoyable and fair gaming environment.
What apps can help you discover your public IP address location and how do they work? Yes, there are apps available that can help you discover your public IP address location. Many IP geolocation apps, such as IP Location or IP Tracker are designed to provide this information quickly and conveniently.
These apps can be found on various platforms, including smartphones and computers, allowing you to easily check your IP's approximate geographical region. However, please note that if you're using a VPN, the location displayed might reflect the VPN server's location. Also, unrelated to IP address location, if you're interested in learning about How To Get Unbanned From Yubo you would need to explore specific guidelines or resources related to that topic.
How Can I Check My Public Ip Address Location? You can easily check your public IP address location by visiting an IP geolocation website or using an IP lookup tool. These online services provide details about your IP's approximate geographic region.
Are There Mobile Apps To Help Me Determine My Public Ip Address Location? Yes, there are mobile apps available on various platforms that allow you to quickly find your public IP address location. These apps provide a user-friendly way to access this information while on the go.
CONCLUSION Checking your public IP address location is a straightforward process facilitated by numerous online tools and websites. These resources offer quick access to valuable information about your IP's approximate geographic region.
Whether through IP geolocation websites, search engines, or dedicated mobile apps, determining your public IP address location can assist in troubleshooting network issues, enhancing online privacy awareness, and accessing region-specific content. By utilizing these tools, users can easily gain insights into their digital presence and make informed decisions regarding their online activities
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Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz announced last week that he would be throwing his hat into the online streaming ring and starting his own Twitch channel.
So far, his peak viewership has been six people.
Growing a community on Twitch is not easy. According to data from Sully Gnome and Twitch Tracker, the top 1% of Twitch streams have an average of approximately 20 concurrent viewers during their streams. The users pulling in tens of thousands of viewers each stream are the platform's top 0.1%, and account for around 74% of the total watch time on the platform.
That being said, Mr. Gaetz has an inherent advantage over a 16-year-old hoping to stream their Dungeons and Dragons campaign or their latest video game speed run — he's a Congressman. Theoretically, he has a baked-in audience.
Mr. Gaetz has 1.7m followers on Twitter, but it appears that very few — at least at this point — have followed him onto Twitch. He has 1,600 followers on the platform, but anyone can follow an account — subscriptions and viewers are what counts toward monetisation on Twitch.
Those who have followed him to the streaming site don't appear to be fans.
VICE News reports that after his inaugural livestream on Thursday — a 30 minute chat touching on the Capitol riot, right-wing conspiracy subject Ray Epps, and "wokeism" in schools with former Trump speechwriter Darren Beattie — Mr. Gaetz left his chat running while he was offline.
This is common for Twitch streamers — many will allow their chats to stay active when they're not streaming, and some continue to participate with their communities offline. However, Mr. Gaetz's viewers took the opportunity to slam him and leave vulgar ASCII images in the chat, including many depicting male genitals.
Some chat users also brought up the sex trafficking investigation that focused on Mr. Gaetz — which prosecutors have since reportedly declined to pursue — calling him a "pedo" in the chat.
The Independent has reached out to Mr. Gaetz for comment.
Based on the symbols used by the chatters, it appears most of the people mocking Mr. Gaetz appeared to be fans of leftist Twitch streamer Hasan Piker. Mr. Piker is one of the site's most popular streamers, and noted Mr. Gaetz's addition to the platform on Twitter.
"This is certainly what we needed on the platform," Mr. Piker wrote sarcastically.
Mr. Gaetz's account retweeted the post with the message "I agree. Thanks for tuning in @hasanthehun. Don't forget to subscribe!"
Mr. Piker took the opportunity to change his Twitter name to "gaetz pedo fbi investigation," ensuring that viewers on Mr. Gaetz's Twitter page would see the name if they saw the Congressman's retweet.
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Mr. Gaetz never deleted the retweet. Mr. Piker has since changed his Twitter name back to his original name, Hasanabi.
Further adding to the pile-on was the fact that Mr. Gaetz announced his intention to join the platform the day after Bloomberg published a bombshell report focused on "widespread child predation" on Twitch. The report claimed it found evidence of thousands of accounts that specifically target and follow kids and pre-teens streaming on the platform and leave predatory messages for the children in their chats.
Users on Twitter, including Mr. Piker, posted screenshots of their feeds, showing Mr. Gaetz's announcement alongside the Bloomberg headline "Child predators use Twitch to systematically track kids livestreaming."
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Mr. Gaetz joined the streaming platform at a tumultuous time; over the past two weeks, Twitch has been rocked by claims from streamers and fans that a prominent user, Sliker, was allegedly scamming them out of money to pay gambling debts, as well as an internal fight between streamers over gambling on the platform that snowballed into a sexual assault scandal implicating several notable streamers.
Sliker has admitted to asking fellow streamers and viewers for money under false pretenses and has apologised.
On top of all of that, the platform also announced it would be banning unregulated gambling sites from its streams and that it planned to change the way it paid streamers, leaving some of its top users to openly question whether they would remain on the site, according to the New York Times.
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midnight-crack-ak · 1 year
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Download file Midnight (crack).rar on for free at high speed. Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris on desktop and mobile. Play over million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Check out Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Ghostery Midnight Crack With Activation Code Latest Evade annoying ads and trackers that may affect your loading times and affect your browsing. In fact, females call smoking Crack, sucking on the glass dick. Their craving for the drug can be so all consuming that they may, in some cases. Midnight Movement. Gwyn Thomas De Chroustchoff rounds up the best tracks being played and obeyed on dance floors around the world this month. SENSEs: Midnight Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. SENSEs: Midnight – As occult researcher Uesugi Kaho, discover the. Let me tell you, it's always cool And the boss don't mind sometimes if you play with your tool At the Crack house, woah Talking about the Crack house. Listen to After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music. Stream songs including "Night Approaching", "Ready To Fire ( Remastered)" and more. Midnight Sky. Crack D — Spring Clinique United States. Copyright © Apple Inc. All rights reserved. by MIDNIGHT F.K. · Includes download in mp3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the Bandcamp app. · Your money reaches. Concrete Cracks by Midnight Midnight, released 05 April Midnight Iron Crack gibt es jetzt auch auf Discogs. Für alle, die genauso bescheuert sind wie ich und Ihre Vinyl-, Kasetten- und CD-Sammlung digital…. midnight club los angeles, midnight club los angeles cheats, midnight club los angeles ps4, midnight club los angeles xbox one, midnight club los. #eruri#mikenana#mobuhan#auretra#midnight crack post#dot pixis#nile dok#nifa#nanaba#mike zacharias#levi ackerman#erwin smith#moblit berner#hange zoe#my post…. scarbee rickenbacker bass crack midnight  . 0 comments Share post Share this: Share this. james peden nude playing.. dre beats for song. MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit]. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Crack The Sky - Rangers At Midnight (Letras y canción para escuchar) - When it's cold outside I like to sleep with a blanket on my ass / I don't want to.
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Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
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Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
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Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
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Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music - [download]
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Midnight Club Los Angeles Pc !!LINK!! Crack 23
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‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
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itsspeedonway · 2 years
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midnight-crack-kw · 1 year
‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Download file Midnight (crack).rar on for free at high speed. Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris on desktop and mobile. Play over million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Check out Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Ghostery Midnight Crack With Activation Code Latest Evade annoying ads and trackers that may affect your loading times and affect your browsing. In fact, females call smoking Crack, sucking on the glass dick. Their craving for the drug can be so all consuming that they may, in some cases. Midnight Movement. Gwyn Thomas De Chroustchoff rounds up the best tracks being played and obeyed on dance floors around the world this month. SENSEs: Midnight Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. SENSEs: Midnight – As occult researcher Uesugi Kaho, discover the. Let me tell you, it's always cool And the boss don't mind sometimes if you play with your tool At the Crack house, woah Talking about the Crack house. Listen to After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music. Stream songs including "Night Approaching", "Ready To Fire ( Remastered)" and more. Midnight Sky. Crack D — Spring Clinique United States. Copyright © Apple Inc. All rights reserved. by MIDNIGHT F.K. · Includes download in mp3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the Bandcamp app. · Your money reaches. Concrete Cracks by Midnight Midnight, released 05 April Midnight Iron Crack gibt es jetzt auch auf Discogs. Für alle, die genauso bescheuert sind wie ich und Ihre Vinyl-, Kasetten- und CD-Sammlung digital…. midnight club los angeles, midnight club los angeles cheats, midnight club los angeles ps4, midnight club los angeles xbox one, midnight club los. #eruri#mikenana#mobuhan#auretra#midnight crack post#dot pixis#nile dok#nifa#nanaba#mike zacharias#levi ackerman#erwin smith#moblit berner#hange zoe#my post…. scarbee rickenbacker bass crack midnight  . 0 comments Share post Share this: Share this. james peden nude playing.. dre beats for song. MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit]. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Crack The Sky - Rangers At Midnight (Letras y canción para escuchar) - When it's cold outside I like to sleep with a blanket on my ass / I don't want to.
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music - [download]
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Midnight Club Los Angeles Pc !!LINK!! Crack 23
RANGERS AT MIDNIGHT - Crack The Sky - [download]
‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit] - Wakelet
Concrete Cracks | Midnight Midnight | skyQode
‎Midnight Sky by Crack D - Song on Apple Music
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midnight-crack-94 · 1 year
MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit] - Wakelet
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Download file Midnight (crack).rar on for free at high speed. Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris on desktop and mobile. Play over million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Check out Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Ghostery Midnight Crack With Activation Code Latest Evade annoying ads and trackers that may affect your loading times and affect your browsing. In fact, females call smoking Crack, sucking on the glass dick. Their craving for the drug can be so all consuming that they may, in some cases. Midnight Movement. Gwyn Thomas De Chroustchoff rounds up the best tracks being played and obeyed on dance floors around the world this month. SENSEs: Midnight Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. SENSEs: Midnight – As occult researcher Uesugi Kaho, discover the. Let me tell you, it's always cool And the boss don't mind sometimes if you play with your tool At the Crack house, woah Talking about the Crack house. Listen to After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music. Stream songs including "Night Approaching", "Ready To Fire ( Remastered)" and more. Midnight Sky. Crack D — Spring Clinique United States. Copyright © Apple Inc. All rights reserved. by MIDNIGHT F.K. · Includes download in mp3, FLAC and more. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the Bandcamp app. · Your money reaches. Concrete Cracks by Midnight Midnight, released 05 April Midnight Iron Crack gibt es jetzt auch auf Discogs. Für alle, die genauso bescheuert sind wie ich und Ihre Vinyl-, Kasetten- und CD-Sammlung digital…. midnight club los angeles, midnight club los angeles cheats, midnight club los angeles ps4, midnight club los angeles xbox one, midnight club los. #eruri#mikenana#mobuhan#auretra#midnight crack post#dot pixis#nile dok#nifa#nanaba#mike zacharias#levi ackerman#erwin smith#moblit berner#hange zoe#my post…. scarbee rickenbacker bass crack midnight  . 0 comments Share post Share this: Share this. james peden nude playing.. dre beats for song. MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit]. No items have been added yet! Related Collections. Crack The Sky - Rangers At Midnight (Letras y canción para escuchar) - When it's cold outside I like to sleep with a blanket on my ass / I don't want to.
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Download file Midnight (crack).rar on [download]
Stream Midnight CRACK by famouschris | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
Ghostery Midnight Crack Plus Activation Code
Availability - Spotify
Crack O'Midnight by Chase Braswell on Amazon Music - [download]
Midnight Movement Archives | Crack Magazine
Midnight Club Los Angeles Pc !!LINK!! Crack 23
RANGERS AT MIDNIGHT - Crack The Sky - [download]
‎After Midnight by Crack Shot on Apple Music
MidNight Crack Free Download [32|64bit] - Wakelet
Concrete Cracks | Midnight Midnight | skyQode
‎Midnight Sky by Crack D - Song on Apple Music
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countlessrealities · 2 years
Tumblr media
BOLD : applies to you.  ITALICS : only applies to you sometimes. STRIKETHROUGH : does not apply to you. Elaborate on any points you’d like with an *
TYPES OF ROLEPLAY / HOW I DO THREADS: i don’t. i just do whatever is on my dash when i’m online. mainly asks. i do little short things mostly. i do my threads on discord. long - running threads that slowly build upon the muses.
PLOTTING PREFERENCES: wing it. get a general idea ooc, run with it and plot further if need be. long expansive thought out arcs.*** My preference is for plotted threads. I work much better if I have a general idea of the plot, so I tend to ask for at least that when starting to write with someone (even more if we haven’t written before). I love building verses too, so with my closest partners I usually also discuss possible arcs and stuff. Unplotted stuff is usually reserved for random, short-term interactions (mostly with mutuals I’ve been writing with for a while, so even those are usually inserted in the context of a verse we’ve been building up)
TYPES OF THREADS I DO / PREFER: one - liners only. whatever dash shenanigans i’m online for. para or multi - para. literal novels.*** I’m a descriptive writer, so all my answers tend to be multi-para / novella long. Shorter and para replies are reserved for casual / short-term interactions. I never do one-liners.
REPLY SPEED FOR THREADS AND CONSISTENCY KEEPING THREADS: i lose threads all the time and usually get back to them. i tend to lose threads but please tell me if i have and i’ll reply. i drop threads pretty quickly. i’m really slow but i will get back to you. i reply on a schedule / queue. i usually reply within a week. i reply every day. i reply almost instantly. *** I’m a slow replier, but I never drop a thread without warning my partners first (the only exceptions are Tumblr messing my notifications up and technical problems with the tracker). Also, if a thread is inactive for more than three months (meaning I don’t get an answer for that long and don’t hear from the mun OOC), I tend to consider it dropped.
ROMANTIC OR SEXUAL SHIPS: i don’t do these ships. i’m not against them happening but it is not the main point of my blog. ships will have to be discussed a lot ooc. super chemistry based. i love doing ships, hmu i probably already ship it so just ask. i ship really quickly. autoship or ship within a few interactions. i mainly rp for the cute ship fluff or angsty smut.*** As a fan, I’m a shipper at heart and I absolutely love shipping, but as a RPer I’m much more selective. I require chemistry between the muses first and foremost and some level of OOC communication with my partners as well.
SMUT: i do not do smut at all. i’m very selective about it. i only do it on a separate blog / on discord. i mainly only do asks relating to nsfw headcanons on sundays. i write it a medium amount. i write it all the time and love to. i am comfortable with foreplay and fade - to - blacks but nothing further.*** I’m open to writing sexual stuff, even if I’m very selective about it. I usually write it only with people I’m comfortable with and with whom I have a good level of OOC communication. Also, I must be in the right mood to write smut, so replies to that sort of threads can get very slow if I’m not in the right mindscape (or I could ask my partner if we can just drop it and move on if it drags out for too long)
ACTIVE HOURS: mornings, 8 – 10. midday, 11 – 1. afternoon, 2 – 5. evenings, 6 – 8. night, 9 – 12. ungodly hours of the day, 1 – onwards. *** I’m usually active in the evening because I’m busy IRL during the day. You can find me in my IMs or on Discord, but replies are usually written at night. During the holidays, ungodly hours tend to happen often xD
ACTIVITY SCHEDULE: super slow and sporadic, like once a month or so. slow and sporadic, week - long gaps between activity. bi - weekly ish. weekly activity. daily activity. i’m online nearly all the time.*** Replies usually take between one and three weeks, sometimes longer. I’m online almost every day (mostly on mobile) and when I can I tend to check Tumblr.
STARTERS: i don’t do starter calls. i want to do starter calls but often don’t have time. i do selective calls. i don’t do calls but always feel free to ask me for one. i post calls rarely, regularly, often.
AUS: i don’t do aus. my blog is an au but outside of that i don’t do them. i sometimes do them but only with a lot of plotting. i have a couple of aus already, feel free to request them. i have aus coming out of my ears, please interact with them. i love making aus, hmu to plot if you think of one. there are some aus i won’t do.
CROSSOVERS: i don’t do crossovers. i’m selective with crossovers.i love crossovers.*** Nowadays a great part of my RPs are crossovers or fusion AUs, so never fear to come and talk me about them!
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How to keep your kids safe with a Smartwatch with Pixbee.
Parents are becoming ever more worried about raising kids in our digital age. From worries over expanding screen time to cyberbullying, social media obsession, unacceptable online content, and more – parents are impatient for solutions. We have come to rely so heavily on staying connected, but we don’t want our kids to be seekers of their phones. Have you ever used a GPS tracker or a smartwatch for your children to keep track of their activities?
The GPS tracker can help parents with the calm of mind and provide younger children with easily accessible emergency contacts without increasing screen time. This situation is given to you by Pixbee. Smartwatches are becoming more and more popular with kids and parents alike.They offer a variety of features that can be beneficial for both parties. For parents, smartwatches can provide peace of mind by allowing them to keep track of their child's whereabouts. 
They can also be used to contact kids in case of an emergency. For kids, smartwatches can help them stay connected with friends and family. They can also be used as a tool to help with schoolwork or keeping track of extracurricular activities.That is where kids' smartwatches with GPS come in.The GPS tracker can help parents with the calm of mind and provide younger children with easily accessible emergency contacts without increasing screen time. 
Smart watches provide a way to stay in touch with our kids via phone calls or text messages. Moreover, they do not provide unlimited access to social media applications or inappropriate content on the internet. This makes smartwatches a clear choice for younger kids or even older kids that are very active and don’t want to carry a phone on them. Another feature parents are sure to love is not having to worry about battery life!
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What kids can expect from a smartwatch
 1 .Kids smart watches with GPS tracking capabilities.
For parents, a smartwatch can be a great way to keep track of their child’s whereabouts. It can also be used to monitor their activity and ensure they are staying safe. Additionally, Pixbee kids smart watches have features such as GPS tracking and SOS buttons that can be extremely useful in emergency situations.
As for children, smartwatches can help them stay connected with their parents and also allow them to have some independence. There are many different types of smartwatches available on the market, so it is important to choose one that is right for your child.
2. Video Calling and with a secure 4G connection.
One of the latest trends in kids’ safety is kid’s smartwatches. These smartwatches are equipped with GPS tracking, two-way calling, and even video calling. They allow parents to stay in touch with their kids and monitor their location at all times. 
We will explore the different features of kid’s smartwatches and how they can help keep your kids safe. We will also provide some tips on how to choose the right smartwatch for your child.
Pixbee’s built-in two megapixel camera supports two-way video and voice calling. With the ability to tap into any WiFi or available 3G/4G network, your Pixbee is ready for superior, uninterrupted connectivity for video calls. 3G/4G networks have significantly faster speeds within their coverage areas, meaning your Pixbee can always be relied on.
3. Pixbee's Classroom Mode disables its functions during school hours.
Pixbee knows that learning is important. Classroom Mode has been developed to prevent unnecessary distraction during school time. Parents and caregivers can choose to deactivate video and voice calls, messaging and chat functions via the Pixbee App.Pixbee App, you can deactivate video, voice calls, chat and message functions during school hours, meaning little fingers won’t be tempted to call, text or take photos while they are meant to be learning.
The Pixbee knows that whatever your small-person does during school hours, whether it is reading, writing, maths, playing tag, or kicking the footy around, it is important. Pixbee won’t encourage device devotion and doesn’t compete for your child’s attention during class. here to keep your child safe and connected but also supported to learn and play.
4. Connecting kids with parents and keeping them safe.
As parents, we are always looking for ways to keep our kids safe. We want to know where they are and what they are doing at all times. Although we cannot be with them every minute of the day, technology can help us stay connected to our kids and give us peace of mind.Only trusted, approved contacts can call or message Pixbee. Incoming calls and messages from unknown or specific contacts can be blocked via the App using Pixbee’s smart parent control functions.
One of the latest trends in kids’ safety is kid’s smartwatches. These smartwatches are equipped with GPS tracking, two-way calling, and even video calling. They allow parents to stay in touch with their kids and monitor their location at all times.
5. Take your kids to the sports field with 16 different sports tracker modes on Pixbee.
A fun, innovative game that will inspire kids to try new sports and play often, Pixbee Fit will make staying active more enjoyable. Kids can choose from 16 different sports modes, which they can measure and track.
Pixbee offers various products, including a smartwatch and kid’s app management software. Pixbees Fit Smart Watches wearable device helps children to develop healthy habits and share their online activities with parents. It has 2 screens, an SOS button, GPS tracking, and more. Pixbee lets you call your child, track your child anywhere on earth, set Geo-fences to notify you when your child leaves a safe zone and much more.
The Pixbee Smartwatch GPS Tracker is the latest smartwatch for kids.
It comes with a fitness tracker and a built-in SIM card, so you can enjoy a long standby time.
With GPS positioning, it's easy to find your child in an emergency.
The charging cable is an included accessory to prevent running out of battery power.
The world's first and only kid’s smartwatch with a sim card.
With the map function and GPS tracker, never worry about where your kids go.
We offer a variety of smartwatch accessories: screen protector, charging cable, fitness app, etc.
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