#sorry this is late as hell *2
mwagneto · 2 years
sorry idk but the way the world is so fast and the people in it still want it to be faster is sooo annoying to me. people groaning while standing in line for 3 minutes people being mad the train ride is gonna take 2 hours people complaining that the bus is a few minutes late people being angry that construction work is taking months even though it used to take decades. don't you see the world is already so so so fast in every single aspect can't you understand that being mad will do nothing and just make your mood worse. enjoy the moments of stillness you're given. just stand in line and look at the people around you. sit on the train and watch the scenery. you'll get there.
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unknownartiste · 6 months
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Who Are You? (Part 3/3)
Part 1
Part 2
Based on the song by AJJ
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isjasz · 10 months
the way you draw pearl is so gender omg
hehehehe ty!! have this too then <3
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soft--dogs · 9 days
aaaaa i'm really excited about these pride chibis, i hope everyone likes them :3c i'm always worried about how long my queue is, and if it takes me longer than june to finish these, but i really wanted to do them. hopefully people don't mind if they end up going into july to complete, but i also might just be over-worrying as usual and i'll get them done on time xD
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maxphilippa · 1 month
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uh. vent art. or something. losing yourself and losing everyone who you cared about as a result
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chevs-and-spiders · 2 years
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im the leader now.
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“The next slide is titled: EXPLORING YOUR SEXUALITY: HEALTHY, BUT DOES IT HAVE TO BE WITH THE PRINCE OF ENGLAND? She apologizes for not having time to come up with better titles. Alex actively wishes for the sweet relief of death.
-RWRB, page 237
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lemongogo · 1 year
so if timeskip stampede s2 is fr are u telling me we can possibly get millie and eriks + og vash designs . ..
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#YEAAAAHOOOOOOO#i hope so at least😭 man the timeskip thing is such a trip fr because like#did the fifth moon incident happen ?? in stampede . bc if not then theyd be looking at another 2 yr timeskip After the lost july that theyre#(i assume) setting up for in the finale#but then again ig that also assumes tht any semblance of the og plot remains#i literally have so many questions. ik theyd be answered if i just watched the show but i want to finish the manga first#ANNOYING I KNOWW😭💔😋 sorry HAHAGA#but it just confuses me soo much bc i dont know how u can get any forward progression#when theyre taking elements from way late in the series and introducing them in this prequel-esque s1 setup#ok anyaays . ANYWAYS im interested 2 know if we will see these changes#bc j want to see vash actually be and look like vash so bad its driving me crazy#and i want millie in the series soo fucking bad . loled at roberto dying ❤️ MAKE WAY OLD MAN#fr hated that guy.. i think he was intended to be used as this narrator for the audience to guide us into the series#but the whole reporter-know-all thing was annoying 😭😭😭#anyways . millie be mine❤️ eriks!vash be mine ❤️#hopefully manga/98-esque looking wolfwood be mine ❤️#also idk wt the hell they did to livio (did they kill him or is it a fakeout for tripunisher return HELP)#or to legato . but they shld make themm all beefy again❤️ and cool❤️ for ME!!!!❤️❤️❤️#trigun spoilers#trigun stampede#trigun#also yah someone else wondering if his bounty jumps from $$6 billion to $$60 billion#its such a small detail but i was so sad when stamp only put the $$6 on his head HAHACAHAHAHAGAGA#that one 98 clip thats like ‘the man who will slaughter the innocent.does the most evil of evil deeds-#-with the bounty of 60 mil double dollars on his head? YES I AM THAT MAN👹👍’
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sekaithemystic · 7 months
I need to know more about your glass sanctuary ship with hanako👀
jkdljg;sdjsàl *giggle kicking my feet twirling my hair*
okay sorry bout that not every day i get ask about my 0 braincell ship so
I seriously don't know where to start...? Because this ship is tied to Valerie's backstory and explaining all of that would make me look like I'm infodumping so 😭😭😭
Tldr version would be that Valerie was kidnapped and sold to Japan. The gang bought a bunch of kids (including Val) to make them do petty crimes. Eventually Valerie was picked for a job of stealing weapon blueprint from an Arasaka facility in Tokyo. She succeeded but got captured by Shintaro Takayama (Saburo's bodyguard) as Saburo visited the facility unexpectedly. Instead of being killed, Valerie was taken in to become Shintaro's protegee, and that was how she ended up becoming Hanako's bodyguard, plus part time executioner for those who plotted against Arasaka, until 2072 when she "left" Arasaka to got back to NC.
The main themes for this couple are contrast and gap.
There is the class gap, which is obvious because Valerie was simply a bodyguard, while Hanako was the treasured daughter of the Emperor
The age gap: Valerie was 14 when she officially became Hanako's personal bodyguard, so there was this 54 years gap between them. It contradicts to their roles, which leads us to the next point
The role contrast: Valerie was Hanako's protector; however, because of their difference in ages, most of the time Hanako treated Valerie as if she was a child, which was technically not wrong. But Valerie had been taught that she should never concern Hanako with such things, so she felt guilty, and all at the same time, because of her fucked up time in the gang and harsh training by Shintaro, she somewhat craved having someone cares for her the way Hanako did.
Expanding on the role contrast and age gap, Valerie was young, but she had to coat her hands with blood in order to serve the Arasaka; at the age where she should able to keep her innocence, killing instead became a familiar act with her. Hanako, on the other hand, was still in a glided cage at that age, having everything handed to her if her father allowed so. The young was not treated as young and the old was not treated as old; the young who had already lost everything and the old who still had everything. Valerie had to fight tooth and nail, risking her life to gain nothing for herself, while Hanako didn't even have to face the ugliness of the world to have power and wealth.
Ethereal and otherworldly, she has never had grime from the street besmirch her clothes or the imperfections of age or illness pock her body-the latest and greatest marvels of cosmetic engineering have always been at her back and call. Her entire essence is one of dissonance: age without aging, power without agency, family without real intimacy or trust.
The Official Artbook of Cyberpunk 2077, about Hanako Arasaka
Valerie was aware of how she was contributing in building Hanako's glass cage. She realized she had a hand in taking away the older woman's freedom, but she was blinded by duty and responsibility: she knew Hanako was capable of changing the whole world, but she was also scared that the cruel world, the very much same world that had broken Valerie would break her too.
They formed a translucent barrier around her, forcing her to stay in this suffocating bubble in the name of protection, all while she could thrive more and more and more if only she was given the chance.
our sanctuary in this broken world, chapter 3
In the current time of 2077, Valerie and Hanako's relationship has shifted to this complex stage of "we are both fucked right now but we are also busy pining each other": Valerie is dying, just lost her best friend, and prior to that was pushed off the corporate ladder which forced her to stay away from her family so that they wouldn't get mixed in her new life; Hanako just lost her father, and from their point of view at that time, her brother was very much planning to kill her. (Fun fact, Hanako died in every route except the Devil; however, Yorinobu never intended her death in all of those endings, but it happened either way.)
I chose glass sanctuary because I was impulsive it represents what Valerie and Hanako try to find in each other: a sanctuary amidst of this storm brewing out there. However, it was fragile, for that they were of two different worlds - their differences are what draw them together, but also what break them.
So yeah, that's what I can say for now...? I say I won't infodump but damn this is pretty much it either way lolol.
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onlyblackcoffeez · 5 months
yeah so next time i'm at ois's i'll definitly see if he'd let me try another of his meds just to see whether it's a fluke or not lol
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oatflatwhite · 3 months
how the fuck am i meant to go about my day after finishing number four was always you by thefaceofno
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mickgaydolenz · 1 year
the world loves me so much and said here asia we would like you to have your cluster cycle start on new years eve this time :) . also to anyone out there that suffers with cluster headaches, i fucking see you dude and it fucking sucks and i’m so sorry
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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help nooooo i just realised that they butchered akechi’s character too
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anlian-aishang · 1 year
My professor signing this email with "yours sincerely" does not know what he's doing to me 😵
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...partially considering holding off on posting AWLB part 2 until I've got like, the whole thing written, and re-read/reworked in places fully.
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Context: me and Esther (@mixed-kester) were discussing about our yanderes from Ansy's Pen Pal event on @throwaway-yandere (gonna fix the tag with it soon oops)
Anyways I think Esther doesn't want to be with Dorian but I am perfectly fine with not having Wanderer yet hahahaha God help me if he finds out—
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