#sorrythatwasmean the other guys
sorrythatwasmean · 5 years
Endgame Spoilers//Is Professor Hulk Out of Character (OOC) or is it his Dissociative Identity Disorder(DID) that makes it seem that way?
Professor Hulk has Bruce’s heart and compassion and brains and Hulk’s strength,power, and invulnerability. Bruce has achieved balance if we take that at face value. It’s jarring to go from normal,skeptical, questioning Bruce in the first 20 minutes ready in his Hulkbuster suit to mess Thanos up on an alien farm to time-skipped calmer, happier Professor Hulk.   We only see the end result.We don’t get to see what happened.It’s surprising and it doesn’t feel right.
But I think it’s more complex than they wrote Bruce out of character. I believe Professor Hulk is either the merging of Bruce and Hulk identities or a completely new one. Both are potential ways Bruce’s mind reacted to trauma or healing. Or both. And both are potential ways to resolve Bruce’s character arc.
Hulk can’t deal with the complexities a dusted universe would involve. Bruce would be devastated.The movies focused on Thor, Tony, and Steve’s guilt. But Hulk and Bruce experienced the slaughter of the Asgardians and swung the first punches. And in Infinity War, Bruce was gunning for Thanos as soon as he showed up in Wakanda only to be melded into a mountain. The last we see of Bruce he’s free of the mountain, but Steve is letting people dust filter through his hands.
All of that is traumatic. With Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), new alters or, if we use the term Bruce uses, “other guys” can form or existing other guys can merge in reaction to trauma. Bruce constantly being Professor Hulk is how Bruce was trying to deal with ALL the problems in a Post-Decimation world. He couldn’t help people if they saw him as a threat. He couldn’t help the most in battles if Hulk didn’t let him transform. Professor Hulk can do both. He even says he feels like he was made to right the Decimation. Professor Hulk was born out of Bruce’s mind specifically to be an avenger.
Professor Hulk means we have a positive media representation of a hero with DID. And in this case, he is not dangerous to people or anti-social like Caitlyn Snow’s Killer Frost or Eddie Brock and Venom. I even think Professor Hulk can be a next step on Bruce’s path. Why? Professor Hulk existence marries multiple themes from Bruce’s journey.
In Age of Ultron, there are multiple uses of the word ‘monster’ which is how Bruce saw himself at the beginning of his journey. I could write another separate piece on that, but I’m thinking of two in particular.Natasha uses the word monster in reference to herself to show Bruce she accepted all of him. She trusts him.
And when trying to convince Bruce to create Vision, Tony said, “We’re mad scientists. We’re monsters, buddy. We’ve gotta own it. Make a stand.” Tony meant they needed to embrace who they were in order to fix their mistakes and save the world. In Thor: Ragnarok, Bruce rejected the notion of ever being the Hulk again. Thor was a friend to both Bruce and Hulk and helped him rise above his fears and be a hero again. Bruce needed to trust himself, embrace all of who he is, and work through his fear in order to create Professor Hulk.
I think the screenwriters intended to portray integrating/merging Bruce and Hulk identities to resolve Bruce’s arc.Hulk and Bruce co-existing means he accepts himself. They agree to share their complementary strengths to be a better balanced whole.Bruce is happier and takes selfies with children. He’s “cured.”
I embrace Bruce finding self-acceptance. What I reject is the notion that constantly being Professor Hulk is the solution.I don’t need him “cured” of having DID. I need him cured of self-loathing and depression and this idea that he is a monster. But execution is flawed and if it seems rushed it’s because we had six different character arcs and the overall MCU arc to resolve. We skipped seeing how Bruce reached this point.And Professor Hulk seems out of character because his character is happy and we didn’t see what lead up to that. Does this means the writers dropped the ball,then? Maybe not.
 Here’s the thing, I don’t think Bruce is happy in the five year gap. @from-andrea suggested that five of the original six Avengers represent the five stages of grief. Steve’s line, “Other people move on, but not us.” means he represents denial. Vigilante Clint murdering cartel and Yakuza represents anger. Natasha continuing the fight and coordinating Avengers and doing her best is bargaining with the universe to help them.Tony moving on from avenging and creating a family represents acceptance. And Thor as a physical and emotional mess is meant to represent depression. I suggested the sixth original Avenger, Bruce, was suppose to represent a combination of all of the stages.
He is accepting people are gone and trying to move forward with his own life by dealing with his own issues. And working on saving the universe they have currently. He’s bargaining because hey, what if I do my best and act happy and use my strength and my brains and am grateful,will the universe give us a way to undo this? He’s in denial about the finality of the snap.He is on board for trying to fix the mess even if Quantum Physics isn’t his area. He’s also in denial about his own condition. He’s putting on a happy face and trying to deny he is still depressed. Hulk was always a physical representation of his distress and anger. If Bruce is okay, why is he still a Hulk? If he is always Professor Hulk, is he still always angry?  Hulk saved Bruce when he “got low” all those years ago.
It’s a small moment in Endgame, but he does mention what happened with him: “First Hulk lost,then Banner lost, then we all lost.” Natasha replies, “No one blames you, Bruce.”
And Bruce says, “I did.”
And Natasha frowns and looks down.Steve and Natasha don’t seemed thrilled about the situation.If Bruce was right as rain, then Natasha and Steve would’ve been happy. He’s taking selfies and joking with kids. He’s happy, right? They’re not. Are they concerned about him? Is Bruce protecting himself from himself?Even if it isn’t that,Professor Hulk’s form visually distances himself from other people. Valkyrie even comments on her discomfort with it. Constantly hulking out means Bruce is never physically vulnerable.He’s always in battle-mode. He’s just hiding it better because he can be there for them emotionally. But he’s denying that he’s still affected by saying  Professor Hulk is a  “cure.”
So if the writer’s intention of integration isn’t the answer to resolving Bruce’s arc. What is? I prefer this option: Professor Hulk is a new alter or other guy. Why? Because it leaves it open for Bruce to accept himself and all his selves.
And if Professor Hulk is a completely new other guy, it explains why he seems so different. I’m not saying he isn’t Bruce.They’re all part of the same person. I’m saying he’s a separate other guy created to cope with trauma. If it seems like he isn’t as burdened as Bruce, it’s because he’s not that Bruce. If he’s smarter than Hulk, it’s because he isn’t old Hulk. He’s new. He’s not nervous. He’s confident. He’s joking. And Bruce’s humor was usually darker.
In Age of Ultron:
Tony: You just roll over,show your belly every time somebody snarls? Bruce: Only when I’ve created a murder bot.
But Bruce can have a lighter sense of humor.He tried to fake a hulk out at the Avengers party in Age of Ultron and he failed because…it wasn’t funny and that was a terrible attempt.His awkward fake-smashing was a very Bruce moment in Endgame.Professor Hulk as a separate other guy means we’re not neglecting all the layers we saw to Bruce in the previous movies.
The writers were trying to solve a problem the comics have waffled and spent decades on. So yes, execution was imperfect. I don’t know for sure which they were going for but this is how it would work in my head.
So, Bruce will eventually have himself, original Hulk, and Professor Hulk. If it’s about accepting himself then for me that includes his DID and having a functioning DID system.It’s not about control or never having the other guys come out. It’s about living the best life and accepting they all have to work together. Many people with DID won’t merge/integrate their alters/headmates. Saying merging and integrating is the only way to be happy would not be fair. And it would mean original Hulk and Bruce wouldn’t be around.I think it’s more hopeful for Bruce to achieve co-existence.
So, for my Endgame headcanon: Professor Hulk is merely part of his journey to self-acceptance.  Eventually, he doesn’t have to hide as Professor Hulk. He can be Bruce. He can be Hulk. Professor Hulk helps deals with situations that require both of their abilities or situations that are very public where they would be at risk if they were attacked during one. They all work together. That is what I would consider a satisfactory arc for Bruce Banner.
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sorrythatwasmean · 5 years
Bruce Banner and The Other Guy(s)
Bruce Banner-He’s a reserved, genius-level intellect, scientist and Avenger. He’s brave, compassionate, and hardworking. He can be arrogant, but generally it isn’t in a he needs his name in lights way. He may or may not have been joking about 7 Ph.Ds.
Bruce has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) formerly known as multiple personality disorder due to his father’s abuse.
His troubled childhood and DID is why Bruce is the only Hulk that does not fully control both of his forms, unlike the Red Hulk, the She-Hulk, and other Hulk entities.
Bruce set up a benefit corporation and uses the money gained from his patents to collect money for victims of Hulk’s rampages.
Other personalities:
The other guys/monster- Any of Bruce’s other identities when he or I am referring to them generally. ‘Other guys’ is lowercase when acknowledging the other identities and upper case when specifically referring to the Hulk people know the most. He doesn’t like the terms alter or personality because he feels  they’re more than that.
Pre-Gamma experiment identities-
Not-Bruce- His Aunt Susan said younger Bruce Banner used to have an imaginary friend and that on the rare occasions  Bruce expressed his anger in a temper tantrum he’d insist he was not Bruce.
The Shadow- The shadow who later manifested during Bruce’s teenage years and while he slept built a bomb to blow up a high school bully.Bruce managed to defuse the bomb, but piqued the military’s interest in funding Bruce’s education The darker side of Bruce that’s protective of him and isn’t above physically confronting people. Hates bullies.
Post-Gamma experiment:
The Other Guy/Savage Hulk/Hulk- The angry, childish, but only attacks when attacked Hulk most people know. This is the Hulk that becomes Thor: Ragnarok’s Hulk who is an experienced gladiator and has the ability to feel more complex emotional attachments and speak in sentences.
The Shadow- Same guy as before but he’s greener and meaner and he doesn’t come out often in MCU verse. He still cares about people, but is more intelligent than Savage Hulk. He can hold grudges in a more focused way. He’s more articulate than Savage Hulk and more in control of his own emotions. He believes what he does is necessary and right. He’s a vengeful protector compared to Savage Hulk’s good-natured and more-childlike protecting. He does have a sense of right and wrong but if Bruce wasn’t in charge…More HYDRA people would have necks snapped.
Professor Hulk-Intelligent as Bruce and almost as strong as Savage Hulk.  Bruce used to think this Hulk was just him big and green, but Professor Hulk is confident, left-handed and a shade less grumpy. [This one was before Avengers: Endgame. For Avengers: Endgame Professor Hulk see here  and for verses.]
Devil-Hulk/Monster- The Hulk who is all rage and destruction and has no mercy that Bruce fears becoming. This is the one that whispers destruction. This is the one that wants the world to burn.Monster is the one that speaks with Brian Banner’s voice. This is the one that tells Bruce the world would be better without him and that he should just let Monster take over. This is the one who attacked Natasha in Avengers on the Helicarrier and the city in Age of Ultron. Hulk is the one who woke up and felt regret when Tony dropped them on the construction site in Age of Ultron. Hulk is the one Bruce trusts the most. Bruce doesn’t trust Monster at all.
Comics/Upon Request:
Savage Banner- Savage Hulk with the body of Bruce Banner. Professor Hulk feared becoming Savage Hulk and had placed a fail safe for him to transform into Banner instead, but uh, it didn’t work out.
Grey Hulk-Worked in Las Vegas as a bouncer? Smaller than The Other Guy and average intelligence. He’s more hedonistic than Bruce ever has been.
Green Scar- Bruce thinks Betty is dead. Bruce and Hulk wind up on gladiator planet of Sakaar. This Hulk is more intelligent, and overthrew those in command.He falls in love and marries Caiera and rules Sakaar. Eventually, he believes she and their children are killed before he is finally able to return to Earth.
Immortal Hulk- This guy is comics based on Immortal Hulk run that’s on-going. Post-comics Civil War II. Bruce died. Again. He made Hawkeye promise to shoot him with an arrow designed to kill him before he hulked out. Bruce was brought back. The thing is, every time he dies? The Hulk takes over once night falls. What’s different? This Hulk is intelligent not in science, but in cunning. He holds grudges, does vigilante justice, is more powerful, and has mystical thinking and intuition. Thor said it was as if he could see into people’s souls. Bruce Banner can die. Painfully. Horribly. But the Hulk comes back.
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sorrythatwasmean · 5 years
@chyornaya-vdova said “Hey,Hulk!” for a one-liner from the Other Guy:
Hulk didn’t want to go back. Not yet. Maybe if he was quiet? But Natasha found him in the woods anyway. He pointed. Then, signed: Be quiet. Deer is here.
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