#specifically him being Kyoko and Makoto’s son
pixelatedraindrops · 21 days
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Yuma Month: Day 16: Detectives
Learning to be a Pro Amnesiac Detective 🔎
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reddpenn · 3 years
ooo, what parents/kids do you have decided for your Relative Strangers au?? i've seen so many aus where the v3 cast are the kids of the older casts and literally n e v e r get tired of it
I was going to write little blurbs about everybody and why I chose those specific parents and how their backstory in this AU matches or contrasts their in-game backstories, but they quickly started turning into giant essays… Maybe I'll just keep it short for now, and people can ask about it further if they're interested in the full backstories for specific characters.
Of note is that this is a canon compliant AU! The events of the game happened exactly as we saw them, playing out inside the Neo World Program. But like Tsumugi claimed, those in-game backstories were fictional memories implanted by Team Danganronpa. Their real families are...
Kaede: A little mob princess. Fuyuhiko and Peko are her parents. She has a twin sister named Natsumi!
Kirumi: She’s Chisa Yukizome and Kyosuke Munakata’s daughter, born shortly before Chisa’s death. Her parentage explains a lot, really.
Rantaro: The son of Byakuya Togami, he is one of thirteen potential heirs to the Togami Corporation, and has twelve half-sisters in various countries around the world. Tsumugi is his rival/best friend.
Tsumugi: She’s being raised by the Imposter and Ryota Mitarai, though the story of where she came from and how exactly she’s related to them seems to change every time the Imposter does. Her dynamic with Rantaro is enemies to… still enemies, but it’s ride-or-die now.
Shuichi: He’s Makoto and Kyoko’s son, obviously. Maki is his cousin!
Kaito: He’s Mikan’s son, but his paternal grandparents helped raise him. Kaito’s messed up dynamic with his overbearing mom explains a lot about him.
Gonta: He’s Nekomaru and Akane’s son! Those muscles are genetic.
Himiko: The daughter of Mahiru and Hiyoko (she’s Mahiru’s biological daughter), though her parents travel a lot for work and she’s mostly looked after by Ibuki, the weird, unemployed aunt who crashes on their couch.
Tenko: Teruteru is doing his best to single dad her. She has no respect for him and they argue a lot.
Angie: Yasuhiro’s daughter, but he lost custody after billing her as the prophet of an evangelical cult. She currently lives with her grandma Hiroko.
Miu: The daughter of Sonia and Kazuichi, back when they were both in Despair and making bad life choices. Sonia was actually pregnant with her during the Neo World Program! Korekiyo is her half-brother.
Korekiyo: The crown prince of Novoselic, he’s Sonia and Gundham’s son. Miu is his half-sister. (Ask me about Miu and Korekiyo. Dear god please ask me about Miu and Korekiyo, their dynamic is my favorite part of this AU.)
Ryoma: He’s Aoi Asahina’s foster son.
K1-B0: His backstory is actually exactly the same! Professor Idabashi was a consultant for the Future Foundation during the Tragedy, and one of the people who helped them develop the Neo World Program. After Idabashi is killed by Team Danganronpa, Kazuichi ends up taking Keebo in.
Maki: A kid rescued off the anarchic streets of Towa City, she’s the adopted daughter of Toko and Komaru. Shuichi is her cousin! The rest of the Warriors of Hope are her annoying gaggle of older siblings. She occasionally babysits Kokichi.
Kokichi: The adopted son of Hajime and Nagito. Monaca Towa is his sister.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #654: Then the Whole Family Finds Out....(Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
It was a nice and peaceful afternoon in the Smash Mansion Household. Dark Pit relaxingly slouch around in the living room's sofa while changing channels on the television with a remote. That is until.....
The sudden scream of his name manage to startled the dark angel enough to fall from the sofa and head face down to the floor.
Dark Pit: (Starts Getting Up from the Floor While Grunting a Little in Pain) Son of....Huh? (Turns to see his Two Moms, Twin Brother, and Viridi Glaring Around Him) Oh uhh....Hey, guys...How was your day together went?
Bayonetta: (Crosses her Arms) Oh it was lovely, dear. We shop till our hearts content, went out to eat together, and we've also found out a VERY interesting detail during that time.
Viridi: (Raised an Eyebrow at DP) Specifically on you.
Pit: (Glares at his Twin Brother) It's about how you gotten yourself into an actual relationship with two girls this entire time.
Palutena: (Pouts at her Own Son) And how you never bothered telling any of us!
Dark Pit: (Eyes Widened) I...take it Ren told you all about that, didn't he?
Viridi: Yeah. He did. On FaceTime of all things.
Bayonetta: ('Sigh') Sweetie, why haven't you tell us about this beforehand?
Dark Pit: (Rubbing the Back of his Head Back & Forth) It's not like I didn't want to tell you guys about them at all or anything. I was planning on doing so one day in the future, but since Ren-Ren and Makoto already know the details...(Shrugged) I might as well tell you all this now. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) So yeah...I am in a relationship with two girls. They're names are Misako and Kyoko.....(Starts Blushing a Little) and I love them a lot.
Pit/Viridi: (Hearts Instantly Melt in Glee at How Cute Dark Pit's Feelings Are) Awwwwwwwww~
Bayonetta: (Heart Begins to Melt as Well) That is so precious~ Don't you agree, Paulie dear?~
Palutena: (Still Has a Motherly Glare on her Face)...........
Bayonetta: (Frowns a Little in Worry) Darling?
Dark Pit: Mom?
Palutena: How long have you three been together for?
Dark Pit: (Taken a bit Back by Palutena's Sudden Question) Oh! Uhh... We've first met at the end of October, then once we started hanging out afterwards, we eventually had feelings for one another and started dating ever since.
Palutena: I see....So if that's the case...(Glare Starts Piercing a bit Harder) Are those two girls treating you right?
Dark Pit: (Rapidly Nodded his Head) Yeah. Of course they are. And if you ask, don't worry! I'm treating them right too. I know this whole relationship thing is still of getting used to, but I am doing whatever I can to learn and not mess things up. And...(Starts Blushing Again) As long as I have those two knuckleheads by my side, I think this whole...."Lovey-Dovey" deal would be worth while after all, you know?~
Bayonetta: My Aching Heart!~
Dark Pit: (Rolled his Eyes at the Trio's Ramblings Before Turning his Attention Back to Palutena) So....What do you think?
Palutena: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Pitto, I only have one thing to see to......COME HERE AND GIVE YOUR MOMMY A BIG 'OL HUG!~ (Immediately Pulls Dark Pit into a Tight Yet Loving Hug)
Dark Pit: (Wince a Little by Palutena's Sudden Bear Hug) S-So....Does this mean you approve in our relationship?
Palutena: (Smiles Brightly While Hugging her Boy) Of course I do, sweetie~ Granted, I'm still a tad bit peeved that it took you this long to tell us this, but I'm just so happy that you've found yourself someone to love! Or rather....two people to love, but STILL!~ This is wonderful!~
Bayonetta: (Joins in On the Hug) And as long as you three are happy with one another, that's good enough for each and everyone of us.
Dark Pit: Huh. That's exactly what Ren and Makoto said after I told them.
Viridi: (Shrugged) Well, obviously, that's their way of showing support. (Patting Dark Pit on the Head) Just like how we showing ours to you.
Pit: (Happily Joins in on the Group Hug) And that's because we're family. And families always got each other's back no matter!
Dark Pit: Wow....Not gonna lie, I....(Chuckles Lightly) Honestly don't know what to say-
Dark Pit: Huh?
Pit: (Suddenly Pulls Away from the Group Hug) Now that you're in a relationship like the rest of us now....(Crosses his Arms While Giving DP a Smirk on his Face) That means you're not allowed to make fun us being cutesy to one another anymore.
Viridi: (Puts a Smirk on her Face Two While Putting her Hands on her Hips) Yeah. Like cuddling and junk. Since you and two girlfriends has already started kissing each other and everything.
Dark Pit: (Facepalms Before Sighing) Goddamnit....Ren told you about that too?
Pit: (Smirks Grew a Bit Wider) Yeeeeup. So no making in of us.
Bayonetta: (Ruffles the top of Dark Pit's Hair) That applies to us too, dear.
Palutena: Exactly. Don't think we haven't noticed you saying that you wanted to bleach your eyes out every time you see your mother and I kiss, which we DON'T want you to do by the way.
Dark Pit: (Sighs While Shrugging) Fair. I'm just thankful for your support and everything. (Smiles a Little) I love you guys.
Everyone: (Immediately Went Back to Hugging Dark Pit) We love you too, Pitto!~
Palutena: So much....
Bayonetta: Sooooooo now with that out of the way, when's the wedding?~
Dark Pit: (Eyes Widened at Bayonetta and Blushes Yet Again for What She Just Said)
Bayonetta: (Giggles Softly) Oho relax!~ I'm only kidding........ Although.........
Dark Pit: (Blush Turns Bright Red) For goddess mom's sake, witch mom, STOP!!
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ultradespairgay · 3 years
id love to hear more about them 👀
I'm so sorry for answering this late, a lot has been happening in my life {most of it being very stressful}!!
I can't say much about Akira {because I'm still working on him}, but I will say that he's basically my permanently exhausted pigeon son!!
Hoshi on the other hand is a part of the DR Universe in an AU that I have. She was the Ultimate Skateboarder and was a member of the 76th Class {alongside: Ruruka Ando, Sonosuke Izayoi & Seiko Kimura}. After the Tragedy, Hoshi became a member of the Future Foundation and is the head of the 13th Branch {we don't know who the head of the 13th Branch is in canon so it's free real estate}.
Hoshi helps Makoto, Kyoko, Byakuya & Gekkogahara with the Hope Restoration Program. She was close with a few members of the 77th Class/Remnants of Despair {specifically: Mikan, Hiyoko, Ibuki & Mahiru} and was even romantically involved with Mahiru. She wanted to help her friends, the girl she loved & their classmates heal from the damage that Junko Enoshima caused. She primarily acts as an observer and stays with Gekkogahara when Makoto, Kyoko & Byakuya enter the Neo World Program. She also is a participant of the Final Killing Game, with the other members of Future Foundation.
That's all that I have for now, but I'm definitely down to answering any questions about Hoshi or Akira!!
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What the hell were you thinking!? How could you undergo such a dangerous mission without permission from your superiors!?
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And Makoto! How could you agree to go along with this!?
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B-Byakuya...I won’t make excuses, but at least listen to what...
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No. Don’t blame Makoto.
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As soon as I realized that the rest of my old classmates could still be out there, imprisoned in those pods, I jumped for a chance to save them. And I roped Maki, Himiko and even Miu in on it.
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Makoto and Mukuro found out what I was planning, and tried to stop me...But I convinced them to come too...
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Ultimately...This was my idea. None of them are to blame.
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...Is that the truth?
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The complete truth...
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I’m sorry Ms Kirigiri...If you want to expel me from the foundation, go ahead...I just don’t want my friends to go down with me...
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I’m not going to do that Shuichi. What you did was dangerous and reckless, and you do need to face the responsibility...
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But I’m not going to let you go. You’re too important to me...
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Fine...In that case, as of this evening, I’m placing you under House Arrest for three days...!
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I’ll leave your accomplices out of it though...
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Yes sir...!
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So...would someone care to explain to me what the hell all of this is about? I wasn’t expecting to find Saihara and his bunch when we invaded that base...
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Why were you at that base Officer Kinjo?
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I’d had my eye on it for some time. I’d gathered evidence to know something was going down there, something shifty that is, so I scheduled a search of the place...
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I had no idea that human experimentation would be what I found though...
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And on that note, who even are you? You seem to know the person behind all of this, so what’s this about?
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Well...that’s...a long story...
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So wait, you’re trying to tell me that you’re from another universe where there were 53 killing games and all of them were part of a live TV show that used real people in them?
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You really expect me to believe that?
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No, but our story won’t change. We have researchers who’ve confirmed the facts.
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Fine, let’s say I buy this for now...Onto the more important question...
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This “Tsumugi Shirogane” person. Who exactly is she?
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I believe you’ve mentioned that name before...
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Yes...Tsumugi Shirogane was the secret mastermind behind the killing game Maki, Himiko, Miu, Tenko, Kirumi and myself were roped into. As for how much I can tell you about her...
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There isn’t a lot, right?
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Sorry for interrupting, but I had something I needed to say.
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Right...well, it’s like she said...
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The Tsumugi we knew and who Tsumugi actually was are very different people...However, if what I’ve heard is true...
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Then...she’s not too different from Junko Enoshima. Maybe not as ridiculously evil, but still.
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She can also somehow disguise herself as any character from a killing game, so long as they’re a fictional person in our world...
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That seems deadly if used right. Best we be on our guard...
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Anyway...What did you need Maki?
*As if to answer, Maki puts something down on the table.
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What is this?
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I found it just before everyone cleared out the base. It’s a map of some sort, but it’s encrypted. There are numbers on the back.
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Read them out.
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You don’t give me orders...
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The hell I don’t...!
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Just...please, Maki.
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1(6) 1(9) 5(13) 9(7) 9(11) 12(10) 13(1) 13(3) 15(2) 15(4) 19(8) 20(5) 22(12)...
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What does that mean? Is it some sort of code...?
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How about it Kyoko?
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This could be that Shirogane person trying to mess with us...?
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No...There’s some sort of hidden message here...I think I can figure it out...
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See the numbers in brackets next to the numbers not in brackets? Start by changing their order...
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Changing their order?
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Yes...Instead of the numbers outside the brackets being on order, put the numbers in brackets in order, and then get rid of the one’s in brackets. What do you get?
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...13, 15, 13, 15, 20, 1, 9, 19, 1, 12, 9, 22, 13...Right?
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But that doesn’t make any more sense than before...!
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Convert the letters into numbers...
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It’s weird to spell out a hidden message in just numbers. Maybe there’s a hidden word in there, we just need to spell it out...
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Good eye Shuichi...
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Momotaisalive? That doesn’t make any sense!
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No, it doesn’t...but it isn’t one whole word...
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Look closely...the last 5 letters are A, L, I, V and E...
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Alive...? I see...if we go backwards and look at the letters until we spell words...I and S...Is...
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Is Alive...But then the rest of the letters don’t spell anything...
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Sh-Shuichi? What’s wrong?
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The last letters are M, O, M, O, T and A...
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That spells...Momota...
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Momota? Is that even a word?
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No...it’s a name. The name of someone who was in the killing game with Maki and I...
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KAITO Momota!
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I remember now...you mentioned Momota Kaito before, right? The one who cooperated with your rival to end the killing game and failed?
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Yes...him...I was close to him in particular, more than I was anyone else...
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There’s some sort of location on this map too...Maybe...it’s where Tsumugi is hiding in wait...And maybe where your friends are...
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Do you really think she would let us know where she is?
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I think she wants Shuichi to come alone...To face her by himself...and she’s using his friend as a hostage...
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Son of a...
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I...I have to go save him!
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Hold on a minute! Don’t forget you’re officially under house arrest now, right?!
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B-But sir!
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No! Buts! You’ve already caused enough trouble...
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I’m going instead then...
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Kaito...I can’t let him stay in captive if he’s alive. I won’t allow it!
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But it’s likely to be a trap...
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I don’t care. I’ll go alone if I need to...!
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Put me under house arrest too if you must. It won’t change my mind!
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...You really are stubborn...
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In the very least...I can give you aid...
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It wouldn’t do me much good if you went and got yourself killed...So I’ll put together a team for you...
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Th-Thank you...
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I think it’s best that Himiko and I stay out of this one if that’s the case...Just...promise me you’ll both come back safely...?
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We don’t even know if Kaito’s there or not...But we need to check, that’s for sure...
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So...That’s the plan is it? In that case, I’ll take my troops and leave...
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Please, don’t ever get in our way again...
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Mr Kinjo, stop!
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...This may be a little out of the norm for me but...
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Please...I ask the Kisaragi Foundations assistance on this mission.
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Assistance? You’re having a laugh, aren’t you?
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Why the opposition?
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Well, this is your business, not mine...And like you said, you’re going there to save someone, right?
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Don’t the police usually handle hostage missions?
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Yes, but my priority right now is to bring Shirogane to justice. This isn’t worth my time.
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What are your terms?
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I’ll bargain with you if that’s what it’ll take. You help us out with this mission, and I’ll be in your debt. You can request whatever is within my power...
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I promise...
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You have machines, right? One’s that can bring back the dead? I want to use them...
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N-No! That’s not possible! We can’t just GIVE you the machine!
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I don’t WANT the machine! I want to use it, but not keep it!
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Those are my terms. Resurrect some people, and I’ll agree to help.
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Byakuya...I know how you feel about this, but I specifically stated I would do what he requested...
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However, I’m going to limit your choices to only 2 people.
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Two? Make it three and we’ve got a deal...
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...Fine...Who do you want back? You’ll need to provide us with an item they used in order to do that though, right?
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...Very well...
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The first person I want revived is Teruya Otori. The Ultimate Merchant.
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I see...Otori, who was forced to participate in two killing games, and ended up being killed in the Utsuroshima killing game by Mikado Sannoji, the mastermind...
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That...can be arranged...Who else?
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Setsuka Chiebukuro.
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Who’s that?
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Another person in the Utsuroshima killing game, who was killed. If I recall, she was once known as the Ultimate Billiards Player, before she was expelled when it was revealed she had a cheating mechanism in her right eye...
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Yes, but when that happened, Setsuka began to work as a detective, and she was practically a partner for me.
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The Kisaragi Foundation needs someone like her...
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And the third...
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The third person I want back...
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is Mikako Kurokawa.
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What would she have to offer you?
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I’m doing this for a friend...not myself...
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...Fine, we’ll see too it.
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I’ll contact you tomorrow night. Sound good?
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Yes, I can prepare by then. I’ll get a bunch of soldiers ready. You’d better uphold your end of this...
*Tsurugi leaves
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I’m not sure that was the wisest decision but...
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No...we don’t have a lot of options.
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Harukawa. If you die or fail, then it’ll be the end of us.
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Don’t disappoint me.
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Yes sir.
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Come on Shuichi. Let’s go...
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danganronpa-21 · 4 years
Naegiri Week Day 4: Plant
I’m only posting this like four minutes late; it still counts as day four... and other things I tell myself to avoid my shame. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one. I had a bit of trouble writing it, but the basic premise is about Makoto & Kyoko working through life changes together.
Warning for animal death.... I know. I’m sorry.
Makoto and Kyoko had had another child, before the others. 
Before Seiko, before Koichi, before even Hope. Once upon a time, there was a fourth child, with dusty silver hair and piercing amber eyes. A girl that they’d found on the streets; one that they adopted into their home. 
Before they had their own kids, Makoto and Kyoko had Kimi.
Now, strictly speaking, Kimi wasn’t a legitimate child. In fact, she was quite old. She must have been about thirteen when they found her, crouching under an overhang in the rain. The poor thing was freezing cold, water dripping from her shivering body. They could see the tremors that overtook her, yet when Kyoko reached her hand out, she pulled away in fear. The apocalypse clearly had not been kind to the poor girl, for she shied away so quickly from their attempts at friendship. Even as the years went by, and Kyoko’s belly swelled with the presence of her first child, she recalled the way she and Makoto looked at each other that night. How that wordless questioning led to a very happy life for her.
Truth be told, having Kimi wasn’t the same as having a little girl of her own. Sure, her presence became good practice in some ways, but it wasn’t really the same thing. For starters, where children brought the little patter of feet, Kimi brought the pattering of paws. Cat paws, to be specific.
A thirteen year old gray nebelung was Makoto and Kyoko’s first baby. Well… maybe more of Kyoko’s first baby, by just a hair. Much as Makoto loved Kimi, the two of them spent plenty of time quarreling. She could still remember the way they’d argue; always about something different. Sometimes about where it was appropriate for Kimi to pee, or what objects she should knock off the countertops… but nothing beat where Kimi should sleep.
There was nothing quite like hearing her husband whisper-yelling in the middle of the night. There were quite a few nights where her eyes would flutter open to reveal a new quarrel between man and cat, and she’d simply have to put up with it. If she closed her eyes, her brain could still paint the picture. The fat grey cat in her husband’s hands, mewling in frustration at him. She wriggled like a worm to escape his grasp, but he always refused it. Makoto was always holding her, and always panting slightly.
“For the last time, Kimi,” It was his scolding voice he used, the same one his  misbehaving students got, “That is my face. I know you want to sleep on it, but if you do that, I can’t breathe.”
Kimi hissed in response, and Makoto jerked his head back in surprise. In the most accusatory tone he muster, he retorted to her: “Hey! Don’t you take that tone with me!” 
She chuckled at the memory. Kimi was always funny like that. Always getting into trouble, and sleeping in the weirdest places. There was even one time, shortly after she found out about her pregnancy, that they’d thought she slipped out in the middle of the night. The couple searched the house in a tizzy; both of them near tears at the thought of losing their beloved pet. They searched for about half an hour until Kyoko, wrought with anxiety, found Kimi napping in one of the laundry baskets. Oh, how they’d snuggled and patted the little kitty when they’d found her. And the treats? She swore the already plump cat gained five pounds that day. 
Thinking about their first baby now; she couldn’t deny how hard it was. Though they were only a month away with the actual byproduct of their love, Kyoko still longed for Kimi. To feel her soft fur beneath her fingers, and the purrs that rolled out from her throat effortlessly. The way Kimi would brush up against her when  she was sad had been so soothing during so many trying times. Whether it was the series of arguments she and Makoto got into at the beginning of their engagement, or the woes of carrying a child she couldn’t comprehend… Kimi cuddled and supported Kyoko through all of it. She was always around with a helpful head bonk and a nuzzling of her cheek. There could be no tears when noble little Kimi was around. 
What Kyoko remembered most about her, though, was the way she kept the baby warm. Yes, for whatever reason, the pregnancy awoke almost a caring instinct within the cat. The moment she caught wind of her owner’s expanding belly, she took to curling up on it and later around it. At first, they thought maybe it was just a matter of where was most comfortable to sleep — like the way she always tried to drift off on Makoto’s face. However, as time went on and her stomach grew, they noticed it was a routine thing. Whenever Kyoko grew stressed or upset, Kimi would come plodding over and hop up for a belly snuggle. 
“She must just know,” Makoto had said, reaching down to stroke her as she slept, “She’s got a sibling to protect.”
A sibling to protect. 
Makoto was awfully attached to that idea. It seemed at every turn he brought it up; chatting eagerly to her about the way the two might get along. Somehow, apart from the baby names and the personalities it could have, this was a thought that Makoto’s mind favoured. The relationship their kid would have to their cat. There had had many a conversation about it; one in particular she liked to reminisce about. 
It was when she was about five months; she remembered it from the way the weight showed on her stomach. They were curled up in front of their TV, watching some comedy film she didn’t really find funny. His hand placed on her belly, waiting patiently to see if their daughter would kick. Kimi curled herself up in his lap; the next best spot after Kyoko’s lap. She liked the heat that emanated from Makoto’s body best. 
“You know, Makoto, I’ve been thinking… and I realized that having this baby… it is almost as if we are experiencing a new beginning. A new chapter in our lives.”
He nodded, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. “I feel like that too,” He murmured into her hair, “Like we’ve been given a gift by fate.”
A gift by fate, she thought. She supposed it was a good way to look at having a baby. After all the trouble they saw in their lives, she wagered that they deserved a gift of life to call their own. Someone to care and nurture for. Someone to bring hope into their world by doing nothing but being themselves. 
“Exactly. A gift by a fate… but one that will ultimately change our lives. Everything is going to be so… so different now.”
“Is different okay?”
“Different is wonderful,” She assured him, resting her head on his shoulder, “It just means that we’ll likely have much to adapt to. Every aspect of our lives right down to Kimi will need be altered.”
To this, Makoto chuckled, and reached a hand down to pet Kimi. The feline responded with a pleased purr, urging him to scratch at her favourite spots. Based on the placement of his hand, he was in prime ear scratching position. “I don’t think we have to worry about Kimi too much,” He laughed, “She’s going to be the best big sister in the world. Aren’t you, Kimi? That’s why you’re our good girl!”
A cute mew escaped Kimi’s mouth at the praise. Somehow she always knew when she was being called a good girl. Makoto’s tendency to use his baby voice probably helped, Kyoko imagined. 
“A big sister, huh…” 
“Yeah! Just think of the way the two of them will play together! The two of them chasing our feet under the covers, and gently bopping each other on the nose! Our son or daughter will love doing that stuff with her! Kimi can even teach them about the world. She’ll be amazing.”
Kyoko fought off the frown that threatened to consume her when his words echoed in her mind. The hope was that their cat would be able to meet their baby, and do so many of those cute things… But fate stole that away from them. 
Somewhere within the last two months or so of Kyoko’s pregnancy, Kimi started acting strangely. At first, it was a simple matter of hiding. Rather than rushing to the door and mewling excitedly at them when they returned home, it seemed as if she ran and hid at the first sign of them. She dove under beds and dressers, snuck behind the refrigerator and the dryer, and even returned to her laundry basket hiding spot. What was worse, though, was that she seemed irritable every time they found her. It was as if when they were there, she wished only for them to go away. She detested them for pulling her out of her hiding spots, and did not hesitate to show it. 
Eventually her behaviour began to shift even further; before they knew it, she changed completely. Soon, the feral turned sociable sweetheart they knew became a reclusive being of bitterness. Whenever they walked through the door, she wanted little to do with them. She became irritated if they tried to touch her, and wanted to be independent from them at all costs. Even when she would wake up in the middle of the night wheezing and nearly unable to breathe, she scorned them. She would hiss and swat at Makoto when he tried to give her the medication to treat it. It was as if she suddenly didn’t care for them at all. 
The couple couldn’t understand why their once loving companion had suddenly turned against them. Despite her originally being feral and wary, Kimi warmed up to them right away. They were her humans, and she’d always loved them. She would cuddle them when they were sad, play with them when they were bored, and try to feed them when she thought they were hungry. Kimi never acted like this prior to those last few months, and the thought scared them half to death. At the time, they were wondering if she intended to gear up to run away. They didn’t think that she could really be dying. They didn’t realize that it had been three years since they picked her up off that despairful road, and that being sixteen years old meant that Kimi was old.
The whole thing only became clear to them when she stopped eating. God, Kyoko would admit that she bawled when that happened. But she’d always preface that when it occurred, she was seven months pregnant and dealing with insane baby hormones. So, you know, the crying like a little girl was understandable for the typically stoic detective. And, to be fair, Makoto cried too, but he had no “excuses”. He was just an emotional guy.
Her heart stung when she reflected back on the moments she spent next to Kimi and her bowl; her face stained with tears. She could remember the way her lip trembled and her hands shook, and the way Kimi stared at her as if she didn’t know what to do. 
“Why will you not eat?” She asked the feline, sniffling. Cautiously, she reached a hand over to pat her head, only to have her recoil from her touch. The movement only made the heavily pregnant detective cry harder. “Please, Kimi.”
Her husband’s hand found a place on her shoulder. She had been so distraught that her first desire was to shove it off, but she dismissed it. He sought only to help her, that much she knew well.
“I think we should take her to see someone.” He said, his voice soft and caring, like he feared his every word would make her upset. She could hear the way he tried to hide its tremble. “Apparently there’s a former vet operating in the marketplace that’s pretty good. We could take her to see him… see if we can get her to eat.”
She smiled slightly, wiping at her wet eyes with the back of her hand. In a way, she kind of liked the way he used “we”. It made her realize that she wasn’t totally alone in the way this made her feel. He was going through it just as much as she. It was the way he phrased things again, after the vet told them the news.
“So what do we want to do?”
They were both crying then; totally shamelessly, too. Snot dripping from their noses and tears smeared across their faces and the wails of anguish at knowing this was coming. The whole nine yards. She remembered that he’d tried to keep it together for her at first, fighting off the tears to ask the vet for time to think about it. However, the moment the vet freed Makoto of his burdening presence, he broke down. 
“What can we do?” Kyoko whimpered, pitifully attempting to catch her breath between sobs. “She’s dying. If we keep her alive, she suffers until she dies. You heard what he said, she’s old and sore…”
Makoto sniffled, wiping snot on the back of his hand. Still as gross as it was the first four times he did it, she remarked internally to herself. But now was not the time for snarky statements. They were grieving. 
“B-But if we choose to put her down, then w-w-we… we have to say goodbye.”
She nodded. “I know… I know…”
“God,” Makoto murmured, clutching at the fabric of his jeans and scrunching it up, “I forgot how hard this is… Holding the decision of another being’s life in your hands…”
Kyoko didn’t have the words to answer that statement. Though the killing game’s trials were not comparable to the decision to euthanize their pet, they still held the same emotion. She could remember feeling something like this, when Junko decided it was Sakura’s turn to go. 
“I… I t-thought this was supposed to be our new beginning… I thought we were supposed to be done with making choices like this, and we could just… g-go on being happy for once!”
“I know…” was the only thing Kyoko could think to say. It was something that Makoto shook his head to. “I know…”
“I don’t want her to be in pain, b-b-but… I’ll miss her when she’s gone.”
When she’s gone, Kyoko thought. When she no longer curls up on my belly, or pushes Makoto’s glasses off the counter. When she doesn’t pee on the cabinets when we leave her for too long, or poke her head in on me while I’m in the shower. It seemed so unthinkable that some day soon, Kimi might be gone.
They buried Kimi in their garden seven years ago, next to a little birch sapling. To give her the new beginning she promised. 
Over the years, that beginning grew. It grew and grew into a powerful tree. It was long, and tall, with a white trunk and olive green leaves. A very proud tree, for a very proud cat, who had her little sister hanging upside from her branches like a monkey.
“Look at me, Koichi! Look! I’m up so high!” The little girl giggled, swinging back and forth like an acrobat preparing to make a great landing. “Bet you can’t do this!”
From further down, the voice of Kimi’s little brother sounded. “I don’t think I want to,” He whimpered, “That looks so scary, Hope! What if you fall?”
“I’ll be fine!” She brushed some of her hair away from her face with her free hand, “This is Kimi’s tree, remember? Mommy and Daddy planted it for her! That’s why as long as I’m up here, I’m totally safe!”
Kyoko could do little more than fold her arms frustratedly when she caught this sight. Though she adored that her daughter knew the story behind the tree, her son was right. Hanging from the tree like that was far too dangerous to be okay. 
“Hope, come on! Get down from there!”
Her daughter immediately started to whine. “But Mooooooommy…! How am I supposed to be a great gymnast some day if I can’t do stuff like this?”
She opened her mouth to protest the girl, but thankfully, her husband swooped in to take charge. He was already halfway up the tree, trying to apprehend the overly eager seven year old. It was hard not to snicker at his determination… or at the way his feet would slip ever so slightly when he stepped wrong.
“You can practice on Friday, when you’re at the gym, pumpkin. It’s not safe to do it here.”
“But what about Kimi? I thought you said she was like our family’s protector spirit, and that we could play together.”
Kyoko chuckled softly. She did like the way he told that story. And it seemed like her daughter did, too. 
“Of course she is,” Makoto said, finally climbing up close enough to swing his daughter into a safer position in the tree, “And she told me that she wants you to practice on Friday, because we planted her to play safely with you.”
Hope’s lower lip stuck out in a pout, but she obliged, taking hold of the branch tightly. The sight made her mother sigh with immediate relief. Life was so much more comfortable when she wasn’t anticipating her children’s next disaster, but she supposed it was more interesting that way. 
And she and Makoto had Kimi to thank for that.
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kimmysfandomblog · 5 years
FF7 crossover I’m never gonna write
-A Final Fantasy 7-type AU. I say “type” because it’s going to have to change a lot to fit the different personalities hahaha
A very long (and messy) post because the idea is in my head, but I don’t want to really write it in a more structured manner XD
In short:
Cloud- Hajime
Tifa- Nagito
Aerith- Chiaki
SHINRA- Togami
Sephiroth- Kamukura
Under the cut is the details, put there for length and FF7 spoilers?
Characters are matched not by personalities, but on their roles in the story. This means that some events in the story don’t happen the same way.
Hinata is the main character. His childhood neighbor, who is the child of the mayor and his crush, is Nagito Komaeda. Hinata goes from Nibelheim to Midgar in order to join SOLDIER, but ends up in infantry.
Sephiroth is of course replaced by Kamukura. Kamukura was actually a test tube baby instead of born, like Sephhiroth had been. Hajime’s mother was the donor, so he is actually Hajime’s older brother (It’s very tragic). Hajime hears of this hero who is only a few years older than him and strives to be just like Izuru Kamukura.
The big bad JENOVA is replaced by JUNKO, the alien who wishes to destroy the world.
The evil corporation is the Togami Corporation, with Rufus Shinra being replaced by Byakuya Togami, mostly just because they really match.
Dr. Hojo is replaced by Monokuma- but humanized? He is completely unrelated to Izuru, but his obsession with Junko remains. One of his rivals, and the one Izuru actually liked, is Taichi Fujisaki.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu is the head of the Turks, taking place of Tseng
the other Turks are just going to be Saionji, Mahiru, and Mikan
Palmer, Heideger, and Scarlet are replaced by Kaito, Shuichi, and Maki (Togami probably has blackmail on them or something?) Kaito has the space program (that never gets funding), Maki has the Weapons Department, and Shuichi is manager of the Turks and internal affairs. He is like a detective and is kept on mostly because he’s good at deducing who goes against the company. None of them like their jobs, but Maki is resigned to do it. Shuichi and Chihiro are actually working together in attempts to thwart Shinra. Kaito just wants funding for the Space Program because he truly believes the world can be saved that way and he’s a bit blind to the corruption since he was off in Rocket Town for most of his career.
To kind of balance it out, though, I’m adding Toko Fukawa as leader of the SOLDIER/Infantry Departments
The friends who join:
Multiple people technically take the role of Barret. The members of the terrorist group (Future Fighters as opposed to AVALANCHE) don’t all die. The ones who survive are Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, and Aoi Asahina. Nagito joined them after Nibelheim burned down. Sakura Oogami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, and Mondo Oowada perish with the fall of the plate.
On a side note, Asahina is basically the Barret of this story. She loses her brother to the explosion at Corel, she and Sakura had escaped from there.
Chiaki Nanami takes the place of Aerith, but rather than just an Ancient, it was more like she has abilities that really affect technology. Her father was Taichi Fujisaki, and she’s totally unaware that her half brother was so close to her.
In the game, Nanaki/Red XIII is an intelligent animal trying to go back to their tribe... in this one his role will have to be taken by Kiibo instead, who tries to go back to his “grandpa” Dr. Idabashi.
Chihiro Fujisaki is going to take the place of Reeve with Usami being Cait Sith (no need for the mog)
The obvious choice for Cid is Kazuichi Souda, but he won’t be getting any addictions! His best friends, Gundam and Sonia, stop his rocket because it was too dangerous to fly. (and they all become a happy trio)
Now for the optional characters, Kokichi Ouma takes the place of Yuffie because he’s mischievous and would totally play pranks.
Peko Pekoyama would be the Vincent Valentine, but the twist is that she and Fuyuhiko used to be partners in the TURKS (instead of Vincent and Veld). She hides her real name by calling herself Sparkling Justice and hidin her face with a mask, but she mostly still fights the same, making Fuyuhiko especially mad when she’s around
Additional notes:
-Chiaki and Chihiro are going to be half-siblings, with Chihiro actually being older because I’m basing this mostly on Alter Ego. Taichi’s first wife dies in childbirth, and he falls in love with Chiaki’s (unnamed) mother. Chihiro and Chiaki are taken from him, with Chihiro being told that if he doesn’t cooperate, Chiaki and his stepmother would be killed. Chiaki is completely unaware she has a half-brother, however he’s always kept an eye on her through her plush toy. This is ultimately why he spies on the group, but he’s also the leader of Urban Development
-Kamukura does not see Junko as his mother. She promises him the excitement he can’t get anywhere else by causing Despair, and he becomes obsessed with the idea that destruction will relieve him from boredom. He loses his mind to Junko in this AU, but he’d been close to redemption at the end, knowing the truth of Junko’s corruption and how he’s actually related to Hajime.
-Makoto and Kirigiri grew up in the orphanage at Midgar under the plate. Makoto has a vision of a better world, and she joins him. This is especially so when she finds out she has a personal reason for going against Togamis. Her father lead a rebellion against the corporation and dies. Together, with other orphans who are affected by the Togami COrps, Mondo (brother dies because of Togamis) and Ishimaru (he was reluctant to start but the common people are suffering and he’s against the cruelty, plus his whole family was forced underground because of the Togami Corps) found a new group they called the Future Fighters. Aoi Asahina and Sakura Oogami join them shortly after. Nagito Komaeda is found and taken in by Makoto. Makoto is against the fighting, but he’s in agreement that Togami Corps need to be taken down. He mostly gets information, being a decent spy/detective. Kirigiri is the gunslinger, but she’s also the strategist. Asahina and Sakura are the “monk” types. Komaeda usually uses guns, but he is also the one who makes the bombs. Hajime, when he briefly joins, uses a sword.
-Chiaki is the healer/magic user, however her affinity with technology often acts up and can be used against enemies. Kiibo uses built-in guns and laser eyes (but h absolutely cant be in water or struck by lightning). Usami is a magic user, mostly using buff on the team or casting status effects. Kazuichi can still be the dragoon type since there’s no real reason Cid ended up with spears. Ouma is still gonna be a ninja. Pekoyama uses the sword rather than a gun. (and Gundham and Sonia are both magic users, both summoners, but Sonia is also really good at white magic while Gundham is reall good at Dark magic.
-instead of the Golden Saucer, there is Towa Park. Haiji is the Dio of this AU, and instead of Dyne, there are the Warriors of Hope (all of them only a little younger than Asahina). None of them die, but Monaka gets crippled through her own stubborness. She hates Asahina for the death of her mother and the fall of Corel. She was left with her abusive dad and stepbrother until she fakes crippled legs. Each of the other kids were stuck in homes of paid actors who forced them to call them parents and abused them.
-Chiaki has no “Zack” in the same sense Aerith did. Her “Zack” was Kamukura, who did not fall from the roof, but rather landed gracefully in front of her from the roof and protected her from monsters. He came down mostly because of the flowers being something he hasn’t seen before, at first, but he genuinely liked her eventually, up until he goes missing. Chiaki never really forgot him, but finds a boy who falls down from the roof that really reminds her of Kamukura, even if he doesn’t act a lot like him. (Does this mean he kills Chiaki? UHHHH)
-The one who saves Hajime before the events of the game, Hajime’s “Zack,” who was somewhat friends with Kamukura but not especially close, is First Class SOLDIER Nekumaru Nidai. the experiments on Nidai ended in him being mostly robot because they tried to use Junko’s cells on him, whereas Hajime seemed to barely have any influence from it. Nekomaru is trying to go back for his not-girlfriend (yet) Akane Owari, a martial arts teacher that travels the world, but has laely been based in Midgar (partly because of him, if she were honest). He doesn’t make it, and she never knows he’s dead. She eventually leaves Midgar when the plate drops, which is suspected to be because of the Togamis. She meets up with the main group in Gongaga, where Nidai had been from. Komaeda reacts to her and this village when she talks about him.
-Pekoyama was given a solo mission mostly because Mr. Togami (Byakuya’s brother) was suspicious of the Turks at that time. Kuzuryu and Peko are loyal members of the Turks at this point and there’s been rumors that ther leader, Jin Kirigiri, is thinking of defecting. spreading the Turks out and eliminating some of them in “accidents” seemed like a good way to go about things. Kuzuryu was able to earn the company’s loyalty, but he did it to find Peko, who had been successful in stopping a terrorist attack, but only through a cost of grievous wounds. Dr. Monokuma gets to her and experiments on her, and she ends up in Nibelheim labs, waking up a monster. She seals herself up to await her death.
-Nagito is the Nibelheim mayor’s only son, who’s had a crush on Hajime for a long time, but was never allowed to hang out with Hajime, specifically after Hajime is accused of endangering Nagito after he went off alone to Nibelheim Mountains to find his mother when she passed away. He begins to think it is better if people aren’t close to him, seeing as his mother died through an accident involving him and the town is starting to get superstitious about his family being cursed. So, while respected, he keeps his distance. Hajime does manage to convince him to meet, the night before he leaves for Midgar. A promise is made that Hajime would come back and tell him all about his adventures as SOLDIER. He jokingly says Hajime should save him from harm one day. When the catastrophe that is the day Kamukura burns down the village happens, Nagito is saved by luck. His personal tutor find him and takes him to Midgar, staying with him for a while. However, he ends up dying in terrorist bombings, and rumor has it that the Togamis are responsible for that, too. Komaeda decides he wants revenge and through some lucky finds in the black market, is able to teach himself to create bombs. Kirigiri, when the group finds him, is able to teach him to use guns as well.
-Hajime is found by Nagito at the train station. Although Hajime claims he is SOLDIER First Class, he also says that he was at Nibelheim when it burns. Nagito is concerned by this, but given Hajime’s clearly distressed state, doesn’t dispute it. He instead invites him to the terrorist group that goes against the Togami’s, mostly to be able to keep an eye on Hajime and eventually figure out how Hajime knows what happened at Nibelheim when Nagito knows the one who is supposed to be there is Nekomaru.
-The Turks, lead by Fuyuhiko, are only him, Hiyoko, Mahiru, and the newest member, Mikan. normally, the Turks are comic relief characters, and they still can be, but the jokes would have to be different for sure. Hiyoko’s the “dancer” who buffs the team and causes static effects, but she can truly pack a punch. Mahiru is the magic user, her element being lightning. She’s pretty good with close-range/mid-range weapons. Mikan is healer, but also great at magic in general. Fuyuhiko, of course, only uses guns, but he uses it really well (However you never fight Tseng in the games I guess, so you only see him use guns)
-Hajime can “date” one of these people, depending on the choices made by “players”: Nagito, Chiaki (they have the highest chances with him, just like Tifa and Aerith), Makoto, Asahina, Kokichi, Pekoyama, and Kiibo (the rest are the not-exactly-romantic and harder to achieve options, just like Barret, Nanaki, and Yuffie. While you can’t date Vincent Valentine.... I wish it were possible XD)
-All that date stuff said I’d honestly be down for Nagito, Hajime, and Chiaki together I mean they don’t have to fight. Aerith and Tifa never fought and actually could get along and AerTi is a ship that people like too so three doesn’t have to be a crowd
-There are a few things I am unsure of, like Chiaki’s reaction that Kamukura is evil? Does Kamukura recognize her and still kill her? What about that plot thread where she and Chihiro are related? What is up with Kuzuryu and Peko like why is she fighting against him and does he ever figure out it is her? And I want Kamukura redeemed but how?? I have way too many characters as well and Makoto and Kirigiri technically don’t have to be there but I just wanted them to be there XD And for whatever reason they are building bombs and detonating reactors... joy... And why are Kaito, Shuichi and Maki working for a guy they don’t like and doing evil things? (I mean I genuinely like them so what gives, Kimmy?)
I gave this AU a lot of thought, but it comes with so many plotholes and inconsistencies in story and/or characters XD
But listen... FF7 is a great game. And because of it I haven’t been able to sleep until I finished thinking about this AU XD
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rubixkun · 7 years
Senpai u asked for kazuki questions, u got it. Does he keep a specific item(s) with him at all times? Are there any compelling reasons for him to actively attend class? What is his alignment(s) (true good, chaotic neutral, etc.)? Fave and least fave foods? Pettiest thing ever done? What would he do with a million dollars? Self destructive tendencies under duress? Ideal job second to detective? Odd habits? Fave video game genre(s)? Willingness to explore dangerous areas outside of detective work?
Yee you’re here thank you!!
- You know that pin that Kyoko wears on her jacket in the DR1 game? Kazuki has a similar pin and he always wears it.
-One reason for him to attend class is because he is the headmaster’s son and it would look bad if he didn’t show up to class. There was a time where he didn’t attend class much because of his cases and would actively skip class. Makoto told Kyoko of this and she then started with “If you don’t attend class you’e not going to be put on cases”
-I had this written down I can’t remember but I think he’s true good 
-Kazuki really likes pudding. He’s also fond of tempura. Kazuki states that he doesn’t like Unagi, but has actually never tried it. 
-for petty things, one time Kazuki was told that he analyzes people too much so he decided he’d go and overanalyze why that person would think he analyzes people too much. If that makes sense.
- First thing he’d do with one million dollars would convert it to yen :P Then he’d probably buy a small place where he can sleep without being disturbed.
-When under stress, he unfortunately throws all logic out the window, and his emotions take over. This happened once during a case, and a certain Kirigiri mother detective took him off the case.That didn’t end well with him.
-If he couldn’t be a detective he’d probably be a news reporter
- for habits, he for some reason can’t mix his food together. Like, the chicken needs to be separate from the rice. He’s also someone who pats his entire body down to make sure he has everything, like his wallet, house keys, dorm room keys, etc. He does this even if he just put something in his pocket.
- Kazuki likes puzzle games a lot. His guilty pleasure are rhythm games (like he’d totally play Love Live but wouldn’t admit it to the world)
-Yeah he’d want to explore it as long as he knew he wouldn’t die. He can’t help it; it’s in his nature.
These are actually pretty tough questions!! Kind of fun actually haha
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