das-hexenbad · 2 years
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Die Hexen vom Hexenbad beim Heerlagerumzug auf dem Spektakulum Hohenwestedt 2022
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jennimitkovic · 2 years
Hofmalerin Jenni malt Hofmaler Reiner vom Hexenbad beim 1. Spectaculum Hohenwestedt 2022.
Foto von Seelenfänger Commodore Carsten.
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draconigen-studios · 9 months
Gamescom und MPS Besuch letzte Woche
Letzte Woche waren wir zuerst auf der Gamescom und hatten dort einige nette Unterhaltungen mit den verschiedensten Personen. Ebenso wie wir auch das ein oder andere Spiel antesten konnten.
Zusammen mit einem Teil unseres Teams ging es dann zum MPS (Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum) in Speyer, auf welchem wir natürlich in Gewandung auftraten. Zu unserer Überraschung wurden wir auch zur Prämierung der Kostüme eingeladen und erreichten den 3. Platz. Was uns doch sehr positiv überraschte, da nur sehr wenige dazu eingeladen werden.
Das Interessanteste war jedoch die Tatsache, dass viele der Leute verwundert waren, das wir die Kostüme selbst gebaut haben. Und das, obwohl einige Sachen noch nicht vollständig fertig waren. Letzteres bemerkte tatsächlich nur eine Person.
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Hello! Thank you for the potato tree. I noticed that you've mislabelled miku potato and missed a couple of them such as sparkle, clown, and I count potatoes, but the individual names you've given to all of us are so cool! How do you come up with them?
I'm a former Latin student, so in combination with the ICZN and an Ancient Greek dictionary, naming is pretty easy. I usually either draw from the username, i.e. @/neutral-potato-or-not-idfk becomes Patatis neutralis, or from a trait that the profile picture or blog theme seems to have.
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Tradition trifft Moderne: Regensburgs spannende Festivals und Veranstaltungen
Regensburg ist eine Stadt, die für ihre kulturelle Vielfalt bekannt ist. Die Stadt bietet das ganze Jahr über eine Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen und Festivals, die Besucher aus der ganzen Welt anziehen. Von traditionellen Volksfesten bis hin zu internationalen Kulturveranstaltungen gibt es für jeden Geschmack etwas zu erleben. In diesem Artikel werden wir einen detaillierten Überblick über die verschiedenen Veranstaltungen und Festivals in Regensburg geben und wie sie die kulturelle Vielfalt der Stadt widerspiegeln.
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Regensburgs kulturelle Vielfalt: Eine Einführung
Regensburg ist eine Stadt mit einer reichen Geschichte und einer vielfältigen Kultur. Die Stadt wurde im Jahr 2006 zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe erklärt und ist bekannt für ihre gut erhaltene Altstadt, ihre historischen Gebäude und ihre lebendige Kulturszene. Regensburg hat eine lange Tradition als Handelsstadt und war ein wichtiger Knotenpunkt auf den Handelsrouten zwischen Ost und West. Diese Geschichte hat dazu beigetragen, dass Regensburg zu einem Schmelztiegel verschiedener Kulturen geworden ist.
Ein Fest für die Sinne: Regensburger Dult
Ein Höhepunkt im Veranstaltungskalender von Regensburg ist die Regensburger Dult, ein traditionelles Volksfest, das zweimal im Jahr stattfindet. Die Dult bietet eine Vielzahl von Attraktionen für Besucher jeden Alters. Es gibt Fahrgeschäfte, Karussells und Buden mit traditionellem Essen und Trinken. Die Dult ist auch ein Ort, an dem man traditionelle bayerische Musik und Tanzvorführungen erleben kann. Es ist ein Fest für die Sinne, bei dem man die bayerische Kultur hautnah erleben kann.
Musikalische Höhepunkte: Das Regensburger Jazzweekend
Das Regensburger Jazzweekend ist ein Musikfestival, das jedes Jahr im Sommer stattfindet und Jazzmusiker aus der ganzen Welt anzieht. Das Festival bietet eine Vielzahl von Konzerten und Auftritten in verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt. Von traditionellem Jazz bis hin zu modernen Interpretationen gibt es für jeden Geschmack etwas zu hören. Das Regensburger Jazzweekend ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, um talentierte Musiker live zu erleben und die Vielfalt des Jazz zu genießen.
Ein Hauch von Mittelalter: Das Regensburger Spectaculum
Das Regensburger Spectaculum ist ein mittelalterliches Festival, das jedes Jahr im Sommer in der historischen Altstadt von Regensburg stattfindet. Das Festival bietet eine Zeitreise in die Vergangenheit und ermöglicht es den Besuchern, das mittelalterliche Leben hautnah zu erleben. Es gibt Ritterturniere, Gaukler, Handwerksvorführungen und vieles mehr. Das Regensburger Spectaculum ist ein Fest für die ganze Familie und bietet eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, in die Geschichte einzutauchen.
Internationale Künstler hautnah erleben: Das Regensburger Poesiefestival
Das Regensburger Poesiefestival ist ein internationales Festival, das Dichter aus der ganzen Welt zusammenbringt, um ihre Werke zu präsentieren. Das Festival bietet Lesungen, Performances und Diskussionen über Poesie und Literatur. Es ist eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, internationale Künstler hautnah zu erleben und sich von ihrer Kunst inspirieren zu lassen. Das Regensburger Poesiefestival ist ein Fest für die Sinne und eine Feier der Sprache.
Regensburg goes international: Das Regensburger Filmfest
Das Regensburger Filmfest ist ein internationales Filmfestival, das jedes Jahr im Herbst stattfindet. Das Festival präsentiert eine Vielzahl von Filmen aus der ganzen Welt und zieht Filmemacher und Filmbegeisterte aus der ganzen Welt an. Es gibt Vorführungen, Diskussionen und Workshops rund um das Thema Film. Das Regensburger Filmfest ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, neue Filme zu entdecken und sich mit anderen Filmfans auszutauschen.
Modernes Design trifft auf historische Kulisse: Die Regensburger Designmesse
Die Regensburger Designmesse ist eine Messe, die moderne Designs in einer historischen Kulisse präsentiert. Die Messe findet in der Altstadt von Regensburg statt und bietet eine Vielzahl von Ausstellern aus den Bereichen Mode, Möbel, Schmuck und mehr. Es ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, neue Designs zu entdecken und sich von der Kreativität der Designer inspirieren zu lassen. Die Regensburger Designmesse ist ein Fest für die Augen und eine Feier des modernen Designs.
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Ein Fest für die ganze Familie: Das Regensburger Bürgerfest
Das Regensburger Bürgerfest ist ein familienfreundliches Festival, das jedes Jahr im Sommer stattfindet. Das Festival bietet eine Vielzahl von Attraktionen für Besucher jeden Alters. Es gibt Live-Musik, Tanzvorführungen, Kinderaktivitäten und vieles mehr. Das Regensburger Bürgerfest ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, Zeit mit der Familie zu verbringen und die Vielfalt der Regensburger Kultur zu erleben.
Regensburgs kulinarische Highlights: Das Regensburger Gourmetfestival
Das Regensburger Gourmetfestival ist ein kulinarisches Festival, das die Vielfalt der Regensburger Küche präsentiert. Das Festival bietet eine Vielzahl von Gourmetgerichten, Weinverkostungen und Kochvorführungen. Es ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, die kulinarischen Highlights der Stadt zu entdecken und neue Geschmackserlebnisse zu genießen. Das Regensburger Gourmetfestival ist ein Fest für den Gaumen und eine Feier der regionalen Küche.
Traditionelle Handwerkskunst hautnah erleben: Der Regensburger Handwerkermarkt
Der Regensburger Handwerkermarkt ist ein Markt, auf dem traditionelle Handwerkskunst und Produkte von lokalen Kunsthandwerkern präsentiert werden. Der Markt bietet eine Vielzahl von handgefertigten Produkten wie Keramik, Schmuck, Holzarbeiten und vielem mehr. Es ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, traditionelle Handwerkskunst hautnah zu erleben und einzigartige Souvenirs mit nach Hause zu nehmen. Der Regensburger Handwerkermarkt ist ein Fest für die Sinne und eine Feier des Handwerks.
Ein Festival für alle Sinne: Das Regensburger Kulturfestival
Das Regensburger Kulturfestival ist ein Festival, das eine Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten für alle Interessen und Altersgruppen bietet. Das Festival umfasst Konzerte, Theateraufführungen, Ausstellungen, Workshops und vieles mehr. Es ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, die Vielfalt der Regensburger Kultur zu erleben und sich von verschiedenen Kunstformen inspirieren zu lassen. Das Regensburger Kulturfestival ist ein Fest für alle Sinne und eine Feier der Kultur.
Regensburg ist eine Stadt mit einer reichen kulturellen Vielfalt und einer lebendigen Kulturszene. Die verschiedenen Veranstaltungen und Festivals in der Stadt bieten eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten, die kulturelle Vielfalt der Stadt zu erleben und sich von verschiedenen Kunstformen inspirieren zu lassen. Von traditionellen Volksfesten bis hin zu internationalen Kulturveranstaltungen gibt es für jeden Geschmack etwas zu entdecken. Regensburg ist ein Ort, an dem Geschichte und Kultur aufeinandertreffen und Besucher aus der ganzen Welt anziehen.
Unser Mitglied aus Regensburg: Tierkrematorium & Tierbestattung Regensburg | Antares Tierbestattung
Antares Tierbestattungen in Regensburg ist ein einfühlsamer und professioneller Dienstleister, der sich auf die individuelle und respektvolle Bestattung von Haustieren spezialisiert hat. Das Team von Antares unterstützt Tierbesitzer mit Mitgefühl und Respekt und bietet eine umfassende Betreuung von der Abholung des verstorbenen Tieres bis zur Auswahl der Bestattungsart. Antares hilft dabei, einen würdevollen Abschied zu ermöglichen und Erinnerungen an das geliebte Haustier zu bewahren.
Tierbestattung in Regensburg | Tierkrematorium & Tierbestattung Regensburg | Antares Tierbestattung
Theodor Heuss Platz 6, 93051 Regensburg
Tel: +49 941 2985886  
Internet: https://antares-tierbestattungen-bayern.de/
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don-lichterman · 2 months
Broadcasting live from Tuesday March 19 until Friday March 22 from this year’s magnificent ‘Amicorum Spectaculum’ Mainstage
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pazodetrasalba · 6 months
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Dear Caroline:
The first time I went through your blogposts, about a year ago, this was one of those I couldn't really make heads or tails of. Some browsing today has made it a little bit more intelligible: SIX is a musical about Henry VIII's six wives, and the ART would be the American Repertory Theater, right? It seems like the kind of cultural fare that a Boston-bred Ivy-leaguer would enjoy and assist to.
I can't say that I am particularly fond of musicals, although I have watched and listened to a couple of them (never live). I tend to be rather conservative in my aesthetics tastes, and given the amount and variety of cultural products that have arisen from cultural ingenuity, there will always be more than I can ever hope to have time for. Right now, for example, what I most seem to enjoy is Tang dynasty poetry. When I was a university student, we had access to free tickets for the local Auditorium, with Classical music concerts every Thursday, and I made a habit of going to them, even when I had to pay. Once or twice, we might have had an opera, but I really can't remember which one.
Any art worthy of that name needs to be nuanced and sophisticated imho, which makes me feel I wouldn't have enjoyed SIX all that much. I have seen some fragments of Hamilton, which I know you were (are?) partial to, but I won't be giving it a shot at least until I have read Chernow's biography.
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts
William Shakespeare
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stagepool-de · 9 months
Darsteller: "Magier" (m/d) für Spilwut Spectaculum (vergütet)
Theater sucht Schauspieler im Spielalter 35-60 Jahre für Spilwut Spectaculum in Rüdersdorf bei Berlin (Deutschland). http://dlvr.it/Sv3g3Z
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nathaniels-diary · 1 year
Pulchritudo stellarum, splendor eternus,
In aethere alto fulgent, luce nitentes.
Scintillantia puncta, caeli ornamenta,
Mirabilia creant, cor et animus captant.
Vestigia noctis, lumina silentia,
Caelum stellatum, spectaculum divinum.
Admiramur fulgorem, mysteria profunda,
Quae mentem elevat, corda exhilarat.
Stellae fulgentes, radiantes pulchritudine,
Testes silentes, in immensitate clarae.
Caeli custodes, lumen et spes,
In aeternitate splendent, semper adestis.
Die Schönheit der Sterne, ewiger Glanz,
Sie leuchten hoch am Himmel, strahlend im Licht.
Funkelnde Punkte, Schmuck des Himmels,
Sie schaffen Wunder, erfassen Herz und Seele.
Spuren der Nacht, stille Lichter,
Der Sternenhimmel, göttliches Schauspiel.
Wir bewundern den Glanz, tiefe Geheimnisse,
Die den Geist erheben, die Herzen erfreuen.
Strahlende Sterne, strahlende Schönheit,
Stille Zeugen, klar in der Unendlichkeit.
Hüter des Himmels, Licht und Hoffnung,
Sie leuchten in der Ewigkeit, immer gegenwärtig.
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das-hexenbad · 2 years
Die Hofmaler
Hofmalerin Jenni und Hofmaler Reiner vom Hexenbad sehen sich beim Spectaculum Hohenwestedt 2022 die Wasserprobe an.
Fotograf: Seelenfänger Commodore Carsten
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mus-urbanus · 1 year
iuvenis ego mileto profectus ad spectaculum olympicum cum haec etiam loca provinciae clarae visitare cuperem peragrata tota thessalia larissam perveni!!!!!
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Important notice! The trees in this family are so large (even split by genus) that they are very likely to be unreadable on tumblr. That's why I have a website, in which you can find the images in full resolution by opening them in a new tab and zooming. Find them here. More info below the cut.
Okay, this tree took a while. There were 130+ blogs to catalog, and that was monumentally slow to do. I hope it doesn't take this long for the next tree. Also- ignore my paltry web design skills. I've attempted to input a more dyslexic friendly font option (I'm not dyslexic myself, if anyone with dyslexia wants to inform me if it is better, that would be great), but I'm honestly not that great at HTML. If any JQuery wizards want to help with a few things, I would owe my endless gratitude.
What's next?
After this big tree, I need some quick projects. I'll most likely update Alphidae, then move to the Potatoes or Snoms- haven't decided yet.
Some notes:
Although there have been some questionable things acted out in this family, I do think it has crafted some pretty interesting ideas. @/the-false-sun and @/the-dungeon-core are some of my favorites.
A quick description of the genera:
Systema - Blogs that emulate part of the game system.
Spectaculum - Roleplay blogs contained within or related to the system, usually as some sort of character.
Actus - Roleplay blogs that fit into the box of a conventional video game NPC, or acting as players within the game.
Faventia - The fandom focused blogs of the EPPRBCU.
Moderatus - Blogs emulating the moderators, tech support, and developers of the game.
Lastly, if any of the blogs present think they deserve a reclassification or have a suggestion to improve this, do not hesitate to notify me.
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Mittelalterliches Phantasie Spectaculum 2023 - in Rastede
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don-lichterman · 6 months
Discover the Full Line-Up for Tomorrowland Winter 2024 – Amicorum Spectaculum
Tomorrowland Winter is not just about the music. It’s an immersive experience that combines music, art, and technology to create a truly unique atmosphere. The theme of “Amicorum Spectaculum” perfectly captures the essence of this one-of-a-kind event. It is a celebration of friendship, creativity, and the magic of live performances.
Attendees can expect breathtaking stage designs, mesmerizing visual effects, and captivating performances that will transport them into a world of wonder. From acrobats and dancers to fire breathers and stilt walkers, every corner of Tomorrowland Winter will be filled with surprises and spectacles.
For those who want to take a break from dancing, there will be various art installations and interactive experiences to explore. Attendees can immerse themselves in the creativity and craftsmanship of talented artists from around the world. It’s a chance to discover new forms of expression and be inspired by the power of art.
Tomorrowland Winter is not just a music festival; it’s a community of like-minded individuals who come together to celebrate their love for music, art, and life. It’s a place where friendships are formed, memories are made, and dreams are realized. Each year, thousands of people from all over the world gather in the beautiful snowy mountains of Alpe d’Huez, France, to be a part of this extraordinary event.
If you haven’t already secured your tickets, now is the time to do so. Tomorrowland Winter 2024 promises to be an experience like no other, and you don’t want to miss out on the magic. Get ready to dance, explore, and create unforgettable memories at Amicorum Spectaculum!
Tomorrowland Winter, one of the most anticipated electronic dance music festivals in the world, has announced its Sunday lineup for the 2024 edition. The festival, known for its breathtaking stages, immersive experiences, and stellar artist lineups, is set to take place in the picturesque French Alps from March 9th to March 16th, 2024.
Tomorrowland Winter, one of the most highly anticipated music festivals in the world, is back with a bang in 2024. The theme for this edition is “Amicorum Spectaculum,” promising a magical and immersive experience for all attendees. As the excitement builds up, let’s take a closer look at the full line-up for Tomorrowland Winter 2024.
SATURDAY: Agoria – Capoon – Charles B – Joachim Pastor – Lucas & Steve – Maddix – Mark with a K & MC – Chucky – Marten Hørger – Ninette – NTO – Omdat Het Kan & Average Rob – Quintino
Performances by Agoria, Capoon, Charles B, Joachim Pastor, and Lucas. Each artist brings their unique style and energy to the stage, ensuring a diverse and exciting musical experience.
Agoria, a renowned French DJ and producer, is known for his eclectic sound that blends various genres like techno, house, and electronica. With a career spanning over two decades, Agoria has established himself as a leading figure in the electronic music scene. His sets are characterized by deep and melodic beats, creating an immersive atmosphere that captivates the audience.
Capoon, a rising star in the electronic music industry, is known for his infectious energy and groovy beats. Hailing from Belgium, Capoon has quickly gained recognition for his unique blend of house and disco, creating a sound that is both nostalgic and fresh. His performances are a true celebration of music, filled with uplifting melodies and catchy rhythms that will keep you dancing all night long.
Charles B, a talented DJ and producer from France, is known for his dynamic and energetic sets. With a deep passion for music, Charles B effortlessly blends genres like house, techno, and electro, creating a unique and captivating sound. His performances are characterized by infectious beats, driving basslines, and a seamless mix of old and new tracks, ensuring a memorable experience for all.
Joachim Pastor, a French musician and producer, is known for his melodic and emotive sound. With a background in classical music, Joachim Pastor brings a unique perspective to electronic music, creating compositions that are both beautiful and danceable. His sets are a journey through different emotions, with each track carefully selected to create a captivating musical experience.
Lucas, a talented DJ and producer from Belgium, is known for his energetic and uplifting sets. With a passion for house and techno, Lucas creates a sound that is both infectious and euphoric. His performances are filled with driving beats, catchy melodies, and an undeniable energy that will keep the crowd moving from start to finish.
Tomorrowland Winter 2024 Saturday lineup is a testament to the festival’s commitment to curating a diverse and exciting musical experience.
SUNDAY: Blasterjaxx – DJ Licious – Eliza Rose – Elkka – Gordo – Lucas & Steve – Netsky b2b Andromedik – Otto Knows – Yves V
This year’s Sunday lineup promises to be an unforgettable day filled with incredible performances from some of the biggest names in the EDM scene. Fans can expect a diverse range of musical styles, from high-energy sets to soulful melodies, as the festival caters to a wide range of tastes.
One of the highlights of the Sunday lineup is Blasterjaxx, a Dutch DJ and production duo known for their energetic and anthemic tracks. With their unique blend of progressive and electro house, Blasterjaxx is sure to bring an electrifying atmosphere to the main stage.
DJ Licious, a Belgian DJ and producer, will also be taking the stage on Sunday. Known for his infectious beats and catchy melodies, DJ Licious has gained a loyal following around the world. His dynamic and energetic sets are guaranteed to keep the crowd dancing throughout the day.
Eliza Rose, a rising star in the electronic music scene, will be making her Tomorrowland Winter debut on Sunday. With her eclectic mix of house, disco, and techno, Eliza Rose is known for delivering sets that are both groovy and atmospheric. Her unique sound is sure to captivate the audience and leave a lasting impression.
Another artist to look forward to on Sunday is Elkka, a London-based DJ, producer, and vocalist. With her soulful and emotive sound, Elkka creates a sonic journey that blends elements of house, techno, and R&B. Her sets are known for their intimate and introspective vibe, making her a perfect addition to the Sunday lineup.
Gordo, a French DJ and producer, will also be gracing the stage on Sunday. With his infectious energy and eclectic sound, Gordo has become a crowd favorite at festivals around the world. His ability to seamlessly blend different genres and create a unique musical experience sets him apart as a truly talented artist.
Completing the Sunday lineup is Lucas, a Dutch DJ and producer known for his melodic and uplifting sound. With his infectious beats and catchy melodies, Lucas has gained a dedicated following in the EDM community. His sets are filled with energy and emotion, creating an unforgettable experience for the audience.
Tomorrowland Winter 2024 promises to be an incredible festival experience, with a lineup that showcases the best of electronic dance music. From the high-energy performances of Blasterjaxx and DJ Licious to the soulful sounds of Eliza Rose and Elkka, there is something for everyone to enjoy on Sunday.
MONDAY: Afrojack – Afshin Momadi – Agents Of Time – B Jones – Chico Rose – Chris Avantgarde – Delafino – Goodboys – Laidback Luke – Mind Against – Olympe – Regi & Yves V
This year’s Monday lineup features an impressive roster of talented artists from various genres within the electronic music scene. From renowned DJs to up-and-coming producers, the lineup is sure to cater to a wide range of musical tastes.
Kicking off the Monday festivities is none other than Afrojack, a Dutch DJ and record producer known for his high-energy performances and chart-topping hits. With his infectious beats and electrifying stage presence, Afrojack is guaranteed to get the crowd moving and create an atmosphere of pure euphoria.
Joining Afrojack on the lineup is Afshin Momadi, an emerging talent in the electronic music scene. With his unique blend of deep house and melodic techno, Momadi has been making waves with his captivating productions and DJ sets. His performance at Tomorrowland Winter is not to be missed.
Known for their mesmerizing live performances, Agents Of Time will take the stage on Monday at Tomorrowland Winter 2024. This Italian trio is renowned for their ability to create immersive sonic journeys that transcend traditional boundaries. Prepare to be transported to another dimension with their captivating soundscapes.
B Jones, a Spanish DJ and producer, will bring her infectious energy and eclectic musical style to the Monday lineup. With her seamless mixes and diverse selection of tracks, B Jones is known for creating an uplifting and euphoric atmosphere wherever she performs.
Chico Rose, a rising star in the electronic music scene, will grace the stage at Tomorrowland Winter 2024. With his infectious blend of dance-pop and future house, Chico Rose has been gaining recognition for his catchy melodies and infectious beats. Get ready to dance the night away to his energetic tunes.
Chris Avantgarde, a German DJ and producer, is known for his innovative approach to electronic music. Blending elements of progressive house, techno, and trance, Avantgarde creates a unique and captivating sound that pushes boundaries and defies expectations. Prepare to be taken on a sonic journey like no other.
Delafino, a talented DJ and producer hailing from Belgium, will bring his signature blend of house and techno to Tomorrowland Winter 2024. With his infectious grooves and expertly crafted sets, Delafino is sure to keep the dance floor packed and the energy levels high.
Known for their chart-topping collaboration with Meduza on the hit track “Piece of Your Heart,” Goodboys will bring their infectious energy and soulful vocals to Tomorrowland Winter. Get ready to sing along to their catchy hooks and dance to their infectious beats.
Laidback Luke, a true pioneer of the electronic music scene, will take the stage at Tomorrowland Winter 2024. With his energetic DJ sets and unmatched stage presence, Laidback Luke has been captivating audiences around the world for decades. Prepare to be blown away by his seamless mixing and infectious energy.
Mind Against, an Italian DJ and production duo, will showcase their unique blend of melodic techno and ambient sounds at Tomorrowland Winter. Known for their emotive and atmospheric tracks, Mind Against will create a captivating and immersive experience for festival-goers.
Olympe, a rising star in the electronic music scene, will bring her infectious energy and uplifting melodies to Tomorrowland Winter 2024. With her unique blend of progressive house and trance, Olympe has been gaining recognition for her captivating performances and uplifting productions.
Closing out the Monday lineup is Regi, a Belgian DJ and record producer known for his energetic performances and infectious tracks. With his blend of commercial dance and pop-infused beats, Regi is sure to create an unforgettable finale to an incredible day of music at Tomorrowland Winter.
Tomorrowland Winter 2024 promises to be an unforgettable experience for electronic music enthusiasts from around the world. With its star-studded lineup and breathtaking location, the festival is set to deliver a truly magical and immersive experience. Get ready to dance, connect, and create lifelong memories at Tomorrowland Winter 2024.
TUESDAY: Alesso – Arielle Free – Armin van Buuren – B Jones – Blasterjaxx – Brina Knauss – Chris Avantgarde – Da Tweekaz – Henri PFR – Kevin de Vries – Kölsch – Laidback Luke – DJ Licious – MC Stretch – Mind Against – Otto Knows – Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano – Tchami b2b Malaa – Tony Romera – Vintage Culture – Yulia Niko
On Tuesday, the fourth day of the festival, attendees can expect an incredible lineup of world-class DJs and artists who will take the stage to deliver electrifying performances.
The Tuesday lineup is a perfect blend of established names and rising talents in the electronic music scene. Armin van Buuren, a true legend in the industry, is known for his energetic and uplifting trance sets that never fail to captivate the crowd. Alesso, on the other hand, brings his unique blend of progressive and electro house, creating a euphoric atmosphere wherever he performs.
But the excitement doesn’t end there. Arielle Free, a rising star in the DJ world, will showcase her eclectic music taste, seamlessly blending various genres to create a dynamic and engaging set. B Jones, known for her infectious energy and deep house beats, will keep the dance floor grooving throughout the night.
Blasterjaxx, the Dutch duo known for their high-energy big room sound, will undoubtedly bring the festival to new heights with their anthemic tracks. Brina Knauss, a talented DJ and producer, will showcase her unique sound, which blends melodic techno with deep house elements.
Chris Avantgarde, Da Tweekaz, Henri PFR, Kevin de Vries, Kölsch, Laidback Luke, DJ Licious, MC Stretch, Mind Against, Otto Knows, and Sunnery James are just a few of the other incredible artists who will grace the stage on Tuesday. Each artist brings their own distinct style and sound, ensuring a diverse and unforgettable musical experience for all attendees.
Tomorrowland Winter is not just about the music; it’s a complete sensory experience. The festival’s breathtaking winter wonderland setting, complete with snow-capped mountains and stunning stage designs, adds an extra layer of magic to the event. Attendees can expect immersive art installations, delicious food and drinks, and a vibrant atmosphere that will leave them in awe.
WEDNESDAY: 3 Are Legend – ANNA – Armin van Buuren – CICI – Delafino – Felix Jaehn – Henri PFR – Jaguar – Kevin de Vries b2b Konstantin Sibold – Lost Frequencies – MATTN – MC Stretch – Nina Kraviz – Regi – Sebastian Ingrosso – Sub Zero Project – Tony Romera  – Vintage Culture
On Wednesday, festival-goers will have the chance to witness breathtaking performances by renowned artists such as Armin van Buuren, Lost Frequencies, CICI, Delafino, Felix Jaehn, Henri PFR, Jaguar, Kevin de Vries b2b Konstantin Sibold, MATTN, MC Stretch, Nina Kraviz, Regi, Sebastian Ingrosso, Sub Zero Project, Tony Romera, Vintage Culture, 3 Are Legend, and ANNA.
Armin van Buuren, a true icon in the electronic dance music scene, will be gracing the stage on Wednesday. Known for his energetic sets and captivating melodies, Armin is sure to deliver a performance that will leave the crowd in awe.
Lost Frequencies, the Belgian DJ and producer, will also be taking the stage on Wednesday. With his unique blend of deep house and melodic tunes, Lost Frequencies is guaranteed to create an unforgettable atmosphere.
Nina Kraviz, a prominent figure in the techno scene, will be bringing her signature sound to Tomorrowland Winter. Known for her hypnotic beats and raw energy, Nina’s set is not to be missed.
Sebastian Ingrosso, one-third of the legendary Swedish House Mafia, will be making a special appearance on Wednesday. Known for his high-energy performances and infectious tracks, Sebastian is sure to get the crowd moving.
3 Are Legend, a collaboration between Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike and Steve Aoki, will be joining the Wednesday lineup. With their explosive energy and larger-than-life stage presence, this trio is set to deliver an unforgettable performance.
Vintage Culture, one of the fastest-rising stars in the electronic music scene, will be showcasing his unique style on Wednesday. Known for his infectious grooves and soulful melodies, Vintage Culture is sure to keep the crowd dancing all night long.
These are just a few of the incredible artists who will be gracing the stage on Wednesday at Tomorrowland Winter 2024.
THURSDAY: Afrojack – Amber Broos – ANNA – Brina Knauss – Dino Lenny – DYEN – Jaguar – Kölsch – Konstantin Sibold – Krystal Klear – Like Mike – Lost Frequencies  – MC Stretch – Morten – Nervo – Sama’ Abdulhadi – Steve Aoki – Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano
This year’s Thursday line-up features an impressive array of artists, each bringing their unique style and energy to the stage. From the iconic sounds of Afrojack to the mesmerizing beats of Amber Broos, the performances promise to cater to a wide range of musical preferences.
ANNA, known for her powerful techno sets, will be taking the stage alongside Brina Knauss, who is known for her ability to seamlessly blend different genres and create a captivating atmosphere. Dino Lenny, with his eclectic mix of house and techno, will be sure to keep the crowd moving.
Joining them will be DYEN, a rising star in the electronic music scene, and Jaguar, known for her unique blend of techno and electro. Kölsch, renowned for his melodic house and techno productions, will deliver a set that is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Konstantin Sibold, who has gained recognition for his innovative approach to electronic music, will be joined by Krystal Klear, whose infectious energy and diverse musical influences always make for an incredible performance. Like Mike, one half of the world-famous duo Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, will bring his high-energy beats to the stage.
Lost Frequencies, known for his chart-topping hits and uplifting melodies, will be joined by MC Stretch, whose dynamic presence and infectious energy always take the crowd to the next level. Morten, a Danish DJ and producer known for his energetic sets, will be sure to keep the energy levels high.
Nervo, the Australian sisters who have taken the EDM world by storm with their infectious tracks and energetic performances, will be joined by Sama’ Abdulhadi, a Palestinian DJ and producer known for her unique blend of techno and traditional Middle Eastern sounds.
Steve Aoki, the Grammy-nominated DJ and producer, will bring his signature high-energy performance to the stage, while Sunnery James, known for his infectious tribal-infused house music, will close out the night with a set that is sure to leave the crowd wanting more.
FRIDAY: Amber Broos – Bibi Seck – Bountyhunter – Da Tweekaz – Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike – Dino Lenny – DJ Boring – DJ Ward – Felix Jaehn – MATTN – MC Stretch – Morten – Netsky – Nico Parisi – Salute – Vini Vici – Yves Deruyter
Friday line-up for Tomorrowland Winter 2024.
Starting off the Friday festivities is the talented Amber Broos. Known for her energetic and captivating performances, Amber Broos is set to kick-start the day with her unique blend of electronic and house music. With her infectious beats and groovy tunes, she is sure to get the crowd moving and set the perfect tone for the rest of the day.
Next up on the Friday line-up is Bibi Seck, a rising star in the electronic music scene. With his eclectic mix of genres and innovative soundscapes, Bibi Seck is known for pushing the boundaries of electronic music. His dynamic sets and infectious energy are sure to captivate the audience and leave them craving for more.
As the day progresses, the stage will be taken over by the legendary Bountyhunter. With years of experience under his belt, Bountyhunter is a true pioneer of the hard dance genre. His high-energy sets and powerful beats have made him a crowd favorite at festivals around the world. Prepare to be transported into a world of hardstyle and euphoria as Bountyhunter takes the stage.
Continuing the Friday line-up is the dynamic duo, Da Tweekaz. Known for their infectious melodies and uplifting tracks, Da Tweekaz are masters at creating a euphoric atmosphere. Their unique blend of hardstyle and pop elements has garnered them a dedicated fan base. Brace yourself for an unforgettable performance filled with energy, emotion, and pure musical bliss.
Wrapping up the Friday line-up is none other than the legendary Dimitri Vegas. With his electrifying stage presence and chart-topping hits, Dimitri Vegas is a force to be reckoned with. Known for his ability to seamlessly blend different genres and create a euphoric atmosphere, he is sure to leave the crowd in awe. Get ready for an epic finale to the first day of Tomorrowland Winter 2024.
* in alphabetical order
For more information and tickets, visit the official Tomorrowland Winter website.
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wildwechselmagazin · 1 year
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stagepool-de · 10 months
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