#soulriders books
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jorvikgender · 9 months
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pros of your dad working at a bookstore include an occasional free book when something happens to arrive broken
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wallflowergirl2006 · 3 months
My DDLC + OCs Headcanons-
I was bored and decided to this instead of being productive. (JKJKJK!!)
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Monika- Cis girl (She/It) but in a forest deity type of way. Definitely has a love for music (Piano) and poetry. She is very much a lover girl when she falls in love with someone. Definitely neurotypical (I can’t pick up any ND vibes from here.) Pansexual Icon OFC! Definitely listen to that one Keyshia Cole song “Love” and Laufey. Has a bit of obsessive tendencies but not as much as Yuri. Definitely prefers tea over coffee. Still very much a perfectionist but is trying to get better at taking breaks when she needs it. I also headcanon her to be Swedish. (She’s a bit delulu 😺)
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Sayori- Agender (She/They) She doesn’t really care how you refer to her as long as isn’t rude. Definitely Onmisexual (Pref for Guys) They have signs of ADHD but it was never confirmed whether she has it or not but the signs are there. (Parents didn’t get her checked out.) She prefers cold/warm foods and drinks. <— (Projection) She’s not a fan of people who dislike their friends or people who bash their friend’s interests. She definitely has depression if you know her well enough you can tell when their mood changes or when their happy go lucky facade is breaking. Sayori likes milk but prefers strawberry milk over chocolate. She definitely listens to Taylor Swift and Meghan Trainor. (Definitely listen to Love Story by Talyor on repeat.)
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Yuri- Demigirl (She/Her) She is a girl but not at the same time. She is lesbian demisexual in my opinion. She gives off Toriel (Undertale) vibes. She loves horror but something tells me she likes reading about women’s history as well. (Specifically Jeanne d'arc, Emilia Plater, and Empress Sisi’s stories.) I headcanon her to have Autism <— (Projection) and some obsessive traits. I also hc that she, Imogen (OC), and Sayori go to therapy together. She also doesn’t like to admit it but she sometimes likes reading with Natsuki. (I like to think that they trade books with each other but they think of each other as well.) (Like Natsuki will maybe pick up a Manga that has a few scary elements in it for Yuri while Yuri will try to find a horror or thriller book that is not too scary for Natsuki.) Definitely listen to Mitski, Marina and maybe The Neighborhood.
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Natsuki- Transfem (She/Her) I hc her as Bi-Questioning. Like she knew she liked men but when she looks at pretty girls she can feel her heart flutter and a small blush spread across her face. (She also started to question herself when she noticed herself liking some females in the manga she reads.) She definitely has a lot of anxiety from her father’s outbursts. Which developed a lot of problems for her like being very reserved, she tends to push people away and has built a very high wall to keep people out but she desperately craves friendship and something like a sisterhood. (Examples: SSO: The Soulriders, MLP: The Mane 6, or even the Mario Princess: Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Pauline (Ik Pauline isn’t a princess but shhh 🤫) and she loves Manga and short stories. Listen to Lana Del Ray, Olivia Rodrigo and possibly Mother Mother.
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MC- Demiboy (He/They) Definitely Aroace (Specifically Lithromantic Gray-Ace) He is very much neurotypical. He originally came to the clubroom to get with the girls but after a while his attraction towards the girls faded and they kinda stayed because they liked the girls company and because he was getting the hang of poem writing thanks to Monika. They give off Kris vibes from Deltarune. (Appearance wise) Very much introverted and socially awkward towards people and is a bit dense. He is a gamer but tends to stick to chill games rather than action pack ones. (Ex: Stardew Valley, Abzu, Animal Crossing.) But on rare occasions he does play Detroit becomes human, Untitled Goose Game, and Life is Strange. Listens to Will Wood, Pitbull, and James Arthur.
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(OC) Imogen- Cis Straight Girl (She/They) Has Audhd (Autism and ADHD) and Social Anxiety Has a hard time making friends due to her autism and social anxiety making her a loner at school. <— (Projecting) Surprisingly MC was the one who came up to them and asked them to join the club. They were hesitant at first but MC reassuringly told her that it would be a great opportunity to make some friends and when she heard the word “friends” she immediately said yes. They love Greek Mythology and Dystopian themed books and they also indulge in romance books. They also happen to be a gamer as well. She mostly plays adventure games and some visual novels. (Ex: Sky: Children Of Light, Never Alone, Starshine Legacy, and Slay The Princess.) Imogen and MC watch each other play sometimes. (Like he could be playing Animal Crossing while Imogen is playing SSO {Star Stable Online} ) Very very much on the introverted side but is very passionate to talk about her interests. Also she listens to Beach Bunny, Kesha, and Loreen.
They are also in a QPR with their partner Zane.
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(OC) Zane- Nonbinary (He/They) Aroace (Cupioromantic & Asexual) Neurotypical as well. He was a very extroverted person with any person they interacted with. Before they came to terms that they were Aroace they tried so hard to get those “romantic feelings” but every time he tried it always failed. He gave up on love for a bit but then a pretty girl (Imogen) came and invited them to a literature club? He decided to go with it and join the club. He is very much an expert at poetry but the literature he enjoys is Mystery and Graphic Novels. They give off great big brother vibes.. Is pretty much a big goofy teddy bear. Developed queerplatonic feelings for Imogen. They were the one who asked her out because she was too anxious to do so. Listens to Cavetown, Alec Benjamin, and Bo Burnham.
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All together HCs-
MC and Sayori were both best friends when Imogen joined the two. Sayori immediately invited them with open arms.
Natsuki and Zane both team up to try to convince Monika and Yuri that manga and graphic novels are literature.
Imogen suggests that they could do book reviews and recommendations sometimes for a club meeting instead of just doing poems.
Like I said before Yuri, Sayori and Imogen are therapy buddies (They're also trying to get Natsuki to go to therapy but Natsuki is stubborn and says that she doesn’t need therapy.) (She very much does need it 😹)
Yuri and Natsuki spend time with each other in bookstores, cute cafes and maybe even at Yuri’s house doing a variety of things. From reading to binge watching shows to listening to random podcasts and music.
Monika and Sayori are such hopeless romantics wanting to be loved and appreciated by a significant other.
Sometimes the group will go to someone’s house and watch movies together. Everyone gets there early so everyone can have a turn picking a movie.
Zane is a very affectionate person while Imogen is very touch starved and she literally melts when Zane shows her any form of affection.
Everyone in the club has codenames for when they're talking shit about someone (That’s not in the club..)
Everyone cares and loves each other in many different ways.
Yuri and Monika often try different teas together and tell each other how they feel about it.
Yuri, Zane, and Imogen get along really well because of interests in books.
Sayori tries her best to help Natsuki with her eating habits. (Like sharing her lunch or carrying around an extra snack.) and Natsuki bakes Sayori some yummy treats in return for her kindness but not without saying that she was only doing it because she didn’t want to owe her anything.
That’s about it.. (Not doing ships unless it’s for my OCs.)
(Also Tell Me Why I Had Such A Hard Time Spelling Straight??? 😹😹)
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apples-stables · 2 years
SSO-OC Ask Game!!
Okay gang i'm bored again, so I'm throwing my energy back into OC stuff! uwu
Ask away! (and feel free to reblog so you can also play <33)
What’s their Zodiac Sign?
Do they believe in horoscopes?
Are they superstitious? 
What are their pronouns?
What’s their sexuality/romantic orientation?
Are they a morning bird or night owl?
What’s their fondest memory with one of their horses?
Do they have a family? (Are they on good terms with them?)
Where are they from originally?
How did they get to Jorvik?
What are their thoughts on Pandoria?
Druids or Darkcore? 
How did they meet the Soulriders? Are they on good terms with them?
Who’s their best friend? Their worst enemy?
Are they a magic user? How did they find out?
Are they related to anyone in Jorvik?
What’s their favorite city/town in Jorvik?
City-folk or Country-bumpkin? 
Introvert or Extrovert?
What do they do when meeting new people?
What’s their favorite pastime? 
Do they have any hobbies or talents?
What are they the best at? The worst at? 
If they were granted one wish right now, what would they wish for?
If you had to describe them in 3 words, what would you say?
What’s their favorite time of year?
Do they have any favorite holidays?
What’s some stereotypical popular things that they like/secretly like? (i.e. Pumpkin Spice Lattes, scrunchies, etc)
Do they like technology or social media?
How did they react when they first met a horse in real life? 
Who did they first meet in Jorvik? (if it was their parents, who next?) 
What’s their favorite thing to do on horseback?
What’s their favorite movie or book?
What’s one song, or album, that they could listen to forever? 
How are they in conversation? (are they talkative? A good listener? Do they space out a lot?) 
What do they daydream about? 
Who was one person they thought they were going to hate but begrudgingly came to love? 
What’s their favorite festival in Jorvik? 
What’s their favorite color?
What’s their comfort food?
How would you describe their style/aesthetic? 
What’s their favorite childhood memory?
If you had to compare them to one other fictional character, what character comes to mind?
Do they have any crushes right now?
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i-rate-horse-games · 2 months
starshine legacy playthrough part 4.3
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i had a lot of glitches with the dialogue there… what did i miss… guess i’ll find out! ouch burnt my finger on my poor laptop
Level 3 - The Destiny of the Soulriders
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oh ok thanks game!!
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lisa referenced her dad but alex’s mom has a Portrait! impressive! and her roots are brown! so alex’s hair probably is also brown! that makes sense bc the Prophecy Fortold that the warrior would have brown hair but only the sightseer has brown hair. been wondering about that
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girl WHAT are you planning with a lil kid wearing a soda hat
ah. she’s ransoming him for the horse. ok
i love how anne was all “ugh lisa’s crazy, talking about magic powers and talking to her horse… what’s that? my horse is talking to me? nah, i’m just stressed…” but alex never even questioned it. she just went straight from “oh, that’s my horse whose thoughts i can now hear” to “whoa, just like lisa and linda! cool…” like she just got shown a psychic vision and she’s not at all concerned about the mystical parts of that. good for her!
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like she JUST got initiated into secret magic society and she doesn’t even know if mr herman has heard about it or believes in it or anything but instantly she’s like THIS HAPPENED in full confidence that he’ll believe it. alex rocks
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FINALLY SOMEONE ADMITS THE PATH IS TREATUEROUSE ! Treah. trecharuous. treacherous . thanks autocorrecet
we just fell off a cliff into the sea… rip alex.
aw rats! fripp says katja is with the baddies…   …wait. wait, was katja the cool emo violinist who made storms who i met in sso? was that her??? i just noticed recently that the four girls in the sso loading image are Those Four… the plot thickenings!!
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so funny… big complex explanation to alex on how to use her powers by being in two worlds at once and then he just says “(click left mouse button)”. incredibly dangerous powers that can never be used… click left mouse button
wwwwWWAIT A SECOND! katja’s face is on the GLAMOUR POSTERS!! 
Level 4 - the legend of Garnok
alex just said she would simply Stun the goons with her power, the dangerous power, the power that takes life away,
in this chapter we learn that Garnok exists and is bad & lisa’s dad who works for the dark core just got summoned to the garnok project work site, so garnok is the thing sleeping in the spaceship under the sea and they’re about to be raised! wahooooo
Level 5 - Dark Core Garnok Project
aughh there’s 5 goons to murder without getting caught and i’ve been caught twice so far. this is major because there’s a cutscene and a trail to follow every time i have to restart the mission. murder is hard
wait…     there’s also a tunnel that goes under the sea straight to the garnok project that i’ve been walking past??? so what’s the place with the fight i’ve been going to, then??? mysterious…
ah, ok. gotta fight the goons in order to open the grate they’ve got on the tunnel to keep kids like me from breaking and entering. wah
i got to the keycard that i need to pick up but i couldn’t click to pick it up because it just kept doing the soulstrike again… guess i need to kill all of the goons first in order to get it…
i have lost track of the number of times i’ve restarted this mission
I GOT THE KEYCARD!!! and only killed 1 goon!
love it when you’re eavesdropping on a guy and he says “good thing that scary girl doesn’t have this book that i’m holding, otherwise she’d be able to defeat us! lmao ammiright lads”
phew! it onlys sent me back to the tunnel!! i don’t have to get the keycard again!! thanks game!!!
missed again
my blast went over their head this time
ok we did all that to get a book about rules that even evil people follow during fights, and using it we can now banish people to the shadow dimension???? isn’t that anne’s thing? oh well
last part
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whiteteecup · 4 months
Linda Chanda
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Linda is one of the soulriders, she is in the moon circle and her powers are related to time, she often has visions but she can't control them. Linda is a curious person and her curiosity often puts her in trouble She loves to read and lose herself in the fictional world, her favorite book is Peter Pan Her horse is Meteor and they compete in showjumping together.
Link to my work:
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sshadovv · 5 months
✨📚 🛸? :)
✨️ [STARS] -> Does your Character have any powers? Including anything beside what is known from current SSO Lore (the Circles, etc.)
Actually, no! Despite her connection to the Aideen keepers, she has no magical abilities of any of the Circles or other powers. So aside from the usual skills she has nothing special, just enthusiasm and a desire for adventure :) 📚 [BOOK STACK] -> What is your Original Character's story? Not just in SSO's canon main story - what is your Character's deal in general?
July has several "versions" of her story, as she is still one of the characters in my universe based on the SSL. But since this is specifically about the SSO version of her now, I'll tell you more about it, although it's still very unclear. July was born in Jorvik City, to a fairly ordinary family. As a teenager, city life bored her, and information about a horse camp in Moorland came to her attention. She decided to go there for the summer, but ended up staying there for a long time, involved in a story you all know. During these adventures she met many new friends, including Silver, a guy who also got caught up in the maelstrom of events (maybe I'll tell you more about him later!). They eventually grew close, but Silver was constantly trying to keep July from getting into more trouble on her own head. As I said, July has no magical abilities, but she enjoys getting involved in new ventures, so she participated in many soulrider's adventures.
And 🛸 [U.F.O] was already in the previous post :)
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gladewood · 1 year
i feel like 2nd to anne linda is the soulrider who has gone through the most stuff 😭 she had to stop a bomb from going off and flooding jorvik, already had an unfair amount of responsibility pushed on her before that, was held captive by a much older figure of authority for smth she didn't even mean to find, and if we're counting the books, was terrorized by sabine around pinehill mansion
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sadie-wolfdawn · 11 months
ASK GAME!! 13, 23, 28, 34, 39! (apples-stables)
13) How did they meet the Soulriders? Are they on good terms with them?
Sadie's story matches the canon of the game pretty well- in my mind she became besties with alex and slowly got looped into soul rider business. she absolutely is on good terms with them all, but especially alex (and maya) are her besties :)
23) What are they the best at? The worst at?
theyre more of a jack of all trades, so 'best' is hard, but high up would be her foraging / identifying edible plants and fungi. ever since farah got her into it shes become a total fiend- you will not see her without at least one expandable foraging pouch. they also have like, a small collection of books on the subject that they've picked up and a fancy little foraging knife (like a pocket boline or something?). worst.... the "cute" answer is crotchet (but she still tries because she really wants to make like little crotcheted plushes for her friends), but the honest one is just... insight into other people / social skills in general. I don't want to get like, too dark or anything but they have not had a good home life + its affected her ability to a) make friends b) have good boundaries c) sus people out. (ie, shes currently trying hard to befriend the dark riders that shes met, because she just.... doesn't know where to draw lines yet. they'll get there).
28) What’s some stereotypical popular things that they like/secretly like? (i.e. Pumpkin Spice Lattes, scrunchies, etc)
this is so hard because I do not know whats hip with the kids these days fskjhfkjshf I am 22 but also a little old lady. idk if it counts but sadie is very like.... #goblincore. they would do numbers on tumblr with original content about like... mushrooms and bug photos lol. also she likes the oh hellos? is that something the kids are into? idk man. im a hermit 😂
34) What’s one song, or album, that they could listen to forever?
I am actively working on a playlist of music sadie listens to! this is great timing. I think Foxlore by The Crane Wives is Her Album tm but also The Horror and the Wild by The Amazing Devil- both the song and album.
39) What’s their favorite color?
green! but yellow and black rank very high on that list too :)
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ald3r-wolfcak3 · 2 years
SSO Oc ask game! - 31, 28, 7, 13, 20 (apples-stables) <33
7 - What's their fondest Memory with one of their horses
Alder - When Koda was able go through a forest without having a panic attack.
Pheonix - Ofc her first gold w/ Smookmoon
William - Probably the first time when he was able to lay next to Deepwater in the field and just take a nap
13 - How did they meet the Soulriders? Are they on good term with them?
Alder - Alex used to do some work for the rangers. When Linda dissapeared Alex asked the rangers for help, but only Alder was free to do anything. And well, he accidentally find out he is one of them. He is kinda good with them, he has closer frienship w/ Alex and Linda than Lisa or w/ Anne.
Phoenix - After he met Alder, he started stalking him and nagging him to start teaching her how to use *the* magic she has. Alder was too tired to babysitting another girl so he intruduced her to the soulriders. She is good w/ Alex, Linda and Lisa. She is weird around Anne since after Anne disappeared everbody started calling her "the next Anne"
William - In his time there was no soulriders.
20 - What do they do when meeting new people?
Alder - Trying to be friendly, but he bit anxious around new faces, but he doing his best!
Phoenix - She is a bit obnoxius around people. Pretty loud, trying to be in spotlight. Some don't understand her good intent, so they easily make bad assumption about her.
William - He is your gloomy and edgy 19 century guy, who prefer books toward humans. He mostly met people at banquets and other social gathering, and don't even try to look friendly
28 - What's some stereotypical popular things that they like/secretly like?
Alder - Probably going to Hot Topic (Jor Topic lol) and wearing band shirts lol. Idk really since he mostly out in the wild, he is a bit late from trends
Phoenix - Everything frog related. She owns the color green, so ofc her fav animal is frog. She has frog bucket cap, frog shaped bags. She even god a sadle pad with frogs on it!
William - Oscard Wild. I have no canon birth date or death date for him, but I am 100% he used to love reading stuff from Oscard Wild
31 - Who did they first meet in Jorvik? (I kinda answear this who was their first friends since they living Jorvik from a pretty young age)
Alder - After he and his mother moved to Jorvik, he met Edwin. They used to be classmates in middle school then high school, but since then Edwin went to England.
Pheonix - She born in Jorvik, so idk probably some stable-boy from his father's academy.
William - His nanny. She even let him ride with her when the count and countess was out the manor.
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stainlesssteellocust · 10 months
Other random thoughts on book 8
adding Potential Demon Baby to the "how the hell are you gonna wrap up all these plot hooks in just one book, Charlie" list, unless he does the obvious and just writes more in the setting under a different name (IIRC 'The Laundry Files' wasn't his idea, maybe the publishers just wanted to reel in Harry Dresden fans?)
Mhari's whole scheme to take out Schiller is the most fun I have ever had reading her in the series, play of the game to you, Mhari
In contrast, Mo crashing into the tongueripper thingies and immediately drifting off to the sex pollen nonsense while Cassie crashes in right next to her and remained, as far as we can tell, entirely lucid was something of an L, sorry Dominique
Speaking of that, Cassie treating the whole operation like one big game until the tonguerippers, something she personally recognised from back home, entered the equation, was interesting. Everything else was just silly human nonsense. She was excited to fight those 'soulriders' we never saw. She mainlined power from her Host to tear through zombies (or maybe from Alex? It's unclear, Mo said she was too far from the Host to draw power, but Alex was sworn into it, was nearby, and has a lot of raw power, so maybe she used him as a battery?). She literally laughed at a god. But when she saw something that reminded her of her homeworld? Then she got scared. The only other thing that bothered her was Fabian. Points for the "Everyone else angsts over a looming apocalypse while First sees Earth as one big holiday" theory.
the idea that there's American doomsday preppers who have coincidentally figured out the real reason the world is gonna end and are actually right this time is sending me
what with Alex freaking out over whether Cassie was going to be safe, I wonder what happened when they met back up - did he fuss over her while Mo was still unconscious, or, considering he's been living with this girl for a month now and Bob keeps noting they're inseperable, did he just go "she's skipping about talking loudly and making extremely out-of-place movie references, she's fine" and immediately calm down?
Fabian telling people to stay still and them losing the ability to breathe was cool
While they generally weren't as disturbing as in Apocalypse Codex (more hateable, yeah, but less horrifying), the Golden Promise's 'Christian' trappings slowly peeling away was genuinely creepy
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jorvegian-goddess · 4 years
Jorvik Calling: A Review
My review of Soul Riders #1: Jorvik Calling. Having reread the book a few times, I’ll give it a 4 out of 5 stars. Full review is below.
Jorvik Calling is a fun story about magic, mystery, friendship, and horses. Set on the picturesque island of Jorvik, four young girls from different walks of life are brought together by fate and discover their part in an ancient legend. Helena Dahlgren does a great job of retelling the Starshine Legacy games and how they connect to the world and story of Star Stable Online.
That’s not to say this book is without its flaws. Most of my critics have to do with the fact that the book is quite below my age level; that being said, it is perfect for learning more lore about SSO.
Another critic I have about the book is its pacing: I found the beginning and middle to have much slower pace (for the most part) compared to the end, and this just felt off to me when reading it. After many chapters of the same pace, suddenly jumping into action and coincidental happenings made it feel almost rushed to me.
The ending also threw me off a bit. When reading the summaries of this book and its yet-to-be-released sequel, I was under the impression that ending of Jorvik Calling would be less abrupt than what it was.
This is not necessarily a bad thing; just something that has stuck with me for a while after finishing the book. It has definitely motivated me to get the second book.
It also has a definite feminine-girl-power narrative to it; again, this is not a thumbs-down given the present target audience of both the book and the game. I for one would be interested, in seeing a book from Star Stable that has a more broad target audience
Overall, Jorvik Calling is a great book for young readers who are already playing the game or want to get into it. It’s also good for older players who want to revisit our old friends from SSL in a new way and learn more about the mysterious island of Jorvik.
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soul4sisters · 5 years
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This is third book about star stable. Unfortunately, this will come 1 November in swedish language only :(
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littlelionturtle95 · 6 years
Are you?
Sometimes life forces you to make choices that will changes the future, recoverable. It's true that you choose your own road through life. You shape your own destiny. But sometimes the fate choose for you. The legend is about a girl on a horse who will save the world. Her light and knowledge will disperse darkness and chaos, and make everything right again.
Are you that girl?
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windforestsso · 3 years
So the comic book "Soulriders: song of Darkness" have Avalon without the hood. So you can see his face.
For anyone that want to see it, or dont want to see it, the photos of Avalons face will be under 'read more'
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Evergrey and Avalon are very alike.
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You know what i want in sso?
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I want this book reading function added to a actual library. There are so much space and books for that, and most of all, it’s a Library. You read info there, mostly during quests but it would be fun to read in there.
Topics that could be read about in Library:
Unrealistic colors that Jorvik Horses have 
Amazing and rich history of the Riding schools in Jorvik
Dark core’s history (the same that is SSL1ep3)
Jorvik’s Astrology and weird everyday life’s connections to stars. Also stardust, star stones, meteor showers and all those things from SSL
Studies of Aideen’s Legend 
Things that Professor Giopertus would have written. (Ocean and nature and astrology)
More lore about Pinehill Village, Pinehill Mansion and Pinehill stables
Multi-universe theory (hints about Pandoria and different timelines that would fill some of the plot holes)
The many runestones that are found all around Jorvik
The different Minerals found in Jorvik and how rich mines are in Jorvik
Galloper Thompsons lore
Witches and the Scarecrow hill
The Harp and what music means in Jorvik.( Kyomi’s singing waking a Coma patient from Star Academy comic, many artists of Jorvik)
Sightings of Yeti, white deer and other animal typer mythical creatures( and that weird blue chipmunk, idk guys have you seen it. I haven’t)
Traditional and known riding competitions of Jorvik (Claymore, Direct)
And many more, these are what came to my mind while thinking about this. Maybe even there could be things that are mentioned in the Soulriders books series, for those who haven’t read or bought the books. Like my stepbrother who likes the game, the mystery but does not want to buy the books. 
TLDR: Lore Nerd wants Lore to be stored in the Library, wants other to know about lore.   
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