#sp march madness
spinthetags · 18 days
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Our main March Madness bracket is over, and we’ve determined the most loved song among the South Park Fandom: La Resistance!
It was a close match until the very end, and we want to thank everybody who took the time to vote in any one of our polls. You helped make this March Madness possible, and we’re very happy with both the turnout and the result. Viva La Resistance!
While our main bracket is over, we may be holding a few more polls for songs that the fandom believes were unfairly voted against, or for songs that might not have been included in the bracket at all. If you are interested in seeing any particular polls, please send us an ask with the details! We’d love to see what other songs are favored by the community.
Once again, thank you for voting! Until our next event!
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alister312 · 1 year
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Get ready for a March Madness Tournament for all the kid characters who exist only in the background, or only once, or just not nearly enough times in South Park. Each poll will last a day, with multiple polls going every day (at least for the start). I tried my best to pick truly minor characters but if you think one isn't minor enough or are sad I forgot one... sorry I don't feel like rearranging the entire tournament at this point 😅
Each character has been sorted into seeds 1-16 based on how prevalent I think they still are in people's memories and then paired up just like regular March Madness (i.e. 1 vs 16, 2 vs 15, etc) so apologies if some early match ups seem unfair. It'll hopefully make any upsets that much more exciting!
And now... the bracket!
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See the match ups and follow the rounds below the cut.
Damien Thorn vs Katie Gelson
Annie Knitts vs Sally Darson
Bradley ("Cartman Sucks") vs Baahir Hassen Abdul Hakeem
Mark Cotswolds vs Thad Jarvis
Nelly vs Flora Larsen
Jason White vs Josh Myers
Lizzy vs Cartman's kids (Post Covid)
Charlotte vs Lexus
Gregory of Yardale vs Isiah Jordan
Gary Harrison vs Esther
Rebecca Cotswolds vs Alejandro White
Hebert Pocket vs Marcus Preston
Sophie Gray vs Heather Williams
Terrance Mephesto vs Corey Lanskin
Blanket vs Kyle's kids (Post Covid)
Mercedes vs New Kid/Douchebag
Tricia Tucker vs Davey Solokov
Christophe/Ze Mole vs Lisa Berger
Estella Havisham vs Yao
Kevin Stoley vs Bridon Gueermo
DogPoo Petsuski vs Larry Feegan
Lola vs Tammy Warner
Filmore Anderson vs Chris Donnely
Bill Allen vs Porsche
Leslie Meyers vs Kip Drordy
Thomas vs Brimmy
Trent Boyett vs Francis
Millie Larsen vs Gavin Throttle
David Rodriguez vs Tammy Nelson
Powder/Sally Turner vs Douglas
Kelly ("Rainforest Shmainforest") vs Jenny Simons
Fosse McDonald vs Ferrari
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n0ncooll2 · 3 months
For the @spinthetags march madness event I nominate
1. Kyles mom is a bitch
2 stop bullying
3 put it down
4 give life a try
5 the poor kid in school
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rotisseries · 7 months
well now u have to explain ur beef w spirk to me
AKAJDHFJS OK. so back in march when EVERYONE was running poll tournaments, my lovely mutual @tallytals ran a sun and moon duo one, @sun-n-moon-showdown. spirk was one of the contestants (so was merthur btw jayme got mad when they lost), but, so was MY pick, MYYY submission, the CLEAR winner, joe and nicky from netflix original action movie the old guard. tals' poll accidentally got pretty popular, so naturally spirk starts sweeping it's polls, meanwhile I'm over there just fighting for the joenicky agenda, because they were not the most popular pairing involved, so I'm campaigning like crazy I'm reblogging their polls to MY poll tournament sideblog for more attention and I'm CALLING IN FAVORS. I'm hitting up more popular mutuals to ask them to rb the poll for me (hella. hi hella if you see this do you remember that) AND I sent an ask to this old guard blog that I knew was relatively popular in the fandom, THEY bring attention to it, SO NOW THIS FANDOM THAT HAS BEEN A LITTLE DRY FOR A FEW YEARS ARE ALL GOING NUTS FOR THIS POLL LIKE THE BAND GOT BACK TOGETHER FOR A REUNION TOUR. there was strategy involved in this. the blog was organizing people and telling them to go mass vote for the less popular pairings in the other polls so joe and nicky would have easy competition. we should've won. we deserved it. BUT. IN QUARTER FINALS. WE ARE UP AGAINST SPIRK. IT IS A HARROWING TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. MY BLOG WAS A WAR ZONE. IT IS SO SO SO CLOSE. LITERALLY NECK AND NECK. WE LOSE BY POINT. 10. POINT TEN!!! PERCENT!!! IT IS LITERALLY 49.2 to 50.8!! I COULD FUCKING KILL A MAN
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tony-andonuts · 1 year
Was gonna wait to post these until I actually finished em but I've noticed the Bradley/Bratters community growing so here's some Bradley/Bradjorine WIPS + a Bratters thumbnail
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kennethsmccormicks · 1 year
i haven’t watched city part of town in a long time and i had forgotten kenny fights randy. king.
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i am so mad at sp tumblr for allowing do what you wanna do to beat gay fish in the south park march madness….you guys are so wrong for that. gay fish makes me laugh every time i watch that episode and dwywd is just mediocre, people only like it because kyle took his hat off during the song. gay fish gets stuck in my head at least once a week it is just a better song and its fucking hilarious. it might be in my top 3 fav south park songs
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vampirepunks · 1 month
Sam Porter Bridges' MBTI + Enneagram Typology (pt. 1)
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MBTI: ISTP (Ti-Se-Ni-Fe)
Enneagram: 9w8
Instinctual Variant: sp/sx
Tritype: 963
(Higgs analysis)
MBTI Analysis
Like Higgs, Sam's MBTI is pretty easy to identify right off. Words I frequently hear to describe ISTPs: quiet, gruff, grumpy, grouchy, closed-off, etc. There are tons of these guys in fiction. Arthur Morgan, Daryl Dixon, Jim Hopper, John Wick, etc etc that should give you a sense of the archetype at hand. That good old, salt-of-the-earth, jack-of-all-trades, reliable tough guy who's a real softie deep down behind a facade of aloof moodiness and outward dissatisfaction.
ISTP describes Sam very well. He's resourceful, observant, direct, authentic, independent, steadfast, spontaneous, unapologetic, insensitive at times, private/reserved, and skeptical. For the most part, ISTPs are straightforward and easy to get a read on. True to type, Sam is usually grounded in his present reality, doesn't tend to leap to assumptions or go along with them when others do, relies on his own experience and resolve, and he approaches life with a level head. Behind that initial impression, ISTPs are one of the most difficult personalities to get to know deeply... or at all. They march to the beat of their own drum, keep their emotions locked down tight most of the time, and are very slow to trust. Prying and prodding doesn't work with these folks, unless you're looking to provoke an aggressive reaction, in which case you'll likely get it. Given his aphenphosmphobia, this goes triple for Sam for the broad majority of Death Stranding's runtime; we see a few examples of other characters pushing him to the point that he bites back, i.e. telling Deadman off when he brought up his wife and child.
Most of my character analysis leans on Sam's internal monologue from the Death Stranding novelization, as it's a very detailed peek inside his head, into his mind's inner workings and his overall emotional tendencies. Keep that in mind going forward.
ISTPs are one of the most introverted personality types, alongside INTJs, and are often social hermits, lone wolves with little regard for social norms and accepted rules. They're easily frustrated by a world built on social conventions that are based in emotional values, so they move through it at their own pace and keep their heads down. ISTPs are staunch pragmatists, quietly navigating life through material sensibilities and their own unique creativity; they're driven by instinct. Like ENTP (see: Higgs) they're attracted to novelty and freedom. And, believe it or not, ISTP is just as rebellious as ENTP, they're merely quieter about it, preferring to keep it to themselves unless pushed otherwise. The best concise example of this shared rejection of societal values that I can think of is Sam saying "covering the world in cable didn't bring an end to war and suffering, don't be surprised if it all comes apart when you try to do it again" vs. Ludens (essentially Higgs' perspective of the game in song form) saying, "a world covered in cables was never wired to last, so don't act so surprised when the program starts to crash." Looking closely, Sam and Higgs actually have strikingly similar worldviews, and Sam spends much of the novel wondering if Higgs has a good point beneath his madness, admitting only to himself that he understands the position Higgs is coming from. In spite of himself, a big part of Sam agrees with Higgs and empathizes with him. ISTPs are often dismissed as morally bankrupt, when in fact they always have their own moral code formed by their dominant logic and deeply-buried sensitivities. They're liable to snap if they're backed into a corner and have their personal liberty or privacy infringed upon. Autonomy is king to this type, so it's unsurprising that many ISTPs end up anarchists and libertarians.
Function Stack Breakdown
Ti (introverted thinking): Don't mind me, gonna copy a little bit of this from Higgs' post... shhhhh... Personalities ruled by Ti act based on logic over emotion, processing the world through what makes sense and where their curiosity takes them. They love puzzles, problems in need of solutions, and detail-oriented issues. However, in the ISTP, a major roadblock to the satisfaction of a good day's work is the involvement of other people. They prefer to work alone, or in small groups/with a close partner, as they're quickly exhausted by interpersonal politics. You point an ISTP to a practical job, they'll grumble about it and then gladly do it, by themselves, thank you. This is self-evident in Sam; as a solo porter, he's a rarity of self-reliance, which in the Death Stranding universe would be suicidal if he wasn't a repatriate, and it's still risky af. After all, the primary reason most porters have partners is to maintain their sanity, keep an eye out for chiral contamination and MULE syndrome, etc. It's stated multiple times that portering alone is ill-advised and only possible for those with a very strong force of will, which Sam of course has in spades. Sam's primary function of Ti manifests as independence of thought, as mentioned above. In describing Higgs as a truth-seeker, Sam acknowledged a value the two of them share, as Sam has a sharp eye for lies and a significant urge to uncover deeper truths about the world, other people, and himself. He's highly critical, filtering his observations through a cool and collected lens of rationality, not bending to the speculations and blind optimism shown by his colleagues, investigating matters on his own with careful footing, waiting for evidence before drawing conclusions. I.e., he thought it incredibly naive of Bridges to place such high hopes in the hematic weapons they created using his blood, based on the fact that they seemingly counted on them working as intended without testing them first. Unlike ENTP Higgs, Sam's Ti doesn't take second place to any idealism or restless imagination. Instead, his logic leads him, giving him the stick-to-itiveness to finish what he starts; he isn't intimidated by the minute details of a task, he just does what he has to do and gets the job done. Because Ti is constantly questioning everything at all times, genuine, earned trust is invaluable to ISTPs. Having a person they can be completely themselves with, entirely open with, someone who gets it, is a breath of fresh air to the ISTP, and is a precious rarity to them. Once you lose that trust, you'll likely never get it back. See: Sam and Bridget Strand.
Se (extroverted sensing): You can think of the latter three functions in a cognitive stack as "serving" the dominant function, which is especially true in the case of Ti-Se. Se's role as a function is observing and being present in one's external world, taking note of outward details and external sensory information, which is then fed through Ti to analyze and draw conclusions from. Secondary Se produces keen senses and a high degree of awareness. Thanks to the Se function, ISTPs remain in tune with their environments, notice details others might miss, and react quickly to threats and other stimulus. Unlike personalities that lead with intuition, ISTPs process the world in concrete terms, with few applied metaphors, projected meaning, or comforting illusions, taking the world as it is, not how it could or should be. This gets interesting when the tertiary function is properly developed.
Ni (introverted intuition): Ah, Ni, my oldest and closest friend, being an INTJ myself and thus Ni-dominant. I'm well-equipped to explain this one. Ni is more or less the opposite of Se (just as Ti and Fe are opposing forces in many ways), painting a layer of personal meaning and subjectivity over everything encountered in the world, highly concerned with personal insights and metaphorical/artistic value. Ni is extremely sentimental, clinging to the past with a fierce nostalgia, trusting one's own viewpoint and experience. Interestingly, even when it works unconsciously, Ni influences the ISTP personality further towards independent thought and the instills the innate desire to color outside the established lines in life. Ni seeks personal truth above all else. As mentioned in the Higgs post, the tertiary function is a point of conflict for all personality types, and it doesn't usually develop until middle age unless significant trauma work or self-awareness development occurs earlier in life. (Yeah, I copied that from the prev post, sorry not sorry). And... just like Higgs, Sam has both. Thus, his tertiary Ni is reasonably well-developed, though he does't share much of it with others... at all. He exhibits a well-tuned sense of what certain symbols and ideas mean to him, e.g. from novel: finding a worn-down bone on the Beach, getting incredibly sentimental about how nothing and no one gets the privilege of decaying anymore, feelings sad that life instead is erased from the world in such a brutal manner as necrosis/cremation/voidouts/etc. ("They weren’t returned to this world.") He gives into the urge to lick it on impulse (Sam do also be licking things!!), I presume in an effort to feel connected to the past, as well as curiosity. (Ugh, I love him.) Ne and Ni are extremely detached by nature, despite being defined by their creation of a desire to feel like part of the world, a craving for a sense of rightness and belonging. In the ISTP, Ni shapes the closely-guarded inner world. Hopes, dreams, self-esteem, the deepest of emotions: things ISTPs are extremely private about and protective of, only ever sharing with a select and trusted few, if at all. Ni operates in a going-between manner, using past experiences and insights to predict future outcomes and look forward with a sense of uniquely personal wisdom, which Sam employs quite often with his views on death, connection, humanity, so forth. There's a hushed sort of reverence and respect to his private inner world, buried beneath a layer of messianic guilt, shown in his attachment to history and relics of the pre-Stranding world. There's something so sadly ironic about a man who is the so-called "bridge to the future" holding deep sentiment for the past. Moving on... *sniff.* something in my eye... One more key function of Ni in the ISTP: deduction. Above all, Ni seeks patterns. It draws lines between things like facts, events, and symbols, interpreting their meaning. In a well-developed ISTP, the Ti-Ni axis works from a healthy basis of belief founded on logic, attaching significance to details to form a bigger picture. Example: Sam telling Bridges to study the blood on his broken boots, based on the fact that the BTs reacted to it "more than once." Ni plays a support character to a scientific approach here. Pattern -> deduction -> idea. The Se-Ni axis plays a similar role, as Ni contrasts established insights and sentiments with sensory information, connecting dots between things that might otherwise seem unrelated. Observe, then scrutinize; Ni helps Se to see the forest beyond the trees.
Fe (extroverted feeling): You can think of Fe in terms of group morality, the "us" contained in a person's principles. Because of Fe's role as a Ti-dom's inferior function, ISTPs can come across rather Fi-adjacent, being the rugged individualists they are. True, both IxTPs and personalities with strong Fi move against the grain in society and with their own principles, but in the ISTP, nitpicky, critical, skeptical, distrusting, reliable Ti dictates the approach. Thus, Fe is an awkward bedfellow, its nature highly empathetic, people-pleasing, and to an ISTP, inconveniently warm and fuzzy about things like community and partnership. As the inferior function, and therefore the point of insecurity, discomfort, and stress, ISTP's Fe makes them rather connection-averse; they're capable of great empathy, fellow feeling, and can get caught up in the idea of group harmony (more on that when discussing Sam being enneagram 9), but it's likely to leave said individual feeling drained and moody. Push an ISTP too far, too quickly in this area, and they're liable to leave and never come back... Oh look, that's exactly what Sam did the second time he left Bridges at the end of DS. Still, like any personality type, ISTPs grow and become happier people when they confront their inferior function and learn to occupy it in a healthy way, rather than solely relying on it as a rescue function in times of stress. Sam benefits from forming connections and nurturing this side of himself. Being the bridge, the rope, the strand. Doing so, and forming a strong connection with Lou, enables him to cope with his aphenphosmphobia again. (I say "cope," not "cure," it came back once, it can come back again, speaking as an agoraphobe whose issues come and go with variable severity. Lots of factors at play with phobias.) As an ISTP, Sam needs a balance between personal space/freedom and connection/community to be his best self. This is doubly true in light of him being enneagram 9.
Final thoughts before moving on
ISTP and ENTP share a lot of similarities in their emotional needs, as well as their general attitude about life, but they differ in taking a passive vs. active role in society, so it's no wonder Sam and Higgs have a natural sort of sun/moon dynamic... But let's focus on just Sam. Firstly, he's a classic example of the "grumpy but soft" trope, which is undeniably lovable. ISTPs don't form a large array of deep personal attachments, so the ones they do have are extremely valuable and lifelong if trust is maintained. This is a personality that would jump in front of a moving train without hesitation to protect a loved one. Lucky for Sam (and us), he'll survive! Heh. Seriously, though, ISTPs are loyal and devoted as fuck once they're committed. If you've played Red Dead Redemption 2, take a long look at Arthur Morgan (also enneagram 9!) and you'll see what I mean. While they aren't the best communicators, still waters run deep, and ISTPs are a wellspring of insights, an individualistic set of principles, and strong emotions with love and fierce passion to give. They’re unfortunately prone to getting bogged down in others’ expectations, doing what’s expected of them when they’re unhealthy enough to cave under pressure and slip into people-pleasing habits, doing as they’re told/asked, which fundamentally goes against their rebellious nature. Sam throwing himself headlong into the role Bridges expected of him (twice!) despite not believing in their ideals or methods is a key example. In such circumstances, ISTPs retreat into themselves and trudge along miserably, spite growing all the while. Hence Sam being crabby but subdued for most of the game, only to lash out fiercely at Higgs when provoked and then verbally unload all of his personal resentments—none of it having to do with Higgs!—while hitting him in the final fight.
ISTPs often have a thrill-seeking side (see: Sam laughing and cheering on the ziplines) because they love to cut loose, forget their problems, and have fun. Room to play, both intellectually and physically, is a core need. In these moments, ISTPs radiate joy and crave adventure. They love to joke around and laugh, for once, when they finally have an opportunity to do so. They’re not above playing devil’s advocate and indulging in a good debate if they have the spare energy for it. As an ISTP, Sam is headstrong, creative, and far more vulnerable than he lets on.
(part two: enneagram deep dive)
Tag list: @goldenbridgessss @pylonium
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boxwinebaddie · 2 months
oh, it's not that exciting, it's actualy awful. i mentioned it towards the tail end of chapter five of rm. it's basically what cartman used to call kyle when they were growing up. a really cruel fucked up nickname.
the s.p.c.d,
or rather,
the south park city dump. :(
the sp boys used to be fucking horrible to kyle because cartman ruled their elementary/middle school. and when cartman and the boys saw kyle in the hallway they were like "what are you doing here, broflovski? trash day's tomorrow" or omg whenever he walked ANYWHERE they made the "Beep! Beep! Beep!" trash truck noises, but worst of all was that they used to dump out...Full Trashcans On Him. like spoiled milk, rotted food stuffs, glass bottles that werent put in recycling, crushed aluminum cans that cut his cheeks, all kinds of awful, foul smelling sludge...sigh. :/ ily so much baby jersey.
also, if you want to cry extra hard, i think that being covered in all that disgusting lunchroom trash, feeling it soak thru his shirt, stink down to the skin, pool around his shoes, get buried in his hair -- just feeling that dirty and disgusting and Unclean was one of the factors that made his ocd so severe and it's a large part as to why he takes scorching showers and rubs his skin raw bc especially if he smells something weird or its trash day, he gets triggered & has to SCRUB.
but anygays! you bet your ass that tiny lil stan was giving them ALL the business rippin around on his bike brandishing his hockey stick like a big sword, running them out of town and back to their mommas crying and screaming bloody murder all in that giant wayne gretsky *ravenstan vc* yersey...they were SCARED, lolllll!!!
which is a very interesting juxtaposition to sweet, gentle stan very lovingly picking all the food debris out of his kyles beautiful curly whirly hair before marching him over to the bathroom where while kyle showers, stan always sits on the toliet bc their running joke is that kyle might drown ( yes yersey also can't swim ) while stan listens to rock n colors his nails in w/ sharpie or stolen nail polish from shell.
and he's just like "dude, Fuck them, kyle! those fkn gilipollas are just mad because theyre all total perros and you're the most handsome guy in school, hands down." wHICH? AAA??? tbf stan does say shit like that all the time & Means It bc ravenstan has loved jers from the moment he Heard him but kyle thinks he's fuckin w/ him
bc haha!
very fun joke, stan! hit on the weird, overweight, clunky, awkward, nerdy loser boy to make him feel better about himself! great joke, bro!
not them both bein secretly and painfully in love with each other but convinced that acting on their feelings would ruin their friendship/be unrequited and both of them being like "he is perfect, what would he want with a fuckin Loser like me?" :/ </3 WERE IN HELL!!!
regardless of thinking it was a joke, it totally made kyle blush, my rosecea king and stan was sooo nervous like oh my god, you are SO stupid, stanley marsh!!!!! guapo??? gUAPO BITCH??!!!! ARE U ACTUALLY INSANE!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!!
i love nervous ass tiny stan with his massive universe sized crush on kyle broflovski that he carries around in his black jansport backpack at all times...along with the weight of the world, ofc. we know this.
but anyways..off topic.
closing thoughts?
fuck you fartman.
-uncle nina, tiny but big baby jersey kyle defense club
( don't touch my sweet son!!! MY BABY!!!!! )
p.s. i'm sorry i just started making new sections without warning. i wanted a way to post about what the boys looked or acted like during different periods of their lives -- so like, satana ( which is what stans mom called him ) refers to the period of time before the fire and kyle's 'the s.p.c.d.' section also refers to that period of time.
it's cool you guys are so perceptive tho! i hope you like them <333 you're always welcome to ask me questions about them xx
#the spcd nickname always makes me want to cry#i love you baby jersey kyle he is my angel#the world was so cruel to him#just for being fat too like#everyone who has ever hurt jersey can go hell right after they meet with me and i beat the living shit out of them...til they Die#stan was mad over protective too and stan was weird but he had Clout from being pretty so he was like IF I SEE THAT SHIT AGAIN ITS OVER#and then goes to lovingly tend to kyle like dude im so sorry you dont deserve this shit look im gonna tell their moms#and theyre gonna get so busted and have to pay you back for al your clothes...then we pretend to hit the gap and go to good will instead#and use the rest to buy tokens at the arcade or buy the new mario game and see who can finish a pizza faster its me btw#theyre in love ur honor like why didnt i give them a chance like they were...so married#ALSO AN ANON ASKED ME ABOUT BALLET KY#YES JERSEY TOOK BALLET it wasn't his idea it was an accident bc they were marking electives#and ballet was RIGHT next to basketball and then basketbal got full and sheila was like I ALREADY BOUGHT YOU SHOES UR GOING#and like at first it was really awkward but i think kyle actually really liked the structure of ballet and when u dance beautifully#what he found is that no one had anything to say about his weight just that his pirouette was perfect it was freeing#he dropped it during the kyley b era#but picked it up again in college and its kind of a form of self harm and he fucks up his feet very badly trying to be perfect#also hes like fuck all those people who laughed at me im perfect now im fucking perfect i have to show them i have to be the best#sigh...kyle kyle kyle...ill elaborate on that more in one of the ballet kyle asks but kyle loves ballet and going to preformances#ice skating and dainty refined stuff which is cute bc theyre very nosm like jers on ice skates and stan w the hockey stick during winter
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rosetheex-editor · 4 months
[Video transcript begin.]
[The transcript begins from the front jacket pocket as someone sits at a table seemingly waiting on something, or someone. After another minute some can be heard humming a song identified as “Sympathy for the devil.” Then seconds later. A pair of legs in bloody cut up jeans pop into frame.]
?: You've seen better days! Huh Rosie?
[Voice identified: Emi Henderson.]
Em: So bitch, shall we march to your death yet?
?: Sit down. We have a few minutes, so sit down.
[Voice identified: Rose Elizabeth Henderson.]
Em: Sure, why not.
[Emi sits down at the same makeshift table, her pink hair hanging down her shoulders. Her eye focused on Rose, a look of success shining across her face.]
R: You’re mad I killed you right?
Em: Yuh huh.
R: I'm sorry, genuinely I am so so so fucking sorry… If I could go back, stop what I did… I would.
[Emi's smile fades, she looks at Rose. Anger now boiling over, though she remains able to keep her cool.]
Em: Too bad you can't, it was too late to apologize years ago Rose. Now today is the day this all ends.
R: Emi… Please listen to m-
[Rose is cut off by the sound of an alarm going off on Rose's side, after a few seconds it shuts off and Emi stands up. As does Rose.]
Em: Grab the kid.
?: I…
[Voice identified: Sparrow.]
[Rose turns to face the voice, a child with medium length brown hair sitting in a red wagon. They are holding a purple music box in their hands.]
R: Come on kid… You're going to see Jenny, I promised.
Sp: What about you..?
R: I'll be fine ok? I promise you.
Em: Hurry up stupid.
[Rose grabs the handle of the wagon beginning to follow Emi who stops at the exit.]
R: W- What?
Em: You first.
R: I… Um
Em: Oh please, I know you aren't scared.
R: Right… I uh… Sorry.
[Rose walks past Emi, it’s unclear if she's actually following behind. The sound of Sparrow's wagon tones out the footsteps as they are seemingly sped up by Sparrow themselves.]
R: Sparrow calm down.
Sp: Don't trust her. Neither should you.
R: I don't fucking trust her Sparrow. I never said that.
Sp: Then why apologize?
R: I can apologize and not trust someone all the same.
Sp: No. Not her.
R: Sparrow it's going to be fine. Nothing bad will happen… At least not to you.
Sp: Please. Don't die here.
R: I won't… Not here.
Sp: That's good… Don't want to tell Jenny that. No way.
R: Yeah uh… Yeah.
[The two move in silence for a few seconds. Before Sparrow sighs.]
Sp: If anything happens. I'll find Mari and the others while you run to get the window open.
R: Sparro-
Sp: You heard me. Do what you have to do.
[Rose sighs, seemingly annoyed.]
R: Fine. Whatever.
Sp: Thank you, I appreciate it.
R: So… What are you going to do when you get out?
Sp: Give mama a hug, ask for a sandwich. Probably take a nap. Beds seem comfy.
R: Fair honestly.
Sp: You?
R: Order pizza, maybe ask Edgar if he wants to watch a movie. Dunno.
[The two continue moving through the mall for a few seconds until they reach a darker area, Rose begins moving slowly.]
R: Sparrow slow your breathing for a second…
[A very faint humming is heard, the song cannot be identified. It is seemingly not heard by Rose. She keeps walking very slowly, after a few seconds the humming stops.]
R: Nothing… Nothing at all…
[It remains quiet as Rose continues walking, the only sounds from the wagon and Rose's breathing that’s until… A loud scream is heard from Sparrow, followed by Sparrow attempting to speed off ripping Rose down to the ground. Sparrow gets free and can be heard rolling their wheels to get away from someone running. The sound of someone being chased is heard as Sparrow screams at Rose.]
R: [Pained.] S- Sparrow… I- I…
Sp: RUN!
[The wagon and the other person seemingly continue moving away until they can't be heard as Rose quickly gets up and repositions the camera.]
R: Run… Run…
[Rose slowly begins running the way she was going, a limp in her run as she gains speed and gets back into an area with some light. No words spoken for 3 minutes as she runs.]
[Rose continues to run, passing multiple blurry areas as she does. This lasts for 5 minutes until Rose seemingly sees someone stopping.]
R: Sparrow doesn't know…
[Rose slowly begins running again, this time a set of blurry people are in frame. Seemingly 5 people, Rose runs up to the group. making it close enough to see a child with curly blue hair.]
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justalia · 11 months
Hello Alia,
Hope you're doing fine!
Okay so, I recently understood everything and what was happening for me as I was wondering why my 3D wasn't reflecting my committed relationship with my SP and him being in love when I was almost there the whole time. It's been since like march I feel like I'm having him hot/cold, but we have a relationship almost like a couple, it's just the romantic parts that were missing this whole time (holding hands, kisses, i love u, and commitement).
As u said in an earlier post : I was being in the neutral "manifesting him" + "not believing he actually loves me" + stuck on his ACTUAL version of him --> that is why I was so lost, bc I kept having my attention on the 3D him and movement and whenever it wasn't going as I wanted : back again in a lower state. I was just like "ok the 3D is old idc etc" but then still focused on him in my mind and imagining scenes where he would say to his friends we're not back together, just chilling etc...
NOWWW, yesterday I understood everything, but as I took that into notice, I had a massive burst of anxiety, and my 3D still triggering me... i don't understand why, i tried meditating this morning, but I'm on a loop having him constantly in my mind and I'm in the state "I know now what to do but I'm anxious and he is already reflecting that in the 3D, wow he is reflecting me soooo fast if I can go back into the state I know he's gonna reflect me in a matter of days but I seem like I can't get out of this anxiety and looking at him otherwise than this actual version" while we were datin for 7 years and I re read messages of him always saying he loves me, i'm his wife and stuff.
Do u have any advice on how to take the focus off of this actual version, and ease myself ? get out of this state now that I took notice? Is it self sabotaging that now that I understood everything maybe my old self is scared that I can have it bc it has been usef to the manifesting/struggle ? WHY i have anxiety when I just understood what I was doing wrong and now I could totally just focus on this loving version of him loving me :(
hi love, i relate to this a lot as i struggle w anxiety myself so i hope my words can be of ease.
what has helped me a lot was just thinking about focusing on my state just for the sake of feeling good.
you know the law, you know imagination is the only reality but do you actually KNOW that the 3D will never EVER be able to fulfill you?
the 3D could be showing you all kinds of things but you will always only experience imagination.
me saying that imagination is the only reality is not a way of comforting you. it is the truth.
you could have an amazing 3D and still find a way to be indifferent to it and imagine “bad” stuff.
i know it because i did it in the past. the 3D will never be able to give me anything, your sp coming in, money, that car, it will never EVER be able to actually give you the feeling of fulfillment unless YOU as god attach it to the physical experience.
knowing this you can see how the physical world will never be able to give you anything. only YOU can give your desire to yourself.
don’t be too hard on yourself, realize that time is not even a thing and don’t put too much pressure on yourself, you don’t NEED to do everything right as soon as you understand the law.
it is always simpler than you think and you can never be stuck in a state, don’t condemn yourself for the state you have fallen in (which in your case is “i understand everything but i have anxiety and i can’t apply idk what to do”).
when you fall into a bad state do not question why or how this has happened JUST SIMPLY CHANGE IT. remind yourself that imagination is the only reality and you already have your sp, having them in imagination is your success bc that’s the only reality.
stop seeing the 3D as reality and start seeing it as a mere reflection of your dwelling state, whatever you experience is your creation. don’t be mad or hate your creation just simply experience something else in imagination.
do it just for the sake of feeling good bc you don’t deserve to feel bad about your 3D if you know you can actually have what you want at the blink of an eye.
don’t focus so much on the 3D reflecting and just let it be, leave it alone, stop wondering about what’s happening and if you’re interacting w your sp just remember that you actually know what’s the truth: imagination.
be indifferent to it and how they act in the 3D as they are not even the version you want, let it be, the 3D reality is not your reality therefore the “problems” in that world are not yours.
you don’t have to fix anything bc those are nor your problems anymore, you already got what you wanted by embodying the version of yourself who has it in imagination.
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spinthetags · 23 days
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Happy voting! May the best song win!
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alister312 · 1 year
the sp character bracket thing going on has me really inspired and wanting to do my own march madness thing so this is the first soft announcement that i'll be doing a south park minor/background characters bracket come march 👀
it'll be a true march madness bracket with 64 characters, all sorted into seeds 1-16 based on how popular within the fandom/show they seem to be. i'm only doing child/student minor characters and i do already have them all selected. once i figure out how to make it all look pretty i'll have a more official announcement but i wanna start it on march 1st!!
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boydvoid · 5 months
ur old sp posts r SO real i heart them…if u can u should go to da winter concert on the 4th…u know where it is…i highly recommend because i know u were in band not choir buttttt there is a chance this is the last year we have a choir because lund said this is the last year admin will let him run a small class :( there’s like ten of us total and it’s just one choir class…makes me mad because next year ill be a four year member so ill be PISSED if choir is eliminated…also that photo of mr lund with brown hair is cursed. idk why but i always thought he was a blond because his gray hair is super light. sorry to dump in ur inbox also btw i was also the anon from a while ago too. sphs music department 4 life. RAH
Thank you. That's a real bummer about the choir, though. I heard they don't have a marching band anymore either, which breaks my heart. I hope it doesn't come to that for choir.
Support the arts in schools, everyone!
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packedwithpackards · 1 year
E.P.W. Packard... and Susan B. Anthony?: A connection on paper
As you may remember (or not), back in January 2018, I first wrote about my ancestor, E.P.W. Packard, otherwise known as Elizabeth Parsons Ware Packard, a person who crusaded against mental asylums across the country, leading to the creation of "Packard Laws" to limit their use. I wrote about her again in June 2018, March 2019, March 2019, and August 2019, among other posts. I'd recommend reading all four of those posts. Anyway, I recently came across a page in the diaries of Susan B. Anthony, where she mentions Elizabeth! In a diary entry on May 28, 1870, she writes that she talked to Elizabeth, saying that "she has been in insane asylum for years, because of unbelief in Orthodoxy," with her husband a minister. [1] Sadly, that's it.
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However, this connection is even more profound, as it means that Elizabeth had direct ties to the women's rights movement, especially the struggle for suffrage for women, as Anthony has founded the National Woman Suffrage Association only one year prior in 1869. Does this mean that Elizabeth was on the front lines of that movement? Of that, I'm not sure, but it definitely gives another avenue for future research, to be sure.
It is interesting that in 1860, when Elizabeth was imprisoned, Anthony was visiting Lydia Mott, her friend, in Albany, New York, and later dedicated herself to helping a woman named Phoebe Phelps. We also know that E.P.W. seems to have distanced herself from the movement, as she was compelled to curry public opinion in order to convince male legislators to vote in her favor, moving forward her objectives, and felt closer to James Bradwell, who was a moderate, than Anthony, who was more "radical." [2] She later had to rent out part of her house as a result of the Chicago Fire destroying a printing press which had her name plates for books.
Ultimately, E.P.W. did not follow what Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Anthony had done in the past: linking abuses in mental asylums to "laws disadvantaging women." [3]
[1] Anthony, Susan B. Susan B. Anthony Papers: Daybook and Diaries, -1906; Diaries; 1870. 1870. Manuscript/Mixed Material. https://www.loc.gov/resource/mss11049.mss11049-001_00519_00682/?q=packard&sp=53.
[2]  Linda V. Carlisle, Elizabeth Packard: A Noble Fight (US: University of Illinois Press, Nov 15, 2010), ISBN 9780252090073, p. 159-161, 163.
[3] Kim E. Nielsen, Money, Marriage, and Madness: The Life of Anna Ott (US: University of Illinois Press, 2020), ISBN 9780252052026, p 89.
Note: This was originally posted on Jan. 28, 2021 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2021-2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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oops-itssteveperry · 3 years
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Journey, Winds of March, Capital Theatre, 1978 (X)
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